HP: The Eastern Dragon

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Alexithymia

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‘Alexithymia - inability to identify and express or describe one's feelings, coming from Greek: ‘a’ meaning lack, ‘lexis’ meaning word, and ‘thymos’ meaning emotion, so it basically means a complete lack of emotion.


It's a very nasty thing, having no emotions. One of the only cruel upsides to it is becoming a good liar, how couldn't you when you have to fake every smile, laugh, every tear? Of course, over the years you learn it's much easier to fake being a mischievous little shit as opposed to a good little boy, thus another night in a cell for breaking and entering, third time too.


While breaking and entering is still criminal it was more than that, for me it was to feel something to feel alive, for my stupid accomplices it was to crack almost 300 eggs on the floor of a neighbor for the simple crime of having a small dog, those damn things only have one thing going for them which is barking, thus the eggs. Petty, sure but the annoyance of cleaning 270 eggs off your living room carpet should be equal to the barking dog, but then again annoyance is an emotion, which I can't feel. I know big problem.


The weirdest part about it is the fact that every time I spent time in this very comfortable cell was that I'd get out completely scot-free from the eyes of the law -not from my parents of course- I thought it was just bribery but my parents aren't that rich, or politically powerful enough to just skirt the government like that. And so, hopefully, just like the previous 5 times I will exit this cell completely scot-free.’


"Get up it's time to go," the guard said to the laying down 12 year old "you’ve got a visitor".


Sitting up the boy slapped his face with both hands to wake up before he got up and walked to the open cell door. Being escorted to the room right of the cell area he walked next to the guard to the police station's small visitation center. To his emotionless surprise, he saw not his father or mother but an old man, a man who looked as old as the dirt the police station was upon.


Wrinkles dominated his upper face while a majestic white beard flowed beneath, yet his eyes showed a different story, they were full of vigor and life, full of might and power. While the question of how this man wasn’t blowing into dust at the AC currents was an intriguing one, another question was bitting at the boy's mind, why did this man have at least 20 bodyguards in a police station?


“It is a pleasure to finally meet,” He said immediately as the boy sat down “Your parents made sure of that, oh forgive me in my old age I've seemed to forget to tell you who I am,” he said while laughing a little.


“I am your grandfather, Guo Zheng” he introduced and continued, however, as he was speaking now the boy felt as if he was naked “hmm, isn’t that interesting, it looks like your parents have been keeping more from me than they should have!”.


“The pleasure is mine, who would have thought I had a family member I didn’t know about” The boy smiled while giving a soft and gentle handshake with this alleged grandfather.


As the man was about to open his mouth two adults entered the room, whom both the Grandfather and Boy would know as Augustus Caesar named after roman general Julius caesar and Roman emperor Augustus, while the woman was Xie Zheng the boy's mother.


“Alexander I had thought we reached consensus on you never doing that aga-” Xie furiously berated Alex before being interrupted by the grandfather “yelling at the boy isn’t going to do anything when he quite literally is unable to understand the lesson behind it, try using Legilimency” he giggled a bit.


Almost instantly Alex could feel their eyes boring holes into his head like gunshot wounds with his memories and experiences pouring out like a liquid.


“Oh my god” Xie cried out while hugging her son who was still processing the fact he had a grandfather let alone his mother randomly bursting out crying all over him “we are.. so sorry we didn’t notice,” Augustus said while hugging both Alex and Xie.


“Alright, Alright enough,” the old man said while breaking up the hug “enough time has been wasted let's go” he finished while beckoning them to give their hands to him.


“Excuse me” Augustus replied slightly irked to which the old man simply asked a simple question “do you want your son to continue like that, I sure don’t”.


“Wait, What is going on,” Alex said with mock confusion on his face “oh ho, see now that was good, I can understand why he fooled you for so long” Guo Zheng laughed “Kid you aren't fooling anyone any longer we know you can’t feel emotion”.


Not waiting anymore he grabbed the shoulders of Xie and Augustus who with Alex all disappeared in a quiet crack with similar but louder cracks echoing around the room from all of the guards disappearing. 


Over 300 miles away the guards and old man still holding onto the three appeared in a courtyard leading to the entrance of a grand palace, the foundation was a lustrous black stone with rivers or white flowing through it all while the palace itself was a stained redwood with black accents from the metals, the main structure was a rectangle 4 stories tall while the surrounding structures were circular, octagonal, or rectangular as well as each following the same material pattern and look as the main palace, it was a grand estate surrounded by lakes and pavilions.


While everyone showed little effect to no effect to the teleportation Alex, however, could barely stand up needing to rest on his father's arm “What the hell was that?”.


“Magic, it was magic” Guo quickly answered like a child proud of answering the teacher's question faster than another student “Specifically its apparition a skill I have a feeling you will grow to enjoy”.


“Magic?, Magic is real?” Alex questioned, “Of course, how do you think I found out your lack of emotion”.


“Legilimency was it, is that like mind reading?”.


“Oh, he is a natural” Guo said while looking at the following parents. 


“Why didn’t you tell us?” Augustus asked while looking at his son “Should he have? It's not like you were truthful with the boy, you quarantined him from his family and his heritage” Guo bitterly replied to the extreme annoyance and disapproval of Xie and Augustus alike.


“I didn’t know how, it isn’t exactly an easy thing to tell” Alex muttered while admiring the architecture, almost endless paintings and artifacts that littered the hallway “Where are we anyway”.


“My palace, and one day yours as well,” Guo said with genuine happiness “Anyway we are here”.


“And where is here?” Augustus asked.


“The medical wing if I remember correctly” Xie replied remembering less than savory memories. 


Opening the massive double doors they entered to find a gigantic room filled with cabinets hugging the wall, full of herbs, plants, and vials themselves filled with liquids of exotic colors, while one-half of the room's cabinets were filled with empty vials and instruments found in regular clinics and hospitals. 


Walking up to the group a  younger middle-aged looking man- who was blind showed by his black bandana covering his eyes- wearing black robes bowed “What brings you here your majesty?”.


“Well my grandson here is finding himself without the ability to feel emotion” he replied post haste while gently pushing Alex in the direction of the blind man.


“No physical traumas, no brain damage” The blind man muttered while grabbing his shoulder “it's physiological, Any overwhelming emotional events? Such as deaths, sexual assaults, or natural disasters”.


“NO! Of course not” Augustus and Xie immediately denied.


“That's not exactly true” Alex whispered as quietly as a mouse.


Almost instantly mountains of magic intent rolled off of Guo as his eyes began to glow in anger as if steel a blacksmith left in the forge for too long, Augustus and Xie while as equally magically talented as the old man and as equally as furious they could not make such a phenomenon occur.




“I've always had these dreams as you two know, but I’ve never told you what they are about” Alex replied out of more instinctual fear.


“Yes, you always say you don’t remember them”.


“Well it's actually the opposite, I can't forget them, the first one is always a battle, a-a huge one between tens of thousands, It always ends after a middle eastern man is impaled with multiple spears, after a little research I found out it is about Cyrus the great”.

You are reading story HP: The Eastern Dragon at novel35.com


“Is there death in all of your dreams?” Guo asked who was much calmer and was closer to his more eccentric self.


“Yes, in all seven the main subject of the dream always dies in front of me, the first one is as you know a battle where Cyrus the Great dies, The second is about Alexander the Great who dies from malaria, the third is Qin Shi Huang who dies because of mercury poisoning, the next one is always Julius Caesar who is stabbed by the roman senate and their senators, Cleopatra vll who kills herself with an asp snake, Gengis Khan who had boils and buboes appeared on his body with blood pouring out of his nose, then finally its another battle where oda Nobunaga dies in an ambush” Alex explained unnervingly calm. 


“It happens in that order every time, they only changed on my 11 birthday when they became more vivid, kinda like memories instead of dreams”.


“Well, that would certainly explain it” The blind healer blurted out. 


“Is it curable?” Xie asked nervously.


“Of course, your highness, a few months with a mind healer, and he should be good as new” The man calmly replied.


“However, first” Guo interrupted “he will be going to the goblins for a bloodline test, and no that wasn’t a request” he finished while looking specifically at Augustus, after which he grabbed the boy and apperated to another location. 


Reappearing at a new location the two walked up a black stone staircase leading to a grand greek-like pantheon structure unlike the surrounding Chinese architecture, carved with golden lettering above the wooden door was a warning. 


Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.


“This is Gringotts, the only magical bank in the world, they are also one of the only places you can find goblins” Guo explained calmly “While inhuman, they are still incredibly intelligent creatures, and should be treated as equals”.


Walking through the large double doors Guo and Alex were immediately greeted by two goblins in very expensive silk suits. “Emperor Guo, to what occasion do you bless our halls” one of them harshly spoke.


“I need a bloodline test for this one” He cooly replied.


“Right this way then” they beckoned so both Guo and Alex followed past the desks and into the bank proper.


‘For an emperor, he doesn’t garner much respect from his subjects, then again money rules supreme, I imagine the keepers of the only bank in the world must command such power and authority they are able to get away with it, then again that may just be their nature. It may also be the fact this emperor is so eccentric’.


“Right this way,” The other said while holding a door open, inside the room was a pillar with a large stone mortar-like bowl, around the pillar, was a circle of symbols similar to Chinese but more alike to Georgian writing.


“Your hand please, palm down,” the short goblin said while standing on a box-like structure he placed next to the pillar, with knife in hand the goblin sliced across his palm to which Alex winced but made no sound, blood immediately rushed out of the wound and pooled in the bottom of the bowl. After a few seconds, the wound healed and the remaining blood flowed off leaving his hand completely clean as if nothing happened. 


“Alright, you may step away now” The goblin with the knife said, before beginning the ritual with silent goblin magic, almost instantly the gobbledegook carving on the floor began to glow joining.


After a few dozen seconds the blood floated to the parchment paper that was draped over the mortar like metal drawn to a magnet. Looking at the parchment the goblin stopped in his tracks before looking at Alex and then back at the parchment, quickly his unprofessional shock had disappeared and he handed the parchment over to Guo.

Alexander Caeser Zheng


Father - Augustus Caesar

Mother - Xie Zheng




Heir to The Imperial House of Caesar


Heir to The Imperial House of Kūruš


Heir to The Imperial House Temüjin


Heir to The Imperial Clan of Zheng


Heir to The Royal Clan of Nobunaga


Heir to The Royal House of Alexander


Heir to The Royal House of Philopator



‘Caesar, Cyrus, Genghis Khan, Qin Shi Huang, Nobunaga, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, the same bloodlines as those dreams’ Guo thought while looking at Alex “prepare all of the heir rings, property, and asset lists, along with keys to any vaults and safes by the time we come back tomorrow” he told the goblin before apperating both of them back to the medical ward.


“The kid has quite a few bloodlines” Guo laughed while handing the parchment paper to Augustus whose eyes shot open looking at the impressive list “However, the truly weird thing is the fact that those dreams correlate to his bloodlines” he pondered.


“Alex? Alex!” Xie yelled looking at Alex who was completely frozen and locked up, falling over he stopped in midair by Guo’s levitation not allowing Alex to hit his head “What is going on?!” Guo questioned.


“His muscles are being ripped to shreds, and his nervous system is dissolving,” The blind man said while both levitating Alex onto a bed while also analyzing him “three phoenix tears”.


As the assistant poured the phoenix tears onto the boy's face the healer began to use more complex spells to find out what the problem was. As the tears began to absorb into Alex's face, very small and minute changes in Alex’s magic occurred but it was large enough for the healer to tell.


“His magic is going out of control similar to the process that an Obscurial is made, however, this is more fatal with the magic tearing him apart,” He said “We can slow it down with healing magic along with phoenix tears to repair the damage but it will not stop until he is dead or until he can control it”.

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