
Chapter 36: Volume 6 - CH 1

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Third Encounter / Return / Counterattack Meeting

The moment when the plane leaves the runway, the whole body is under a lot of G force, so the back is pressed against the chair. A feeling similar to that had been ongoing all the time.

Cutting through the wind with the whole body while advancing through the sky. There’s no walls, there’s no ceiling. Being free, just like a bird, is what Kisaragi Hayato has been doing.

<<External Armament>> Outer and <<Air Battle Armor>> Air Ride.

It is one of the new weapons of Little Garden against the forthcoming Third Attack.

This was supposed to be the final practice for Hayato. It is what is called a sham battle.

The place is the opposite deck part of Little Garden. It is over the coastal sand beach behind the school building that belongs to the martial arts department.

The wide sea is reflected in Hayato’s sight.

He can also see the whole Little Garden, as well as the city of Sangria.

[Let’s go, Hayato!]

While Hayato is enjoying the surrounding scenery, he heard a woman’s voice through the radio function of his Vital Ring. Then Hayato looks towards the young lady who emitted that voice. It is Hayato’s classmate and childhood friend Emilia Hermit, who’s also training with the Air Ride as part of this sham battle. She is floating about a hundred meters ahead and wears an Air Ride, which is the same Outer than Hayato, above her pure white Variable Suit.

– Yeah, come anytime!

Hayato grasps <<Swallow in Flight>> Hien tightly with both of his hands.

The function of the Air Ride worn by this couple does not change. Apart from the color, which one is painted in black and the other one in white, there is one difference. In the hands of Hayato is Hien, whereas Emilia has eight floating turrets around her Air Ride. Those turrets were created by her Innocence type Hundred <<All Covered in Fog>> Arms Shroud.

[If that’s the case, then I’ll go without reservation. It will be better that you don’t hold back too, Hayato]

– Got it.

By saying that, it is clearly evident that Emilia is going to come all out. Hayato knows that such is her personality. That’s why, of course, he can’t go easy on her. This can turn into something big if he does such a thing.

[Well then, let’s begin the match]

Emilia deployed all of her eight floating turrets around Hayato’s body and began to shoot beams, one after another.

While manipulating the <<Propulsion Equipment>> Thruster of his Air Ride, Hayato repeatedly dodge them and expands an E barrier to stop the beams.

Emilia is approaching Hayato while cutting the wind with vigor. When the distance between the two of them has been cut to ten meters, all eight floating turrets are reduced to particles. Then, she created a huge white sword, similar to Hien, whose blade is three meters long.

– Yaaaaahh!

Emilia attacks with her sword while shouting, and Hayato stopped the blow with his Hien. Emilia releases energy from the Thruster so she can blow away Hayato’s body.

But, Hayato will not allow it.

He pours energy into Hien and swept away Emilia’s body with his sword.

– Ah!

– Uooooooooooooo!

Hayato launches an attack with Hien towards Emilia whose stance collapses. Emilia tried to prevent the slash with the E barrier, but lost due to its power, and so was blown off towards the sea surface.

– Kuh, too strong…!

It was Emilia who appeared like a straight line in the midst of the ocean, but she was just barely able to keep going.

– What’s the matter, are going to give up?

[No, I have not lost yet!]

Emilia released beams from the two muzzles present in the Air Ride. Hayato, who injected energy to the Thruster and slid to the right side, aimed to Emilia and shoot a similar beam. However, at that time, as he was distracted by releasing the beam, he neglected the control of his Thruster.

– …oh no, this is bad.

The balance in his body collapses.

Emilia won’t miss that opportunity.

She reduces the sword that had in her hand to particles. Then with her Arms Shroud, she creates a spear and throws it to Hayato.

– Take thi―s!

– Geh!

When he noticed, a spear was drawing near before his eyes. Hayato managed to recover the balance of his body and to dodge the spear at the very last moment.

– As expected, weren’t you going overkill? I thought that it was a direct hit.

[Ahaha, I think that it will be absolutely dodged if it is Hayato]

– No, it was a nice last moment save…

Against Emilia, who is not timid at all, Hayato smiles bitterly. Then, a transmission entered.

[Let’s leave the sham battle up to this point. If we continue with this, either one of you will suffer a serious injury]

Who said that just now, in a funny voice, was Charlotte Dimandius, the <Technologist in charge> Main Technologist at Little Garden, and the one who proposed the sham battle.

This marked the end of the sham battle.

Hayato and Emilia gathered together and then landed on the sandy beach.

– We-ll, as expected from you guys. Somehow, it didn’t look like you were human at all, you know?

Who said that is Fritz Grantz, who belongs to the same first year of the martial arts department and who is a member of the <Selection Group> Selections. He is with his childhood friend Latia. And their classmates Ryu Shuemei and Noah Sheldon, who were observing the match between Hayato and Emilia on the sandy beach.

– To be honest, I thought that you were not the same Slayers. Both of you are really amazing!

It is Noah, his classmate, who followed what Fritz said. Shuemei who was standing right next to them also nodded.

– I really want to use the Air Ride, and just like Hayato and Emilia, to be able to fly around the sky!

Latia looked at Hayato and Emilia with a shining and brightly look in her eyes. Then Fritz put a hand on her head.

– First of all, we must be able to deploy a fully armament.

– Uu, don’t touch my head! Get that already!

It is Charlotte Dimandius, a woman in a white robe and has a fluffy light-purple hair who had come closer to Hayato and company.

She keeps her favorite candy in her mouth as usual.

– First of all, thank you very much. Even though it has been barely a little more than a week, you were able to fully handle the Outer. With this much, it is possible for you to be granted the permission to use the Air Ride during the Third Attack.

– Well, I can’t really say that I can perfectly handle this…

He fell into a pinch because of neglecting the control of the Thruster.

As he was remembering that, Hayato smiled bitterly.

– Still, it is a considerable progress compared to a week ago. Hayato, who was able to <<Double Deployment>> Dual Act in the fight against Douglas, didn’t expect that he could have much trouble to control the Air Ride.

– However, at that time, it felt like if it was like a Hundred.

Between Air Ride and Dual Act, it is said that the latter one is higher in difficulty. Nonetheless, during that fight with Douglas, that one Hundred, that was used to deploy, was broken. And it was different from controlling other kind of things from the very beginning, and add to it that it was an extreme condition. It may have been thanks to the ability of the Variant that it activated.

– But, you were able to immediately use two Hundreds at once, and then to be use the Air Ride, as I thought, Hayato is amazing.

– There’s no need to tell that you controlled it perfectly since the very beginning…

– Well, is just that, it’s been a while since I’m manipulating a Hundred.

Emilia smiles with pride.

– Okay then, we still have some time to spare until the decisive battle. You should be able to operate it perfectly until then.

Charlotte said that while having her candy in her mouth, and smiled.

Time goes back two weeks ago.

It is the day after the battle against Douglas, who was Emilia’s fiancée. Hayato and Emilia couldn’t see Kirishima Sakura’s concert in the capital of Francois, Louvre. That was because Claire ordered Hayato and Emilia to return in the morning of the next day.

– Eh? Why so suddenly? What on earth are you saying, Prez!

Losing her patience, she holds the Tablet PC that was located on the desk that is in front of her, looking similar as if she was going to bite it, the person Emilia was asking that was Claire, who is reflected on the screen.

In the original schedule it was planned that they would depart from Gudenburg on the night of the next day. In other words, their return order is two days earlier than planned.

[The reason is important and confidential, but I cannot tell you in this way. But I am going to inform you about this as soon as you return desu]

– But, I had some plans for this! I really don’t care about Kirishima Sakura’s live concert, but there is a place that I want to go together with Hayato!

– How can you say that you don’t care about my live concerts!?

It was Sakura who got up from the chair and raised a loud voice, as she was standing next to Emilia. Hayato, Emilia, and Sakura gathered in Hayato’s room and listened to what Claire had to say.

– Apart from that, there is a place that we definitely have to go!

To Sakura who gave a loud voice objecting, Emilia shows a fervent speech as she raises the volume even more.

Claire, who sighed deeply while looking at these two people, continued with her words.

[I am terribly sorry, but I will really appreciate if you cancel it all masuwa]

– Uwaa…. But, there really is one place. This one place that I want to take Hayato, no matter what. Would you at least allow us to go here?

Emilia puts both of her hands in front of her chest in a pleading posture, and begs towards Claire.

[So then, what place is that desuno?]

Asks Claire, in an amazed state. And unlike so far, Emilia answered with a serious expression on her face.

– The Gudenburg National Memorial Cemetery―It is a memorial, an establishment to bring peace to the spirits, where people who died in the Second Attack are buried.

It takes some time to prepare a transport machine to carry Hayato and Emilia back to Little Garden. Because of that, Claire allowed only to go to the Memorial Cemetery in the morning. But still, there’s not much time anyway. That’s why Hayato had to split up with Sakura, who had to return to Louvre by noon to prepare for the live concert, so they can quickly prepare their return.

They been informed that the preparations of the courtesy car are already done. Hayato, and Emilia are being guided by an escort, a maid, named Kate, to leave the palace. And there, a spectacle was spreading right before them, Emilia had her eyes wide opened in surprise.

– Kilfelthar! And also, Otou-sama and Onee-sama…

Although their departure schedule was suddenly moved forward, there were a great number of people including royalty members, high-ranking officials, and people who worked in the palace, who came to farewell Hayato and Emilia.

Emilia, who is a young mistress that not only has the blood of the prideful Gudenburg, but also is mixed with the blood of Wenz, the people of the country, was treated as an evil by the royal people and those who worked in the palace.

However, since it was revealed that the Prime Minister of the Federation of Britannia, was the leader dedicated to mutiny, seems like the atmosphere has changed completely.

Kate wiped her overflowing tears with a handkerchief, as she was looking at Emilia who is talking to everyone who surrounded her.

– I am so glad… I am so glad, Emilia-sama…

– it’s good, don’t you think…?

Hayato agrees, murmuring.

– When time is available, come back again with Hayato-kun.

– Yeah, got it. Well then, it’s time to leave.

You are reading story Hundred at

Emilia then rides the courtesy car that the royal family have prepared.

– Hayato, get in.

– Right.

Doing as he was told, Hayato too boarded the courtesy car.

– Hayato-sama, this is for Emilia-sama―.

Hayato received a white flower bouquet from Kate.

Is it a present for Emilia, I guess?

The door closes, and so the courtesy car starts to move.

– Well then, Otou-sama and Onee-sama―and everyone, good bye!

Emilia leaned out the window, and swung her hands until everyone’s figures disappeared.

The Gudenburg National Memorial Cemetery is in the hillside of a mountain located outside the town, about ten minutes by car from the palace. Emilia and Hayato got off from the courtesy car at the entrance and walked among countless grave markers.

– Here it is.

– This is…

Emilia stopped her feet, Hayato’s father and mother’s name were in the grave marker.

– I asked to check for the grave markers of the people who were from other countries that died in this city at the time of the Second Attack.

– …is that so?

Emilia devoted prayer by placing the white bouquet that was holding in her hands in front of the grave marker.

So this was the purpose of the bouquet, it seemed to be a flower arrangement to be presented to my parents.

Hayato also takes a posture of prayer, by joining his hands in the same way like Emilia.

The remains of his mother and father were sent to Yamato after a while since the Second Attack, and are stored in the ancestral tomb in the graveyard, which is on the side of the institution where Hayato lived for many years.

Therefore, there are only grave markers. Nevertheless, there was a proof that both of his parents were alive in this place, so he prayed with great care, Hayato is very thankful about this, he was happy for this.

(I couldn’t go at summer vacation, but the next time I go home, to Yamato, I will visit their graves)

I don’t know when it will be.

Will I have some time to return to Yamato, maybe in New Year, I wonder?

– Ok then, since we don’t have much time, we should move.

– Yeah.

Hayato walks to the location of the courtesy car which is waiting for him and Emilia.

– Thank you, Emilia. For preparing a bouquet.

– I thought that I couldn’t say a proper greeting to Hayato’s father and mother without one.

That’s what Emilia said as she smiled.

– Well, ‘greetings’…

Somehow, that word was extremely heavy…

(Was that my imagination… right?)

The day that Hayato will visit the graveyard in Yamato, the one he postponed, will come faster than he imagined, on the contrary, it came right away.

Time is back again to the present.

All the Slayers from first to third years were gathered in the auditorium in the school district of Little Garden, where the [Third Attack Countermeasure Meeting] is being held. Claire, the Student Council President, is informing about the assignment destination for the imminent Third Attack.

As in the same scenario than in the entrance ceremony, Claire is talking on the stage by wearing a red uniform indicating that she is the Student Council President. And the same is for both Liddy and Erika, the vice presidents, who are wearing their blue uniform, and standing on both sides of Claire.

– Kisaragi Hayato, you will head to the Empire of Yamato masuwa.

The meeting that started at noon has already ended. While the sky was dyed in a madder red color, Claire’s mouth informed to Hayato that his assignment was Yamato, his hometown.

– Understood.

Standing up from the chair, Hayato answers.

Continuing, Claire said.

– The base that you will be on standby is the place where you took your test for Warslan Company narimasu.

In other words, it will be near the institution where he spent many years, the place that he was about to return in his summer vacation. He was wondering about when will be next time that he could return to Yamato, but that day came sooner than expected. Of course, it was a situation that he could not predict.

– The departure from Little Garden will be in three more days masuwa. Until then, get ready. For detailed instructions, the Student Council will inform you if there is any masu.

In short, even after arriving at Yamato, there will be a moment until the first wave of the Third Attack.

(Perhaps, there will be a certain time when I could visit the graves)

Suddenly, Hayato is thinking in such a thing. And just like that, the instructions to Hayato are over. Then Claire turns her line of sight to Emilia who is standing next to Hayato.

– Next is Emilia Hermit. You will be waiting orders here, in Little Garden.

– Huh…?

She can’t understand what happened.

Being hard to believe, Emilia had an absentmindedly expression on her face.

However, she instantly chewed the words that Claire said.

Recovering, Emilia lifted her eyebrows as she screamed.

– Wait a moment, I will also go to Yamato with Hayato!

– Hey, Emilia! You, what are you talking about!

Hayato held Emilia’s body as she was trying to give a step towards Claire.

Claire told in advance that each Slayer’s location is decided according to the prediction data derived by <<LiZA>> and then judged by the Student Council and by Warslan Company. Of course, it is not allowed to cast an objection. From the third years to the first years, everyone has been informed of the place that they will be deployed as a Slayer, but Emilia is the first person who expressed what she wanted by herself in this way.

– That is a clashing hope of yours desuwayo, Emilia Hermit.

As a matter of course, Claire who was on the stage rejected it clearly.

– If it’s the case, then who will go to Yamato together with Hayato? Is it impossible for me to replace them?

– The number of Slayers sent from Little Garden to Yamato has been determined to one masu. In other words, it is only Kisaragi Hayato desu.

Who said that was the vice president who wears glasses and is standing to Claire’s left side.

It is Erika Candle.

The territorial area of the Empire of Yamato is known around the world for not being a wide one, the number of Slayers that belong to the army is small, but there are many outstanding people, and over the past few years, there has been almost zero damage done by the Savage. In addition to that, it has been predicted that the number of Savages that may fall to Yamato in the present conditions are no more than 10, and regarding the attacks in the downtown areas, the Imperial Army can protect it by themselves as they have their own elite Slayer Troops.

– However, if you include up to the provinces, then there are not enough Slayers to cover by themselves. Therefore, the Imperial has asked to the UN for cooperation desu.

Erika keeps explaining about the subject to Emilia.

– That is why Warslan, with their base in Yamato, decided to deploy troops in preparation for the charge of the Savage in three different places desu.

From within one of those places, the base of Motomatsu, there was a request of one person from Little Garden for support.

– Originally our intention was to assign Kisaragi Hayato to Little Garden. For us too, Kisaragi Hayato’ strength is very important.

It is Claire who said so after Erika.

However, the Yamato branch of Warslan, has nominated Kisaragi Hayato as he is a native of the country, has abundant experience in battle and can use the new weapon of Little Garden, the Air Ride.

And also Little Garden could not refuse this assignment because it was demanded by Shinonome Mika, who is the current commander of the Motomatsu base, and the one who recommended Hayato to Little Garden.

– If there were young people from Yamato, who are Slayers and belong to Little Garden and someone within them had the same ability and skill than Kisaragi Hayato, then I could recommend a substitute, but not Emilia. Or else, you will go to Yamato instead of Kisaragi Hayato?

– No, well, that means―.

– Then, please understand. Both Liddy and I cannot afford to leave Little Garden desu. That being the case, I will go on to the next masuwa―.

Next are the couple of Fritz and Latia to be assigned. The location is on the east coast of the United States of Liberia, in the region of the Sunshine State.

Fundamentally it is a peaceful rural town and its population is small, but there is a launching site that fires rockets pointing to the lunar base as well as Mass Drivers for transporting luggage, it is a place that should never take any damage. In other words, the ability of those two is recognized and are assigned there. Subsequently, Shuemei, Noah, and Alphonse and other assignees were announced.

Basically, first year members with the exception from the Selections, and excepting those who hold a Sniper Hundred type, are to standby in Little Garden. It sometimes comes out.

– That is all desu. If someone has not been informed yet about their assignment, can you please raise your hand?

(Come to think of it, what about Nesat, I wonder?)

Emilia, who’s sitting next to Hayato, murmured secretly close to his ears. Nesat Olfred, who is one of the three guys who was made an artificial variant thanks to Vitaly Tynyanov, and worked as her subordinate. There were encounters where she fought against Hayato, but now she is a friend and they fight together―Besides, she is now a classmate, and they share the same classroom.

(She got taken by Dr. Charlotte to somewhere when she was leaving the classroom)

(…is that so?)

(It may be that, there is another duty for Krovahn as well, who is in Middle School, and for Nakri too?)

(Certainly, their strength is valuable)

As a result, no one raised their hand. That means that all members have already been informed.

– Then, that is all for today’s strategy meeting desuwa. It will be the last time that all the students belonging to the martial arts department gather here in front of my eyes, as the next strategy meeting is divided into each assigned destination masu. That is way that I would like to say a few words to end masu.

After a small pause, Claire kept speaking while overcome with emotion.

– We have been going through tough battles over and over again. But, this time is definitely the most intense and harsh fight since the creation of Little Garden. Nevertheless, no one will definitely lack, and will overcome the Third Attack, so that I would like to see your healthy figures again in this place desuwa. That is my request. We do have the power. Do you think the same desuwane?

The voices of the Slayers resounded within the Briefing Room. The answers is [YES].

– Then, Let’s do so. I pray for that we can meet again with all of you at this place after the Third Attack masuwa.

That is the end of the meeting.

– As one could expect from Prez, it was a good speech.

Fritz gets up from his chair, and *HYUU* whistles with his mouth. And then he stretches his right hand to Hayato, who is still sitting on the chair.

– Hayato, you must definitely come back alive!

– You too!

Hayato stood up and grasps tightly the hand presented by Fritz.

There are those who will be sent far away, and those who will remain in Little Garden.

Everyone embraces each other, shakes hands, and just as Hayato and Fritz have done, they pledge to reunite in this place.

Claire, who’s on the stage staring at those figures, staring to everyone who is standing in this place, and together with a smile, she kept wishing in her mind to not lose anyone after the end of the Third Attack.

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