I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years!

Chapter 134: 133: Scared to pee

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After speaking, he immediately picked up his own things and rushed towards the Nancheng Clubhouse.

Sun Lin didn't expect Ye Xuan to come to the magic city.

On Ye Xuan's side, the waiter had taken them to the predetermined location.

After sitting down, Zhang Hao's eyes began to look at Ye Xuan's body.

He quickly searched for a circle, but did not find any brand logo.

He is very disdainful of this, this is too much clothing, not even a logo!

As for the material, Zhang Hao didn't understand at all, so he couldn't tell that what Ye Xuan was wearing was actually a high-end custom made by a top clothing brand.

In order to highlight the dignity and naturalness of the guests, of course no logo will be printed.

If Zhang Hao really knows the goods, he can see it in the curled up sleeves of his sleeves. A golden concealed mark is exactly the mark of the international big-name haute couture.

Zhang Hao was still thinking about it self-righteously. Although Liu Yanran was pretty and dressed well, she might be dressed for work as a last resort.

But looking at Ye Xuan's dress is different, only a child can reflect the true strength of a family.

After all, children grow very fast, and the clothes they buy may not fit in a month or two.

At this speed, the rich can wear high fashion.

Where can ordinary families afford it?

Zhang Hao thought this way, and had already settled his mind. Liu Yanran and Ye Xuan must be from very ordinary family backgrounds.

Such a girl can be easily smashed down with a little money!

With such thoughts, Zhang Hao seemed even more excited.

Zhang Hao gave a light cough and said, "Everyone is friends, you can contact me at any time if you have any needs in the future. If you want to develop in the future and need to find a job, you can come to our company. I will give you a high salary! Of course, kids , You have to study hard, and you can come to us after you finish your studies."

Liu Yanran and Ye Xuan still behaved indifferently, Qu Run took the menu handed over by the waiter and began to order.

In order to show his financial resources, Zhang Hao waved his hand, "You just order it, I will treat you today!"

After Qu Run ordered a few dishes, she asked Liu Yanran if she wanted to add dishes.

Liu Yanran looked at the menu, ordered a piece of beef that Ye Xuan liked, and shook her head to indicate that it was enough.

After Zhang Hao saw that the things they ordered were not expensive, he was very satisfied.

Spend the least money and pretend to be the best, this is the pride of life!

"You wait for the food first, I'll go to the bathroom." After saying that, Zhang Hao got up and walked toward the bathroom.

Just as Zhang Hao went out, a waiter came in with a drink.

The waiter walked straight to Ye Xuan, bent down and asked respectfully: "Sir, when is the wine open?"

Ye Xuan didn't think much, and said directly, "Now open it!"

Anyway, the food will be served soon, so it will taste better if you wake up in advance.

The waiter took out his tools and was drinking, but was hit by Zhang Hao who had returned from the toilet.

When Zhang Hao looked at the packaging of the two bottles of wine, he realized that the two bottles of wine were expensive.

"Stop! Stop!" Zhang Hao roared, his voice changed a little, showing the panic inside him.

However, the waiter seemed to be surprised. He yelled at him, and his hand pressed hard, and the wine cork slammed away.

The wine has been opened.

Zhang Hao's mentality exploded directly.

He is also a businessman, so naturally he often hangs around in the wine bar, and he knows the price of some wines very well.

The wine just opened by the waiter is very valuable just by looking at the bottle.

"You guys, what kind of wine do you have?" Zhang Hao tried to make himself look calmer and began to inquire about the price.

The waiter didn't think much, and directly replied: "Latour 1932 and Romani Conti 1998."

When the waiter said the names of the two bottles of wine, Zhang Hao's eyes almost popped out.


Romani Conti?

These are the top wines!

To put it bluntly, he has never drunk such expensive wine!

The price starts at least six to seven hundred thousand, and he can't afford it!

Zhang Hao's face flushed with anger, and he started arguing with the waiter.

He saw the waiter standing next to Ye Xuan, and immediately began to shirk and said:

"I will tell you the ugly thing ahead of time. This kid asked you to make this wine. It has nothing to do with me. You don't want me to settle the bill!"

Zhang Hao felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He had already stopped the waiter when he first entered the door, but the other party still opened his eyes quickly and had nothing to do with him.

It's a big deal, he just doesn't drink it at all.

He can't afford it anyway.

After Zhang Hao felt uncomfortable, he began to accuse Ye Xuan, "Why are you a little kid, why order such an expensive wine? Are you deliberately trying to cheat me? Your mentality is so bad at a young age, and you still have it. Fu Fu!"

Anyway, it's just one sentence anyway. Zhang Hao put his hands behind him and said angrily: "Anyway, this wine is none of my business, I will never check out!"

Qu Run was already stupid, and he didn't expect why her boyfriend suddenly got into trouble.

She said that she would invite her old classmates to dinner, and Zhang Hao also agreed. Why didn't she save herself any face?

"What's the matter with you?" Qu Run's tone didn't get better.

As soon as Zhang Hao heard that Qu Run still had a face to complain about himself, he blushed and cursed, "You woman is also a fool! You don't know how to stop a little boy who order wine here? You know. I don’t know, how much is the drink he ordered? I tell you, six to seven hundred thousand is not necessarily enough to pay the bill!"

This is six or seven hundred thousand, not six or seventy!

The money he has is not necessarily enough to pay for today's meal!

As soon as Qu Run heard about the value of these two bottles of wine, he was stunned.

She didn't know, how could there be such an expensive drink!

At this time, the store manager on the other side walked out quickly, a little embarrassed, and said: "I'm sorry, a few, let me interrupt, I gave these two bottles of wine personally, and you don't need to pay for it."

Zhang Hao's blush just now had a thick neck, which shocked the store manager.

He really doesn't think it's worth it for the chairman, how can he eat with such a tasteless person?

When Zhang Hao heard about the top drink presented by the store manager, his eyes went straight.

It is said that the Nancheng Clubhouse is rich and powerful, but I did not expect to treat the guests so generously.

I really understand it, awesome!

Six to seven hundred thousand drinks, sent out without blinking?

Zhang Hao slumped for a while, and then began to play haha, "Oh, thank you for the hospitality of the store manager? Is this the member service in the store? It's really awesome!"

Zhang Hao directly turned the words to the membership service, implying that the other people on the table, the reason why you can drink such a good wine with me, is because I am a member!

Seeing Zhang Hao's shameless appearance, the store manager almost vomited.

what is this?

Just the three melons and two dates you recharged, is it enough for one of our wine bottles?

I'm so embarrassed to say that it is a member service, which is really shameless to a certain level!

The store manager was about to explain to everyone the reason, when suddenly the door of their private room was gently opened.

Sun Lin rushed over with a group of senior leaders of the Dinglong Group.

From where Zhang Hao was sitting, he could clearly see the people coming from outside the private room. When he saw Sun Lin's face, he immediately opened his mouth in surprise.

Isn't this a dream?

Is it true that good things have to come together in one day?

I first met a superb beauty, and then was presented with superb red wine in the store, and now Sun Lin appeared in front of her again.

Sun Lin didn't know Zhang Hao, but Zhang Hao admired Sun Lin very much.

You are reading story I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years! at novel35.com

Zhang Hao had seen Sun Lin at a conference, when Sun Lin gave a speech on stage, and naturally knew her identity.

That is the general manager of Dinglong Group's Magic Capital Headquarters!

Dinglong Group is one of the largest large enterprises in China, the general manager of others, that is a figure in the sky!

Zhang Haoteng stood up from the chair suddenly, rubbing his hands on his clothes helplessly, and then walked towards Sun Lin.

He was greeted in the past, and stretched out his hand religiously, thinking of shaking hands with Sun Lin.

Zhang Hao leaned slightly, but could still see Sun Lin's movements.

Seeing Sun Lin walking towards him, as she got closer and closer...

Unexpectedly, Sun Lin ignored him and walked straight to Ye Xuan.

"Chairman!" Sun Lin greeted Ye Xuan enthusiastically.

Seeing this, other senior executives immediately called to the chairman.

Zhang Hao was still holding a handshake posture behind him. Hearing the shouts of everyone, his mind couldn't move for a moment.

Who are they called?


Who else is the chairman called out by the general manager of Dinglong Group?

It must be the chairman of Dinglong Group!

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao only felt that his blood pressure was bursting.

Ye Xuan's little kid is actually the chairman of Dinglong Group!

He remembered that he had just offended Ye Xuan, his legs were soft, and he fell onto the carpet with a snap.

Now, with such an association, everything goes smoothly.

No wonder the store manager came here to deliver the wine. He had nothing to do with him, and it was all directed at Ye Xuan!

Who doesn't want to get a little relationship with this top-notch rich man?

Don't talk about Zhang Hao, even Qu Run looked pale when sitting on the chair as if he had been casted on the body.

She is an ordinary girl, but she also knows the strength of Dinglong Group in China.

No way, Dinglong Group is so famous.

That's a household name!

I was lucky enough to have dinner with the chairman of Dinglong Group, which is a great honor!

Sun Lin respectfully stood beside Ye Xuan, "Chairman, I am Sun Lin, the general manager of Dinglong headquarters."

Ye Xuan nodded, pointing to Latour 1932 and Romani Conti in 1998 and said, "Did you ask someone to give this wine?"

After hearing the words, the store manager took a few steps and took the initiative to explain: "Ye Dong, this is the drink I gave you at my own expense! And, this Nancheng clubhouse is your industry, this clubhouse belongs to the Dinglong Group Yes, it is naturally yours."

Drink some good wine in your own clubhouse. What's the matter?

The senior leaders of the Dinglong Group also nodded collectively. It is normal for the chairman of his own family to consume, after all, they belong to their own family!

But the people next to him heard the news like a bomb, and it bombed them beyond recognition!

If Dinglong Group is just a number for them, this top luxury Nancheng clubhouse is a real existence.

People like Zhang Hao who charged 100,000 yuan are just the bottom members here.

The real dignitaries are the main force in the consumption of Nancheng Clubhouse.

It is very common for them to have a meal of hundreds of thousands, and the banquets are also high-level characters.

They are well served here and will become loyal customers here in the future.

It can be said that what the Nancheng Club has is not only money as simple as money, but also maintains the relationship between officials and noble people.

The relationship they couldn't think of even after they broke their heads could easily be found in the Nancheng Clubhouse.

This is the embodiment of strength!

Zhang Hao and Qu Run's faces were as pale as paper, especially Zhang Hao. At this time, they were so scared that their bodies were shaking like chaff, and they couldn't say a whole word at all.

Although I don't know if Ye Xuan will blame himself, Zhang Hao also knows that his future is ruined.

At least in Huaxia, only if Ye Xuan was willing, he would never have another day in his life.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao slapped himself twice, loudly, and everyone around him could hear him clearly.

It's a pity that this voice only caused everyone to share their senses, and instantly pulled them back to Ye Xuan's body.

Ye Xuan was also taken aback when he heard the manager's words just now. He has too much industry now, so he didn't think of it at all, okay?

Otherwise, you won't be able to come in for a meal without rubbing your appointment number.

"Well, there should be too many companies under the Dinglong Group. I didn't think of it as my own industry." Ye Xuan smiled bitterly and explained to everyone.

Liu Yanran was also shocked, covering her mouth and snickering, and Ye Xuan pretended to stare angrily for several times.

This stinky girl doesn't save herself any face!

The other high-levels also chuckled and sighed in their hearts that our chairman is very approachable!

Qu Run's eyes straightened when he heard it beside him, and his brain had completely lost its ability to function.

Can't remember the many industries?

What an industry this must be!

The clothes she has owned the most are clothes, but no matter how much she has, she can remember it clearly!

The more Qu Run thought about it, the more excited her chubby face began to flush.

Suddenly, they smelled a fishy smell.

Liu Yanran frowned and slapped her hands, "What's the smell?"

The standing high-levels looked over and caught a glimpse of Zhang Hao, who was scared to pee, sitting on the ground in despair.

Sun Lin frowned when she saw it, and immediately asked the store manager: "What are you still doing, why don't you change the boardroom for the chairman?"

The shop manager hurriedly arranged for the waiter to go down and prepare, and all kinds of good wine and food were served quickly.

And Sun Lin took a group of high-level officials and had lunch with Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan took a sip of tea and said to Sun Lin next to him: "I will go to the headquarters to inspect in two days while I'm in the magic city."

Sun Lin naturally did not dare to refuse when she heard this, she quickly took out a pass card and handed it to Ye Xuan, "Chairman, when you hold the pass card, you can directly enter the headquarters building."

Ye Xuan nodded and took it.

Ye Xuan was very satisfied with the food in Nancheng Clubhouse, and was full of praise for the restaurant's service.

After eating, Ye Xuan bid farewell to everyone and prepared to go to the parking lot to pick up the car.

Just when they were about to get into the car, they happened to see Qu Run supporting Zhang Hao, riding in a BMW.

Zhang Hao also saw the two of them, and subconsciously shrank his neck, as if he wanted to shrink to hide.

When he saw that Ye Xuan and Liu Yanran were on the Bugatti limited edition, the expression of regret almost turned into substance, attacking his fragile nerves!

What did you do!

Look at other people's equipment!

The Bugatti limited edition of more than 200 million travels ~www.novel35.com~ is a classic masterpiece that money can't get now!

Before, I looked at people's simple attire and thought they were ordinary families without money?

Zhang Hao angrily waited to slap himself twice!

Really look down upon others!

The reason why there is no mark on other people's clothes, it must be the advanced customization of the top big brands, and there is no need to rely on signs to show their identity.

It's not that other brands don't want to publicize, but think that their own clothes can be worn on such a person, which is already the biggest publicity!

The two got into the car decadently, speechless for a long time.

Ye Xuan was sitting in the co-pilot at this time and looked at Liu Yanran and said, "Didn't you go to the Bund yesterday? I haven't been there yet. Why don't we go and have a look together now."

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