
Chapter 11: Volume 2 - CH 3

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*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*, with the sound of the PDA ringing at this side, Hayato opened his eyelids.

(It’s morning huh…)

He woke up and got out of bed and left the room to go for breakfast as he was and,

– ――Uwaah!?

Emile standing in front of the door raised a loud voice.

It seems that she was trying to open the door by putting over the PDA on the sensor.

– Ahaha, you woke up. And I just thought to go and wake you up.

– Wake me up you say, I said that you shouldn’t enter my room as you please, isn’t it…?

– But then, you said that you were going to reset your security code, right?

– Since that’s something I can’t do, you said you were going to change the one of your room. Because this is similar to the thing of yesterday…

The thing of yesterday is, of course, the large bathhouse.

– But, it’s the same because if Hayato wants to enter my room, you’ll be able to get in. Doesn’t that make you a little happy?

– No, I’m not going…

– Hayato was happy that we could have a mixed bath together yesterday, right?

Hayato was happy.

– …!!

Recalling the nude body of Emilia that he saw in the bath yesterday, his face got red.

– Ahahaha, Hayato is getting red.

Looking at Emile innocently laughing, Hayato breathed with a big sigh.

If other people were watching this exchange of words, they would receive a weird misunderstanding from that.

But nobody is in the corridor.

– Let’s go get some food soon.

Abruptly turning his face away, Hayato started to walk.

– Yeah, free time is limited after all. Let’s start with eating a meal quickly.

– No, that’s not what I mean…

– Okay then, what do you mean?

– Hmm, err,,,

Today’s free time is until noon. He has been decided to go out with Emile during the morning.

– Mm, Hayato’s weird.

Anyway, he should be glad that he escaped from a dangerous situation.

After that, they had breakfast and then took a bus near the dorm.

Since they docked in the Zwei Islands and until the checkpoint established between the island and the ship, the route is going to be extended.

Nonetheless, there was no need for Hayato and Emilia to receive an inspection at the checkpoint, and were able to disembark on the Zwei Islands, so it was almost a free pass.

It seems to be a special measure since they are Slayers――and also, members of the elite forces under direct control of the Student Council, known as Selections.

(Now that I remember, I passed by in the car yesterday…)

And, Hayato remembered, and as far as he could see, that the travelling of the residents of Little Garden to the Zwei Islands, whether they were ordinary persons or not, it seems to be just the personal authentication on the PDA.

Therefore, unlike the checkpoint of the people entering Little Garden from the Zwei Islands, it is quite open.

However, the machines that were lined up in a corner, from which you can withdraw money from a bank account and can be used in the Zwei islands were quite congested.

Since PDAs have electronic money functions and credit card functions, they don’t have much cash to pay in the Zwei Islands.

However, unlike Little Garden, which basically doesn’t use cash, transactions with coins and bills is still the most used, and there are many stores that doesn’t support this type of device, so that’s why a lot of people stop there to have physical money.

Of course, it’s possible to convert rates in the PDA and use banks and ATMs in the Zwei Islands to withdraw coins and paper money, but that’s a bother and it looks problematic to operate, so Hayato and Emilia will exchange money here.

They were around 10 minutes standing in the line.

– Did you bring your wallet, Hayato?

– Yeah, it was the one I was using in Yamato.

– To be honest I forgot mine. Can I leave it to Hayato?

She goes steadily on foot and crossed the gate, stepping into the Zwei Islands.

Outside the checkpoint there’s a bus terminal, from which buses leave from here to everywhere in the Zwei Islands.

– Where do you want to go?

Hayato asked, he thought that he hasn’t asked the important destination yet.

– We’ll have fun when we get with the bus there.

In other words, it seems that the destination isn’t Fisherman’s Wharf, which is nearby.

On the contrary, the bus he got on accompanied by Emile was heading towards Eastland’s Old Town.

– The place you wanted to go was Eastland, no?

– It’s rare to go out from Little Garden, and I want to spend time with Hayato feeling different from usual*.

– What does that mean…

– Arriving there, we’ll have a lot of fun. We still have time, so it’s fine, right?

It was the Old Town of Eastland when they got off the bus.

There are many old buildings, and somehow, a sight that reminds them the city of Gudenburg is spread in front of them.

– The store that I want to visit is in this direction, follow me.

Following Emile who started to walk first, Hayato started to walk too.

– Umm, here it is…

Emile stopped her feet in front of a massive giant building made of stone that noticeably stands out in the middle of the Old Town

– With here you mean this clothing shop?

The building in front of them was built with old architecture, but the walls on the first floor were mostly glassed, reaching the point where the interior is visible.

They could see the signboard of the brands that even Hayato knew about.

– Yeah, it’s for both sexes, there are various clothes and accessory brand shops, it holds a lot of them, and I haven’t done much shopping since I came here (Little Garden), so I wanted to come to buy something that I want. This, even among the Zwei Islands, it’s pretty much a popular fashion building.

– It really looks very spacious and that they sell a lot of things.

The lot area is huge except for the parking lot where hundreds of vehicles next to the building are likely to park.

– Let’s enter for the time being.

Hayato also continued after Emile who stepped inside the fashion building.

(The store interior is spacious, just like I thought)

In most of the space on the floor, the brand shops looked crowded, but places like tea shops and light food shops were not so.

– Hayato, wait around here for a minute.

Emile suddenly said that and entered the building.

His line of sight is directed towards a two-seat bench, where several of them are placed side by side.

It seems like he’ll be sitting there.

– Well then, I’ll be right back in 10 minutes.

– Ah, hey… wait!

Even though he called her out, Emile ran up the stairs dashingly.

(What is wrong with her?)

In blank amazement, he followed the back of Emile with his eyes.

After her figure disappeared, he thought that he should sit down and wait in a bench, but he noticed that all of them were occupied.

Hayato, who lost his place, decided to take a look to what kind of shops and signboards where there and looked into the nearby shops.

What caught his attention was the accessories and small articles department near him.

There’s a wallet in the items on sale.

(Come to think of it, she didn’t bring her wallet…)

He thought about buying one for her, but what Emile likes is unknown to him, and even though the variety was scarce, he wavered.

At any rate, Emile’s original appearance is of a woman.

(Although she’s dressing as a man, I guess it might be better to forget about a feminine wallet)

Thinking that sort of thing, a voice on his back called him out.

– Thank you for waiting, Hayato.

– …

Hayato who looked back with that voice got speechless.

– What’s wrong, Hayato? Maybe these clothes don’t suit me?

– N-, no, that’s not the problem. Why are you in your female appearance!?

She not only loosened her hair.

Emilia was wearing a lovely dress with lots of frills, like what an Ojou-sama wears.

Because of that, he was strangely conscious that she’s a woman, and the proximity made his heart beat fast.

– Well, it’s the long-awaited date, I thought that this is better for it.

She laughed with *Ahaha* while rubbing the back of her head.

Even the facial expression of hers seems to be more feminine than usual.

– I wonder if Hayato also thought that it’d be better in this way?

– Even if you tell me that… What would you do if you were to be seen by someone of the martial arts department….

– Relax. We don’t have many acquaintances who would come to this place, and because it’s morning, the possibilities aren’t that much to encounter them. Anyway, it takes almost an hour to get here from Little Garden. And everyone ended up shopping in Westland.

– That may be true.

– That’s why it’s precious, so let’s have a proper date between a man and a woman.

– I wonder if this is really fine…

Certainly, when looking around there’s no one wearing the uniform of Little Garden.

– Hayato is worrying too much. If Hayato changes his clothes, we’ll be good to go. We won’t be exposed at all.

– I also have to change clothes?

– The dress of Slayer stands out too much as one would expect.

– I certainly think that it’s obvious but still.

– Why don’t you try sunglasses as well if you like?

– I guess but going that far is…

He was feeling too conscious and embarrassed.

– Apart from that, Hayato, what were you looking?

Saying that, Emilia peered in the shelf behind Hayato.

– A wallet. You don’t have one, right? So, I thought I’d buy one for you.

– If I’m not mistaken, Hayato will buy me one?

– I thought to do so but…. Which one do you like?

– Well, let me see… this one.

After hesitating a little, Emilia took a cute, pink wallet, the one used by women, in her hands.

– Err, it will be difficult to use that when crossdressing…

– In any case I’m not going to show it in Little Garden, it’s so I can use it here today. Besides, it would be pointless to not use something that it’s usable. But I’m happy that Hayato is buying this for me.

– Are you sure about that?

– Yeah, I’m sure. Then, let’s see over there.

– Over there…?

Ahead the line of sight of Emilia is an accessory department where rings and necklaces are being sold.

– I wonder what I want to put on in this precious situation. They’ll be my memories with Hayato.

– Then, should we go and take a look?

– Yup!

Emilia moved to the accessory department, she was an ordinary girl now.

– That looks nice.

– Ah, that’s beautiful too, don’t you think?

Her eyes were sparkling as if they were jewels. Particularly, her favorite seems to be a silver necklace. She looked into the showcase with the intention to bite into it.

– Would you like to give it a try and put it on?

– Is that ok?

– Sure, please go ahead.

Emilia, who was called out by a young female shop assistant who approached them, decided to try on the necklace.

– What do you think Hayato, does it suit me?

– Umm, yeah… I think it suits you.

Hayato turned his eyes to the necklace on her neck. He thought that it matched the color of her hair, it really suited her.

– Whee, Hayato saying that to me makes me very happy.

– It really really suits you.

The shop assistant looked at Hayato with a friendly grin as if she chose that timing to do it.

(Either way, I was going pay for it so…)

He had a hunch that it was inevitable. Anyway, it’s a date.

– Then, let’s buy it?

– Are you sure?

– Ye-, yeah…

– Hooray!

Emilia was showing it joyfully jumping up and down, she was showing the best smile on her face today.

Eventually Hayato decided to buy the necklace with cash including the wallet of earlier.

It’s been really a while since he went shopping with cash.

He was worried how much would it be since he didn’t see the prices, but when he saw the cash register, he was relieved because it wasn’t so expensive.

Emilia was very pleased.

– Ehehe, I did it. I got a present from Hayato.

And, tampering with the fingers to put the necklace on her neck, she showed a smile.

If she’s pleased with only this much, then that makes him happy too.

– Here’s the other one.

Next, Hayato handed over the wallet and the cash that he had in his wallet to Emilia and bought them together.

This is the end of their first shopping.

– Well then, shall we go shopping for Hayato’s clothes?

Hayato and Emilia walked towards the men’s department as it was on the first floor.

– Come to think of it, what kind of clothes does Hayato like?

Upon arriving at the men’s department, Emilia asked.

– Even if you tell me what kind, I don’t really understand such thing.

– There’s nothing you like in particular?

– When I was in Yamato, what I wore were presents. There was no money. The matching was left to my little sister.

– Then, can I choose Hayato’s clothes today?

– Yes please, my thanks for that.

– Hooray!

Emilia makes a triumphant pose with one hand in happiness.

– On that subject, how are my clothes? Are these to the liking of Hayato?

Following the question, and for a second time, Hayato stared at the figure of Emilia.

– Hmm, I think they are fine, I guess? I think they suit you.

– Are you serious? You think they suit me, huh. If you are unable to stomach my clothes, then Hayato may choose them for me. I’ll buy them too. I’ll wear what Hayato likes.

– Even if you told me what I like…

He looked at Emilia’s clothes once again.

The overall exposure of the white one-piece dress that has a long skirt is minimum.

Compared to the casual clothes of Sakura that was together with him yesterday, and when looking at her like this, Emilia is a very pretty girl.

Even if people of the school see her at a glance, he thinks that they won’t probably notice that she’s Emile.

– What’s wrong, Hayato?

– No, umm… I don’t know anything about clothes and the like, so I guess you are fine as you are now. This, the appearance you have, I think you look cute…

– Than-, thank you…. What you have told me makes me very happy.

Embarrassed, Emilia scratched her cheek.

– But you could perfectly buy those clothes when crossdressing, right? Didn’t the shop assistant see your figure with her own eyes?

– Not necessarily? I asked for a present.

– Oh, I get it…

– Well then, shall we choose Hayato’s clothes?

Speaking of Hayato, and after that, he put on clothes that turned him into a doll.

It’s the result of Emilia bringing clothes to him so he could change in the locker room over and over again.

Although Hayato gave a bitter smile and sometimes Emilia gave a big laugh, in the end they went for simple clothes.

It’s a casual coordination: a shirt in which only letters are written, over that goes a jacket and finally a belt on black trousers.

Hayato bought them and changed clothes.

– Yup, it definitely suits you. Hayato is cool.

When she saw Hayato who changed to the clothes he bought, Emilia had a very satisfying expression.

By the way, he decided to keep the gun, the <<N Tranquilizer>>, in the inner pocket of the jacket that he’s wearing from the top.

That is because he felt that it was dangerous to put it in the bag together with the uniform.

– …hmm, those…

At that moment, Hayato doubted his eyes due to the figures of two people he saw on the other side of the transparent glass behind Emilia.

(Why are they in this place!?)

Without a doubt they were Fritz and Latia, but they aren’t wearing the uniform of the martial arts department, and were getting out of the red sports car at the parking lot.

– This is bad, let’s hide!

– Huh?

– I’m telling you, come this way.

Hayato took Emilia’s arms and pushed her into the dressing room where he just changed clothes now.

Hayato followed her and also entered in it, then closed the curtain.

– What’s going on Hayato, what are you doing so suddenly!? Don’t tell me that we are going to do something amazing in such a place…

Emilia doesn’t grasp the state of emergency, her face turned red and is showing confusion.

– Let’s be quiet for the time being. I’m going to take a look at them.

– At them…?

Hayato opened the curtain a little with his fingertips, and there are the figures of Fritz and Latia who just got out the red sports car.

– Impossible…. Why today, they both had to come here. How unfortunate.

Regarding Emilia’s misunderstanding, Hayato knitted his brows spontaneously.

– It is possible that you have told them that we are here?

– No. Actually, Fritz told me about this store. When I told him that I wanted to do something once we docked in Zwei Island, he said if I wanted to go buy clothes, he’ll give me the info of a famous shop, although it’s quite far.

– … still, aren’t you being way too careless, having the appearance of a woman?

– This is the only opportunity to have a date with Hayato while dressing as a woman. But what is with this perfect timing, this isn’t something that happens so often.

– That might be but…

– More than that, there’s something that has been worrying me for a while.

– What is it?

– It’s pretty tight for two people to be here.

– It can’t be helped, since there wasn’t another place to hide immediately, so don’t move too much.

– But if I don’t move, I won’t see the situation of those two.

– I obviously see them. When you move strangely, um, they touch me.

Emilia is now in her original figure of a woman. Since it was natural for her to not being wrapped in sarashi*, whenever she moves her body, the swellings of her chest touch his back, Hayato was worried about that from a while ago.

– They touch me…?

At last, when Emilia seemed to notice that it was her chest, her cheeks reddened.

– Hayato, did your heart go crazy?

– It can’t be helped, because I’m a man.

– Ehehe, I’m a little happy.

– What thing?

– It’s a secret.

– Huuh…

Sighing amazed, Hayato turned his eyes once again to the parking lot.

Both Fritz and Latia are approaching the entrance of this fashion building.

– Come to think of it, Fritz possesses a driving license? If I’m not mistaken, he has the same age than us. And what’s the deal with that car, I wonder?

– The age to obtain a driving license is according to your country. In Yamato is from 18 years old. Certainly, in Liberia seems to be lower than that, and the car is probably a rented one.

– Oh, I see…

It seems that he was thinking too much about how things were in his country. He had the conviction that he was grown accustomed a lot, but the culture gap is considerable.

– Ah, they came in the store.

The two entered on the first floor of the fashion building and went to the stairs turning towards the ladies’ department of the second floor.

– There was something that I still wanted to buy, but it’s better to leave the store now.

– I agree, let’s go.

They left the fashion building, got on a bus and decided to move to the neighboring town now.

According to Emilia, if they go there, the chances of seeing Fritz and Latia will decrease.

– Besides, I think there’s a shop where you can eat delicious lunch in the neighboring town. And the scenery of Westland can also be seen across the ocean, it’s very beautiful.

Emilia talked with excitement but uneasiness was passing Hayato’s mind.

– … you didn’t ask Fritz about that shop, right?

He decided to ask her for caution’s sake.

If so, there’s a possibility that Fritz will come to the store.

– I looked up the store on the cybernet, so it will be fine.

– That’s a relief…

Being that the case, Hayato let Emilia lead the way to the store.

They finally reached it, it’s a shop of François cuisine, which seems to be quite expensive from the gate design.

The exterior is fairly stylish, and if the person is Hayato, then unmistakably will hesitate to enter the shop.

But without worrying about it, Hayato followed Emilia who put her hand on the door of the shop and stepped into the shop while his heart was beating hard.

Naturally, even when sitting on the chair he couldn’t calm down, it was natural since it was his first time entering a store like this.

He couldn’t understand the menu well, so he decided to leave the order to Emilia.

– I don’t know much about François cuisine though.

Despite saying that, Emilia called the lady of the floor staff and ordered the recommended lunch course of the day.

Even if he listens to the conversation, to Hayato it’s an unintelligible language.

– Because the Zwei Islands are only islands, its fish-based cooking is famous. That’s why their specialty are fish dishes. The people on the net also left written recommendations about it.

That seems to be a safe choice.

Soon, three kinds of <<assorted dishes>> a la carte local specialties of the Zwei Islands’ <<appetizers>> amuse-bouche and a pumpkin cold soup were brought.

A la carte is a marinade of shrimps, terrine of japanese scallop, fried garlic butter with escargot and all sorts of seafood.

Each piece was placed in a long rectangular dish with small portions next to it.

– I know the fried garlic butter, but what are marinade and terrine?

It doesn’t become clear well even if he sees them, so Hayato decided to ask Emilia.

– As you can see, marinades are those in which raw fish and vegetables are soaked in vinegar or lemon juice and speaking of terrine, it’s like the kamaboko* in Yamato. Does Hayato know what is a kamaboko?

– Of course I do. They are certainly similar if you ask me.

Hayato pierced the terrine with a fork and put it into his mouth.

– Oh, it’s delicious…. But it has a strong flavor than the kamaboko….

– Right? Unlike kamaboko, terrine has minced meat and mashed liver in it as well.

And, while eating the appetizers, Hayato recalled what he was planning to ask yesterday at night and decided to begin to talk about it.

– Which reminds me, what we talked yesterday, about the video of us――

– I tried searching it after returning to my room, but it was deleted.

– Oh, that happened to me too. I also searched it, but I couldn’t find it.

– Perhaps the administrators of the cyberspace took it down. Such a thing happens every day.

– Then, we don’t need to worry anymore about it?

– Probably. At the moment there’s no one else than Kirishima Sakura who pointed you out, so I guess we are fine. Of course, we have to be careful to not let something like that happen in the future.

The floor staff came to pick up the empty appetizers and soup dishes, so Hayato and Emilia stopped the conversation.

Immediately following, the main dish of the fish dishes――a light steamed salmon with zucchini, eggplants and onions were carried.

Then both used a knife and a fork and put their hands on them.

– Yeah, as it was rumored, it’s indeed delicious. François cuisine is good. Although it’s close to our country, it’s very different from Britannia.

Hayato rememberd old memories.

Certainly, as Emilia said, Britannia’s dishes weren’t that tasty.

Karen didn’t eat properly, and reached the point where her physical condition deteriorated.

– I thought that I was being served good food, but once I came to Little Garden I understood. But still, it was fairly exquisite.

Emilia distorted her expression while taking out her tongue.

– As expected of an Ojou-sama of Britannia.

– Ojousama, huh…

The expression of Emilia got cloudy.

– What’s the matter?

– No, I just remembered my home for a bit.

*Ahaha*, Emilia laughed to gloss it over.

– And why?

– It’s fine, let’s change the topic. Come to think of it, Yamato has a lot of delicious things. Sushi, tempura, negima, lightly deep-fried tofu and so on*!

*TN:  negima: chicken and scallion skewer.

– Apart from the first two, you know things that only a maniac would know about…

– I studied the birthplace of Hayato. I know a lot of other things too, Mt. Fuji, Houryuuji, the Sky Tower of the Imperial Capital and more!

The eyes of Emilia that were emphasized holding a fork and a knife in both hands were shining brightly.

– I got it, you have a lot of knowledge. Now calm down a bit…

– Ehehe, in case there’s a time when Little Garden comes near Yamato, will Hayato show me around? That’s right, I’d like to see the shrines too! It’s said that shrine maidens live there!

– That will be fine, I guess. I know places like that.

– Hooray!

And just like that, Hayato and Emilia ate up completely the main dish and only the dessert remained.

The thing that came to the top of the table『Pêche Melba―― white peach’s compote with vanilla ice cream』

Hayato knows about the 『white peach』 and the 『vanilla ice cream』 of it, but unfortunately, he doesn’t really understand what 『compote』 is like.

When he thought about asking Emilia about it, 「I’ll be back in a minute」and left her seat.

– Did something happen?

– Why are you asking such a thing? Come on Hayato, you don’t have delicacy.

Saying that amazed, Emilia started to walk.

You are reading story Hundred at

Hayato finally understood after seeing the retreating figure. It seems like she’s going to the toilet.

(Which reminds me, Emilia goes to the men’s toilet at school…)

He saw Emilia entering the girls’ toilet and noticed that.

He thought that it was natural since she was crossdressing, but maybe she has a lot of difficulties doing that.

– …hmm what is it?

The PDA suddenly made a sound.

It’s not the sound of a mail, but the one of a call request.

(This is, surely a…)

When looking at the screen, it was displayed as an emergency call.

(…no way, Savage appeared?)

He heard this sound before, when Emilia and Liddy were fighting in the courtyard.

It was the news that the Savage appeared in the Zwei Islands.

Besides, because he heard from Claire that the Savage may be lurking, it’s natural to think so.

『Do you hear me, Kisaragi Hayato?』

Claire’s voice was heard from the PDA without the need to press the call button.

– President, has something happened?

『To be frank, I am quite troubled』

– I knew it, the Savage appeared…

『That is not the case』

– Eh…?

『Kirishima Sakura has disappeared from the hotel』

It was a reply that he didn’t expect, it was without a doubt a state of emergency.

『… though, there is a possibility that she just sneaked away. It seems that she has done that a couple of times so far, and naturally the GPS function of the PDA has been turned off desu. And it looks like a note was left behind…』

Her voice as exasperated, and mixed with sighs.

– Then that means that the possibility of kidnapping is low, correct?

『Yes, more or less, I have made ring the emergency alert, but it is as you say desu. I will also search for her, but would you please inform me if you got any information masuka? Depending on the situation, you wil also join the search masu. Or rather, I would like you to join the search for her right now』

– President, I can hear that your voice is angry…

『What are you saying, Kisaragi Hayato. What would be the reason for me to be angry just because you are eating alone with Emile Crossford at a Françoise restaurant in Eastland desu?』

– ……

Apparently, the location information seems to be leaked perfectly to the President.

『By the way, I have not eaten lunch yet masenwa. I have been pressed to deal with Kirishima Sakura desu』

– Umm, I’m sorry…

「If you want to apologize, then go out with me and have lunch together next time」

– Ah, yes. I don’t have a problem with that but…

『Is it true desuno?』

– Err, I guess so.

『We-, well, I am looking forward to it masuwa. Well then, if you have any information, please let us know masu』

The phone call ended.

He felt bad for the President, but honestly, Hayato was relieved.

The thing is, if the date ends here, there’s no mistake that Emilia’s mood will get worse.

However, he was able to be relieved for a brief space of time.

– I finally found you, Hayato.

– …huh?

A voice suddenly appeared.

Immediately after that, she sat down on the chair in front of him, a girl wearing a hat and sunglasses.

No matter how you look at her, it’s suspicious.

Perhaps she planned to disguise herself, but the cute attire with a lot of exposure, the hat that covered her head, the barrettes made in the shape of cherry blossoms, and of course the aura being emitted from the whole body of the beautiful girl couldn’t be hidden, so he knew who she was.

– Hey, “Sakura has disappeared from the hotel”, and now, I got a call from the President…

– Ahaha, Souffle has already returned to the room. I sneaked away by moving behind the back of the bodyguards standing by in the surroundings of the hotel and in the gap of it I went out of there.

– I sneaked away you say, why did you do such a…

– Won’t you answer my question first? Who was sitting in this seat? A man? Or a woman?

– Err…

– Don’t err me. Answer my question.

It sems she hadn’t seen Emilia.

He wonders if she came to this shop after Emilia entered the toilet.

– Well, it’s a classmate…

Hayato hesitated to say it, and answered while mumbling.

– Then that means is a she? This is suspicious…

– … I’m going to call the President right now.

– Wait a minute!

– He-, hey!

Sakura snatched the PDA that Hayato took out of his pocket.

– This is why Hayato, I wanted to see you.

– You were searching for me… so, why did you know my whereabouts?

– Yesterday at the hotel, I gently stuck a hidden small transmitter on your uniform jacket.

– Why did you such a thing….

– Because there’s a place I want to go with Hayato.

– Where’s that?

– It’s a se-cret.

She put up an index finger in front of her mouth and said in a cute way.

– …hey umm, I’m worried about Souffle-san, you even caused trouble to the President. Listen and return the PDA. I will inform them that I joined you.

– Nope. If you want me to return it, then follow me right now. It’s truly a nice place. Besides, isn’t Hayato’s job to be my personal bodyguard?

– Hmm….

In other words, it’s going to be nothing but throwing away the date with Emilia.

– What, you won’t come? In the end a woman was sitting here? If you are a man, you should email her later.

– Fine, I’ll do it.

As this situation can’t be helped, Hayato left his seat.

Sakura is watching the video of the previous resistance.

There’s a possibility that she will realize that the other Slayer fighting in that video is Emilia. It would be better to avoid these two girls to meet if possible. Even Emilia should think so.

Therefore, Hayato breathed with a sigh and continued speaking.

– Okay, I’ll go, I don’t care where but take me with you.

– Yay!

Hayato left the shop with Sakura and both got on the back seat of a taxi.

– Please return the PDA. To email her.

He will have to tell Emilia that he apologizes for leaving that place suddenly and that the reason was that he was found by Kirishima Sakura.

(Oh right, I left my uniform there and I didn’t pay the charges…)

He thinks he truly did a bad thing to Emilia.

Next time, he will have to apologize properly.

– Here you go, but it’s prohibited to write anything about me.

That said, she handed out the PDA.

– Even if you tell me such a thing, the reason is necessary. Even Sakura must call properly. If not, I’ll call the President and I’ll bring you back.

– …fine, you win.

Sakura became sulky as she said so, and picked up her PDA and started calling.

『Sakura! Where on earth are you!?』

It’s loud enough to be heard by Hayato who’s next to her, but that was natural. Thinking the worst, Souffle should have been very worried.

– I’m in the southern part of Eastland now. Yup, I came together with Hayato, so don’t worry.

Etcetera, and Sakura who had been answering Souffle, held out the PDA.

– Souffle wants to speak with you.

Hayato received the PDA and decided to answer the call.

– Hello, it’s Kisaragi Hayato.

『Kisaragi-san, I am sorry for having you to keep company with the selfish Sakura… I am sorry but, could you please stick together with the selfish Sakura?』

– Yes, of course. That’s part of my job.

『It really helps me if you say so.』

– Job you say, why would you…. That’s boring.

Hayato handed over the PDA to Sakura who’s pouting her lips.

– I’m handing over the phone in the end.

– Not that it matters though…

– Anyway, this is the PDA of Sakura. Take it.

Then, after a little conversation, Sakura ended the phone call.

– I was told that I must definitely come to the venue by the time the rehearsal meeting begins. I know that and yet…

Sakura inflated her cheeks.

– Umm when is that?

– Six o’clock.

– If that’s the case then we still have plenty of time, but…. On that subject, where is this taxi heading to?

Hayato remembered that he hadn’t heard it yet.

– To my secret place.

– …secret place?

– Yup, I will show Hayato my secret place.

When they were on the taxi for around 20 minutes, the buildings gradually were disappearing from the surroundings. The view that can be seen is the vast plain* itself. It wasn’t destroyed by the Savage. Logically, it’s that kind of place.

When they noticed, the highway didn’t have speed limit. There were barely other cars traveling, and Hayato, who was looking out the window, noticed particularly the sky gradually approaching.

As they advanced for a while through the mountain road where the road got worse without a pause, the altitude slowly increased.

– This is as far as we can go by car.

They both got out the taxi. Near them, they saw a big building and a parking lot. And in the signboard next to it was written『Zwei Great Canyon. 500 meters left until the viewing platform. Vehicles are prohibited from here』

This place is called the Zwei Great Canyon, it seems that this picturesque landscape made by large scale crustal deformation and erosion of river water, is similar to the great canyon in Liberia, 『Grand Canyon』which is its selling point.

That can be understood from the picture in the sign.

It’s also noted that it takes near 10 minutes to walk from here to the viewing platform where it can be seen.

– Let’s go, Hayato.

Following Sakura who started walking first, Hayato started to ascend a dusty inclined reddish brown slope. It’s quite a steep slope and at this time the temperature is still very high. Even for Hayato, who has trained his body is difficult, and of course, it’s difficult for Sakura too.

Sweat suspended on their foreheads, their gait is slow.

Still, without making any complaints, Sakura headed straight to the viewing platform.

Her gaze seemed to be looking something important ahead.

– We arrived.

At the same time that Sakura said so, Hayato is so moved that he let leak some words.

– Uwaa, it’s amazing…

The sight that blew off the fatigue for walking till here, was the landscape spread from the viewing platform.

The unevenness ground that turned reddish-brown is beautiful and proud of its appearance, as if a high-profile sculptor from the Renaissance era shaved its fully open aesthetic sense.

And the sun, that looked bigger, was illuminating the color of the reddish-brown ground even more.

– This viewing platform in particular is quite a place for enthusiasts. That’s why there aren’t many people. And the walking distance is relatively long.

Certainly, there are few people on this viewing platform. A couple is around 100 meters away――and again a bit more ahead of them they can see another couple, but it’s quiet enough to hear the sound of the wind blowing through the canyons-

In such a situation, they kept staring at the scene like if it was a beautiful treasure in front of them for a few minutes.

– This is Sakura’s precious place…. As you said yesterday, was this the place you wanted to go?

– … yup.

Nodding, Sakura continued.

– Actually, this is the place of my precious memories because in the past, at the time when my mom was alive, she brought me here.

– Then it’s fine to bring someone like me to this place?

Hayato asked without thinking.

– Of course. In fact, I had the intention to come alone on the day after the previous live. But, I couldn’t come due to the raid of the Savage…

– Oh, that was the reason…

– I was very nervous at that time. What do we do if this beautiful scenery is destroyed by the Savage? But it was Hayato who protected it. So, Hayato can come here. No, I wanted Hayato to see it. This is one of my precious treasures that you protected.

– When you say that, it feels like I did something amazing.

– What are you talking about? Hayato really did an amazing thing.

Saying that, Sakura turned her eyes to the canyon again, and started to sing a song.

(Surely, that…)

That song, Hayato has heard it somewhere.

Because her little sister Karen sang often that song.

– hmm, Sakura, that song…

As Sakura finished singing, Hayato asked.

– This song? My mom was a pianist, and she made this song for me only. It’s a good song, right? In the past, my mom used to sing it like this――

– I, see…

– Hayato… what’s wrong?

That song my little sister Karen… she sings it perfectly.

– No, that can’t be…

Sakura hold her mouth with both hands.

Song and little sister.

Like Hayato, it seems that those two keywords were linked in her head.

– By any chance, was Hayato in Gudenburg at the time of the Second Attack?

Hayato nodded.

– That means that Sakura was also there?

– Yes, I lost my mom then, then I was temporarily put in a protective institution. I met by chance a brother and his little sister. The name of the little sister was Karen――

– Karen is the name of my little sister.

– No way, to think that the boy at that time was Hayato… I can’t believe it.

– Even I can’t believe it. But, it seems like there’s no mistake.

At any rate, the song was an indication of it.

– Why did Hayato called me out at that time?

– Because Karen, who lost our mother in front of her, was feeling depressed. And as that just happened when we were traveling, we didn’t have any acquaintances…. Then, there was a girl of the same age as Karen, and since she was alone, I called her out. “I wonder if she can become a friend of Karen.

– Fufu, that’s how it happened.

– Come to think of it, you remember the name of Karen, but you didn’t remember my name. Your impression of me was that weak?

– You are wrong. At that time, Hayato didn’t tell me his name.

– Huh? I didn’t say it? I always regretted that I should have asked at that time. Because that person is the one who changed my destiny.

– Changed your destiny…?

– At that time, Hayato liked my song and I was praised by him. So, then I aimed to become a singer.

– … is that true?

– Yup. That’s why, I’m grateful to Hayato. Thanks to him liking my songs, I met Soufflet. And, in this way, I was able to become a singer. At that time, a lot of things happened.

Sakura muttered and turned her eyes to the canyon again.

– After all, even Hayato knows about the <<Mechanical Diva>> Singaloid*.

– Yeah, even I know her.

The Diva was created.

Although they were making fun of it, it’s a singing character made by machine voice that boasts tremendous popularity among young people. Initially a sampling voice of a person was used, but it’s said that even the source of its voice is now being made with machines.

– But, in reality Singaloid can’t heal people’s hearts. Only a human voice can sing along with people’s feelings. That’s why the songs of Kirishima Sakura are wonderful. Some of the things said when evaluating my songs is that they are transmitted deep inside the people’s heart. But, that’s not the truth, it’s just a deception――

– A deception you say, what do you…

– The truth is that even I was created.

With those words, Hayato unexpectedly caught his breath.

Then Sakura talked about after she parted with Hayato and Karen.

After she became old enough to understand what’s going on around herself, she was taken in charge of her father and started living in Rasiya Federation, the birthplace of her father.

Rasiya is a huge country to the northwest of Yamato. It’s a cold region where permafrost is spreading all over the places, and it never melts to below ground all year round.

And while living there, she developed an illness.

It’s the same illness that Karen has, where all the muscles won’t move properly due to the influence of an unknown virus.

– At first, I was hospitalized in the hospital of the village where I lived. There I met Souffle, a medical intern who had just graduated from the university. She, she was very kind to me.

Souffle, now the president and manager of the management company of Kirishima Sakura, has been studying genetic engineering since her student days, and also was a researcher who repeatedly researched every day to save people from diseases caused by unknown viruses.

– Even if she tried everything, my condition didn’t improve and far from that, the progress of the disease accelerated, and in a year approximately my voice didn’t come out.

In other words, that meant that she couldn’t even sing her favorite song.

– Under the pretext to take a medical treatment in a better place, my father did a hospital transfer to a laboratory. No, he actually sold me off as a test subject.

Sakura at that time didn’t understand, but his father’s financial standing wasn’t good. After divorcing from her mother, he drowned in alcohol and didn’t work properly either. Of course, it was impossible to pay the treatment expenses of Sakura, and eventually he sold her off.

– The destination was a laboratory operated by Warslan. There were many children who have been transferred with the same symptoms. And so we have a fluorescent color liquid――we were inoculated with a vaccine made and improved with the body fluids of the Savage.

The diseases affecting Sakura happened because the human body was incompatible with the unknown virus infecting the air.

However, the Savage adapted while being affected by the virus, and most of those patients who ingested its body fluids are dead, but some of them have strong force.

In other words, Vitaly Tynyanov, the director of the laboratory, said that if you administrate Savage’s body fluids in humans, then the unknown virus antibody could be――a vaccine.

– Then I had a high fever for a few days and wandered between life and death. The memories before and after that are vague, I can’t remember them.

But, I survived――after that, my voice came out again and I could move. I was saved by Vitaly.

Then Sakura, together with the inoculation, she was given several experiments with her recovered companions. They were said that that was a question of whether the Hundred reacts or not. However, all 5 of them at that place didn’t react. Even when touching the Hundred, nothing happened.

– As a result, an inoculation for a second time was done.

– Why, such a thing…

If they healed, then they shouldn’t need to inject the vaccine on them anymore.

– Because the purpose of Vitaly wasn’t to cure the disease. Vitaly’s true purpose was to make a normal human into a Slayer in a safe form by the absorption of improved body fluids of the Savage.

– Then, she was trying to do of Sakura and the others a Variant?

– Why does Hayato know about the Variant?

Leaning forward, Sakura questioned him.

– Umm…

I did it again, Hayato thought.

He was told by Emilia that it’s no good to talk about it.

That’s why Hayato is in trouble.

– I’m sorry but, I can’t say a word to anyone about that matter. That’s why I’m sorry, but pretend that you didn’t hear that now.

– No way! Please, tell me your story. Hayato was also inoculated with the vaccine?

– Err, hmm…

– Because even I talked about my secret, don’t you agree? We won’t tell anyone what we heard here.  Because that will be a secret only for the two of us… so, please. I’d like to know more about Hayato.

At the same time she finished saying that, Sakura stared directly at Hayato. From her eyes, her honest seriousness and strong will are felt.

– … okay.

She also spoke frankly about her secret.

Then he will respond to that sincerity.

Hayato, while skillfully dodging Emile Crossford, that is, Emilia Hermit, he talked about what happened to himself*.

– In other words, Hayato accidentally turned into a Variant.

– Pretty much.

– But, I see. Hayato is also a Variant… fufu.

– You are somewhat happy.

– A long time ago, the person who I met by coincidence and changed my life is a Variant, and I’m also a Variant… I thought that the two of us meeting again was really predestinated and now that we are here like this makes me happy.

– What’s with that…

– Ehehe, this conversation.

– So, what’s the continuation of the story? And then, what happened?

When Hayato prompted her, the expression of Sakura became gloomy.

Her voice also became dark.

– From here on, it’s truly the worst story. The second hardest thing that happened in my life.

Of course, as he can guess, was the loss of her mother.

As an introduction, Sakura told him what happened after receiving the second inoculation.

– As a result of being inoculated a second time, some of us got to be able to deploy a Hundred. However, approximately the same percentage of people had side effects. It was still fine if it was only high fever. And among them, some persons acted violently without warning. It’s the same phenomenon that happened to people who have absorbed the body fluids of the Savage.

Sakura had nightmares for a few days, but after that she hardly had one.

It might be the effect that the Hundred couldn’t be deployed.

– But Latuni Iyaninov, a friend I made in the laboratory, had a very strong side effect instead of becoming able to deploy the Hundred. It was common for her to suddenly rage and scratch off her chest in pain.

Latuni told Sakura, while keeping the self somehow during the spasms.

――When you sing, it comforts us. So, keep singing.

– I sang. The song that my mother created for me. Then, Latuni became stable. And just like her, there were a lot of children that calmed down as I sang.

However, the behavior of the children with strong side effects has become ferocious day after day.

Rather than fighting, there was something that attacked them all.

– Every time I sang the song, I tried to calm them down. But, eventually it didn’t work anymore. Some of them died while vomiting blood over and over again, or while injuring another person. My friend, the only one I had, also died. Even Latuni…

――Sing, Sakura.

– She said so while she was suffering, but I couldn’t sing anymore. I could only see her going, while crying. I didn’t want to sing anymore. There was only despair existing within me. At that time, Souffle and Charlotte-san came to the laboratory. It was like a spider’s thread that came down to hell from heaven.

Souffle thought that it was strange that Sakura was suddenly transferred without being told the place, so Souffle investigated the whereabouts and found the laboratory of the Dr. Vitaly Tynyanov who was affiliated with the military department of Warslan Company.

It was easy to rumor that Vitaly was doing illegal medical treatment so far, and Souffle, who’s a researcher, understood immediately that her methods and true purpose were the creation of <<Artificial Variant>>.

After the Savage raid, the Hundred were put into practical use, having Slayers and the manufacturing technology of the Hundred, the power of the organizations that controlled those increased all at once, and the power balance that ruled this world was fragile and crumbled.

As a result, what has happened was the polarization of 「 The ones who have」 and 「The ones who have-not」.

In order to break through such a situation, even the people who took into consideration that 「The ones who have-not」will become 「 The ones who have 」has reached the point where they were born.

Warslan Company, to which Vitaly belongs, is a company that has made further progress with 「 The ones who have 」. That’s why Vitaly though that it was important to get ahead the technology to increase the 「 The ones who have 」in order to keep standing on 「The ones who have-not」.

「Completion of the specific medicine of incurable illness」and 「Technology of Artificial Variant」.

With these two in hand, she would improve her position as a researcher within the company in addition to make Warslan’s position even more solid――that were the objectives of Vitaly.

At any rate Vitaly was snatched away the position of the chief researcher of Warslan headquarters by a young genius named Charlotte Dimandius, so immediately after that she moved to the research establishment of Rasiya, her birthplace.

Then, based on Warslan Company’s creation technique of Hundred, the research of Slayers and the foundation the results of scientific investigations of the virus in possession of the Savage, she started to improve the body fluids of the Savage.

Nonetheless, regarding Souffle, she never thought that she would succeed at that point. It’s dangerous to be ingested by people, even if it’s a refined Savage’s body fluid. Although surely there’s a possibility of making a wonder drug for this incurable illness, human experiments at this stage aren’t permitted for not being a humane solution.

It’s just a bad gambling.

So, after studying together in their school days, she got a job at Warslan and visited Charlotte Dimandius, who was a little over than a year in position of chief researcher, the one Vitaly assumed, and requested earnestly that she wanted to investigate what was being done at the laboratory of Vitaly.

And so the existence of many victims was revealed and Warslan Company condemned Vitaly Tynyanov for all of the evil investigations that she did without permission in order to, naturally, rise her position.

Vitaly was arrested and it had been decided that she would be imprisoned by the Rasiya Federal Government.

– Then I received treatment by the side of Charlotte together with the children who barely survived and received a suitable examination of the Hundred again. At that time, the Hundred was able to react. But I couldn’t deploy the armament.

Then Charlotte told Sakura.

– It’s probably because it rejected the ability you got. What would you like to do with that power?

– Respect to that question, I was thinking about it. Of course, because this is the strength that I gained at great pains, I want to save someone by using it. But I don’t want to fight. I don’t like that. I had enough of that.

Maybe is the trauma and the effects of what happened in the laboratory.

The words of Latuni came to her mind there.

――Sing, Sakura.

– That’s why I, I tried to use my power for singing. Charlotte and of course Souffle cooperated until I quit my job.

As a result, Sakura says that she has built her position as a singer using the ability of the Hundred.

– Mom, Hayato, Souffle, Latuni and Charlotte-san. And many others. Because everyone helped me when I was suffering, I was given wonderful words that saved me. So to return the favor, I’ll continue singing. Even if the body fluids of the Savage are mixed in my body. Even though I’m not a human being. Even though the reason why everybody likes my songs is because I’m a Variant.

– Err, what do you…

– There’s something I discovered from the investigation of Charlotte. As an artificial Variant, my songs are a large owner of the virus, that work through the songs to the virus that most of the human beings are infected with at present.

Although it’s only a possibility, it’s possible that the songs of Kirishima Sakura received by many people is the influence of that virus.

– It’s a bit sad, and it’s also a frustrating thing, but I’m fine with it. Even if it’s for an instant, everyone forgets about their difficulties and enjoys my songs.

– I don’t think so.

– Eh…

– I think the songs of Sakura are normal. I thought so even when I met Sakura before she was an artificial Variant.

– Really?

– Surely, the virus or another thing is the reason that the songs of Sakura are received, but I think that there’s also the charm of Sakura’s own songs in them.

– Hayato is kind…. I’ve come to like Hayato even more. If it’s now, I think I don’t mind continuing the thing of that time.

– The thing of that time…?

– That’s of course――

And there *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*… the PDA of Sakura began to ring with an electronic sound.

– Ugh, it’s from Souffle…

While pouting her lips, Sakura accepted the call request.

– Hello, what is it?

『It’s near one hour before the scheduled time. Are you prepared to come here?』

– I’m on it, so don’t disturb me. Even though we were on a good thing now!

Saying that, she hung up and Sakura turned her eyes to Hayato again.

– Anyway, thank you Hayato. I’ll do my best at the concert of the day after tomorrow. Because my songs will blow away the pain and the anguish of everyone on this island.

– Hey, we are going to attack after the live, right? Then why the hell did we have to come here today?

It was at the time when the sun was trying to conceal its face on the ridgeline and the sky was dyed in a madder red color.

It’s a girl with somewhat short dark brown pigtails who was wearing a jet black Variable Suit who said that, pouting her lips as if she was bored.

– Coz’ there’s a chance that the Savage will be sorting out around this area, okay?

That’s what a boy who wore the same suit and had the same dark brown hair color*.

Furthermore, there’s a girl whose height is higher than the pigtail girl, has bigger breasts and has a black eyepatch.

– Do you know the proverb “If you run after two hares you will catch neither”? This is troublesome, I want to play in town. As soon as work is done, I’ll leave this island in no time.

– But up to now, you’ve played a lot, or not?

The boy said, exasperated, but the girl did a rebuttal.

– But, that’s not enough. I want to play more and more. I’ll be getting back everything up to now.

– A little more, and I’ll be able to like it as well. First, let’s finish the work. For the sake of obtaining our freedom.

– … yeah. Nakri also understands that, right?

Speaking in a small voice, the tallest girl said that to another person to persuade her.

– I knew Nesat would say so. Then, where are the Slayers? We won’t have difficulties if we know it. In any case, let’s search around for a bit more. They might suddenly appear from anywhere.

The three of them dressed in jet black jackets jumped off the hill and began exploring the wilderness while searching signs of the Savage that feel weakly.

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