
Chapter 71: Volume 11 - CH start line

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Around half a year before Hayato enrolled in Little Garden.

An event happened in an orphanage in Motomatsu district, Empire of Yamato.

– Nii-san, Nii-san, please look at this! This is where Karen would like to go!

–  This…?

Hayato looked at the Tablet PC where Karen pressed.

It seems to be a news site.

『Warslan Festa held at the park in front of Motomatsu Base』

That title is written there.

– Warslan? That Warslan Company?

– That’s right, that Warslan Company!

United States of Liberia, the largest country in the world——

Among the many large companies that crowd it, Warslan Company is a famous company to the point that it’s not an exaggeration to say that all human beings know about it.

One of the main causes of that is since the First Attack that occurred about 10 years ago, they developed the《One Hundred Armaments》also known as Hundred, the decisive weapon to fight against the Savages——the invaders from space who continuously posed a threat to mankind.

And then, in regard to Warslan Company, there is a great quantity of Slayers belonging to it who can deal with the Hundred.

And the invaders threatening the peace of mankind.

This is why the Slayers fighting the Savages are the aspiration of the children around the world.

That’s no different for Karen who’s the little sister of Hayato and the rest of the children.

They respect the Slayers, they admire them.

– What do you say, Nii-san? Is it possible for you to take Karen to this place?

Following Karen who said so,

– Take me there.

– I want to go!

The other children also gather their voices.

– Understood.

Karen has a weak constitution, she spends her days in a wheelchair.

There are numerous dangers by letting the children go by themselves.

But, this doesn’t mean that Hayato wasn’t interested in the Slayers.

– Shall we go then?

– Hooray!

Following Karen, shouts of joy came from the other children.

Then, Sunday came.

Hayato and the others visited the park in front of Motomatsu Base.

Together with a shout, a blue light envelops the body of a man. When the light disappeared, a huge sword appeared in the hand of the man. His body is also covered with a thick armor.

– Uwaa, amazing! Did you see that, Nii-san!? He deployed it! He deployed it!

Mixed with excitement, Karen was clapping her hands in the wheelchair.

– Y-yeah…  it’s amazing…

Hayato replies heartlessly, but there’s a reason.

And that’s because he’s standing watch so that the children of the institution that are moving around freely don’t go somewhere without permission, so he didn’t see that properly.

(Even so, what an incredible crowd is in here…)

Although Motomatsu district has a relatively small population area, this crowd.

The popularity of the Slayers seems to be substantial.

Only that, he must not lose sight of the children.

The mind of Hayato never felt at ease.

– Nii-san! Karen also wants to do that!

Karen suddenly gave a loud voice after going around the venue of『Warslan Festa』and seeing it all through.

It was just after they finished eating the bento prepared by Ryōko-san, the dormitory leader, on a sheet spread under a tree in a corner of the venue.

– That…?

What Karen shows with a finger is a tent that was turned into the venue for the Hundred’s aptitude test.

The Hundred developed by Warslan Company aren’t usable by anyone.

Whether it’s possible to use the Hundred or not, it must be a person who reacts to the Variable Stone which is its raw material.

If the Variable Stone shines at a certain brightness or more, then the qualities of a Slayer are there.

Hayato taught Karen about that.

Apparently, the aptitude test is to ascertain whether there is a reaction or not when touching the Variable Stone.

– I want to do it too!

– Me too!

The children who came with them also raised their voices.

If the Variable Stone shines, then they’ll join a group of heroes.

That seems to be quite the dream they picture in their minds.

Everyone had eyes full of expectations.

– Then why don’t you try it?

The aptitude test seems to be free.

They don’t have money, but there’s no problem if that’s the case.

It was necessary to stand in a line for a while, but only for 10 minutes.

The turn of Hayato and the others came right away.

One by one, the children touch the Variable Stone, but only three out of seven of them made the stone shine dimly——.

It was Karen who emitted the strongest shine, but still her measured aptitude value was considerably lower than the lowest value to become a Slayer.

– Nooo, what a shame.

*Heartbroken*, Karen hangs her head.

– But even if I’m suitable for it, I can’t do anything with this body.

Saying that, and after she laughed looking like she was self-deprecating.

– Well, it’s Nii-san’s turn now.

– I also have to?

– Of course. Since we are finally standing here.

– I only intended to accompany you, right?

– Come on, please try it. I wonder, what if Nii-san makes it?

– What if, you say…?

Changing places with Karen, Hayato stood in front of the Variable Stone.

(So, this is a Variable Stone, huh)

Hayato turns his eyes to the red shining ore.

At that moment, that dream crossed his mind.

The dream he sees often since he was a very young child.

It’s a dream where he’s attacked by Savages together with a girl in a western style old town.

If such a thing happened again, if, if the Hundred could be used——.

– … !!

His head hurt all of a sudden.

– What’s wrong, Nii-san?

Karen noticed the weird change of Hayato and turns anxious eyes towards him.

– No, it’s nothing.

Replying so, Hayato touched the Variable Stone in front of him.

At that moment.

– Eh…?

Even he doubted his eyes.

It’s because the Variable Stone emitted a red light enough to wrap the entire area.

(What is, this…?)

The light fades.

What appeared before the eyes of Hayato is a small tree with a height of approximately 1 meter.

(This, did the Variable Stone transform?)

Not only Hayato.

Everyone who was there looked up at the small tree with an “I can’t believe it” look.

Not only the ordinary persons.

The staff members of Warslan and the Slayers are like them.

Everyone has a look of surprise.

– Ni-san is, incredible…

Karen muttered while looking up at the small tree made of Variable Stone.

They heard great cheers from among the children.

Out of curiosity, a lot of people gathered.

What comes to the ears of Hayato are voices of astonishment and admiration that say「What is that?」「Coool」「Seems it’s his first time」「A prodigy?」「Yeah, the birth of a prodigious Slayer!」

(… me, a prodigious Slayer…?)

Hayato looked up at the small tree.

When he looks carefully at it, it looks more like a sword and not a tree.

(Because I’m doing swordsmanship, it became a sword?)

Without knowing why, he had that feeling.

– Can you tell me your name?

A hand touched his shoulder.

Turning around, a staff member of Warslan was standing there.

– NIi-san’s name.

Being urged by Karen, Hayato answers.

– It’s Kisaragi——Kisaragi Hayato.

After that, Hayato was officially scouted by Shinonome Mika who was a staff member of Motomatsu Base, a Yamato branch of Warslan Company. He discussed it with Kizaki Ryōko, the dormitory leader and Kenzaki Ryūsei, his master of the sword, and when taking into consideration the treatment of Karen, he decided to enroll in Little Garden.

– Oh my, this name…

In the laboratory of Charlotte Dimandius that exists in the basement of Little Garden.

Charlotte, the main technologist, remembered something when looking at the written report of a special student——and the new student that was added.

– There’s no doubt. Should I contact her immediately?

Charlotte who naturally spilled a smile, types on the keyboard of the desk in front of her and sent a call request to the princess of the Kingdom of Gudenburg who’s an old acquaintance of hers——she is Emilia Gudenburg aka Emilia Hermit.

『It’s been a while, Charo. Did anything happen?』

As soon as the connection established, she hears the voice of the energetic Emilia.

– Hi, Emilia. You’re quite lively than usual.

Charlotte holds a candy in her mouth as usual when being in the laboratory.

That’s not different today.

『Yeah, I am』

Emilia replied.

『But I don’t have anything to do, so I have free time. Since Claudia got in the army, I’m almost always alone』

– In that case, I have something just as good as that to tell you.

By taking out the candy she was holding in her mouth, Charlotte directed its tip towards Emilia on the monitor.

『Are you going to introduce me a special training partner?』

The expression and voice of Emilia reflected on the monitor became noticeably brighter.

Looking at that appearance, Charlotte knitted her eyebrows as if she was troubled.

– That’s a complicated conversation, no? However, what I’m going to say might be able to reduce the shortage of partners.

『Eh…? What do, mean…?』

– I found him. The companion you are looking for——. Kisaragi Hayato, the boy you met in the Kingdom of Gudenburg a long time ago.

『Is that true!?』

Emilia stares in wonder.

Being that much surprised, she bent herself towards the camera.

– First of all, there’s no mistake about it. And Hayato-kun has probably the same characteristics as you.

– No way, that means——

– Yeah, the probability of him being a Variant is high.

Charlotte Dimandius and Emilia Hermit.

The two people who met around 8 years ago from this day——.

It was around the time when Emilia who was wounded by the pincers during the attack of the Savages at the Second Attack that occurred ten years ago, awakened from her long sleep that lasted more than a year.

– Nice to meet you, Emilia-kun.

It was after Charlotte visited the room where various examinations were done and exactly a day since Emilia woke up.

– Who are you?

Emilia directs a suspicious look to Charlotte.

That’s something natural.

The people entering the isolated room were all enemies for her now.

Charlotte flaunted her white coat and answered the question of Emilia.

– I’m Charlotte Dimandius. As you can see, I’m a scientist. I came to talk with you.

– I see…

Muttering as if she was just uninterested, Emilia lay down on the bed again.

– I don’t want to talk. And let me go home.

– You are indeed cold, no?

Sighing as if she was amazed, Charlotte continued.

You are reading story Hundred at

– Or more precisely, I wasn’t the one you were thinking of, right? You were thinking about that special person, am I right?

– … what are you saying?

Emilia turned over her body while becoming sulky, then pointed her eyes towards Charlotte.

– Since I’m isolated in this way because I’m special, I’m receiving medical treatment, but then why am I going through troublesome examinations?

Charlotte who heard that reckless reply laughed loudly.

– Ha ha ha, But I’m just like you, I’m also special. That’s why I understand your special feelings.

– Eh, does that…

Expectations remain in the eyes of Emilia.

– … oops, please wait. What you are imagining in your head is probably a mistake. I’m not a Slayer or a Variant like you. As I said earlier, I’m a scientist——a person on the side who creates and maintains the Hundred.

– Ah…

Now that she mentions it, she’s right, Emilia remembered.

Her facial expression shows gloominess again.

– If so, what’s that special thing you were talking about?

Emilia asked impudently.

– This.

Prodding her own head with the fingertips, Charlotte replies.

– I was called a genius——a prodigy since I was a child. I graduated from university at 13 years old. I immediately became an assistant professor at the National University of Weimar and in the blink of an eye I became a professor.  And now I’m the leading person of the research of the Slayers and the Hundred. What do you think? I’m not a normal person but a special being, don’t you agree?

– Hmmm, I thought you were a small old lady with a loli face, but you’re truly awesome.

– … good grief, you foulmouthed girl.

Dropping her shoulders as if she was amazed, Charlotte said.

– But you understand it well. I can understand the feeling of the human beings who have preferential treatment*. That’s why I’m sure that I can get along with you.

Charlotte presented her right hand to Emilia.

However, Emilia didn’t grasp it.

She just keeps staring fixedly and coldly at the hand that was presented.

Charlotte said as if joking.

– I just thought that you would grasp it back, but that’s not going to happen, am I right?

– But there’s no need to get along.

Emilia answers with a sharp look.

– My my, you sure are a troublesome girl.

Sighing greatly, Charlotte continued.

– … then it’s fine if we don’t get along. Just use me. But on the other hand, I’ll also use you. As a Variant, of course. As a research subject.

– … use? I understand about you using me, but why do you say “use me?”

– Is there someone you’d like to see?

– … wha, why, do you——

Charlotte said while showing a mischievous smile, looking at Emilia whose cheeks are dyed red.

– I heard it before coming here. Moreover, I looked up the boy called Hayato, the one you are looking for.

She wasn’t able to suppress her feelings of impatience after listening to those words. Emilia took herself out of the bed and approached Charlotte.

– Will you let me meet Hayato? If so, then I’ll hear to whatever you have to say! Even being friends, anything!

– I’m sorry but that’s an impossible request. I just did a quick search, but I don’t know where Hayato-kun is right now.

Although data such as immigration records remained, records such as how he returned home and where he’s now can’t be found easily in Gudenburg or Yamato, his home country.

Everything is probably due to the chaos during the Second Attack.

– But he’s alive——Hayato-kun is alive!*

– Dead records haven’t been found so far. However, there’s something to worry about. Did he suck out the poison of the Savage——the Variant Virus from your wound?

– … yeah…

Emilia nods. Her expression darkens.

He sucked out the Variant Virus.

It’s because Emilia knows how dangerous that action is.

Those infected with the Variant Virus almost always die.

It’s rare to survive.

That’s clearly like a miracle.


– He’s alive. Still, Hayato is alive. There’s no doubt of that. That’s clear.

Emilia believed so from the bottom of her heart.

Charlotte who heard those strong words made a crescent moon with her mouth (smiled meaningfully).

– In that case, you can become a first-class Slayer.

– … a Slayer…?

– Yeah. A Variant can be a first-class Slayer. So, if you become a Slayer, I’m sure you’ll be able to reunite with Hayato-kun as equal Variants——as first-class Slayers someday. The Slayers aren’t that numerous. If you are Variants and since only a few people in the world are, then you should unmistakably understand what that means.

– … so that’s how it is…

Emilia finally understood what Charlotte was saying, she could agree with her.

– Got it! In that case, then use me. And by using you, I’ll become a first-class Slayer! And then I’ll meet again with Hayato!

– Alright. If so, then I’ll also use you.

Charlotte showed a smile that says I got you!

(Good grief, it’s so easy to entice a maiden in love)

They use a relation where they use each other.

——nevertheless, it was to get on well with the other person.

As Charlotte teaches her about the Hundred and the Variant, the relationship between the two becomes close rapidly.

The two immediately reached a relation where it’s possible to say they are friends.

『——so, where’s Hayato? Can I meet him soon?』

Time is back again in the laboratory of Little Garden.

– Well, yes and no…

Towards the impatient Emilia, Charlotte who belongs and works for Warslan Company and Little Garden that is a training organization——she tells her a thing about the boy who seems to be Hayato-kun, he is one of the students that enrolled in the new academic year and also the person Emilia continued looking for.

『Does that mean that if I enroll in Little Garden, then I can spend a school life with Hayato!? Then I’ll enroll! I’m also a Slayer so I can enroll, right!?』

Her tone of voice was mixed with excitement.

This is the reason that payed off having practiced the Hundred until today.

– Good grief, I was thinking that if it was you, then you’ll say so.

Sighing like being amazed, Charlotte continued.

– … but, there’s the thing about your home. If your identity is exposed, won’t you be troubled dealing with that even in Little Garden, I wonder?

『Such a thing, won’t Charo do something about it? I would even pretend I’m someone else, you know? If you like, I can even try and disguise myself as a man!』

– Ha ha ha, that’s amusing.

Charlotte laughed, she opens her mouth in a big way to the extent that the candy ends up falling from her mouth.

– Assuming you enroll in Little Garden, if you stay by my side, then I’ll be very happy. At any rate, and as research material, you’re top-notch. If Hayato-kun is a being like you, then I’ll be able to obtain in one go 2 persons who are top-notch research materials. And that sounds really nice.

Afterwards, and due to the arrangements of Charlotte, Emilia truly falsified her identity and was able to enroll in Little Garden with the surface of disguising herself as a man.

Emilia who saw that report email was so happy that she overenthusiastically called Charlotte right away.

– Thank you, Charo! I’m really happy!

『Ha ha ha. By observing him carefully when you’re next to him, make sure that he’s the very same person as the boy you’re looking for』

– That’s, Hayato is without a doubt Hayato, isn’t he!? After all, and based on what I see in the picture, he looks exactly like Hayato in my memories!

Emilia turns her spellbound eyes to the ID of Hayato displayed on the PC in front of her.

『Yes yes, I got it. I understand your lovely feelings, but you must absolutely not do anything strange』

– Wha, what strange things, huh!?

Emilia’s cheeks reddened.

Charlotte said while laughing loudly.

『Those things you’re thinking now』

– Humph, stupid Charlotte!

Emilia inflates her cheeks, her face is turning bright red.

『Fufu, well, then go and do as you like. As for me, if anything interesting gets to happen, then fine by me. One more thing, Whether Hayato-kun is the same as you——a Variant or not, I’ll investigate it diligently… got it?』

– Yeah, sure!

Thus, Emile Crossford aka Emilia Hermit talks to Charlotte about Kisaragi Hayato.

Even in Little Garden, the matter of Kisaragi Hayato became a rumor.

– … excuse me, Claire-sama?

In the Student Council room in Little Garden.

– Err, Claire-sama?

– Ah!

Claire who was fixedly staring at the documents she had in her hands, realized that Erika is besides her when she called her for a second time.

– I’m sorry, Erika. Do you need something mashitano?

– No, here is the black tea. It’s chamomile tea.

Erika puts the tea cup on the desk.

– Thank you. It’s delicious desuwa.

Drinking the black tea, Claire smiles.

——Thank you.


Those 3 words are like magical words, it’s the best happiness that Erika can get.

However, what is on the office desk——.

The eyes of Erika who looked at the paper documents that Claire had looked over just now turned dark on the other side of the glasses.

(Claire-sama is looking at that man again…)

Within Erika, the sparks of jealousy burst into flames.

Then, the next day.

– Do you have a minute, Liddy?

Erika found Liddy who has the same status of vice president on the corridor, and immediately talked to her.

– For what?

– I have something to tell you. Accompany me for a minute please.

Erika leads Liddy and head towards the courtyard.

– … so, what is it about?

Liddy asked at the same time she sit at the table. In front of each other, there’s a drink they purchased at the cafeteria. Liddy has a melon soda with ice cream on top of it*. Erika has an ice tea.

– It’s about Claire-sama’s behavior these last days.

Erika began to talk.

– It seems she has been a little absent-minded these days. And that is, as expected——

– Yeah——. It seems she’s paying too much attention to the reaction value of that man.

– Liddy! You also noticed it.

– That’s natural, no? But that man has never handled decently a Hundred or so it seems. It’s just that his reaction value is high and nothing else. Claire-sama shouldn’t worry about that.

– You’re right. I think so too. However, it has become a rumor among the students that a person will appear to drag out Claire-sama from the seat of the Queen, so I’m worried about that…

– If so, then shouldn’t she show it to the students? By dueling that freshman, she will show off the difference in strength.

– Who will show off the difference in strength to whom masuno?


The two gathered their voices, looking at Claire who appeared somewhat sudden before their eyes.

Liddy continues.

– Why is Claire-sama here?

Because I saw your figures while walking through the passage desu. More importantly, what were you talking about mashitano?

– To tell you the truth, it was about the aforementioned freshman…

– Wait, Liddy!

– It’s useless. Anyhow, it had better if you talk from here on.

Saying so towards Erika, Liddy faced Claire.

– … talk? Is it about me desuno?

– Yes, Claire-sama has been thinking too much about the man with the highest reaction value, isn’t she?

– Oh, I see.

With the brief comment of Liddy, Claire seems to have understood.

– In my opinion, what Claire-sama has built so far it’s not something that can be easily surpassed by a person with just a high reaction value.

– It’s not like I’m particularly afraid that he will surpass me masenwayo.

Spilling a smile with a puff, Claire said so.

– Is that so?

In a surprised state, Erika asks.

– If he surpasses me, then I’m very happy for Little Garden. Because that means that a valuable fighting power has been obtained.

If the strongest Slayers increase by one, then that will reduce the victims and also it means that more Slayers will protect Liza.

She adores that person, and it might be connected to the fact that even stronger Slayers will gather in Little Garden.

– That’s the reason why I ought to do is to lead the students of this academy and to carry out Noblesse Oblige. To fight against the Savages and to protect mankind. That’s the duty of Little Garden.

That’s the wish of Claire, who’s the president and the older sister of Liza.

– It is natural to be concerned about how much his true strength is, and if possible, I also have the feeling that I want to duel him soon masu. As Liddy was saying previously, I don’t think that he can surpass me easily, and I don’t have the intention to being surpassed easily either. If we fight, I will definitely win. Shall I beat him up thoroughly and show our true strength to the freshmen?

That’s her pride as the Invincible Queen, it comes from the desire of wanting to be the goal of the freshmen.

And then, the academy entrance ceremony arrived.

Claire to Noah and Shuemei.

Using the late arrival of the two people, she challenged Kisaragi Hayato to a duel.

This is the beginning of the school life of Kisaragi Hayato.

Emilia and Claire. Erika and Liddy. Latia and Fritz. Shuemei and Noah. Alphonse and the rest of the first-year students of the Martial Arts Department who enrolled with him——.

He will meet many companions in Little Garden and will grow as a person and as a Slayer.

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