Husband Doting Wife: Emperor Gu's Shameless Perfect Bride

Chapter 4: You Want To Play? Then Play With Me.

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Xiao Ai wore a long straight slit dress. Half of her left leg up till her tight was exposed as she walked. The dress was beautiful and wasn't too over the top, the only thing it revealed was her beautifully tanned collar bone and her long straight legs. The makeup she had on was moderate and it brought out the firmness of a young woman. She looked like a flower that had just bloomed. One look and it was obvious that she was a real beauty. A woman so beautiful it was difficult to take their eyes off her. One thing that surprised everyone was the perfect curves that Xiao Ai had. Her breasts were peach sized and firm and her bossom was perfectly curved. Her tiny waist made everthing stand out.

The mother and daughter pair were like an image come alive. The scene was so beautiful the reporters immedialtly neglected Baozhai ad rushed towards Xiao Ai.

Baozhai was fuming. Zhao Ai how dare you?

How dare you attend my event looking so pretty?

" finally came." Baozhai rushed forward and looked like she was about to cry. "Sister because of me did you have to do plastic surgery to make yourself look good. If I could I would leave Chun-ge for you but love can't be forced. Sister don't torture yourself like this."

Wow! The reporters finally got the hang what was happening. So Zhao AI had done plastic surgery to make herself beautiful.

"Isn't this shameless? She was actually thinking of crushing her own sisters engagement."

"I have heard of love rivals but getting plastic surgery just to look good...have never seen a more stupid person."

"No wonder she looked beautiful. Now that I look at it, she does seem fake."

"Tch...plastic will always be plastic she isnt the real thing."

"Miss Baozhai is too nice. Treating a horrible person like this as family. She's an angel in human clothes." The other reporters immediately agreed with her.

"Who's the one calling my daughter fake?"Chairwoman Mo asked her cold hard gaze swept to the reporter who had just spoke." Are you saying that a woman like me isn't capable of birthing a beauty like her. You dare to throw insults at my daughter in my presence? How insolent! Asst.Zhang tell our lawyer to sue that reporter for defamation of public figure." she said loud enough to be heard.

"Chairwoman.. chairwoman Mo...I..i" the reporter had fallen to his feet. It was over. His career was finally over.

"What? Zhao Ai is chairwoman Mos daughter?"

"Isn't Madam Dong her mother?"

"Now that I look at it. She doesn't resemble Madam Dong and Miss Baozhai at all, their looks are too extraordinary."

"True I learnt some time ago from a friend that Miss Baozhai had actually gone abroad to get plastic surgery. That friend said she changed almost everything on her face."

"How truly insolent. She dare to accuse someone else. What trash!"

As Baozhai heard the reporters taking about her. Her legs suddenly felt like jelly. Wasn't Zhao Ai the one they were scolding. How did it change to her. How did to these people know she got plastic surgery. She had done her best to keep everything covered.

Xiao Ai stared at her and saw that Baozhais face was suddenly pale. This was her chance to show Baozhai the real acting.

Baozhai you want to play then play with me.

"Baozhai..."Xiao Ai called in a low sad voice."Baozhai as my sister how could you say such. You know I always looked like this. Weren't you the one who told me to dress how I usually did in the past. Xiao Zhai all this time did you really like me. I worked so hard at the hospital to give you more money for your plastic surgery because I wanted you to get the best. After all you are still my younger sister. Xiao Zhai...all this time did you truly love me like I loved you?" Xiao Ai looked dejected. As though she was about to crumble. Her mother patted her back slightly.

"Little Ai don't be sad. Xiao Zhai is still young so its possible for her to make mistakes."

"Yes mom I understand." Zhao AI turned to Xiao Zhai again, a faintly sad smile on her beautiful face. "Xiao Zhai it's fine I understand that you didn't do this on purpose. Sister knows you love her dearly. It's fine."

Madam Dong who couldn't take the fake actions of the dou immediate rushed forward to protect her daughter. "Zhao AI what kind of attitude is this. Just because your ex fell for your sister, you hired this people here to slander our poor Baozhai. Baozhai has always loved you. She's even. Willing to let Chunhua go just for your sake but you actually dared to come here to crash her banquet. How did your mother bring you up. Don't you have manners?' Madam Dong ranted angrily.

Baozhai had an expression like she had been wronged as she held onto her mother sobbing quietly. "Mom it's fine..sister has every right to be angry, she didn't do it on purpose. Am fine."

"Fuck! Aren't they too thick skinned? Still trying to push the blame on first Miss."

"I suddenly feel like am in a Web novel. Things like this make me shiver. This girl had started scheming at her age."

"How scary. I suddenly feel afraid of this young miss. Someone who can scheme against their own sister like this, what wouldn't she be capable of?"

"Yes yes...that's true. "

"Xiao Zhai." Chunhua came forward ready to save his damsel in distress. He wrapped his hand around her as he pulled her close. His eyes deepened and he stared at Xiao Ai. In his heart he thought about how Xiao Ai looked so beautiful. "Xiao Ai I know you are upset but you need to know that Xiao Zhai is the one I truly love. I sincerely apologize to you if I have hurt your feelings but you don't have to attack her like this. She's your sister."

Xiao Ai adjusted her dress and stretched her left leg forward, her dead high and her chin pointed at Chunhua. With the heels she much taller that chunhua. Her face looked expressionless and her eyes were distant and cold. Chunhua felt a chill run up his spine. He didn't know Xiao Ai had this side to her. He suddenly felt like though she was staring in front of him, she was still unapproachable. She was like the great Empress and he felt like an eunuch. Not worthy of her.

"Tsh...who said I liked you in the past. My mom is the Chairwoman of Stars corporation. What would I her daughter lack in life. An harem of men better looking with good status is something I can have at my disposal." she snorted and mocked him."Sorrt but Mister you were just a passing fling. I apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way."

"You. Xiao dare."

"Scram! A good dog shouldn't block it's owners path." before Chunhua could refute Xiao had already walked in with her mom. She greeted her father and walked into the venue with grace.

Baozhai didn't waste more time standing as she scurried inside afraid that everyone to would start blaming her again.

During the banquet different Miss wanted to start a conversation with her. Baozhai who was supposed to be the centre of attraction had actually being ignored. She was now fuming with anger.

"Did you know that Chairwoman Mo was actually First Miss Zhaos mother?"

"I once heard the rumor but never thought it would be true. Tsk...A certain young master just be blind. Leaving the princess to marry the servant, isn't that a joke?" Miss Si mocked. She came from a family of jewelry dealers.

Another miss Shang added."That dress First miss is wearing is actually XZ fiery night."

"XZ? Fiery Night? Isn't that the dress that was auctioned off at millions I heard it was sewn with gold threads."

"Considering First Miss background, nothing she can't afford. It's the only one piece in the whole world. I learnt the designer had retired and this was his last work. Second miss dress suddenly looks like sack."

"Of course it is. Combining young master Chens family wealth with the Zhao family wealth they aren't worth a drop to Stars Corporation."

Baozhai hearing the talks around her felt like she was completely naked. Chunhua tried to comfort her but in her mind she was not comforted at all.

Zhao Ai enjoy tonight well. Soon you will be gone. Gone from my sight.

A while later, Baozhai stepped on the stage drawing everyone's attention standing side by side with Chunhua staring around like she was a lost lamb her expression was quiet and peaceful.

"Hello everyone I am Zhao Baozhai. Tonight as you are all aware is the engagement of Chun-ge and I."she said her voice soft and soothing."before we make announcements I would like you all to watch this short clip."

"It's of the beautiful memories of Xiao Zhai and i. I truly hope that everyone can give us their blessing and stop blaming my Xiao Zhai"

"Young master is so sensible. A man defending his woman. dreamy."

Soon some pictures were displayed on the projector. A girl had a loving smile on her face she stood amidst a garden of flowers looking at the man who was holding her hands. The image felt warm and everyone could feel the love among the young couple. Countless photos like that was shown. Soon the projector went black.

There was a girls gentle voice in the background and it sounded like she was talking to someone she loved. Her tone was doting and warm.

"Xiao Zhai why are you being too polite. You are my sister so sending a patient of mine to you is no big deal. This ain't the first time I am helping you with things like this, but sister am afraid this time it's not possible you know the case of this criminals psychology disorder is a big one. It's what big sister is also clinching to."

"Sister sister. Please give this case to little Xiao hun..sister." Xiao Zhai whined and begged Xiao Ai before she finally agreed to give the case to her. "Sister you know am not good with things like this so I will need your directing."

Xiao Ai smiled dotingly at her sister. Patting her head. It was obvious she really cared for her sister. "As always. Don't forget to use your Bluetooth so we can communicate better I don't want to have to risk my life climbing through the 5th floor to here again." she teased.

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Xiao Zhai had an embarrassed expression on her face as she clung to her arm, pouting at her sister.

"Alright anything for my younger sister."

"Sister when will you be marrying Chun-ge?" The voices faded away and the projector turned black soon.

Baozhai inwardly relaxed a bit. The things she had said after that questions was something Chun-ge should never hear.

Everyone was shocked. The case that brought Xiao Zhai to the lime light was actually given to her by her sister?

That case was really huge 2years ago and Zhao Baozhai had taken the credit for it.

So it was Zhao Ai who had given her the case and had even taught her how to handle it. She went as far as climbing to the 5th floor just for her sister.

"Damn it never have I seen someone so despising. How could she to her own sister. "

"I guess stealing her role wasn't enough so she climbed into her fiance bed and seduced him."


"Who would have taught that Zhao Ai who had a reputation for being a quack was actually very capable. She just loved her sister too much."

"I feel pity for her. She must be very dejected. To have been betrayed by the ones she truly cared for. Pitiful."

"First miss Zhao is actually very kind we all just misunderstood her. That Vixen had twisted every fact."

Baozhai looked more pale than a sheet of paper. Her hands tightly clasped her dress as she stared at the cold and indifferent Zhao Ai. She didn't seem bothered by all of this. It seemed like Zhao Ai had finally woken up, she should have suspected it. She was different from the Zhao Ai that was so easy to frame.

How did it all end like this?

"Chun-ge..." she called gripping his sleeves and trying to steady herself.

From her side vision she saw the maid she had given orders carrying the plate of red apples that she had set for Zhao Ai.

No she can't let that happen. Everyone was already scolding her. If anything happens to Zhao Ai tonight it would be on her head. She wasn't ready for that. But before she could make any move, Xiao Ai was a step ahead of her.

Zhao Ai stared at the maid that had just brought apples for her then she looked at Baozhai who looked like she could faint anytime. Baozhai saw Zhao Ais expression and felt something was wrong.

While everyone was busy scolding Baozhai, Zhao AI dipped her hands in her purse and brought out a small pink pill. She quickly threw it in her mouth while no one was looking and walked over to Baozhai with the apple in her hand.

"Xiao Zhai it's fine. This matter is between us sisters so we sill settle it. No matter what happens you are still my little sister." she soothingly patted Xiao Zhais head while smiling warmly. "Xiao Zhai I understand you got me this red apples because you know I love them. Thank You sister. To have a sister like you is a blessing to me."

"Honestly First miss is a bit stupid. The evidence is right in her face yet she still chose to believe her cunning sister."

"You can't blame blood for being thicker than water. She's truly a little foolish."

Fuck you all. Who are they caliing foolish. She knows ok?

This is acting not stupidity OK?

Am acting to gain your sympathy can't you tell?

"Please everyone this matter is between us sisters . Evidence can be fabricated so I will not believe a video over my blood sister. No one should criticize Xiao Zhai again." She said softly and firmly.

"AI..shes right . It could be fake."

"But I have to say First Miss really loves her sister so much. If it were me and my sister dared to snatched my fiance i would have beaten her to death. Look at how calm and considerate she is."

"Indeed not everyone can possess a good character and patience like hers. Look at her, then look her sister." Miss Si mocked

"Pft..they are not fit together as sisters at all."

"Exactly my point!" Miss Si exclaimed.

Xiao Ai thought that this miss Si must hold a deep grudge against her sister. She's been scolding her at every chance she gets. Am idea suddenly came to her as she smiled slowly. This hatred would be useful to her.

Chairwoman Mo stared at her daughter. This child of hers with her skills if she ventured into acting it wouldn't be a bad idea after all she was so good at it. Didn't Lifen say Xiao Ai was frail at heart.

Frail at heart my ass. This child of hers was definitely smart.

"That...Xiao Ai there's no need to eat the apple. You can have something else instead." Xiao Zhai tried to look for ideas to not make Xiao Ai eat the apple.

"Silly girl." she said lovingly while biting into the apple. She watched Xiao Zhai as she chewed it all swallowed it. Zhao Ai smiled in a sly manner before saying." truly sisters know each other so well. This apple is so tasty. Better than the ones I used to have in the past. Xiao Zhai..where...did.." Suddenly Xiao Ai clutched her throat as she dropped the apple to the floor. He face was deathly pale and she quickly held onto Xiao Zhai for support.

Everyone was shocked. What happened to her? Did she eat something bad.

All of a sudden Xiao Ai poured blood from her mouth.

"Ahhh..." a socialite lady screamed.

"What happened to Miss Zhao? She was fine before she ate the apple."

"Isn't it obvious. This bitchy vixen must have poisoned the apple. You Dare to try and kill your sister! Bitch!" Miss Si spat.

Xiao Ai threw up more blood on Xiao Zhais dress and she slumped on her causing Xiao Zhai to fall with her.

Chairwoman Mo quickly stood up and rushed to Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai stared at Her sister, her eyes teary as she spoke in between her sobs. "You...sister did. You hate me this even dared to poison me. You...y" she suddenly stopped talking. Xiao Ai had fainted.

What? Xiao Zhai actually had the nerve to poison her sister after everything she did to her.

Instantly weary gaze landed on the Apple that had made Xiao Ai to faint.

It turned out Xiao Zhai knew she loved those apples and wouldn't be able to resist them so she poisoned it and gave it to her sister.

How cunning. Wasn't this young lady too wicked.

"Zhao Baozhai you want to play. Then play with me. " Xiao Ai softly whispered into her ears making Xiao Zhai numb from fright.

This...everything was over.

But to Xiao Ai. This was just the start of it all.

She would make Baozhai doubt her own existence.

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