Husband Doting Wife: Emperor Gu's Shameless Perfect Bride

Chapter 6: She Is Her.

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After Xiao Ai got discharged, she went to her department to apply for sick leave.

"Xiao AI...what you and your sister did is against the ethics and morals of this hospital. Am afraid even you won't escape punishment." the Chief head of her department told her in a solemn voice. He knew Xiao Ai had potential after all, his professor friends who taught her in school had praised her . To him Xiao Ai was like a trophy he could use to brag.

She smiled and stared at the chief head meaningfully.

Tsk..this old one wants to change sides now.

Chief Doctor Fu knew that Xiao Ai and her sister were switching patients, he even knew that the case that brought Xiao Zhai to lime light was solved by Xiao Ai but he was a dog that only got the position because her step mother pulled some strings.

Technically he was a dog to Baozhai.

"Chief doctor Fu, you need not worry, if I have come this far then no place can be farther to me. And yes...dont try to suck up to me. You should just continue to serve Madam when I destroy them you go down with her."

Her voice was low enough for him to hear and was scary enough to make his heart jump with fear.

The Xiao Ai he knew was not very smart and couldn't even stand for herself. She loved her sister blindly and always looked a bit lifeless.

Bit the girl standing in front of him was different. She was tall enough to look down on him and her face was emotionless. Like a log of wood with no emotions he saw her turn her back and walk away from him.

If he had known that she was Chairwoman Mos daughter he would have treated her differently. To think that he even helped Madam Dong to stop her from being selected as professor...his back ran cold.

When Xiao Ai was reborn, she didn't live the future. In fact she was shortlived as she had died the night after her sister got engaged. She was only given the chance to go back a few days earlier but she was glad for that. She wouldnt let anyone take her for a fool again. The her back then had died.

She could still remember how she had gone to the club after realising that she had been reborn. She was shocked at first but glad later on. So she decided to drink to celebrate. Thinking back she must have bagged her very wealthy and good looking husband at the club. The club she went was a seven star club and she had spent her money to get a secluded bar area free from dancing men and women. The money she had spent at the club was the reason why she had to swindle some money off her brother in law that morning.

Actually it was because Xiao Ai relied on Chunua too much and she trusted him so much that she didnt think he would ever betray the love she had for him.

When she returned from Russia back then, her father had introduced her to Chunhua again. She knew him when they were in highschool. He was good looking so there was no way they wouldnt know each other. At that time..they were only a bit aquinted with eachother as she would love to put it then. But she knew that they were much more than that.

They were good friends who simply ignored each other. Perhpas it was beacuse they were young and shy back then. Thinking back she realised, the sparks were already there. She had already liked him back then but refused to acknowledge it. Baozhai was two years behind her then since she had to repeat a class.

From birth she wasn't very healthy, so there were a lot of things she couldn't do but Baozhai would tell her how it was done. How much fun she had and all that made Xiao Ai feel like she had actually experienced the youthfulness.

She could recall a particular time when she and Chunhua had an actual conversation. That day it was slightly snowing and they both stood under the tree admiring the view. Her reputation wasnt good then too. Though she was not as shameless as she was now she wasn't necessarily a good person. She wasn't much into bullying people but she did bully a few. Mainly she changed her flings almost everyday.

"You are friends with the new guy?" Chunhua had asked. His voice low and pleasant in a boyish manner.

"Which of them?" Xiao Ai had asked beacuse she truly didn't know which guy he was talking about. But Chuhua simply chuckled and stared at her like she was simply playing dumb.

"The handsome one."

"There's someome in this school you acknowledge as handsome? I should find this guy quickly." She said stretching forth her hands so little snow could fall on it. Seeing that the boy was just staring at her, she added."Most of the new students arent in my class. My father instructed the principal not to bring any new students to my class especially the boys."

"Eh..I see."

"Beautiful." Xiao Ai commented.

"The view? Yes. It is."

"No. You. You are beautiful."

Chunhuas ears turned red as he stared at her but Xiao Ai simply smiled and continued to admire the snow.

Then her flirting skills were quite good.

Then they were quietly in love with each other. She wondered why they didn't admit it then.

Perhaps if they had, they would have broke up a long time ago and she wouldn't have to witness him going to her sister.

Such is life.

Xioa Ai stood at the pavement waiting to flag a taxi. She would get a skin care treatment and buy more beautiful clothes.

I am already beautiful but I will become more beautiful. I will become so beautiful and innocent that it would make people crazy.

On getting to the beauty parlor, several workers quickly surrounded her.

This was the daughter of Chairwoman Mo and a very capable doctor too. She was someone that had just recovered from poison so they treated her especially well. Although it was glaring that they were simply being nice because they now knew that she was someone they couldn't afford to offend.

Xiao Ai didn't have that much money to pay for her skin treatment. The money she managed to swindle off her borther in law the last time outside her husbands house still remained a little.

Since she didn't have much patient at the hospital, her pay was low. Compared to Boazhia. And most of the time when she got her salary, Baozhai will always find an excuse to make her spend it.

Once when she had insisted on a very beautiful dress that was insanely expensive...tsk...

Now that I think about it. I was surely a bit foolish.

"Miss Zhao has such beautiful and flawless skin that we don't even need to do much." the manger of the beauty parlor said clearly trying to curry favor from Xiao Ai.

After all which young miss didn't like to be praised. They were all the same anyways.

She signaled to the other worker to say something sweet to her.

"Yes yes..that's true. Miss Zhao you have a very special skin so we don't even need to do much. You already look very beautiful."

Zhao Ai who had her face down on the massgae mat twiched her lip and smirked.

Who are they trying to flatter.

"Stop trying to curry favor with me. You are only insisting that I have beautiful skin so you don't have to do much work on me because you knew I don't have enough money to pay you." She raised her head to look at their suprised expressions and then resumed her position."Who are you trying to flatter? Haven't you heard? Am the Queen of Flattery."

The remaing workers were shocked.

What did she mean by she doesn't have enough money?

Why was she saying this now that they were almost done with the skin treatment.

But there was not much they could do since she had a mom who was very powerful.

After Xiao Ai was done with her treatment. She stared at herself in the mirror but couldn't believe what she saw. So she immediately pulled out her small mirror from her bag. Her face was glowing like a new born. Her skin was so flawless all the little pores were gone.

So I really am this beautiful?

Seeing that Xiao Ai had a confused expression, the workers thought ahe wasn't satisfied and began to shake.

"Miss Zhao, is everything ok?" The manager asked.

"Pretty one come here..."she signaled to the manager.

"Initially I thought you guys were going to make me look a bit ugly since I don't have enough money but this.."she stared at herself in awe again."Manager don't you think am too beautiful? If I go out like this, the men will start to fall and the sky could even crush down on me. Shit! That Baozhai actually made me hide this great beauty. Am just too good looking. So good looking am falling for myself."

Everyone: "..." Isn't her flattery a bit too much?

Forget it after all she's the queen of flattery.

"So how much is every treatment that I got? "

" Adding the skin treatment, massage, beauty spa, manicure, pedicure, facial pore removal, face grease re..."

"Enough!" Xiao Ai shouted. "Am asking how much everthing costs? Am not asking you to list everything I did. Just give me the damn bill. "

"Then.." the manager agreed while placing a paper on Xiao Ais table. "Here's the bill Miss Zhao." she managed to say while forcing a smile.

Never in her life had she met such stingy and frugal customer.

Obviously she is wealthy enough to pay for all these but she's still acting poor.

Xiao Ai stared at the bill...this this was a six digit figure. How did...she only got skin treatment not facial surgery. Instantly Xiao Ai stood up to throw a tantrum.

"You guys do you think you can con me? Just because my mom's wealthy doesn't mean I will spend lavishly. Though you know I have little money on me you still dared to pass me this much.Are you asking to face my wrath?"

The workers who had been placed in a difficult position didn't know what to say.

"Miss Zhao we dare not swindle you. This is your original bill."

"Original? Does that mean there's a fake? Bring me the fake one as long as it's less expensive. I want the fake bill."

The manger tried her best to calm down and not dig her nails into this shameless woman's hair. "Miss Zhao there's no such thing as a fake bill."

"Then why is the money so big. Why is there a six figure here. Explain it to me." Xiao Ai picked the paper again and examined it, she then turned to the manger with dagger eyes "What's this food and drink nonsense?"

"Earlier we provided you with morning snack. Later you had pineapple drink and you even ate lunch. Just now you asked for coffee.. which is still here." The manger said pointing to the cup of hot coffee on the table .

"So what? Which stupid lunch did you give me.? Wasn't it just three leaves and a spoon of sauce. You call that food?"

"Miss Zhao that lunch was specially made by our personal chef and is a special menu, six of which you ate."

"I did?" Xiao Ai thought.

These people are so cunning. They want to swindle me.

"And so? What if I did? That's because the food was too little. Anyways I can't pay this amount at once. I will give you what I have now and pay the rest installmentally. Ok?"

"Yes miss Zhao."

Xiao brought out some money form her purse and gave it to the manager along with her contact details.

The manager:"...."

Her bill was a six figure but she only paid three figure money at this rate it would take years to have her pay everything back.

"What!? do you have a problem?"Xiao Ai asked trying to sound intimidating.

"No Miss Zhao."

Just as Xiao Ai was about leave someone clapped there hands behind her.

"Interesting! Daughter of the Chairwoman of Mo corporations and first miss of the Zhao family can't afford a six digit skin treatment. Isn't this totally absurd."

Xiao Ai turned around and smiled at the figure they were almost the same height so it was a bit difficult for her to play her usual 'look down on you skills'

" what if I can't afford it. I can't afford it is I can't afford it. This six digit money...can Miss Si afford it?"

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Si Meng smiled brightly "Of course. Unlike you Miss Zhao I can afford twice of this."

"That's good then." Xiao Ai then collected the few hundred yuan she gave to the manger and loed at her with a serious expression. "Miss Si here can afford twice of it so she will be paying for me." she turned to stare at Si Meng whose smile had frozen." Quick. Pay up the debt and transfer the exact amount to me. after all you can afford twice of it."

"You....Zhao Ai. When did I say I will pay for you?"

"Ah miss Si don't tell me you want to go back on your words? Who was the one that said she could afford twice the money? Or did I put the words in your mouth? Or could it be that twice of this amount is something Miss Si can't afford?" Xiao Ai taunted.

Si Meng almost felt like crying.

She had indeed put the words in her mouth. She intentionally provoked her to say things like that.

"Sigh...seems like you too can't afford it..i will just p..."

"Who said I can't afford it?" Si Meng then stepped forward to settle the bill." See...? Unlike miss Zhao I can afford things like this."

"Not done. You said you can afford twice the payment so the other payment you can send to me. Here's is my account details."

" Ai have you no shame?"

"Pfft...compared to you I do have shame. Could it be you really can't afford to lose twice that amount.Tsk...I didn't know your family was this poor."

"Poor your ass...give me.."

"My ass is a bit fat. Does that mean your Poorness is a bit fat too?"

Some workers around couldn't hold their laughter and stared at Xiao Ai.

She really lives up to her reputation.

Si Meng quickly transferred the amount to Xiao Ai to prevent further embarrassment.

"Miss Si is too kind. I didn't even ask you to pay my bills but you did and even gave me the exact amount. I will be sure to remember this kindness of yours."

Kindness her foot. She clearly tricked her into doing all these.

"I didn't know you were this shameless."

"En..i love to live up to my reputation. " she then placed her hands on Both Si Meng and the mangers shoulder. She said in a voice not too low and not too loud but audible enough for others to hear.

"You heard that am shameless right? Well it's not a rumor, it's actually true. Adding to that am a careless bitch."

After she released them she walked forward to Si Meng who quickly backed away but Xiao Ai was quick and placed her hands around her lower back as she placed her beautiful face closer to her.

Si Meng swallowed hard upon seeing her up close.

Her face was free of makeup and her features were stunning. So stunning it made her heart race.

This girl...isn't she too beautiful.

"I believe you have a little thing with my sister. If you want to take revenge on her you can look for me." she said in a very hushed voice and then winked at her.

Si Ming stood rooted to the same spot. The portion of her back that Xiao Ai had just touched was burning and tingly. Her heart was pounding and there were butterflies in her stomach.

How could a woman make her feel this way.


Since Xiao Ai now had a six figure amount in her account she went to an average store and bought few things that she needed.

Xioa Ai then went to the house she and Lifen were sharing. It was a two bedroom apartment in a secluded part of the city. She packed few of her things but left her clothes since they were not her style to begin with. She had worn everything Baozhai said fitted her.

Xiao Ai took a taxi to Royal Water estate. The place where she would now live with her husband. As the taxi couldn't go farther to a point she had no choice but to drag her luggage all the way to the house.

After Xiao Ai got in, she noticed that Gu Bojing wasn't alone. The lad she had swindled off money was with him.

The young lad stared at her with irritation. If his brother had not told him that this woman was his sister in law he would have made her pay for making him look the fool.

Actually, Xiao Ai already knew this man was her brother In law the day she swindled money off him. But it didn't matter how she got the money from him or what she did.

After all shameless people could do anything.

"Hubby..hubby. My most handsome husband. The nation's most beautiful looking man. Don't I look good? Quick tell me if I look good? Its fine. I know I am so beautiful. Men couldn't take their eyes off me."

"Pfttt..." Gu Bolin spat out the water in his mouth. When did this shameless woman become so full of flattery.

"Brother in law, is everything okay? Can't you maintain a bit of dignity in other people's home."

"What?" Gu Bolin immediately swelled from anger. "So you know am your brother in law."

"Of course I knew the day you forced me to take your money." she turned to her husband and while caressing his face she said." Hubby did you know that day, I met your brother outside and he was actually insistent on giving me money. Since he looked so desperate I didn't want to look like I was bullying him so I took the money. After all its not like I lack money. But I just took it to give him some face."

Gu Bolin couldn't stand her lies anymore and slammed his hands on the table." could you lie with your eyes open."

"How am supposed to lie then? With my eyes closed? Besides am speaking the truth. Don't ruin our beautiful dinning table. You could have scared my hubby."

Xiao Ai turned to Gu Bojing and started patting him." Hubby don't be scared am here. Ok?"

"En. Okay. "

Gu Bolin couldn't take it anymore and started pacing back and forth.

How could his brother take her side.

Scared my foot. This woman is scary enough.

Hs brother clearly knew what happened that day but he still chose to support his woman.


What happened to bros before hoes?

"Hubby I brought few of my things. I will go upstairs to unpack while you my dearest brother in law will cook us dinner for a week."

"Why do I have to cook for you? Don't you have workers? Can't you cook for yourself?" Gu Bolin shouted. He was already pissed and this woman was simply making him more angry.

"You scared my hubby earlier so you have to cook for us for a week. After that hubby and I will sit down and think if we should forgive you. Of course that depends on your performance brother in law. "


"Right hubby?"

"En. Right."

Damn his brother just sold him off.

All beacuse of this Damn shameless woman.

After Xiao Ai left. Gu Bolin unwillingly walked to the kitchen. Who told him to know how to cook.

Who told him to come to someone else's house at night?

He could only blame himself.

Xiao had just finished unpacking when she noticed that all the clothes in the closet had been changed. They were now her sizes.

Although they all looked normal she could tell it was XZ designs. Which meant they were insanely expensive.

This man..just how wealthy is he?

Soon Zhao Ai received a call. Upon seeing the familiar number that rarely called her, Xiao Ai was filled with emotions.

"Grandfather..." she slowly called.

"Come home tomorrow. There are some things we need to discuss."

"Yes grandfather."

The old man's voice was clear as if age hadn't taken it toil on him. He was still has straightforward as he was. But his voice didn't have that warmth it used to have before she went to Russia.

Russia. For Xiao Ai...that was beginning of everything.

Downstairs...Gu Bolin was still grumbling as to why he had to cook when he wasn't in the wrong. .

He turned around to glare at his brother who was peacefully eating his apple as though he had not just sold his own brother off.

"Brother, you don't look guilty after selling me off. Are you really my brother?'

"Sold you off? When?"

"Just now. You didn't even side with me when she made me cook. Isn't that selling me off?"

Gu Bojing tilted his head to side and sized up Gu Bolin who had few vegetables in his hands.

"Mr Singh in Indian seemed to have taken a liking to you. Should I show you the real meaning of being sold off?"

"No no brother it's fine. I love cooking. Sister in law is always right anyways. It's good. No need." Bolin quickly went against his conscience and praised his sister in law thinking his brother could really sell him off to their Indian Gay Partner.

After sometime, Gu Bolin suddenly stared at his brother and after careful thoughts, he said slowly.

"Brother, now that you have married Zhao Ai, does that mean in your heart, there is no longer that woman?"

Gu Bojing paused for a while. Although Bolin didn't notice but his fingers shook slightly and his eyes got misty revealing an unusual darkness.

Gu Bolin thought he had asked the wrong question and was about to say something to cover it when his brother gave him a meaningful look.

"She is her." he replied his voice carrying traces of loneliness but his face was void of any emotions and he proceeded to eating his apple gracefully .

Bolin who had just been shocked by his brothers reply dropped the spoon he was holding.

What! Zhao Ai is that woman.

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