HP: The Rise Of A Serpent

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 A Wraith against A World [Rewrite]

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Chapter 3 A Wraith against A World [Rewrite]


In front of Privet Drive 11 stood two people, one was old, very old as if he was in his last year, his hairs were long and silver, his beard was also very long and silver, it descended to his waist, he was tall and wore a long purple cape. On his side was a Scottish woman, with square glasses and an emerald, green cape. Her hairs were long blond, and she had blue eyes, her face looked stern and severe, but it also betrayed an anxious and sad look.

The man was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, ex-professor of transfiguration, the woman’s name was Minerva McGonagall, headmistress of Hogwarts, a teacher in the subject transfiguration and Head of the Gryffindor house, where the original Harry would have been sorted when he was eleven.

After some time, they heard a loud *Vroom*, they looked at the sky, from where the sound came, and after looking at it with concentration, for Minerva, they saw a blue motorcycle flying, this was Hagrid with bay Harry.

“Hagrid! Here you are!” said the elderly man with relief, he then however had an anxious look “ and where did you get this motorcycle?”

“I borrowed it from Sirius Black sir, a good young man what a tragedy his best friend died, he looked shocked and angry.” Responded the Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts.

Albus too many names Dumbledore then took the baby from the hand of the giant who looked even smaller in the arms of Hagrid, he then placed him in front of a door with an envelope and murmured “Goodluck, Harry”, while Hagrid was crying a bit too loud to be called silently.

(Meanwhile inside Harry’s head)

In the middle of a turquoise-blue sea, under the millions of shining stars, beneath a red, pink, and brown planet, a planet surrounded by space rocks, a celestial body so close that it seemed to be bigger than the sun. In between a brown beach with gigantic uneven dark brown sea stones and the ever-setting bright yellow sun.

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Was a wraith, a black abomination, a calamity, a bad omen, “it” was always shouting non-understandable words. This anomaly was starting to corrupt the “world” itself, a being that would make most sane people mad, something not made to be seen.

The previous nostalgic and calm ambiance became “darker”, the blue sea was starting to become dark blue, the light didn’t reach the planet as much as before, some stars “died” and the sun was starting to set.

However, in the “loud” world, silence came, a snow-white tree was made, it started to “purify” the “world”, so began a fight between light and darkness.

It was an ever during battle, no side was winning, darkness wouldn’t be darkness if there were no mention of light and vice versa.

That was till in between both the light and darkness, two orbs were made, one made of all colors, be they be visible and invisible, beyond comprehension or not yet existent, neither black nor white. The other one was colorless grey; it was a mix between the light and the dark. Feeling the danger, the snow-white tree grew a cage out of its branches, “unbreakable”, and “impenetrable” was the wood cage symbolized the “prison”.

Then the roots of the tree grew more and more, till it reached the “size” of the “world” and enveloped it completely, shielding it against “everything” and “nothing”.

After that appeared an eye, a big green eye, that reflected nature itself, an untouched forest, a forest isolated from everything, from this “beauty” came an aura, a protective aura, the aura of an apex predator, it surrounded the white cage and so vanished the keen eye.

Time passed, and following it, the cage shrunk more and became smaller the more time passed, and after a “while” the wraith was defeated.

(A/N: Sorry for the smaller chapter, this was bigger than before the rewrite but yeah couldn’t do more.)


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