
Chapter 59: Volume 9 - CH 3

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After the afternoon practical training has ended.

At the training grounds of the school, Hayato and the others are in their Variable Suits and gathered together, forming a circle and were talking to each other while having a drink in one of their hands.

Hayato, Fritz, Latia, Shuemei and Noah, those five are there.

– Hayato is returning home to Yamato during spring break, isn’t it?

It’s Fritz who talked.

– Yeah, I’m going to do that.

Hayato answers.

– Certainly, Emilia said she’s going with you, right?

This time, Latia asked.

She’d like to see the children at the institution.

Hayato answers and continues his words.

– Sakura and Karen are also going but… oh right, you guys, what are you going to do for spring break?

– We haven’t decided yet. I was talking with Latia yesterday and she said that it’d be great if we could go to Yamato with you.

– … eh? You guys want to go to Yamato?

Hayato was surprised at the reply he didn’t expect.

There, Latia complemented.

– We might end up working at Lunaltia Base for a while. So, we were talking and thinking about wanting to see various places on the earth at once.

It seems that they want to come together to Yamato as part of that.

– Yamato, that’s great, don’t you think? I’d also like to go there once.  The beautiful buildings in the scenery of each season. Mt. Fuji, temples, Shinto shrine――and it seems that there is a lot of delicious food too.

It was Shuemei that said so in a spellbound state.

The Qin Empire where she comes from is close to Yamato.

However, Shuemei has never visited Yamato.

Continuing, Noah raised her voice.

– Me too, me too! I’ve been interested in a long time in Akihabara since I watched anime and read manga from Yamato!

– Then, would you like to go to Yamato with us? You can take advantage of this and go for free.

Fritz invites Noah and Shuemei.

However, Shuemei replied with a big sigh.

– By all means I’d like to say so but, I said that for spring break I’ll be coming back to my parents’ home…

– It’s the same for me. They are going to do a celebration or something like that―

Noah turns both hands to the ceiling saying “dear me!” and shows an exasperated expression.

– A celebration?

Why a celebration? Hayato cocks his head in puzzlement.

Thinking the same that Hayato, Latia asked.

– About what? A birthday?

– Nope, that’s not it…

Shaking her head, Noah answers.

– It’s a celebration for my participation in the World Martial Arts Tournament. I told them that anyone can come out as long as they are registered for individual matches, but they told me that I was being humble. Because I came out on representation of the institution――

– Wow, so that’s the reason! If so, then it’s pretty sure because you’ve been selected from Little Garden as well, and honestly, shouldn’t be ok if you go and celebrate?

– But, I couldn’t break through the preliminary contest…

Noah sighs a little, and turns her eyes to Shuemei.

– It does no good to celebrate just that. Because we have gotten even more stronger. Don’t you think so, Shuemei?

– Yeah.

Shuemei firmly nodded.

It looks like the motivation of the two people has further ignited since they came out of the World Martial Arts Tournament.

Who came there was Alphonse.

– Of course, I’ve become even stronger too!

He came from the side while raising his voice.

He spreads his hands and continued his words while jumping repeatedly.

– It seems like in the home town of François Kingdom, a fan club of me was made! I was told that I was cute, strong, and cool!

– Umm…

Noah, who scratched her cheek in confusion, looked at Silver Blitz who’s jumping repeatedly like him at his feet.

It’s the same for Shuemei, who’s also looking at Silver Blitz.

In the ears of Shuemei, Noah whispered.

– I’m 100% sure that it’s not about Alphonse, but it’s about Silver Blitz, right?

– Probably, yeah…

Shuemei agrees.

However, those words didn’t reach Alphonse.

– Therefore, we must make sure to not betray the expectations of the fans!

– *Howling Sound*!

At the feet of the motivated Alphonse, Silver Blitz did a loud howl.

– Ah, yeah…. Do your best…

Though not quite satisfactorily, and after she called him out, Noah said what she remembered.

– Oh right, Shuemei is also going to be celebrated once you return?

– It would be great if it was a celebration rather than another thing though…

Shuemei gave a big sigh, knitting her eyebrows, looking troubled.

– … hmm, something happened?

– Actually, yesterday, I got contacted to have a formal marriage interview.

– Eh!

– A formal marriage interview!?

Noah and Latia raised a loud voice at the same time.

– Hey hey, Shuemei. What do you mean with that?

Noah wants to listen to the details, and draws near Shuemei.

– Err, when men saw me fighting at the World Martial Arts Tournament, there seems to be several of them who had an interest in me…

It’s said that Slayers of the Qin Empire are among them.

Because of their occupation, the Slayers don’t know when they will die, so a lot of them get married early.

The relatives of Shuemei who knew about it seemed to be enthusiastic about the formal marriage interviews.

– But, in the case of the women, if they get married, in the majority of the cases they retire as a Slayer…

Shuemei said with a depressed expression. Fritz nods.

– That’s how it is.

– I had a talk recently with Noah. While sttudying in Little Garden, we went to the World Martial Arts Tournament, we fought for this world, and for that reason we wanted to be stronger, and we think that we became stronger. It’s so wrong retiring in such a way…

– Did you say that to your parents?

– I told them. But…

– You couldn’t get them to listen to your words.

– Nope.

– I don’t even understand that feeling.

Fritz placed a hand on the head of Latia.

– Unlike this one, Shuemei seems to be a good bride.

– Whaa!!

Shuemei becomes deep red. And at the same time Latia, who turned red, punched Fritz while turning her hands.

– You bastard, let me say you one thing!

– Hahaha, my bad, my bad.

Fritz turns his eyes to Shuemei while pinning down the approaching Latia with one hand.

– Well, I understand the worries of your parents. You are her important daughter. I can understand that it can’t be helped if they think that entering to a family is better in comparison to a job where you could lose your life.

– It’s fine if that’s the case, but…

The facial expression of Shuemei got cloudy very fast.

– … that’s not it?

– If Fritz-san leaves the martial arts department, and if you have more than a certain level of ability, you know that there’s a method where you can belong to Little Garden as a reserve even after retirement, right?

– Of course, I’m aware of such a thing.

– Although one has to fight in case of emergency, it’s safer than now. And wages will also be issued. Besides, it’s said that the child of a Slayer has high possibilities of being born as a Slayer, and if that’s the case, then the family of Ryu is going to be safe for a while in one way or another…

– In other words, you feel like you are being used for the benefit of your family.

– Yeah, it’s like that…

– Ah, I thought something good!

Without a warning, Noah gave a loud voice. Leaning towards Hayato, and with sparkling and shining eyes, Noah continues her words.

– If you are so against the formal marriage interview, then it’s fine of you become the fiancée of Hayato-san!

– … eh, me!!?

– Such a thing, it’s impossible….! Kisaragi-san is more than I deserve!

*Awawawa*, Shuemei pushed out both hands in front of her chest and shook them to the left and right.

– But, there aren’t many Slayers at the same level of Hayato-kun, and both his appearance and his personality are great for a man, so you are using it as an excuse, as an excuse!

– Umm…

What should I do?

Hayato was scratching his head, this was very similar when he was with Emilia in Gudenburg.

Emilia, who joined training with students of another martial arts department, gets where they are.

– Engagement you say? Do you mean you are talking about the ring that Hayato gave me?

– Ring!?

– What, a ring!?

Shuemei and Noah raised their voice at the same time.

– Hey, Emilia. What are you saying so suddenly!?

– … eh, you weren’t talking about the ring?

. You can pretty much guess that no!

The ring is a birthday gift to Emilia.

He decided to tell Shuemei and Noah, in order to prevent any misunderstandings, that on the first day of the World Martial Arts Tournament, Fritz dropped a target practice of a booth, and the thing that Emilia wanted was the present that Fritz gave to Latia.

Next, he tells Emilia about the conversation of Shuemei’s formal marriage interview.

– … Oh, you were talking about that. But, if the decision falls on Shuemei only, then there’s no need to get lost. If you don’t like it then it’s fine to say you don’t like it. It’s the best to live your life as you want.

– That might be true but…

– Like me, since I jumped out from my home under my own accord.

Emilia smiles with a grin.

– I think that’s really amazing… even though you are an Ohime-sama…

Shuemei turns a look of respect.

– Well, I guess it’s no good if you respect her that much?

Hayato said so without thinking.

Then, everyone who was there had a wry smile.

Thereupon, and all of a sudden, Emilia shouted.

– Oh right! Hayato! We have to go to the Prez!

– Ah…

With those words, Hayato also remembered.

– To the place of the Prez? Did something happen?

Fritz looks at Hayato’s face and asks him.

– Emilia and I were called to have a talk with her. And we are going to inform her that you guys want to go to Yamato too.

– … President, what’s the thing you want to talk about?

Hayato, who entered the Student Council room with Emilia, asks the president.

– Then Claire, who’s sitting in front of the office desk, replied.

– I have a something to ask you desu.

Erika and Chris are the only ones in the room.

– … a question?

Hayato asks.

– Erika, the example material――

– Yes.

Erika projected a piece of material on the huge monitor set up in the Student Council room.

At the top part of the material 『Kisaragi Hayato compilation, Emilia Hermit compilation』is written

– As you can see, Kisaragi Hayato, Emilia Hermit. There is a request for an interview from a TV station of Liberia to you two desu.

According to Claire, it’s a documentary program that looks back on the path of the Slayers who played an active role in the World Martial Arts Tournament and called the attention because of that.

– I’m not doing it. I refuse.

Emilia replied immediately.

– I thought you would say that mashitawa.

Claire leaked a breathing from her nose.

The rumor in which Emilia is part of the royalty of the Kingdom of Gudenburg in the Federation of Britannia, seems plausible.

– … be that as it may, it’s a rumor after all.

The story of her birthplace and the reason why she aimed to be a Slayer are what Emilia wants to hide at all costs.

She wanted to keep those things in secret.

– … and how should I put it, if both Hayato and I decline, then it’s fine if Prez takes the interview?

– Interviews of me have already been done many times desuwa. It seems they wanted to do an interview of you since you are fresh interesting people desu.

– Hmm, so that’s the reason….

– So, Kisaragi Hayato. If that’s alright with you, please get in touch with them and let me know about your local interview while returning home, understood?

– Err, can I have some time to decide it…?

Although the building where Hayato lived doesn’t exist anymore, if he does the interview, there might be photographs of the institution too.

The permission of the manager of the institution, Kizaki Ryōko, is necessary.

– Besides…

Hayato looked towards Emilia.

She suffered an injury due to the Second Attack in Gudenburg.

And it’s basically a secret that he became a Variant by doing something like saving Emilia.

– You don’t have to worry as well masenwayo.

Claire continues her words.

If Emilia Hermit wants to hide herself, then it’s fine if we create a story desu. Chris has already come up with an idea masu.

And then, that idea was displayed on the screen.

– It feels like I was erased from the past of Hayato, it doesn’t make me happy at all but…

Emilia murmured and became sulky.

– If so, then what would you like to include in the response plan?

– No, it’s just…! I just don’t want to stand out too much, and although it became a rumor, I don’t want to make public about why I’m a Variant or why I’m a princess…

– You are right, what am I going to do about me being a Variant?

– Preferably, I think that it is better to make the information opened to the public, but how are you going to do it masuka?

He activated it during the fight of Gert, and became quite a rumor on the cybernet.

Because there’s a video, it would be rather unnatural to hide it.

– In that case, did you hide the fact that he got infected because of me?

– Yes.

Nodding, Chris continued.

– The plan we decided says that he survived the attack of the Savage in Gudenburg.

– Somehow it seems like I’m telling a lie, and it doesn’t make me feel very well…

He felt like he was doing something bad.

That’s why Hayato was excessively halfhearted.

– … however, a hero needs a story desu. The position of Kirishima Sakura is the one called Idol, and she has hidden information and information available to the public, correct?

– Certainly, that’s the case but…

– Besides, you don’t have to worry. If you carry out the interview plan, then I will travel together with you to Yamato desu. If at some point there seems to be a problem, I will stand to stop it myself masuwa.

– … eh, the President is?

In a surprised state, Hayato stared in wonder.

– Yes, I am used to interviews, and I can also fulfill my duties as a representative masu.

– Then Claire-sama is heading towards Yamato together with Hayato and the others?

Erika is shaking.

– Tha- that’s right desuwayo.

Claire also blushes a little and answered.

– I am hearing that argument for the first time… shouldn’t be fine if you leave it to the people of the Yamato branch of Warslan?

– Ack…

Receiving the point of Erika, Claire was left without words.

– I agree, if Hayato seems to wander, then I’ll stop it, so we don’t need the president!

– Ack!

Claire once again was left without words against Emilia who agrees completely to the opinion of Erika.

Erika and Emilia glare with reproachful eyes at Claire.

– Err, umm…

Claire dodged the gazes from the two people and though she was faltering, she tries to change the conversation.

– Hey desuwa, Chris. Come to think of it, was there an invitation from her Highness the Princess of Yamato, where she wants to celebrate the championship of team battles of the World Martial Arts Tournament mashitawane?

– Yes, there is one but…

– This is a perfect opportunity, could you please get in touch with them and say that we would like to have an audience with her Highness the Princess? Kisaragi Hayato. Let’s meet her Highness the Princess together.

– Even so, it’s a different matter than accompanying for the interview…

Emilia whispered at the ear of Erika who muttered while her cheeks become stiff.

– Why the Prez is trying to go to Yamato by force?

– … you also think so, Emilia Hermit?

Erika brings her mouth closer to the ear of Emilia and keeps talking secretly.

– I sympathize with your concern. Let’s stop her with all our might.

– Got it. I’m counting on you.

After they nodded to one another with their eyes.

Erika looked at Claire.

– Claire-sama――

– … what is it desuno?

– We acknowledged Claire-sama to go to Yamato. That being the case, I will accompany you to――

– You can’t masenwa.

– Why!?

The ship was sent to the bottom in the blink of an eye.

Overly shocked, Erika raised a loud voice without thinking.

– If you go to Yamato, who is going to do the control and administration of Little Garden?

– Li-, Liddy is going to do them…. Anyhow, she is also the next candidate for president…

– Eh, Liddy-san is the next president?

That’s the first time that Hayato hears about it. Of course, it’s also the same for Emilia.

– Ah, I am sorry. Claire-sama. If you…

Erika panics and apologizes.

– It’s fine desuwayo. Kisaragi Hayato, Emilia Hermit. This conversation is confidential. Aside from that, even if Liddy does the control and administration, assistants are necessaries. I am grateful that you and Liddy are giving me your support so I can serve as the president.

Claire answers calmly.

But, in the inside, she wasn’t like that.

(If Erika comes, I will be stuffed with more work than planned masuwa…. In the hometown of Kisaragi Hayato, and as much as possible, to spend time together with Kisaragi Hayato――whaa, what am I thinking about masuno! I should have already given up on Kisaragi Hayato… and yet…)

Of course, Erika guessed the inner feelings of the Claire in love.

But, she can’t give up.

She has a promise with Emilia Hermit.

– But then, maybe for the danger to not reach the body of Claire-sama…

– Since Kisaragi Hayato and Emilia Hermit will be there, that won’t be a problem, don’t you agree?

– Ah…

Certainly, that’s exactly the case.

Erika has an Arsene type Hundred――it’s a weapon used for bodyguarding and to capture the target called Everlasting.

However, Emilia is also capable of creating chains with the ever-changing appearance of her Innocent type Hundred Arms Shroud.

Her strength is higher than mine――no matter what I say, it won’t have an effect.

Emilia and Hayato are above in terms of martial arts skills.

Both of them have gained experience since entering Little Garden, so she can’t say as a reason that they lack experience.

– Certainly, I agree with Claire-sama…

Eventually, Erika had no choice but to withdraw.

– … hmm, that’s right.

– What is it mashitano?

– It’s about returning home, both Fritz and Latia also were saying that they want to go to Yamato with us. They want to go around the world before going to the moon.

– Is-, is that so desuka…?

Despite showing a slightly disturbed look, Claire continued.

– I want to go to Yamato too, it resembled a similar reason that I have desuwayo.

– Is that true?

– Ye-, yes…

– … so, as for you two, if you want to take a spring break at the same time, I have no problem with that. Other first-year students are developing and there shouldn’t be problems in case of emergencies. Rather, it may be possible for them to gain experience.

――So then.

From the Student Council of Little Garden, only Claire decided to head for Yamato. Along with that, she decided to accompany Fritz and Latia to Yamato.

You are reading story Hundred at

And, around the same time――.

In the laboratory under the school building  of the martial arts department  of Little Garden, Charlotte, the main technologist of Little Garden, and Mei Mei, her assistant, enjoyed teatime surrounding a table.

Charlotte has coffee and put in it a lot of milk and syrup, Mei Mei is drinking assam tea and eats the donuts placed on the table.

– Now that I think of it, about the matter of Lunaltia Base――

– What is the matter with Lunaltia Base?

– He didn’t come to me but, Judal-kun invited me.

– Does that mean that Charlotte-sama, like Claire-sama and the others, will go to Lunaltia Base?

– Nope, I refused. I’m going to stay here for a while.

– I am surprised! Charlotte-sama is a person who is brimming with curiosity, I thought you will be delighted.

– Let’s have an honest talk.

Charlotte continued with a serious look.

– I think it’s too premature for mankind to get to the moon. Judal-kun is too impatient because mankind obtained Variable Stones, and it’s fine to say they are the forbidden fruit too. Besides――

– Besides?

– The movements of Puritaria are also worrisome.

– Charlotte-sama is quite concerned to regard Puritaria as such.

– As you saw from the tournament, that pope doesn’t seem to be an ordinary person. The construction plan proposed from their side is also quite sophisticated. However, I can’t really understand what they are thinking. That’s why I’m worried. I hope everything is just needless anxiety. But, I want to see their circumstances a little more. There are a couple of other things to worry about, but those are already under investigation. So, instead of me, Mei Mei――will you go to the moon?

– … eh?

Mei Mei stares in wonder.

– Me?

– Even if I do experiments at distance, I’ll need a person to do actual work. If it’s you, I can trust on that. I’d like to ask your consent and the dangers of this.

– I understand. I will follow the orders of Charlotte-sama.

– … I’m sorry.

– No, my life was saved by Linis-sama, and now as well, it is kind of like I am being revived by Charlotte-sama. From now on, I will follow your instructions until then.

– I’m grateful that you say so.

– By the way, I have a suggestion.

– What is it? Wait, don’t tell me that you don’t want that weapon attached on your body?

– No, that’s not it. Umm, well…

Around the time when Charlotte and Mei Mei were having such conversation, Hayato was heading towards the guesthouse where Sakura, Karen and Touka live.

It’s to tell them about the contents of the conversation with the President, including the fact that Fritz and Latia will accompany them.

– … good grief, that President.

After listening to Hayato’s story, Sakura muttered and clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction, then crossed one of her legs on the sofa.

– But, she just wants to go to Yamato because of Hayato-kun…

– … did you say something?

Hayato sat in front of the sofa where a stuffed bear――as well as Sakura and Karen are sitting and a low table is between them, and asks Sakura.

– Nope, it’s nothing. … I mean, if it’s about interviews, I got used to them, so there’s no need for the president to come..

Again, in a small voice, Sakura muttered.

– … somehow, I have a bad feeling…

– A bad feeling?

– It’s something else from the matter being discussed.

Misleading Hayato who listened so and asked again, Sakura continued.

– Because Karen-chan and I will accompany you to the interview diligently, Hayato-kun doesn’t have to worry about anything.

– But, you also have work in Yamato, aren’t you? Won’t there be a possibility of having a schedule conflict or something?

– Regardin Karen, I don’t think that’s the case.

It was Karen who said so.

– To tell the truth, the interview request that came to Karen was from the same program as Nii-san.

– Oh, is that so?

– Since Karen and Nii-san have always been together, Karen should be indispensable for Nii-san’s interview! That’s why, I will always be together with my brother in Yamato .

– Hmm, I don’t mind but…

Sakura sighed deeply.

– What do you mean?

– At any rate, she has decided to put another appointment. So, I guess “always” is kind of impossible?

– Ah…. That might be true…

Karen lost her strength and dropped her shoulders, and put her body deep into the back of the sofa.

– Whyyy, I wanted to fully enjoy holidays at ease with Nii-san….

That’s why it’s fine to call Souffle a shrewd person.

– Let’s try to oppose her in one way or another there.

Saying that, Sakura muttered in a small voice.

– No, we are going to oppose her.

– … Emilia and the President will do as t they please with Hayato-kun.

– Sakura-san, did you say something?

– No, nothing.

Laughing with *Ahaha*, Sakura misleads her.

– Okay then, such are the impressions of the plan.

This is the end of Hayato’s talk.

He gets up from the sofa to return to the dorm.

– Understood, I’m going to convey it to Souffle.

Following Sakura who also got up, Karen said.

– Good night, Nii-san.

Holding the hand of the stuffed bear that was placed on the sofa, she does a “bye bye” together with it.

Hayato also returned his goodbye to Karen and the bear.

– Yeah, good night.

(… Yamato Empire, the hometown of Kisaragi Hayato…. I am so looking forward to it desuwa…)

Despite trying to give up.

Still, she can’t give up.

She herself isn’t that effeminate.

Still, they are on a trip together――.

Moreover, being able to go to the home town of the person she likes, makes her super happy, even if there’s half work――

Hoping for something, she breaks into a smile.

There was a person watching such Claire in the distance.

――It’s Liza.

(Yamato Empire, an oriental country….)

She’s only interested in the places she has never been to.

Besides, Claire is going there after all.

(… I’ve heard that the mood might get exciting during the trip)

Perhaps, the result of it will be interesting.

Having said that, she was unable to contain herself.

(I decided it, this is a good opportunity)

That is, she will use a method to go to Yamato together with Claire.

(I’m sure, this should go smoothly…)

With that in mind, Liza decided to change her strategy.

– Course, huh…

Karen collapsed over the desk at the same time the bell of the end of the class sounded.

– Third year is getting closer, you should think about the things to do after graduating from middle school.

Her homeroom teacher said that in the homeroom of today.

After that, prints were given to Karen and each of the students.

They have to write the desired course after graduating from middle school.

Most students will enter a high school of general education.

That was also the choice of Karen.

While enrolling in general education of senior high school, she will continue her singer activities.

Souffle, the president of the office, has been saying from a long time ago that learning various things at school is definitely useful for her future.

It’s fine to devote herself as a singer after graduating from senior high school.

His older brother says that such direction is fine.

(… but…)

She wants to polish more the technique of the Hundred and create a stage like Sakura does.

Karen had such feeling as well.

If so, enrolling in the martial arts department――.

Or without going to school, she’ll continue studying songs and the Hundred, those two are the choices she has.

She heard that if the live in the moon is done next year, she will have to spend a lot of time preparing for it.

Anyway, it may not take much time to study.

– ……

Karen looked at Nakri Olfred, a Slayer girl who studies in the same classroom.

– What are you looking at, huh?

Nakri picked up her bag, calling out Karen as she was approaching her.

– The course of Nakri-chan is the martial arts department, right?

– … huh? right…. The print just now. Yeah but, Krovahn and I have decided to skip third year and enter the martial arts department. We have to train to go to the moon, you see.

– … eh? Does that mean that next year we are not going to be in the same class?

– If Karen comes to the martial arts department, the story will be different. Even you have to take training to go to the moon, isn’t it? If you want to skip it, then why don’t you do it?

– But, that’s…

Karen turns her eyes to Rebecca and Aoi.

– Oh, I see. You haven’t talk to Aoi and Rebecca yet. For the time being, the President told us to keep it a secret.

– Err, Nakri-chan!

Separating from the front of Karen, Nakri stopped as she was trying to leave the classroom. It was because she heard a loud voice that came to her.

The eyes of the classmates were focusing on Karen

– … what do you want?

Nakri comes back while making an awkward face.

– I’ve always wanted to become friends with you, but isn’t painful to be away from people?

– Na, nananana…*

Nakri has her face red and,

– … what are you talking about, huh? You were originally an enemy. I don’t intend to meet any of you or anything like that, besides I have Krovahn and Nesat so I’m fine with it. See ya!

As she said so, Nakri once again separated from the front of Karen and rushed out of the classroom with a dash.

– Hey, Karen. What was that talk with Nakri?

That’s what Rebecca said to her.

Aoi is also behind her.

– We were talking a bit about our courses. Now that I remember, Rebecca and Aoi naturally will go to the general senior high school, right?

– *Fuh fuh fuh*, I’m not.

Rebecca grins and shows a smile, then hit her arm with a slap and said.

– I decided while I was watching the World Martial Arts Tournament. H’m also going to become a Slayer.

– Eh…? A Slayer…?

It’s the first time Karen heard of that.

She was surprised by that much.

Rebecca continued, scratching her cheeks, and feeling embarrassed.

– The fighting appearance of your aniki and the senpais were so cool, I admire them. … so, I took the aptitude test. I was told this since I was a child, but it seems that I can do it after all. Martial arts, I’m a Martial Arts type!

Rebecca started to do shadow boxing with her fists, throwing fists here and there.

– I started to go to the gym and I’m doing this every day!

She turns her feet.

The reflexes or Rebecca were nothing but outstanding.

Her previous fists and turning kicks were pretty sharp.

– Did Aoi know about this?

– I heard it yesterday. I had no idea until then…

– if you say it and keep saying it, won’t that become uncool? So, by going regularly to the gym, I think I can say that I’m taking the first step as a Slayer.

– Rebecca is aiming to be a Slayer! If so, then I guess I will train you!

While saying that, Touka comes in from their side.

Apparently, it seems she came after the lessons of her classroom ended.

– Oh! Is that fine!?

Rebecca made her eyes shine.

– Yup. Although there are differences between sword and fist, the foundation of fighting is the same. Let’s practice special training together!

– Awesome! If Touka-senpai sticks to my training, then I may be the best at the gym by the time spring break ends!

– Yeah, I will join your training so you become like that!

It’s great that Touka can join the training of Rebecca, since now she has a new training partner other than Hayato and she’s happy for that.

Touka’s tension is quite high.

She does a firm handshake with Rebecca.

– Actually, Karen is supposed to return to Yamato with her older brother and the others…

– Eeh, Karen is also…

Following Rebecca, Aoi shows a despondent look.

– It’s the long-awaited spring break, so I thought that we could gather together and have nice time…

– Oh, right.

Karen thought of something and raised her voice.

– What if you come to Yamato together with me?

Showign a grin and a smile, she clapped her hands in front of her chest.

– … eh?

– We, to Yamato?

Due to the sudden proposal, they show a surprised expression.

– Yes, the President, Fritz and Latia are going with us, so if we go together in a transport aircraft, there will be no problem if two more people go. If the lodging place is the institution where Karen was born and raised, it will cost no money and the dormitory manager Ryōko-obasan should say that there’s no problem.

– If that’s the case then I’ll definitely go! Aoi will also go!

– … I want to ask my mother….

– Speaking of the President, if she goes too, then that’s absolutely okay. Besides, didn’t you say that you wanted to go at least once to the home town of your grandpa in Yamato?

– That’s true, but…

– Then, it’s decided! Try hard to convince your parents!

Rebecca hit Aoi’s shoulder with both arms.

Aoi clenched both fists tightly in one go.

As Rebecca said just seconds ago, Yamato was the home town of her grandfather of the side of her mother.

Resembling what she said once, she will go to Yamato with Karen’s older brother, Kisaragi Hayato.

(I want to go with him…)

Her secret love for Hayato is one of the reasons for the decision to go to Yamato.

– I hope everyone can go to Yamato together… hmm…?

With that said, the PDA of Karen made a *PIN* sound all of a sudden.

It’s an alert to inform her of the schedule.

– Ah, this is bad!

Karen took out the PDA from her pocket and raised a loud voice glancing at the clock.

– … Karen, what’s the matter?

– Today is the day for the regular health checkup. I have to go to the hospital. I’m sorry, I’m returning first!

Karen, in a hurry, took her bag and began to run, then rushed out of the classroom leaving behind the three girls.

– I’m glad, Karen-chan. There are no abnormalities. There’s no problem for you to go to Yamato.

– Is that so? I’m truly relieved.

Karen received the report from Mihal in the examination room, and showed a relieved smile.

– Which reminds me.

When a thing came into her mind, Karen piles up both hands in front of her chest and asks.

– I heard from Nii-san that Mihal can’t return home this time, right?

– Unfortunately, I can’t. But, please enjoy the trip to Yamato for me too. And, do your best at work, okay?

– Yes, I’ll do it.

Karen, who left the examination room, was walking towards the stairs with a light foot.

The examinations since she started to stand up have never been abnormal.

The interval between examination and examination is gradually increasing.

There were things like if something has occurred, then she would have to return to the wheelchair again, but immediately after she thought that she has reached the point to stand up, that anxiety has disappeared.

Karen got the medical examination on the fourth floor.

All she has to do is to go downstairs to the first floor and go home.

– … hmm….

Just before reaching the landing, Karen decided to stop her feet.

It was because she could see a girl at the opposite part of the corridor where no one else other than her was walking.

That is the same girl she saw at school a few days ago.

A girl with a blue rose hair ornament, jade-like eyes and blonde hair.

Over her white beautiful skin, that is, the figure of Liza Harvey, thorny ivies intertwined over and over again.

– Liza-san!

Karen starts to run, raising her voice.

Why is Liza-san here?

Why, she appears before <Karen> me?

The ghost that appears in the school is Liza-san?

Because there were lots of things she wants to ask.

Thereupon, Liza started to move.

She moved further into the corridor, floating all the way through the air.

Passing through the plaza with stairs, she goes further inside.

Liza turned at the corner there.

Likewise, Karen also turns.

At that moment――.

– Nn…!?

Something touched her lips.

(… wha, these… are lips…!?)

At the same time Karen comprehends, her body stiffens.

(Why, why did Liza-san kiss me?)

It reminds her of the time of Gardens Festa.

Liza supported Karen’s head with her small hands and kissed her forehead.

She might have tried to do it on her lips on the same way this time.

(But, why kissing me, this time…?)

At that time, it was to cure her legs that she couldn’t move.

But she doesn’t know why she’s doing it now.

Even if she thinks about it, she won’t get an answer.

(Also, these lips are soft and feel good…)

The inside of her head was turning white.

– Nn…. *kiss*, *mwha*…

The mixed saliva between the space of their lips is making noises.

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

The sound of her heart is gradually getting bigger.

And her body is slowly getting hot…

(… wha, no way! Why, why am I feeling so good…!)

*Puhaa*, at the same time their lips separated.

– Uu… that was my first time…

Karen collapsed helplessly from her knees to the floor.

Looking at the appearance of such Karen, Liza scratches her cheeks in bewilderment.

– … umm, I’m sorry…

She didn’t expect that she would get so shocked like this.

It’s really an apologetic attitude.

– Besides, this was the only way to do it.

– The only way to do it? What does that…?

Karen raised her face, and looked at the face of Liza.

There, Liza smiled and mislead her.

– Karen, be relieved. Because between girls doesn’t count.

– Err, even if you tell me something like that…

– Well then, see you later.

– Eeeh…

Without answering Karen’s question, Liza suddenly disappeared from the spot.

– What on earth, was that…?

Karen touches her lips with her fingertips.

The warmth and soft feeling of Liza’s lips were still lingering there.

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