HP: The Legendary Arithmancer

Chapter 18: Chapter 16: Place Cachée

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- Are you guys ready? - 

Apolline asked Fleur and Adrien as they stepped outside the Delacour Manor. They had just finished breakfast and were currently intending to go shopping for Fleur’s school items.

The weather was slightly cool today, a sharp contrast to the usual sweltering heat that was characteristic of the summer days of Montpellier. 

As such, Apolline was wearing a black gown and beret – a sophisticated look for French women in the 90’s. 

-Yeah, we are.- 

Adrien responded first, with his hands in his pockets. Like Apolline, he was dressed sophisticatedly, wearing a black trench coat, a gray turtleneck, and gray pants. Coupled with his good looks and 5’0 height, he looked quite mature for his age.

- Mmm -

Fleur hummed in affirmation after Adrien’s statement. She was dressed similar to Apolline and was wearing a gown and beret, though in the light blue color. 

- Alright. We’ll be off then. -

Saying that, Apolline then led them towards the gates of the Manor. There was a sleek black car with tinted windows waiting for them, in front of the gates. At the sides of the car, two men in black suits, coats, and a fedora were standing, with their hands behind their backs.

‘*Pheew*...What a beauty…I can’t believe I’m seeing her in her operational days’ 

Adrien grinned and whistled inwardly upon seeing the beauty of automobile architecture. He immediately recognized the car as the 1987 Renault 25 – the flagship luxury car of 80s France.

It was a classic that any car lover would love to add to his/her collection, Adrien included. He was quite the fan of cars in his past life and had planned to create his own luxury car collection upon graduating from college…needless to say, said plan had gone down the drain.

‘Definitely going to own a car collection in this life…Can’t wait.’  Adrien thought as he admired the car…

- Madame…- 

The nearest man bowed slightly and greeted. 

Apolline flashed a smile hearing the greeting, - Ah, Good Morning Mr. Lavigne. How are you? - she asked cordially

Lavigne smiled, - Never been better Madame. And you? -

- Likewise -  Apolline replied.

- That’s good to hear - Lavigne smiled, - Paris? Lyon? Where to today Madame? -

- The Ministry - 

Lavigne nodded and then opened the back doors of the car for them to enter. Once they were in, he entered the passenger seat of the car while the other man entered the driver’s seat. They took off shortly after?

- I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking - 

Adrien said and turned to face Apolline as the car drove. 

-Ask away - Apolline looked at him and smiled.

-Right- Adrien started, - Where exactly are we going? Why didn’t we just use a portkey? - he asked curiously.

Although he already had speculations on why this was the case, he wanted to confirm it and hear the reason from Apolline herself. 

Apolline smiled hearing the question, as if already expecting it,

 - Paris is too far to directly apparate to so currently, we are going to the ministry’s branch office here in Montpellier. We’ll be using the floo network there to travel to the Ministry’s headquarters in Paris and from there, we’ll apparate to the Hidden Place.

As for the reason for this method of travel, it’s because of the prevalent civil unrest. The ministry’s floo network was compromised when they were attacked a few weeks back and consequently, they shut off all the non-essential gateways leading to it. 

Now, the only way anyone can get into the ministry is through its front doors or through one of its branch offices and even then, they’ll need sufficient clearance to do so. 

France is not safe for half-breeds these days, and as such, my husband arranged for us to be accompanied by aurors at all times. It’s also the reason why we’re not using portkey as they can easily be compromised- 

Apolline slowly explained, in the simplest way possible.

- I see - Adrien nodded slightly hearing the explanation. His guesses were right on the money.

Although attacking a family as powerful as the Delacours was tantamount to suicide, there was no way Stéphane was not going to arrange for additional measures of protection for his family. 

He was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement so it was in his direct power to do so. 

In fact, Adrien was sure that there were other aurors inconspicuously following them as they drove.

Though, he knew that they would not be attacked simply because it would be foolish for Antoine to do so, assuming he was the one pulling the strings clandestinely. 

If he wanted to depose the current government quickly, and without doing it himself, attacking powerful families with connection to half-breeds would simply be imprudent. 

This was one of the reasons why Adrien was sure it was him to begin with, because up until now, there had been no news of any powerful wizarding families being attacked.


~ Montmartre, 18th arrondissement, Paris, France. ~


Was the only word to describe this illustrious district. It was situated on a small hill in the northern parts of the 18th arrondissement of Paris and was renowned for its artistic history, partially evident by the grandiose white-domed Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur – a famous Roman Catholic church – on its summit.

On paper, it certainly seemed like the perfect location to conceal a wizarding community. After all, who would dare to say that these sacred grounds harbored brethren specialized in the doctrine of witchcraft.

Such a person would be immediately deemed as a heretic, be excommunicated from the church, and barred from spreading such heresy.

Maybe this was the reason wizardkind had chosen this place to hide their district… who knows?

As it was near noon, the district was bustling with activity, with crowds of people moving about, going about their daily activities. 

In one of the side streets at the corners of the bustling district, Adrien, Fleur, Apolline, and the 2 aurors could be seen standing in front of a bronze magical statue. 

They had just arrived at their current location after apparting from the ministry to one of the hidden alleys of the district. The entire trip from Montpellier had taken roughly 30 minutes.

The statue they were currently standing in front of depicted a woman with short hair wearing a dress, and sitting on a pedestal.

To passers by, the statue looked normal and it looked like they were admiring the statue, however, that was far from the case.

To the 5 of them, the statue was looking down towards them, scrutinizing their every detail meticulously. 

After doing this for about a minute, the statue suddenly moved its leg and dress away from the pedestal it was set on and revealed a hidden passageway.

‘It’s just like when Jacob, Newt, and Porpentina came here in the Fantastic Beast movies.’ 

Adrien thought upon seeing the statue move. Honestly, he felt it was way cooler than the entrance to diagon alley. He looked behind him and saw that everyone besides them kept moving, seemingly oblivious to the displaced statue.

‘Interesting.’ Adrien thought as he turned on his Truth Eyes to inspect the magical energy activity in the vicinity. 

He observed that the magical energy particles formed what looked like a sturdy transparent barrier around the side street and bronze statue.

Curious, he turned to face Apolline, who had noticed him looking around, and asked, -Fidelius charm?-

Apolline smiled hearing his question, - Sort of. It’s a modified version several times more potent than a normal Fidelius charm. I believe your father was the one who cast it back then. The Hidden Place houses France’s largest wizarding community and the ministry wanted the charm to be as potent as possible - 

- Fidelius charm? - Fleur, who had been admiring the statue, suddenly asked as she heard their conversation.

- It’s a very powerful spell used to hide things or conceal secrets. - Adrien casually replied, to which Fleur just hummed and nodded.

He turned to Apolline, - I see, how do you know? If I may ask - 

- Of course you may - Apolline started, - Well, I didn’t know until my husband informed me during one of our visits. The ministry has a detailed record of any form of magic used in the entire country so they have it documented. - she replied.

-Makes sense - Adrien hummed and said.

It was then that Lavigne spoke up, seeing that their conversation was ending, - Are we ready? -

- Yes, sorry for the slight wait - Apolline smiled.

-Not a problem Madame- Lavigne reciprocated the smile -Let’s head in-

Saying that, he then led them through the passageway and into Place Cachée.

‘Looks just like it did in the Fantastic Beast movies’  Adrien thought as soon as he came out of the passageway. 

Place Cachée was significantly larger than Diagon Alley and was situated at the juncture of Rue Richer and Rue Girardon. It had a wide and long main street stemming from the entrance with all sorts of shops and businesses at its sides, though some shops had been barricaded and closed.

There weren’t that many wizards moving about so the streets weren’t crowded, which was understandable given the current state of Magical France.

Nonetheless it was still beautiful, and caused Adrien to marvel at its uniqueness.

- So what do you want to buy first - Apolline smiled and asked Fleur once everyone had come out of the passageway.

- Good question. Let’s see..- Fleur mumbled as she brought out a piece of parchment from her purse and unfurled it. Adrien moved closer to her to take a look at the parchment as well. He was curious to see the Beauxbatons shopping list since it was never shown in the canon.

The parchment read, 




Liste de Courses


⊱ L’Uniforme ⊰


All uniforms are a light blue silk and can be purchased at the school or at Place Cachée, Paris, France. 


You are reading story HP: The Legendary Arithmancer at novel35.com

Female First-year students will require:


  1. Three sets of the official Beauxbatons uniforms, which consists of,

~ Cape

~ Long-sleeved blouse

~ Knee length, flowing skirts

~ Gray tights or stockings

~ Beauxbatons blazer 


  1. Two bowler hats (light blue) for day wear.


  1. Two pairs of gloves (satin or silk or similar)


  1. One pair of protective gloves (dragonhide or similar)


  1. One winter cloak (white or light blue)


  1. One pair of formal robes (white or light blue)


  1. One pair of dancing shoes


  1. A choice of black boots, black heels, or blue heels.


Bear in mind that all student’s clothes should carry name tags at all times.

⊱Les Livres⊰


Une Histoire de Magie by Bathilda Bagshot


Le Livre de Sorts Conventionnel by Capucine de Lapin


Théorie Magique by Adalbert Waffling


La Métamorphose pour Les Nuls by Lucille Bonaccord 


Un Recueil de la Flore Magique by Auclair Fontaine


L’Art des Potions by Molina Millefeuille


Bêtes Fantastiques et Où Les Trouver by Newt Scamander


Les Artes Sombres: Une Introduction by Anselme Rousseau


⊱Autre Équipement⊰


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal vials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales 


Students may also bring, if they desire, an Owl, OR a Dove OR a Cat OR a Guinea pig.

Parents are reminded that First Years are allowed on Broomsticks only if the student’s parents/ guardian signs a permission slip provided upon responding to the admission letter.


‘It's sort of similar to Hogwarts’ though a bit more extensive. The pets are also different.’ 

Adrien thought as soon as he finished reading the list. A few moments later, Fleur then spoke up,

- We can just go in order of the list. So let’s get my uniforms first. -

Hearing that, Apolline said, - Alright. We can get your uniforms at Capenoir House. They’ve been open for a long time and I don’t know anyone better than them at making Beauxbatons uniforms. -

Fleur nodded hearing those words, though Adrien inquired, - How long have they been in business? -

- Since 1834, so about 154 years.- 

- Ah, that’s quite long indeed. - Adrien remarked with an enlightened expression on his face to which Apolline just chuckled.

With that, they set off towards Rue Girardon, the street on which Maison Capenoir was located. The shop was quite expensive looking, with white paint adorning its exterior. The mannequins on display had elegant clothes that looked intricately woven.

Apolline led Fleur and Adrien into the shop, while Lavigne and the other auror stood on guard outside the shop.

“Bonsoir Madame, welcome to Maison Capenoir,  how can I help you today?”

The attendant – a young brunette – asked affably as soon as they reached the receptionist desk. From her accent and looks, Adrien mused that she was probably not French.

Apolline noticed this as well, “Bonsoir Mademoiselle. We need three sets of standard female Beauxbatons uniforms, please ‘ave zem made in velvet. Three sets of sweaters, all light blue, and made from cotton and silk blend, and three pairs of gray stockings.

Two ‘and gloves, both made from raw silk. Three sets of white winter coats made from your best material and lastly, ‘ave all ze items made with collar name tags and charmed suitably.”

Apolline carefully listed out the items, and the attendant jotted everything down. After she finished jotting, she asked to confirm, “And this will be for the young girl, correct?”

“Oui.” Apolline smiled, to which the attendant nodded.

“I’ll take your measurements now.” the attendant added and then stepped out with charmed measuring tapes moments later. She took Fleur’s measurements and told them to wait in the seating area while their order was being processed.

The seating area was…luxurious to say the least. It had circular individual tables and was situated right by the glass displays of the shop, so wizards could get an outside view.

Adrien chuckled as he took his seat. When he entered the seating area, Aurelius came to mind. He mused that if he were probably here, the first thing he’d blurt out would be ‘ Blimey! This is fancy innit?’, which was comical.

-What’s funny?- Beside him, Fleur raised her eyebrows, wondering what was so amusing.

Adrien looked at her, - Remember the boy I used to write to you about in our letters? -

Fleur thought for a moment before replying, - You mean the goat boy?- 

Adrien laughed, - Yeah, the goat boy. - 

- I see. - Fleur hummed, - What about him? - she asked curiously.

- Well, I was just thinking about what he’d say and do if he were here. - 

- What would he say? -

- He would probably marvel at the grandeur of the place and charm these flower vases to do aerial tricks - Adrien chuckled, pointing to the vases.

- That sounds childish, if anything - Fleur raised her eyebrows and remarked, not seeing the humor in Adrien’s statement.

Adrien shook his head - Well, yeah it does sound childish, but once you actually meet him you would change your mind. Aurelius is quite mature and astute. Added with his humor, he’s quite the charismatic guy. You’d like him. - he chuckled and said.

- I see. I’ll look forward to meeting him then.- Fleur said, - Also, what kind of stuff did you guys do together? - she asked curiously. Adrien had spoken little about his time with Aurelius in the letters so she was pretty curious to hear it.

- Ah, well…-

Like that, they continued to make small talk while they waited and chatted happily, while Apolline read the daily copy of the Le Cri de la Gargouille. An attendant brought some tea for them after a few minutes, and they drank it until their order was ready.

After they exited the shop, they continued to explore Place Cachée and purchase all of Fleur’s school supplies. They bought her books from Magillard’s : Plume et Tome, her cauldron from Monsieur Sanfin’s Chaudrons, and her bowler hats from Bonnetvolant Chapellerie.

Fleur wasn’t really a fan of pets so she opted to not get one, which meant that they completed their shopping relatively quickly. Though, Fleur wanted to take advantage of the fact that they were out so they went to the confectionery shop, Confiserie Enchantée de K. Rammelle, and bought some sweets for Gabrielle.

After they finished shopping, they returned back to the Manor and Adrien spent some additional time with her until it was late. 

They played wizard chess, dueled again, visited their favorite meadow, and had dinner before Adrien finally left and returned back to the Dumbledore Home, exhausted, though content nonetheless.

It had been quite the adventurous day.


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