
Chapter 17: Volume 3 - CH 2

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Hayato and his companions are heading now to the town of Tienchuen, located at the western edge of the Qin Empire, where the basecamp of the UN Peacekeeping Forces is established. They are on board of the 『WL-03』, it’s tilt-rotor aircraft that performs vertical takeoff and landing.

– We haven’t reached the basecamp yet, even though it’s been a while since entering Qin Empire, huh.

Latia said, while yawning, looking bored.

It was late last night when they boarded the personal airplane with members of Selections, together with the staff and students of Little Garden that will support the Slayers which were gathered for the sortie of this operation.

It takes around 10 hours to arrive, so they decided to sleep in the bunk beds that were placed in the rooms prepared separately for men and women.

They slept for 6 six hours.

After they got up and ate the prepared breakfast, they went to do maintenance to their Variable Suits and their Hundreds.

Charlotte Dimandius, who’s the main technologist of Little Garden and Mei Mei, her assistant, aren’t accompanying them in this operation.

Nonetheless, two engineers belonging to the senior high school of Little Garden are on board, so the Maintenance Room is connected to Little Garden through a communication line.

Therefore, Charlotte and Mei Mei are also monitoring the data values, so if it’s about fine tuning or even tinkering with the molecule arrangement of the Hundred and the Variable Suit, there shouldn’t be any problem in particular.

Hayato and the others enter the equipment installed alongside the wall one by one, in order, and connect with the Variable Suit.

It measures their current vital, energy and mental condition and changes the molecular arrangement that composes the dedicated Hundred that is given in advance so to show off the maximum performance they can get with that.

The same is true for all the Variable Suits.

– It seems we’re all ready with this.

Fritz said, as the Variable Suit of Hayato came down from the device.

In this place, the freshmen group is gathered, with the exception of Shuemei who’s not wearing her Variable Suit and isn’t going to appear on the battlefield.

The president and the vice presidents and the other members of Selections have already finished the maintenance of their Hundred.

– Yes, Hayato.

It’s Emile who retrieved the Hundred that finished its maintenance and put it on the hands of Hayato

With this, everyone has truly finished.

– How much till we arrive?

– I don’t know but, the mountain on the direction over there can be seen.

Emile answers while looking outside of the window.

Hayato who also presented the question looks outside the window in the same way.

– Oh, it’s true. It’s very big.

– That’s Kunlun Mountain. Its altitude is of 7328 meters. Beyond that it’s Kongur Mountain, situated along the national border with the Republic of Ural, the Empire of Rasiya and the Empire of Mongolia.

That explanation was given by Shuemei, the guide.

She was quite nervous at the beginning, because she was surrounded by the seniors and members of Selections, as well as the members of the Student Council, but she was getting very calm as time progressed.

– That means that we should be arriving to our destination soon?

– Yup, I think that it shouldn’t take more than an hour.

Shuemei replied the question of Latia that was thrown at her.

Next, Emile opens her mouth.

– Then, it’s time to change our clothes. We won’t be able to hang around the streets with this appearance.

As Shuemei said, around thirty minutes later, the personal airplane started to gradually lower its altitude and landed in Tienchuen plateau where the UN Peacekeeping Forces’ base camp was established satisfactorily.

– This place does really give a vibe that we are going to fight, don’t you think?

Fritz, who went down the ramp, whistled with a *Hyu* when surveying the base camp.

Hayato also thinks the same.

Near them they can see the helicopters with the flags of countries and the crest of organizations in various places, many tents are lined up, there are triangular ones that resemble the ones in venues of sports festivals, and simple accommodation stations, the place is so big, as if it was a mobile safari park.

In addition to that, they were able to see people with a variety of skin colors, wearing various kinds of uniforms.

– Yeah, it’s kind of exciting.

Latia muttered.

Again, Hayato agrees. He was a little nervous while feeling that he came to the battlefield.

– Hey hey, isn’t too early to be shivering with excitement? Because the operation starts tomorrow, you know?

– I-I know that, and don’t put your hand on my head!

Latia shakes off the hand of Fritz that was placed on her head with her own hands, baring her teeth.

Hayato and the others laugh, seeing the usual scene.

Thanks to that, they feel that the thread of tension became loose.

Latia seems to be tensionless already.

They guess that was the concern of Fritz.

Claire opened her mouth there.

– We are going to say our greetings to the Integrated Command Leader of the UN Peacekeeping Forces, who is commanding this operation masuwa. Each of the other members will have liberty of action until the time of the rally masu.

The rally is a social gathering and a dinner party where all the participating members of this joint operation gather together. They heard from Claire who was in the special aircraft that the rally will be held in three hours.

– Liberty of action huh, so what do we do?

Fritz asked a question to them, but everyone folded their arms, hung their head and sunk into silence.

It was because they weren’t thinking about what to do. Claire opened her mouth again, looking such state of Hayato and company.

– If you don’t have anything to do, then why don’t you head towards the hotel while being guided by Shuemei to the town? The hotel is also in the town, so I think it’s the best thing to do masuwayo.

– Considering the round-trip time to the town, we won’t have much free time*, so I’m in, what about you?

*TN: Meaning that it was better than doing nothing.

– I’m fine with that too.

Following Fritz, Latia also accepts Claire’s suggestion.

– Hayato, you are going too, right?

– Yeah.

When Hayato nods at Emile, Fritz gazed at Shuemei and,

– If that’s the case, can you guide us, Ryu-san?

– Yes, of course.

According to Shuemei who nodded, there’s a distance of 10 kilometers from this base camp to the town area of Tienchuen.

The only means of transportation to the city is by car——

So, after they said their goodbyes to the members of the Student Council, Hayato and co. were sent to the city by the soldiers of the UN Peacekeeping Forces who were in the base camp.

They were in front of a medium sized tractor that took them there.

They were placed on the load-carrying tray section of it.

It can’t be helped because there’s no other choice than this to be able to carry 5 people at the same time.

The tractor runs through the wilderness while cutting off the lukewarm wind.

– Don’t expect too much in Tienchuen, because it’s nothing more than a rural area, there’s nothing to see. There’s not even a train station. As you see, that also goes to the surroundings of the town.

Though they see buildings similar to residences, and things that look like silos once in a while, it’s just wilderness as far as the eye can see. Speaking of what’s noticeable, just animals and sandstorms that are welling up in the distance are in that category. After 15 minutes on the tractor, Hayato and the others arrived at the town.

Just like Shuemei was emphasizing a lot of times, certainly the sight of the town area of Tienchuen was of a rural town itself.

The roads are wide, and buildings are very scarce.

In the exact same way, they couldn’t see almost nobody.

However, the appearance of a resplendent building, having red as it main constituent like the ones of the Ryukyu Kingdom,* is fresh for all of them who visited this country for the first time, it draws a lot of attention.

– There are quite a few wonderful large buildings when looking at the site alone, but there aren’t many high buildings in this place, huh?

Latia murmured, looking restlessly around the town.

– There is plenty of land in the desert area, and the fact that I live in this area it’s because they weren’t agricultural people in the first place, but nomadic people. They have even less consciousness to settle down.

Of course, it’s Shuemei who explained so. She’s slightly knitting the inner part of her eyebrows with a little of sadness and continued her words.

– There are only children and old people remaining in this village. Most of the youngsters work away from home or find a job in urban areas or other countries, and many of them settle where they are.

– So, this is what is called an underpopulated area, right?

– That’s definitely the case here.

When Shuemei nodded, two voices called her out.

– Ah, it’s Shuemei-nee-san!

– It’s true, Shuemei-nee-chan!

– Bakuei and Mei Fan!

Looking at the two rushing over her, Shuemei makes her eyes blink in surprise.

Emile asked, looking at them.

– Who are these children?

– These are children in my neighborhood, and the group of kids I was teaching studies. As I said earlier, there are only a few youngsters around here…

In brief, the number of teachers was insufficient and the child in the upper grade taught the children of lower grades.

– Nee-chan, the person standing next to you, is he the boyfriend of nee-chan?

– Stop, Bakuei!

Shuemei, whose face was bright red, grabbed in a hurry the index finger of the boy that was pointed at Hayato.

– Y-you guys, you know that they are the ones who are going to do the search-and-destroy operation of the nest of the Savage that is near here, right?

– Yes, we know. Because of that, Shuemei-nee-san came back from Little Garden to this town, didn’t she?

– Err, that’s correct but, my job isn’t that great…

Asked by the girl named Mei Fan, Shuemei shows a troubled smile.

Despite being dismayed with what’s up with them, Shuemei seems to have decided to introduce everyone.

– That’s right, they are my classmates and excellent Slayers belonging to Little Garden. They are thousands of times more amazing than me.

– Wow, is that so!? I’m also training to become a Slayer!

The gaze of the boy who’s looking at Hayato and the others changes to a look of envy.

Shuemei showed a relieved look and asked the children.

– Both of you will go to the dojo after this?

– Yes, that is correct.

It’s Mei Fan who answered.

– Come to see us later nee-chan, and tell us a lot of things, okay!? Thanks to nee-chan, we were able to have a dōjō in this village!

Following her, Bakuei said so.

– Yup, I’ll do it, I promise. Then, get going to the dōjō at once. I’ll also go see you afterwards. See you later.

– Yup, see you later——

– Please make sure to come!

The kids disappeared while waving their hands.

Shuemei took a breath, seeing off their backs.

– I’m sorry, those kids said weird things.

And, Shuemei apologizes to Hayato.

– No, don’t worry about it.

– Shuemei-san sure is adored by those children, isn’t it?

– No, that’s not true at all.

Shuemei laughed at herself and continued.

– When I was teaching studies, they never listened to what I said. They were always saying “useless elder sister, useless elder sister” to me.

However, after she got a sufficient value in the response test of the Variable Stonereceived by coincidence, she says that it’s from there that they began to hear what she was saying.

– I’m sure it’s because of the Private Military Companies like Little Garden and Qin Empire that came to do the aptitude test to see if there were any talented children.

As a result, two Slayer candidates were discovered, and subsidiary aid came to the village, and so the dojo managed by the Qin Empire was built in this town.

– Besides, for these children, the Slayers of Warslan who fight the Savage, they are their yearning existences. That’s why I also want to be a proper fighting power of Warslan, so that I can be proud of myself, and for that I can’t give up, don’t you agree?

Shuemei suddenly clenched her fists in front of her chest, telling that to herself.

They walk for about five minutes and get to the center of the city.

Many street stalls are appearing, selling food among other things. They were able to see the likes of set meals and specials of the day, it was crowded with approximately the same amount of people as Central in Little Garden.

(… wh- what’s this?)

Although the temperature in this place was quite hot, the moment when they passed by three people wearing robes with hoods, shivers run through the muscles of the back of Hayato, who stopped his feet.

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Their faces weren’t visible, but the skin visible from the sleeve is darkish.

(Maybe, those guys are…)

What it came to his mind is the gang of three.

– What is it, Hayato? Why are you not moving…? Did you notice something?

– N-no… it’s….

They were already told that they might encounter them in this place.

But, were they really the hunters?

While he was thinking about that, he couldn’t see their appearances anymore.

(Maybe they were other people)

There were many aircrafts at the airport a while ago.

It shouldn’t be strange that there are people dressed like that and that have darkish skin.

– … it’s nothing.

Hayato answered so and ran off to the side of Emile and the others.

Before long, the hotel they arrived at was relatively large in the village, it was a beautiful and magnificent building. It’s a two-storied building, unlike the other buildings, and its site area is quite large.

– This hotel was built recently, it’s even more smaller than a public lodging house, and something like sour smell comes out from the futons*.

Shuemei laughed as if she was self-deprecating.

That kind of lodging place is disliked by ambassadors of foreign countries, government officials and executives who came from the capital city, saying how such a splendid hotel was built in this way.

– That means they don’t want normal people of the Qin Empire and distinguished guests to be mixed up using it, yes? That is, by employing very expensive accommodation costs.

– In short, we, and Shuemei of course, are lucky to be able to stay with the money of Little Garden today.

– Well, I’m not staying here today, because I’m going to stay at home. I also told the president about that.

– Eh, is that so? It’s a waste if we don’t use it.

– You may be right, but I can’t calm down, even though I’m not coming out to the battlefield, I don’t feel well…

– If so, what do we do till it’s time to rally?

The one who made that question was Emile.

– I promised them that I’ll make an appearance at the dōjō a little while ago, so I’m going to show my face to my home for a moment. You are welcome to relax in your rooms at ease, so don’t worry about me.

Hayato and the others checked-in at the hotel they were guided by Shuemei and headed to their respective rooms.

All of them are the same, a single room of around 8 tatamis.

– Then Hayato, see you later.

Separating from everyone, Hayato enters the room.

Both latitude and altitude should be higher than the vicinities of the Ryukyu where Little Garden was sailing recently, but the Qin Empire felt very hot.

As a matter of course, that goes for this room as well.

The military and family section of Little Garden have air conditioning control, with the exception of some areas.

Therefore, it’s a bit chilly unless wearing the coat of the uniform all the time, but that’s not the case for this town. His inner shirt was wet as a dust cloth. As the suitcase with change of clothes reached the room, he felt fortunate that he can change clothes.

(I should take a shower before that…)

Hayato decided so and took off his clothes in the dressing room and start showering in the bathroom.

Then, something like a singing voice was suddenly heard.

– … hmm?

He twists the faucet and stops the shower.

He clearly heard a singing happy voice that matches a cheerful melody.

(No way, that voice is…)

… it’s from Kirishima Sakura.

The hurrying Hayato jumped out of the bathroom.

The singing voice is flowing out from the uniforms’ coat pocket.

Rapidly Hayato takes out the PDA and checks the screen.

It was indicated that it was an incoming call from Kirishima Sakura.

(Between all people, it’s the person herself, huh…)

Hayato said, looking amazed, and accepted the call.

– You tampered my PDA, isn’t it?

The day before yesterday, when he went to the hospital room of Karen, Sakura was there, and he lent the PDA to her because she told him to lend it for a moment.

The reason was that she was going to install new songs in it, but not that she was going to set one of them as a ringtone.

『Ahaha, correct. Did it surprise you?』

– It did, and a lot. I’m glad that I was in the hotel, because if this suddenly rang in the street, then that wouldn’t be a laughing matter, you know.

『Then at that time you could say.”Kirishima Sakura is my woman” … wouldn’t be nice if you emphasize it with a triumphant look?』

– Hey…

She laughs, saying so as if it was a joke.

But that wasn’t funny.

– So, how can I restore it to how it was before?

『I’ll restore it once you came back』

– Oh no…

Hayato sighed deeply.

『Hey, what’s with that reaction? We were immensely worried about you』

– Worried, you say? What do you mean?

『You promised Karen-chan that you would contact her as soon as you arrived at Qin Empire, isn’t it? And yet, knowing that very well, you didn’t do it. You said “hotel” now, so that means you already arrived in Qin Empire, right?』

– Wait a minute, how do you know about the promise between Karen and me?

『Ehehe, that’s because I’m right now with Karen-chan』

– … you guys, what are you planning to do? Don’t blow strange things into Karen.

『I’m just helping with the rehabilitation of Karen-chan as usual. And a bit about the founding festival』

– Founding festival? What are you going to do there?

The founding festival is a festival for students and residents of Little Garden where they interact with the residents of Liberia once a year.

Speaking of Yamato’s schools, it’s also like a school festival.


Hayato sighed once again, hearing the answer.

– At least, don’t let Karen do unreasonable things.

『I know that. Karen-chan wants to talk with you』

『Hello, Nii-san?』

Following a few seconds of noise, the voice of Karen was heard.

– Are you okay? Nothing weird was done to you by Sakura?

『Why do you feel that I’m a sort of hostage? I’m fine. Because Sakura-san is very kind』

– It’s fine if that’s the case but…

『Besides that, I have an advice for Nii-san』

– … an advice?

About what?

He felt a little reluctant about it, because the voice of Karen became serious in no time.

『It’s about the job of my brother in Qin Empire. I told Nii-san’s fortune using the Tarot, but the result is the inverted position of 《Balance》. This means that a confrontation may rise』

– A confrontation, huh…

『This is nothing more than a reference, but please be careful』

– Yeah, I’ll be careful. Thank you.

Recently, the fortune-telling of Karen has been very precise.

Particularly excellent when things go south, so rather than being “fortune-telling”, it feels more like a curse now.


Someone will have to fight someone.

Depending on the situation, it may change to organization vs organization.

『The fortune-telling of Karen-chan regarding Nii-san ended with this. I expect that Nii-san will come home safely. Now, should I hand over the phone to Sakura-san again?』

– No, it’s fine.

『It’s not fine!』

It seems like she heard his voice.

He hears the voice of Sakura once again.

『Let me say one last thing to finish』

– One last thing…?

『Hayato, I love you. Let’s get married once you come back』

– Huh? What the…

『Are you shaking? You shouldn’t rise a death flag, you know』

– Stop joking! You know what, I’m hanging up!

Hearing the laughs and giggles, Hayato finished the call.

– Really, how far can your pranks go…?

Grieving again with a “yareyare”, Hayato took a shower then changed clothes to new shirt and pants.

He knows well that he’s liked by Sakura.

But he doesn’t know how serious she is…he thinks.

– I got tired pretty fast…

When he lay down on the bed with a *thud*, wearing a shirt and shorts only, and while being like that, the PDA began playing the singing voice of Sakura again.

(…is she again?)

With that in mind, and when he got up and picked up the PDA, it wasn’t the name of Karen nor Sakura the one displayed there, but the name of Emile.

When trying to press the call button, *KNOCK* *KNOCK*, the door sounds, and the incoming call is interrupted.

– Hayato, it’s almost time for the meeting… and, what’s with that music?

The voice of Emile that he heard was somewhat disgusted.

– I’m going to change clothes now, so please wait a bit.

Replied Hayato, then rapidly changed clothes and went outside, and he saw the appearance of Emile with a dissatisfying expression on her face.

– Sorry for, keep you waiting…

– Everyone seems to be gathering in the lobby. Let’s move.

Emile turned her face away and started walking towards the lobby.

Hayato also stepped forward, following her.

And after a silent time that lasted 10 seconds,

– … hold on, Hayato.

– What is it?

– It’s about the ringtone just now——

– I knew you were going to delve into that matter…

– Why are you saying that? And Why Hayato has set the song of Sakura as the PDA’s ringtone?

– Well, that… I lent the PDA to Sakura in the hospital room of Karen, so she set it under her own accord.

– Is that true?

Emile comes near him, pressing the question.

He saw that her eyes are slightly wet.

– I-it’s true! I don’t know why I have her song as my ringtone!

– Or is it something like a promise, or a symbol between you two? Because that’s how it is to me.

– I’m telling you, it’s not like that. If I return, then she’ll put the original ringtone. So believe me.

– … fine, if that’s the case, then I’ll believe Hayato who says so.

Saying so, Emile presented her left hand.

– Lend me the PDA. I’ll put back the original one.

Hayato unlocks the PDA by fingerprint authentication and handed it to Emile. While walking, Emile changes the ringtone.

– It should be fine with this.

Hayato received the PDA from Emile.

Emile did a phone call as a test.

The sound that was returning was the default one.

Sakura’s the one to blame, so it can’t be helped.

He was positive that he was going to feel safe for now, so there shouldn’t be any problems if he gets an incoming call in public in this way.

They finally reached the lobby and not only the members of the Student Council, but also Latia, Fritz, Shuemei and the other Slayers of Little Garden, as well as the people heading to the rally were gathered already there. According to the president, pickup cars are already in front of the hotel.

As they moved to that place, they could see three hired cars similar to the one that was in the Zwei Islands.

The members of the Student Council, Shuemei, the four Slayers of the Selections team and three other Slayers get into the cars.

– Come to think of it, where’s this meeting?

– I heard from the President-san before that it seems that is a venue built at the base camp of this operation that arrived in a personal airplane.

Fritz answers Emile’s question.

– Oh, that’s right. Is there going to be food of this country? I’d be happy if that’s the case. I like the food of Qin Empire.

– … you have cooking of Qin in Gudenburg?

– Yeah, there is.

Emile nods.

– The cooking of Qin has a strong flavor compared to the lightly seasoned cooking of Britannia. And I found them very tasty. So, I’d be happy if there’s cooking of Qin Empire.

They reached the base camp, the venue of the rally meeting that also served as a dinner party in 10 minutes.

The number of helicopters increased in comparison to when Hayato and the others came to this place.

It seems that there are going to be intervews, since they were able to see vehicles of TV stations.

– Oh! Looks like the venue of the rally is over there.

Latia looked towards the space that was surrounded by many tents.

A number of round tables were installed there, and a lot of Slayers and people who seem to be authorized gathered there too.

– Let’s go.

Everyone started walking into the noise.

There were still 15 minutes until the rally started, and around 100 people were gathered in the venue.

Including those who are getting ready, there will be 200 people in this place. The population density is high enough to make it impossible to see those who are at the other end of the venue.

Because the tables in the back were already crowded, the group of Little Garden decided to stand around the tables near the entrance of the venue.

– How many countries are participating in this operation?

– There are 15 participating organizations in total.

Erika replies to Hayato’s doubt.

– However, twelve organizations are dispatching Slayers and those are: Liberian Army, François Army, Rasiyan Army, Weimar Army, Britannia Integrated Army, Indica Army, Guernica Integrated Army, the Qin Empire Army, then come us, the Private Military Companies: Palladian, which is mainly active in Asian countries, Al-Salaam, which is mainly active in the Middle East and we, Little Garden, operate around Liberia and are the Slayers of Warslan headquarters.

Incidentally, Yamato, the country from which Hayato comes, is said to be participating in the operation. However, they didn’t dispatch Slayers. It seems they are performing transport of materials and medical treatment of injured people as logistical support.

– Oh, but if it isn’t Fritz?

While they were talking, one of the two young men with a western-style outward appearance suddenly called him out.

Because the national flag on their uniforms belongs to Liberia, apparently those guys are of the Liberian Army.

Fritz gave a loud voice as soon as he looked at the two.

– Michael-senpai, Kane-senpai! Are you both participating in this operation?

That tone of voice sounded as if they were very close, that’s what they could immediately understand*.

*TN: In fact, Fritz speaks in a formal tone, so I’m not sure if they are that familiar though xd he normally speaks in an informal way.

– Yeah, that’s right. After coming out of the dōjō together with Kane and entering the Slayer troops of the Liberian army three years ago——we finally reached the point where we were dispatched to large scale operations like this. By the way, we even slaughtered a lot of Savage already.

Saying that, the blonde hair white young man Michael showed proudly his white teeth. Next, the man with dark hair and dark skin that stands next to him, named Kane, opens his mouth.

– I heard from sensei that you enrolled in Little Garden, so there’s no doubt that this year has been the prime of your life, hmm? And going quite early to the battlefield too. Looks like Little Garden is running low of talented people and that their true strength isn’t that much either.

Tapping the shoulder of Fritz with one hand, Kane laughs loudly.

– No, that’s…

Maybe that was one of his jokes. Fritz couldn’t understand so. But the cheeks of Fritz twitched. Because Claire is nearby. He also takes a look at her expression with a sidelong glance. Then, without a moment’s delay, Latia cut into the conversation.

– Hey, Kane. Don’t make fun of Little Garden. Here’s why: our ability has increased. We won’t even lose against you now.

*Humph*, letting out her breath through her nose, Latia throws out her small chest.

– What, there was a small brat too? She was so small that I didn’t notice her. How someone small like you can fight against the Savage?

– Hey, don’t touch me!

Latia, who was about to be patted on the head by Kane, she dodged his hand in an instant.

It was there that Claire finally opened her mouth.

– Fritz Grantz, Latia Saint-Émillion, are they your acquaintances during your dōjō days desuno?

She squints and glares at the two Slayers.

– Err… well… yeah, our senpais of the dōjō days.

Fritz answered.

Kane, seeing Claire with shining eyes,

– Oh, such a beautiful lady we have here. Why didn’t you introduce us, Fritz? I’m Kane, a Slayer of the Liberian Army——

– Wait a moment, Kane. That woman is…

The expression of Michael who grabbed the shoulder of Kane who took a step forward to Claire was pale and his body was trembling with fear.

– Ah, what is it Michael? Why are you cowering in fear, huh?

– That woman is the Queen of Little Garden!

Michael puts his face close to the ear of Kane and called his attention with a firm yet low tone of voice.

Then, the blood instantaneously draws from the expression of Kane.

– I’m sorry, this guy is spouting nonsense. Come on Kane, apologize!

The hand of Michael pushed his head down and Kane apologized.

– I’m very sorry!

– I’m very sorry!

Immediately after him, Michael also bowed his head.

Although Fritz continued talking with the two cowering men after that, and after a while,

– It seems other acquaintances are over there, so we’ll go with these guys for a while, okay?

So, together with Latia, Kane and Michael, he went towards the circle where the Liberian Army was gathered.

– If you think about those two, it’s a wise decision, don’t you agree?

– They are very concerned about us.

Regarding Erika, Emile shows her consent.

That’s what Hayato also noticed.

While talking with Fritz and the others, they were pointing their eyes as if they were peeking the situation, glancing repeatedly this way.

– They seem to be very afraid of the President, but I don’t get why…

– That is because Claire-sama is the daughter of the president of Warslan Company.

It was Liddy who answered promptly the doubt of Hayato.

Warslan, who is controlling the defense industry of Liberia, is in a situation where mediations are possible with the Liberian army.

It seems to be considered simple as sent flying the head of a Slayer.

– In addition to that, there are a lot of people inside Liberia saying bad things towards Warslan, like they are snatching excellent Slayers that should be soldiers of Liberia, and that they are manipulating Liberia from behind the scenes. And that Claire-sama’s older brother, Juda-sama, who is also the company president of Warslan, is likely to be the next president of the next period.

– Incidentally, there are Slayers of Al-Salaam Company, the PMC of Middle East, over there.

As she’s saying so, adding one thing to another, Erika turns her eyes to a certain group.

There are people of darkish skin in that place.

Hayato and the others also turned their eyes to that place.

– In the West and Middle East, although their place of activities is different from us, there’s no mistake that they are our competitors.

At that moment, they had the impression that one of the Slayers of Al-Salam noticed their gazes.

– Certainly, their animosities are evident, huh.

Emile reveals her impression.

– Nevertheless, don’t cause a fight. We only have to make a display of our ability on the battlefield desu.

Before long, a gray-haired man appeared on the stage, grabbed the microphone and started greeting.

The venue, which was bustling, gets completely silent in an instant.

– I am the commander of the UN Peacekeeping Forces, and the one leading the operation this opportunity, Acel Besançon from François Kingdom. I would like to express my gratitude to the Qin Empire, to each of the troops gathered in this place, to the organizations of Slayers and to all the people involved in this operation.

Following the greeting, the commander tells them that this rally meeting was prepared to deepen the friendship among the armies and organizations.

They noticed that women were appearing in the venue, wearing a red dress that had large cuts in the knees*, handed down by the Qin Empire.

They are holding a tray that had several glasses on it with their hands.

– Dere’s (There’s) a variety of beers, jyususu (juices)and shaoxingjiu* wine. Which uan (one) will you want?

They asked them with their local accent.

Though the shape of the glasses were the same, there seemed to be various kinds of drinks inside them.

– We are minors, so alcohol is absolutely prohibited, but you can choose whatever you like other than that desuwayo.

– In that case, I’ll go with this.

Following the advice of the president, Emily quickly picked up a glass with orange juice.

Hayato also picks the same and turns his eyes to the stage once again.

Acel, the commander, as well as everybody else, received a glass containing frothy foamed beer.

– The sortie will be tomorrow afternoon. Why don’t you deepen your friendship to the point that you, the Slayers, will not be affected by the search-and-destroy operation? I sincerely hope you don’t overdo it and act carelessly——with that said, let’s pray for the success of this joint operation——cheers!

– Cheers!!

Toasting with Emile and the vice presidents who turned their glasses following Acel’s shouting, he and the president are the last ones to make a toast.

Dance performed by women of the Qin Empire, accompanied by ethnic music, is developing on the stage in the venue.

– Hmm? The president is drinking wine?

Emile asked so because it looked like the president was drinking wine from the glass.

– It is not masuwa. It contains white grape juice desu.

Answering, Claire continued.

– By the way, I got to know this recently, but your rooms at the hotel are next to each other, correct desuwayone?

– Yes, they are, so what about it?

– I imagine that you understand but visiting each other’s room is of course prohibited desuwayo. If that happens, I will have to give you severe punishment masu.

– And why? We aren’t doing anything strange.

– I can’t trust your words masenwa. Besides, if you weren’t doing strange things, then it shouldn’t be necessary to visit each other’s room desuwayo.

Saying that clearly, Claire turned her back on Emile.

– Then, we will greet the people of the UN Peacekeeping Forces and respond the interviews of the TV stations masuwa. Particularly you, Emile Crossford. Even if people of other countries and organizations say something, you should never get in a fight… understood desuwane?

Making sure of it, Claire went to greet with Liddy and Erika.

– Humph, I know that, you don’t have to say those things more than once. Besides, I don’t want to stand out too much.

Emile turned her back on Claire, distancing herself, then spat out and turned sulky, and right after that,

– Well then, I’ll be off for a while too.

With a complete change and saying that with a cheerful voice, she tried to walk towards the circle of Slayers.

It’s there that Hayato grasps her shoulder in a hurry.

– Wait a moment, where are you going so suddenly? Are you going to greet the guys of your country?

She was just told by the President to not be careless.

He doesn’t think that she will cause any problem right away, but because he was worried, he thinks that it might be better if he accompanied her.

– That’s not it. I definitely don’t want to say hello to the Britannia Integrated Army.

– If so, where are you going, huh?

– I’m just going to get some food. So, just wait here with confidence, Hayato. Because I’m going to choose some delicious-looking things!

Hayato sees off Emile who’s separating from the table, feeling relieved.

Following that, the other girl who remained in this place opened her mouth.

– Kisaragi-san, I will also go and greet for a minute. There should be friends of mine in the back unit of the Qin Empire’s army.

Shuemei also left the table, and Hayato became alone.

(Wha-what do I do…?)

There’s only people he doesn’t know around him.

He also hesitates to start a conversation.

Since there’s nothing else he can do, he asked the female waitress who happened to pass by if he could get oolong tea to drink, right when Emile was coming back with two round big trays on her hands.

– Thanks for waiting, Hayato.

– Yeah, welcome back.

Honestly, he was grateful that she was coming back this fast.

Emile puts the trays cramped with dishes that had a lot of food on the table.

Hayato decides to receive the oolong tea of Emile from the female waitress who’s serving them.

This as thanks for going and getting food.

– Well then, shall we eat?

Emile loosened her mouth so much, to the point that she looked like she was drooling, looking at the dishes placed on the table.

Hayato begins to prepare gyoza* for two people using a small dish placed in the center of the table and seasonings like soy sauce, chili oil and vinegar.

– Here.

– Thanks.

In response, she pierced the gyoza with a fork, dipping it into the tare* she received and put it into her mouth.

Chopsticks are also provided, but the western people like Emile weren’t very good at it, so she ate the gyoza with a fork.

– Uwaa, this is a real gyoza, it’s delicious.

Emile looks happy, enough to relax her cheeks with a slovenly appearance.

Hayato also grabbed the gyoza with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

– Oh, it’s true. It’s very good.

Not only the gyoza.

Yodare* chicken and sugatani* of shark’s fin, yakuzen* soup and so on, it was impossible for the dishes to not be super delicious, so Emile is eating them very satisfactorily.

– This Peking duck is also deliciou〜s. The food of Qin Empire is the best.

Emile carries the food one after another into her stomach.

Going beyond the admiration, her impetus was enough to leave him astonished.

– You sure eat properly, huh…?

– Because this is to replenish energy, you know.

– Even if you say that, we haven’t used sense energy recently so…

You are reading story Hundred at

Hayato smiled bitterly and,

– Emilia-sama!

There, a suddenly voice called her out.

It’s a woman’s voice.

– Eh…?

The movement of Emile stops.

Hayato does the same.

(Did she say Emilia right now?)

That’s the real name of Emile Crossford who is eating with Hayato.

When Hayato turned his eyes towards the one who gave that voice, he saw a girl with bobbed, light brown hair that is rushing over to where they are.

She’s short, has a baby face, but is wearing a blue uniform.

She belongs to the Integrated Army of Britannia.

– Uh-oh…

Like Hayato, Emile, who saw the appearance of the girl, raised her voice, and put the fork and knife in a panic on the table.

Looking at her, Hayato thought.

(Does this mean that she’s an acquaintance of Emilia in Gudenburg?)

He wonders so, since it’s very probable due to the uniform.

If that’s the case, then this is very problematic.

Only Hayato, the president and the vice presidents, those four people, the members of Little Garden, know that Emile Crossford is actually a woman and that her name is Emilia Hermit.

There are a lot of people apart from them in that place.

– Let’s run away, Hayato.

As a matter of course, and in the blink of an eye, Emile turned her back on the girl that is heading this way, so she tries to walk towards the exit of the rally place, but it was too late to move.

– I wanted to meet you, Emilia-sama——!

The girl clung tightly to the back of Emile.

– Emilia-sama, Emilia-sama, Emilia-sama!

The girl is rubbing her upper body against the body of Emile like a dog.

–  Stop, and I don’t know such Emilia. My name is Emile Crossford!

Emile tries desperately to pull apart the body of the girl, but she doesn’t give up.

Naturally, the gazes of their surroundings were directed to Emile and the girl.

What’s happening over there? Some people came close to them.

– What are you saying? Even if you look like a man, even if you are saying something to me like “Boku”, even if it were a relative of Emilia-sama, these eyes of mine, her disciple, cannot be deceived!

– Argh fine but be quiet!

– Ngh, gg, ngh〜〜〜!

Emile rapidly closed the mouth of the girl.

– Let’s get away from this place for now. I want to talk calmly in a place where there’s nobody. Hayato, come with us.

– O-okay…

Emile was also noticing the surrounding eyes.

Certainly, it’s risky to be in this place.

They don’t know that there’s a girl in front of their eyes, but it’s obvious that this will get way worse if they keep talking in this place.

– Claudia, you are coming with me, right?

– Of course, since it is a request of Emilia-sama!

– I’m telling you, don’t call me Emilia!

Thus, Hayato decided to leave the venue of the rally meeting with Emile Crossford aka Emilia Hermit and the mysterious girl named Claudia.

– … so, what do you want?

Hayato and the girls asked the soldiers of the UN Peacekeeping Forces to drive them in a car, with that, they returned to the town area, and by following the proposal of Emile whose stomach wasn’t full yet, they entered a small restaurant.

For the time being, the staff are in the venue, and they think that this place is better than the hotel where they can be asked by their acquaintances, therefore making the story even more complicated.

– Well, even if you say “what I want”, my name is Kisaragi Hayato and——

– Hayato is my classmate in my Little Garden.

Emile complemented, extending her hand to Hayato who answers while being embarrassed.

– So, Claudia. Before asking a person for their name, you should give your name first.

– If Emilia-sama says so…

Then, Claudia clears her throat with a cough and,

– I am Claudia Lowetti. I am a Slayer belonging to the Imperial Army of Britannia and the childhood friend of Emilia-sama.

– Childhood friend?

– I just taught her how to use the Hundred for just a minute in Gudenburg. Before that, we only met here and there for a few seconds.

While Emile supplemented so, the ordered goods arrived.

Everyone had the same, chilling tantanmen*

Its appearance is different from the common tantanmen seen in Yamato, as it has no juice. It has noodles mixed with minced meat, green onions as vegetables and seasoned with spicy sauce; it’s similar to a mazesoba*

– Thanks for the food.

And, Emile slurps the noodles.

Hayato and Claudia also began to slurp the noodles.

Even though h ate a fairly quantity at the venue of the rally meeting, the spiciness of the noodles stimulates his appetite, fitting into the stomach of Hayato one after another.

Four chairs are on the square table.

Emile is on the front of Hayato across the table and Claudia is sitting diagonally to the right of him.

– Nevertheless, Claudia joined the army, and came to this joint operation, yes?

– It’s thanks to Emilia-sama who trained me that I joined the army. Because of that, I volunteered myself for this operation.

Claudia continued, stopping her hand and the slurping.

– In fact, since the figure of Emilia-sama disappeared from Gudenburg, I was always looking for her whereabouts. At that time, I caught sight of a bulletin board on the cybernet about a rumor of a Slayer using a phantasmagoric weapon when fighting the Savage in the Zwei Islands——

– I see, so that’s the reason.

Emile sighs profoundly.

– It was then when I understood. That’s definitely Emilia-sama.

Apparently, someone who was in the Zwei Islands and was watching the fighting style of Emile, wrote information about it on the net’s bulletin board that such person was using a strange Hundred from Little Garden.

There, Hayato remembered what he heard at that time, about that conversation with Sakura.

Sakura has a video of Hayato.

Claudia found her way to Emile with the bulletin board.

Hayato thinks that the net is truly terrifying.

– I investigated information of Little Garden after that. The intelligence department of the Kingdom of Gudenburg also moved.

– The intelligence department you say…

– … that is to say, the country is seriously searching for me, isn’t it?

– Exactly. The disappearance of the hidden princess, Emilia Gudenburg, hasn’t been made public yet, so that’s why Gudenburg wanted to deal secretly with this.

– *Spits out*!

Hayato spouts out the water that was contained in his mouth without thinking, being choked by that.

– Hayato, are you okay!?

– Ye-yeah…

*Cough* *Cough*, while still coughing, Hayato replied.

There’s something he wants to ask more than anything.

– More importantly, what does she mean with 《hidden princess》…?

– Err… well… I’m sorry…

Laughing with a “ahaha”, Emile hung her head.

– Why are you saying sorry…?

– To be honest, I’ve been keeping something in secret from Hayato in the last 10 years.

– Eh…?

*Ba-dump*, his heart beats fast.

From some time ago, he had been suspecting that Emilia kept something in secret.

Then, that secret was the story about her being a 《hidden princess》?

– Hayato, will you listen to me?

– Ye-yeah…

Hayato nodded after swallowing spit.

Gazing firmly at the face of Hayato, Emile opens her mouth.

– The name that I gave you at that time, Emilia Hermit, is not my real name. My real name is Emilia Gudenburg.

– Emilia Gudenburg…?

– It’s the same name as the country of Gudenburg, and the family name of the royalty. That means that I’m descending from the King of Gudenburg.

– Then that means that, you are a “princess”…?

Emile nods.

It seems she is the《hidden princess》.

– … hahaha, I thought that you were a daughter of a high-class family from the dress at that time, but, to think that you are indeed a princess…

Hayato could do nothing else but to laugh like that.

To think that he was enjoying himself with the princess of Gudenburg…

– But, even if I’m saying that I’m the “princess” and the third one, I was robbed of the name of Gudenburg and I was given the name of Hermit, so I don’t think it’s a big deal.

– Emilia-sama, that is…

The expression of Claudia turns depressed.

– It’s fine, since I’ll tell everything to Hayato on this occasion.

– … tell you say? There’s more?

– Kisaragi Hayato, do you know that the Federation of Britannia consists of four countries, yes?

It was Claudia who asked that question.

– The Kingdom of Gudenburg, the Kingdom of Scotia, the Kingdom of Wenz and the Kingdom of Alicia, right? I was taught that in elementary school and I also studied it by looking at the map before going to Little Garden.

– … if so, you also know that the relationships between those four countries is basically bad, don’t you?

– I’ve learned a bit about it in world history classes. Certainly, the war over 300 years ago has left some traces, correct?

– Affirmative. If you know that much, then you also know that the Kingdom of Wenz is really on bad terms with Gudenburg, no?

– No, I didn’t know to that extent, but…

– The Kingdom of Gudenburg, the Kingdom of Scotia and the Kingdom of Alicia were invaded by those who came from the continent before the medieval times and created a country. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Wenz is a country of people that inherited the blood of the natives who lived on the island of Britannia, so their races were different from the start.

– That’s why the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Wenz are people that respect their traditions and the customs of the aboriginals, unlike the people of the other three countries. In other words, they are the inhabitants of the old Britannia Island.

Emile added so.

Subsequently, Claudia opens her mouth again.

– But because of that, they failed to keep up with the industrial revolution that happened in the 18th century and now they are being despised by the other three countries, they are being told things like barbarians, bumpkins, etc.

– They did massive killings of aborigines, even though the barbarians they drove away were themselves.

Emile spat out that out of nowhere.

– It’s unusual for the princess of Gudenburg to speak and stand from the side of Wenz. Why is that?

At any rate, when talking about Wenz, Emile was showing strange emotions, she seemed to be angry and then delightful.

– That’s because, as a matter of fact, my mother was born in Wenz.

With that said, that she was born in Wenz is unusual, and the reason is that she was attending the university of Gudenburg. During that time, she met Granald Gudenburg, who was the prince of Gudenburg, and fell in love.

However, their love wasn’t allowed, of course. Because Prince Granald had a fiancé, the Princess of the Kingdom of Scotia.

– Even so, my father continued his friendship with my mother in secrecy and gave birth to me. It seems that every one of the royal families, as well as the higher-ups, were at a complete loss. Fundamentally because it’s no good for the Kingdom of Gudenburg to have a child that is tied together with a woman of the Kingdom of Wenz, due to the right of blood of Gudenburg.

Therefore, the girl that was born was named Emilia by them, and together with her mother, were confined in a residence in the outskirts of Gudenburg.

– After that, the health of my mother got worse and passed away, so I was taken back to the central part of Gudenburg, but I was also confined there. Still, I could go outside freely to a certain extent. It was then that I met Hayato.

– But, wait a moment. The royalty of Gudenburg wanted to hide the existence of Emilia, right? Then, it’s necessary for you to bring her back, correct?

– … it is just as you said.

It was Claudia who answered with a mysterious expression.

– Right now, Emilia-sama is in a politically important position. I don’t want to do it, but it’s for her own sake…

While looking at her, the facial expression of Emile also became gloomy.

Wondering what is happening here, Hayato swallowed saliva.

– If it becomes to this, then it’s fine if you want to talk about the matter in question.

– I said we were going to tell everything, right?

– Understood, if that’s the case, then I will talk.

Claudia began to talk again after receiving the reply of Emile.

– As a matter of fact, when it comes to Slayers, the people of the Kingdom of Wenz have more of them than Gudenburg and the other two Kingdoms. It is said that the primary factor for that are the big fragments of meteorites that fell into the Kingdom of Wenz during the First Attack.

Therefore, now the position of the Kingdom of Wenz is strengthening among the major four countries that form Britannia.

Thereupon, Hayato remembered what the president said before, and that is related to this story: 『The change of the power balance of the world due to the Slayers』

– So, the Kingdom of Gudenburg is thinking of strengthening the relationship between them and Wenz by marrying the third Prince of Wenz and Emilia-sama who has blood of Wenz and who is also an excellent Slayer. If the Kingdom does so, it will be in a more politically superior position than the other three countries, and the Kingdom of Gudenburg can acquire a lot of Slayers. It is a relationship where both win. That’s why this plan achieves even more prosperity and stability to Britannia, don’t you agree?

– But, I don’t care in the slightest such a thing.

Suddenly, Emile spat out something like that.

– Isn’t the worst, to suddenly try and take charge of me, when they dealt with me as if I was an unwanted child until now, because my utility value has “grown”? Aside from that, no one will listen to my opinion.

– I also share that opinion. The matter with the Prince of Wenz is, to be honest, the opposite. However, all that Emilia-sama has to do is to return to Gudenburg. If the person who has the blood of Wenz is in Gudenburg, then the negotiations with Wenz, and the relationship between each other will…

– I already said that I don’t care in the slightest such a thing. Both Britannia and Gudenburg, I simply don’t care, okay?

– Then, please return for me.

– …eh?

– I love Emilia-sama.

– No, Claudia… what are you saying…

– Because, Emilia-sama is the only one who has never look down on me. Besides raising me as the Slayer I am now…

– But that’s an overestimation of Claudia towards me. I just wanted to practice my Hundred, so I merely wanted a person to keep me company.

– Umm, what are you talking about?

Hayato throws a question, because this was incomprehensible to him.

– Actually, I was practicing together with Claudia while I was secretly receiving teachings about how to use the Hundred from Charlotte.

– I wasn’t good at exercising, my reaction value of the Hundred wasn’t high, so I dropped out from the dōjō and Emilia-sama tempered me thoroughly until I joined the army.

– But, that was because I also wanted to practice myself. Moreover, Claudia is a girl of the house who’s a relative of the royal family, and who knew about me…

– Notwithstanding, I am grateful. Instead of secretly doing practice of the Hundred, you taught me how to use the Hundred. I truly believe that meeting you was like a miracle. Coincidentally, I met Emilia-sama while practicing at night…

– As for me, I was surprised because I didn’t expect at all to get to know someone who would come to practice at night so…

Emile sighs deeply.

– But I’m grateful. I really am. From the bottom of my heart. For this reason, I wanted to serve Emilia-sama. And In order to do that, I joined the army to get stronger, so Emilia-sama could spend her days easier, trying to reform Gudenburg…

– I realized the readiness of Claudia.

– If so, will you come back to Guudenburg? And then, together with me in Gudenburg——

– No, I can’t do that. At any rate, I like Hayato as much as I think Claudia likes me. So, I’m not returning to Gudenburg. Tell that to the royal family as well.

– Hey, wait…

– In other words, because of that man, Emilia-sama says that she will not return to Gudenburg, yes?

Claudia stares at Hayato.

– Hey, I’m not saying that.

– If so, Kisaragi Hayato, let’s wager Emilia-sama with a duel——

– … huh?

*Clatter*, the emptied porcelain bowl made a sound on the table.

Claudia stood up and points her index finger to Hayato.

He feels that he has the memory of having done this somehow, so he remembered that he was challenged to a duel by Claire in the middle of the entrance ceremony.

– Don’t “huh” me, Kisaragi Hayato. If I win, I will bring Emilia-sama back to Gudenburg. But in case you win the match, then Emilia-sama will stay here.

– it’s troubling that you are saying such a thing to me. Besides, I don’t understand the development of this anymore…

– It’s a simple story. Emilia-sama seems to be mortified for falling in love with you.

– Well, falling in love you say…?

– Am I wrong?

– Um, I’m falling in love.

Emilia smiles carelessly.

– Hold on a second, why are you adding fuel to the fire!?

– It’s fine, I like how this is flowing.

Emile muttered with a small voice into the ear of Hayato.

He has no idea what she meant.

Maybe what she was saying is that she will become submissive once he shows off his true strength?

– I understand, Kisaragi Hayato. If that’s the case, let me show you how good-for-nothing and powerless you are, puling you out of the heart of Emilia-sama.

– Umm, calm down a bit. We are going to participate in the operation starting tomorrow, right? We’ll exhaust our energy if we have a duel now. We even were prohibited by the President to use it so…

– Of course, I also have a good idea. Do you know if there’s a Slayer’s gym* in this town?

– I know one, but…

– Then, there is no problem. In every gym there should be practice weapons of the same shape as the 100 kinds of weapons which are the basic forms of the Hundred. Let’s have a battle with those. There will be one rule. How about having a battle that is transmitted from the medieval times in the Kingdom of Gudenburg, which is the victory for giving a blow with the weapon? It goes without saying that we won’t use sense energy.

– Certainly, that won’t have an impact on you for the operation from tomorrow.

– That may be true but…

– Hayato, accept the match.

– What?

– If it’s Hayato, I’m sure you can win.

– Even if you say I can win, isn’t that a problem?

Emile brings near her face to the ear of the bewildered Hayato.

– Listen, Hayato. This is a good opportunity. If Hayato wins, let’s make Claudia to promise us to never come back again.

– I see…

He can comprehend the thinking of Emile.

But, can he really win?

– How’s her skill?

– Well, taking into consideration that is higher when comparing it to the time when I taught her, I suppose that her skill is a bit lower than Fritz and Latia.

– Then, that’s no good, I guess?

At any rate, those two aren’t Variant, and their skill was enough to let them enter Selections, despite being first-years.

– But, if you don’t use energy, you have more chances to win. No, if it’s Hayato, the victory is completely yours. Hayato is definitely above her physical ability, and after going back to Yamato from Gudenburg, you were doing kendo, right? Besides, Hayato has that.

– … Emilia-sama, what are you talking so secretly?

Claudia glares at them.

That made Emile stop her ongoing conversation.

– So, Kisaragi Hayato. Are you up to the challenge?

Hayato looks at the face of Emile.

It was written on it that her answer was yes.

– … I’ll do it.

If it’s about Emile winning, then perhaps she has some reasons for that… probably. Surely. He wants to believe so*.

– Then, let’s fight immediately. I’m sure the place of the dōjō is——

Claudia picked out the PDA from her pocket.

She launches the map app and confirms its location.

– Come to think of it, Emilia-sama, you have changed all your contact details. Could you please tell me your new phone number and email address?

– Once again, I’m not Emilia, here I’m Emile Crossford. So don’t call me “Emilia”. And I’m not telling you my number.

When Emile said so, the expression of Claudia became instantaneously grim.

– Well then, please tell me about them if I win the fight against Kisaragi Hayato.

– Fine. Only if you win.

– I have identified the location, so let’s go.

Claudia started walking to lead Emile and Hayato, but she immediately turned around, looking at Hayato,

– Kisaragi Hayato, I will definitely win.

While walking towards the dōjō, Hayato asked Emile, with an almost whispering voice.

– … so, which are the reasons that I can win?

– Hayato is a Variant, and Claudia is a regular Slayer. Hayato has become able to activate freely the ability of the Variant in the past week. So you can definitely win if you use it. In other words, this isn’t even a duel.

– Isn’t even a duel, you say——

He understands the words of Emile, but there are too much things to be involved with.

– That means that she has no idea about me being a Variant?

– I haven’t talked about that with her, that goes for the ordinary people and the Slayers too, since only a handful of people know about the Variants.

– Oh, I see…

– I have the feeling that it will be difficult for her to get into it. As for me, I think it’s a good idea, like killing two birds with a stone.

– After all, you are a little sly, isn’t it? But if I activate the ability of the Variant, then the amount of consumption of energy will rise above basal metabolism. It’s the same as using energy, right?

– But the amount of energy used in a portion of the metabolism is different from person to person. In my case, it’s considerable higher than most people. Because that portion only increases, I don’t mess with it while using it. If it’s triggered for only an instant, then it shouldn’t be significantly consumed, and with a night’s sleep you should be fine.

– Effectively you could say that but…

– What? Then Hayato is saying that it’s fine for me to go back to Gudenburg?

– I didn’t say anything like that…

After a while, they saw the dōjō for Slayers.

It’s a wooden building, it looked like the kendo hall where Hayato attended.

At the entrance door, a girl is cleaning with a broom.

It’s Mei Fan, one of the two people who met by chance with Shuemei at noon.

It looks like she noticed the presence of Hayato and the others, since she’s quickly bowing and raising her head.

– Greetings, we haven’t seen since noon. Did something happen that you are in this place?

It was Emile who answered that question.

– Actually, we have a small request.

– … a request?

– If it’s fine with you, can you let us use the ring, please?

– Eh…?

Towards Mei Fan who is perplexed, Emile began to talk about the duel that Hayato and Claudia have. Naturally, they aren’t going to use their Hundred.

– If that is the case, I think that there are no issues even if there is no permission from the teachers or the dōjō head but…. I will ask Bakuei who is cleaning inside.

Bakuei is the name of the boy they met during midday.

Mei Fan rushed into the dōjō and came back right away.

– Bakuei said if you do not use your Hundred, it should not be a problem. There is nobody aside from us here now, so please do not worry about anything.

Hayato and the girls set foot into the dōjō, following the lead of Mei Fan.

The interior is the same as the exterior, it definitely looks like a kendo hall. A white boundary line of around 5 meters by 5 meters is drawn on the wooden floor. That’s where the match will take place.

– The armory is this way.

They move to the armory with the guide of Mei Fan.

Even though there were imitations made entirely from wood, there was a variety of swords and spears, as well as things like guns and bullets, everything was crammed and cramped.

– The amount is amazing…

It was Bakuei who’s hearing by chance the murmur of Hayato and knitted his brows.

– What, how can you be so surprised with this?

If you are a Slayer, then you should be saying that you have seen this much already.

Mei Fan, looking flustered, hit the head of Bakuei.

– Bakuei! Do not utter discourtesy to the Slayers!

*Slap*, a violent sound echoes.

– Kisaragi-san, I really lament the impoliteness that was uttered by Bakuei.

And, Mei Fan bowed deeply her head.

– You too Bakuei, lower your head properly.

– I’m sorry…

Urged by Mei Fan, Bakuei bowed his head.

– No, don’t worry about that, raise your head. And to be honest, it’s my first time coming to a place like this.

– Does that mean that Kisaragi-san is not from a dōjō?

– I was attending a dōjō where I was doing kendo, but I didn’t attend one related to the Hundred.

– And yet, you are participating in the search-and-destroy operation of the Savage, correct? Just like Shuemei-nee-chan said, you are truly amazing.

The eyes of Bakuei that are looking at Hayato changed to a gaze of envy.

Looking that, Emile said very contented,

– Yup, Hayato is amazing.

– Hey, don’t say unnecessary things…

– Take it easy.

– Oh! I’ve found a weapon that suits me well.

While Hayato was having a talk with the youngsters, Claudia, who continued searching in the storehouse, seemed to have found a weapon she uses.

What she has in her hand is something that has a sphere at the end of the chain——it’s something that looks like a hammer throw, the ones found at the track-and-field events.

. That resembles the form of your Hundred?

– Exactly. My Hundred is a Crusher type. The form of the weapon is a hammer. So, Kisaragi Hayato, what’s the form and weapon of your Hundred?

– My Hundred is a Chevalier type, the weapon is a sword.

While answering, Hayato picked up a bamboo sword.

– Are you okay with that? Compared to Hien, it’s quite small and thin…

Emile was showing an expression that said Why don’t you pick a bigger sword, huh?

Certainly, in this storehouse there’s a metal fake sword that resembles the shape of Hienrather than the bamboo sword.

But Hayato intentionally chose the bamboo sword.

– In Yamato I used this for the practice of fencing, so I’m fine with it.

– … if so, it’s your choice. I don’t want any complaints after this.

Hayato grasped tightly the bamboo sword, and left the storehouse with Claudia, then moved to the match ring.

– Are you really sure? Even the length of the weapon is quite short compared to Hien…

Emile looks very worried.

Maybe he only gives his all when his life is on the line?

– Yeah, I’m really sure.

Hayato replied with confidence, and like Claudia, he moved to the ring, they are facing each other with a distance of about 3 meters.

(As expected, the bamboo sword doesn’t fit in my hands, but Hien isn’t easy to use either…)

He remembered when he was bending and stretching, just before he started practicing kendo.

I want to become strong.

To not lose my important people.

To never be apart from them again.

Hayato took the bamboo sword in one of his hands, because of the Second Attack that occurred in Gudenburg.

The sudden encounter of the Savage.

Separating from the girl he was worried about.

And now, in order to protect the girl of that time, he decided to do it like this, by taking a bamboo sword——

– … why are you laughing?

– No, it’s nothing.

Even though it’s different from the form he was imagining, that time is definitely connected to the present.

There’s no way that he could say such an embarrassing thing, but he thought that what he has done so far it hasn’t been for nothing, and so, his mouth spontaneously relaxed.

Besides, he smiles till here.

From here on, he must become serious.

– I’m curious about it, but it’s okay. Well then, shall we start the match?

– Yeah, let’s do it.

Hayato readies the bamboo sword in an overhead position.

It’s his first time in a long time doing this stance.

When looking towards Claudia who’s standing in front of him, she began to spin the wooden sphere with the movement of her arm.

– Boy, can you give the start?

– Ah, yes!

Replying, Bakuei straightened his hand towards the ceiling.

– Welll then——start!

At the same time Bakuei swung downward the arm, the match started, but neither Hayato nor Claudia moved.

They are fixedly staring at each other.

– Aren’t you coming?

Claudia said in order to provoke him.

Still, Hayato doesn’t move.

– If you don’t come, then I’ll go towards you!

It’s Claudia who got tired of waiting and rushed out.

– How about this, Kisaragi Hayato!

He dodged with a back step the hammer that was released from overhead towards the ground, but Claudia advances a step further and started to attack in succession, drawing a cross-like shape from left to right.

Hayato dodged it while rolling horizontally.

– Kuh, this guy is quick!

She shouts with frustration, but her attack doesn’t stop there.

Hayato avoided it and steps forwards, then Claudia sweeps down the hammer again.

Hayato crouched down, rolls horizontally like he did moments ago and avoids the hammer.

And then, he tries to slash at the body of Claudia that is full of gaps.

– It’s not enough!

– Wha…!!

The bamboo sword was heavily weighted.

While looking at it, the chain is wrapped around the bamboo sword.

Claudia coiled the chain around it, using the centrifugal force thanks to the weight of the wooden ball.

– What’s wrong? You can’t move with this?

*Jari*, the chain makes a sound.

In that situation, the body of Hayato approaches Claudia.

Otherwise, the bamboo sword would break, so he couldn’t go against her.

(Dammit, what do I do…?)

If this continues, Claudia will do as she pleases.

– This is the end, Kisaragi Hayato!

– Kkh…!

The chain sounds for a second time.

The bamboo sword makes a creaking sound without breaking, and his body looks like is about to float.

Thereupon, the chain was suddenly loosened.

– Uwaah!

Hayato lost his balance due to the sudden pace and falls on his backside on the floor.

Of course, Hayato stands up, but Claudia won’t wait for him to adjust his stance.

– This is it!

She has the intention to decide the match here.

Shouting, Claudia raised high overhead the wooden ball.

(If it has come to this, it can’t be helped….)

He wanted to win without the ability of the Variant if possible, but he’s not in a situation where he can say such a thing.

If he loses, he will be separated from Emile.

(…I’m against that… so…!)

This moment is when he activated the ability of the Variant.

He seems to appeal to himself and,


His heart beat fast.

In a split second, the eyes of Hayato changed from black to golden color and began to release an intense brilliance.

The scenery in front of the eyes of Hayato changed completely.

His field of vision isn’t gold-colored.

The movement of everything became slow, so not only Claudia, but also the children, Emile and the movement of the approaching wooden ball can be perceived completely with his eyes.

He senses that 1 second became 30 seconds.

And still, the speed of his movement doesn’t change.

Hayato stood up, making sure to straighten up his back, then swung the bamboo sword horizontally to the half of the top and bottom of her body, towards the torso of Claudia.

At the same time, the world returns to its original speed as well as the response of the victory transmitted from both arms.

The color of the eyes of Hayato also returned from golden to their original black.

– …ah.

Claudia falls with a thud on the floor while leaking a small scream from her mouth.

– The match has ended!

Bakuei shouted, with the hand stretched to the ceiling.

– Yay, as expected of Hayato!

He guesses she couldn’t endure the joy.

Emile jumped to Hayato who’s taking a breath.

– Hey, stop it, the kids are looking at us with weird eyes!

The face of Hayato turns deep red and pulls her body apart.

– Ah, I’m sorry. It’s just…

*Ahaha*, while rubbing her head, she brought her lips close to the ear of Hayato and whispered.

– It seems like it went smoothly, isn’t it?

– That’s true, but…

Hayato points his eyes to Claudia who’s groaning on the floor.

– … are you okay?

Hayato extended his hand, approaching Claudia.

However, she never grabbed it.

On the contrary, she glares at Hayato,

– …you can’t stand by yourself without borrowing your strength!

Saying that, she stood up.

Drops of tears can be seen on the corner of her eyes.

– … about what we discussed, Claudia. Don’t think that you can try to take me back to Gudenburg from now on.

Emile asserts mercilessly, as if to destroy any possible hopes,

– No!

Claudia replied, turning her face away.

– What do you mean with “no”? That’s not what you promised!

– Because Kisaragi Hayato is a sneaky person!

– Eh?

– A sneaky person?

A surprised expression appears on the facial expression of Emile and Hayato.

They thought that maybe she found out that he used the ability of the Variant, but it seems that that’s not the case.

– I don’t get it but, he was weird!

Claudia shouted and continued her words.

– Otherwise, I wouldn’t have lost to you.

– No, that…

It wasn’t because she discovered that he used the ability of the Variant, but because she just doesn’t want to admit that she has lost.

The fact that she doesn’t understand properly the situation, they don’t know if that’s convenient or not.

– I will absolutely expose your cunning deeds. Time is necessary for that. So, postpone the result of this duel until then!

Page 155

– Ah, hey!

– Claudia!

*Criiiiiiiiiiiieeeeees*, with a crying voice, Claudia jumped out of the dōjō.

– In short, that means I didn’t win the match now?

Emile murmured with a bewildered appearance.

– You did use the ability of the Variant, and what she was saying isn’t mistaken, so…

– I feel that this has become even more troublesome somehow.

– To begin with, it’s your fault. You said that I had to accept the duel.

– Um, but I thought that I could stay forever by the side of Hayato with this …

Murmuring in a small voice so that she couldn’t be heard by Bakuei or Mei Fan, Emile sighed profoundly.

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