
Chapter 9: Volume 2 - CH 1

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In the practice field after school, a sham battle was about to begin.

While its composed by freshmen, in one of the pairs are Kisaragi Hayato and Emile Crossford, who in a blink of an eye became members of the selection force under direct control of the Student Council――Selections, and the ones who sorted out to fight against the Savage.

On the other hand, the ones who have done 10 sham battles since their enrolment a month ago――the result is 10 victories for the pair of Fritz Grantz and Latia Saint-Émillion, so the degree of attention is quite high.

Not only freshmen but also many upperclassmen gathered in the watching space, their gazes were towards the four persons standing in the center of the field who have already changed to their Variable Suit and have acquired their Vital Rings.

– Deploy your armaments quickly. Show us the strength of the Selections.

Although Latia has a generic simple Hundred armament, she already deployed her armament.

She has a Martial Arts type that fights primarily at close quarter combat using armament similar to brass knuckles equipped on her hands, and using an armament like boots equipped on her feet.

Fritz that stands next to her also deploys a generic Hundred.

It’s a Long Shooter type weapon specialized in long range fire, that is, the rifle on his right arm, and the power of the bullets of light emitted from that rifle is powerful.

It takes time to inject energy and to set the aim――and because the weight of the rifle is high, the mobility is poor; that being the case, the armor that covers his body is very thick.

Hayato is completely aware of the special characteristics of their Hundred.

It’s thanks to the knowledge he has accumulated in various fields such as this world, the Savage and the Hundred from the lectures received in the martial arts department of Little Garden for over a month now.

– First, thanks for hearing us. We haven’t had a sham battle with members of Selectionsyet. I wanted to ascertain how high my true strength is.

– Yeah, if we can win against you――no, even if we lose, if the match is in equal terms, then not only the day when we can receive an exclusive Hundred will be closer, but even entering Selections won’t be just a dream anymore. With that said, don’t hold back.

Following Fritz, Latia added her words.

In short, for the two of them, this sham battle will serve as a distinction whether they can enlist Selections or not.

– Got it. Then, I’ll do it seriously.

Emile, who said that vigorously, threw to the air the reddish-brown ore that she was holding in her hand, and shouted.


The ore popped into particles while releasing blue light, then it created a number of floating objects covering the surroundings of Emile’s body.

It’s an Innocence Type Hundred, a special armament that can freely change its shape and property depending on the intention and energy of the operator――<<Fog that Covers Everything>> Arms Shroud.

– Hayato, you too deploy it quickly.

Hurried by Emile, who finished the deployment, Hayato grasped tightly the reddish-brown ore that he had, and shouted similarly.


At once, the ore shone in a particular red, it popped and became particles, a jet-black armor similar to a samurai armor was in his arm――and in his hand a huge sword, Hien, was created.

Incidentally, Hayato and Emile’s Hundred are customized for individuals, unlike those of Fritz and Latia.

– You all seem to be ready, so let’s start the match at once.

Latia was impatient to fight.

She’s loosening her body while jumping up and down.

Emile asked a question there.

– Before that, can we check the rules?

That’s what she thought when asking Hayato.

Although he had a one-on-one battle with the President the day after enrollment, neither of them have participated in a sham battle or tag battle* before, so they don’t know the rules.

– Simply put in a sham battle we do whatever we want. There aren’t clear rules in it but――that’s right, let’s have the same foundation as if it was a duel.

– For duel, you mean as if it was a tag battle?

Hayato asks to the two of them regarding his own doubts.

– Well, almost. Team battles are done by 3 or more people, but the difference from one-on-one matches is that, as far as you can see, there are two patterns for victory. One of the patterns to win is when in a match someone in a team became unable to fight, another pattern for victory is when the entire team becomes unable to fight. Besides those, there are also defensive battles and the like where you must protect a flag in its respective position, but let’s not do that for now.

– In other words, we should do one of the first two. Anything is fine by me, but what about you, Latia?

– If so, how about the pattern when all of the members of a team are unable to continue, making the match to end? That seems the be the standard for duels.

– I don’t have any objection with that, what about you guys?

Agreeing with Latia’s proposal, Fritz asked Hayato and Emile.

– I’m OK. What do you say, Hayato?

– If all of you are fine with it, then I agree too but…

– What is it, don’t be indecisive.

– Think about this seriously.

– What are you talking about? Latia said that we shouldn’t go easy on them, right? Besides, there are so many spectators. This duel will look like a real battle. As a matter of fact, since I haven’t moved my body properly since the previous resistance, my body is itching to do it.

– Fine, I’ll <fight> do it seriously…

Hayato answered while sighing.

Doing something like this under their own accord, despite knowing that this will make the President angry, it can’t be helped if this happens.

(This Emile, I thought that she has calmed down these days, but she is the same as always…)

He ended up fighting right after enrolling, but he didn’t realize that she’s a woman because she has been acting in a masculine way, but in the end, that’s only his opinion of her.

In the first place, if that’s the case for Hayato, he has numerous hunches that there are a lot of people who are hot-blooded Slayers as her.

Even Latia, at some extent, will have that tendency.

Anyway, they decided the rules of the sham battle in this way.

The time limit is 15 minutes――they lose if both are knocked down or if they give up.

Alphonse Lemoine*, a freshman living in the same dormitory, will play the role of the referee.

His body is round, his personality is gentle making him look as if he wasn’t a Slayer. He has a rare type of Hundred, a Tamer type. The user changes the Variable Stone into the shape of an animal and orders it to fight.

– You fo〜ur, are your preparations oka〜y?

The thick voice of Alphonse, the freshman living in the same dormitory who’s standing in the center of the field, echoed in the practice grounds.

The four of them nodded, and confirming that they were ready, Alphonse waved one of his hands that was raised high towards the ceiling.

– Well then, begi〜n!

At the same time with that voice, Latia rushed out, detonating the sense energy at her feet.

– Hayato! I know how powerful your Hundred is because of the battle with the President, so the victory goes to the one who makes the first move!

– … kh!

Hayato dodged the fist that was swung downward leaping horizontally, but the pinch didn’t end there.

A mass of strong force was approaching from the front.

It’s a beam bullet that Fritz fired.

– I’m sorry, but this is our win!

In other words, Latia was a diversion, she acted as decoy.

– Gah…!!!

Hayato rapidly deployed an E barrier and attempted to block the light bullets, but he is pushed by their power, his body bounced off behind.

– Are you okay, Hayato!?

– This is not the situation to be looking away!

Latia launched a kick to Emile who’s worried about Hayato.

– …kh.

Even though she was surprised, Emile quickly intercepted it with her arms.

Continuing, Latia released a roundhouse kick, then she consecutively pushed out her fists, Emile stopped the blows using Arms Shroud, and diverted her body, dodging with light movements.

– As expected, her movements are fast, but――

And Emile, who was completely devoted to defending, began to attack.

She instantly moved two of her Arms Shroud behind Latia, she changed them to floating batteries and fired beams from them.

– Wha!!

She probably didn’t assume that she would attack from behind.

Latia was struck by two beams on her back, and fell to the ground from the front.

– Gha… you did it…!

Since in such condition E barrier wasn’t deployed, the damage was considerable. Tears were rising from the corner of her eyes.

Despite that, and while she was standing up, she swung downwards her fist to the ground with all her strength.

– Deei!

A cloud of dust rises due to wind pressure, and Emile’s line of sight got blocked.

Since she can’t identify her target, it’s impossible for her to attack with the floating batteries.

That seemed to be the strategy of Latia.

– Take this, a retaliation of just now!

Running through the cloud of dust, Latia tries to strike Emile. But she didn’t swing down her fist.

– What!?

Latia approached Emile until their distance was around 1 meter, then she rapidly brought her body backwards, and with both hands on the ground, she jumped back while doing a backward somersault.

As the cloud of sand disappears, the figure of Emile, who was projecting out a spear is visible to the eyes of Hayato――

– Wasn’t your Hundred a Dragoon type…?

She never saw a battle of Emile; it was unknown to her that her Hundred is a changeable type.

Latia couldn’t hide her surprise.

Aside from the shape, there’s hardly any Hundred in the world that change its type, so it’s natural to react like that.

– My Hundred is a bit special made one. Given that, I was wondering if Latia could be defeated, but――

Emile projects the spear again.

She evaded it by jumping――or at least Latia pretended to look like that, then she came down and entangled her legs to the spear that was in the air, and lifted the body of Emile with the principle of leverage.

Due to that, Emile, who lost the balance of her body, is knocked down on the ground.

– It hurts, your movement…. As expected of a user of the Martial Arts type. That was pretty smart…

– Fufun, it’s one of my specialties when fighting a spear opponent.

– Emile, are you okay?

Hayato asked Emile through the Vital Ring.

– Yeah, I just fell, that’s all.

Emile quickly stood up and picked up the spear that had fallen from her hand.

– See, are you recognizing that we too are doing our best?

Latia, with a hand on her waist, got cocky and showed a proud smile.

– That might be sufficient, for now. But we won’t lose.

Emile readied the spear, and talked with a low voice through the Vital Ring.

– I think Hayato already knows it but, Long Shooter type Hundred shouldn’t be able to move properly right after a bombardment. Aim for that gap, and set off an attack on Fritz.

– …got it.

– Then, I’ll leave it to you.

As Emile and Hayato move separately to the left and right, the timing that he should be aiming at him is right now.

It is because he fired a bombardment.

Without a moment’s delay, Hayato accelerated and evaded the bombardment, then he tried to launch an attack, but a bombardment was fired again shortly afterwards.

(Wha, how――!?)

Thinking about it, these two consecutive bombardments had the shape of bullets, in comparison to the laser-like ones that were fired right after the start of the sham battle.

In other words, he fired bit by bit the all the energy accumulated, meaning that it may be possible to do a rapid-fire.

To the approaching Hayato, Fritz released a third and fourth light bullet in succession.

Hayato approached Fritz while making use of the accelerator to dodge to the left and right.

(…this is different from the strategy, if so at this distance!)

Hien was raised overhead, to seize the body of Fritz.

The voice of Latia arrived there.

– I won’t let you do as you like, Hayato!

Nonetheless, Fritz’s light bullets are far away, those should have been fired from a distant place. And yet――

– ――huh!?

Hayato felt a dull pain in the back of his head, falling forward and collapsing.

– Ouch… what was, that…?

He got up and turned his eyes towards Latia, he could see that the knuckle of her right hand was rotating.

Moreover, her arm was coiling around something like a tornado.

– How is it? Since close quarter combats has its limitations, this is why I learned a technique like this――like this wind!

Latia pulled her right arm and released a spiral wind to Hayato.

Hayato judged that the wind would only go in a straight-line, so he got up and avoided it moving to the side.

Fritz aligned the sight of the rifle’s sensor there.

– How about this!

Hayato tried to dodge the bullets of light that were fired by rolling, but then he was driven to the wall of the battlefield.

In this situation, if he is under the aim of Latia’s spiral wind and Fritz’s light bullets, then he won’t have a place to escape anymore.

He experienced in the fight with the President that this is a dangerous position.

(What do I do…?)

During his hesitation, Latia created a tornado in her arms, and tried to release the spiral again.

– This will――stop it!

Emilia set off an attack there.

– I won’t let you attack Hayato anymore!

– Kuh, it seems like we were exposed to her aiming!

– That’s right!

Latia changed her objective and released the spiral wind, but Emile used energy to jump high and attempted a falling attack with the pointed end of the spear.

Latia avoided it doing a back step, the spear pierced the ground.

Towards Emile who’s trying to pull it out, Latia jumps at the same time she lands and released a turning kick.

– Kuh!

Emile extracted the spear and defended against the turning kick by using it like a shield, then she pushed her arms forward with vigor, trying to keep away the body of Latia.

Latia lost the balance of her body, but she didn’t end collapsing, and tried to regain her posture by doing a backward somersault in the air.

And again, Emile pushed out the spear.

– What…!?

As one would expect, Latia didn’t seem to be able to fend off the attack right after landing.

Instantly taking a defensive posture and stretching the E barrier, she tried to endure it, but the spear broke through it and this time her body hit the ground.

Immediately afterwards, she changed the tip of the spear to a muzzle, just like when she was fighting one of the Student Council Vice-presidents of Little Garden――Liddy Steinberg.

– Now this will decide the game!

– I won’t let you!

It was Fritz who raised his voice towards Emile, he was trying to fire light bullets.

The rifle of the right arm is directed towards Emile, he’s finding the timing to fire the bombardment.

– Now, Hayato!

– Roger!

Hayato understood the intention of Emile and immediately accelerated, setting off an attack on Fritz.

That’s when he noticed.

Fritz cancelled the bombardment on Emile and, rapidly turned the muzzle of the rifle towards Hayato.

(This is bad!!)

Hayato thought, but Fritz didn’t bombard him.

(The charge of energy, isn’t ready yet?)

Then, now this is his chance.

Hayato granted sense energy to Hien that he had readied from an overhead position and swung it down without hesitation.

Speaking of its power, it should be enough to blown away the body of Fritz and bringing him down…

– Wha…

Fritz stopped the blow of Hayato with the rifle in his right arm.

There was nothing else he could do, his facial expression distorted in pain, his arms were worn-out and trembling.

– See, I managed somehow to endure it with an E barrier!

– I’ve not finished!

When Hayato puts more strength on both hands, the body of Fritz… moves slightly to the back.

Forcing his way like this, when he thought that he might be able to knock down the body of Fritz, Hayato felt something like intense light in front of him.

(Bad news!?)

The crevice between the fingers of the armor of the left hand of Fritz is directed to Hayato, it shines violently with energy.

– Not bad, Hayato. Now we are tied.

– When did you have that muzzle――?

– If I didn’t have this, then you were likely to defeat us. So, I hid it for a moment like this.

Fritz loosened his mouth and shoot two lasers from his left arm.

The front of Hayato dyed white.

… and, at the same time.

*DOKUN*, his heart beat very loudly.

(This, is…)

There have been two times where he has been in a similar situation.

At the time he fought with the President and in the fight against the Trenta Savage.

In both of them he felt danger, as a result of that, the moment when the power of the Variant activated.

As far as he can tell, those situations are the same as now…

His body became hot from the core, consciousness began to diverge from his body.

In order to keep the consciousness in his body, Hayato suddenly clenched his teeth and tried to endure it.

(――It’s fine, I can do it…!)

He was able to withstand it once, and in this month, after school and after returning to the dorm, he received training from Emile to control his energy.

He was told that this was the cornerstone to control the power of the Variant.

Now it’s time to try the fruits.

– Uoooooooooooooooooooooh!

With the roar that Hayato raised, his armament changed.

So far, he hasn’t lost his consciousness.

On the contrary, it seems that power is gushing forth from the depths of his body.

As the armament covers his whole body, Hien expanded up to two times its original size.

When he swung it horizontally, the body of Fritz was blown away to the bridge of the field.

You are reading story Hundred at

As soon as he hits the wall, his armament is cancelled and his body falls to the ground.

Subsequently, a reddish-brown ore also fell on the ground. Until moments ago, it was Fritz’s Hundred, the one that gave him a thick armor that covered his body as well as the giant rifle in his right arm.

– Fritz, are you alright?

Latia, who was watching the situation rushed over to Fritz in concern.

– …I guess…. But, you sure about it? Even if my Vital is zero, the match continues…

Fritz raised his trembling arms and showed a thumb up along with a smile.

But he was forcing himself, it was so obvious to the extent that it was painful to look at him….

– Don’t say stupid things.

Latia raised both of her hands.

– I give up.

Alphonse ran with heavy steps from the referee’s seat towards the center of the field and put up his hands high.

– We have a winner! The victory goes to Kisaragi Hayato and Emile Crossford!

Hayato, who sighed and cancelled his armament, walked toward Fritz, who was borrowing the shoulders of Latia to rise his own body.

– I’m sorry, in that state, I can’t control my own strength…

Hayato apologized, thinking that he went too far, because no matter how you look at it, it was a sham battle.

– Take it easy, we were the ones who told you that you had to do it seriously. If it wasn’t for your full armament, then you would be the one driven to the wall.

Although he won this, he didn’t react with an expression of joy, but he was glad that he could control his power properly.

– But, my full power bombardment wasn’t effective, this is beyond cheating… it hurts…

Fritz stood up with the hand that Hayato stretched out, but his body hurts a lot.

He soon tumbled down from his waist.

– Don’t try to force yourself. I’ll take you to the medical office.

– Sorry.

Fritz responded with a faint smile.

– What, as I’m your partner, it’s natural to do it.

– Would you like me to help you?

Emile called them out, looking at Latia trying to get up the staggered Fritz with her shoulders.

– No, I’m fine. But it was a complete defeat. Selections is still far away from us…

Latia sighed with a *Haaa*.

– … you think so?

– Well, if you have a dedicated Hundred, your attack power will rise. Even us wouldn’t act carelessly then.

– If you say so, then I’ll believe in myself.

In response to Emile’s words, Latia gladly smiled from the bottom of her heart.

After seeing off Latia and Fritz, who left the practice grounds towards the medical office,

– Well then, shall we go to change our clothes?

– Sure.

And, two girls came close to them, when Hayato nodded regarding Emile who called him out.

– Kisaragi-san!

– Congratulations for your efforts!

In the entrance ceremony, the girls who were told to leave Little Garden, the ones who were about to be dropped out. The one with the longest hair is Noah Sheldon of the Yamato lineage of Liberia and the person with the short hair is Ryu Shuemei of <Qin Empire>> Chiney.

Since that event, Hayato was often able to speak with them.

– Congratulations on your victory of the sham battle.

Following to what Noah said, Shuemei opened her mouth,

– You received a shot from Grantz-san but, are you okay?

– Eh, yeah…. Somehow, as you can see…

– What a relief, as expected of Kisaragi-san.

They nodded by looking at each other.

– The thing is, actually we wanted to ask something to Kisaragi-san…

– We can successfully do a deployment but we are having issues granting energy.

Following Shuemei, Noah said.

– I have a rapier of the Chevalier type. Ryu has a long spear of the Phalanx type, and just like Kisaragi-san, our fighting style is by employing weapons with our hands.

– That’s why, can Kisaragi-san teach us since they are similar styles… or it’s impossible for you?

Shuemei and Noah appealed to Hayato while looking up to him, and there, sounds of footsteps were approaching that place.

It’s Alphonse who served as the referee in the previous sham battle.

– Hey, Hayato〜. If you are going to train their Hundred, then teach me too〜.

– Err…

*TAP* *TAP* *TAP*, it’s his Tamer type Hundred, which is like a dog type home robot that went after Alphonse and sat down at his feet, but honestly, it doesn’t seem like it can fight.

– I don’t really know anything about that Hundred…

While it may be true that he may say something about the Long Spear type of Ryu and the Chevalier type of Noah, there’s another problem to that.

(Although I can use the Hundred, I’m not in a level where I can teach other people about them…)

During the past month, classes using Hundred also started.

For the instructors who belong to Warslan as well as the Slayers, and those who make of the Hundred as members of Selections, there’s a practical curriculum that teaches them how to fight using their Hundred, and this is what the students of the martial arts departments are interested the most, as this is also an important lesson for them.

Incidentally, among the freshmen, only around 20% of them could perfectly use their Hundred since the beginning, another 30% can deploy the shape of their weapon――and the other 50% are at the level where they can transform their Hundred, but can’t adjust it, it can’t even be grasped by themselves yet.

The two girls in front of him were exactly in that 50%.

The thing is, he immediately learned how to deploy an E barrier and to deploy his Hundred, and then tied in the duel with the President――after that, they probably thought about trying to request to Kisaragi Hayato, the anticipated freshman, who had become a member of Selections, slaughtered a Trenta Savage, and had the highest reaction value of all time, to teach them.

Nonetheless, to be honest, Hayato doesn’t know how to teach.

It would be different from the way Emile was doing it.

(At that time, I felt like I had to try and do it, rather than being taught…)

In the past month, Hayato realized that he was too much different from the other freshmen.

At any rate, a thing that they couldn’t do even in half a month, he did it in mere 10 minutes.

Whether it’s thanks to the sense that was originally in Hayato, or thanks to the power of the Variant, it’s something that can’t be determined at this stage.

(Waaa, what shall I do…)

Troubledly looking towards Emile, she was also being asked to practice, surrounded by female classmates.

Looking at the sham battle just now, there were some who became a fan of her and others who are interested in her Hundred, and also those who press questions to her.

– Hayato.

Emile called him out as soon as their eyes met.

– From now on, we should teach everyone how to use their Hundred.

– It is good and all that you are excited, but it is impossible for now.

Following Emile’s grateful suggestion, the voice that echoed in the practice grounds belonged to a girl wearing a blue special uniform walking towards Hayato who’s standing in the field――she’s one of the Vice Presidents of the Student Council of Little Garden, an upperclassman who has a short-cut hairstyle and red underframe glasses, Erika Candle.

– Kisaragi Hayato, Claire-sama is calling for you. Please come to the Student Council Room with me right now.

– Eh…

– It’s to talk about a mission of the Selections.

This was the first time since Hayato has joined the Selections that he was being summoned.

– Only Hayato is being summoned?

Emile asked in discontent, as she’s also a member of Selections, her aura of wanting to listen with Hayato was released from her whole body.

But Erika flatly rejected her,

– Only Kisaragi Hayato is being called. I will guide him to the Student Council Room. Please follow me.

He can’t even procrastinate, not to mention to refuse it since there was a previous appointment.

– I’m sorry I entrusted the rest to you.

Hayato, leaving the training to Emile, changed his clothes from his Variable Jacket to his uniform, and moved to the Student Council Room following Erika who leads the way.

– Claire-sama, I brought Kisaragi Hayato.

– Come in.

When Erika knocked the big door provided with the sign which has “Student Council Room” written on it, Claire’s voice came from behind the door.

Along with Erika who opened the door, Hayato set foot into the room.

– It seems as if you acted violently desuwane.

A girl wearing a special red uniform sitting on a desk chair at the back of the large room with a red carpet spread across――the Student Council President <<Queen>> Claire Harvey, stared at Hayato.

– Umm, that, sorry…

He quickly understood that the cause was the sham battle with Latia and the others.

– If there’s a sortie now, due to the lack of sense energy, you will be in trouble, yes? Although you are a first-year student, you are also a member of Selections, so considering that, you will be in trouble unless you avoid unnecessary battles masu.

– Now now, even if Claire-sama says it…

That’s what was said by a boy holding a tablet PC that stands behind Claire.

Looking at the uniform, he is Chris Steinbelt, Claire’s assistant and who seemed to belong to middle school.

– Be silent, Chris. It, it was certainly a mistake made by our Student Council before, but that mad dog, Emile Crossford, is also in the wrong desuwayo.

– Regardless of her true intention, let’s end this conversation. There’s an important conversation that we have to do.

– You, you are right desuwane…

Following the words of Chris, Claire continued, clearing her throat with a cough.

– Then, let’s move on to the main subject. You know well that this ship is going to the Zwei Island next week, am I correct?

– Ah, yes….

Thanks to the Slayers of Little Garden, the Zwei Islands were saved from the evil hands of the Savage. Wanting to thank that, the government of the Zwei Islands contacted the Student Council, the headquarters of Little Garden, through Warslan Company.

Of course, members of the Student Council accepted this with pleasure. They decided to visit under the guidance of the governor of the Zwei Islands, and at that time Little Garden was in an island to the west of the Zwei Islands――it has been decided that they would be docking at the west land.

That was rumored also among the students of the martial arts department.

During the period of four days, the residents are basically free to come and go.

Moreover, because the schedule is on Friday’s holiday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday’s holiday, that means they have four consecutive holidays, so the topic in the dormitories is where they should go.

Anyway, the freshmen could breathe in the air outside Little Garden for the first time in almost a month. The daily life isn’t bad, it’s not uncomfortable at all but, it is a pleasant feeling after all to do this.

The inside of the ship is now being filled with such a mood before the trip.

– On Monday, which is the last day, Kirishima Sakura’s live concert will be held at the Zwei Islands.

– If I remember correctly, Kirishima Sakura is the Idol that was going to have a concert at the Zwei Islands when the previous incident happened desuyone?

– You may say that this is to take responsibility and redo the suspended concert at that time.

It was Erika who added an explanation.

According to her, Kirishima Sakura’s live was interrupted by a Savage’s raid, but the tickets haven’t been refunded yet.

Kirishima Sakura was asked in an interview how she was going to deal with it,

– I pray for the reconstruction of the Zwei Islands and for that I want to do a consolation concert outdoors.

She answered that.

If you had the last concert ticket, then you are in the preferential venue. If you are a resident of the Zwei Island then your participation is for free.

In addition to that, Kirishima Sakura’s plan was to invite the Slayers and citizens of Little Garden who saved the Zwei Islands from the evil hands of the Savage while they are docking during the duration of the live concert for free.

Of course, those who can’t participate in this live concert will be refunded, and all the profits of the already sold live tickets will go towards the reconstruction of the Zwei Islands――the so-called charity live that Sakura had declared.

By the way, the events and holidays in Little Garden are held according to the Liberian calendar, which is the nationality of the ship.

Monday is a national holiday, the Liberia’s <Memorial Day to Mourn the Officers and Men Killed in Action> Memorial Day.

It seems that Sakura has decided that day because it was also a holiday in the Zwei Islands, as a day to mourn for the Slayers and soldiers who died in the fight against the Savage.

The government of the Zwei Islands said that they accepted her proposal pleasantly and that they would cooperate holding the live.

– And so, the security for that occasion is to be undertaken by Little Garden. But one thing, a troublesome thing happened desuwa.

– A troublesome thing, you say?

– The client, Kirishima Sakura, has nominated you――Kisaragi Hayato, as her personal security, or what is it called, her bodyguard desu.

– …nominated me, but why me?

– We enquired the client about that matter, but there was no clear answer deshitawa.

– Although Hayato-sama’s personal data is not open yet, we don’t know what she knows about you. Speaking of a certain possibility is that, just like her, Hayato is also from the Empire of Yamato, but you are not acquainted with Kirishima-san, correct?

– No, not at all.

To Chris’ question, Hayato answered.

Of course, she is not in his memory.

At any rate, he wasn’t aware of her existence before this.

– If so, the great efforts of Hayato-sama in the previous battle, and the aptitude value at the time of enrolment. It may be that rumors are being leaked out from somewhere. If there’s any other reason, then maybe is the possibility that a Savage is hidden in the Zwei Islands?

– Savage you say, what do you…

– The details will be told from me.

Erika opened her mouth in regard to Hayato who was asking Chris.

– In fact, the number of Savage that came flying from the far outer space during the previous fight was a total of seven.

– Eh…

– Of course, Warslan’s flying corps and the troops of the Kingdom of François could shoot down 4 bodies out of the 7 before reaching the ground.

In other words, the remaining three were the opponents of Hayato and the others in the previous resistance.

– However, we found only 1 corpse from the bodies that were shot down――the remaining three are alive somewhere.

– Because they fell in the sea so it’s difficult to find them, but we can’t relax the vigilance. For that reason, Little Garden is going to guard the concert desuwa.

Claire continued the explanation of Erika, but her tone was containing more tension than before.

– In other words, the moment when the Savage appeared, was it meant that I was chosen as a Slayer to protect Kirishima Sakura…?

– I think such possibility is high.

Erika replies immediately.

– In this connection, <<LiZA>> has also judged that there’s no problem if it’s you, since the Slayers belonging to Little Garden and the members of Selections are doing the guarding of the live concert as a way to give our thanks, because they invited us to the concert and to dock in there, as this is also a strong request from the headquarters side.

Claire continued after talking about the premise.

– Therefore, Kisaragi Hayato. I want you to take on this task desu.

– What happens if I say NO?

– Although you are a member of Selections, in the end this might be a trouble to your role as a student, so we will have to persuade our headquarters and we will have no choice but to ask the client to change desuwane. I won’t tell you that you are forced to do it masenwa.

– Is that so…?

– What do you think, Kisaragi Hayato? Do you want to take the request?

– …I’ll do it. Let me do it.

Thinking a little, Hayato replied. This is the first time that he will do his duties in a proper way after joining Selections. Of course, he is anxious, but since he was nominated, he would like to do it properly. It’s not decided that he won’t fight the Savage, but if the brain of Little Garden <<LiZA>> says that there’s no problem, then there’s no way for him to make any complaints.

– A good reply desuwa. Don’t just give your best, accomplish it flawlessly so you don’t have any troubles.

Looking at Hayato and the determination he revealed, Claire slipped out a smile.

It was a very happy smile.

– Well then, I will contact you for details at a later date masu. Your vacations are a thing of the past, but a compensation for those days, a small pay will be issued. Is there anything else you wish for? If there is something, we will consider it.

– If that’s the case, I have one thing in mind. I don’t know if you can do it but…

– … what is it desuno?

Closing her eyes, Claire asks back.

– Umm, it’s about the concert of Kirishima Sakura――

After leaving the Student Council Room, Hayato went to the hospital as he was, mailed Emile and left the school alone. It was because he wanted to tell Karen, his sister who’s in the hospital, as soon as possible.

– Eeh, can I really see the live of Sakura-san!?

When Hayato told her, Karen got up from the bed with so much force that she was about to come out of it as she was.

Hayato, who was surprised by the distance of his face with the one of her sister who approached each other as if they were a pair of lovers, draw back without thinking and took a certain distance from her.

– I got permission from the nurse Mihal-san, and asked the President to prepare a special seat.

The stadium which was the original concert venue was destroyed by the raid of the Savage, so a charity live will be held at a special venue mainly consisting of a simple stage set up on the site.

Therefore, there are no fixed seats. In the live everyone will be standing, and Karen who can’t stand by her own for a long period of time won’t be able to participate if it is a normal one.

That’s why Hayato asked Claire knowing that it was impossible, to prepare a place that will allow her to participate in the live with a wheelchair.

It’s a rare big opportunity, as he wanted to show Karen’s favorite artist’s concert as close as possible to the stage.

Claire received Hayato’s proposal with a troubled expression at first, but she breathed profoundly and since it was inevitable, she smiled.

– Understood. If it is for your sister, we will do what we can. Chris, can you get in touch with the manager of Kirishima Sakura?

– As you say. I am going to ask if she can participate in a wheelchair and if they can prepare a place where the stage can be seen with no problems.

Chris immediately contacted the office of Kirishima Sakura.

As a result, it was arranged to prepare a place for the wheelchair which can specially look out over the stage.

– Thank you very much, Nii-san. Nothing but good things have happened to Karen since she came to Little Garden.

– Uwaa!

Karen, with a smiley face, embraced the neck of Hayato without previous notice.

– That blond hair dri….no, President-san is actually a nice person, isn’t it?

With those words, Hayato smiled wryly remembering that Karen hated the President who sent him to the hospital.

– …well, of course Nii-san is also going to watch Sakura-san’s live concert together with Karen. If so, then I can’t stop my lessons. The most popular song Sakura-san is…

– It’s regrettable but that won’t be.

Hayato said to Karen who took the tablet PC at the bedside and was about to begin singing the song of Kirishima Sakura.

– Eh, why is that? I thought that I was going to watch it together with Nii-san…

Karen casted down her eyes in sadness.

– Umm, I’ve been told that I mustn’t tell anyone about this, but――

Hayato whispered Karen about his first duty since he joined Selections.

– Eeeeeh, Nii-san is the bodyguard of Sakura-san!?

– Hey, lower your voice. What am I going to do if this was heard outside!?

– I’m sorry, it’s just that I was very surprised… Please give me some time. I’m going to calm down.

*Inhaling* *Exhaling*, *Inhaling* *Exhaling*, Karen does deep breaths over and over again, but the excitement won’t let her regain her cool, so she asks a question while being very enthusiastic.

– Err, since you are the personal guard of Sakura-san, then that means you are going to be by her side and that you can talk to her.

– Maybe, I wonder about that…

His role is to be her personal guard――otherwise, he won’t be able to fulfill his duty as a bodyguard.

When Hayato answered, Karen opened her mouth while looking at Hayato with sparkling and hopeful eyes.

– That’s why Karen, has a favor to ask to Nii-san…

Then one week passed and the first day of the special vacation arrived――and the day of the first duty since Kisaragi Hayato joined Selections arrived.

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