HP: The Legendary Arithmancer

Chapter 22: Chapter 20: Journey to Hogwarts

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'So I was right; she's Newt's granddaughter. I wonder how she's related to Rolf Scamander. This is crazy, though. Never expected my existence to cause these many changes. What's next? Grindelwald having a son? How ludicrous would that be.'

Thinking these words, Adrien chuckled inwardly after hearing Evelyn's statement.

Honestly, the more changes or deviations to the plot he experienced, the more uneasy he felt. If things continued to progress in this divergent manner, his knowledge about the future would lose value quickly.

So far, there have been quite a few deviations already. The Flamels had died early, France had gone to shit, Aurelius and Evelyn existed out of nowhere, and International relations were so tense that a global war was on the horizon.

None of these things, or anything remotely similar to them, had occurred in the canon, and Adrien was not so naive as to think that the changes that had already happened would not cascade down or have any effects on the storyline.

Truly, the butterfly effect was scary.

'Well, no matter how shitty it gets, as long as I'm powerful enough, I'll be able to survive, and any scheme or tricks thrown at me would seem like child's play. Only power is absolute...'

He thought, with a feral glint in his eyes. For power, he was close to doing anything. He knew it was the only way to guarantee his survival in this tumultuous world. It was why he had been working non-stop on The Magic Series Codex. 

He was disconcerted at the prospect of dying young...It was one of his greatest fears. He refused to die, not when his youth had been stolen from him unjustly.

He had a life to live, and there was no way he would die to a decrepit, deranged, noseless motherfucker. Fuck that.

He didn't trust anyone else to protect him...not even his supposed godfather, Albus Dumbledore.

Hell, Adrien suspected that the man might even be the one to throw him into the flames. There was only one thing he trusted,


It had been his best friend for as long as he could remember and had never lied to him. He wouldn't hesitate to entrust his back to it. 

They had been through thick and thin and had fought many battles together - The Goldbach Wars, Schrodinger's Rebellion, The Riemann Revolution...you name it.

"That's pretty cool." Aurelius replied to Evelyn's revelation, "So how was it like growing up? As the granddaughter of a world-renowned Magizoologist, I'd imagine that your childhood was interesting."

He continued, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Evelyn shifted her gaze to Aurelius, "Well, I guess you could call it that." she chuckled and started.

"My parents died when I was about 4 years old, so my younger brother and I were taken in by my grandparents. They're the ones who've raised us.

Growing up was very relatively eventful. My grandfather often took my brother and me on trips around the globe, especially during the holidays. 

We would visit muggle zoos and magical habitats, where he would tell us about all sorts of creatures. 

My grandmother stays at home a lot. She taught me magic, etiquette, and pretty much everything a child is supposed to know. She also often told us stories of her younger days and how she met my grandfather. They were rather endearing...well, excluding the parts where they almost died.

Oh, we also had three pet Kneazles: Hoppy, Milly, and Mauler. I brought Hoppy with me. She's my favorite."

Evelyn narrated her childhood enthusiastically, a bright smile visible on her face.

Adrien and Aurelius had been listening in with rapt attention. 

'What an interesting childhood...I'm slightly jealous.'

Aurelius chuckled inwardly before speaking, "That's terrific! Where is Hoppy? I've never seen a Kneazle before, and I'm curious to see one. Also, I'm sorry about your parents. How did they die?" 

He said rather amiably.

Evelyn smiled, "It's alright. I was young when they passed away, so I don't remember much about them. My grandfather said they died in a skirmish with some of You-Know-Who's followers following his death."

Adrien's interest was piqued hearing that, "A skirmish?" He inquired abruptly.

Evelyn turned to face him, 

"I don't know too much about what exactly happened. Though, given the circumstances of their death and the fact that they were Aurors, it's plausible to infer that they died while trying to round up the remnants of You-Know-Who's army and exile them to Azkaban."

She explained calmly.

'She's smart for an 11-year-old.' Adrien raised his eyebrows slightly,

"A Reasonable Conclusion. I see," he nodded slightly and remarked. "Also, what's your brother's name? How old is he?" he asked, intending to confirm his earlier thoughts.

"His name is Rolf, and he's seven years old." Evelyn smiled softly. She was quite fond of her little brother.

'So she's Rolf's older sister. And Rolf is the same age as Luna in this world. Interesting.'

Adrien mused. In the actual series, Rolf Scamander's date of birth was never explicitly mentioned, and it was just speculated that he was born between 1980 and 1994. 

Adrien wondered if he would be in the same year as Luna when she attended Hogwarts. He was never really shown in the movies, but given the fact that Evelyn was already attending, it was likely he would do the same.

"I see," Adrien responded to Evelyn, slightly smiling.

Evelyn hummed and turned to Aurelius, "As for where Hoppy is, she's in the luggage carriage. I can show you her once we get to school." 

"Can't wait." Aurelius smiled. Then, he scrunched his face slightly, "By the way, why's your hair pink? Is that natural?" 

He asked, looking intrigued. He had never seen anyone with colored hair before.

Evelyn smiled, "I'm what you call a Metamorphagus. Metamorphagi are wizards capable of changing their appearance at will. My hair is pink because pink is my favorite color." She started and looked at Adrien and Aurelius intently,

"Watch." she chuckled before making her nose swell to a beaklike protuberance like Snape's, shrinking it to something resembling a button mushroom, and then changing her hair color from pink to red to blue.

"Wicked!" Aurelius's eyes lit up seeing that. He had learned about Metamorphagi in some of the books he read from the Dumbledore library, and he never expected her to be one.

After all, Metamorphagi were pretty rare. By the '90s, there were only 2 known Metamorphagi in the canon- Tonks, and Verucca Buckthorn-Snyde, the Metamorphagus who infiltrated the British Ministry of Magic in the 1990-1991 Hogwarts School year, or Harry's first year.

Adrien, like Aurelius, was slightly surprised at the revelation. He immediately turned on his Truth Eyes to inspect the activity of magical energy particles around her.


Like Fleur, Evelyn was actively emanating magical energy particles. However, what differed was that the magical energy particles Evelyn emitted were localized and were being actively reabsorbed into her body as she changed forms.

'So her magical energy particles can only affect herself, unlike Fleur's, which can affect anyone not seasoned in Occlumency. 

I wonder if that can be altered so that the particles can affect other people. Such a thing would be crazy. Basically a free Polyjuice Potion. Though, it may require her to be around the person to sustain the transformation.'

Adrien thought as he observed the magical energy particles. He inwardly added it to his list of side investigations.

"That's pretty cool," he said to Evelyn with a small smile.

"Thanks." Evelyn beamed at the two of them, "What about you guys? How was it like growing up? You two are related to two legendary wizards, so surely it must've been interesting." she added, her eyelashes fluttering with curiosity.

Aurelius glanced at Adrien for a moment before replying, "Not even close." he laughed, "My childhood was pretty dull. All I ever did before I met Adrien was read, practice magic, and talk to my father's goats. My uncle was barely home, and although my father spent a lot of time with me, most of the time, he was away from home, managing his pub in Hogsmeade and doing god knows what."

Adrien laughed as well, "Yeah, my childhood was sort of similar to that. I'd say it was a mix of both of yours." Adrien started, glancing at both of them.

"It was more eventful than Aurelius's but probably less than yours. Before my parents passed away, it was mostly reading with my Maman, seeing Operas with my Papa, and practicing magic. Personally, I enjoyed it very much and wouldn't change a thing about it."

Adrien said with a nostalgic smile. He really missed his Papa and Maman from both his lives. As a family man, he treasured his parents and siblings more than anything, so it was pretty depressing for him when he realized he had no family anymore.

Well, he was starting to see Aurelius as a brother, but it wasn't the same. He wanted a family of his own. A wife and kids certainly sounded nice. 

Evelyn was astonished once she heard about their childhoods. She had thought that they would've been way more eventful. Nonetheless, she smiled and remarked, 

"I was definitely expecting it to be grander." she started with a light chuckle, "Though, I think it's cool nonetheless." she smiled.

"Also, sorry about your parents," she then muttered to Adrien, her expression dulled a bit.

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"Thanks." Adrien just smiled, to which Evelyn hummed.

"By the way, is Albus Dumbledore, your Dad? My father never mentioned him having a son." Evelyn asked Aurelius.

Aurelius chuckled, "Nah, he's my uncle. My Dad's name is Abeforth. Not that many people know of him."

"Ah, I see." Evelyn nodded. The compartment was about to descend into silence, but Adrien spoke up,

"So, you guys excited about Hogwarts? You're a first-year as well, right Evelyn?" he asked the both of them.

Aurelius laughed, "Mate, you already know I'm thrilled about it. I can't wait!" he said excitedly, and Adrien had already guessed that much so he simply tittered and hummed.

"Me too. And yeah, I'm a first-year just like you guys, I presume," Evelyn chimed in, "I can't wait to experience school life and meet new people. I'm also excited about quidditch; I can't wait to play it."

"You play quidditch?" Adrien was surprised.

Evelyn smiled, "Yeah. I've been playing since I was a kid. My uncle's a fan of the Montrose Magpies. He used to take me to their games. It's how I became interested in it."

"Nice. I'm not really into sports. I don't play quidditch."

Adrien said. He wasn't a sports guy and had never played it in his past life since he spent nearly all his time engrossed in mathematics. 

Even so, he was still physically fit due to working out regularly. It was a habit he had developed since childhood.

"I've never played quidditch. I'll try it out at school to see if I'm good at it." Aurelius said, to which Evelyn hummed.

"What about you? you excited?" Evelyn asked Adrien.

"Yeah, I am. I can't wait to explore the castle. I wonder what secrets it has." 

"I see." Evelyn hummed, "So what houses do you think you guys will get sorted into?" she glanced at Adrien and Aurelius.

"Well, I think my answer's quite obvious." Aurelius chuckled and looked at the two of them, "I'd be damned if it wasn't Gryffindor."

Evelyn and Adrien laughed.

"Perks of being a Dumbledore," Adrien smirked, "What about you, Evelyn?"

"I dunno, actually. If we look at it objectively, I can really only be sorted into two houses." Evelyn mumbled and crossed her legs.

Aurelius raised his eyebrows, "Care to expatiate?", and Evelyn smiled.

"Of course," she started, "Well, for starters, Slytherin is definitely out of the question. I'm not pure-blood since both my mother and great-grandmother are muggle-borns. 

I also don't see myself as the cunning sort. Neither am I prideful. There's simply no way I can get sorted into Slytherin.

Hufflepuff is out of the question as well. Since it's my goal to be a famed magizoologist even more remarkable than my grandfather, I'm too ambitious to be in there.

That leaves us with only two options left: Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. I possess many traits in common with both, so it would be between these two. I don't mind either one, though I slightly prefer Gryffindor just because they've got the better quidditch team."

Evelyn explained her rationale. 

"I see. Makes sense." Aurelius murmured with a nod of his head.

"Yep." Evelyn smiled, "You, Adrien?"

"Hmm, probably Ravenclaw. I consider myself a great pursuer of knowledge and firmly believe that it is the greatest power. Thus, it's only reasonable I'd end up there."

"Yeah, I can definitely see that." Aurelius immediately laughed. He then shifted his gaze to Evelyn, "Trust me on that. If he's not a Ravenclaw, then the sorting ceremony is rigged. Bloke's an absolute bookworm."

Adrien laughed, hearing Aurelius's comment, "Oi, don't say it like that. You make it sound like all I do is read." he chuckled,

"But THAT is all you do!" Aurelius continued to laugh, causing Evelyn to start laughing as well.

Like that, the trio continued to chat happily, discussing Hogwarts subjects, magic, and other things. The train had already left King's Cross, and soon, they would reach Hogwarts.

No one else entered their compartment, so they had it entirely to themselves.

Adrien had a very positive impression of Evelyn; she was intelligent and mature, just the kind of person Adrien liked conversing with.

The trio didn't get anything from the trolly when it came. Adrien wasn't a fan of sweets, Aurelius said he was saving room for the feast, and Evelyn wasn't really hungry.


Hours went by, and soon, the train was nearing Hogwarts.

"We should probably get changed; we're nearly at Hogwarts." 

Evelyn suddenly said as she slid open the door to the compartment and stepped inside it.

Adrien was reading a book on Numerology, and Aurelius was reading 'A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration' by Emeric Switch, the first-year book for Transfiguration at Hogwarts.

Aurelius put down his book first and looked at Evelyn.

"Yeah, we probably should. Do you want to change in the compartment first while we wait outside?" he asked.

Evelyn was about to respond to the question when Adrien suddenly dropped his book and interjected, 

"Course she is, Aurelius. Be a gentleman." He chuckled and got up, intending to leave the compartment.

"Hey, I was just asking." Aurelius followed suit and laughed, leaving the compartment for Evelyn.

The trio quickly changed into their pre-sorting uniforms and got ready to leave the train. Adrien put Aella back in the briefcase.

"WOAH!" Aurelius suddenly exclaimed as he looked out the window.

Confused, Adrien and Evelyn shuffled to the window and peered out of it, intending to decipher the source of Aurelius's exclamation. 

Their gaze was immediately drawn to a majestic and archaic-looking castle, standing imposingly, in all its glory, under the soft and ethereal moonlight.

Both of them slightly opened their mouths, awestruck at the sight.

"It's beautiful," Adrien said, smiling. This was it. He was finally here at Hogwarts, the stuff of his dreams. He immediately became excited and couldn't wait to dive into its secrets.

"Yeah, it is." Evelyn agreed, nodding her head vigorously.

A screeching sound was then heard, snapping the trio out of their thoughts, and Adrien immediately realized what the sound meant.

"Trains stopped. Let's go before the other students get out of their compartments. I hate crowds." 

Adrien said, standing up and heading towards the door, leaving his briefcase behind. Evelyn and Aurelius hummed and followed suit.

They made their way off the train, successfully avoiding most of the crowd, and exited it, coming upon a tiny dark platform.

The trio quickly stood beside the train, leaving the entrance free for the flood of students that would soon move out of it.

Not knowing where to go, they stood at a spot and made small talk in order to pass the time. After a few minutes, all the first years were standing on the same dark platform.

Adrien was still talking to Aurelius and Evelyn when he suddenly heard the loud, booming voice he had been waiting for.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" 

The voice shouted and drew closer to the crowd of young students.

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