Huehuecoyotl ¿Can-we-see-each-other-again-after-i-die?

Chapter 12: Chapter 11

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As we leave the scene of the altercation, my leg gives out and I trip onto the ground, face first. I hear Milagros voice cry out for me before I make impact. The sand and dirt get into my eye temporarily blinding me. The old scars on my face have reopened from the friction against the gravel and I feel the fresh blood ooze down my face. The pebbles and grit stick to my face. I try to sit up.

“Filthy savage,” says a voice standing somewhere over me. I feel dread. Not since i was young has anyone ever attacked me. I hear several heavy boots tread towards my direction.

”Why don't you go back where you come from.” The unknown assailant continues to verbally assault me.

“We live here!” Milagros steps close to me. She embraces me but despite her defiance she is still trembling with fear. I hear the jostling of rapiers approach my direction.

“We are from here. There is no where…”. Someone’s boot connects with the good side of my face before I’m able to finish. It stings…tremendously so.

“Shut up you little savage before I grab you by the hair and drag you against the ground like the piece of trash you are.”

I grab onto Milagros and shield her before the soldier is able to harm her delicate face or body.

The assailant steps closer. I only see a shadow of a form. My eyes are still blurry from the sweat and grit in my eyes.

“You waste of space! I'll show you."

I hear a rapier slide out from its sheath. Being blinded leaves me few options. So I grab onto Milagros and wrap my torso around her as much as possible. I brace myself for the impact and pain that is sure to follow.



I open my eye as a soldier falls to the ground nursing his shoulder.

“Lieutenant?!” The soldier blurts out.

“You two, carry this lowlife back to the barracks and have the doctor dress his wound.” A familiarly affirmative voice gives the soldiers their orders.

“You shot me!” I realize that my attackers have been soldiers all this time now that my vision has cleared.

“Be thankful it wasn't worse. I could have aimed for your head. Besides, I only took out your non-dominate shoulder. You will still be able to serve your post in the morning.” The Lieutenant barks back.

“But…But…”. The wounded soldier is the only one making a fuss. As my vision clears I can see the other soldiers heading off to the presidio with him in tow.

“And let it sink in that I will not tolerate unnecessary violence towards civilians!” The Lieutenant does not have to strain her voice to be heard. I think the whole market heard her. Meanwhile, Milagros kisses me on the cleanest part of my face.

“I was so scared, Papi!

“Get up, Alvaro. Lying on the ground does not become you. Frankly I don't know how you held back from using that pistol whip of yours. They’d have deserved it and I would have looked the other way.”

I stand up and before me is the tallest beauty in any military uniform that you'd ever see. A tall beauty no matter how you look at it. She was my best friend…for a time.

“You know her?” Milagros stares at each of us in turn.

“Yes, we go a long way. I am Lieutenant Lavina. And you must be little…?”

“Milagros.” Milagros answers proudly.

“I didn't know you had a daughter, Alvaro. Did you marry…?

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“Not whom you think…”

Lavina looks us over. “Is your lovely wife at home?”

Milagros slumps in place. “Mama died long ago…"

“I’m so sorry.” Lavina touches Milagros head with her gloved hand. She turns to me and continues. “Listen, I know you had that accident and I didn't get to visit you while in the hospital…”

“I got your letters. Thank you.” I’m suddenly reminded of long ago as if it was just yesterday.

“I was stationed over seas about…6 years ago.” She stopped and looked at Milagros and something clicked. “Oh I am so sorry. I didn't know…I didn't think. I’d fancy you a stricter, harsher maybe even more stern soldier. I never thought you'd have such a soft side, to have a child and a family.”

“I know I deserve a lot…for the way I acted years ago.”

She interrupts with her old excuse. “I thought we were both on the same path.”

“I never realized we wanted something different in life.” This is hard for me to admit to myself but to Lavina as well.

Milagros turns her head back and forth as we adults talk. Honestly, the feelings inside me stirred up a deep pain I had long forgotten.

“The good thing is that you have the position you always strived for. You have been blessed.”

She looked at me with lingering resentment…or perhaps doubt? I was bloody, beaten and broken. Other than Milagros, I didn't have anything to be proud of or anything of value to display. She tries to say something but her words don't come to the surface. She looks at me with pity, or resentment.

With a toss of her hair and sigh from her lips, Lavina leans into me. “We need to get you cleaned up. Why don't I help you to the doctor?” Rhetorical question of course.

“I’m sure I'll be fine. And we don't have the money to pay a doctor at the moment.” I really want to get out of this situation. I’m hurting but so is my heart.

“Alvaro, if you don't get that cleaned you'll get an infection. And then you'll be bed ridden for weeks if not worse. Come here or are you embarrassed of a strong woman helping you out?” She winks.

Milagros stumbles into the conversation, begging and pleading near my feet. “Please, Papi. I don't want you to be hurt.”

I relent. “Ok, ok. I will go.”

Lavina fully enters my vision. I can feel her staring into my wounds. “Can you open your eyes?”

“You must not have heard the whole story then.”

“Oh…No I didn't know, “ Lavina admits.

“I’ve learned to manage. Not so well as you can see from lack of depth perception. I fall from time to time.” I unconsciously rub one of my most recent injuries on my shoulder.

Lavina’s cheeks glow red. “How insensitive of me…”

“Pay it no mind.” I don’t like to feel guilty, I don’t want her to feel the same. So I put the majority of the painful conversation behind me.

“Let's go. I have responsibilities to take care of and no time to waste.” I felt strict, stern and incapable of losing an argument at least.


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