I, a Schizoid, and my story

Chapter 2: 02 – I just got reincarnated and I’m already in trouble?

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"You have woken, huh. Wait in there and don't do anything, we're currently discussing what to do with you."


Such a sweet voice.


As I checked my body, I noticed. I'm a woman now, 4 feet tall but, aren't I fine? The chest is just small though. But, why is it that I don't care? I feel nothing about it. Aren't I supposed to be frustrated about this?

So I lost even my pride as a man, huh?

I guess I'm not going to be able to use it anymore.

Let's see… is there some kind of status in this world? There usually is with these kinds of tropes, there are skills so there should be statuses too. If there is, that's going to be helpful. If there's none, then that's fine too.

"Status… open status… stats… Menu… Status open, oh, There it is."

Let's see…

:Name: [Not set]

:Race: Celestial Vampire

:Gender: Female










Total stats:455(+50%)



Self status, Appraisal, Skill Manipulation, Stealth 1, Magic Manipulation 1, Magic Creation 1,
Blood Manipulation 1(Blood Magic 1, Blood Appraisal, Blood Stream, Healing Blood),
Full enhancement 1(Magic UP, Mana Capacity UP, AGI UP, STR UP, DEX UP, INT UP, LUK UP, VIT UP, Body Enhancement, Blood Enhancement, Thought Enhancement, Additional Healing)


Magic control 1,  Fire magic 1, Wind magic 1, Ground magic 1, Water magic 1, Sun magic 1, Light magic 1, Dark magic 1, Space magic 1, Time magic 1, Mind magic 1, Life Magic 1, Twin dagger mastery, Eternal youth, Perfect agility, Full resistance 1(Inferno, Fire, Storm, Wind, Ocean, Water, Earth, Ground, Sun, Holy, Light, Shadow, Dark, Void, Space, Time, Mind, Illusion, Demon Energy, Demon Magic, Blunt attack, Slice, Stab, Pierce/Penetration)


[The last Celestial Vampire]⟩The will of all Celestial Vampires has been entrusted to you :Will: To end all those that have betrayed the Celestial Vampires:⟩Additional Skill: Healing Blood

[True Ancestor]⟩An increase of 50% to stats, additional 1% every 10 years

[Exhibitionist]⟩Increases favoritism from the opposite gender, more effective when the user is naked up to some extent

Exhibitionist? What did I do to get such a title? And I thought she's going to give me over 100 skills? Ahh, can't be helped.

But hey, aren't I op? Even with fewer skills, I can at least upgrade them. It says 1 so I am guessing it goes up.



Self status, Appraisal, Skill Manipulation, Stealth 10, Magic Manipulation 10, Magic Creation 10,

Full enhancement 10(Magic UP, Mana Capacity UP, AGI UP, STR UP, DEX UP, INT UP, LUK UP, VIT UP, Body Enhancement, Blood Enhancement, Thought Enhancement, Additional Healing),

Blood Manipulation 10(Blood Magic 10, Blood Appraisal, Blood Stream, Healing Blood).


Magic control 10,  Fire magic 10, Wind magic 10, Ground magic 10, Water magic 10, Sun magic 10, Light magic 10, Dark magic 10, Space magic 10, Time magic 10, Mind magic 10, Life Magic 10, Twin dagger mastery, Eternal youth, Perfect agility, Full resistance 10(Inferno, Fire, Storm, Wind, Ocean, Water, Earth, Ground, Sun, Holy, Light, Shadow, Dark, Void, Space, Time, Mind, Illusion, Demon Energy, Demon Magic, Blunt attack, Slice, Stab, Pierce/Penetration)

It won't get up anymore so I am guessing that is as high as it gets. Still… all I did was think of it and the numbers went up on their own. Is this supposed to be this natural? I don't understand, I'll leave that for when I understand this world better.

Now, what should I do? I can escape from here but, I still want to know what I did to deserve to be here. I'll just sleep then.

Roughly 30 minutes later.

"Hey, you, get up, you're going to have an audience with the King."

The king? Am I in the castle's prison? I know that my location is going to be random but, aren't I unlucky?


The guard unlocks my cuffs and puts on some new ones so that I can get out.

Should I escape? I don't think I should, it's the king, after all. Don't want to get into any more trouble than this.

We've arrived in the King's Hall, there are a lot of people. Are they nobles?


I guess that's a given. Me, a prisoner, get an audience with the King and am still naked. You could've at least given me some clothes, you know? Not that I'm embarrassed but, to keep my public image good.

Appraisal. I felt a sudden click in my brain and got injected with information about the nobles and soldiers here. The nobles' total average level was 17, the lowest at 13 highest at 26. Soldiers' total average level is 25, the lowest is 23 highest is 28.

So levels are a thing, huh? I thought it only applies to skills… how come I don't have it then? Am I supposed to be special since I am not from this world or something? Too little information

"We're now going to judge this woman that suddenly appeared in the first prince, Jerome's 18th birthday party. State your name, woman."

Name: Loire Cro


Age: 48

Level: 5

(Note unworthy stats.)

Skills: Diplomacy 7, Thought Enhancement 4, Eyes of Truth(Unique Skill that can detect lies depending on the users' level and the target's level and strength.)

Titles: [1st Prime Minister of Alphore of the 18th Generation]⟩Grants a great authority in the Kingdom of Alphore, [Never deceived eyes]⟩Grants the Unique Skill: Eyes of Truth

No wonder he's the 1st Prime Minister of his generation, he's great when it comes to diplomacy. Level-wise at least. That said though, I think I look like how a child would so isn't holding a trial way too unreasonable? What did I even do? No, I haven't done anything so I should not be asking that.

The knight I'm with, forced me to kneel.

That's rude, don't you think? But name, huh? I guess I won't need the name "Kyle" anymore now that I'm in a different world, and now a female. Hmmm… Let's go with… Celeste, as for the surname… Crourem. Meaning, Celestial Blood. I'll switch o and u to sound different.

Pretty cool-sounding name, if I do say myself.

"Um… I'm Celeste Crourem...Uhh, may I ask why I'm being given a trial?"

Wait, I can understand the language, and even task it? Another gift, perhaps?

The PM shook his head twice when the King glanced at him.

They must have tried to detect if I'm lying or not, which I assume to have failed. Baseless assumption but a wishful thought.

"Celeste Crourem, is it? The one in question can't ask questions unless given permission, which is unlikely."

"That is unreasonable, don't you think?"

Not really, it's half reasonable. Even back on Earth, you're not allowed to talk if the Judge didn't give you permission, but here they don't seem to give the defendant any right to talk as he has said himself. Sooner or later, greedy nobles will corrupt this country, or maybe it's already corrupted that's why the trial is like this?

"This is the last warning, quietly listen as we judge you!"

This is troublesome. Should I scare them to answer me? Let's do just that, I have too much to think about right now so please give me some slack.

As I thought of that I broke the cuffs purely with strength and created a plain white dress for myself, it cost quite a lot of magic power since I don't have the materials.


Hmm, I just used magic as if it was another limb. It felt too natural. Could it be because of all the fantasy novels I've read? No, that can't be it… I'll think about it when I have some actual references and learn a little more about magic… I've been assuming things now but, is it called magic in this world?

"Guards! Cease her at once!" The Prime minister ordered.

Let's see if the same applies to blood magic…

I bound the guards with :Blood magic:Crimson Bind:

That too, that felt so natural as if I've been using it my whole life.


"Can you please answer my question please?" I asked

"You! Stop thi- Forgive me, my King." The king waved his hand to stop the PM.

"You seek answers, am I right? I'll answer you so free my men for now."

You are reading story I, a Schizoid, and my story at novel35.com

Finally, someone reasonable, and someone I can talk to. Is what I think, at least. I'm grateful though, any prisoners would have been beheaded right then and there had they acted the same way as I.


After I freed the guards the King ordered them to go back to their positions and stand by.

"My gratitude. Normally you would have been executed that instant, but due to the lack of information about you and how you appeared out of nowhere, I'll be merciful this once," the King stated.

See now? That said…

"My first questions. Why am I here? Why do I have to go through a trial? Who are you?"

The king had a mixed expression of relief, confusion, and disappointment(What does it look like? Such expression...). I guess he's disappointed in his soldier that can't do anything against a little girl. Well, they don't know I'm a vampire so I'm guessing that's a given.

"Forgive my rudeness, I'm the king of this Kingdom, the Kingdom of Alphore. My name is Riel Alphore of the 7th generation. You're being judged due to you suddenly appearing out of thin air, and falling on top of the first prince. It is his birthday party so out of caution, I have ordered for you to be imprisoned, and decided that we will determine what to do with you after the party. We have to keep up our guard against assassins and similarities, you see."

Identity can't be appraised. Cause: Identity concealing item: S+ grade.

I can't appraise him? I guess that's a given, considering that he's such a huge figure of this Kingdom. There's also the possibility that he's just a double but still given the Concealment Item to be more convincing that he's the king.

But my location is an unlucky pull, eh?

"So, out of caution, you labeled me as an assassin? I'm pretty sure I'm in a bad condition at that time, and you still labeled me as dangerous? Well, I am dangerous if you're my enemy. Now, are you?" Confidence to assert that you are capable. That was one of the teachings in the drama club that I was once part of.

I definitely must have quite the bad condition since all that power suddenly entered this body. Even I know that suddenly being poured with something would be dangerous.

I invoked all attributes that I could as balls and formed a circle above me as I stretch my arms upward to intimidate them.

*Panick, clamor*

The King looked like he was not bothered at all while everyone in the vicinity is moving away from me.

"Cease that at once, or I'll be forced to order my best man to eliminate you. Right now our relationship is neutral, nothing more, nothing less. Even if you have such an abnormal amount of mana, I've got an army here."

Neutral, huh? That works for me.

"I see. Forgive me for that but, are you threatening me?"

I may be pushing my luck here but I still added more magic power to the attribute balls to increase the size and firepower.


"I am not, however, any more than that and we're going to have to stop you."

Fine, as long as I'm not going to get troubled because of the politics of this world.

I sucked all the magic back to stop it.

"With that, can I leave now? I don't have any business with you in the first place, forgive me for trampling over the Prince, I hold no hostilities whatsoever."

"You still can't, we have to discuss things such as your identity. Who on earth are you?"

Didn't I already introduce myself? This is quite annoying. Wait, annoying? So I can still get annoyed and getting annoyed leads to anger and anger is the feeling of wanting to hurt someone but, I don't think I feel that way right now. I'll have to do a lot of things if I want to regain my emotions.

"As I said, I'm Celeste Crourem. Is my name insufficient?"

"It is as you say. Give us, for example, where you are from, and what your race is. Humans certainly don't have slightly pointed ears."

So he noticed, huh? Should I say it? I'm the last of my race, you know? I'll just say that I'm only a Vampire.

"I'm a vampire, I won't tell you of my origins. That is mo-"

"A vampire? Only a celestial vampire can survive in this much sunlight, and they're already extinct. So cut to the chase and answer honestly."

(The room has a lot of windows.)

Is that so? Then I guess it can't be helped. This has somehow become troublesome, I want to start finding ways to regain my emotions already.

"Then why don't you use appraisal on me, but I'll conceal my stats, skills, and titles."

Some of those titles are troublesome, after all.

"Appraisal? Are you really fine with that? It's taboo to appraise a person, did you not know?"

Taboo? I've been appraising all of you here though? I probably shouldn't say that then.

"Yes, I'm fine with it."

"Well then, Arthur come here!"

"Yes, my King."

He's quite the strong-looking and intimidating man.

"This is Arthur, the strongest in this Kingdom, soon, the whole continent."

Now that's quite ambitious.

Same as the King, I can't appraise him because of a concealment item, now it's an S+ grade.

"You flatter me, my King."

"Now, appraise her."

"Understood." He said and gave me a quick side glance with his slitted eyes.

Hmm? So this is what it feels like to be appraised, this is sort of uncomfortable, do they not notice it?

"Name: Celeste Crourem, LVL: none? Race: …"


"What's wrong, Arthur? What's her race?"

"My King, I suggest that we talk about this in private."

"Is that so? If you think so then I suppose she is a problematic one?"

"Yes, my King."

This is getting more and more troublesome, I don't want anything to do with the Royal Family.

"Well then, shall we move to another room?"

"Don't want to, you guys can talk about that on your own, I'm leaving."

"We still ha-"

"Let her be."

"But, my King, we still don't know if she's safe to us, to the Kingdom!"

"What did I say?" The king glared at the prime minister.

"Agh, u-understood, my King."

"I'll get going then."

I got out of the room as I said those words.

*King Riel's POV*

We relocated after she left. Now then, what is it that Arthur is so scared of revealing to the public? It's her race but, I believe that she's just another "wannabe."

"Well then, what is she, Arthur?"

"Yes, my King. I'll get straightforward, we can't deal with her in terms of strength. Similar to those guys, but slightly weaker."

For those words to come from someone who's already a cut above all. Just what is she?

"And why is that?"

"She, my King, is a Celestial Vampire, the last of them, I believe she has lived for more than thousands of years."

"A celestial Vampire? They're supposed to be extinct 500 years ago, am I wrong?"

"Yes, they're supposed to be but,..."

"But? Continue, Arthur. I hate beating around the bush."

"Yes. I saw a glimpse of her title, my King. These 2; [True Ancestor] and [The last Celestial Vampire]. Likely the princess, so I suggest we befriend her, for the Kingdom's sake. No, for the world's peace."

"If Arthur thinks so then so be it. Deploy our best scout, observe her from the shadows, don't do anything else, that's an order."

"Understood! Please excuse me!"

For the world's peace, huh? What on earth did we just poke, a bees' nest? No, we just got ourselves involved with Despair's Incarnate. Life ahead is going to be a troublesome one if this goes the wrong way.

*Celeste's POV*

At the King's room with Stealth on.

Hmph, it was a good idea to show them my titles. With that, the King will be more cautious of me, and won't do anything but watch. I'll have to find a way to shake off that scout though. I don't want them spying on me while I'm looking for a way to regain my emotions.

Let's get out of here for real then.

I followed a maid and managed to leave the Palace's premises after a few minutes.


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