I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years!

Chapter 82: 81: Sign in again!

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In the car, Ye Xuan held the fish tank, "These guys, one by one, they are used to raising and stepping down."

Ye Xuan took out a handful of business cards and put them next to him.

"The poor are in the downtown area and no one asks, the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. These people are not as straightforward as this fish." Ye Xuan said, and Liu Yanran next to him also looked at Ye Xuan, "Ye Dong, they were also terrified just now. , I bet they won’t be able to sleep tonight."

The road here is relatively narrow, and Ye Xuan is holding the fish tank in his hand, so Liu Yanran drove very cautiously.

Seeing that there was a tricycle passing by, she stopped the car altogether and waited for the other person to pass first.

Unexpectedly, their cars had already stopped, and an old man riding a bicycle in front of the car fell slowly in front of their car.

Liu Yanran watched the old man fall to the ground and stretched out her head to take a look. She asked with some concern, "Master, are you okay?"

She was kind for a while, looking at the back of the old man, she must be quite old. I'm afraid it's not easy to fall down like this.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yanran's concerned words caused herself trouble.

The old man turned his head back with difficulty, glanced at Liu Yanran, and shouted toward the crowded street: "Everyone, come and take a look. They are irresponsible if they hit someone! Look at me. What happened to it? People didn't even get off the car! The world is getting worse, where is the conscience of people!"

The old man is definitely a standard dramatist. His crying sounds like yin and yang, ups and downs, like singing a folk song.

When the people passing by heard the old man's words, they all stopped and pointed in Liu Yanran's direction.

"What's the situation? This car hit the old man, right?"

"It must be! Didn't you hear the old man cry, saying that he is still sitting in the car and ignore him!"

"How come there are people like this! I think that woman is also driving a luxury car, so why didn't she rush the old man to the hospital!"

"Why, driving a Ferrari is amazing, everyone is watching her, but don't let her run, you can't let the disadvantaged group be bullied for the wealthy and unkind."

Passersby accused Liu Yanran of being cold-blooded and ruthless.

What happened to the old man? You are still sitting firmly in the car. It's too inhuman!

Liu Yanran and Ye Xuan looked at each other, both of which were a little unclear.

What's the situation?

The old man clearly fell on his own, what's up with them!

Isn't this a hard touch porcelain!

Liu Yanran was so angry that she had a temper, just sitting in the car and couldn't get off.

See how long the old man can hold it.

Next to them, many people looked at Ye Xuan and Liu Yanran here, and they accused them loudly. They didn't even know the development of the matter, but now they stood on the moral high ground to urinate and urinate with confidence.

Co-authored, who is poor and who is reasonable?

In the car, Ye Xuan looked at them and also looked at Liu Yanran, "Yes, let's just sit here, anyway, there is a driving recorder, so I'm not afraid."

Liu Yanran nodded as she listened to Ye Xuan's words.

Who knows, at this moment, you know from which corner a middle-aged man sprang out.

As soon as the middle-aged man saw the old man, he rushed forward, holding the old man and crying, "Oh my father, what's the matter with you? Who is so cruel that smashed you into this? What a look!"

The old man suddenly broke free of his son's hand, got up with difficulty, walked towards Liu Yanran's car, pointed to the front of the car and said, "This is the car, did you see it? It was her car that hit me!"

Slowly, a lot of people came around here too, all looking at the Ferrari Rafa here, and they stretched out their fingers to blame.

Looking at this situation, Ye Xuan also shrugged at Liu Yanran, and then walked down holding the fish tank and Liu Yanran.

Ye Xuan looked at the old man and the middle-aged man here, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, as if watching them acting.

However, it was just like this, so that many people next to him became angry for a while.

"Look at this little kid, he's still laughing, you see, this is a child of a wealthy family, like this, how is it educated, has it taken the life of the poor?"

"Come on, let's quickly take a picture of him, post it online, and expose him."

"This woman is still driving. She hasn't gotten out of the car just now. She should be scared now, right?"


Next to them, a series of voices rang. They looked at Ye Xuan and Liu Yanran here, and they all began to verbally criticize them.

The old man and the middle-aged man looked at the people next to them, and their hearts were happy.

Sure enough, when they put it out like this, adding the image of the poor, the effect is almost full.

However, Ye Xuan also slowly walked over at this time, "Old man, all right, get up and stop acting."

In a word, the old man was stunned for a moment, and then there was a pair of cold eyes in his eyes. He did not expect that a little boy like Ye Xuan would be so stubborn?

Subsequently, the old man also shouted even louder.

The effect of this shout was full, and Ye Xuan and the others were once again drawn into a wave of anger.

"Okay, tell me, how much do you want?" Ye Xuan looked at the two of them and said.

"Tell you, one hundred thousand less, you don't want to leave today!"

In a word, Liu Yanran's eyes widened, she was taken aback for a moment, good guy, she was 100,000 when she opened her mouth?

I, the director, has only 100,000 yuan in a few months. Do you speak 100,000 in a few minutes?

You make more money than first-line stars!

Right now, Ye Xuan also directly raised the phone, "Since the lion speaks loudly, it's better to go to the police station to speak."

Want to call the police?

A middle-aged man looks at an eight-year-old child, and naturally it is impossible to beat someone.

He thought for a while, looking at the small fish tank in Ye Xuan's arms and thought about it.

The middle-aged man also has wives and children, and he has bought this kind of small fish tank for his children before.

Although things are not expensive, they are worth tens of dollars. But these are the treasures of children, and children cherish them most.

If you smashed the fish tank yourself, wouldn't you frighten the woman and the child?

Will they still hand over the money obediently?

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man was guilty of guts, and directly grabbed the fish tank in Ye Xuan's arms and threw it to the ground forcefully.

In order to achieve the effect, he also crushed one of the goldfish to death.

After doing this, he looked at Ye Xuan and Liu Yanran viciously, and said with a rough voice, "You guys quickly get the money for compensation! Don't think we don't know that you rich people have a way, we are like this. People from enter, they can't beat you at all!"

"Everyone, you see, they are so eager to call the police, there must be a way out, otherwise, it is impossible to be so anxious."

"Everyone, help us, we are afraid that if we enter the police station, we won't be able to get out again."

It has not been a day or two for him to match the porcelain with his old man, and he already has experience in this business.

The fierce ones are afraid of being horizontal, and the horizontal ones are afraid of death.

Later, he even grabbed Ye Xuan's phone.

"I will never let you succeed! Those of you who are rich and unkind will deceive us poor people!" The middle-aged man snatched Ye Xuan's phone and slammed it on the ground.

After hearing a crisp sound, the more than 10,000 mobile phones broke into many pieces.

Ye Xuan looked at the fish and the mobile phone in front of him, and then smiled on his face, OK, this time, the matter got serious.

At the time of the stalemate, the police car also came over on the other side. After all, although Ye Xuan did not call the police, there were more and more people here. The crowds onlookers or the drivers who came and went naturally had something to do.

The old and middle-aged men were obviously a little nervous when they saw the police.

But seeing so many people onlookers, there is no way to escape, so there is a trick to sue the villain first.

The old man threw himself down in front of the policeman in three steps and two steps, hugged the policeman’s thigh, and cried out, "Comrade policeman, you must call the shots for me! These rich people have black hearts. , I didn’t want to care about it when I hit my old man, and threatened us! You must give me the shot!"

The policeman was also shocked when he was hugged by his thigh. He quickly helped the old man up and asked with concern: "Are you okay? What are we going to say, what are you doing like this?"

He is a policeman, and he represents the image of the country. How decent it would be to let an old man hold his thigh!

The middle-aged man also added indignantly next to him: "You don't know, Comrade Police! My dad and I are both reasonable people. I didn't expect them to run into someone and not want to be responsible. They want to drive away! If it weren't for the narrow roads here, and my father has been blocking here, maybe he would have ran away now!

Moreover, they didn't get out of the car at the beginning and threatened us! "

When the police heard it, they immediately paid attention.

Ordinary traffic accidents are easy to handle, but if it involves hit-and-run, it is a matter of criminal responsibility.

You are reading story I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years! at novel35.com

Liu Yanran listened to them, then looked at the policeman, pointed in the direction of the car, and said, "I have a driving recorder in my car, and I have taken photos of everything passing by."

In a word, the old man and the middle-aged man who were still crying were taken aback for a moment, and then they were like ducks caught in their necks, and their voices stopped abruptly!

Suddenly panicked!

After the police heard it, they immediately began collecting evidence.

The driving recorder on the car had accurate time, and the camera captured it very clearly. How did the old man accidentally fall down, and then insisted that Liu Yanran hit him.

Even the appearance of the old man hitting the car by himself is clearly photographed.

The old man immediately refused to admit it after seeing it, cried with his nose and tears, trying to explain to himself, "Oh, comrade police, things are not what you think! Her car is driving, and the front part is a blind spot. , The driving recorder can't take pictures either!"

When the police heard this, this very old man knew a lot about dash cams, he was a veteran!

"You can see clearly that the driving recorder on a luxury car like this can also monitor the status of the entire car. You said that when you were hit, the car was stalled and the speed was 0km/h."

Everyone turned off, how did you get hit all the time?

I can only hit it by myself!

In the face of absolute evidence, the old man and his son could not say anything.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry, Comrade Police, I may be confused. Just now, I am too old to avoid being delirious. Let's go first. I'm sorry to trouble you."

After a word, the two were ready to go off, but then a voice came from a leisurely pace.

"Stop! I want to leave now? I just gave you the opportunity to not leave. Now, it's too late."

Ye Xuan walked out at this time and pointed to the phone and goldfish corpse on the ground and said, "Your business is over, mine is not over yet!"

Ye Xuan asked the police directly, "I ask them to compensate for the cost of my car damage, as well as the cost of smashing my mobile phone and the tricolor koi."

The police looked at the hood of the luxury car and found it unscathed. He thought about it and said: "I think your car is not damaged, but they broke the phone and goldfish. They should be compensated. Tell us about the cost."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Mobile phones are cheap, more than 10,000, and goldfish are not expensive, 1,600,000."

When the people present heard it, they were all stunned.

This big goldfish is worth 1.6 million?

It's pure gold, and it's not worth so much money!

The old man's son seemed to have stepped on a nail, jumped up and pointed directly at Ye Xuan's nose and cursed: "You are a fraud, I want to sue you!"

One million six hundred thousand goldfish, who are you lying to!

Even if there is such an expensive goldfish, how can it be held by a little boy?

That can't be confessed!

Ye Xuan was not in a hurry, and directly called the director of the auction, asking them to send an appraiser over to help appraise.

It was the first time that the police encountered this situation. They talked to Liu Yanran, "Are you the child's mother? How can a child hold such an expensive thing?"

Liu Yanran smiled leisurely, and the police watching was a little stunned, "No, I am the young master's secretary. That was just taken by the young master at the auction today."

The police slapped their tongues when they heard it.

My boy!

As an eight-year-old kid, did he go to the auction to buy things by himself?

He is thirty-eight, and he hasn't been to the auction scene yet!

People are really more dead than people!

The gap is too big!

Just when the police felt uncomfortable, the director of the fish show auction rushed over with someone.

Not only that, Zhang Tianxing, the president of the East China Sea Bank, and Ma Ke, the director of Huaxing Plaza, and a group of dignitaries also rushed over.

As soon as they heard that it was Ye Xuan's matter, they rushed over immediately.

The accelerator pedal on the road was stepped straight to the end, for fear of delaying Ye Xuan's time.

For a while, a long limousine was parked in this narrow road.

At the moment, whether it is the old man, the middle-aged man, the surrounding people, or the police, their eyes widened for an instant, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

What a special thing!

What kind of posture is it!

This is too cruel, right? !

These men in suits and leather shoes, sitting in luxury cars, can feel their extravagance just by looking at them!

Ye Xuan briefly talked about the matter. The director of the fish show auction looked at the two top-level Showa tricolor koi that were dead and couldn't die, and wailed for a while.

"This is a million top fish! It's the most rare male and female! To be run over to death by such an ignorant villain is really a violent thing!"

Suddenly someone among the surrounding people recognized a few people, and shouts of exclamation kept coming out.

"If I'm not mistaken, is that the President of Donghai Bank? I have seen him on TV!"

"The appraisal person, I have seen him! It is the vice president of the Ornamental Fish Association. I heard that their membership fee will cost hundreds of thousands a year. It's all on the news!"

After exclaiming, everyone looked at Ye Xuan subconsciously.

It seems that these big people with big heads and faces were all called by this little child on a phone call.

What kind of person is this kid, with such a big energy!

Think about the little goldfish that people play with, all worth 1.6 million...

Everyone was sour and even a little desperate.

To what extent do they have to fight for the local tyrants to be like this!

The supervisor of the fish show auction not only personally appraised it, but also took out the appraisal certificate of their auction. All the indications on it were issued by the national authority and have legal effect.

And there were so many decent people to prove that the old man and his son collapsed directly on the ground, speechless.

Who can think of it, they just touched a piece of porcelain on the street, and the kid in the car was carrying more than one million little goldfish!

Who can believe this probability!

Besides, if they are rich, can they come out to touch porcelain?

The old man's son cried out, knelt on the ground and apologized again and again, "I'm sorry, but this goldfish is really too expensive, we can't afford it!"

Not to mention it is a goldfish, even the more than 10,000 mobile phones are not the money he can get out.

Ye Xuan looked at an old and middle-aged man crying without expression, and said disdainfully: "What do you mean, you can't afford to pay?"

The old man and his son looked at each other and nodded vigorously.

It's not that they can't compensate, they can't at all.

Ye Xuan looked directly at the policeman on the side and said, "Since this is the case, please take them away! They deliberately destroyed the citizens' property and refused to compensate, so they should be sentenced directly, or else blame the society for harming society."

The old man and middle-aged man had no chance to refute, so he was taken to the car by the police and left in the police car.

Ye Xuan thanked the main channel of the fish show, and the supervisor waved his hand again and again and said, "You must be very welcome. It is our honor to be able to help you a little bit."

Then the supervisor looked at the fish on the ground, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, although it is not his, it hurts. He also said, "Ye Dong, you fish, how about I give you a few? Although they are not comparable to these two, they are of high quality."

Ye Xuan waved his hand, and then bid farewell to everyone.

Use the key to open the door of the villa.

"Huh? Not an old sister at home?"

After Ye Xuan came in, he looked at a note left on the table.

Ye Xuangang picked up the note.

[Congratulations to the host for the opportunity to sign in, please complete the sign in. 】


Can I sign in even if I touch the letter written by my sister?

Sign in!

Then, a golden light curtain appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

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