
Chapter 33: Volume 5 - CH 5

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Joker / Mortal Combat / Liza and Karen

– Claire-sama, apparently has been discovered in the subway of one of the apartments in the slum in the third district of Sangria, a laboratory that has been kept hidden with scientists who have restarted the Homunculus. It is guaranteed that this happened recently.

– I see, it’s because this information comes from Gudenburg.

It was the Student Council President, in the underground of the school of the martial arts department of Little Garden, Claire Harvey, who received the report from the Vice President of the Student Council, Erika Candle. A couple of hours ago there was a report with the result of the duel from Gudenburg.

Along with the victory of Kisaragi Hayato, the information regarding the Homunculus was transmitted.

Dr. Charlotte analyzed the information obtained by the intelligence unit of Little Garden, and it is understood that the third Prince of the Wenz Kingdom, Douglas Edward Wenz, was the one who released the Homunculus in the city of Sangria.

The information obtained by the Gudenburg side was very large, coming from the three of them.

Homunculus is a decisive weapon to fight against Little Garden, created by Vitaly Tynyanov, her [Trump Card] Joker. Its shape is similar to that of a human being, but inside, it is very close to that of a Savage.

And now, they had the location where the scientists who had unleashed Joker in the city of Sangria were.

– Is it possible to stop the Homunculus?

– No, [Joker is completely autonomous, there is nothing that can be done] was informed to me.

That scientist says that Joker awoke in response to the Hundred of the Slayers, when Wenz’s troops entered to investigate inside the bases left by Vitaly. Then, they gave him the Hundred and went crazy.

He released a strong Sense Energy from his body to open a large hole in the sky of the cave where the laboratory was located, so he ran out of strength, and collapsed.

Then Douglas assured him, woke him up at the base he had already prepared, and in return for giving him Variable Stone, he would take revenge on Little Garden for murdering Vitaly, his creator.

Joker aligned with that proposal.

– That means that it’s Joker who’s hunting the Slayers and attacking Little Garden at the same time, and he’s giving his thanks to those who revived him and fed him with Hundred?

– No, I don’t think that is something like that.

Erika replied.

– There is a Slayer that survived when it was attacked by Joker, during that action, Joker said [My purpose is the origin of the power of Little Garden]. Claire-sama, the origin of power, is it some kind of Variable Stone, which gives energy to Little Garden?

It’s reasonable that Erika is thinking that. The power of the Joker and the origin of his Sense Energy are Variable Stone. It’s really clear that they have a resemblance, but she does not know anything about Liza. It should be the same for Douglas.

But what about Joker? He has heard about Liza from Vitaly, maybe he can know after all.

(Anyway, this has become in something very problematic)

Now he is hunting Slayers, although he is in a phase of stealing Hundreds and thereby accumulate more power, so that the day will come when he will come to Little Garden.

(Anyway, we have to deal with that before it gets much more power)

Claire concluded with that in her mind.

The President of the Student Council receives an <<Emergency Alert>> Emergency Call, and the figure of Chris Steinbelt is shown on a giant floating monitor located on the wall, and is seated at the position of <<Strategic Responsible Analyst>> Main Analyst, in the <<Council Room for Strategies>> Briefing Room.

[Claire-sama, Joker has appeared!]

– Tell me its position!

[It’s in a building in the center of Sangria. One person is a civilian and the other is a Slayer from Liberia, who are wounded]

The figure of Chris that was projected on the monitor, changed completely to the one on the map. It was close to the same point of the day before yesterday and yesterday, it was close to where Joker has acted regularly.

[The civilian who is injured corresponds to Umino Aoi. Yesterday, together with Karen-san, they were attacked by Joker]

– Wait a minute, why is that girl there in Sangria!

[Yesterday, while they escaped from Joker, she lost her PDA, and the information says that she would go to pick it up, and that it was authorized by Fritz-san and Latia-san, who were patrolling the inspection area. As Joker only targets Slayers, apparently there would be no problem in which civilians could pass]

– There was certainly a notice from the Student Council in which, the general public was called to avoid making these trips, but did she really need to do it in this way? Well, how is her condition?

[The city of Sangria is revolted and the appropriate information has not arrived yet. I am worried about it, but…]

– We must wait for everything to return to normal.

[I think so. That has been the report from the headquarters]

[In that case, I’ll have to interrupt you]

Suddenly, Claire was surprised by the voice that interrupted the communication.

– Onii-sama!?

The image that has changed and that is shown on the floating monitor corresponds to that of Claire’s older brother, Judal Harvey, president of the Warslan Company.

[It should not be surprising, because this emergency communication is not private. All authorized people involved can listen to everyone, as well as interrupt a communication. The subject as of now has to do with Little Garden]

– And you want me to thank you for that.

Just now, she said something with total sarcasm.

Since what really matters is Liza―.

That is at least what she thought in her mind.

[… now, going back to the subject in question. I understand that the enemy is an Homunculus, left behind by Vitaly. It may be that now Vitaly is in a higher danger state than when she started attacking with the <<Artificial Models>> Replicant. There will be minor damages, but we will stop progress, in one way or another]

– “Minor damages”, how can you be saying something like that, Onii-sama!

[What I have said does not mean that I am ready to give my own life. It would not be strange if a city disappeared, in the event that the fight between the Slayer and the Homunculus occurred in an inhabited place. What I want to say is that it will not hesitate at all to do harm. But, no matter how much damage is done, it is much better than leaving a city made nothing using missiles and nuclear mines to stop the dangerous Homunculus. Well, no matter what, I will convince the United Nations that all responsibility falls on the anti-Slayer organization, so not everything is lost]

– That proposal is really appreciated.

It will sound sarcastically, but in fact, it isn’t sarcastic at all. The truth is that I don’t want a single person injured, and as far as possible, not even a single building, but I also know that this is idealism. This will really be a tough battle.

[Claire-sama, Judal-sama, if you allow me to speak, I would like to add a few words from me]

Opening his mouth, Chris joined the conversation in which they were both.

[What I thought while listening to the conversation that you were holding now is, how about using the third district of the city of Sangria?]

[Third district…? Is not that where the scientist who rebooted the Joker was?]

[That place is a slum, there will hardly be anyone there, due to the purification strategy that was carried out a year ago in the city of Sangria, there lived only vagabonds and the mafia in that sector. Since the redevelopment has not yet taken place there, I think it’s fine if some building is destroyed]

There is a large number of Slayers and Liberian soldiers who have been dispatched as bait. Attracting the Joker, having as final destination the third district, to then be captured by the members of the special team that has been waiting there, that was the plan devised by Chris to lock up Joker.

[Truly, the Main Analyst, is a great strategist]

*PACHI* *PACHI*, made their hands, while applauding and saying those words in admiration.

Claire has no objection to Chris’s strategy.

– All right, let’s go with that plan. If the time comes when the enemy becomes very powerful, I too will have to enter the battle. Can I request if it is possible that Erika is left in charge at that moment?

[No, it would be best if Erika were also to fight]

There was a person who interrupted the communication. It was Charlotte Dimandius.

– Regarding my ability, is there anything I can do against Joker, the enemy?

Asks Erika to Charlotte that is shown on the floating monitor.

[I heard some information about Joker from the scientists who were captured. In order to defeat him, it is possible that your presence is indispensable. Therefore, I will take control of this strategy in conjunction with Chris. Is it okay with you, Claire?]

– Yes, no problem. Do you agree, Chris?

[Yes of course]

[Ok, then, could you leave me in charge of the strategy from now on? Liddy will also need to appear on the battlefield. Call me as soon as you get there]

Will Umino Aoi be safe?

Karen and Rebecca are still waiting in the cafeteria for information on whether Aoi is safe. Three people were there, they were Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri, who were in their Variable Suit.

– Hey you!

Nakri realized the existence of Karen that was there, opened her eyes completely and leaped closer.

– Wh-what is going on, Nakri-san?

Karen, who was frightened by the level of intensity, unconsciously stepped back.

– Yesterday, you were flying through the skies and you did it until you returned to Little Garden, right? Then, it’s possible to go to Sangria!

– Huh…?

She heard the conversation that was held in the classroom this morning. Nakri continues speaking with a certain enthusiasm.

– With what you had to fight yesterday, it was against the creation of our boss Vitaly, Homunculus. But he isn’t ordinary. Before we can do more damage, we have to do something about it. So, please, take us to Sangria!

– But, if you talk to the president…

– That’s impossible.

The boy next to him answered. He heard from Charlotte that he was Nakri’s cousin, and that he was in the next class. His name is Krovan Olfred. The surname Olfred, it is said that they did not have surnames, but that they were given by Charlotte.

– I asked the president if we could go, but our energy is still not stable, and she didn’t give us any hope, since she rejected us because the formation for this operation is made up of the Selections. With the doctor it’s the same. But he is immeasurably powerful. Without a Variant, they will be easily killed. It will be impossible if we aren’t there!

No but…

If Dr. Charlotte says it’s useless, it’s because it’s probably useless.

So having thought of saying it would be impossible,

―― Let’s go.


The voice of a girl rumbles in her head.

―― Being here, I will protect you and everyone.

Again, the voice sounded inside her head.

It was Liza’s voice.

– I’m not telling you to fight. All you have to do is to take us. We will take full responsibility. We beg you!

– Keep in mind that your friend is involved in this incident! Don’t you think you should go and rescue her!?

Continuing what Krovahn said, Nakri spoke.

– … Karen…

Rebecca stares at her, as if saying what she is going to do.

(If Liza says I should go, then it’s because I have to go)

Also, I have to get to Aoi as quickly as possible.

Because she is an important friend.

I have to save her.

– I understood, let’s go!

– For real!?

Nakri, who responded energetically when she heard Karen’s response, looks happily at Krovahn.

– ..Karen, will you really go?

– That’s right, leave Aoi-chan to Karen. I will absolutely bring her back home safely.

Karen declared, to Rebecca’s concern.

– Okay then. You are strong. If it’s Karen, then everything will be fine.

– Yes

– Please come back safely.

With that said, Rebecca extends her little finger.

– It is a promise.

The act of linking the little fingers.

– Yes

Karen also extended her little finger and crossed it with Rebecca’s little finger.

– Now, we’re leaving!

– I really hope that Aoi-chan is fine, but…

Fritz and Latia ran through the streets of Sangria. Of course, this was not a date. It was part of their duty as members of Selections. It is for that reason that the two were in their Variable Suit.

– It’s your fault that she has been involved in this type of incident. I wish I’d not let her go there….

– I really thought about it. That’s why I’m here looking for Aoi-chan.

Fritz and Latia went to the coastal side of the buildings of the third district, in the western part of the city, where the battlefield against the Joker would take place, along with other Slayers and transport helicopters.

This is where the point where the communication stopped is marked.

Right now, they are halfway from that point. When suddenly, the Vital Rings of both emit a sound.

[Chris Steinbelt speaking here from the Briefing Room]

– Chris, is something wrong?

Fritz asks stopping his step.

[The status of Umino Aoi has been confirmed. She fell off the stairs and hit her head, there was loss of consciousness, but there is no danger to her life. It has been reported that the army of Liberia has it under its protection]

– I see…

When he found out she was fine, Fritz gently touched his chest.

– Since Umino Aoi is safe, what should we do?

Asked Latia.

[Yes, slowly return to the third district, please]

Chris answered, after a brief pause.

– In other words, we will be the bait to attract the Joker.

[Thank you very much for your cooperation. But in case a combat situation is triggered―]

– .. Wait, a moment…

Out of nowhere, she felt a chill run through her back muscles, and Latia’s face went rigid.

– Fritz, look for a presence in the surroundings.

Ordering him, Fritz decides to do it.

– …But what is this…?

He feels a very unpleasant energy.

There was also something like blood thirst mixed in that.

– Maybe that’s the Joker.

Latia murmured in a low voice, and continued her words.

– He has us in his sight.

[It cannot be, it is not possible that he already…]

Even Chris was upset.

If the combat were to develop here, then the strategy that has been set up, all this will be in vain.

[Most of the residents around that area have been evacuated to the shelters, so it is possible that these buildings are damaged. There are no traps, so please move quickly to the third district. Although it is impossible to know if we will succeed, we pray that you have managed to capture Joker’s attention]

– Understood.

Responding, Fritz looked at Latia’s face. Latia nods silently.

– Then, GO!

Therefore, with Fritz’s signal, both begin to run towards the third district.


They could not even run for five seconds when they had to stop.

A boy with a black hoodie appeared in front of them.

– Bu-, but what the hell―.

– I just jumped from the roof of the building that is there.

Fritz and Latia looked up at the buildings that were on either side, according to what the boy said. On both sides, the buildings, the buildings were fifteen stories.

– Haha…

Unexpectedly, a dry laugh escaped from Fritz’s mouth.

They had heard that he could deploy Hundred without any restrictions, and that his physical ability went beyond that of a super human―.

– Onee-san, you’re a Slayer from Liberia and Little Garden, aren’t you? I’d like to ask you something but, there isn’t anyone around here, right? So, what the hell are you up to?

Smiling with a grin that floated on his face, the boy approached.

– Is it that maybe you intend to take me to where it is full of Slayers, to try to surround me with all of them and defeat me? Haha, but even so, that will be useless―.

The boy creates something similar to a blade in his hand without using a Hundred. Both when seeing it, they were convinced of that.

This is Joker.

Latia quickly took the Hundred from her chest and screamed.

– Hundred On!

Fritz began at the same time to deploy his armament.

Hundred of the Martial Arts type, <<Beast King, God of Military Arts>> Strike Beast, and Hundred of the Long Shot type, <<Impenetrable Fortress>> Stronghold.

Continuing, the Hundred of both were deployed.

– Hee … So you’re determined? If you give me your Hundred, I’ll not take your lives. Since it really is useless for you to do something with the power you have.

– What are you saying, it’s you who has tried to anticipate the facts!

Moving first, to take the victory, Latia kicks on the ground, focusing energy in her fist, to strike with her Knuckle to Joker.


As a result, it hits nothing, failing.

– Too bad, the level is very different from that of an ordinary Slayer like you.

That voice emerged from behind Latia,

– Kuh!

Latia managed to stop the blow of the blade that came from top to bottom with the armor of her arm.

With that, Joker turned his body, releasing a spinning kick.

– Guah!

Latia’s body was sent flying and hit a concrete wall that was in a nearby building ― opening a big hole, coming out the other side.

– Even though her armament has been cancelled, it doesn’t seem that she has reached the point of being dead. Now you come, Onii-san―

– … tsu, bastard!

It is no longer a situation that may matter to him, even if it is about the whole town. Considering that he is still alive, he decides to take the enemy of Latia, Fritz lends his gaze to Joker, and makes use of his rifle, Shooting Star, in his right hand, firing.

But, Joker deploys a barrier just in front of his body― and with it, the energy shots that were released, are dispersed and disappear just before touching the body.

– Damn, to be able to perform such a trick without needing a Hundred!

– I didn’t tell you, I’m not an ordinary human being. That is why, I can do something like this.

The boy creates two spheres of light, one on each side of his body, and shoots them at Fritz.

– Kuh!

Fritz contains the attack of the light spheres with a barrier. But, right there, Joker creates a tremendous sword in his hand, and attacks it.

– Die!

Fritz deploys a barrier, but it is in vain, since with the pressure of the sword he was sent flying, and hits against the wall of the building, just like Latia. The great impact that he receives in his back, causes that he collapses in the ground, and his armament ends up being cancelled.

– Hahaha, despite looking quite weak, you have a lot of courage. But, the Hundred of Onii-san and Onee-san, look dedicated, therefore delicious, I’m anxious for them. I will take them immediately.

Joker advances with his feet until he reaches Fritz, who is knocked down on the ground. But he noticed that two chakram were approaching, and that they were going in the direction of attacking his back. When he looked back, one of them, was about to touch his body.

– Guh!

One of the chakram, amputated Joker’s right arm.

The other chakram was also after him, but he dodged it with a jump.

– Hee, I didn’t think it was possible for one of my arms to be cut off. Who the hell dares to do such an action?

– It will not be just your arms! I will also split your body in half!

Hearing the voice as his consciousness fades, Fritz is convinced.

(Hehe, to think that they would be the ones to arrive…)

They are the three people of artificial Variant made by Vitaly.

If they have returned to a state close to the normal in which they were before, then they will be able to fight against Joker. This would make it possible to gain time until the reinforcements arrive.

– Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

While descending by a jump from the top of the building, Krovahn cut with his <<Double Rebel Leaf>> Orthos Liberio to Joker.

Nesat, who also jumped from the same building as Krovahn, also attacked Joker, copying the weapon possessed by Krovahn.

When supplicated by Krovahn, Karen deployed her Hundred, and created a wing type armor with a thruster, and that Nesat had duplicated, thus taking Nakri and Krovahn, to cross the ocean and reach the city of Sangria.

Once she reached the city of Sangria, she parted ways from the three people with artificial Variant. They went in search of Joker―

In order to ensure that Aoi was well, Karen began to move around the city, checking until the very last building.

(How strange, there isn’t a single person…)

Karen kept running, although she is confused, since the state of the city is really different than it was yesterday.

What is happening on the streets of this city?

Beat, beat!

– … huh?

When she was almost on the verge of arriving at the building mentioned above, incidentally, her PDA began to sound.

It was the alarm of an emergency call.

[Kisaragi Karen! Why are you in Sangria!?]

When she stopped walking, and took the PDA out of her pocket, a screaming voice spoke. The voice belonged to Charlotte Dimandius.

– Um, I think it was expected to be found … sorry…

Karen apologized frankly.

[That’s obvious. Now why have you traveled without authorization? Is it because you were worried about Aoi’s integrity?]

– Well, there’s that too but, to be honest, that…

[What is it, you can say it]

Karen decided to answer sincerely, because she was intrigued by the strange situation that was happening in the city.

– To be honest, I got here because Nakri and the others told me if I could bring them here.

[So, that means that those three have also gone to Sangria…]

She heard how the mouth opened from the other side of the call to take a big breath.

[Anyway, you’ll soon return to Little Garden. Now we are preparing to fight against Joker. I think you could understand it when you see the situation in the city, isn’t it? It is dangerous to stay there]

– But Aoi-chan…

[Umino Aoi is already safe thanks to the Liberian army. So you can feel relieved]

– Really?

[Well, yeah it’s true. So you can go back. Understood?]

– Yes I understand!

Upon learning that Aoi was well, Karen lets out a long breath of relief as the call ended. She feels like seeing Aoi right now, but she already has a commitment to Charlotte.

Deciding that she must return to Little Garden, Karen takes the Hundred with her hand.

―― Wait a moment.

A voice sounds inside his head.

―― I am sorry.

―― You will not be able to return for now.

Her consciousness gradually disappears…

Until at that very moment, her consciousness was completely broken.

Those eyes, emitted a radiant golden color.

Joker’s movements were extremely fast. Not only he was attacked by Krovahn and Nesat with their double swords, but also by Nakri who was trying to cut him with her <<Double Victory Circular Sword>> Dio Varga, considering that at first they had cut off his arm, they have not been able to hit an attack once.

Despite being outnumbered, Krovahn and the others were being pressured.

– … Kuh, damn!

Krovahn’s body is pushed about five meters back, after receiving one of the spheres of light created by Joker with his body. Next, Nakri received a revolving kick. Although she did not fall to the ground, unlike the other two, it put up resistance with her sword in a clash of swords by ten seconds, until the body of Nesat also left flying backwards.

– I get it! Finally I remembered.

Joker, who has separated from the three individuals with artificial Variant, said as soon as he could, stared at them and shouted loudly.

– I thought I had seen you three before somewhere, and isn’t that perhaps you are the trio of artificial Variant, the group that were close to Vitaly? Why are you involved in this situation? Or is it possible that you betrayed Vitaly and liked Little Garden?

– Shut up, there’s no need for us to give you any explanation!

Krovahn shouted as he was getting up.

Upon hearing that response, Joker began to laugh with *Hahaha*.

– Apparently I hit the mark. So Vitaly was murdered by Little Garden, or am I wrong? And despite now you finally got your freedom, don’t tell me you’ll be a dog again. What the hell are you thinking? I really can’t understand it at all. Not that your goal from the beginning was to take revenge on the Slayers?

– Shut up, silence!

Nakri shouted.

As she got up from the floor, she continued talking.

– There are several Slayers who are friendly. Not all Slayers are bad. We learned that there in Little Garden!

– Yeah. That’s why we fight for Little Garden! We will defeat you! Because that is our freedom!

Nesat declared while preparing her Twin Sword.

– Aha, hahahahaha!

Joker received the emotions of the three people, and laughed.

– But what is that. It is’t that you have changed you boss for something of conciliation. I think that is really very human. I feel jealous.

At the same time as when he finished his words.

The cross section that he had in his amputated right arm began to shine and then, his arm recovered the original shape that he had in an instant.

– But, what’s happening?

Looking at that, Krovahn remained with his look surprised.

Nakri and Nesat are the same.

– The arm that was cut is no longer…

Nesat, muttering that, could not see the part of the arm that was already detached on the floor.

– My body is like a concentration of energy. That is why, I can do a regeneration of this type. Did you think I was a super human? To Begin with, I’m not even a human!

Creating a Twin Sword similar to the one Krovahn has in his hand, Joker kicks the ground.

He does it by pointing towards Krovahn.

– Unlike you who are good for nothing, I’m a Homunculus, although my life is equal to that of a human being, I also have to eat. As for that, I feel very envious. But, there’s nothing I can do against that. That’s why I fight, because the power source is the Hundred, there’s no alternative but to obtain the Variable Stone!

– ,,, kkuh!

His attacks are much more intense than before. Even using all their strength, they cannot do more than stop his attacks.

– Krovahn!

Joker, who interrupted the attack of Nesat who came from the side to help Krovahn who had been pushed, threw his sword to the sky and reduced it to particles.

– What a nuisance!

Now he created a sphere of light in his right hand and threw it to Nesat.

– Kyaa!

The sphere of light hits the body of Nesat squarely. Due to the impact, it falls to the ground.

– Damn, nee-chan!

– This is not the time to be looking the other way!

Producing a sword again in his hand, Joker attacks Krovahn.

– For me to be able to obtain true freedom, I had no alternative but to attack Little Garden with the power obtained from the collection of Hundred, and thus achieve the source of power that exists there. If he was able to obtain the source of that power, then, he could obtain eternal life, practically. Or even, get enough power to be able to destroy the world.

Even if you do not believe it, it is possible to destroy the world.

– What the hell, why are you going to do it?

Krovahn’s eyes gleamed with a golden hue. It was no longer possible to face Joker, his opponent, in normal conditions. All that remained was to release the power of Variant.

– There’s no reason why. I just hate this world that created me. Should there be some kind of justification required to do that?

– … Kuh!

He could not understand what Joker was saying.

It was not born naturally, but is more, it was dismissed as a failed experiment. You cannot even live like a human being. His hatred for the world was inevitable.

– The guys that woke you up a second time, do you know them?

– I didn’t know them at all. I didn’t speak to them, they only ordered me in exchange for receiving Variable Stone. That’s why I pretended to listen to the things they told me. Their orders were to attack Little Garden, and they aligned almost perfectly with my purpose.

– In short, you used the people who woke you up!

– It was balanced for both of our sides. Once I destroyed Little Garden, surely they would come to destroy me since I would stand in their way. That’s why I think they didn’t give me Variable Stone, and they told me that I should win them on my own. But, if I get Liza Harvey, who is the source of power for Little Garden, how much power I could get, no matter how hard I think, it’s impossible to know! If even now I am very strong, maybe how powerful I would become!

– …Liza Harvey?

– Apparently you don’t know anything about Liza Harvey! Is it perhaps that you haven’t been told yet!?

– ―Guah!

After releasing the power of the Variant, there was a collision from Twin Sword to Twin Sword, and both were on par in force, stopping the advance of one another, impacting each other, but the first began to show signs of damage, this was because Joker’s eyes glowed golden like Krovahn’s eyes.

Joker released a resplendent golden color.

The blow of Joker has hit Krovahn’s right shoulder.

– I’m just like you, I haven’t really shown what I’m capable of!

– Krovahn!

Nakri threw her Dio Varga against Joker, who raised the Twin Sword, looking for a final blow to Krovahn by a thrust, while he was pressing his right shoulder, being about to fall to the ground.

Joker takes a turn with his body, and with his Twin Sword diverts the trajectory of the two Chakram.

So when the weapons go back to Nakri’s hands,

– While you’re at it, why don’t you get this!

Joker launches his Twin Sword in the direction of Nakri who is about to catch Dio Varga. If your hands are occupied, then there will be no other option but to receive the blow.

– I won’t allow it!

A voice echoed in that place.

At that same moment, a beam of light hit Joker’s head.

– …And who are you?

It seems that the damage was not substantial.

Joker raises his face in the direction of the sky, and looks at the girl with blue eyes and blond hair that comes descending.

– Claire Harvey, president of the Little Garden Student Council.

Claire keeps her eyes on Fritz and Latia as she separates from them.

– How dare you hurt my precious companions!

She is currently in full body armor.

Her whole body is covered with a thick armor, and with weapons in each hand.

In addition, six floating batteries are found around her body.

– And I am Liddy Steinberg, Vice President of the Little Garden Student Council!

The voice that was heard next was of the girl that on her back is the <<External Armor>> Outer.

Liddy injects energy to the thruster that is attached to the Air Ride and attacks by directing the tip of her Midgard Schrange towards Joker, while accelerating.

Her speed is tremendous and it seems impossible for Joker to really evade her.

– Uoooooooooo!!

Midgard Schrange of Liddy impaled Joker’s body.

– I’m sorry, but you have not left me another alternative.

If her rival had been an ordinary person, in these moments it should be dead.


– By doing that, did you want to kill me?

With a dark laugh, Joker extended both hands. What appeared inside his hands was a sharp pointed weapon, like an ice pick.

– Sorry, but I’ll not die with something like that!

Joker then uses the ice picks to try to penetrate Liddy’s body both on the left and on the right.

– Kuh…

Liddy quickly released her hands from the hilt, soared with her thruster and flew into the sky.

– You forgot something!

Joker then removed the spear that was embedded in his abdomen with both hands, and threw it towards Liddy. This was also considerably fast.

– Kuh!

Liddy quickly deploys a barrier, but is pushed by the impulse, flying off, rushing to the ground. A few seconds later, Midgard Schrange falls across the floor, next to Liddy.

– Hm, how unfortunate. At least I thought I could achieve the cancellation of the armament.

It is Joker who murmurs in a guilty manner, but his attitude was as composed as ever.

The hole in his abdomen began to regenerate. But, he noticed that a pink chain wrapped around his body, showing impatience.

– …What is this? Guh, uh…!

The chain violently imprisons Joker’s body.

It was a girl with glasses peeking out of the window on the second floor of the nearby building-The Vice President of the Little Garden Student Council, Erika Candle.

She jumped from the second floor of the building with the chain in her hand.

– The engineers who have revived you are already under the shelter of Little Garden. We already knew about your regeneration ability. Therefore, the attack that Liddy made a few moments ago, of course we would understand―In other words, it was a decoy to restrict your body in this way. And―

Erika looks at Claire.

Claire reduces the six floating batteries she used as a particle thruster―and created Buster Cannon, and aimed at Joker.

– If I shoot with this weapon to your core, it will be your end.

Claire has already reached to fill the power of the Canon Buster by 60%.

70%, 80%, 90% -.

– Stop, stop! If you shoot with that, part of the city will be destroyed…

Certainly this will happen.

I did not want to get to do something like this.


– You want us to leave you be, that really is impossible to do. Many lives were taken.

While there are people alive, the village can be rebuilt as many times as necessary. Considering the hard battles against the Savage, humanity now knows about it.

They have the power to not surrender.

– What is more, even if I did not shoot, I’m not the only one who is pointing at you. Why do not you take a look around you?

– … Huh…?

By saying that, Joker begins to look at what surrounds him. It was then that he realized that he noticed a strong energy located about 500 meters away, and even up to 1 kilometer away. Beside the two people who were defeated first, there was a girl who was thinner and smaller than Claire, was wearing her Variable Suit and was holding a gun.

– I’ve put together the best Slayers of the long-range type and the dragon type. Even if I cannot make you disappear, they will put you to an end.


The energy of Buster Cannon is complete.

Claire puts force on the finger and presses the trigger.

– This is the end!

– Never, I…! I will not be defeated with something like thiiiiiiiiiiiis!

As Joker screams like that, his body begins to expand, inflating.

– What on earth is happening?

Due to the surprise, Claire spontaneously delays the shot of Buster Cannon.

All those who were looking at Joker, were the same, the voice that came from their faces showed the surprise that generated that.

You are reading story Hundred at

– … k, kuh…!

Erika concentrates more energy in <<Absolute Destiny Chains>> Everlasting, in order to contain the expansion.

However, it is not capable of resisting the power of it.

The pink chain breaks into very small pieces, and then disappear into particles.

– Claire-sama! Shoot fast please!

– I know … It has been hard to gather all this energy. There is no other alternative but to try to do it!

Claire again places the mouth of her Buster Cannon against Joker and pulls the trigger.

One hundred percent explosion at maximum power.

Along with a dazzling light, an immense mass of energy hits Joker fiercely, making it spin like a whirlpool.

– …We did it?

Following the violent explosion, both trash and dust, along with a cloud of the latter, rose on the ground.

Due to Buster Cannon, many buildings collapsed. This has made possible that the ocean, which until recently was not visible, could be seen.

However, within the sea, there was a certain existence, something that until now, had never existed there.

– But what is that…?

Stunned, Claire murmured.

Its height was very large, about 20 meters, was a <Armored Class> Trenta, a giant Savage, which was reflected in their eyes.

– I don’t believe it, he was a Savage…

It was Nakri who said that with a trembling voice.

– Why – why do people become Savage…!?

Krovahn added, muttering.

– Krovahn, he isn’t a human being. He is a Homunculus…

– Yes, I thought it could be that but…

Krovahn, who received the tsukkomi from Nakri, his cheeks stiffened as he looked up.

– Bomb all at once to the Savage!

At the same time that Erika communicated that through the wireless ring, energy shots were released instantaneously from eight different locations. But, all that was repelled by the Savage’s steel breastplate.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!

The rumble of the weapons caused the ground and surrounding buildings to tremble.

– I will not let you, I will not allow it! To all of you, this world will be your grave!

The head of the Savage opened and from there the one of Joker appeared.

– An offensive will come, everyone prepare your defenses! Erika, Liddy, apart from you, who are behind me―the Slayers who have fallen, protect them from that side. After protecting yourselves from the bombardment, and when you are under shelter, we will prepare the next strategy. Agreed!?

While instructing not only Liddy, Erika, and Krovahn, who are at her side, but also to the surrounding Slayers, Claire reduces her Buster Cannon into particles― returning them to the six floating batteries, creating a shield with them.

– I will help too.

As Nesat said, she copied Claire’s shield and deployed it in front of her.

It is then that, the Savage Joker attacked with a fierce bombardment.

– Claire-sama, what will we do after this?

Erika asks Claire after taking refuge from the bombardment by placing herself under the shield.

– If we have any luck, if that Savage is very similar to a common Savage, it will be necessary to expose its core. If we can destroy it, then we can stop its functions.

– If that’s so, let me try.

As soon as the first bombing ended, Liddy flew very high using the thruster of her Air Ride, and then went to counterattack with her Midgard Schrange aiming at the core of Joker, who had become a Savage.

– What do you think of this!?

The tip of Midgard Shcrange touched what was the existence of a protection on the core, <Defensive Barrier> Shelter.

But, she did not feel disturbed.

Even so―.

– Uoooooooooooooo!

When Liddy concentrated her energy, Midgard Schrange began to rotate like a drill.

A fissure appeared in the <Defensive Barrier> Shelter.

– I will not let you!

Shouting, the Savage Joker raised his head and tried to shake off Liddy.

– … Agh!

Liddy, who has not fallen thanks to her thruster, unleashes an attack by launching all the missiles through the missiles that Air Ride has.

An explosion manifests from the center of the Savage.

It was in the middle of that, that Krovahn and Nesat began to move.

– Thanks to the spear of nee-chan, there is an opening in the shell. In that case, we may stop it. Come on, nee-chan!

– Sure!

Krovahn kicked the ground, jumping very high, then hit from the top to the bottom with his Orthos Liberio.

Nesat, who performed Trace on Krovahn’s weapon, also attacked using the same Twin Sword against Joker that became Savage.

However, when the two tried to hit by moving down the blades of the weapons, from the left and from the right, they were stopped by Joker’s scissors.

– Crap!

– … Kuh!

Krovahn was hit and thrown to the ground, and Nesat was sent flying to a nearby building.

– If so, then I!

– Wait, now the visual field has become clear…!

The pupil of the eye shone a golden color.

Nakri released the power of her Variant over her Dio Varga, making it four times larger than normal.

– It can’t be helped, the methods do not matter! Petals!

Claire had already returned to transform her shield into the six floating batteries. From there, from each respectively, two small floating weapons― petals emerged.

A total of eighteen floating batteries, small and large, fired at the Joker turned into Savage.

The goal is to make him lose focus.

Liddy also releases rays from the Air Ride in order to support that plan.

Thanks to this, Nakri manages to approach the Savage. She was able to launch an attack.

– Let’s see what you think of this!

There were no scissors attacking Nakri, who had jumped against the shelter.

All that remained was to strike with Dio Varga his shelter.

Or that’s what she thought―.

In front of her eyes, a head opened.

(Is that a bombardment…?)

It will be a direct hit if it continues like this.

(It is dangerous!)


Those were the letters that went through her mind.

And right after that.

– Huh…?

In front of the head of the Savage, the figure of a girl with black hair carrying a giant sword moving downward entered her sight.

Thanks to her, artillery shots were never released.

– Why, are you here…

Unable to attack the shelter, Nakri who landed doing a roll, muttered at the same time she looked at the girl who had helped her.

―Kisaragi Karen.

It was the same girl, the middle school classmate from Little Garden.

But, it looked different than usual. Her eyes were painted in a golden color, whose color of energy was the same that emanated throughout her body.

Due to the big slash he received from Karen’s sword, Joker, who had transformed into a Savage, was knocked to the ground.

Karen instantly pointed the edge of her sword to the shelter, and tried to chase him.

But, the attack was dodged by a matter of millimeters.

Joker had rushed backward with his six legs.

– You are, the girl, of yesterday, isn’t it? But what, is that power…?

A few moments ago, he had suffered considerable damage to his shelter from Karen’s attack. It was evident that Joker was confused.

– … kuh!

Joker moves from top to bottom the scissors of his right arm against Karen. But far from stopping the blow, it easily makes it bounce holding the sword with one hand. Then, kicks the ground and jumps very high.

– What!?

Karen hits the shelter with her sword. This caused that the shell was destroyed by that blow, and the tip of the sword penetrated the core.

– Ooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Immense particles disappear.

From the body of Savage that releases an intense roar, with a *PLOP*, the core falls.

– We won, right…?

Krovahn murmurs, seeing a sphere with a radius of approximately two meters and from which drips a liquid of a fluorescent color from its orifice.

The giant body does not exist anymore.

– According to what I see, that seems to be…

Claire mumbles, and talks to Karen who is standing in front of the core.

– Kisaragi Karen, I must thank you for saving us. But, why are you here? Also, that sword…

– Oh? What, where…?

At Claire’s question, Karen is surprised and turns around.

– Uhm, this, that … somehow, suddenly there was a voice that echoed in my head, and when I realized, I was here … ah, a sword!? Karen, what have you been doing…?

Karen quickly reduces the sword to particles. The color of their pupils returns to the color black. At that moment, it was Erika who realized the tragedy that was rising behind Karen’s back.

– Kisaragi Karen, look behind you!

– … Eh?

Turning around again, she saw a pair of hands that emerge from the cleft of the core.

What came out from inside there was a naked Joker.

– Your power! Give it to me!

Joker extends both arms, putting his weight on Karen’s body. Karen is then pushed and falls to the ground.

– Give it to me, your power!

Joker contains Karen’s body and begins to strangle the neck with both hands.

– Agh, ah…

In an instant, her conscience is fading away.

Among the things that Joker could do, it turns out that he begins to bring his face with hers.

(Do not tell me, this is …)

Are my lips going to be stolen?

Surely his intention is to want to suck the power.

(A kiss like that, I absolutely detest it … Because, Karen’s first kiss is―)

It is her older brother, the figure of Kisaragi Hayato, the one that crosses her mind.

Then, the voice resounded.

―― Kisaragi Karen, summon me.


―― You know me as Card.

(Call, the Card …)

Karen extends her hand and touches the letter that was on her waist and begs to it

(Card-san, I beg you, please save me somehow…!!)

Then the card glows brightly and shakes Joker’s body.

– Cough, cough, this is…

Karen stopped and moved her vision to the card she had.

That mark was the logo of the Little Garden’s school.

――  Karen, throw the card.

– Y-yes!

Doing what the voice said, Karen launched the card. Then the card illuminated intensely and its figure changed to that of a human appearance.

– What is that…?

Krovahn murmured and of course Nesat, as well as Nakri, were stunned.

– … Are you a human being?

Seeing that figure in front of their eyes, that appearance from behind, one could say that it was that of a human being.

– It’s been a while since we met last time.

Only the back could be seen from that golden hair that was wiggling.

Even with that, Karen could understand.

(Without doubt, it is “that person” …)

That girl who appeared in front of her on the day of the Festival, and who then spoke to her in her head.

Exactly like that time, an object that looked like thorny ivy was tangled in her body. As well as the crown of blue thorns on her head and blue roses on her neck.

– Liza!

Screaming, Claire continued.

– You, why are you here…?

– Let’s leave the conversation for another time, first we have to deal with that.

– You, you are, what is … that power, what the hell…!

As he got up, Joker said in a trembling voice.

That voice is violently shaken.

– Is it that you still do not understand it? The meaning of your existence, the reason why you were created― and now, the goal you’re aiming at … That’s because, it was all me.

– In other words, you, you are the goddess of Little Garden, Liza Harvey! You are what I am looking for, the source of power!

Joker’s eyes flashed fervently.

– Although I must say, in the end, I am nothing but a part of all that. Even so―.

The girl disappeared.

…without realizing, she appeared in front of the boy―.

– I would say that this trick is pretty easy to do.

– …!?

Liza’s outstretched arms were as if they were quite normal, buried in his abdomen. Seeing that, Joker’s eyes were wide open. And it is because the source of his power was also being held in his hands.

– I thought that maybe you would be accumulating more power, but is this what you have achieved? The efficiency of the energy consumption is quite bad … No. It is thanks to the brave Slayers that are in this place that your power has been reduced so much up to this level. Thanks to that, it’s enough for me to defeat you.

Liza smiled sweetly.

– …bastard, what do you intend…

– It’s already decided. I will make you disappear from this world. That’s what I should do. That is the reason why I am here.

– St-op…! That is very abrup―

Without finishing listening to what he had to say until the end, Liza extracted the sphere of light from Joker’s chest. Then, the light disappeared from his eyes…

Like a puppet with the strings cut, it fell to the ground suddenly.

Then his body became particles and disappeared while shining brightly.

With this, Joker has been completely eradicated from this world.

It will no longer be revived.

– Kisaragi Karen…

– Ah, yes!

Karen, who was called out by Liza, and trying to correct herself, responded with her arms aligned so that both arms were on par with the lines of her body.

Turning around, Liza said.

– I really am sorry to have taken possession of your body without your consent. This will be the first and last time― I will never do the same thing ever again.

-…Eh? What do you mean…?

– As a result of the materialization, since that day in which you were live, my power has been completely consumed. Naturally, by lending you my power outside Little Garden, it is normal that I cannot even speak. Therefore, let me tell you one last thing―

– Yes of course! I am all ears!

Her appearance was that of a girl.

However, her words and her calm felt as if it were an adult who has lived for decades.

As a result, Karen’s tension suddenly increased.

For Karen, these words of Liza that echoed in her head could have been something similar to those of a teacher regarding Hundred.

– You want to protect others, and that is extremely important. You have both abilities and qualities. That is why doubt will be born. That is why later on, in the future, that is something that you will have to go through on your own, that’s not something that I can decide. That is your own decision. But, listen to me. This is a common desire of your number one fan, it is nothing more than a longing…

Liza, who was advancing with her legs towards Karen, changed the hand with which she held the sphere, from her left hand to her right hand and with it, touched her face.

– I love your songs. Therefore, do not strain yourself. Do not die. Since there will be sad people if you die. Please, do not forget it―.

– A- as you wish…!

Those words were firmly etched in Karen’s chest.

– Now, Claire … before I finish my work. Although its size is like that, you will not believe the considerable amount of energy that it has, I consider that the capacity of recovery is substantial.

With that said, Liza loose the sphere of light in the air and place it above her hands, then join them and from the sphere, something similar to water escapes from it. A dazzling light envelops the surroundings, and bright particles begin to cover all that area.

– What is it, this… The wounds of my body are healing…

It was Krovahn who muttered that.

Then, Nakri also notices.

– It’s true, my wounds are healing too…

– Liza, what is all this…

– I have used the energy accumulated by Joker, to use it for the good of you, eliminating your wounds.

Liza answers Claire’s question.

– Bring it back to Little Garden and use it for my recovery ― you’ve thought about that Claire. What you should want is the recovery of your fellow Slayers. Or is that not it?

– It’s as you say. But, Liza .. you…

Claire’s eyes began to tremble when she noticed that Liza’s body was becoming transparent and that, unlike before, the landscape behind her was becoming visible. Then Liza, realized that it is soon the moment in which she should pay a visit to her body.

– It seems that the time has come…

– Wait, Liza! There are still things I want to tell you ―

Claire quickly tried to grab Liza, but she could not cling to her body. Claire fell face down on the ground.

– Sorry, Claire. I have reached the limit with which I can continue to be here in this place. After all, I’m just a mass of Sense Energy that sleeps inside Karen―

– In that case, in that case in Little Garden…! Then, we’ll see us there!

Claire yelled at Liza, turning her head and standing with her knees on the ground.

– …no.

Liza shakes her head, and responds.

– Even if I’m in Little Garden, to materialize, I have to use a lot of Sense Energy, so I cannot do this as if it were something simple. But, every time I have to protect Little Garden, then Claire―.

Then Liza approached Claire who had tears in her eyes and hugged her body. It was a view in which Liza seemed to be really be her big sister.

– Claire, I cannot understand what Otou-sama or Onii-sama are planning. However, I do understand you and Little Garden, and the Slayers who are linked to Little Garden― plus, I understand very well that achieving peace in the world is really the most important thing. That’s what I could understand. That’s why I have expectations about you, Claire. From now on, take care of Little Garden.

– Of course, of course … It’s what I’ve been doing, Liza … it’s what I’ve been dedicating myself to…

* Sniff *, Claire made a sound with her nose.

Looking at that Claire, Liza smiled.

– Claire, do not cry … And Karen. And to all Slayers, I really give you my thanks. From now on and as with Claire, take care of Little Garden.

(What, how …?)

Many hours have passed since Liza disappeared in the city of Sangria. The ceiling that Karen has before her somewhat blurry vision and her mind still asleep, is that of the hospital room that she sees from her bed.

(…Why am I here…?)

Karen lifted her upper body, and opened her eyes firmly as she felt that the battle of until recently was a dream.

– Oh, Karen has awakened!

– You’re fine, Karen-san!

– Rebecca! … Aoi-chan…!

Almost at the same time that she raised her body, Karen noticed the existence of Nakri who kept her back resting on one of the walls of the hospital room, where her two friends suddenly approached to hug her.

While she gives a glance when they get together, she goes through the door to leave the room.

– Nakri-san, wait a moment please!

Karen quickly gets Nakri’s attention, and continues her words.

– Well, I, did I want to know why I’m here?

– … Huh? You, don’t you remember anything?

Surprised, Nakri opens her mouth.

– Well, this … the fight against Joker in the city of Sangria … then the conversation with Liza-san, and then, uhm…

– … After that, you suddenly collapsed on the ground. And coincidentally that girl, “Liza”, in that same almost instant disappears. Anyway, we call a doctor. I was told to tell you that when you woke up.

Nakri who opens the door and heads out of the hospital room stops at a point and,

– And, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t here because I was worried about you or something like that. I was staying here because the doctor told me to be watching the situation. So, until then!

– Th- this…

– Actually, she was worried about you.

It was what Rebecca said to Karen who was a bit confused.

– So, is that so?

– Because you saved her, from the beginning she came to watch as a form of thanks in case something happened, only that she doesn’t know how to say it in an appropriate way. I saw it. So, “you can count on it”.

– That I have, saved her…?

But she is not able to remember that moment.

Karen thinks that maybe it was Liza who could have helped Nakri.

(But, perhaps Nakri-san is aware of it)

However, if it is the case in which she is concerned about her health, she is very happy because the number of friends she has is likely to increase.


No, she will definitely be friends with Nakri.

It’s something Karen firmly believes.

– ―Oh right! Are you okay, Aoi-chan? I heard you fell down the stairs and you hit yourself in the head…

– That’s, that’s right, but as you can see, I’m fine. But more than that … this … I’m sorry!

– Eh, “I’m sorry”, why…?

Karen is surprised to see that Aoi bows her head with force before her.

– It’s because I went secretly to pick up my PDA to Sangria, I made Karen worry a lot about me, and in addition to what I did, I made her go through something so serious … So, isn’t it natural that I should apologize to Karen, who even fainted?

– Please, do not worry about something like that. It was my decision to go to Sangria, also, we are friends, is not it? It is the duty of one friend to help another when they are in trouble. Also, I’m sure Nii-san would do the same.

– Onii-san?

– Yes. My dear Nii-san.

– Uwaa, *Sob*…

Aoi lifts her glasses and wipes her tears with the sleeve of her uniform.

– But, there’s one thing I want to ask you, Aoi-chan…

– What is it, you want to ask?

– Why did you decide to go and find your PDA on your own? If you had asked the Student Council, they would have looked for a way to solve it. Also, I think if you have something to say, you should not hide it from us…

– Wow, your PDA is in standby mode…

– Wait a minute, Rebecca! You promised me that you would not tell Karen-san in any way―

Desperate, Aoi tried to close Rebecca’s mouth.

– But, I don’t think it’s necessary to keep this secret to Karen. Definitely our friendship will not be broken by something like that― Karen, take a look and see what’s in the standby mode.

Saying that, Rebecca pulls out the PDA from Aoi’s pocket and throws it to Karen’s knees.

– Ah! Don’t see it, Karen-san!

– At the moment that Aoi shouted, Karen had already picked up Aoi’s PDA with her arms, and looked with her eyes at the standby screen.

– Isn’t this my Nii-san?

– U, uwaaaaaa…

Aoi’s face was really red and she looked down at the floor.

– To summarize, this is what it means. In that time when you joined, Aoi said she’s a fan of yours. But that’s a lie. Actually Aoi turns out to be a fan of your older brother. Eventually I wasn’t going to reveal it or something like that.

– Ahaha, so it was that kind of thing?

Unexpectedly, Karen laughs.

– Although, I would like you to have told me before.

– But, to me, Karen loves her Onii-san very much, and that iswhy, for me, it makes me feel bad to have this kind of feelings towards Hayato-san …

– Faced with something like that, it does not bother me.

– Huh?

– Nii-san is amazing, and very cool, from the beginning I had a lot of rivals. As it has increased by one person, for Karen it is nothing special.

– Hey, are you sure of what you’re saying?

– Oh…!

Aoi’s face shines.

Karen looks at that face and smiles, and then continue with her words.

– But, there’s no doubt that Karen loves her number one Nii-san very much and that it is undeniable that we have been together for a long time. With all that, I think it will continue like this forever. That’s why I will not lose, Aoi-chan.

– In spite of that I, I will also give my best and I will not lose!

– Then, why don’t we regroup and take him a picture?

– … Eh?

Aoi looks puzzled.

– The picture of a few seconds ago, it was an image captured in secret, right? It seems that it was taken from a long distance and that, its capture was something difficult to do, isn’t it? Karen has many pictures of her Nii-san, I’m carrying a bunch of them.

– Wo- would you give them to me!?

– Hmm, what should I do? Aoi-chan is supposed to be my rival.

With the laughter of the three people echoing in the hospital room, Charlotte and the nurse in charge of the hospital, Mihal, arrive there.

– Hey now, here it’s pretty noisy. According to what Nakri-kun told me about your state of health, are you really well?

– Yes, I feel that my body is returning to normal.

– Then, will you be able to go to my laboratory with your own feet?

– As I said I’m already fi―

– Karen-chan, are you okay?

Mihal quickly goes to give her support to the body of Karen, who descends with difficulty from the bed.

– Ahaha, I think I’ve staggered a little. But I’m fine, I just have to stand firmly.

She collapsed because of the fatigue of the intense combat yesterday, and perhaps also because she no longer has the power of Liza because it has left her body. But, now she can perfectly stand with both legs. So also apparently can walk.

– Very good. Karen, there’s very little left for you to rest once you finish this medical examination. It’s getting late at night, so you go back home and take a break.

With the words of Charlotte, Rebecca and Aoi leave the hospital room.

– See you, Karen.

– Goodnight.

Karen says goodbye to the two people who leave the hospital room, with these words.

– See you again tomorrow at school―

Hayato and Emilia were in the reception room of the palace. After leaving the stadium, receiving treatment for his injuries while the police took a statement of the events, the time indicated that it was already nine o’clock at night. Thanks to Sakura and pontiff Serivia, who was with her two guards, and to the words of thanks they received from King Granald, they were finally released from that process.

They just needed to go back to the room prepared in the guest rooms to go to sleep― and that’s what, there’s an incoming call on Emilia’s PDA.

It was on behalf of the <<Technologist in Charge>> Main Technologist of Little Garden, Charlotte Dimandius.

– It seems that the battle with Joker has come to an end. Everyone is safe in Little Garden. Of course, Karen-chan too.

– I see…

Hayato feels relieved to hear the words of Emilia who has finished talking to Charlotte.

– At the moment, there is something less to worry about.

Both Douglas and Bratt are being subjected as terrorists in a trial under the administration of justice of the Federation of Britannia and from which a verdict will be issued.

As Hayato has said, Douglas has been involved in a coup d’etat after reaching the top of the military order, and that he intended to put the sovereign state of the British Empire under the power of Wenz.

Bratt also cooperated with him, because he received bribes, through illegal donations in secret funds and things like that.

Although he could be exposed at the time he suffered the defeat in the upcoming elections for Prime Minister, far from saying that his political career came to an end, there was the possibility that he would be imprisoned.

However, if the coup d’etat was successful, not only could he continue as Prime Minister, but he could also eliminate everything related to it.

Of course all that was taken by the wind.

Bratt anyway, would lose the position of Prime Minister. Adding that, a scientist who was captured in Gudenburg by Vitaly and who revived Joker, the Homunculus, said that he was a former scientist belonging to the kingdom of Wenz. It was what he had already heard from Charlotte by Emilia.

The secret unit of the Kingdom of Wenz, which moved behind the United Nations, entered the base of the anti-Slayer group. From the materials they obtained by annihilating those who were there, they moved through clandestine ways the Variable Stone to the Kingdom of Wenz, and it was there that discovered that Douglas, had a large sum of money, coming everything to light.

Douglas did not punish that scientist, but threatened him, so he could use it and leave it under his control. At the same time, he obtained documentation on the plans related to the Homunculus from the materials found when they checked the database. He went in search of Joker, revived him and freed him in Sangria.

To all this, a deal has been decided with Britannia in which the scientist will be prosecuted in Liberia.

– Charlotte has reported that there has been considerable damage to the city of Sangria, and that Little Garden hasn’t received any. They have confidence that they can leave port in a week, as they have planned. It would be good if things happened for a moment a little slower.

– I second that.

After putting her PDA back in her pocket, Emilia reclines on the sofa sitting on the left side of where Hayato is.

Sakura was sitting in front of them, with a strange expression on her face looking at that scene.

– Hayato-kun, can you make me a spot in that place?

She gets up, and sits on the right side of Hayato.


– It seems that peace will not come so easily.

Inside the room. Sakura stopped when she heard those words from Serivia, who was looking up at the void in the sky.

– Pontiff-sama, with that, what do you…?

Sakura asks as she turns her eyes to the window.

– Could it be perhaps the prophecy of Serivia-san?

Continuing with Hayato’s question.

– Huuh, what does that have to do?

Looking at Hayato and company, *Fufufu*, Serivia laughed.

– It turns out that being surrounded by two beautiful women, it is not so simple to achieve the tranquility of day after day, and―

– No, that, Serivia-san!?

– It will get ugly if I meddle, that is why I will depart from here … I am sure we will meet again somewhere. I have that feeling. On the other hand, I know you will be safe, but even so, let me pray for it, and for you to be happy. May God bless you all―.

Serivia led her two followers and left the reception room.

– I can feel in one way or another that she is a wonderful person. There was an aura in her that was even capable of dulling that of an Idol like mine.

– She was the Pontiff-sama of Puritaria…

Even Sakura, she was considerably nervous after that.

– Something more important than that, Hayato-kun.

Now that she has finally been able to sit comfortably next to Hayato and then take his arm, Sakura continued.

– The day after tomorrow is the day Hayato returns to Little Garden, isn’t it? As the case of the engagement is already solved and if you have nothing else to do, why don’t you come to see me at the Louvre?

– Hmm … this … for me it’s not a problem but…

Hayato directs his sight towards Emilia.

It is to check if there is something wrong.

– Don’t count with me.

Emilia responds immediately.

– I’ve seen the live performance so many times so far, that I don’t find it funny anymore. In addition, Hayato is now in a state in which he has completely consumed his Sense Energy. It is better for him to take it easy and rest for a whole day here in Gudenburg.

– He-hey!

This time it was Emilia who pulled his arm.

– Besides, I am no longer a mere fiancée, my father has given us his approval, so that there are no restrictions in which two people can love each other? I know, what if we go to a museum? I’ll be your guide!

– …What? What does this mean? Besides, didn’t you just “to take it easy and rest for a whole day? Also why are you talking about a date like that? And what’s more, it’s completely boring!

Sakura supports herself on Hayato and tries to eat Emilia.

– My live performances continue to have a perfect production every time, they always change so that nobody gets bored of them, and first of all, I didn’t invite Emilia to go! I only invited Hayato-kun!

– What? Is Sakura-san saying that she intends to monopolize Hayato?

– Even if you came to the live performance, when I sing, the view of Hayato-kun will never go to Emilia’s. So, it’s really the same.

– Ha, that’s impossible! Hayato is always thinking of me. That’s why in his Dual Act, his second weapon was exactly the same as my armor, or am I wrong? The Hundred take shape according to the power of feelings. Hayato and I are one! It really is like this, isn’t it, Hayato!?

– Well, at that… this…

It is certainly how Emilia thinks, but how to say it.

Hayato does not know.

– Aagh … Then, both of you come to the live performance! It will be a duel!

– Okay, whatever!

– This, you two, could you stop fighting for a moment…

Seeing the two girls who remained vigorously attacking in this heated discussion, Hayato feels deep down in his heart that Serivia’s predictive ability is real.

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