
Chapter 13: Volume 2 - CH 5

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Two days passed since the night of the second Savage raid on the Zwei Islands, and the day of the live event finally came.

Although the damage of the second raid was minor if seen throughout the island, the live stage suffered considerable damage by the bombardment of the Savage, and due to the several barriers deployed, the energy of Kirishima Sakura decreased considerably.

When thinking about it, the usual would be to take a whole week to recover.

Although the current situation of holding the live itself is worrying to that extent,  「We will absolutely satisfy the people who came and the live won’t be outdone by the things so far, and we will do the live even if we have to change the production and the program」and as result of the striking fervent speech of Sakura, no one including the fans makes an objection, and if Sakura says that she’s going to do it, it’s thanks to Souffle and each one of the people involved who worked hard from the beginning to make the live able to reach the holding.

Meaning that, on the evening of the very same day, and two hours before the starting time of the live, Kisaragi Hayato, along with Emile, were visiting the hospital where his little sister was hospitalized.

– Take care, Karen-chan. It’s fine that you can enjoy yourself to the utmost today, but don’t push yourself too much. I understand that it’s a difficult request but, can you do it?

The woman is a little older than Hayato and Emilia, and wore white nursing clothes to see off a girl in wheelchair at the exit and entrance of the hospital.

She’s Kashiwagi Mihal, the nurse in charge of Kisaragi Karen, the little sister of Hayato.

Hayato thought that she was going to the live with Karen too, but since today is her night shift, she seems to be doing care-taking. In all honesty, it’s a shame because that’s a place where he can be charmed by her broad-mindedness and voluptuous bust, and by that sexy dark mole on her cheek.

– I won’t cause trouble to Nii-san.

Karen replies, and Mihal shows a satisfying smile,

– If you understand, then that’s fine. Take care.

– Because I will enjoy myself for Mihal too.

Karen operates the wheelchair herself and moves to the bus stop in front of the hospital.

Looking at that figure, 「She really understood, yes?」Mihal whispered into Hayato’s ear, who had a wry smile.

– In case anything happened to Karen-chan, please contact me immediately.

– Yes, of course.

The contact address of the hospital and the phone number of the PDA of Mihal have already been registered.

– What is Nii-san talking about to Mihal? The bus is arriving already.

– Yeah, now I go.

Answering, Hayato lowered his head to Mihal.

– Well then, I’m going.

– Yes, please have a great time too, Onii-san.

– Hayato is always flirting…

– … wha!

Emile walked towards the bus, following Hayato who walks towards the bus stop, and trampled down his feet firmly as she whispered in a dark voice.

– Uwaa, this is the first time for Karen seeing such a vast wilderness!

Hayato, Emile and Karen who got on the bus from the hospital, got off the bus in the middle of bridge connecting Little Garden and Westland of the Zwei Islands, walked through the inspection and changed to a bus to head to the live venue in the east area.

Because this was a special temporary bus, the interior of the bus is full.

By the way there is no stipulation for general citizens, but the Slayers belonging to Warslan Company and the martial arts department students have been notified from the Student Council yesterday to participate wearing their uniforms.

Although they are performing a perfect security, and aside from the gang of three, they don’t know what will happen, so they are doing this in case they have to cope with an emergency.

It may not be a Variable Suit per se, but it has fibers mixed with Variable Stone, though it’s small for a uniform.

Therefore, it’s possible to see here and there people wearing their uniforms in the bus.

Both Hayato and Emile, of course, wore uniforms designated by the martial arts department.

– Oh, there’s something like a dog-chan over there!

Karen, who was watching outside from the bus window shouted with vigor, like rising up from the wheelchair. Hayato and Emilia also turn their eyes to outside of the window.

– That’s not a dog, it’s a dingo. It’s a kind of wolf.

– Hee, is that so? Karen has just become smarter.

In this way, seeing Emile and Karen talking, Hayato was at ease, and feeling a little glad.

It may be because there will be only a little of time for the two people after this.

And then, the bus arrived at the live venue.

According to the guide person, Hayato moves Karen’s wheelchair to the seat prepared for them.

– Wow, it’s really close to the stage.

The seat they had prepared wasn’t in the front, it was in the front row that is to the left-hand corner as seen from the stands.

On the contrary, the man-day guide says that the space is only for acquaintances and people concerned of Sakura, such as Hayato, Emilia and Karen and the members of the Student Council.

It was divided from other spectators by cords and was taken into consideration that they wouldn’t end colliding from behind.

I will have to thank Sakura and Souffle-san afterwards.

(Hmm, I’ll have to go to the dressing room now isn’t it…?)

Last night, he had an e-mail from Sakura, saying that he has to come to the dressing room alone before the live.

– Emile, can I entrust Karen to you for a moment?

– Yeah, I don’t mind but, what is it?

Following such Emile, Karen looked up at Hayato with an uneasy aspect.

– Nii-san, are you going somewhere?

– There’s a place I have go to for a couple of minutes. I’ll be back soon, so stay here for a bit together with Emile, okay?

Saying that, and stroking the hair of Karen, Hayato left the spot.

– I guess it’s here.

Hayato goes through a number of security checks and arrives in front of a door with a label where 『Guest:Sakura Kirishima』was written on it.

– Err, it’s Kisragi Hayato.

*KNOCK* *KNOCK*, what came visible to the eyes of Hayato when he opened door while knocking, was the figure of Sakura who was changing to her Variable Suit and the figure of Souffle Clearrail helping her with that.

Moreover, Sakura has just taken off her coat, and she’s in a state where white skin and two bulges on her chest and pink protrusions at their tips can be confirmed.

– I- I’m sorry!

Becoming flustered, Hayato closed the door and jumped out of the room.

(No way, she was changing clothes…)

The excitement of his heart won’t stop with that excessive development.

These days have been nothing but this——and as he was keenly aware of his unluckiness, the door opened.

It’s Souffle Clearrail who shows her face from there.

– I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, the change of clothes has ended.

Responding to those words, Hayato steps into the dressing room again.

What met his eyes is the appearance of Sakura wearing her Variable Suit.

It’s slightly different from the one he saw on the cybernet before, so it’s surely a special order for this live.

– I’m sorry, I was wrong for suddenly opening the door a few moments ago.

The first thing that Hayato does is apologize.

– It’s me who called you, so don’t worry about it. And it’s my fault since I didn’t close it with the key.

Sakura who was bashful and had her cheeks dyed red, and was looking to the floor, raised her head and continued her words.

– More importantly, do you feel better?

– The healing of my injuries is fast. My energy is substantially recovered too.

– I see, as expected of a Variant.

– How about the side of Sakura? I heard that you consumed a lot of energy…

– Although I’m not perfect, since I’m an artificial, I’m a Variant too. So I’m almost recovered. The live became slightly different from the original plan, but the stage was repaired in time thanks to the people who did their best, so I’ll be singing with my best effort today and return the favor to them.

Saying that, Sakura smiled.

– … umm, now that you mention it, thank you for our space. It’s a pretty easy-to-see place and it looks like you also considered our safety, that really helped us.

– That was originally prepared as a space for VIP, so it’s nothing. Don’t you agree, Souffle?

– Yes, so please don’t worry about it.

– It helps us if you say so. What’s left is, the matter of an autograph shikishi* but——

– Ah, I’ll do that later.

– Is something wrong?

– I’d like to talk with Karen-chan for a while and I considered that I’d like to hand it with my hand if I can. So, let’s meet again after the live concludes. That moment can be at the airport of Zwei Island…

– Are you leaving this island before the day is over from that airport?

– There’s a recording of a music program that also serves as a promotion for my new songs in Liberia, so I can’t miss that chance no matter what. In the live this time, I cause trouble to Souffle on the financial side, so I’m not in a condition where it’s possible to say “let’s cancel it”. Actually, I wanted to talk a lot with Hayato and Karen-chan until the morning of tomorrow when Little Garden will be leaving the dock, but this is all I can do.

– Then it will be at the airport. I think that Karen will surely be pleased.

– It’s fine if that’s the case…. Finally, thanks for coming back. I was able to calm my nervousness a lot seeing Hayato.

– You sure? You don’t look like that.

– Shut up, even I get nervous before the live! And it’s my first time doing it in front of 100.000 spectators, and it has changed slightly from what I was preparing…

– Ah, I’m sorry. I guess you are right. Then, do your best. I’m sorry for troubling you, so I’ll go back. Karen is waiting for me.

– Hayato.

Her voice was hanging on the back of Hayato as he put his hand on the door, trying to leave the dressing room.*****

– … what is it?

– It’s just that there’s a present for Hayato at the encore of the live, so I’m looking forward to it

When he arrived at the live venue the sky which was still a madder red was already dark when he left the dressing room.

– Oh, if it isn’t Hayato.

On the way back to the place of Karen and Emile, a voice called him out, and Hayato noticed Fritz. Naturally, Latia is also there, next to him. Of course, both of them are in their uniforms.

– You guys are also in the VIP space, right?

– Yeah, that’s what I heard of.

– If so, com here.

Thus, Latia and Fritz also took up positions near Hayato and the others.

– Oh, she’s the little sister of Hayato. She’s very cute, unlike you, don’t you agree?

When Fritz arrived at the VIP space he tried to stroke the head of Karen while cracking a joke, but *Hiii!*, she got frightened and her body, as a matter of course, paralyzes.

– Hey, don’t scare her, you idiot!

–  Latia trampled down the feet of Fritz to discipline him, and 「Ouch!」Fritz sprung.

– What are you doing? It’s part of the human nature to stroke cute thinkgs when looking at them, right…?

– Good grief, are you a little girl…?

Latia sighs visibly disgusted.

Then, when Hayato introduces the two to Karen, the important points before the performance begin to play from the speaker.

5 minutes till the starting of the live.

– Oh, that’s right, I forgot something important.

That said, Karen picked out heart-shaped lights while searching with rustling sounds inside of the bag beside her knee.

– Oh! Of course, we also have them.

After that, Latia took out two lights of the same shape from the bag and handed one of them to Fritz.

– Why do you also have something like that?

– They were being sold outside the venue, so I bought them. Speaking of the live of Kirishima Sakura, these are appropriate, you know.

As they were being told so, certainly everyone have heart-shaped lights.

– Nii-san is really ignorant of the ways of the world, don’t you agree…?

Because Karen sighed as if she was amazed, Hayato also received a light.

– Emile-san, take one please.

– Ah, thank you.

Emile also receives a light from Karen.

– Where on earth did you buy these things…?

Hayato turned ON the light switch, and a pink light turned on.

– These were bought by Mihal yesterday. And you can change the color with the switch next to it.

As she said, when pressing the switch next to it, the color of the light changes to green, yellow and white.

– Oh, it’s true.

– Well, during the live, the colors will change automatically according to the songs.

Fritz says that it seems to be able to operate with the radio waves flying on the venue.

– Hee, is that so…?

Hayato says, being impressed.

Speaking of that, he remembered everyone in the live video he watched the other day were waving the same color light.

– Ah, it looks like it’s beginning.

The sound of the buzzer to announce the starting sounds, and the illumination of the stage starts to fade.

Karen turned her eyes full of expectations towards the stage.

The ones who came there were the members of the Student Council, commencing with Claire, along with Chris, Charlotte and Mei Mei.

– Just right in time deshitawane.

As she said so, the group of Claire takes up positions alongside the group of Hayato, and a cheerful melody began to sound from the speakers installed on both ends of the stage, blowing away the sadness of the collapsed city in one go.

A great cheer rises from the audience seating.

Kirishima Sakura made her entry while the floor of the stage opened and the audience seats shone with colorful heart-shaped lights.

– 《Arrival of the Diva》HUNDRED ON!

She raised her red ore high, and deployed her own Hundred——《Spinning Story of the Fairy》Fairy Fairy Tale.

Beautiful emerald green wings appear on her back that continue releasing dazzling particles.

Next, the illumination and the lights of Hayato and the others turn green and the top of the stage moves to a different world, like the depths of a tranquil forest in the west.

– Now, let’s go everyone! We are going to have fun today!

In the middle of the even more excited cheering, Sakura jumps towards the audience seating and starts singing.

(She really seems to be okay…)

To tell the truth, he was pretty worried, but the singing Sakura is a lively and cute fairy, flying above the heads of the spectators.

She wasn’t pretending to be tough when she said she was fine, but her physical condition is really coming back.

Karen, who was sitting next to him in the wheelchair, was chasing with a gaze of envy the appearance of such Sakura.

– Amazing, Nii-san. Sakura-san is incredibly cool!

As the first song finishes, Karen claps her hands, mixed with excitement.

And after that, naturally, the live continues.

She understood that something had occurred there.

The stage of Krishima Sakura is now the door to shift from 『not here, somewhere』which is mankind confronting the crisis that continues every day to 『now, here』.

You are reading story Hundred at

She’s pulling the spectators to another world with the power of singing and the ability of the Hundred.

And yet, in her songs, there seems to be affirmations of what is living『now, here』, and the strength to think they can live in this 『now, here』from now on.

It’s some kind of religious miracle.

That’s the reason why she’s called Oriental Wizard Diva and her Hundred is called 《Spinning Story of the Fairy》Fairy Fairy Tale.

Two hours have passed since the live started, during which Sakura has been singing enthusiastically over 20 songs.

– Well then, the next is the last song——

When Sakura began to talk and went back to the Variable Suit state, there’s a great number of voices that want to hear more songs.

However, she fade-out as the prelude of the song was played.

It began to echo the melody and sounds similar to the ethnic music of Empire Yamato.

– 《Arrival of the Diva》Hundred On——

At the same time she murmurs, the stage changes to the spring scenery of Empire Yamato, and the costume of Sakura changes to a shrine maiden.

Sakura began singing her own song while being adorned with many petals of cherry blossoms that fell as if dancing, with a big cherry tree behind her.

And finally, the demise of the live makes its visit.

As the song finished, the stage became dark and Sakura disappeared. However, the spectators begin to raise the voice of encore, they want to taste this happy time more and more. Karen was shouting, just like the spectators.

– Come on, everybody-san, rise your voice!

– O-okay…

Karen encouraging him, while being shy, Hayato started to encore too.

Not only Emile, but Fritz and Latia were also raising their voices.

Around two minutes later…

The lights of the stage turned on, Sakura remained unchanged in her shrine maiden costume, and the hall was enveloped again by great cheers.

– Everyone, thank you for the encore. But, can you keep quiet for a moment please?

The venue that received those words got quiet in an instant. Everyone is listening to the words that Oriental Wizard is saying.

– I will sing an encore now, a song that today is the first time I am going to sing it live——on the contrary, it’s a song I just made yesterday. So, it’s not in the best shape…

Ooh! The spectators got excited.

However, when Sakura continued talking, they went quiet again.

– This is probably going to be the last song of the next album. I was continuously thinking about the song and its composition. I was very, very worried. But, I finally did it yesterday.

Saying so, Sakura takes a breath, turns towards the VIP seats, looking at the eyes of Hayato and the others.

– The raid of the Savage that occurred a month ago in this island. And the raid two days ago. I am dedicating this song to those who fought at that time and protected us.

– … the people who protected us she said? Nii-san, is she talking about you?

Karen noticed Sakura’s line of sight, and asks the question to Hayato.

– I guess, so…

Karen was taken aback hearing that reply.

– Perhaps Nii-san was fighting in the raid of the day before yesterday——

– Ah, I’m sorry for that…

He apologized because he promised before that he would inform her properly before entering a resistance.

– But, how should I put it, I went out and I got involved with it. A lot of things happened. And it was so fast…

– I’m going to listen to that story carefully afterwards…

Karen partly puffed up her cheeks, and turns towards him with a pointed gaze.

– Well then, I will sing——

The lyrics put together by her singing voice and that were being carried by a gentle melody flew out, soaking deeply into the chest of Hayato and the other Slayers——as well as their lovers, family members and friends.

(I get it… this is… the present that Sakura was saying, huh…)

Hayato was listening to the lyrics, and realized that there was a Hayato there.

(Hmm? Wait a moment… this is…)

No matter how one looks at it, this song is a love song. While Hayato was bewildered, with lots of tears running down, doing big claps——and together with excited cheering, the live welcomed its real end.

After the live, Hayato, Karen, and Emile, Fritz and Latia, the members of the Student Council, and lastly, Charlotte and Mei Mei, headed in four cars respectively to the airport in the Zwei Islands.

A car stopped by Hayato and company who arrived earlier and waited for the arrival of Sakura. The one being transported in it is Kirishima Sakura, who changed clothes and finished greetings to the people involved at the venue.

– Hayato, what do you think about the last present?

– … I was surprised that you could create that song in a day.

Hayato decided to answer that for now.

– Yup, it was a good song, don’t you think?

– Yeah, when I was listening to it, I felt very relaxed somehow, or rather, it deeply moved me emotionally, but it was amazing.

While smiling, he answers.

– I- I see… thank you. I’m really happy when Hayato tells me that.

Sakura smiles back at him, she was shy.

– Oh, that’s right. Apart from that, I have to fulfill my promise properly. Souffle, the shikishi and a pen please.

– Yeah, yeah.

Sakura received the shikishi and the pen from Souffle who got off from the car, then goes towards the front of Karen who’s sitting on the wheelchair and starts running the pen on the shikishi.

– Please take it, Karen-chan. I properly wrote 《如月カレンちゃんへ》(To Kisaragi Karen-chan).

– Tha-thank you very much, Sakura-san!

Karen took a look at the received autographed shikishi, and then at the same time, she stared in wonder.

There, was written 『久方ぶりの再会の夜に』(for the night of the reunion of a long time ago)——in addition to the letters “To Kisaragi Karen-chan“ , the autograph of Kirishima Sakura.

– What’s this? What does…

Karen murmurs, while looking up at Sakura.

– This is the answer to that.

Sakura starts singing that song.

The song that they sang together around 10 years ago.

Karen is often singing it, it’s her favorite song.

– Sakura-san, why are you singing…?

– This song was created by my mom. And, it was me who taught you this song.

– Eh? You are lying…

Karen’s eyes become rounder.

– It’s not a lie

Sakura smiled and continued her words.

– I was surprised too when I realized while talking about it with Hayato. But, this song is the proof, isn’t it? I met Hayato and Karen-chan and we spent a night. And, thanks to that night, I knew the enjoyment of singing. Thanks to that, I became the singer I’m now. I appreciate that.

Saying that, Sakura presented her right hand to Karen.

– It’s been a while, and thank you, Karen-chan.

– Ah, yes… thank you.

Karen grabs her hand with her right hand like Sakura and shake hands.

– if you like, would you sing this song with me again?

– Eh, that’s…. For me, to be singing together with Sakura-san…

– You were quite skillful at that time, you know. I thought you had a very beautiful voice. So, let’s do it together, what do you say?

And Sakura starts to sing.

Although confused, Karen started to sing, following after her.

– Hey, Hayato. What does she mean with 10 years ago?

Standing next to him, Emile asks a question.

– I’ll tell you about it later.

– Honestly, I’m very bothered by it but…. At the time of the encore, Kirishima-san was singing something…

Emile mutters and complains.

And then, the song ended.

– You are the same as that time, Karen-chan. Your voice is pretty and skillful as expected.

– … yo- you think so?

– Yup, unlike Hayato.

When hearing the words of Sakura, the memory of 10 years ago is brought back.

The two of them completely made fun of Hayato.

– Hey, it’s not worth to worry about me, you know? In the first place, I’m not singing now.

– Then Hayato will sing the next too?

– That’s right, Nii-san will also sing.

– No, I pass…

In any case, he decided to not sing.

– You see? You can’t sing properly after all.

Of course, Hayato couldn’t deny that thing about him.

Karen is laughing, looking at him.

(Well, if I can see Karen laugh in front of other people like this, then it’s fine…)

Hayato thought so.

– Well, it’s almost time.

Souffle muttered, looking at the clock, and walked towards the location of Claire.

– Claire-san. For the security of today and everything else, thank you very much.

– Likewise, thank you very much for inviting us to the live masu. The residents of Little Garden, and us the Slayers, are very pleased mashitawa. I thank you from the bottom of my heart as the Student Council President of Little Garden masu.

Saying that, Claire continues giving her thanks.

– It is I who should say so, and I am sorry for the various inconveniences. From now on and together with Warslan Company, we look forward to working with you masuwa.

Yes, the guard of Sakura will be done by the Slayers belonging to Warslan Company in the future. There’s also the matter where her voice affected the Savage, so she judged that there was a possibility that the gang of three could be after Sakura and the staff.

– What’s left, is…

– Hmm? Do you need something from me?

Souffle starts to walk to the side of Charlotte.

– Charlotte, I’ll leave to you the matter of the investigation of the three guys.

– …. I know. I will also perform a perfect and proper analysis of her voice.

– I’m sorry for causing you trouble again.

– Huuh? I can’t help but think this is also destiny. In the first place, I chose that road. Besides, I’m happy.

– Eh…?

– I was watching the live, and I felt the accomplishment that the technology that we created and cultivated together were useful for mankind. Honestly, I was so moved that I got goosebumps.

– … impossible, to be told such a thing from you.

Tears spilled from the eyes of Souffle who heard those words.

– You can’t endure the happiness, right?

– Yes, as you said.

Souffle and Charlotte shake hands.

Apparently, the helicopter had its preparations ready.

The pilot calls out Souffle.

– Sakura, I know you are reluctant to part, but let’s go.

– Wait a little more.

Sakura said that to Souffle, who walks towards the helicopter, and took out the PDA from her pocket in front of Karen.

– Karen-chan, let’s exchange contacts.

– … eh, it’s that alright?

Sakura blinks continuously her eyelids, being surprised*.

*TN: Again. Maybe the author meant Karen?

– Yup, I’ll be happy if we could get along from now on. Besides, I want to ask you a lot of things.

– Things you want me to ask?

– Yeah, that’s right. I want to ask things.

Saying that, Sakura turns her eyes to Hayato.

– … don’t blow unnecessary things into Karen.

– I know ♪.

And Sakura, who exchanged contact address with Karen, changes the direction of her body to Hayato.

– Well then, Hayato. It was a short time but, thank you.

Sakura presents her hand towards Hayato.

– Yeah, likewise——

And, Sakura grasps the hand that Hayato presented and draws him towards herself in one go.

– Eh…?

Hayato’s body approaches Sakura in an instant.

To his cheek, Sakura gave it a *chuu*, a kiss.

– Wha…!

– You!!

Both Emile and Claire are opening their eyes wide, and raise their voices.

– Eh, eeeh!… Sakura-san, a ki-kiss, to Nii-san…?

Understanding can’t catch up with what happened in front of his eyes.

Karen was showing a perplexed expression on her face, wondering what was that.

Immediately after that, Sakura who separated her lips, slipping out a smile, started running towards the helicopter with a light step.

In response to Hayato who was dumbfounded seeing off her figure, Sakura, who ran up the ramp, was waving her hands and looking back just before getting on the helicopter,

– Bye bye, Hayato! Let’s meet again. Nope, I’m absolutely sure that I’ll see you again soon!

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