
Chapter 69: Volume 10 - CH 6

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One hour till the commemoration ceremony of the space advancement of mankind——.

Hayato and the others changed clothes to their Variable Suits, finished preparations for security and visited the dressing room on the back of the stage where the live concert and the speech are going to be held.

Sakura and Karen worn their Variable Suits like Hayato and the others and are in front of them.

– Latia-san and the others also came, didn’t they?

Karen said delighted.

Fritz is also next to Latia.

Besides them, only Hayato and Emilia are in the dressing room.

– We came to see if you are nervous. But, how’s that you aren’t getting nervous?

– I want to say that I’m not, but that’d be a lie.

While smiling wryly, Sakura answered the question of Latia.

– Even though we started living in the space, the rehearsal time became shorter due to the invasion of the Savages. And also, we can’t imagine what may occur while doing the live concert.

That means that it’s possible that a raid of the Savages may occur.

– Don’t worry.  We’ll protect you no matter what.

Saying that, Latia turned her eyes towards Hayato.

– Isn’t it, Hayato?

– Yeah.

Hayato nodded with security and answered.

Due to the raid of the Savages, the training on the moon was canceled.

That’s based on the judgment that there won’t be a problem because of experiencing an actual fight once.

Although it was carried out with a shortened time like the rehearsal, the confirmation of defense surface has been performed properly, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

– Thank you.

– Thank you very much, Nii-san. And everyone.

Karen says so and bowed her head.

Souffle comes along and speaks to Sakura and Karen.

– You girls, we have to move soon.

– Yes, we know.

The time to move to the stage wing came.

Sakura asks Karen, turning her eyes towards her.

– Karen-chan, are you mentally prepared for this?

– Y-yes!

– Well then, let’s go.

– See you later, Nii-san!

Sakura and Karen walked towards the stage all together while waving their hands towards Hayato and co.

– Alright, we’ll also commence our guarding.

– You guys are outside, right?

– Yeah, we’re so unlucky——.

Latia answers the question of Emilia.

– Enjoy it well on our behalf, okay?

Fritz tapped the shoulder of Hayato and walked out with Latia towards the outside of the venue.

The stationing of Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat is also outside the venue, just like Latia and Fritz.

Of course, Hayato and Emilia aren’t the only ones watching the live concert at the spectator stands.

Each one of the stands in an aisle are connected to the outside and they (the Slayers) are given the role of monitoring the access of the people. It’s nothing but a “consideration” to Hayato who is the older brother of Karen so he can see the live.

When Hayato and Emilia came to the audience seating, the venue was already overflowing with a lot of people.

– Ah, that’s….

– Yeah, if it isn’t Kisaragi Hayato!

It’s a girl dressed in the national costume of Yamato who approached with a half run, raising her voice in a big way while meeting their eyes.

In response to that, Emilia raises her voice.

– Ah, it’s Luli!

– As well as Touka and Yumina-san.

Following Princess Luli, Touka and Yumina walked.

Touka wears the uniform of Little Garden——.

Yumina was wearing the uniform of Warslan.

– Hayato-dono and Emilia. It’s been a long time.

– That’s the same for us, it’s been a long time.

Hayato greets, bowing his head to Princess Luli.

Emilia, who’s next to him, folds her arms and stares with a sidelong glance at Princess Luli.

– I never thought that Luli would come. I thought that you hated going to ceremonies like this.

– I don’t like the serious ones. I was told that the live of the Kirishima “Oriental Wizard “ Sakura and Kisaragi “Little Little Witch “ Karen is taking place on the moon. As it seemed interesting, I took the initiative and declared that I would go as the representative of the country!

Princess Luli laughs loudly.

– Good grief, that’s typical of Luli.

Oh dear! Emilia spat out, amazed.

Next, Hayato asked.

– Is Touka doing it properly?

– *Annoyed*, shishō, why are you saying that!?

Touka inflates her cheeks, looking like she became sulky.

– Are you remarking that I’m not cut out to be a fully-fledged bodyguard!?

– No, I’m not saying that!

Hayato apologizes in panic. Luli answered.

– Touka is doing it well, you know. She was just scared of boarding the spaceship.

– Princess Luli! Please don’t say such things!

Hayato and Emilia are looking at Touka who has her face red.

They, together with Princess Luli, are laughing.

– Come to think of it, you aren’t good with airplanes.

– But, I got used to it soon. I should also get used to the spaceships——. I, as a shishō, have gained all sorts of experiences so that I can teach various things to Rebecca and Ryuuto!

Looking at Touka who desperately said so, Hayato grabbed her head in order to stroke her.

– Touka, you are becoming more like a shishō than me.

– … *shy*, being told that by shinshishō makes me feel embarrassed…

Yumina said after she laughed with the three people again.

– Touka, you’ve been talking while standing for too long, you mustn’t interfere with our work. Princess Luli will also head to her seat soon.

– Ah! You are right.

Touka answers.

Subsequently, Princess Luli called out Hayato.

– Hayato-dono. And, Emilia——. There’s going to be a banquet after the ceremony. Let’s meet again there.

– Well then shinshishō, see you later!

Yumina walks and guided Princess Luli to her seat.

Touka and Princess Luli followed her afterwards.

– Which reminds me, yesterday Claudia said that she’s bringing your older sisters along with her. Wouldn’t be better to go and say hi?

– I can do that later. The show is about to start after all.

Immediately after Emilia answered.

– Hayato-ku〜n .

A familiar and seductive voice reaches the ears of Hayato.

Hayato tries to look back in response to that and——.

– Uwaah!?

A girl with pigtails jumps, plunging into Hayato’s chest.

It’s the Idol that has the same popularity than Kirishima Sakura in Liberia——she’s Carol “Charming Angel “ Caroline.

– Carol-san, what are you doing here!?

– I came here with a relay reporter of a Liberian program, you know〜. As a navigator of Lunaltia Base. Hayato-kun, didn’t you see the net program where I appeared yesterday at night〜?

– Eh, eerr….

Big breasts are touching his arm. There’s a sweet scent coming from her hair, and big eyes that are fixedly staring at him.

It goes without saying that Hayato’s heart was beating fast.

As expected of a charming angel——.

However, such body of Carol was quickly pulled away from Hayato by Emilia.

– Despite being on the moon, there’s nowhere a need to see a relay from the moon. I mean, the ceremony is already starting. Get back to work fast and sit.

Saying that, Emilia pushes the back of Carol towards the direction of the staff of the program who are watching over the situation at the distance.

– Wa-wait, Emilia… fine, see you later, Hayato-kun!

While having a dissatisfying expression, she returns to the staff of the program.

After a while, the illumination of the venue disappeared.

At last, the commemoration ceremony of the space advancement of mankind has——.

It’s time for the live concert of Sakura and Karen to raise the curtain.

One minute until that.

At the same time as the illumination goes out, Sakura gulped saliva.

– … Karen-chan, are you ok?

Sakura asked her because the expression of Karen who’s standing next to her was stiff.

Her body is also trembling.

– I am sorry…. To be honest, I am extremely nervous. It’s the same when I boarded the spaceship——no, this is worse…

Karen was honest and spoke out her feelings.

She’s thinking that Sakura has come to grips with all of it.

– That’s natural, you know. That wasn’t the same for me since I wasn’t paying too much attention to the live concert, but as I said earlier, I don’t know if anything will occur.

After she said so.

With an unequalled smile, Sakura said to Karen.

– ——but, it’s okay. Karen-chan has been acquiring experience sufficiently so far with me after all. That foundation is already solid. It won’t collapse so easily. If you waver, this me will come to grips with it right away. No matter what kind of trouble it is, I will manage it in one way or another.

It doesn’t matter what kind of place it is.

It doesn’t matter what kind of situation it is.

If I stand, then I will sing.

Such is my stage.

That is Oriental Wizard.

Because that’s the ability that Kirishima Sakura has.

She came to continuously refine, this whole time, without stopping, up to now, that ability.

There’s no way that she will collapse easily.

– Besides, Hayato-kun is watching attentively near us.

– Yes!

The trembling of the body of Sakura stops.

This will be alright.

– Sakura, Karen, it’s time.

– Yes, we’re ready.

Sakura answered Souffle and said her last words to Karen.

– Karen-chan. This’ll be the best up to now——no, we’re going to make the best and supreme live concert in the history of the world.

– Yes!

– Okay then, let’s go——HUNDRED ON!


In this stage, they don’t deploy the Hundred in it.

Since their Hundred are previously deployed——Fairy Fairy Tale and Divine Card.

The usual costumes for live concerts wrap their bodies.

– This will change during the live concert so look forward to it.

Saying so with a smile, Sakura runs towards the stage.

Karen started talking on her back.

– Sakura-san! I will do my best!

Sakura looked back with those words and answered with a smile.

——Unlike usual, there is no excited cheering.

However, there is a large number of cameras before their eyes and billions of people beyond them.

The concept of this live concert is to tell those people that humanity has taken a new step forward and that they have to look at the future after that.

Sakura stands in the center of the stage, a blue planet that is far away is in sight——

She raises her voice, facing the Earth.

– To everyone on Earth who can hear me! I am standing on the moon now. Today is the anniversary when mankind has genuinely advanced into the moon. To celebrate that, Karen-chan and I created a new song, a commemoration song. We will have that song revealed at the special stage just for today. Well then, please listen to it——.

The song starts.

The tempo is slow.

It has a calm intro.

On the desolated land, a girl was standing alone.

It’s a first-born daughter who was wearing shabby thin clothes.

She’s continuously singing songs to divert her loneliness.

And yet, she can’t withstand the time all on her own.

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She wants someone to listen to her songs.

The little girl kicked the ground with a tap.

Wings of light appeared on the back of the little girl.

The young child keeps wandering around the universe, alone.

With the exception of the beautiful stars, there are no worlds.

Then, how long has she lived in solitude?

She doesn’t want to be alone anymore.

She wants to meet someone. Holding onto that feeling, the girl kept singing.

Eventually, the little girl discovers a planet.

The planet was like the one she was born and raised, it was desolated.

But, maybe someone is there——

Thinking so, the little girl descended on the planet.


Is someone there? The little girl keeps shouting while walking

But, there’s no reply.

How long has she walked since then?

Should she get out from this planet soon?

And the moment she thought so.

The little girl doubted her eyes.

It’s because she found a little girl, squatting and crying.

The little girl calls the little girl of this planet who has clothes similar to herself.

She was surprised by such a sudden thing.

The body of the little girl trembled.

And, she looks at the face of the girl who called her out.


The little girl screams and falls back.

She doesn’t know what she’s saying.

Getting up very fast, she tries to run away.

– Wait!

While going after the escaping little girl, the pursuing little girl keeps calling her out.

– I want to be friends with you!

But, her words aren’t comprehended.

The little girl didn’t stop.

The distance between the two of them is extending.

(What should I do?)

How can she be able to understand my feelings?

As a result of thinking, the conclusion that the little girl has reached was to sing a song.

(Yes. Because the only thing that I have are songs)

The little girl sings, putting her heart into it.

The song of her hometown.

A love song.

I am not an enemy.

I want to be friends with you.

I am wishing for it.

Then, the running little girl stopped her feet.

While singing, the little girl approaches her location.

The little girl of this planet doesn’t run away.

On the contrary, she’s approaching.

(It worked!)

Her feelings flowed with the song.

Eventually, they take their hands.

She can’t understand her words.

Of course, she doesn’t get the meaning of the lyrics.

Still, she understands something.

There is something that flows with the song.

They vocalize.

Uniting their voices, they begin to sing.

Naturally, they join their hands.

They are showing a smile.

And flew away in the sky.

Light wraps their bodies and creates wings.

And creates clothing that the they desire.

『You are no longer alone』

No, that’s not correct——

『We are no longer alone』

They gathered their voices while smiling.

In this way, they take each other’s hands

Uniting their voices, they have a friend to who they can sing songs.

Because we are not alone anymore.

Because you are here, I am not by myself.

Like a completely new morning, a light is coming from afar.

It’s a spaceship!

(I’m sure there are other people there beside us!)

Nodding, they headed towards the direction of the spaceship.

We are no longer alone.

Because we were able to understand each other.

I am sure that we can understand well with the people who are on board of that spaceship.

Because, we have our songs——.

At the same time as the song ends.

Sakura looks at Karen’s face.

Karen looks at the face of Sakura.

Both of them had a smile.

They did it.

The stage is as pleased as it can be.

That sure is the same for the spectators.

Their magnificent applauses aren’t on the level of being frugal, they are raising shouts of joy.

There are also people who are shedding tears, they are deeply moved.

Even on the Earth were this live concert footage was being transmitted was the same.

The praises rise to a level that it wouldn’t be ridiculous if they reach the moon.

– That was wonderful.

– Yeah——

Hayato nodded firmly and answered Emilia who called him out.

(To think that Karen would end up doing a live concert on the moon like this…)

It’s been a year since her debut live concert at the Gardens Festa.

In the meanwhile, while experiencing various stages, such as New Year’s Eve broadcasting on TV and before the opening of team battles of 《World Martial Arts Tournament》, she was told that she will be doing the first moon’s live concert of mankind….

What flashes into the head of Hayato is what’s after the Third Attack.

The memories of Karen after entering the institution administrated by Ryōko-san.

– You are singing again, huh.

Hayato called out to Karen who’s sitting in a wheelchair.

– I like songs. Karen can’t become a Slayer because I’m like this, but I’m going to become a singer. That person also told me that I was good at it.

– That person, you mean the one we met in Gudenburg?

– Yes.

– But, if you become a singer, won’t you be like that girl? She was extremely skilled with songs!

– *Annoyed*, unkind Nii-san! Karen will definitely become a singer!

It might just be something like the admiration of a child.

But, that continued inside Karen, year after year——.

Even after coming to Little Garden, Karen was frequently singing while listening to music in the hospital.

At the same time she did that, she continued singing.

– What kind of song is that?

– It’s a song of Kirishima Sakura. You don’t know it, Nii-san?

– S-sorry… I’m not that much interested in things like that.

– Karen likes the songs of Sakura-san. Singing lovely songs like this, and to be able to convey them to a lot of people, Karen also wants to do that. The yearning of Karen is Sakura-san.

The dream that Karen has now, where she was taught that enjoyable song on her very young days.

And, Karen fulfilled it together with the little girl she was longing for.

Bowing to the crowd and responding to the cheers from the Earth and the audience seating.

Looking at Karen who’s waving high, Hayato thinks.

Karen, I’m truly happy for you——.

– It was a very wonderful stage.

Applauding from the bottom of his heart, Judal Harvey was watching the live stage of Sakura and Karen from the stage wing.

It was really, really a wonderful stage.

There’s no doubt that the people around the world are satisfied.

For many people, compared with the stage just now, the speech that will be done from now on will be no more than a boring bonus.

However, that’s the climax of the ceremony of the space advancement of mankind and the culmination of the short life of Judal.

What crosses his mind is the day when he promised Est.

(I can finally fulfill the promise of that day)

Maybe it was because he was overcome with emotion.

His whole body was trembling.

If he relaxes his attention, tears might overflow.

Enduring that, Judal put a hand in his breast pocket.

He took out a pocket watch.

Opening the lid, the woman that Judal loves——.

He greeted Est Steinbelt in his mind.

(… Est…)

(… I’m going to fulfill that promise with you…)

If true, he wanted her to come directly to this place and see his big moment.

But, that’s an impossible wish now.

(No, that’s not it)

Surely, somewhere, Est is watching.

He thought so, and the trembling of his body calmed down.

With this, there’s no worry that Est could see an uncool side of his.

– Judal-sama, it’s time.

Neveah gets where he is and said to Judal.

– Yes——

Judal nodded and started to walk, putting back in the breast pocket the pocket watch that he grasped tightly but gently.

Sakura and Karen have already vanished from the stage.

What appeared instead was a small speech pedestal with a microphone placed on it.

Being illuminated like that, the wing of the stage was also illuminated with a spotlight.

Of course, the person who is there and will start a speech from now is Judal Harvey.

The spotlight starts to move, following Judal who did the same.

Before long, Judal stood in front of the speech pedestal that has the logo of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System on the back.

And, towards the cameras and microphones, and those who are in this place——and to everyone who is watching this relay on Earth, he began to talk with a calm tone.

– Good morning, good afternoon and good night——I shall salute you like this. Because this is a relay which is watched everywhere on the planet. Incidentally, it’s 2:00 pm here on the moon. However, it’s certainly pitch black. Unlike the Earth, the moon has almost no atmosphere. By nature, it’s an environment where mankind cannot live. But humans like me are now standing on this place far away from the blessed, azure, shining and beautiful planet Earth——that is before my eyes.

Judal keeps talking towards the Earth that is visible in front of him.

– … and the greeting was delayed. I am the representative of Lunaltia Base Foundation Committee, Judal Harvey. It is thanks to all our ancestors who made the history of mankind move continuously and also thanks to God who was watching over us from a long time that mankind is celebrating a day like this today. Thanks to them, we were able to acquire glory and thus, being able to advance into space——up to the moon!

The tone of Judal gradually became stronger.

– Yes! Today is the day that will be a new step for mankind. This will be a day when we will look back on in hundreds of years when a new breed of human beings evolved from the paleoanthropic man and due to space development, we have evolved further into a new mankind! And today is a very important day in the history of human society as well, don’t you agree? Because this is the first time that mankind is outside the Earth, and this will be the day where we establish a Cooperative System that has independent autonomy.

Now’s the time——.

Breathing air in a big way, Judal declared.

– I Judal Harvey, under the approval of the United Nations, declare right here the foundation of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System and I as its president!

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