hunter x hunter reborn (hxh fanfic)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1-wolf

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Adam opened his eyes as he looked around the white room while the fresh memory of a truck bulldozing his body replayed in his mind, a hazy figure stood in the middle of the room

"Welcome young one" spoke the hazy figure in a soothing voice yet with a powerful and overbearing demeanour

"Are you Allah?" questioned Adam

"For your untimely death I will repay you by sending you to another world, this world will contain powers beyond your imagination, I like to call it the hunter world but you might know it from the anime hunter x hunter, are you ready?"

"Wait! Wait! Will I get any wishes or extra powers?" the god-like figure seemed to think for a second then looked Adam straight in the eyes giving him a sense of being lost in a daze when the god noticed this he looked away and continued "I won't give you any powers but I will remake your body to more suit the world to help you survive at the start, you will be stronger and faster than an average adult best of luck in your next life young one."


Adam opened his eyes to see spots of light shining down through the leaves of the canopy and the humming of birds, as he looked around he saw nothing but trees and birds.

As he focused on looking into the distance he saw what looked to be a crystal clear lake with a stream running down a mountain into it.

Adam was 17 years old and only watched the hunter x hunter anime casually so he first set the idea of surviving as he doesn't know about all the dangers out there not shown in the anime, hell he can't even remember everything in the anime. He knows about the phantom troupe and chimera ants, which will pose a huge risk to him with their powerful abilities and strong nen so his aim is to either get as strong as them or avoid them completely, Adam also knows he should find out the timeline if it's before the main story or after.

'This feels weird being in a new body, I don't even know how old I am now but my first priority is that I will need to go to the water source I'll never know if I can find one again and I might be able to find some small animals around it to eat'

He slowly walked closer crouching down to the lake being careful of any monsters as he remembers that the hunter x hunter world is full of strange and highly dangerous creatures, like the chimera ants even before their evolution.

As he grew nearer to the lake he hid in the bushes and watched the lake for any signs of danger or any wild animals.

That's when he noticed a pair of yellow eyes in the bushes not far to the left of him also staring at the lake.

Adam crept back to move further away from this pair of yellow eyes as he did not want to die a second time as soon as he started his second life.

But as he was moving back a dried-up leaf crunched beneath his foot. He looked up to see if those pair of yellow eyes were still in the same place. However, they were gone.

He looked around frantically to see if he could use anything in his surrounding as a weapon, yet he only saw trees, grass, and a single piece of wood chipping he might be able to use as a blunt weapon.

Then in his left ear, he hears a deep snarl and his eyes dart over to find a boney wolf with saliva hanging down its mouth looking near starved to death, but still a wolf is dangerous to any human with no weapon.

Adam remembers the god-like figure telling him he'll have more strength and speed and although he doesn't want to put his life on the line to test it, it looks like he'll have to.

Panicking trying to figure out what to do, the wolf starts to sprint towards him. Adam picks up the rather chunky piece of wood he found on the ground previously and holds it in front of him not sure what to do.

As the wolf draws near Adam sees the muscles in its forearms start to tense and the wolf starts to pounce forwards at Adam.

Adam panicking starts to swing around the piece of wood in his hand hoping to hit the wolf before it gets any closer to him.

Surprisingly successful the piece of wood hits the wolf in its side when the wolf was face to face with Adam almost biting his nose, the wolf went flying to the side yet it still managed to plant its weak legs into the ground and skid stabilising itself.

The wolf starts to snarl loudly and bare its fangs savagely trying to intimidate its opponent as it's able to think more clearly and no longer mindlessly acting out of instinct to fill its starved belly.

Adam realising how real this actual is gets serious as his life is on the line and starts looking at the wolf for any weaknesses.

They both circle around staring each other down and analysing for any weaknesses.

As Adams's forehead begins to sweat and a droplet of sweat falls down, the wolf once again charges forward and pounces for its newly discovered meal although this time with less power as it has used a lot of its remaining energy already as well as having an injured side from the swing of the piece of wood.

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Adam realising the wolf is coming slower than last time dodges to the side and aims to use up all its stamina and then attack.

The wolf just misses the arm of its prey and lands on the grass, its legs are weak and unstable just from standing but it aims to attack again.

It starts to sprint forward using all of its remaining energy and swipes with both its claws at Adam.

Adam tries to dodge to the side again, but this time the wolf was prepared and snaps its head towards Adam biting his shoulder.

Adam tries to push the wolf off but it hangs onto his shoulder sending shock waves of pain throughout his body. He has never felt this much pain in his life before even when he died it was almost instantaneous such that he felt no pain.

He grew up with loving friends and family, he watched anime, he went to school, he had a normal life away from the dangerous world and now he was fighting a wolf that was biting his shoulder it sounds like a novel.

Fighting the pain Adam wrestles the wolf onto the floor while it's still latched onto his shoulder his blood pouring down in streams, he starts to punch the stomach of the wolf with his remaining good arm over and over again.

Then finally he feels the wolf unlatch from his shoulder and hears a whimper, he looks at the wolf's stomach and sees a fist-sized hole in it and blood all over the wolf's stomach and his fist.

Adam stands there staring at the wolf as the last bit of life drains from its eyes, Adam's eyes then look at his blood-covered hands, and a new, stronger resolve to survive starts to sprout within him.

Adam's eyes start to slowly close and he falls back to the ground.


'I passed out due to blood loss and the adrenaline running out it seems, it's lucky that no other animal passed through and devoured my body while I was defenceless'

On the grass was still the wolf's body with blood all over.

Adam picks up the wolf's body and starts to walk towards the lake as he needs to clean his wound before it gets infected and urgently needs to replenish all his used up energy from the fight.

As he looks into the lake he sees a young face with short, shaggy brown hair and green emerald eyes with skin as clear as jade staring back at him.

'This is me? I guess God did do me a favour with this appearance'

Adam looked like a wealthy young master who had never worked a day in his life

In the lake, he was wearing plain grey pants with a white hoodie with lines of gold going around the waistband, cuffs, and around the hood with red stains all over the hoodie and pants.

After washing his body and using the water to clean his wounds he began to skin the wolf then washed it.

'I've got to eat even if it's not an animal I've eaten before. I just hope it's somewhat edible'

Adam quickly got out of the lake and carried the wolf's body away before any other furious animal appeared because of the smell of blood.

As he walked further away from the lake up the stream, he looked around for any open areas so he would have a full view around him and could spot any animals that come at him.

Soon after he comes across a clearing with a 10-meter radius he put the wolf's body in the center and started to collect wood to use in a fire

'Although I might attract another animal with this fire I need to fill my stomach or die fighting from the lack of energy'

Adam then grabbed the skin and tore it off so he can get to the meet, although he looked like a savage Adam knew that he had to do this to survive.

Adam then grabbed two sticks and rubbed them together to create sparks that finally lit the wood on fire he then gently blew on it while adding more sticks to finally create a fire he can cook the meat with.

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