
Chapter 61: Volume 9 - CH 5

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The turbulent but enjoyable night ends.

On the morning of the next day, Latia and Fritz left Yamato ahead of Hayato and the girls as scheduled, and went to the Eurasian continent.

They will be returning to Little Garden in two weeks after visiting various countries.

Together with them, Sakura and Karen also left the institution.

The reason is, they have work in the imperial capital.

Hayato and the others will be joining with Karen in the imperial capital to return together to Little Garden.

Sakura has to go around the world for two weeks’ work, so she will be coming back to Little Garden alone at a later date.

Therefore, the ones remaining in the institution are Hayato, Emilia, Touka, Rebecca, Aoi, Claire and Mei Mei.

However, Claire had to go out from noon, since there were meetings and the like at Motomatsu Base.

From the morning, Touka has been doing intensive training at Ryūsei’s place.

Rebecca is with her, now that she also become a pupil of Touka.

Aoi is helping Ryōko, the children are at school——.

The remaining Emilia is repairing Mei Mei while keeping in contact with Charlotte.

As for the mechanism, the completely useless Hayato would just stand in her way, so he couldn’t help her.

In other words, he’s the only one doing nothing.

– It’s been a long time since I could be leisurely like this…

He was murmuring something like that without thinking.

Instead, he wished to be helping Touka and accompany her with her training.

… nonetheless.

(Without a doubt, I’m getting tired)

It was because of the interview.

He was nervous and couldn’t have a proper sleeping recently.

Although he still has to do a couple of shootings, he already ended the interview part, he got calm a little, so he can go to sleep soundly.

Thinking so, the sleepiness attacks instantly——.

Hayato was being dragged into the world of sleep.

– … Kisaragi Hayato, Kisaragi Hayato…

– Hmm?

In response to the faint voice reaching his ears, Hayato opened his eyelids.

– … what… was that?

He was sure that he heard the voice of a woman.

But, when sitting up, he didn’t see anyone around him.

– … was it a dream?

*Stomach rumbling*, his stomach made a sound.

When looking at the watch, it’s 20:00.

The time for dinner has passed already.

(Nobody came to wake me up?)

For the time being, he heads to the living room.

Thinking so, he raised his body and left the room,

– Eh…

Deep in the hallway——.

Seeing a girl standing in front of the stairs, Hayato stared at her in wonder.

A girl with blonde hair and almond-shaped eyes.

Regarding her body, many thorny ivies are intertwined on it over and over again.

– Liza… why, are you here?

That’s the girl for Hayato.

He spontaneously muttered, looking at Liza Harvey.

As a matter of course, he’s perplexed.

At any rate, she shouldn’t be here in the first place.

It’s because she should be sleeping in the basement of Little Garden.

– Be calm.

– ——wha!?

When he noticed, Liza was in front of his eyes.

She traveled a distance of 10 meters approximately in the twinkling of an eye.

Then Liza put her index finger in front of her face and opened her mouth in a big way.

– Umm…

What’s up with this situation?

– That’s right, I’ll call the President——

– Claire isn’t coming back yet. Besides, I have something to talk with you, Kisaragi Hayato.

– … with me?

– Yes, but not here…

Liza smiled meaningfully and stretched her right hand, towards Hayato’s chest.

– How about talking in your room?

Just like an adult woman seducing a man, Liza crept her finger on the chest of Hayato.

– Well, that’s…

Hayato became surprised, thinking what to do.

– Oh, right. A little while ago, you called me out when I was sleeping…

– Ah, you noticed. I was a bit nervous for entering a man’s room without permission.

Saying that, Liza put her finger on her lips, then *fufu*, showed an obscene smile on her face.

And just after that.

From the downstairs, the footsteps and voices of the children are heard.

That means dinner time is over.

– … they are getting in the way.

Liza turned her eyes towards the staircase while pouting her lips in a disappointing way.

– I’m saying that I was trying to wake you up, but even if I push you into the room, we won’t be able to talk. It’s so disappointing.

This time, she knits her brows in sorrow.

– But… a good thing came into my mind.

A complete change from mere seconds ago.

Her expression brightening in a flash, Liza bent herself forwards towards Hayato.

– There’s a big lake near here, right?

– Do you mean Nishina lake?

– Is there another big lake?

– No, that’s the only one but…

– No, that will do. There should be a pier in that lake. Then, be there in an hour. Because I’ll be waiting there. Of course, keep this a secret from Claire.

Leaving those words with him, Liza disappeared suddenly before his eyes.

Then, the children who came up the stairs are approaching him.

– Oh, nii-chan. You woke up.

– Sleepyhead-san!

– Go eat some food!

– Ah, yeah…

Hayato keeps company with the children.

However, his confusion continued.

(What on earth, was that?)

He doesn’t understand.


(… I only have to go, right…?)

At any rate, the other party is an important existence regarding Little Garden.

And because she’s like an Ohime-sama, the Slayers must protect her.

An hour later.

As he promised Liza, Hayato came along the shore of Lake Nishina.

He thinks from the bottom of his heart that he was glad to be wearing his uniform because it was quite cold.

– … hmm…?

Hayato doubted his own eyes.

It wasn’t Liza who was there, but Claire dressed in her uniform.

– Kisaragi Hayato, what do you have to talk with me desuno?

– … eh, talk?

Hayato is completely bewildered due to Claire’s question.

– I came here because Liza told me she had something to talk with me…

– Wha…!?

Claire, who’s face turned red, quickly clenched her teeth, her facial expression became severe.

(No way, this is the scheme that Liza devised to make me be alone with Kisaragi Hayato…?)

While thinking why she came to this place, and when she asked Kisaragi Hayato about why he’s waiting in this place, Liza suddenly appeared before her eyes.

Then Liza’s voice echoed in the head of Claire.

『The precious vacations are over. Why don’t you enjoy the time together with the person you like so much more meaningfully?』

– Kuh…!

The expression of Claire reddens and becomes even more severe.

– What’s wrong, President? Is something worrying you about Liza…?

– N-no… it’s, it’s nothing masenwa!

– Is that so?

– Ye-yes…

Claire replied.

Liza’s voice is heard there.

『Don’t worry. I won’t stand in your way and I won’t eavesdrop on your conversation. So, have a great time you two———』

In response to those words, Claire asks a question in her mind.

(I can trust in your words, right desuwane?)

『Sure it is』*

She would be very grateful if she doesn’t do anything this time.

That’s after she complained Liza.


– …

She doesn’t know what to talk about.

– Err, Kisaragi Hayato…

– What is it?

– Well, it’s about Liza, but…

In the end, it’s the matter to talk.

– You see, I also saw Liza mashitawa. And then, she informed me that you have something to talk with me, so I came to this place desu.

– Eh, is that so? But I don’t have anything in particular to talk with the president, that’s why Liza…

– Is that so desuno?

Besides, why is Liza here…?

– I don’t know how, but it seems that she came to Yamato because of us desu. And, wh-what on earth is she thinking about by dragging us to this place…?

– Ah.

Hayato remembers at the same time he listens the words of Claire.

– Then that means that the thing at the hot spring…

– Probably that’s the correct interpretation.

Claire replied.

– I felt a weak energy, so I thought that it could be her, but now I’m sure of it desu.  What is her real intention…?

– Come to think of it, I have heard from Karen some rumors that she often appeared at school too.

– … Is that so desuka?

– Yes…

Liza thinks, while listening to the conversation between those two people.

(… it’s not worth worrying and talking about me…)

She’s a little impatient.

Although they are finally alone, she won’t be satisfied with that till the mood becomes good.

Liza turns her eyes to the surroundings whether there’s anything that will change this situation somehow.

She found a small boat floating in the lake.

Looking at it, Liza thought of something.

She moves to the top of the boat and materializes there.

She invited the two people to enjoy themselves a secret date at the lake at night.

First, she unties the string that is attached to the pier and moves on top of it.

There, Liza materialized.

– … ah, President. Over there!

It was Hayato who noticed first the shining existence of Liza.

With that, Claire also notices the existence of Liza.

– Liza, why are you in that place!?

– Let’s go.

– Yes.

Without knowing it was a trap, Hayato and Claire nodded to one another and ran towards the boat.

It was Hayato who first got into the small boat.

The moment he put his feet on the boat,

– Eh?

The boat suddenly started to move.

Only after that, Hayato notices that the rope is disconnected.

– Kisaragi Hayato!

Claire stretches her hand towards Hayato in order to stop the drifting boat.

However, the boat that started moving towards the center of the lake didn’t stop at all.

As a result, it looked like Hayato was pulling Claire towards the boat.

– Kyaa!

Claire, who is about to fall, stretched her arm towards Hayato.

In a hurry to support her body, Hayato asks.

– Are you alright, President?

– Yes…

As a result, they were in a shape as if they were embracing each other.

He’s feeling the chest of Claire.

And, when feeling the warmth of her body, Hayato finally noticed that fact.

– Ah, I’m sorry!

He separates himself from the body of Claire with both hands while apologizing in panic.

At the same time, the boat swayed.

– No, it’s fine desunoyo… you saved me, hmm…?

– Ah…

The two noticed that the boat finally started moving towards the center of the lake.

– This is bad desuwane, now that we are this far from the shore, it will be hard to get back desuwayo.

– No, don’t worry. This boat comes with oars, so we can return at once.

Hayato’s completely right.

When looking closely, there are two oars placed on the bottom of the boat.

– I’m used to rowing oars.

Saying that, Hayato was about to pick the oars.

『This is your long-awaited chance. It will be wasted if you don’t make use of it』

Claire is hearing the voice of Liza inside her head.

(Again, don’t say unnecessary things…!)

It seems she was aiming for this when she made her appearance moments ago.

But, it certainly is a good opportunity.

A lake.

Two people on a boat.

How should progress this?

Claire concluded, looking at Hayato with a sidelong glance.

– … say, Kisaragi Hayato.

– Yes?

– I appreciate your efforts but, why don’t we enjoy the lake for a while masenka?

– … eh?

Hayato is frozen while holding the oars.

– I would like to enjoy the view of Yamato seen from the lake desu.

– Well…

Despite thinking that it’s fine, at this time no one is likely to come around here.

If it’s for a few moments then why not?

– Understood. Then, shall we do so?

Hayato starts to hold the oars. The boat proceeded to move towards the center of the lake.

– It is a very nice scenery desuwane.

– … I agree.

Hayato nods.

The lake surface illuminated by the stars and the moonlight, and the visible range of mountains are very beautiful.

– I guess it is thanks to Liza that we can see a scenery like this, don’t you agree masenwane?

– … oh, that’s right. Where’s Liza…?

Hayato points his line of sight towards the shore.

But her figure is nowhere to be seen.

– Why on earth did Liza call us here?

Hayato throws an honest question.

– Maybe we won’t get to know it masenwayo.

Lifting her eyebrows with a little angry appearance, Claire told him, spitting out.

– I am sure she is having a great time pranking us desuwa.

– A prank, huh…. By any chance, maybe she wants to play with us?

– Wants to play, you say…? Fufu, fufufu…

– Eh? Did I say something strange?

– Yes, you said a really funny thing masuwane.

– ?

Smiling happily and looking at Hayato who doesn’t seem to agree with it, Claire continued her words.

– By the way, this is my second time talking with you on a lake like this desuwane.

– Like the time of the 《Operation: Bird in Cage》, correct?

– … however, unlike that time, we aren’t in the middle of an operation, and I am feeling very good desuwa.

– I am also feeling good. Even more since this is also my hometown.

– … right, this is your hometown desuwane…

Murmuring in a deep emotional state, Claire looked at the surrounding scenery.

– … Kisaragi Hayato. I am very happy that I could come to your hometown in this way before I go to the moon desuwa. Looking at the same scenery, breathing the same air, eating the same food… I feel that I have come to know you more masu.

– Is, is that so? I also like it, and it’s the best if you were able to be pleased with all this…

– Li- like!?*

– Ah, yes. I came here after difficult things but, even so, this is the place where I have spent many years.

– I- I see, that’s what you meant. That’s what you meant desuwane.

– Eh? Is something wrong?

– N-no. It’s nothing masenwayo.

– Is, is that so…

Silence flows between them.

– By the way, the President said just now that is going to the moon…

– Yes, that’s correct desuwa. It’s becoming a rumor, don’t you agree? During next year, I will transfer to Lunaltia Base masu.

– And I’m going to remain here, right?

– Yes, as you said desuwa.

– When that happens, you will be separated. It looks a little lonely.

– … you are right desuwane.

They look up at the moon floating in the sky.

A moon that can be reached if you stretch your hand.

But, it can’t be reached.

It’s in a very far place.

– But, I think that I will be coming and going a lot of times, and I think that it will be the same thing for you masuwayo.

– That will certainly happen…

They laugh together.

– President, it may be a little late to say something like this at this point of time but, thank you very much for this past year. I believe that I were able to grow so much thanks to the President.

– … it’s the best to receive such words desuwa. But, I hope you continue growing even more from now on. You will be in a position to train the youngers.

– Yeah… I’ll do my best.

Like that, Liza was irritated looking at Hayato and Claire, who are going through a conversation that was frivolous in some respects.

(… it’s a little irritating…)

Both of them don’t cross the line on purpose.

It looks like she’s hearing a drama-like conversation.

(I’m getting tired of waiting like this)

Or rather, she’s already at her limit.

In this way, then a little prank will——

No, not that.

She has no choice but to grant her another chance.

Otherwise, they won’t move forward.

So, Liza started to move.

– Ei!

She stands by the side of the lake and swings her arms towards the small boat of Claire and Hayato.


– Ah…!

Liza stared in wonder at the standing huge water column that was bigger than she thought.

– ——!?

– …!?

Hayato and Claire respond to the feeling of the strong energy.


– Huh?

– Eh!?

The lake suddenly split and a water column of 20 meters high approximately stood up.

Because of that, the small boat they were on board swayed greatly, and lost their footing.

– Uwaa!?

– Kyaa!

The two fell down together.

– … oops. It seems I failed to adjust the energy…

Liza, with a troubled look, scratched her cheek.

– But, the result is nice… rather, it’s a huge success.

Regardless of the situation, the development went according to plan.

The small boat swayed greatly, Hayato and Claire fell down. As a result, they are at a very close distance.

Claire’s appearance is as if she was pushing down Hayato.

(… don’t tell me that that was Liza just now…)

For a moment, the energy that she felt is definitely from Liza.

Claire was convinced of that.


Now, realizing that she was pushing down Hayato, Claire’s face turned red.

At the same time, she also noticed that Hayato is fainting.

Maybe it’s because he hit the back of his head when he fell down.

(… kuh…)

*Gulp*, Claire swallowed saliva.

Her eyes are nailed to the lips of Hayato, the distance is no more than 10 centimeters.

It reminds her of 《Operation: Bird in Cage》.

It was at the time when she kissed Hayato to destroy the defensive membrane of the Dragonfly type Savage that appeared in that opportunity.

(… the feeling of being satisfied at that time. I want to taste it, one more time…)

Her body is wishing for it.

She couldn’t think about Liza and that she could be watching her.

Being just stimulated by desire, Claire put her lips on Kisaragi Hayato’s lips.

Not only that, she’s also entwining their tongues.

– *roll*… *kiss*… *roll*… *roll*… nn, *kiss*…

She doesn’t stop.

She can’t stop.

Her chest hurts a lot that is bursting.

But, she’s happy…

(No good, this sensation…. It’s as if Kisaragi Hayato’s thing flows into my body…)

Her body gets hot and her heart gets filled.

It was a long kiss, it lasted for more than 10 seconds.

– Puaah…

At the same time as their lips separated, Claire has a fascinated expression.

Between their lips, the saliva was pulling a long thread.

– … wha, what am I…!!

Claire, who came to her senses, was taken aback.

Then, Hayato woke up.

– … agh… I, what just…

Hayato tries to raise his body.

The flustered Claire also raised her body and separated from Hayato.

– A-are you okay desuno? You hit your head and fainted desuwayo.

– Eh, ah, is that so? I’m sorry, President. It looks like I caused trouble for you.

– N-no, not at all masenwayo.

– Besides, umm…

Hayato was about to ask her what the water column of a while ago was.

Then their PDAs abruptly sounded at the same time.

– Who’s there!?

Hayato and Claire are surprised.

Because they felt energy once again.

However, it’s different from the one of a while ago.

– You guys, why are you flirting in a place like this!?

The voice they heard came from overhead.

When they looked up at the sky, Emilia was riding a vehicle that was shaped like a giant ray* and created by her Innocence type Hundred Arms Shroud around 20 meters high.

When Emilia jumps off, the vehicle disappears.

In exchange for it, guns appear in her hands.

Emilia aimed with precision at Hayato and Emilia and shot them.

– … kuh!

They couldn’t afford to deploy their Hundred.

Claire gathers energy on the palm of her hand and deploys an E barrier.

However, she couldn’t suppress the shot since she wasn’t armed.

– Kyaah!

Claire flies backwards, pushed by the light bullets.

With that force, the small boat rolled over.

– Kyaah!

And following Claire who screamed,

– Uwaah!

Hayato was also thrown into the lake.

Emilia landed on top of the rolled small boat using Arms Shroud.

– What do you think you are doing, Emilia Hermit!

Claire shouts when turning up of the lake surface.

While looking down at her figure, Emilia put both hands on her waist and said.

– Those are my words! Hayato and you were having a boat date!

– Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-, date you say…!?

Claire blushes in an instant.

– Am I wrong? No matter how I look at it, it looks like a date to me!

– Ce-certainly it looks like a date… no, it wasn’t a date but…

– If it’s not a date, then what is it, huh!?

– Well, that’s, Liza is…

– … Liza…?  Are you telling me that Liza was doing all of this!?

– No, that’s not it…

– Puhaa… ah——

At the very same moment when Hayato turns up of the water’s surface.

Looking at the two who are fighting in front in front of him, Hayato exclaimed.

– What are you doing you two!?

– Don’t say a word, Hayato!

– Be quiet, Kisaragi Hayato!

Claire and Emilia gathered their voices.

– But, and the emergency call…

– Ah!

– I forgot desuwa!

Even though it has been ringing all the time, they didn’t care about it completely. Or rather, they didn’t care at all.

– Anyway, take us out of here.

– Eh, I have to help Prez too?

Emilia raised a dissatisfied voice.

In response, Claire shouted.

– Get moving! A state of emergency is occurring desuwayo!

– Yes, yes, I understand, I understand.

Emilia, who created a large surfboard with a gigantic ray shape with Arms Shroud, pulled up Hayato and Claire on it and moved to the lakeside.

– It’s still really cold…

Claire, who is dripping wet, sighed greatly.

– … President, are you okay?

– To be honest, I want to go back to the institution and take a bath desuwayo. Leaving that aside, what happened desu?

Claire asked Emilia at the same time she drops to the ground.

– I don’t know. I was thinking about where Hayato went, because I checked his GPS position and came in search of him. Then, I felt a strong energy… and, well… that’s right, I forgot about the alert!

Emilia took out the PDA from her chest pocket.

Then, the screen of the emergency alert changes to the appearance of Charlotte.

『… Emilia. You know what means an emergency alert, don’t you? And you took a while to respond』

– I’m very sorry. By the way, Hayato and the Prez are also here.

Emilia directed the PDA’s camera to Hayato and Claire. She then realized that both of them got wet.

『Good grief, you guys seem to be always relaxed, no matter the place, huh?』

Sighing amazed, Charlotte continues.

『… now, onto the real issue at hand. I confirmed the reaction of Savage in space』

– What did you say!?

It was Claire who raised her voice.

『The predicted falling point thanks to the measurements of Liza has a 90% to be around Motomatsu Base in Imperial Yamato——that is, where you guys are now』

– In short, we are entering in a sortie state?

『Yeah, like you said』

Charlotte answered Hayato who asked and continued her words.

『… okay so, are you returning to the institution soon? Are you carrying your Variable Suits?』

– Yes, we are bringing them with us.

Although there are no Outers, they are bringing the Suits when situations like this have occurred.

『Okay then, I’ll leave it to you. While you return, I’ll be keeping in touch with Motomatsu Base to set up a strategy』

– Then, let’s go back to the institution. I’m going to place a vehicle.

Saying that, Emilia deploys her Hundred——.

Arms Shroud made a board shaped like a ray.

– Unlike a while ago, we are going to fly through the skies. Get on, Hayato. You too, Prez.

Following what he was told, Hayato got on the board.

– … err, Prez?

Emilia calls out Claire for a second time, since she turns her back to them, staring fixedly at the lake.

– Prez! Why are you doing nothing? We have to get back soon!

– Eh, ah, this…. You are right desuwane.

Claire turned back and moved towards the board, approaching it with a jog.

You are reading story Hundred at

In the orphanage* there were Rebecca, Aoi, Touka—and Mei Mei.

*TN: I’m glad I didn’t use orphanage before and stick with institution (abbreviated form is home but went for the other one), since THIS is the word for orphanage in Japanese: 児童養護施設 = jidouyougoshisetsu.

『Hmm, I’m troubled. Properly speaking, I would like to request local support to you but…』

Charlotte was showing a troubled look on the screen of the PC that Aoi opened.

『I am sorry, Emilia-sama seems to have been unable to repair it…. Because of that, I cannot manipulate the PC properly…』

– In that case, then who’s the one who connected this communication?

– Eh, umm, it was me.

『… hmm? Certainly, you are…』

– I am in second year of Little Garden middle school——Umino Aoi. And umm…  if it’s a computer, then I can use it for a bit and… I can be the helper of Mei Mei-san…

– Yeah, that’s true. This girl, Aoi, has the goal of entering the intelligence department of Warslan, you know.

– Come on, Rebecca. That’s still a secret!

The face of Aoi turns deep red.

Charlotte smiled and grinned at the sight of her figure, and hit the keyboard of the computer in front of her.

『I’m looking at the data of Aoi-kun now. Your scholarly ability and skills seems to be promising. I’ll rely on you for the role of supporter of Mei Mei』

– Is that true!?

『… though, I guess there will be staff of Motomatsu Base, so I don’t think that there’ll be that much work. But, you’ll be doing a properly job of control. I’m counting on you』

– Yes! Tha-thank you very much!

Hayato and the girls returned to the institution and the first thing they did was to change to their Variable Suits.

Claire and Emilia were in the room where they were staying at and were changing clothes all together.

In the middle of that, Claire couldn’t get away that thing from her head.

(The energy of Liza that couldn’t control. And now, the attack of the Savage…)

There’s only one thing she can imagine from those two events.

(As expected, Liza attracted the Savage this time——)

Like blessing in disguise, their numbers aren’t that high, and the chances for unknown Savage is almost zero.

(However, if the Savage come along because of the powerful energy of Liza, then there’s no doubt that Lunaltia Project is essential for the Earth masuwane…)

Attracting the Savage to the moon can prevent attacks on the Earth.

And at the same time, in the thin atmosphere of the moon, the distance that Liza’s energy can be felt will be longer.

If so, there are greater chances that a large amount of Savage will come, and also that new species that they have never seen before may come.

(It seems that it will be a really tough battle once I have left to Lunaltia Base desuwane…)

– Prez, why are you spacing out? We have to change our clothes at once, you know.

Emilia, who finished changing to her Suit, spurs Claire.

– I know that masuwayo. I- I will change my clothes in no time masuwa!

Flustering, Claire equipped her Variable Suit.

『8 Savage are predicted to fall——and none of them are Unknown type nor Trenta type Savage. All of them seem to be either regular——or giant type Savage』

That’s the communication from Chris from Little Garden’s strategy conference room.

In the backyard of the institution, a huge antenna for camping was extended.

Through the PC of Aoi connected to it, this place and Little Garden——as well as Motomatsu Base, are connected.

『… in short, that means they aren’t difficult enemies』

The voice heard was from Yumina at Motomatsu Base.

Her figure was on the screen of the PC.

– But, be on your guard desuwayo.

She suspected that a relieved mood was flowing among everyone.

– Although it looks like they are regular type, the Savage are still unknown creatures, so we don’t know what will happen. No matter what the situation is, don’t be self-conceited masenwa.

Hayato and everyone who received those words show discipline again.

『Well then, it’s time to announce the distribution of the teams. Aoi-kun. Please project the data from here on your PC』

– Ro-roger!

Aoi received the communication from Charlotte and operates the computer in front of her.

The portrait photo and name of each Slayer are on the screen.

And the team composition is displayed.

Emilia, who looked into it, gave a happy voice.

– Yay! I’m in the same team as Hayato!

– Hey, stop!

Emilia takes the arm of Hayato as if she was clinging to it.

Although it was Claire who looked at them and made a stiffened expression for an instant, she regained her calmness, looking at Hayato pulling Emilia apart.

– … then I will fight with the freshmen desuwane.

Claire’s line of sight is directed to Sango and Mirai displayed on the PC.

『N-no way, I can fight together with Claire-sama? I am extremely happy. The best of the honors desuwa. Rather, I have to thank the Savage..』

『No, I think it’s no good if you give your thanks to the Savage…』

Mirai talks exasperated.

Without thinking, Hayato makes a bitter smile.

Charlotte laughed happily with a loud voice, and continued speaking.

『Claire, join the two freshmen and confirm their skills by fighting together』

– Understood.

Claire replies. In other words, she will ascertain on the same battlefield whether they are suitable for Selections or not.

(If it’s those two, then I’m sure they’ll be fine)

Hayato who has fought with them, thinks so.

Next, they heard the voice of Yumina.

『… so, I am by myself. If it’s okay with you, I’d like two trainees to accompany me. We have to train Slayers, since Sango and Mirai won’t be here after this』

– If the commander of Motomatsu Base says gives her approval, then I don’t see the problem with it.

Charlotte answered that.

『You don’t have any complaints, Mika?』

Yumina asks from the other side of the monitor.

The voice of Mika, the commander of Motomatsu Base, was immediately heard.

『There’s no problem. Rather, I welcome it. However, if there’s any abnormality, contact us immediately. If the situation becomes dangerous, send the trainees back. Are we clear?』

『Of course, I’ll do exactly that』

After Mika answered, Yumina told Charlotte.

『It should be fine if we knock down normal type Savage?』

『Yes, that’s fine』

——speaking of that, Hayato and Emilia will take care of 3. Claire, Mirai and Sango of another 3. And if Yumina and the trainees defeat the last 2, then it’s mission complete.

– Wait a minute please!

It was Touka who shouted an objection when it seemed that everyone agreed this strategy.

– Why am I not in the sortie!? I can fight the Savage too, and even I won the preliminary contest of individual matches——

Charlotte answers the question.

『Touka-kun, you have just recovered from an injury, isn’t it? It’s still dangerous. So, you’ll have to standby this time』

– … but…

– Step back this time.

Hayato taps the dropped shoulder of the dejected Touka.

Then, Touka muttered with disappointment.

– … this was a rare chance to show good things to my apprentice…

In short, she wanted to show good things to Rebecca.

『Well then, everyone to sortie——』

Following the communication from Mika, Aoi gave a loud voice.

E-everyone, I will be praying for your brave efforts!

– Aoi-chan, as the substitute of Mei Mei, do your best.

– Ye-yes! I will give my best effort!

The face of Aoi turned deep red as she replied to Emilia who tapped her shoulder.

– Okay, let’s go. HUNDRED ON!

Emilia deployed the Hundred, Arms Shroud, and created a flying vehicle with a giant ray appearance.

– Hayato, get on.

– Got it.

I will also start moving masuwa——HUNDRED ON!

Following Emilia, Claire deployed her Hundred and floated in the sky using it as a thruster.

Emilia also floats in the sky with the flying device.

Mei Mei said to all of them while waving her hand.

– Everyone, you can do it degozarimasunanodesu〜!

Claire, Sango and Mirai gather in the sky.

They started moving towards the designated standby point.

– You girls, how many times have you fought with the Savage desuka?

Asked Claire, flying through the sky using the six floating turrets of her Hundred 《Noble Battle Princess》Alisterion as thrusters.

Both Sango and Mirai were flying in the sky using their Outer.

– Hmm, 7 times, I guess?

Mirai answered the question of Claire.

Following her, Claire asks.

– Are you always together on the battlefield?

– Yes! We have been together since the beginning! Even Yumina-san was with us. And in an opportunity, for the Third Attack, we were with Kisaragi-san——

– I have heard about that story masuwa. Both of you did a wonderful job desuwane.

– Th-that’s… our efforts…

Feeling embarrassed, the face of Sango dyes red.

She puts both hands on her face.

There, a communication from Aoi enters.

『Pr-President Claire, can you hear me?』

– I can hear you masuwayo.

Claire immediately returns a response.

『You will soon arrive at the designated point. Please switch over to the standby state there』

– Acknowledged mashitawa. Sango, Mirai. Let’s descend masuwayo.

– Yees.

– Roger!

The two answered and went down and stood on the ground with Claire.

– Aoi.

Claire talks through the neck communication device.


She was surprised by the sudden call of Claire.

So Aoi responded with a loud voice.

『I am sorry, President Claire! Di-did I make a mistake?』

– No, everything is fine masenwayo. For now, there are no problems at all, your directions are on point desuwa. I just wanted to say thanks desu.

『Ah, thank you very much…!』

– Please keep giving us instructions with this impetus masuwa… and——

An alert sound was heard far away.

It’s sounding from the direction of Aoi.

It wasn’t heard only by Claire, but also by Sango and Mirai.

– It looks like they are coming desuwane.

Following the words of Claire, Sango and Mirai also look up at the sky.

There, a report from Aoi entered.

『Reporting to Claire squad. One minute until the Savage fall——the location is 1522 meters to the east-southeast from your current position!』

– If so, then in that direction is the forest… desuwayone?

『Ye-yes! Just like Claire-sama said!』

– If that’s the case, then there won’t be any casualties masenwane. The distance is short, so let’s give up bombarding the Savage during their fall. We will be aiming for the moment they land on the ground to begin the attack masuwayo. Are both of you ready desuwane?

Claire looks at their faces.

– Yup.

– Of course desuwa.

Both Mirai and Sango nodded.

– Well then, let’s move masuwayo.

The three of them soar in the sky once again.

While approaching the predicted falling point, Claire tells the strategy.

– Sango and I will attack with our floating batteries the falling Savage. That will disturb them, preventing the Savage of doing something masuwa. Aiming at that gap, Mirai will destroy the cores. Understood desuwane?


Sango and Miray answered all together.

– … the predicted falling point should be around here desuwane. Aoi, can you hear me masuka?

『I- I hear you. There is no problem in that place. In about 10 seconds, two Savage will come in contact with the ground!』

According to those words——.

After 10 seconds or so, *BOOM* *BOOM*, the earth shook.

The Savage landed.

Claire shouted, while adjusting the balance of her body by using her knee to endure the trembling.

– Sango, let’s go masuwayo!

– Roger desuwa!

The Alisterion of Claire.

And then the 《Red Dragon Knight》 Drag Red of Sango.

A total of ten floating batteries from the two armaments attack the Savage.

The strategy is a success.

With the lasers emitted from each one of the batteries, the Savage became unable to move.

– Now desuwayo, Mirai!

– Okay!

Mirai has already generated arrows of energy.

The Hundred that the girl is holding is a bow——Hamanotsurara.

– Here I gooo!

A bluish-white arrow was fired and pierced magnificently into the core of the Savage, making an explosion.

– We did it mashitawa!

Sango raised both hands, looking at the Savage whose core was destroyed and stopped moving.

Her tension relaxed, together with a voice of delight.

But all of that was blown away in an instant by Claire’s shout.

– Not yet masenwa, Sango!

It’s because a light shone behind the Savage that was defeated.

Another Savage was already in the back, and fired a bombardment.

Sango is on a straight line of that——

– Ah…

Because she was losing her focus, her response was late.

She even couldn’t return the floating batteries to her own position.

If this continues, it will be a direct hit.

But still——.

– … kkuh!!

Sango tried to deploy a barrier towards the beam, hoping that she could suppress some damage from it.

(wh- what…?)

When she noticed the fear and the dazzling light of it, Sango realizes that her body is trembling and closed her eyes.

5 seconds should have passed already after deploying the barrier.

However, she doesn’t feel an impact on her body nor the barrier.

… just what on earth happened?

While wondering about it, Sango opened her eyelids.

What met her incessantly blinking eyes was a shield made with six red floating batteries.

– … Claire-sama?

Looking back, Claire instantly calls attention to Sango who turned her eyes to her.

– This is not the place to stand there being stupefied masenwayo. Another blow is coming masuwa. Immediately after the bombardment, a gap can be made for a moment masu. That is our chance——I will defend against it like I just did, you shoot through the core with Buster Cannon!

– Ro-roger desuwa!

Sango creates Buster Cannon using the floating batteries that came back to her.

Then, injects a lot of energy into it.

– Here it comes masuwayo!

In accordance with Claire’s shout, the Savage fired a second bombardment.

And for a second time too, the shield created by Claire stops the blow perfectly.

(From here on, it is my duty…! I absolutely have to shoot through the core of the Savage, I can’t do the same mistake of moments ago…!)

The shield in front of her eyes is dispersing, then it returns to the six floating batteries, and those go back to the position of Claire.

At the same time, she saw the Savage in front of her.

– I will shoot you masuwayo!

Aiming at the core, Sango shoots a beam from Buster Cannon.

She shoots splendidly through the core, and stopped the movement of the Savage.

. You did it well mashitawane.

*Pant*, *Pant*… Claire approaches Sango, whose shoulders are shaking while holding Buster Cannon in her hands.

– However, I caused trouble for Claire-sama…

Returning Buster Cannon to the floating batteries, Sango feels despondent and drops her shoulders.

While gently stroking her head, Claire smiles.

– It’s fine desuwayo. There’s already another Savage here. Let’s bring it down properly.

– Ah, yes…!

Raising her face, the facial expression of Sango shines in a flash.

– Thank you very much, Claire-sama!

『The second conventional type Savage has been defeated by Claire squad! They are now moving towards the third Savage!』

Aoi launches a transmission towards Hayato and Emilia who are in the middle of deployment.

Immediately after that, *BEEP*, *BEEP, an alert resounded.

– … eh?

She doesn’t know what happened, Aoi is bewildered.

A communication from Charlotte entered there.

『This has become a little problematic』

Her voice was a bit dark and heavy.

『There’s a chance that one Savage will fall near the institution where you are located——the predicted falling point is farther than expected——moreover, is earlier than expected. Originally, Kirikagure Yumina was supposed to be in charge of it』

– Wh-what do we do? Teams other than Yumina-san’s are already heading towards their respective targets——

『Should Yumina face it?』

What entered next was a communication from Mika at Motomatsu Base.

『They should be able to move there in 10 minutes』

– There’s no need for that.

Of course, those aren’t the words of Aoi.

But Touka’s words.

– Eh?

Aoi is amazed.

Turning around, Touka got up from the chair and folded her arms with proud.

– That one is going to fall right next to this base, isn’t it? Then I’ll go and kill it.

– Touka-senpai, are you serious!?

Rebecca asks, standing up from the chair like Touka did.

– Rebecca, you want to see my fight too, don’t you?

– Of course I do!

– Then, follow me. Let’s go, Rebecca!

– Understood!

– Wait, Rebecca!

Standing up, Aoi shouted.

Regardless of Touka who has battle experience, it’s dangerous for Rebecca.

As well as actual battle, since it has become possible for her to deploy Hundred within less than a month.

『… those children, it can’t be helped』

Charlotte murmured amazed from the other side of the screen.

『It will be impossible for us to stop them, so let them go. I can’t imagine Touka-kun doing something that could make Rebecca-kun fight or to end up injured. If you think about it, this will be a good stimulus from now on』

– But…

『If it’s the Touka-kun of now, then she should be able to do something about that Savage. If it looks dangerous, she’ll call for support and if something happens, I’ll take responsibility for it. What’s left is for you to give them instructions, don’t you think? Believing in the ability of the Slayers, and giving them directions are the tasks of the control side』

– Ye-yes!

– Take thiiii——s!

Emilia created a large gun with Arms Shroud, and shot through the core of a normal type Savage.

– …alright.

Emilia confirmed that the Savage stopped moving, and after wiping the sweat of her forehead, asked Hayato while looking at him.

– Now we only have to defeat the remaining large Savage that, right?

– Yeah, that should be…

Hayato stared motionlessly at a distant place, without turning back towards Emilia.

– … is something wrong, Hayato?

– It seemed that a Savage had fallen to the direction of the institution now.

At the same time Hayato says so, the voice of Aoi is heard from the communication device.

『Hayato-san, Emilia-san, do you hear me?』

– Ah, Aoi-chan? Should we go and defeat the Savage that is falling near the institution?

『Ah, no. It is already falling to a site 2 kilometers to the east of the place where you two are』

– 2 kilometers to the east…?

Emilia calls out Hayato who murmured so.

– The direction is different from what Hayato saw a few seconds ago.

– Umm, Umino-san.

『Ye-yes… what is it?』

Hayato throws a question to Aoi who is shaking for being called out.

– A few moments ago, I saw a Savage falling towards the institution, but…

There are no Slayers being deployed at the base now.

That’s why, Hayato was getting anxious.

『Ah, yes but the thing is…』

– … it seems it’s coming.

It was a minute ago when Hayato and Aoi started a communication.

Together with Rebecca, Touka went outside of the institution and headed to the forest where the Savage fell, and muttered while looking up at the sky.

『Touka-san, the Savage has landed』

The voice of Aoi is heard from the PDA that Rebecca is holding.

– Acknowledged.

Immediately after Touka answered.

Following the sound of cracking branches of the trees, the ground trembled lightly.

The Savage fell nearby.


Touka creates a black sword in her hand.

It’s the one that Charlotte made, imitating the sword that Hokuto, the father of Touka, made.


– Rebecca, look over there. Do you know the Savage?

Ahead of Touka’s line of sight.

On the other side where there’s a huge quantity of trees, suspicious golden eyes are shining.

– … that’s, a Savage…

Her whole body trembles.

This was the first time for Rebecca seeing a Savage directly, the muscles along the spine tremble.

The creature that had a bizarre appearance made her feel that level of fear.

(Touka-senpai and the others are fighting such kind of monsters?)

Her instinct is telling her to run away.

To leave from here, right now.

(… no, I can’t. Because I’ll be a Slayer!)

So, she will stay firmly in this place.

She will see with her own eyes.

The battle of Touka-senpai!

Telling that to herself, Rebecca suddenly clenches her teeth and gazed at the Savage.

And then——.

– Ah…

The Savage opened its head.

Rebecca knows that that is a signal of bombardment.

So, she shouted.

– Senpai, the Savage is!

However, Touka doesn’t move.

She just stood there while fixedly glaring at the Savage.

– … no problem. Rebecca, hide behind me.

– Ye-yes!

Doing as she was told, Rebecca takes a roundabout path behind Touka.

The back of her body is in front of her eyes, it looks very strong.

However, it doesn’t change the fact she’s scared.

She noticed that Rebecca was slightly trembling.

– There’s nothing to be afraid of. Keep looking.

Saying that, Touka extended her right hand to the Savage.

And there, a bombardment swoops down.

– Ah…

The front of Rebecca became pure white.


– Eh? Touka-senpai, what was that?

The light immediately flicks and the original scenery returns.

Rebecca has no injuries, Touka who’s in front of her eyes is also uninjured.

– I erased the bombardment.

Turning only her neck, Touka showed a grin and a smile.

– … erased it? That was an E barrier… right?

However, she couldn’t see that.

Even Rebecca who just started learning about the Hundred can understand it.

– It seems mine is a kind of N barrier. Charlotte said that it has special properties that cannot be imitated by ordinary people. So, I guess it can’t be used as a reference but, it’s different here——.

Touka kicks off the ground and runs.

– Look! I have a sword, you have fists——but there’s still something to learn! Haaa!

Rebecca gave a voice spontaneously, looking at Touka who started an attack to the Savage while dodging the giant pincers.

– Amazing!

The movements of the Savage stopped briefly after being sent flying to the back by the slash of Touka.

With that gap, Touka jumped high and held aloft the sword greatly, aiming for the defensive barrier of the Savage——and the core beyond that.

– Take this, Kenzaki Style Secret Technique——《Slashing Traces》Zaneizan!*


It’s a technique to instantly make two slashings and give the target a shock many more times than normal.

However, for Rebecca it seemed that she had destroyed not only the defense barrier, but also the core of the Savage, with a single blow.

That’s because Touka has released two slashings with that much speed.

– Incredible! Amazing, Touka-senpai!

Rebecca, who searched for her, came running towards Touka while jumping up and down beside her.

– Fufufu, that’s obvious. That’s why is called 《Zaneizan》. It’s a technique created by my Shishō, Ryūsei.

– Ryūsei you say? That uncle of Yamato!?

– … yup. Despite appearances, he’s the brother of my father, and the one who has a magnificent skill of the sword. I got Shishō to teach me the know-how of 《Zaneizan》so I could use it, and became able to fight the Savage.

– Kno-…? If I know that, if I’m able to use《Zaneizan》, then I’ll be able to fight the Savage?

– Uh huh, as I said earlier, supposing that you can do it with your fists, then, if possible, you should be able to fight the Savage. By the way, about the know-how…

Although it was Touka who tried to ready her sword, and began to speak with a proud look,

– … ah?

*Clink*, the sword fell from her hand.

– Touka-senpai, is something wrong?

– … if I were as always, then this much won’t be nothing but… my skill isn’t at its normal condition yet…

It seems that her arms suffered considerable damage due to the reaction of using 《Zaneizan》.

(It looks like I won’t be able to train for a few days with this…)

While sighing, Touka took the sword that fell to the ground, returned it to a Hundred and said.

– That’s right, the know-how… I’ll teach it to you properly once we return to Little Garden.

– Really!? Thank you very much, Touka-senpai!

Rebecca smiled happily from the bottom of her heart.

『Touka-san has defeated the Savage. Rebecca-san is safe too!』

– … that’s good to know…

Hayato, who heard the communication from Aoi just before confronting the large Savage, breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

He was anxious since it was unavoidable to hear that Touka and Rebecca went to defeat the Savage near the base.

Emilia gave a warning to him.

– I know you are feeling relieved, but don’t lose your focus.

– I know that.

Saying that, Hayato readied Hien.

Before his line of sight, there’s the appearance of a large Savage.

The biggest one in this raid.

It’s in a state where it’s about to bombard, it’s even with its head opened all the way.

– I won’t let you do it!

Emilia shouted, using Arms Shroud that deployed around her body to create six swords with a sharp tip——floating around her body, and one by one, she continued releasing them towards the Savage.

Every time a sword pierces the Savage, it steps backwards, pushed by its power.

And just after the six swords stuck into the Savage.

All the swords that were fired shone and exploded with a *BOOM*.

The body of the Savage shakes violently to the left and right.

Now it can’t attack with its left and right pincers.

– Now, let’s go, Hayato!

– Yeah!

Emilia jumped up and kicked the ground and creates a white sword similar to Hayato’s Hien with Arms Shroud and attacks the Savage.

Following her, Hayato also kicked the ground.

– Yaaaaaaaaaa!

First, the white sword of Emilia swoop down on the Savage.

That slash destroys the defense barrier.

Hayato also swung Hien.

That slash destroys the core.

– Hooray!

Emilia landed on the ground, looking at the Savage collapsing from its legs and raised a voice of joy.

Following her, Hayato who looked up at the Savage, also leaks a voice of relief.

– We are done with this…

A communication from Aoi entered there.

『The annihilation of all the Savage has been confirmed. Thanks for your hard work, everyone』

Not only Hayato and Emilia, that communication is also reaching Claire.

– Thank you for your hard work deshitawa. Aoi, your instructions were perfect deshitawayo.

『Tha-thank you very much, Claire-sama!』

The voice of Aoi who received the words of appreciation from Claire was of surprise and happiness. Nevertheless, Claire smiled in satisfaction while listening to that reply, and called out the two people nearby.

– Mirai, Sango. As one would expect of you two. I am truly grateful that people like you will become members of Little Garden desuwa.

Claire felt the joy of their youthful strength and told them her feelings that came up from the bottom of her heart.

– I can go to the moon feeling relieved masuwa.

When listening to such words of Claire, Sango shows a somewhat sad expression.

Mirai said, touching her shoulder.

– Yes, this became our memories.

– … yup.

Sango nods.

Claire gazed at the intimate two with a look that overflowed with affection.

Sango, Mirai, And, Claire.

A person was gazing at the three people from the top of a cliff a little away from there.

A girl with blond hair, with many thorny ivies coiling around her white, beautiful and pure skin.

She’s Liza Harvey.

(Mankind really became stronger. There’s no place for me to do anything)

While showing a smile on her face, Liza muttered in her heart.

(I’m not alone anymore… on the contrary, they don’t need me anymore. If it’s the mankind of now, then they’ll find the way to make it through. Humans can protect the earth by themselves…)

And so, with confidence, she can go to the moon.

She can fight with God.

(… and, I’m at already at my limit. Let’s meet again in Little Garden, Onee-sama)

The figure of Liza disappeared from that place.

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