I, a Schizoid, and my story

Chapter 28: 28 – Arrival

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Lory's POV

I am Lory. A forest elf and is the first wife of the Moon Elf, Edward. He is also the current Village Head.

Right now I am in a small predicament. My common sense is crumbling by the day.

I am currently traveling back home along with a girl named Celeste Crourem.

She is a vampire, a day-walker at that. Such vampires were never heard of after the great war 500 years ago. There is no vampire that could walk under the influence and light of the Great God of Sun, Radiare. That is what I was taught, and I grew with that common knowledge, but that very common sense is currently getting grounded into dust right in front of me.

She even thinks of the sun as a source of nutrients!

"Vitamin D. The sun radiates UV rays that help the body make this nutrient. For its purposes, pretty simple, it is important for your bones, blood cells, and immune system. So if you ever see someone so weak, always seems fatigued, and frequently suffers from muscle aches, bone pains, or sudden mood changes, like depression. Then you should tell them to bathe in the morning sun more often. Plus, its warmth feels good," Is what she said when I asked her! A vampire feeling good from the sunlight? Now that is definitely unheard of!All googled btw :3

Somehow, out of the blue, I was taught a sudden medical breakthrough! We always thought of it as the Sun God's blessings, but to think that there is such depth to it. This is exactly what my husband suffers from! Probably because he always stays inside his room doing nothing but magic research. I thought it was fine as long as he still embraces me and gives me love. But to think that this was such a serious issue! Once I am back I will have him do the same things this vampire does!

What is she doing? She is simply running with the carriage as weights while the horses follow behind and rest. As if! That would make average people faint! Actually, no! I bet they can't even do the same!

Though I understand that she is a vampire, she is doing it for four hours early in the morning. She bathes in the sun as she does this halfway through, too! Weren't vampires suppose to be magic-based creatures that are born from thick miasma and mana? Weren't they suppose to be weak without their magic and physical enhancement techniques using magic, similar to succubuses? Well, not anymore! This girl just proved so!

Siighh… it's tough to try to conceive what she is thinking. Whenever I asked a question she always answers with a detailed explanation. She is like a noble's child that was home tutored. Innocent and curious. I wasn't the only one who asked questions, she did too. She mostly asked about the common sense of the world. Plus, she's so adorable whenever she sleeps! She is usually awake and expressionless but whenever she sleeps, her charms just skyrockets! As if she isn't already plenty adorable and this adds in!

I was a fool for being on guard around her just because she asked me to hand rewards. Of course, there should be a reward, she saved me! Truly a fool I am. I am currently reflecting on that and am trying to close the distance between us that I myself have widened. It isn't going well as she seems to have trouble trusting. I fully understand that, that is why I am reflecting!

But why, why, why…

"That doesn't mean I trust you now though," For the love of the Gods, WHY did I say that?!

After that, I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I am reflecting, alright…

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