I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 36: Chapter 19 (part 1)

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Tragically, Ning Wan soon understood the meaning of the proverb: "Good things take time, but bad things happen immediately". She had been enjoying being a wallflower when Shi Wu finished circulating amongst her guests and circled back around to her.

"Oh, I've forgotten to tell everyone that Ning Wan is here tonight." Her affected voice drew the eyes of the whole audience to the corner Ning Wan was standing in. Pretending to be gentle, she went on, "Ning Wan's so busy nowadays that she hasn't been able to meet up with us for quite some time. But today my boyfriend and I went over to pick her up from her neighbourhood."

As she spoke, Shi Wu seemed to once again regard Ning Wan fondly, like a little sister she hoped would do well. "Ning Wan, I know you have some trauma about this. I mean, you were always top of our class in high school, yet you basically flunked the college entrance examination, and had to go to an ordinary school in the end. Of course that would affect your job applications, but we, as human beings, need to learn to look to the future. Why live in the past? School and society are different, and you have to learn to accept that."

Shi Wu paused, then continued as if with a heavy heart: "I know you've been avoiding our class reunions because you feel uncomfortable seeing others in our year having successful careers, while you've been marginalized by the your firm and 'exiled' out to work in a neighbourhood. You must have thought that we would all look down on you. I understand. But we're all classmates. We would never laugh at you? If you have any difficulties, please tell us. Of our old classmates, many of us now have a little reputation, and perhaps we could solve some of your problems."

Shi Wu's family was quite wealthy and well-connected within Rong City. She was well-known as having been the leader of a group of bullies in highschool. The classmates present at the party looked at each other for a few minutes, but in the end they all knew their place in society. Whether for profit or money, a great many of them crowded around her. They were there at the birthday party because they wanted something from her, so a good many of them kept silent in the face of these rather obviously backhanded compliments, and a few even chimed in--

"Why not give it a try, Ning Wan? Shi Wu is very enthusiastic. When my dad had to be hospitalized for a heart attack, we couldn't find a bed in a hospital quick enough and Shi Wu pulled some strings to solve the problem. What difficulties are you having? She might help you, too."

"Yeah, for real. When I bought a house, I was short 100,000 yuan, and she lent it to me..."

As Ning Wan had expected, the students present crowded around to chatter, turning the birthday party into a large-scale flattery scene for Shi Wu. Everyone knew, of course, that she and Shi Wu had not gotten along in high school, but if they didn't have a bottom line, they didn't mind playing along with Shi Wu's wishes to taunt her sarcastically with sharp-edged words.

Meanwhile, Shi Wu intensified her efforts. She caught the eye of a young woman standing silently in another corner. "Song Linxia, come persuade Ning Wan a little, too."

Song Linxia was a very ordinary-looking girl. When she stood amongst the crowd, she had little sense of existence, and she disliked being the center of attention. At Shi Wu's words, all eyes fell on her.

Getting a little impatient, Shi Wu urged, "Well, go on! Say something!"

Song Linxia glanced over at Ning Wan in panic and embarrassment. Finally, she lowered her eyes, pursed her lips and shook her head timidly.

But Shi Wu wasn't going to let her go so easily. "Are you mute? You must say something. Weren't you particularly close to Ning Wan in high school? Then you should help me persuade her."

This was just like high school all over again. Ning Wan finally could no longer stand it. "Alright, alright, I'm the one in the wrong. I've got a trauma. I can't bear seeing you so successful, Shi Wu, so I never come to your parties. It makes me uncomfortable to be the odd one out because I'm so ordinary. We no longer run in the same circles, so there isn't a need to force ourselves. We're not in the same class, so I hope you'll no longer invite me to your parties in the future."

When she finished speaking, Song Linxia raised her head and gave Ning Wan a grateful and apologetic look. She seemed to want to say something, but Ning Wan shook her head very slightly.

Now that Ning Wan, who had always been proud and stubborn, had finally lowered her head, Shi Wu finally seemed satisfied. She no longer approached, but instead laughed and floated around the crowd with her boyfriend Yang Pei and a glass of wine. The party was once again in harmony.

Fu Zheng had never before had a front-row seat to such a fierce and bloodless fight between women. It was his very first time attending a swordfight disguised as a party, quite amazing in it's own way. However, despite having been ridiculed and trampled in public, the face of the woman next to him was very calm.

That came as quite a surprise to Fu Zheng. Ning Wan, who had always struck him as a fierce and violent woman, lying down to be mocked by her 'powerful' old classmate? Keeping the peace with a bully?

For a short while, he regretted having worked so hard to help her keep up appearances. It seemed that he had meddled with something that was none of his business, when the victim herself had had no intention of growing a spine all along.

Ning Wan didn't seem to be angry at all even after the preceding drama. She ate a good many oysters, drank a great deal of freshly squeezed fruit juice, and finally made her excuses to Fu Zheng before heading to the toilet.

Although the venue of the birthday party was acceptable, Fu Zheng found the food to be of mediocre quality and the conduct of everyone around was simply eye-opening. Without Ning Wan there, he was too lazy to mingle, and instead took out his phone...

Just as he unlocked it, someone else came along.

Fu Zheng looked up to find the leading lady of the banquet before him. Her boyfriend, Yang Pei, was currently absent. She smiled at him with lips covered in a gorgeous and expensive lipstick. "It's good to meet you, Lawyer Fu. I hadn't expected you to have come back after working at Weil & Tords. What an admirable company! You're just too professional, the amount of knowledge you displayed in the car made me embarrassed to call myself a lawyer."

Her words were polite, but the smile she was giving him was unmistakable.

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Fu Zheng pursed his lips. Simply incredible. He didn't expect Shi Wu, who was here with her boyfriend, to 'eat what's in the bowl and covet what's in the pot'. And not only that, but to even be shameless enough to flirt with another woman's partner.

Seeing that he was unresponsive, Shi Wu coughed and added, "Actually, there were a few things I wanted to tell you. It's about Ning Wan." She lowered her voice. "Ning Wan's home life isn't too good. I've heard that her family is deeply in debt. In the past, there were even debt collectors coming to the school, so... I feel you should know these things, since you're together. I'm sure she wouldn't have told you about them, but I think you have the right to know the truth. If you have any questions, we could swap contact information so we can continue to speak in private..."

"No need," Fu Zheng interrupted coldly, compressing his lips. "I'm aware of Ning Wan's family situation. If I had questions, I would ask her. As for the question of consultation, I am very busy and and my time is expensive. There are a good number of people who want my contact information, and I'm not cheap enough to add just anyone."

Shi Wu's face changed upon hearing such impolite words. Seeing that Fu Zheng would not change his mind, she could only leave, embarrassed.

She was obviously unwilling to step away, and when she did, she pinned him with a glare and whispered in contempt, "What's so great about coming back from the United States? You can't even afford a car. If it hadn't been for my boyfriend picking you up, you would have walked!"

Perhaps as far as family background went Ning Wan might not be a good match for him, but this Shi Wu was even worse. If she couldn't eat grapes, she would call them sourAesop's fables, the . Anything she couldn't have was slandered.

It was fortunate that Fu Zheng didn't care too much about what Shi Wu thought of him. The only thing that surprised him was that although he had known that Ning Wan's family was not rich, he hadn't expected it to be as bad as that. She had probably had to work in high school in order to pay off her family debts. When he thought of debt collectors coming to her school... the smile she put on could not have been easy to attain.

After having finally gotten rid of Shi Wu, Fu Zheng found himself faced with a different guest--

"He- Hello."

Fu Zheng looked up to see the woman named Song Linxia standing before him.

He was a bit surprised, but returned a concise, "Hello."

"Are you... are you Ning Wan's boyfriend?" This Song Linxia seemed to be a very awkward sort. She was obviously talking to Fu Zheng, but she didn't even have the courage to meet his eyes. As if afraid he would be angry, she immediately clarified, "I heard Shi Wu say that you're Ning Wan's boyfriend."


Though faced with Fu Zheng's cold indifference. Song Linxia didn't seem to be dissuaded. She took a deep breath and seemed to gather up her courage. "I'm sorry I didn't speak up for Ning Wan just now."

"You should tell her this in person."

Although Fu Zheng's tone remained polite and detached, he was inwardly impatient. He had no interest in participating in these girls' little catfight.

Song Linxia seemed a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I... I haven't ever been brave since since high school. I'm very ordinary and I'm always scared of things. Maybe that's why everyone hated me. Shi Wu used to bully me. Everyone was scared of her back then. She had someone beat me up. Everyone else turned a blind eye except Ning Wan. She stood up for me, and even got revenge for me. That was partly why she didn't do well in the college entrance examination. During the final review, Shi Wu harassed her all day long... Ning Wan wouldn't ever have been targeted by them if not for me. If she had just turned a blind eye like everyone else, Shi Wu would never have troubled her, only me. She protected me, but I, the person she protected, was too timid to say a word in her defense... "

Song Linxia ducked her head even lower, and her voice trembled with self-loathing. "I thought it would be better once I grew up, but even after so many years, I'm still a useless human being. I... I'm just average at my job, and now I work in the company Shi Wu's uncle owns. I daren't offend her. Ning Wan was just ridiculed in public, and I still have no courage to stand up for her, like in the past."

"I'm not worthy to apologize to Ning Wan. She bowed her head to Shi Wu to help me out just now." Song Linxia's voice was choked. "And I know I'm not qualified to say this, but Ning Wan is really a very, very good person, so good I don't even deserve to be her friend, so please... please treat her well and love her well. I really hope she can be happy. Please believe that she is a very good and honest person who takes everything seriously. She might not be as rich as Shi Wu, or as well-connected as Shi Wu, but she really is..."

The more she spoke, the more incoherent Song Linxia became. "I just saw Shi Wu come and talk to you. She must have told you bad things about Ning Wan, but I hope that you won't listen to her slander and won't fall for her, she..."

She never finished, because Ning Wan was coming back toward Fu Zheng from the corner of the venue. Afraid of facing her, Song Linxia looked at Fu Zheng's eyes one last time, hasty and imploring, then hurried quickly away with her head down.


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