
Chapter 52: Volume 8 - CH 4

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An hour before the start of the match with Rasiya Team.

Hayato entered the stadium which is the venue of the World Martial Arts Tournament, and changed clothes to his Variable Suit, as it was expected to do from this point.

Then, his Hundred received some adjustments from Charlotte, and moved to the waiting space on the wing of the battlefield 30 minutes before the start of the match.

But, Hayato had a place to go before coming there.

That place is the sickroom of Kenzaki Touka, which is located in the medical treatment space inside the stadium.

*TAP* *TAP* and then a *KNOCK*, he put a hand on the door of the sickroom.

– I’m coming in.

Suddenly, the door was opened making a sound.

– Shi, Shinshishō…?

– … eh?

What the eyes of Hayato met was the figure of Touka that wasn’t wearing anything, with the exception of a thin strawberry pattern underwear.

She was applying a towel wet with warmth water on her arms.

It seems like she was wiping the perspiration given off during sleep.

– Ah! Umm… my bad. I’m going to wait outside!

Although her body is a very young one, she’s still a woman.

His heart beats fast with the bottom on her chest, the swelling that looks soft*.

– Please wait!

Touka called out Hayato who was rushing to leave the room.

– There’s no need to go outside. As long as you stay facing backwards, then I can change clothes before that.

– Is, is that so…?

Hayato turns backwards as he was told.

(Certainly, she was in the middle of wiping her body, huh…)

When he was visiting Karen’s hospital room every day once he came to Little Garden, similar things happened often.

– Nii-san, are you doing this on purpose?

Karen told him things like that, so when he visited the hospital room he was careful, but this time he was careless.

(…still, I don’t have an excuse)

But, at the time when he was living in the institution, it was something natural.

Probably because the ones surrounding him were only children.

Because of that, he forgot to confirm it now.

– You can turn around.

– Okay.

When he turned around, Touka was properly wearing a hospital gown.

– Then, what do you need? Now comes… the match against Rasiya, right?

– That’s why I came here. I thought of telling you something that will motivate you.

– To tell me something?

– Yeah――

Hayato nodded, and put a hand on Touka’s head.

– Ah…!

That little girl, her face is colored in bright red.

But Hayato didn’t noticed it, and continued speaking.

– Arranged by the President, I’ll be able to fight that guy――Gert.

– Shinshishō. That’s my――

– If it’s revenge what you want to say, that might be unsettling. At that time, why didn’t I stop my caustic words?

Scratching his head feeling embarrassed, Hayato continued.

– But, I’m definitely going to win. For you, and for Little Garden. At that time, you told me exactly that. So, give me your support.

– Hey, Shinshishō.

– What?

– I know this is not the best time to say it but, I truly thank you for that time. I was happy that you came to help me.

– Don’t make me feel embarrassed saying something like that so formal…

– …. it’s the same for me…

Silence passed between them.

– But, Shinshishō. Please be careful. That Gert is abnormal.

– I know that. Well then, I have to go.

– Yes! Go for it, Shinshishō! I’m very happy that Shinshishō is, is my Shishō!

「Now we are finally half through of the tournament. The first match of today is between Little Garden team vs Rasiya team, the fated showdown of the two teams!」

What is displayed in the large-sized vision of the stadium is the state of the battle between Gert and Touka in single matches.

Fritz, who was watching that situation in the waiting space of the wing, told in disgust.

– Don’t show something like that. It isn’t pleasant at all to watch that.

– The easy-to-understand revenge tragedy, that is something the media likes, by the way.

Being the same of disgusted when saying that, Claire went out to the battlefield.

It’s to decide the format of the match, drawing lots.

– It’s been a while, Queen of Little Garden.

– Likewise.

Cezary and Claire.

Without shaking hands, the conversation they had was no more than that.

Claire is the first to receive the device, and pushed the button.

A vertical row lights up,

Cezary chose the button「③」.

The square on vertical number one, horizontal number three shines.

Thus, the match format was decided.

Claire returned to the waiting space, and called out her teammates.

– As you can see, the match format is <<Knockout Competition>>. As I conveyed to you at the strategy meeting yesterday, Liddy will be the first participant masuwayo.

– Yes.

Looking to Claire, Liddy replies firmly.

– According to the strategy, you will deal with the first and second participants perfectly.

According to the analysis of <<LiZA>>, among the Slayers of Rasiya team, three of them have a considerable ability――those are Gert, Elena and Cezary, the rest of them aren’t even considered an opponent.

Liddy defeated with full confidence the first and second participants of Rasiya Team.

The moment she surpassed those two, both her vital and energy are barely consumed.


– Liddy, you have done wonderful so far desuwa.

Claire told that to Liddy who came back to the waiting space from the battlefield after finishing the second battle.

That’s because of the nomination of Elena as the third participant of Rasiya team.

– …understood.

Liddy obediently withdraws. But to tell the truth, she just wants to fight like she did in the second battle.

Moreover, it’s said that there’s a possibility that Elena is an artificial Variant.

In the past, I may have lost against Krovanh and the others, but now that I have further devoted myself to train as a Slayer, then I may be able to win against an artificial Variant.

Liddy had such thought.

That’s why Liddy was supplicating Claire to fight Elena if she came out during the strategy meeting yesterday, if she had no problems with her vital and energy.

However, Claire didn’t allow it.

– We do not know what will be the format of the match until right before that, so we can’t limit ourselves that problems and accidents won’t occur until then. Although we have time until the finals, I want you to save your ability desu. <<LiZA>> also recommends it masu.

Continuing, Mei Mei, who remained on the side of Little Garden said.

「By the way, if Elena-san and Liddy-san had to fight, the chances for Liddy-san to win are around 43%. In case she does win, the likelihood that Liddy-san won’t be in the finals is nearly 100%――that’s what <<LiZA>> calculated」

In other words, even if she wins, there’s a high possibility that she will be severely injured so that she won’t participate in the next round.

It’s team battles. Still, considering the position of the vice president, and the victory of the team――they should go for the championship.

That was the decision, so Liddy accepted Claire’s proposition.

– Alright, it’s my turn.

After Emilia drank a bottle of <<Energy Drink>> energy bull, she walked towards the battlefield.

– Hayato, cheer for me.

– Yeah, of course.

Nonetheless, if it’s Emilia, then there’s nothing to worry about. Even though there’s the possibility for the opponent to be an artificial Variant, <<LiZA>> predicted that the probability for Emilia to win is over 70%.

Emilia goes towards the center of the battlefield.

Elena was waiting there, and called out Emilia.

– You are my opponent, huh.

– Yup, let’s have a good match.

With a smile on her face, Emilia grasps tightly her Hundred.


Emilia is the first to deploy the Hundred――

Arms Shroud, the Innocence type Hundred appears, surrounding her body.

– I heard that your armament is a variable type.

– So you knew it――it was obvious. It’s something basic to investigate the team of your opponent.

Slipping out a smile, Emilia transformed the floating batteries into a spear.

– Hmm, this will do it.

– Then, it’s my turn now.

With that said, Elena deploys her Hundred.


– Wow, it’s amazing.

Emilia spilt those words spontaneously, looking at Elena which appeared from the blue light emitted from the Hundred.

That’s because Elena was on a horse.

– It’s correct to say that yours it’s a Rider type? I feel that I’ve heard that it’s like a combination of a Phalanx type and a Tamer type.

– It is, exactly that. Its name is <<Ice Silver Fighting Horse>> Red Chariot.

– Both of us have special armaments, the people in the audience are sure having a great time, isn’t it?

– Hmph, how complacent.

Looking at the smiling face of Emilia, Elena laughed scornfully.

– If you are nervous, then you won’t be able to show your real ability, right? Well then, let’s begin――

– Let’s do it.

While the countdown begins, they both prepare themselves and glared at each other.

「Now, with the recent entrance of Emilia Hermit of Little Garden team, and the entrance of the most recent team member of Rasiya team, Elena Eskalnikova, let the match begin! By the way, the participant Emilia is a member of the elite force “Selections” of Little Garden. And there is also a rumor related to participant Elena, who is part of the elite force of Rasiya Empire, in which she is a member of the <Secret Police> Oprichinik. The fellow secret weapons of both teams are facing each other. What kind of battle will it be?」

Following Carol’s announcement, the buzzer indicating the beginning of the game rang.

Along with that, Elena charges.

– Ураааааааааааа!!* (URAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!)

She kicked the abdomen of the horse with the stirrup, and began to run vigorously.

Then, she started attacking Emilia with the spear.

Emilia, who leapt high with a jump using energy to dodge it, transformed her Arms Shroud into two floating batteries and released beams from mid-air towards the horse that she was riding.

Not only Elena jumped high using the four legs in order to dodge them, but also she set an attack while falling.

After jumping backwards, Emilia made use of Arms Shroud to increase the floating batteries to eight, multiplying them by 4――deploying them around Elena.

– You’re a big target! If two didn’t do it, then with this much I’ll hit you for sure!

It’s as Emilia says.

As expected, it’s impossible for Elena to dodge the beams of all eight floating batteries.


– With beams and the like of that degree!

Elena deploys a wide area barrier, making an E barrier around her body.

The beams banished, and set off an offensive on Emilia.

– Okay then, how about this?

Emilia evaded the spear of Elena, then rapidly took distance and reduced all the floating batteries to particles.

Using Arms Shroud, she created 5 spears, and started to launch one, then another one, aiming at Elena.

– It’s not a simultaneous attack, so this will do!

According to those words, Elena manipulates the horse and continues to dodge the spears.

But, Emilia isn’t releasing just normal ones.

– The last one will be a big one!

– Wha――

She thought that she ended dodging them all, but when she saw the sixth spear, Elena was left in surprise.

Rather than a spear, it was like a huge club used to hit the bell of the temples in Yamato. It’s too big to be able to dodge it.

– ――guh!

Elena received a direct hit, she was thrown down from the horse, her body hit hard the battlefield. At the same time, the horse vanished in particles.

「Ooooooh my, participant Elena! She is down! She is down! The horse, which was her mount, has ended up vanishing! Will she be able to stand up!? By the way, the name of her horse seems to be 『Crow Cassis*』and it means white snow! That’s the information that we have!」

While Carol mixed her explanations, the countdown started.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6――

– Guh…!

The countdown was exactly at 5 when Elena stood up, though she was staggering, and looked at Cezary in the waiting space, to appeal for something to him.

Cezary nods, in order to give his approval to that appeal.

Thereupon, Elena loosened her mouth and smiled with a puff, and turned a sharp look at Emilia.

– From here on, I’ll go all out.

– …all out?

She had a bad presentiment.

She felt that the nature of the energy covering her body changed.

– That’s right, the real match starts from here.

That premonition wasn’t a mistake.

Both Elena’s eyes emit a golden color.

Then her body is wrapped in particles of golden energy.

(That means, that a few moments ago she got the permission to use the ability of the Variant…)

The brightness and the particles of the energy disappeared, and when she saw Elena who appeared from that, Emilia muttered in surprise.

– The hell, is that…

The upper body is like a human being, but the lower one it’s not of a human being. Her lower body changed, it was just like the mount, that is, the horse of moments ago.

Although that person attracted her attention, when she looks closely at her, the armament of the upper body is fairly thick, and the weapon, the spear, has become bigger.

– You look like a centaur that appears in the myths. So that’s your full armament, huh.

– That’s right.

Nodding, Elena shouted, holding the spear in her hand.

– Here I go! Haaaaaaaaaa!

With her four legs, Elena rushes out.

(… she’s fast!)

Her speed is considerable. Not only she’s wielding a spear with which she can throw thrusts, but also can attack with a sharp energy blade.

Emilia stopped the blade with an E barrier.

– Haha, my arm is a little numb…

– This is not the end!

Getting closer this time, she swung downward the spear from above the head of Emilia.

– If that’s the case, this will help!

Emilia created a shield with her Arms Shroud, trying to stop the blow.

– Such a thing, I will destroy it!

Those words were in the right.

By the attack of Elena whose eyes shone in a furious golden color, the shield was splendidly smashed.

– This is the end

The landing Elena lifted the spear high enough to swing it downward Emilia who is in front of her.


– It’s a shame, but that’s not going to happen.

– NANI!? (WHAT!?)

– This is what I was aiming for.

Looking at the arm of Emilia, it’s her Buster Cannon loaded with energy.

– Take thiiiiiiiiiis!

Shouting, Emilia fired a shot.

It’s a point-blank range bombardment.

It’s more than evident that she couldn’t avoid it.

「Aaaand she is down! The participant Elena, who has become like a centaur with full armament is once again down due to participant Emilia’s effective cleverness bombardment!」

Elena, who sprung three times over the battlefield, stopped moving.

The countdown started but stopped immediately.

The damage was almost zero.

– As one would expect of you.

– …rather, it looks like the charge wasn’t enough.

Emilia smiled bitterly, and reduced Buster Cannon to particles.

The match restarts.

– I, I can’t afford to lose!

Elena’s eyes shone in a golden color, assaulting Emilia with consecutive attacks.

However, Emilia kept dodging them all with precision.

– Why, why! Why I can’t hit you!

– Because you’ve run out of patience.

Answering while evading the spear of Elena, Emilia set off an attack with the floating batteries.

But, she couldn’t do any damage.

(A wide dimensional barrier due to N barrier…)

Since it has come to this, there’s no choice but to floor* it with a direct attack.

Emilia dodged with a jump the thrust that Elena had released and at the same time she landed, she created a similar lance with Arms Shroud.

– Haaaaaaaaaa!

To Emilia who was readied, Elena launched a sharp thrust.

It’s an attack with a speed that is likely to be unavoidable if it’s an ordinary Slayer that uses the ability of the Variant.

To the eyes of the spectators, it looked like she made it through the gap of Emilia who just created the lance, as if she was turning the tables with a single successful attack.

It is at that time.

Hayato was aware of the change in Emilia, but on her skin, and not in her eyes.

The nature of Emilia’s energy has changed.

(No way――)

It was that no way.

Emilia’s eyes, even if it was for an instant, got dyed in golden color.

She released the power of the Variant.

– This is going to be the first time that we will be seeing her releasing the <<Power to be a God>> don’t yo――

It was Charlotte that said that behind Hayato.

She didn’t fail to notice that the color of the eyes of Emilia changed to a golden color for a moment.

– …oh, Charlotte-san, what you just said is…

In a hurry, Hayato gave a reminder to Charlotte. That is, because both Fritz and Latia haven’t been told that Hayato and Emilia are Variant.

But, Charlotte didn’t stop her speech.

– If you think about it, it will be more difficult to keep this thing hidden. Both Fritz and Latia seemed to be aware of the change this time because of Gert, and the thing about the Variant is also being discussed in the media.

– Eh? Is that so?

– Yep, regardless of Emilia, there are rumors that you are a Variant, you know.

Hayato didn’t know that at all.

– In the first place, weren’t they a little suspicious?

– Well, a lot.

Facing Charlotte, Fritz replied. There, Charlotte continued speaking.

– But, you thought that it was bad to pry into something that was hidden, so you didn’t ask about it.

– Umm, that…

– Well, let’s talk about that after the match. Let’s watch the match of Emilia for now.

He was truly grateful for that consideration.

Hayato returns his sight to the battlefield.

After repelling the spear of Elena with her lance, she reduced the lance into particles with a flowing gesture and created Buster Cannon with Arms Shroud.

– It’s over with this.

Using the ability of the Variant, she loaded it with energy in one go.

It’s different from a while ago.

Emilia tried to shoot the bombardment at full power.

At that same instant.

「Did I, lose?」

The voice of the heart of Elena flows into Emilia.

Empathy between the fellow Variants occurred.

What came after the flow is, the reason of her fight.

Emilia was able to see Elena when she was a very young child, training as a Slayer together with selected boys and girls.

She was selected as a talented Slayer when she was 5 years old, and because of that, she was ordered to enter a national training facility to enhance her abilities. She doesn’t remember the faces or her father nor her mother. She has never met them since then.

Therefore, without knowing about the feelings of parents’ affection and of course without knowing the feeling of love that girls of her age enjoy, Elena decided to devote her youth to martial arts training.

She knew the feeling of love after living for a long time in a training facility, when she became a member of the Oprichnik of Rasiya, and was assigned to the Slayer troops.

From the point of view of Elena who was trained as an elite even though she was a child, it was absurd that she could have opponents within the bunch of the same year, so practically, nobody became her opponent.

It’s the same even if’s a senpai.

However, there was a man who was different.

His name, Cezary Gravin.

It’s a young man who was assigned to the Slayer troops half a year ago.

The guy had overwhelming strength, although he wasn’t studying at the same training school.

Even though he had the same strength as her, he isn’t proud of it, and keeps training every day.

With that much. Elena flustered for the first time.

Eventually Elena went to the battlefield with Cezary, fighting and entrusting their backs to each other.

Not only his manner to fight, but also his earnest attitude to continuously fight aiming for the top, made the palpitations of Elena to increase even more.

It’s in the middle of that when he’s injured in a fight with a Savage, it was a fatal wound.

She was rejected to meet him.

During the time they couldn’t meet, her feelings for him further increased.

(If he gets to die, what am I going to do with these feelings of mine?)

But, he survived――

In no more than two months, he came back to the Slayer troops.

(Great! Now I won’t be apart from him anymore. It was absolutely terrible that we were separated without conveying my feelings――)

Elena, who couldn’t keep her patience there, decided to tell Cezary about her own feelings,

That night, she tried to confess Cezary――.

Elena was told that in fact Cezary is on the contrary.

That his past was glorious, and that he is a Variant.

The reason why he could become a Slayer and that he could survive the fatal wound received from a Savage is that he became a Variant in order to make that man, who instigated his sister Vitaly Tynyanov, to taste the same anguish in hell like Cezary did――he has a strong goal, to take revenge on Judal Harvey, the President of Warslan Company.

And, if she mingles with him, who’s in such condition, there’s a possibility that she may become a Variant, and in case she couldn’t handle it, she was told that she would die.

But, Elena didn’t withdraw with it, and her flame of love never disappeared.

– I don’t care about that. Since I entered the training facility, my life was the same as if I was dead. But because I could fall in love with you, I was able to return being a person. If I can be of help to you by becoming a Variant, then it’s fine to risk my life too.

– Thank you, Elena. Then, the moment when I fulfilled my revenge with Judal, you and――.

That’s right――.

By winning this tournament, I will obtain real happiness.

Therefore, I can’t lose.

――I absolutely won’t lose.

Emilia, for a moment.

―Hesitated to shoot.

Emilia can understand the feelings that resonated――.

It was because she was able to sympathize with them.

(But, I’m sorry. After all, I can’t lose――)

Emilia shot the bombardment from a point-blank range.

Because of this, Elena fell down, returning from the centaur-like appearance to an ordinary human shape.

Her armament is also completely cancelled.

「Incredible! As expected of a semi-final. I wonder if this is the most intense fight up to now! It was the participant Emilia Hermit of Little Garden team who controlled the match!」

Following the buzzer telling the end of the game, Carol’s narration resounded in the stadium.

– Amazing, as expect of Emilia-sama!

Claudia who was watching from the authorized space is excited too.

This is the third person――.

If two more are knocked down, Little Garden can advance to the final.

– I managed to win.

Emilia said, coming back to the waiting space.

Indicated by the official at the battlefield, the relief squad of the tournament carried Elena on the stretcher.

Apparently, her consciousness hasn’t returned yet.

– To think that you used the ability of the Variant.

It was Charlotte who called out Emilia.

– Ahaha.

Laughing a little troubled, Emilia replied.

– I probably could have won without using it, but if I didn’t do it, then the match may have prolonged and I could have ended up hurt too――oh…

Saying that much, Emilia noticed.

– Wait, Charlotte! That’s a secret――

– Well, I doubt about that…

Charlotte stated that Hayato and Emilia are Variant, so she can use Emilia to leave that exposed to Fritz and Latia.

– Eeh, is that so?

Hayato said to Emilia, whose surprise is justified.

– Charlotte-san overcome me. I certainly thought that it was impossible to keep the secret any longer, it was inevitable.

– Uu, even though it was a secret between you and me.

– But the Student Council knew it.

Hayato was just saying that.

– Emilia Hermit, will you go for the next one masu?

Claire asked.

– I can still afford to fight. But――

Emilia answered and looked at the wing of Rasiya side.

Who is about to go out to the battlefield is the destined opponent of Hayato.

It’s Gert Abramovic.

– Hayato, you are going, right?

Looking to Hayato who’s nodding, Erika asks.

– Claire-sama, is that all right?

– About the promise, of course it is desu. We still have leeway, so I respect Kisaragi Hayato’s wish masuwa.

– Well then, let’s change.

After a high touch with Emilia.

Hayato, standing in front of everyone, said his words of gratitude.

– Emilia. President, and everyone. Thank you very much for going along with my will.

– There is no need for such words wayo.

Claire said, and continued her words.

– Go and win. That is what you have to do desuwa.

– Yes, just like the President said.

– Win, Hayato.

Latia and Fritz.

– Do your best.

He even heard the voice of Nesat.

– Yeah, I’ll win. For sure――.

Answering, Hayato started walking towards the center of the battlefield.

Gert, who was waiting, smiled with a grin after seeing Hayato.

– So, my opponent is you bastard?

Hayato nods and answers.

– The enemies of Touka, I’ll defeat them all.

A few minutes before Hayato and Gert gathered at the center of the battlefield.

On the bed in the sickroom inside the venue, Kenzaki Touka was shaking her fists.

「Oh wow, Little Garden has also made a substitution here! Kisaragi Hayato-san changed with Emilia Hermit-san who showed a wonderful fight! It’s the entry of Kisaragi Hayato-san! This is the first match in which Kisaragi Hayato-san does his entry」

– Shinshishō…

Looking at Hayato projected on the screen along with the announcer’s live coverage, Touka’s tremors become even more intense.

It’s not due to tension.

Even though there’s a person who will fight for her now, she regrets that she can only cheer for him on television, she can’t help but feel miserable.

――she would like to support Hayato, as close as possible.

Losing the will to hold her feelings, Touka got off the bed.

– …kkuh…!

Her body is still in pain.

Even if she was bedridden for a few days, she had a hard time walking.

Still, Touka left the room.

To see the battle properly with her own eyes.

As close as possible, to support <<Shinshishō>> Hayato――.

Touka came out of the hospital room, and managed to get to the authorized people space, holding the handrail installed on the wall of the stadium.

– Touka-san, what are you doing in this place?

– Huh?

It was Souffle, the manager of Sakura and Karen who spoke to Touka.

She finished the phone call of work during the break of the match and found Touka’s figure on her way back to her seat.

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Touka answered Souffle while showing a scared look.

– …I wanted to see the battle of Shinshishō with my own eyes, rather than over the monitor. So…

– Good grief, it can’t be helped.

Shocked, and smiling, Souffle continued.

– If so, then I will guide you to your seat. This way.

Souffle walks, taking the hand of Touka.

Sakura and Karen were in the place they reached.

– Oh, Touka-chan.

– Why is she here?

– She sneaked out of the sickroom, and I found her. I’m glad that we made it just in time for the match.

– Ah…

Touka, looking at Hayato who has Hien at the ready, opened her eyes widely. Facing Gert who has already deployed his armament, he opened his hands and showed his posture.

「Who’s the one that will have the control in this destined confrontation? the match of Kisaragi Hayato vs Gert Abramovic, begins!」

Following Carol’s announcement, the buzzer sounded in the stadium.

At last, the destined battle opens its curtains.

The body of Gert is big and above the average, however, he is a Martial Arts Type Slayer. His weapon are knuckles, their reach is only the length of his own arms.

On the other hand, the armament of Hayato is Hien, a Chevalier Type Hundred.

The blade of that weapon is around 2 meters, and it’s possible to put an aura with energy on it.

Regarding to reach, Hayato is superior.

Just thinking about compatibility, he can set off attacks without letting Gert come near, the victory of Hayato is almost settled――

That was the analysis of the battle situation of Charlotte.

And just like that, the fight goes on.

At first Gert had a good momentum, desperately avoiding the attacks of Hayato. He wasn’t able to launch an attack for almost a minute.

Besides, it looks like he was growing impatient.

– Damn iiiiiiiiiiii――――t!

Gert turned desperate, spreading his arms in a big way, then he leapt in to catch Hayato.


Hayato’s blow moved to hit the bosom that was full of gaps.

– Haaaaaaaaa――――!

Hien shone with energy, hitting directly the abdomen of Gert.

– Guh, agh…

Gert bent forward almost at the center of the battlefield, falling to the ground after that.

「Ooooooh my! Participant Gert is down! He is down!」

1, 2, the count started.

But, Krovanh muttered.

– … it won’t be a TKO with this much.

The reason is simple.

The data on his vital and energy remaining are over the half.

And just like Krovanh conjectured, Gert got up at the count of 6 and turned his eyes to Cezary at the standby place.

Not only Hayato, but everyone in Little Garden team also understood the meaning of that action.

It’s to ask if he can unleash the ability of the Variant.

Cezary nodded and shouted.

– Do it, Gert! Use all your power, and defeat that man――Kisaragi Hayato!

– I was waiting for those words!

Gert’s eyes shone golden and his whole body shone tempestuously with energy.

The situation released is, that his whole body produced a thick armor.

The armament of Martial Arts type――

The full armament of <<Hell’s Gate>> Val Beck.

His appearance is similar to Hercules that appears in myths, he’s wearing a thick steel armor.

– Here I go, oraaaaaaa―――h!!!

While violently shaking the battlefield, Gert attacks.

– Uooooooooooh!

Hayato shouts at the same time he charges in opposition at Gert.

From his whole body, fierce energy was released.

Looking at that figure, Latia shouted.

– It’s full armament!


A thick armor covers the whole body of Hayato.

The figures of the two, became what seemed to be like heavy equipment.

However, unlike their appearances, the attack speed of both of them continued to rise.

Fists and sword, clashing.

By using a big portion of the battlefield, the two intersect countless times.

As far as they can see, Gert is the one who’s assaulting.

– Dieeeeee, Kisaragi Hayatooooooooooooーーー!

Gert drives Hayato to the wall of the battlefield, cornering him, then raised his big fist overhead.

Hayato who can’t escape backwards anymore readied Hien in a low position and tried to respond it.

– ――kuh!

Fist and sword collide.

At first, it seemed that they were on par.


– Uooooooooooooo―――――!

Gert’s eyes shine violently, Hien is pressed down.

– Guuh!

Hayato’s facial expression is distorted in difficulty.

The feeling was like he was being pinned down by a gigantic dinosaur that was charging at him with both arms.

– That’s terrible, at this pace he….

Latia muttered so.

If Hien snaps, Hayato is going to get crushed.

But, Emilia wasn’t perturbed.

– Don’t worry, from here on is Hayato’s specialty.

She told that to Latia to calm her down.

– His specialty you say, don’t tell me…

Following Latia, Fritz said.

– The liberation of Variant’s ability, right?

– Exactly.

At the same time Emilia smiles meaningfully.

Hayato’s eyes shone in a golden color.

Gert seems to have noticed it.

「Crap, this guy was also a Variant! But, there’s no way I can lose. I ain’t losing to anyone! I should be the strongest!」

Together with that shout, the thought of Gert flows into Hayato.

– Ha-ha-ha, I’m the number one!

Gert, who was blessed with his physique since his childhood, was never defeated in quarrels.

With that he earned money, and possessed women.

He had a large number of followers.

Although he wasn’t a nice person, he told himself that with his unique ability he would become a wrestler or a boxer, earn a lot of money, then have even more women, and live a happy life.

But it was impossible to get that due to the appearance of Hundred and Slayers.

A fuss was made because his physical strength was not the most powerful. The state of things ended in a global scale, due to the presence of the ability of the Hundred.

The opponents who can win overwhelmingly will lose if the ones with ordinary strength make use of the Hundred and energy.

Naturally, not only the women, but also his followers disappeared from his side.

In such a situation he started to commit acts of violence, being arrested by the police.

Cezary met Gert by chance.

– Do you want power, correct?

Cezary himself turned Gert in a member of the secret police, and attached him to the Slayer troops.

He told him that he is a Variant, and that their numbers are pretty low among the Slayers.


– If I hand you my power, your physique and your martial arts skill will be the highest, so you’ll be able to become the strongest Slayer.

He told so.

However, it had conditions.

He will be a subordinate under direct supervision of Cezary, and will work for 3 years. This means that this will be his penal servitude.

In other words, it means that Cezary will cooperate to increase the power within the Federation of Rasiya.

Depending on his performance, the period may be shortened.

He didn’t have the minimal idea about how to work under other people.

But he accepted.

If with that he can gain power.

Not long ago, no one could go against him or defeat him, so he will have to bear that much――and.

It’s only been a year since that day.

However, Cezary told him that the period of penal servitude will end as soon as they get the championship of team battles of this competition.

Now he’s a yes-man of Cezary, but if they get the championship, he will regain the glory of his former days.

In addition to the fame of the tournament, the women, the followers, he will take back everything.

That’s the meaning of his fight.

That was the goal of this tournament.

To be defeated, he won’t allow it no matter what.

– Damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii―――t!

The Hien of Hayato repelled the fist of Gert.

– No way, it can’t be! I can’t lose! I’m invincible. I don’t lose to anyone!! I obtain all, everything that I waaaaant!!

While yelling in tears, Gert tried to hit Hayato again.

He swung his arms in a big way, he’s full of gaps.

– This, is the end.

He can’t sympathize with his feelings, but he can understand them.

Used by Cezary and made into an artificial Variant, he thinks that it’s just pitiable.

However, as things are, he will be completely dominated by the Variant Virus, not just his body, but his heart too.

That is to say, he won’t be a human being. As a result, he will result a victim like Touka.

That’s a bad thing for sure.

Hayato slashed at Gert with Hien from his current position as he readied it from a low position.

It’s a win.

– Gu, a――

Gert, who revolved around the air in response to Hayato’s blow, fell to the ground after a few seconds.

「We have a winner! Participant Kisaragi Hayato of Little Garden has succeeded!」

Following the buzzer telling Hayato’s victory, Carol’s announcement sounded in the stadium.

「Wow, just like the previous match, this was an amazing game. Even so, participant Gert, as well as participant Hayato, both of them had a change in the color of their eyes, then that means that, it’s possible that those guys are the rumored Variants, don’t you agree? 」

– Uwaa…

Hayato understands the certainly about the rumor of being a Variant.

However, that seemed to increase the popularity of Hayato instead.

– That’s incredible!

– Show us a great match the next time too!

Those voice and the like, dived into the ears of Hayato who has just cancelled his armament.

Those voices, were a lot numerous in comparison to the previous match.

(… wait, that girl. What is she doing here?)

Hayato realized that Touka was in the special seats together with Sakura and Karen.

But, the situation is strange.

It looks like she’s screaming frantically for something.

Sakura, and Karen are the same.

The spectators also began to make noise.

– Hayato, behind you!

– Huh?

In response to Emilia’s shout, Hayato looked back.

There, Gert stands.

His eyes are shining in a golden color.

– Kisa…ra…gi…Haya…to…

Pause after pause, he murmured those words while breathing in between.

– I! I! I’ll never be defeateeeeeeeeeee――d!

Latia raised her voice in anger, watching the body of Gert covered once again in armor.

– The hell is with that guy!? Even though the match is over already!


Gert shouted loudly, rushing on Hayato.

In a panic, Hayato grasps tightly his Hundred and tries to deploy it――.

– Eh…?

Gert’s movement stopped, like a marionette with all of its threads cut.

On the contrary,

– *Cough*

He vomited blood from his mouth and fell from the front, he no longer moves on the battlefield.

Naturally, his armament has been cancelled.

– Hey, you okay?

Squatting down, Hayato speaks to Gert.

But there’s no reaction.

His eyes are white, and he’s not breathing.

Immediately the official of the tournament and the relief squad get where they were, and began to check the state of Gert.

– There’s nothing to worry about. Hayato didn’t do anything bad.

Emilia spoke to Hayato who came back to the waiting space with a heavy expression.

Latia also called him out.

– Touka was also sent to the relief room. A tit for tat.

– It’s as the chibi* says.

– Huuh? Who’s a chibi!?

Latia stares at Krovanh who said that she was chibi.

But without paying attention to it, Krovanh glared at Rasiya team.

– In the first place, those guys are to blame for making Gert a Variant. He couldn’t control it properly. It’s natural for that to happen, when fighting the real deal.

Real deal――

They heard that he is a Variant, and not an artificial one.

– In short, the one who did it’s him?

It’s Cezary, the captain of Rasiya team, who turned his hostility gaze towards Nakri.

– Kisaragi Hayato, I will substitute you desu. I will be the next one to go masuwa.

Claire said, glancing at the figure of Cezary.

– Oh, but…

And naturally, Hayato is perplexed.

The next one to come out, it’s without a doubt Cezary.

The information is that he is a real Variant, that’s what Hayato and the others heard last night.

That means he’s not an artificial one, but that he’s a natural Variant――moreover, the information says that he transmitted the Variant Virus to Gert and Elena.

There’s no doubt that he’s a strong enemy.

He may be an opponent who an ordinary man can’t fight.

Still, Claire continued.

– …Be at ease desuwa. I am the <<Absolutely Invincible Queen>> Perfect Queen desumono. Besides, if I get to lose, we still have one more person arimasu. In that case――.

It was Nesat that Claire turned her eyes.

– We will be counting on you masuwa, Nesat Olfred.

She wasn’t expecting to be nominated.

Surprised, with her eyes opened in a big way, Nesat nodded.

– …understood.

– Well then, I will go masu.

Claire begins to walk with a relieved smile.

A voice called her from the back.

– Err, Claire-sama!

– What is it desuno?

Claire looked back.

She wants her to stop.

But, she knows that she won’t stop.

Therefore, Erika said.

– Plea-, please do your best!

– Of course desuwa.

Claire answered with security, and showed a smile.

At the same time, Cezary was also coming out to the battlefield.

Claire and Cezary.

Facing each other at the center of the battlefield.

Cezary was the first to start the conversation.

– No way, for the Queen of Little Garden to come out as the fourth player, I’m surprised.

– At any rate, I think that this is going to be exciting, a combat between fellow representatives.

After she smiled.

Claire threw her Hundred in the sky and shouted.


Claire is wrapped in intense light emitted from the Hundred.

– Now…

When she revealed her appearance, everyone was astounded.

The reason is, not only she deployed <<Noble Combatant Princess>> Alisterion, but also, she was in a full armament state.

「Woooow! Participant Claire. Going straight with full armameeent!」

With Carol’s announcement, great cheers arose.

But, not only Hayato and the others didn’t know the reason, since Cezary, who’s in front of her, had a dumbfounded facial expression.

– Full armament all of a sudden. What on earth are your intentions?

– You are my opponent so, I concluded that I must go with all of my strength from the beginning desu. Also, it is for the same thing that I said a few moments ago desuwane.

– …hmm, what do you mean?

– This way, I thought that it will be more exciting.

– You were referring to that. Then I should do the same.

You are reading story Hundred at

Like Claire, Cezary also smiled, grasped tightly his Hundred and shouted.


Like he declared, he’s in full armament.

Cezary’s body is covered in a thick red armor.

The type of Cezary’s Hundred.

<< Purgatory Blazing Falcon>> Era Shashka.

「Oh ho, following the Queen of Little Garden, now even the captain of Rasiya, in answer, has also starting from a full armament state! This will be the first time in the tournament that a battle starts in a full armament state! Because of this, we are expecting that the captains will clash with each other with all they have from the beginning!」

The countdown to the start of the match, on the ground that will take place, have become completely silent.

When it became zero, the buzzer of the beginning of the battle rang.

「Now, the match between the Queen of Little Garden, Claire Harvey, and the representative of Rasiya team, Cezary Gravin, will begin!」

Almost simultaneously with the start of the match.

– Take this!

Claire deployed six floating batteries around Cezary.

She commenced her attack.

Cezary also started to move, swinging down his sword while dodging.

He created an energy blade in order to destroy the floating batteries.

First, he destroyed one floating battery.

After defending from the shots released from the other floating batteries with an E barrier, he released another energy blade and destroyed a second floating battery.

– This will do masuwane.

Claire restored the destroyed floating batteries. There, Cezary began to attack.

While dodging his sword, Claire started to attack with guns from the left and right, and with the floating batteries.

However, even if she hit him, for some reason she can’t do any damage to Cezary who’s in a full armament state.

– If so――<<Small Floating Batteries>> Petals!

Claire floated in the air using six floating batteries as a <<Propulsion Device>> thruster and a total of 12 petals where emitted.

She shot towards Cezary.

However, all the beams were stopped by his wide area barrier.

But, of course, that’s just a decoy.

– How about this desuno?

Claire reduced to particles the six floating batteries. She created Buster Cannon and shot in the direction of Cezary

However, it seems that also didn’t work.

– What!?

Cezary appears with golden eyes from inside the fumes of the explosion that flew high.

It’s the awakening of the ability of the Variant.

Claire tried to step back to dodge the launched slash, but the pointed of the sword hits, touching lightly her chest.

Then a part of the chest of the Variable Suit was avoided.

Cezary set a series of consecutive attacks that flew without a pause.

The moment he released a thrust, his eyes shone aggressively in golden color.

(This is problematic desuwane. At this rate I――)

He did it.

And the moment she thought so.


Claire’s heart beat fast.

The center of her body got hotter.

(This is, can it be――)

It reminds her about what happened in the middle of <<Operation: Bird in Cage>>.

In order to beat the <<Flying Dragon Type>> Dragon Type Savage, she had to kiss Kisaragi Hayato, so her state immediately after doing that, and her current state, are very similar.

The difference is that, the world is in slow motion.

With her eyes, she can follow the slowly approaching pointed end of the sword of Cezary

(Now with this, I can dodge it masuwa…!)

Claire, dodging the point of the sword by putting her body in a diagonal posture, shot the railgun in her right hand towards Cezary’s face.


At the same time the shot caught the face of Cezary, the world regained its original motion.

– Alright, she did it!

Looking at the President who dodged the sword of Cezary and hit the shot, Fritz jumped up with a triumphant pose.

– …hmm, Latia. What’s the matter?

Latia, who was supposed to be joyful as she jumped like he did, had a look that was expressing a dumbfounded face.

Because he was concerned about that, he asked her.

– Now, and for an instant, did the eyes of the President shone in golden color?

– …eh, is that so?

– That’s what I saw. What about you, Hayato?

– Err, that…

– You saw it?

– That’s…

It sure was different.

However, he felt the change in the nature of the energy in her body, so she definitely awoke the ability of the Variant.

– Wait, Hayato!

– Ouch!

Emilia suddenly pinched Hayato’s cheeks as he was about to respond Latia.

Pressing a question to Hayato, tears were floating in her eyes,

– Say, why the Prez can awake the ability of the Variant!? Moreover, I have a hunch that that energy was similar to the one of Hayato! Does that mean that you kissed the Prez!? Or else, how could she do such an awesome thing!? Tell me!

– What, what did you say!?

It was Erika who raised her voice following Emilia. Her face was bright red, and just like Emilia, approached her body and pressed a question.

– Kisaragi Hayato, what di-di-di-di-did you do to Claire-sama…!?

– We, well, please wait a moment, Erika-san. I didn’t do anything!

– …Hayato…

Approaching to attack like Erika and Emilia did, it was Nesat who tapped with a *TON* *TON* on the shoulder of Hayato from the back.

– …wh- what is it?

Nesat said to Hayato who was turning his head with nervousness.

– It was at the time of <<Operation: Bird in Cage>>. Hayato kissed the President, so he gave her the Virus.

– Ah…!

With that words, Hayato remembered.

– Now I remember!

Apparently, Emilia also remembered.

Certainly, at the time of <<Operation: Bird in cage>>, Hayato kissed Claire and gave her the Variant Virus to defeat the Dragon type Savage.

– In other words, the effect of that time still remains inside the President?

Besides that, they can’t think of something conclusive now.

So Hayato nodded and answered Emilia.

– I guess that it’s that kind of thing.

Just like Hayato and Emilia, Claire has reached the same conclusion.

(This thing of him, that remains inside of me… It’s like, I am being protected by Kisaragi Hayato desuwane…)

Moreover, appeared as a chance.

To win, Claire turned into the offensive, so she had to make use of this opportunity.

Using the six floating batteries as thrusters to float in the air, she turned all the muzzles towards Cezary.

(So this is the ability of the Variant… it is amazing desuwane)

Claire thought that because the energy was loaded in all six floating batteries in a blink of an eye.

If all of them attack simultaneously with the maximum potency and strength, even if Cezary regains his posture and deploys a barrier, there’s no doubt that she will be able to cause damage.

– Take this!

Claire fired the beams all at once, the six floating batteries of her aiming at Cezary.

– …how was it desuno?

With this, Cezary is down――.

Even if that’s not the case, he has taken a lot of damage, therefore, the battle after this should proceed with ease. However, two golden lights appeared from the cloud of dust that arose due to the bombardment――.

(Looks like he was protected by the ability of the Variant desuwane…)

As the cloud of dust disappeared, she could confirm the figure of Cezary, who was protecting his body, crossing both arms in front of his chest.

(…this did nothing, to be honest, this is very bad desuwane….)

If the ability of the Variant collides with each other, then Claire is definitely in disadvantage.

At any rate, the Variant Virus inside Claire is only a small quantity given from Kisaragi Hayato――and she doesn’t know how long can it last.

There’s also the possibility that she may have run out of it, due to its use moments ago.

(Even if I lose, I have to figure out how much that man is able to awaken the ability of the Variant wane…)

Additionally, if she can reduce as much as possible his vital and energy, then a possibility will be created for Nesat, who is the next one to participate, to win.

(In that case, I have to attack him more, desuwa!)

Claire tried to deploy the petals again.

Right there, Cezary suddenly raised both hands.

– This match, don’t you want to end it?

– Huuh?

Naturally, Claire is puzzled.

– What do you mean with that desuno?

– I’m saying that I give up.

– But with that decision, won’t Rasiya team be eliminated masuwayo?

– Yes but, it can’t be helped, don’t you agree?

Seeming like a preface, Cezary continued speaking.

– Two Slayers boasting overwhelming abilities in our country have been knocked down. Although we have other Slayers, as things are, it will be difficult for Rasiya team to win in the future.

– But, your power is considerable if I say so. At this rate, if you defeat me, it won’t be impossible for you to advance to the finals de――

– Stop joking. As you could see from the previous fight, it will be impossible. Right now, I can’t help but being worried about my friends Elena and Gert. I’m not in a state where I can fight properly.

– ……

Claire couldn’t measure his real intention.

However, if Cezary gave up with this, they can proceed to the finals which is the next step without consuming much physical strength or energy.

That is of course appreciated.

But he is the brother of that Vitaly.

She knows that he is not being straightforward.

– Are you really okay with this desune?

She doesn’t know when he is going to attack.

While wary, Claire asks.

– Of course, I’m fine with it. I can show you a proof of that.

Cezary nodded, raised his arms, and cancelled his armament.

「Whooa, participant Cezary cancelled his armament. What on earth is happening in there? Is he… perhaps, giving up? 」

Carol was showing confusion. The spectators are in the same condition.

Anyway, it seems natural that Cezary looked superior.

The commotion is very intense.

– Referee in charge, he has declared that is giving up masuwa. Any disarmament during a match should be treated in the same way as a knock out according to rules desu. Please announce the end of the match soon.

Claire said.

It’s inevitable to have an uneasy feeling if the match it’s not decided at once.

「Err, please wait just a minute」

The referee team was also showing confusion to the suddenly declaration of giving up.

However, as Claire said, the armament has been cancelled, so a give up is a give up.

Immediately, the discussion is over.

– The surrender of Cezary Gravin is approved, the winner is Claire Harvey!

With a few words of the referee team, the match is over.

With this, the victory of Little Garden team has finalized in 5 – 3.

It was determined that Little Garden proceeds to the finals.

A little over 2 hours have passed since the end of the match of Little Garden team and Rasiya team in the stadium that was wrapped in commotion.

One of the related parties, Cezary Gravin, was in the maintenance room prepared by the Rasiya government.

He’s waiting for the report of Frorov.

(To think that Claire Harvey was a Variant…)

Of course, surrender was not his true intention.

However, even if he fought like that, he didn’t know if he could win.

In case he lost, escaping from responsibilities was not an option.

Pull out once so you can start over.

He can think of anything, if there’s a reason for his withdrawal.

(Depending on the situation, Frorov will be the responsible of all the blame)

If he keeps his position, sooner or later the time will come to revenge on Judal.

But, there’s still time.

That was the answer given by Cezary.

– ……

The sound of the door opening reached his ears.

Cezary stood up from the chair and turned his eyes towards the door.

Finally, Frorov came back.

– There’s nothing else to do with Gert.

That’s the first thing Frorov said.

– And Elena?

– She’s unconscious. From here on, we can just speculate.

– I see.

– That’s why I told you to not overdo it with the reinforcement.

Frorov leant his back on the chair.

– The higher-ups of Rasiya are in indignation. This defeat wasn’t just a defeat. It’s a defeat that will incline doubts around the world. We have been requested already for an investigation from the United Nations. Do you know the meaning of that?

– Of course.

The creation of artificial Variant is an act that goes against the human rights.

And in order to win this tournament, Rasiya created artificial Variant――

Furthermore, if they fail, and if it drives to the death of a Slayer, it will be a big incident.

– I thought that if you were involved then I could have a successful career, so it would have become possible for me to do all kind of studies, but it turns out that my judgment was a mistake. It’s truly regrettable. With this, the destiny of an excellent Slayer comes to an end――

– What do you mean?

The expression of Cezary who received Frorov’s words became grim.

– I will accuse you to the federal government that it was your order to turn those two into artificial Variants, who sacrificed themselves to become stronger. There’s a recording data of that.

– Bastard, you intend to cover all your crimes with me!? In the first place, the idea of using artificial Variant with my blood was yours!

While raging, Cezary grabbed the collar of Frorov.

The body of Frorov that was sitting on the chair is lifted.

– … hmm. If you look at me, I might be a senile old fool, but I’m still in my sixties. There’s still life for me. There are a lot of research and other things to do. In your life, up to now, you’ve reached the top, but my position is――

– Kuh…

As a Slayer, Cezary climbed to the top, he was in the highest position, but Frorov has a better position inside the federation. He also has strong connections with high government officials, so even if Cezary says anything, the words of Frorov have more weight. However, the scope of his words is as long as he’s alive.

– It was lamentable, Cezary. You lost the bet.

– Hahah, hahahahahah! Don’t screw around with me, you dotard!

As the broken Cezary laughed, Frorov was thrown to the floor.

– As expected of someone who made the best use of his brain, who ascended to the top until being a senior engineer. But, unfortunately you bastard committed one big mistake――

Frorov searched his glasses with his hands, then he tried to get up.

However, the lenses were broken.

What appears in his blurred vision is the figure of Cezary who held the Hundred in his hand.


– The hell, you mongrel…! What are you planning to do!

Looking at Cezary who had deployed the armament, Frolov was shaking in fear.

– I’ve decided. I’ll dispose of the rebel that created the artificial Variants using my blood to boost his own name.

Grinning and smiling, Cezary moved, approaching Frorov.

– If I close your mouth here, all my crimes will disappear. They call it dead men tell no tales.

– Khh

Frorov began to run, trying to escape.

However, he was beaten to the ground and received a considerable damage. He can’t run straight, and the distance to the door is still too far.

– So disappointed. Your mistake was coming to this place alone――

Cezary swung downward the sword on the back of Frorov.

– Guah!

The scream of Frorov echoes in the room, fresh blood flies around.

– …you betrayed the federation, like you did with my sister…

He kept Frorov on the floor, and muttered with resentment.

– …I’ll take revenge on Judal Harvey, no matter what. I have to do something with his ideals.

– What a selfish guy…

– You aren’t quite the one to say that here.

When Cezary appeared in this maintenance room, there was a person observing the whole story from above the ceiling until Frorov died.

It’s a woman belonging to Warslan intelligence department.

She quickly decided to report the situation to Neveah Grauss, her boss.

After receiving it, Neveah began to process the corpse of Frorov, confirming the trend of Cezary and Rasiya――she headed to report to Judal.

– Hou, Cezary did something like that…

– On top of that, I discovered that he has planned a murder――that is, to take a revenge on Judal-sama. Recording data from the intelligence department also exists.

– If so, we should take measures in advance. Please send the recording data to Pope-sama. I will seek her direct cooperation.

– Understood. I will send it immediately.

Then Judal without delay picked up the PDA and got in touch with Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III, the Pope of Puritaria.

At the same time that the call connected, Serivia called out.

「Did something happen, Judal-san?」

– I am truly sorry to resort to this when is this late at night. There is something important that I have to talk. Can we change to a private line? I would like you to check your e-mail in advance.


Judal got in touch with her again. And just like before, it’s Serivia who began to talk.

「I just checked the e-mail now」

– Could you please cooperate with us? In case you can, I would like you to deal with it quickly.

「In other words, you arranged it beforehand to tell the same story?」

– It’s just as you said.

「He, who is a person possessing the blood of God――I don’t think that we can defeat him with ordinary methods」

– We will attack with several people from the assassination corps of Warslan Company, including Slayers, at the same time. We may have some casualties, but we will be able to make of Cezary Gravin a dead person.

「That confidence is reassuring. But just in case, I will prepare soldiers here as well」

– I understand. I am grateful for that.

「The preparation of the plan isn’t near perfection. How about doing it in approximately 24 hours later?」

Judal had no objection.

Of course he instantly understood Serivia, because the decided date was earlier than expected.

– Not a problem at all. I will contact you with the details of the plan later.

The next day, almost at the same hour.

The weather is cloudy and the moon can’t be seen. The weather is perfect for assassination.

Warslan assassination corps was surrounding the room of the hotel where Cezary is lodging. Neveah is the leader.

There, she made a signal to the first assassination corps. The shooting corps started to move.

They made a simultaneous invasion, breaking two windows.

Then they fired at the same time towards the bed of Cezary who should be asleep.

Then they threw grenades.

The bed exploded violently.

If the task was done with it, it would have been simple.

However, it didn’t go like that.

Cezary appeared in an armed condition from the explosion.

It was because of Frorov.

It’s possible that the federal government is targeting his life because it was revealed that he is the murder.

As he thought, wearing his Hundred while sleeping was a success.

And then, the moment the assassins started to move.

By intuition, Cezary sensed that the ambience was strange, so he immediately armed in the futon and deployed a wide area barrier with E barrier around his body. It prevented the shooting of the assassins.

– …huh, who the hell are you?

Cezary asked the assassin who stopped shooting.

– I’m asking you bastards! Are you from the federation? Or are you terrorists?

Cezary shouted.

His own Hundred. He pointed the sword of Era Shashka to the assassins.

But, nobody answered.

On the contrary, they resumed the shooting at the signal of one person.

– Well, if you don’t want to answer, then I’ll make you talk.

Shouting, Cezary was about to start moving. Then, even more assassins appeared from behind the shooting assassins.




The newly appeared assassins deployed their armaments on the move.

They rushed to attack Cezary, holding their weapons.

– Hmm, so even they are Slayers. That means you aren’t terrorists of the anti-Slayer association.

Cezary swung his sword.

He tried to mow down the shooters, generating an energy-based blade.

However, the Slayers extinguished it, blocking it with an E barrier.

– I see, you are decent. But, will you be able to defeat me?

The number of Slayers is four.

All of them are specialists of assassination.


– You may have training, but you are no more than small fries to me!

Cezary’s eyes shone in golden color.

A thick armor covered his body.

He activated the ability of the Variant――and with it, full armament.

One assassin was knocked down, then another one, then they were disarmed.

He has an overwhelming strength.

However, if the ability of the Variant is liberated with full armament, both his physical strength and energy will be consumed in large quantities.

And prior to that, the amount consumed in the fight with Claire Harvey hasn’t recovered, so he can’t fight for a long time.

But, there are only two assassins remaining.

If that’s the case, he can’t afford to lose.

He can’t be defeated.

Cezary kept a smile of complacency and tried to set an attack on the remaining two assassins.

However, reinforcements appeared there.

A woman jumped into the room.

It’s Neveah Grauss, Judal’s follower.

Of course, she was armed.

<<Proof of love>> Dedicated Heart.

Her Hundred is an Arsene type.

With two knives, Neveah set off an attack on Cezary.

– … kuh! You are the woman of Judal. That means, this is a surprise attack!

The knives of Neveah were stopped by the sword of Cezary.

But, it doesn’t matter.

Her aim was to create a gap to let the other two attack Cezary.

– Now, attack Cezary!

When Neveah shouted, the two assassins started to move, aiming at Cezary.

Cezary smiled with a *FUN*.

– Was that your purpose? But, don’t you dare to think that you can stop me with these stuff!

Cezary’s eyes beyond the armor showed a fierce brilliance.

Cezary’s power increased instantaneously with the power of the Variant, he brushed away the knives of Neveah and released a slash accompanied with energy one after another.

A huge energy blade was released.

The power was so strong that it made a big hole in the wall.

Even Neveah and the other two Slayers were blown off to the corridor.

– Such a bad luck you have, Judal. Better start to dig your own grave, hahah, hahahahahah!

Neveah fell lying face down, and looked up at Cezary who was laughing with an astonished expression.

(This is, the ability of the Variant…!)

Neveah’s ability as a Slayer is quite high.

Speaking of reaction values, she is somewhat inferior to Claire Harvey, sister of Judal Harvey. Not even once during her life was cornered to a wall by a human opponent.

(Still, I can feel the danger on my life if this continues like this――)

But, she mustn’t’ lose.

If she doesn’t kill him here, Cezary Gravin will accuse Judal to the UN, which will make him lose his position.

That’s a situation that must be avoided at all cost.

Neveah stood up.

After all, even she has skill remaining.

No matter how much of an opponent a Variant is, both his energy and vital are about to rich their limits soon.

That’s what she can tell by looking at him.

(Besides, the operation on the side of Puritaria will take a while to make it here. But, how much can be trusted what the Pope have said…?)

Neveah doesn’t know.

That’s why it’s for the best to handle Cezary herself,

– Hou, so you could get up. As expected of the woman of Judal.

When he saw Neveah standing up, Cezary smiled and grinned.

– That’s why, I’ll have to murder you. To give despair to that man――

– I can’t lose. If I’m defeated, then I will die. Only those who are alive, can stay to the side of the ones they love. Something like death, how am I going to bear it!

If it has come to this, then it’s useless, it can’t be helped.

Neveah attempted to go with all that she had, a full throttle with full armament.


– Neveah, you’ve said something good.

*PACHI* *PACHI*, claps sounded.

The voice and clapping were emitted from a man standing beyond the big hole opened in the room.

Looking at that figure, Cezary unexpectedly gave a surprised voice.


– Judal-sama, why?

Almost at the same time, Neveah also gave a surprised voice.

Her full armament was left in a state of suspension.

She didn’t hear Judal appearing on this place. Because of that much, she was agitated a lot.

– Excuse my late night visit, Cezary Gravin. No, should I call you Vassily Tynyanov?

– You bastard… why, do you…

Cezary canceled the armor of his head and stared at Judal with his eyes.

– Your sister taught me that.

*PACHIN*, Judal snapped his fingers.

Thereupon, the electricity of the room is restored, and a floating monitor lighted up.

The figure of Vitaly Tynyanov is projected.

「Long time no see, Vassily」

– What…Nee-san?

His sister that he thought was dead, suddenly appeared.

Naturally, Cezary, who’s Vassily, his expression had a color of confusion.

「The first time in ten years, huh? I never imagined that your figure could change that much, even your name changed」

– What, what the hell is this, Judal Harvey!? My Nee-san, she was of use to you, then you killed her…

「Yep. He used me well, then I was killed」

It’s not Judal but Vitaly that answered.

She put her index finger on her head and continued her words.

「But, at least the brain is alive. It’s connected to the main computer of Little Garden and in this way, I remain in this world. Even if I died, I’m being of good use for Judal, you know」

Hahaha, Vitaly laughed happily.

Cezary can’t understand the meaning of that laugh.

– That it’s fine for you to being used, how it’s possible for Nee-san to be smiling like that! After Nee-san was arrested for becoming a criminal, I really felt the despair and taste of hell. Without being able to laugh, every day that passed by became like hell――.

Cezary’s shoulders were trembling quickly.

It was harsh, it was painful, it seems like he remembered the past.

To such Cezary, Vitaly called out.

「I already know your personal history. It was a very terrible one. It was also my fault. I’m really sorry. However, it truly surprised me that you are a Slayer, and also a Variant―― and to take revenge on Judal. But, that’s not something that will make me happy. Rather, that will make me sad」

– ? Nee-san, what are you saying――

「Even in this form, I’m happy to be together with the man I love――Judal Harvey. If you try to destroy that happiness, no matter if you even are my brother, you will be no more than my enemy」

– …enemy? I’m, your enemy?

「Yeah. If you take revenge on my man――Judal Harvey」

– Don’t joke with me!

Cezary shouted loudly.

– This isn’t my Nee-san. She’s a fake! Are you just trying to confuse me by making me fall with that!?

「Unfortunately, I’m real. If you are saying that you don’t see the reality, then I have to give my approval to Judal」

– Approval?

「My approval to kill you, Vassily」

– Hahah, hahahaha!

Cezary laughed loudly.

– I knew it. That’s not my Nee-san. I’m a Variant, you see. Assassin after assassin, I’ve defeated them all. Against the woman over there, nor even to Judal, I won’t lose! Nee-san wouldn’t say such a stupid thing like that. Yeah, by killing Judal, my revenge will be complete. I’ll get my brilliant life back by killing Judal!

Cezary started to move in order to kill Judal.

– Judal-sama!

Shouted Neveah.

However, Judal didn’t move a step from there.

– It’s alright. Nothing’s going to happen.

Judal said towards Neveah.

Then, he continued his words.

– You sure, Vitaly?


Vitaly nodded.

Then two shadows appeared from behind the broken window glass

– …huh, what the!?

Feeling their presence accompanied by murderous intent, Cezary looked back.

One of the shadows set an attack there.

A woman wearing a black habit――

――It’s Maruko.

–  There were more assassins!

She swung downward the sickle that she grasped firmly in her hands towards Cezary.

Despite becoming confused, Cezary tried to stop the blow with his sword.

In that precise moment.

– Wha――

Maruko’s eyes shone golden.

(No way, those eyes…)

――A proof of being a Variant.

– Guh!

Cezary tried to brush away the sickle, but the result was reversed.

The sword was swept aside, and Cezary lost the balance of his body.

And there, a girl identical to Maruko, Luka, approached her sickle.

But Cezary didn’t notice her either.

And of course, her eyes were also dyed in golden color so――

– Wha――

The neck is being seized by Luka’s sickle.

He finally seemed to notice it.

No, he did notice it.

Perhaps it was happiness for those who didn’t get it.

Far from returning the armor of the head, he had no time to regret about cancelling that part.

Despair and fear were reflected in his eyes.

――It was an instant.

And, with a plop.

The head of Cezary flew, then fell and rolled.

Subsequently, the torso also fell, and the carpet dyed red.

Naturally, the armed state has been cancelled.

A woman’s voice echoed there.

– Thank you very much to you two for your hard work.

What the, since when was she in that place?

That voice belonged to Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III, the Pope of Puritaria, who was wearing a white soutane.

She stood outside the hole that was opened in the room.

– Cezary Gravin. I am truly really sorry. You were a hindrance to my plan――

Serivia moved her feet to the side of the collapsed Cezary, made the sign of the cross in front of her chest and offered a prayer.

– Son of God, rest in peace.

Turning her head, she asked Judal.

– Is it fine if I leave to you to clean this mess?

– Of course.

– Maruko, Luka.

The two people who were called approached the side of Serivia.

– If you excuse us.

Serivia and her followers jumped off from the broken window glass.

While her figure was trembling in fear, Neveah could just stare motionlessly.

– Shinshishō! Shinshishō!

It was around the morning of the day before the final match.

In response to the sound of the door being knocked with a *TON* *TON*, Hayato opened the door of the room.

It’s Touka who’s standing there in kendo uniform.

She doesn’t have her usual sword in her hand, but a bamboo sword for training.

– Good morning, Shinshishō. Have you just wake up?

That’s what Hayato heard who was in a shirt and shorts.

– No, I have already got up. Other than that, what’s the matter? Coming to me from the morning――

– I was told by Charlotte that I can resume special training from today. So, I have been doing practice-swinging since morning, but I also wanted to hit――. Say, Shinshishō. Can you help me with my training after lunch?

Touka’s eyes were enthusiastically shining. But today is a rest day.

He has been told that he can do whatever he wants until the time of the strategy meeting at night, but of course, if it is within the scope of not affecting the vital and energy.

Training is also prohibited.

… Be that as it may, he’s Touka’s assistant.

He thinks that there’s no particular problem, as long as it’s done with a bamboo sword――.

– I’m sorry, but today I have things to do that will take a while.

– I see, that’s too bad…

Losing strength, Touka dropped her shoulders.

She looks quite desolated, she felt like celebrating her return.

– Well, I guess…

– What is it?

– Once I finished that thing to do――from evening to dinner, I can help you. But I can’t do intense things though.

In an instant, Touka’s expression shone brightly.

– Thank you very much Shinshishō! I don’t mind that! Well then, I’ll do a little more of practice-swinging!

– Pay attention to the pedestrians.

– I know!

Just before getting on the elevator, Touka raised the hand that was holding tightly the bamboo sword, and swung it doing *buzz*.

(She’s really in good health, huh)

Spontaneously murmuring, Hayato closed the door.

(…okay now, I have to get ready to go out…)

He was about to do that just now.

Going to eat lunch somewhere and then head for the thing to do.

Hayato immediately changed to his uniform and left the room.

– Kyaah!

The moment he opened the door, he heard a scream.

When he saw her, it was Sakura that was standing there with her eyes rounded.

– Hayato-kun, what are you doing!?

– What are――more importantly, why are you standing in front of my room? I mean, even Karen is――

Karen was standing next to Sakura when he looked.

– Good morning, Nii-san.

– Yeah, good morning.

For now, he greeted.

– …Hey, Hayato-kun.

– Wha- what is it…?

Hayato was agitated, because at the same time he was trying to talk, Sakura caught the sleeve of his uniform.

– Isn’t today your day off? Then, would you like to have a date with us two?

Then, Karen said.

– Because of that, we came to pick up Nii-san. Why won’t we go look around all sort of things after eating lunch in the city together?

– So that’s the reason.

Hayato understood why they were in front of the room.


– I’m sorry.

Hayato escaped from Sakura’s hand, pulling the arm that was grabbing his sleeve.

– From noon, I have business to do for a while.

– …business? What type of business?

– Yeah, tell us!

– Well, that’s…

To Sakura who knit her eyebrows in suspicious, Karen bent herself forward to press the question.

Because of that, Hayato is overwhelmed.

But he can’t speak about the business to Karen, not to mention Sakura.

As he was wondering how to explain it, another girl came along there.

– Hey, Hayato. What on earth are you doing with those two?

The line of sight of everyone is directed towards that voice.

Standing in front of the elevator in the hall is a silver-haired girl in uniform.

It’s Emilia Hermit.

– E, Emilia, why are you here?

It’s the entry of the worst situation.

Hayato’s impatient.

– I came to pick up Hayato. That way we can go to have lunch together.

– Oh, then that thing you had to do was…

Staring, Sakura did a sidelong glance at Hayato.

– …eh, it was that? So, because Nii-san and Emilia-san have a promised date, our invitation is――

– Date? Hayato and I?

Emilia showed a surprised look when she heard the words of Karen.

– … are we wrong?

– I thought of having lunch together at the hotel cafeteria. Besides, it’s just that Hayato and I agreed to do that, since I also have some things to do after this… we didn’t promise to have a date, right?

– Yeah, since I have some things to do later.

– Are Nii-san and Emilia-san’s business something different from each other…?

– If it’s the case, then what’s Hayato-kun’s business? No way, are you going to have an incognito date with Carol?

– Eh, is that so, Hayato!?

– You are wrong!

– Or were you seduced by a female Slayer of this country? Or is she perhaps an ordinary fan? If that’s true, then I’ll never accept it!

– I’m telling you, nothing of that is true!

Hayato declared in regard to Sakura, and continued.

– Apart from that, what’s the errand of Emilia?

– Eh!?

Emilia was shaken and astonished and quickly removed her line of sight and continued speaking.

– Well, that’s… a secret, you know.

The bashful Emilia hung her head.

Her cheeks were a little dyed in red. She felt embarrassed, and somehow, that could be misrepresented when looking at her.

– That’s somewhat suspicious…. Maybe is an affair or something?

– Eeeeh, an affair? Is he a companion? Maybe Douglas-san?

– Why not! He was completely defeated by Maruko of Puritaria, but he was a little cool there. Originally, he was the fiancé of Emilia. Wood half-burned is easily kindled!

– Incredible! That’s romance!

– No, a super no. And it will never be.

Emilia calmly put a tsukkomi on Sakura and Karen who are excited.

– Umm…

Anyway, what are they talking about in this place?

Time is of the essence.

– For the time being, why don’t we have lunch, all of us?

There’s enough time for it.

Then, after eating lunch with all of them.

Hayato managed somehow to convince Sakura and Karen to visit the neighboring city by themselves.

– It’s here…

Hayato stopped his feet before the jewelry shop.

The purpose of visiting this shop is to pick up an item that he reserved.

His birthday came right away after New Year.

Hayato got a present from Emilia.

「Excellent Sweet Set of Gudenburg」centered on the famous Lemon Pie that Hayato ate and liked in Gudenburg.

– What do you think, Hayato? Have you remembered the old days?

– Yeah.

It reminded him of ten years ago――

In the public performance on the outskirts of the old town, they ate this pie standing side-by-side.

Emilia often brought that to him, because he said he liked it.

Due to that, Hayato told Emilia.

– Yeah, I remembered.

Saying happily, Emilia continued.

– Then, when you ate this pie, did you remember the promise that we would have an international marriage in the future?

– *Spits out*! *Cough* *Cough*!

He can’t stop coughing.

To his surprise, the pie was obstructing his throat.

– …I, really did that promise with you?

– You don’t remember?

– Those memories, I haven’t remembered that well…

– Ehehe, it’s a joke .

– Come on, stop joking…

– Ahaha, I’m double sorry. But, what if the marriage was true?

– Well, that’s…

– Ahaha, your face is red. Hayato’s cute.

There are still places where the memories are hazy, to the extent that Emilia makes fun of him with that kind of jokes.

Still, Hayato remembered the present that he received at that time, he was very happy for that, and to give her his appreciation――

He thought that he should get a suitable return gift, but it’s very difficult to decide on which one.

What’s the thing that Emilia wants, and that is special for her?

As a result of thinking about it, the first thing he came up with was the ice cream they ate together in Gudenburg.

However, to give her the ice cream of the stall vendor, there would be no way other than to bring that shopkeeper. It’s impossible to think realistically, and it would be meaningless if it’s an ice cream of another shop.

As the consequence of suffering from trouble, Hayato remembered.

The first day they came to Calbrera Island.

When Latia got a ring from Fritz who dropped the target practice.

Emilia wanted so much that ring.

(A ring, huh…)

Hayato tried to make use of the PDA with which he hasn’t become experienced when operating it., and looked for the same ring.

As it was a limited item, the very same article doesn’t seem to be available anymore.

Even though it was in the auction, he somewhat differed to buy it.

Although it was an unopened article, it’s because he felt bad giving an item that once belonged to other people, so it was like handling an item that wasn’t from him.

While in the middle of that search, Hayato found a similar ring.

It’s not made in commemoration of the tournament, but the shape is the same.

(This is it!)

Apparently, it seems that he can order it from the net.

However, there’s one problem.

The size is necessary for the order.

Hayato doesn’t know the size of Emilia’s ring.

Hayato consulted Fritz and asked Latia, so he ordered in the size he was taught a week ago.

So, it’s supposed to be ready today.

(I’m really glad to have it in time for her birthday…)

Hayato arrived in front of the shop. Since he ordered from the cybernet, it’s his first time entering the store.

Women were the majority inside of it.

Hayato’s the only man.

He stepped into the store and head towards the counter.

There was a young lady in her suit with her hair tightly fixed.

– Excuse me, I am a person that did a reservation…

Hayato presented the PDA with the reservation table displayed.

The young lady confirmed it,

– Kisaragi Hayato-sama, correct? Please wait a moment.

After she lowered her head, she went inside the counter.

After a minute.

The young lady came back, with a white ring case.

– Please confirm it.

She opened the case and presented the ring in its interior to Hayato.

Hayato picked it and confirmed it.

It looks exactly like the one Latia got from Fritz, as he saw on the net.

But, there’s a one big difference.

Inside the ring it doesn’t say World Martial Arts Tournament, but 『Emilia』, the name of the person that this will be gifted is etched.

(I’m sure that she will be pleased…)

At least, he doesn’t think that she will be disappointed.

Hayato took the ring and returned to the hotel.

Of course, today it’s not the day to give the ring.

The day after the final match is over.

The departure ceremony on February 14.

The birthday of Emilia Hermit, who’s also Emilia Gudenburg.

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