HP: The Eastern Dragon

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Normalcy and Tournament

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It was a normal day. The sun was out and the clouds were nowhere to be seen. The birds and bees in Beauxbatons park sang like the previous days. Thousands of students shuffled around the castle attending their classes. It was a day of normalcy similar to the hundreds that preceded and succeeded. In the medical wing of the Castle, a massive room with 50 beds along with cabinets filled with common potion ingredients that saw use from day-to-day injuries and magical mishaps, sat a student. 


Reading a book on potions he quietly flipped page after page until he heard the bed sheets crumple and contract due to a waking patient who lay next to him.


“Ouch” She groaned barely more audibly than a whisper.


“Two weeks,” Alex said while pouring water from a pitcher into a glass, believing it to be for her she weekly raised her hand before collapsing in shock when he raised it to his lips.


“Two weeks” he repeated after drinking a sizable gulp of water and placing it on the table out of her reach “You've been in that bed for two weeks, every muscle in your body either crushed or ripped to shreds, every bone in your body save for your skull was pulverized. Why your skull was not hit I do not know, maybe you are just lucky, or maybe it was due to the god you so fervently preach on this side of the world taking pity on you”


“Regardless of your injuries or mine due to the… reckless usage of magic from my homeland, because of your injuries the king of Spain himself almost declared war against China, he mobilized thousands of wizards. So - now that you know what your little game of annoying me has caused I expect it to end now” Alex finished by grabbing another smaller glass and filling it with water. 


After handing the cold glass of water to the weak woman he walked out of the small quarantined part of the medical ward where a lone bed was surrounded by opaque blinds, upon doing so he cast a silent and wandless charm upon the water which made it disappear just as the glass was touching her lips.


Outside of the medical ward, the hoards of students began to slowly thin, as lunch had ended and afternoon classes had begun. Heading to his next class, which was potions as it was a Monday. He found potions to be boring, it was monotonous and uncreative, a simple demonstration of how well he could follow the instructions in his textbook. Potions were totally unlike charms where he could bend magic to different effects using the same principles. 


As usual, he was a minute late, this was a common occurrence with almost every class. Surprisingly the teachers didn’t even bat an eye at his blatant rule-breaking while they would chew another a new ass for being late, such an obvious showing of favoritism spread among the student body like wildfire. Some students believed it to be because The Emperor had pressured the headmistress to ignore such simple and small bouts of rule-breaking, it was a convincing argument considering Guo Zheng was the last of his caliber with the death of Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald. Other students believed it was because of his incredible mind, Alex absorbed knowledge like no other shown by the fact that he was in first place academically in Year Two while technically only being a year one, or by the fact that he almost always could find new unthought of usages for spells thousands of years old.


Alex was becoming popular, that was undoubtable. The female students couldn’t stop talking about him, praising the very ground he stood on, while the male students were either jealous or respected him for his talent and dedication. 

Walking to his seat at the front of the room he noticed that today's lesson would be on the Fire Protection Potion, a mind-numbingly simple potion. 


Slice bursting mushrooms with a knife, add to the cauldron, and stir clockwise until the potion turns blue. Add salamander blood to the cauldron, and stir anticlockwise until the potion turns green. Crush Wartcap powder in a pestle, add to the cauldron, and stir clockwise until the potion turns red. That was the textbook recipe for it. How there were seven years of potions escaped his understanding.


Finding charms to be more interesting, and considering the fact he sped through years one, two, and three while being on to year four of potions he doubted he would be unable to answer a question about a simple year two potion if he was called upon.


At the end of the class when most of the people in the room had successfully created the Fire Protection Potion in around 30 minutes, While only taking eight and a half for Alex, instead of dismissing the class like everyone believed he would he made a small announcement.


“Students, Students” He quipped “Today, instead of the food halls, Dinner will be held in the grand ballroom where there will be an important announcement” The potions teacher finished while looking at Alex mysteriously.


He found the announcement to be weird as the Grand Ballroom was used very sparingly, and today should not have been one of those special occasions. Puzzling him even greater was the way the potions teacher looked at him.


As dinner was four and a half hours after the afternoon classes Alex and the rest of the student body had a lot of downtime before they could finally know what the announcement was, Some found the wait to be excruciating, While Others found comfort in spending time with friends to pass the time, more studious students like Alex continued to study. 


Over the past two weeks Alex literally couldn’t stop thinking about Sylvie, whether it was curiosity at her decision to latch on to him, So called love, Or guilt in his actions of almost killing her he couldn’t tell. Now that he could finally focus once again and that he had not figured out her reasoning he assumed it to be that he was guilty as he refused to accept that he fell in love with someone he had seen less than ten times.


Conjuring the spell book that he learned ‘Bombarda Duo’ from he looked through it, not for the purpose of learning the spells, he knew that his foundational skills were too weak for a good amount of them. he looked through it to witness the ingenuity of humankind, he looked to gawk at the intelligence of those who crafted new spells with almost no reference.


For Alex, the four and a half hours vanished like smoke on a windy day, especially because he had reached the good part of the book, Elemental magic. He could instantly tell that he would love the subject, even for the more emotionally nonexistent Alex in his childhood he dreamed of being able to bend the elements to his will, who did not? Alas, dinner was upon him thus he would have to explore elemental magic after this curious announcement.


Walking into the grand ballroom he found that most of the students were already there socializing with friends in circles dotted around the ballroom, of course, it was instantly obvious who occupied the center of the biggest circle around his favorite spot in the back left, Sylvie. He paid no mind to it and simply walked to the other identical corner.


Exiting the group surrounding the physically weak woman three male students Alex recognized as Luis Ludwig - A Half Spanish Half German student, Pedro Hernández, and José De León began making their way to the opposite corner.


‘Here we go again’ Alex thought “Can I help you with something Mr. Ludwig?” he asked while not even bothering to look up from his book a form of major disrespect as eye contact is valued in European culture.


Before they even spoke they were being disrespected by the person they slightly loathed as they considered Alex to be a spoiled brat who treated all as beneath him, then again his tendency to be late, break rules, and not pay attention in class certainly didn’t help.

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“We have come to ask you to apologize to Miss Sylvie” Luis Stated.


“And why would I do that?” Alex asked before rudely stating “Her lack of skill in transfiguration, thus allowing my spell to annihilate the wall she constructed like it wasn’t even there? That isn’t fair though, so let me put it another way. Would you be willing to tell me your deepest, darkest, most ugly secret? Maybe you kill small animals because you enjoy killing, it could be simple like squashing ants underfoot or maybe it's smothering a cat or dog. Maybe you have some fantasy about someone, would you be willing to tell me or would you rather not?”


It was only then that he raised his head to look deep into the eyes of the leader of the group completely ignoring the other two, while people in hearing distance all turned around and tried to get closer to listen to what the Chinese heir had to say.


“No? Then do not question what I did to achieve that very same answer” he stated, still looking at the man who was getting more and more furious. 


“Seven years ago in the Spanish Royal palace I was the one who had set the whole building on fire, Of course, it was an accident” Luis spat too furious to even comprehend shame or embarrassment.


“That is very interesting” Alex laughed “Unfortunately neither you nor I are ordained priests and this is not a church, nor is it time for… what do you call it… hmm…. Oh yes how could I forget, time for repentance”


His fury skyrocketed and he quickly reached for his wand however as he grasped it Alex reached out and with an iron grip he held Luis's forearm while conjuring his staff “You saw what I did to that stone circle, Turned it into sand with a tap, What would happen if I touched you, I never got to see that?” he threatened before a feminine hand grasped Luis’s shoulder, It was Sylvie.


“Stop it” she lightly said to which the other two lackeys reholstered their wands, Luis also reholstered his wand but he had visible difficulty moving his hand due to the sheer grip Alex had on his arm muscles. Seeing that he was beaten he released his arm and tapped his staff on the ground while standing over the now kneeling boy. Pulling up his sleeve he saw a purple and black bruise in the shape of a hand, usually, it takes days for a bruise to show up but this time it was almost instant something that even Alex thought to be impossible.


Raising his staff he taped it on the bruise which made the unsuspecting Luis jump in both pain and terror at the prospect of his arm turning into sand, however, the bruise simply began to heal. “My staff does not turn people into sand, you moron, it's a simple spell that does that” he mocked before walking away hoping to find at least a little more peace in another corner of the room, however, he doubted that he would.


The only reason he was that strong was because of his father, Augustus Caesar, who had an Olympic swimmer's body, with zero superfluous muscle. Due to Augustus wishing his son to be healthy while also accepting that eventually he would be introduced into the wizarding world, he would not accept no for an answer and thus forced upon Alex not only a workout routine but he was forced to take up a martial art of his choosing, eventually, he would pick Old School Karate and Muay Thai combination with Krav Maga.


So for his age, roughly six years of martial arts and working out had given him not only incredible strength but a great figure, this was also helped by the fact that he always outgrown his peers being 5 or 6 inches taller and 5 to 10 pounds heavier than them which was attributed to his wizard blood.


Despite being forced to participate in what some would call spartan training, he found no issue with it, it was absolutely logical to wish that your child was healthy which also meant not overtraining thus he was never overworked. As an added bonus he was also a competent fighter who with the techniques taught in Karate and Muay Thai along with the mindset taught in Krav Maga he had lost zero fights outside of losing to his martial arts instructors. Interestingly he had never thought about how he had personal instructors and it had only clicked after he found out about his heritage and the wizarding world, after all, how could the Chinese heir not have the importance nor the money to afford martial arts classes from competent instructors.


For the most part, he agreed with the idea that Krav maga was being watered down as he had been told what regular instructors, no, civilian instructors taught. Normally they are taught a watered-down version where they would practice on a submissive target who rarely fought back or did so in a manner where they would easily be countered. Uri Mizrahi, instructor of Krav Maga for Shayetet 13 and Duvdevan was not in any capacity submissive nor would he fight in a way that would easily be countered.


Leaning against the wall a dozen feet from the corner he had his little scuffle with Luis, the dog that wishes to rub itself on Sylvie’s leg, he watched as the Headmistress of Beauxbatons entered through the hallway leading to the teacher's offices and personal rooms.


Clearing her throat she instantly gained the attention of all the students “Today I have a wonderful announcement to make” she started “Beauxbatons and every other major magical school such as Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Salem, and Ilvermorny to name a few, along with many of the minor schools have been invited to a tournament similar to our Triwizard tournament”


“Hosted by the-” she paused for a split second shooting a glance at Alex “Chinese Imperial family”


“The tournament is to be split up into 4 events, The first will be in the Sahara desert, The Second will take place in the rocky mountain range, The third being in the amazon rainforest, while the final task will be in The Imperial Wizarding Academy Fenghuang” She listed “Only 7 Students in this hall will participate, no other students will leave barred the last event where any student will be able to, for free, go to Fenghuang to witness the last event”


“As requested by The Emperor every year from every school shall get representation thus the top student in each year will be selected as a participant” She stated crushing the hopes of thousands, mostly because everyone knew who those seven students would be “For the first year, Alejandro Abarquero, For the second year, Alexander Caesar Zheng Charlemagne, For the third year, Saul Coronel, For the fourth year, Sylvie Borbón, For the Fifth year, Tito Passero, for the Sixth year, Ranulf Nagel, and the final participant, Étienne Chastain”


“This tournament will start in three days, and will end a week after finals” She started to answer the questions that she knew they no doubt had “while dangerous for each winning participant, of which there will be seven, they shall win 2,000 Galleons while each winning school shall win 10,000 galleons for each participant”


“Do any of the participants wish to decline their invitation?” She asked, however, seeing that none of them spoke even after a full minute she once again began to speak “Very good then, you have two days to prepare, and one last thing, your participation does not excuse you from the semester finals, You may eat.”


Finishing her announcement she made her way down the stairs and to the area dedicated to staff and teachers, while the rest of the students began to digest the new information. While it was expected that the participants would be abnormalities such as Alex, Tito, and Étienne, the rest of the students still found it difficult to overcome their jealousy and greed as most of them were not royalty or rich thus 2,000 galleons could fund their entire education and improve their families living standards.


The dinner was an average experience for Alex, he enjoyed French Cuisine but he preferred Chinese, this was a common thought for him. He enjoyed almost everything that he experienced but preferred his homeland more simply due to comfort and normalcy. Thus while he eat French food without complaint, admired French Architecture, and read about French history there was always something missing.

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