I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years!

Chapter 121: 120: Luxury car

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"Master, where are we going to the cinema?"

While on the road, Liu Yanran asked.

Ye Xuan looked outside, determined his current location, and replied: "Go to Huaxing Plaza. There is an imax screen over there, which looks better."

"Okay, master, sit down." Liu Yanran responded and drove towards Huaxing Square.

The journey is fairly smooth, but Huaxing Plaza, as a well-known business district, has a fairly large passenger flow.

Liu Yanran lined up for a while and found that the underground garage was full.

She simply hit the steering wheel and parked the car in a nearby ground parking space.

A Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped on the ground and attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, look, rich people are also shopping in Huaxing Square!"

"Huaxing Plaza is already very high-end, okay? So there are already a lot of rich people here!"

"I didn't see if the driver was a little brother just now! I really want to go up and ask for a phone call!"

"You can pull it down! If your little brother really drives the Rolls-Royce Phantom, you have to be careful that he is just a driver!"

The two walked into Huaxing Plaza one after the other. Today, the mall is holding an event, and there are a lot of people who come to go shopping. Everywhere they go are a large area of ​​Wuyangyang.

There are many staff dressed as cartoon characters in the mall. Many children are walking around them. There are also some young couples who ran over to take photos with cartoon dolls.

At this time, the mall's radio rang, announcing a message that adults are looking for children.

Liu Yanran became frightened as she watched the flow of people. Worried that the flow of people would disperse her and Ye Xuan, she took the initiative to hold Ye Xuan's hand.

Ye Xuan was taken aback, only to feel that his hand was covered by a warm, soft hand, that feeling was extremely wonderful.

As if he couldn't believe it, Ye Xuan deliberately squeezed the soft, boneless hand in his hand, tusk tusk, it's really good.

Liu Yanran felt Ye Xuan's small movements, and she just made a face at him.

The two followed the crowd and took the escalator to the cinema.

"Master, let's go to the queue too!" Liu Yanran is playful. Of course she knows that Huaxing Plaza is also the property of the young master, but she has too many privileges and sometimes loses a lot of fun in life.

For example, queuing.

Ye Xuan was amused, "When does queuing become a joy in life?"

It feels a bit heavy.

But it is true that it is not too long, and if the relationship is used because of this little matter, it would be too resource-intensive.

Liu Yanran also smiled. In her opinion, it feels good to do this kind of ordinary people occasionally.

Otherwise, someone will lead them in or book the venue when they get here, and there will be no such lively feeling.

Although Ye Xuan couldn't get this magic point, he still accompanied Liu Yanran and picked the one with the least number of people and ranked last.

When the two were queuing, they discovered that many couples came to buy tickets together. The two were tired and crooked together and couldn't tell the sweetness.

The little lovers whispered from time to time, the girl smiled, and the picture was beautiful.

Just when the two were about to announce that they were full of dog food, a generous figure suddenly ran over.

She smashed into the team next to a couple who were stuck together, and then ran towards the front of the team regardless.

At this time, everyone knew that it was a fat woman.

The young lady in the couple was very petite, and she was staggered. If her boyfriend hadn't helped her, she would have fallen to the ground.

"What's the matter with you? Do you have any quality? How can you hit people casually?" The boyfriend yelled angrily at the fat woman when he saw that his girlfriend was almost injured.

Boyfriend is full of strength.

The fat woman slowly turned her head and glanced at the couple with a very disdainful look, and said in a weird manner: "Please look at yourself before you say that others have no quality? This is a movie theater, a public place. Those who hug each other like you should be dragged out and stand in the sun for a while!"

Who told you to show affection casually, it was you who hit!

Deserve it.

Miss sister was obviously wronged and her eyes were red.

While comforting her, her boyfriend glared at the fat woman and said, "Don't be confused here. If you hit someone, you should apologize instead of messing around here! Apologize immediately!"

The fat woman was arrogant at first, but seeing that boyfriend looked angry and wanted to rush over to beat her, she was immediately a little embarrassed.

She was obviously a little flustered, her words became stammered, and she quickly looked at the people around her.

After seeing that no one stood up to help her at all, the fat woman's arrogance subsided, and she reluctantly said: "Okay, I can always apologize, I'm sorry!"

What else did the boyfriend want to say? The young lady was also worried about what would happen to her boyfriend. She shook her head slightly, and signaled her boyfriend not to pursue such people anymore.

I thought that the matter would be over here, but I didn't expect that the fat woman would start a new moth.

Suddenly she stepped into the line and said to the conductor: "Give me a hello, Mama Li's movie ticket, just for the opening show recently."

The person who was forcibly interrupted in the line was stunned.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Damn it!

Just hit someone on the other side and came here to jump in the line again?

The co-author came here specially, just jump in the line?

This person is really the best!

The guests in the line behind, of course, would not be used to her.

"Aren't you jumping in line? If you want to buy a ticket, go to the back to line up. Do you understand a little bit of urban civilization!"

"Ticket conductor, don't issue tickets to people who jump in the line, it's too much!"

"First hit people, then jumped in line. I think you came to the cinema to make trouble? If you do this again, we can call the security guard!"

The fat woman was very angry. She had her hands on her hips, with a arrogant gesture, "I don't care what you do, it's not in your team!"

Even if the woman looks like a bear, the elder brother behind him is not a vegetarian. He stretched out his hand and took her to the side and told the conductor that he wanted to buy a ticket.

Seeing that Ye Xuan and Liu Yanran were about to arrive, the fat woman twisted her fat body to block their way, and said arrogantly: "I have an urgent matter. Interim your team. Are you okay?"

This is not a discussion, more like an order.

The fat woman dared to think so arrogantly, because she had already observed it before, and most of the people who watched the movie came together with several people.

Only the combination of Ye Xuan and Liu Yanran, a girl with a child, looked like a bully.

They dare not say anything if they intervene in their team.

Even if there are opinions, Liu Yanran, with small arms and small legs, dare to conflict with herself?

The fat woman directly ignored the existence of Ye Xuan.

A **year-old kid is completely negligible.

After finishing talking, the fat woman didn't wait for Liu Yanran's reply, she just prepared to buy a ticket.

"Am I agreeing?" Ye Xuan said coldly behind her.

The fat woman seems to have not heard it at all, isn't that milky voice, isn't it the kid?

The threat of a child is also considered a matter?

The fat woman remained unmoved, and continued to talk to the conductor about the show she wanted to buy.

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at his generous back, with cold light in his eyes.

Can't understand people's words, right?

it is good! Then don't blame me for being impolite!

You are reading story I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years! at novel35.com

Ye Xuan stretched out his hand, pulled her bag directly, and pulled aside.

A strong force almost dragged the fat woman to the ground.

It took a long time for the fat woman to stabilize her figure, and when she was about to swear, Ye Xuan had already spoken before her.

"Get behind and line up, are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Can't be feminine, even a little kid would dare to scold his old mother?

You really haven't been beaten by socialism, right?

The fat woman pulled her neck and cursed Ye Xuan, "A child like you actually beats people? What is your quality? Don't you know that China's traditional virtues are respecting the old and loving the young?"

Ye Xuan sneered, and said: "You are definitely not the old and young, but if the old and the young are sick and pregnant, you will be left with your brain damage, but you can be given a seat!"

No matter how stupid the fat woman was, she could hear that Ye Xuan was scolding her for a brain injury, and immediately stopped doing it.

She had to argue with Ye Xuan, Liu Yanran directly stood in front of Ye Xuan, "You pay attention to me! Do you want to bully a child? If you do this, I will just call the security guard!"

Bullying the young master in front of me, is it really annoying for me?

This kind of person is sensational and disgusting!

Many people who were still waiting in line also started to applaud, and began to blame women.

"I want to jump in the line, but I am embarrassed to scold others? I think you are too hungry and can't bear to eat your mind?"

"Hehe, if I were her, I could find a seam to get in by myself! Haha, no, she can't get in at all!"

"The kid just spoke sharply, I like it! This fat woman is a brain-dead, and I don't know how the mental hospital released her!"

The conductor frowned when he saw that the fat woman was disrupting the order again and again, which had caused the current ticket sales progress to be slow.

The fat woman saw that she was being squeezed out by everyone, she really wanted to rush to tear everyone's mouth!

But reason told her that she couldn't afford so many people.

This is tantamount to violating public anger.

The fat woman can only walk away in despair.

Liu Yanran happily went to buy a ticket, the episode just now did not affect her mood.

She happily said to Ye Xuan, "Master, I bought tickets for two movies directly. Their time is linked together, right?"

Ye Xuan's eyes widened, obviously startled.

I just made a random suggestion to watch a movie, but I didn't expect Liu Yanran to be so energetic that she would watch two games in a row!

But what can be done?


Liu Yanran not only bought tickets for the two movies, but also ran to buy cola and popcorn, praising her as she was ready for a protracted battle.

Two people watched two movies in a row, sitting for a long time, and their buttocks were a little sore.

But the mood is exceptionally good.

Liu Yanran was a little excited today, smiling all the way, not at all like the usual iceberg director.

"Master, are you tired? Are we going home or where to go shopping?" Liu Yanran's eyes were full of energy, and she looked energetic.

Ye Xuan was taken aback by her appearance.

Isn’t this woman too strong in combat? Don’t you know how tired you are?

Ye Xuan waved his hand repeatedly and said, "Send me home to rest!"

Liu Yanran was amused by Ye Xuan's tone, "Okay!"

The two talked and laughed, and went downstairs together.

Their car was parked in the open-air parking lot outside, and before they got there, they saw a lot of people near the car.

Liu Yanran and Ye Xuan looked at each other, thinking that something was wrong.

After walking two steps quickly, I saw a bunch of people around their car, taking pictures.

"Can you start a little bit? Let me finish the shot, won't you come to my position to take the shot?"

"Okay! Hurry up, there are many sisters waiting to take pictures!"

"Why someone is coming again? It's really annoying! Isn't it just a Rolls Royce? Why are so many people taking pictures together!"

Next to Rolls-Royce, in addition to the people queuing up for a photo, there were some heated discussions about the configuration of the car.

"This Rolls-Royce Phantom is so cool, right? Such a good car, I think it costs at least ten million, right?"

"More than ten million? Hehe, that little money is just for you to see! This is the Rolls-Royce Phantom of the bulletproof board, more than one hundred million!"

"Bulletproof customized version? Even hundreds of millions? My god, if I had so much money, I wouldn't waste it on a car!"

The young man who knew the car glanced at a few people and showed a look of disdain.

Wouldn't you buy with so much money?

Haha, no wonder you can't have so much money!

You are all rich, but you don't have the consciousness to protect yourself. What's the point of having money but not spending your life!

The young man really didn't like these people who join in the fun to watch luxury cars, but after all, he didn't hold back and began to popularize them with science.

"If you just listen to a bulletproof function, you might still think it's expensive. After all, the area of ​​glass on a car is limited. No matter how expensive the glass is, it won't cost you so much, right?"

The others listened to him and nodded vigorously.

That's right, the price is too unreasonable!

The young man showed an expression that I knew, and continued: "Do you really think that the bulletproof special version is just a few pieces of glass? You think it is too simple? Or do you think that the bullet is equipped with a tracker and just shoot The glass of the car?"

Everyone shook their heads a little ignorantly, how could there be such a silly bullet, and they even shot impenetrable bulletproof glass!

"Isn't that over? The other parts of the car should also be bulletproof? Ordinary metal must not be hard enough. UU reading www.uukahnshu.com does it require some special metal alloys? Is this price added? What should I do if I break through? How can I let him continue driving when he is out of breath? Does he need other techniques and special materials?" The young man sent out a series of soul tortures, leaving all the people at a loss.

What you said is correct, we don't understand anyway.

The young man only felt that he was playing the piano against cows.

A bunch of people who don't know anything, are you embarrassed to chase luxury cars?

"In short, it's just one sentence, the whole body is fully armed, that is, the underside of the chassis is specially reinforced, and ordinary bombs can be protected." The young man used the most concise vocabulary, and everyone understood this time.

They began to talk.

"Is this car so safe? It's so cool!"

"Are there any other differences? Engines, horsepower, and so on."

"Fuck, I'm so resistant to being beaten, is it okay to run slowly? Anyway, I'm not afraid of being beaten!"

The young man who knows the car gave everyone a popular science about the basic configuration of the car. "This car is equipped with a 9.0l v16 engine, which can reach a maximum of 5,000 horsepower!"

When everyone heard his words, they immediately exploded on the spot.

v16 engine?

Damn, I'm so outdated! I have said that it is more powerful, but it is only a v12 engine, which is still configured on many sports cars.

v16 is really unheard of!

Although this was a height they couldn't understand, when looking at the Rolls-Royce Phantom in front of them, there was more caution in their eyes.

I can't afford to lose more than 10 million, let alone more than one billion!

Even if you sell the whole family together, you can't afford it!

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