I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 9: Chapter 6 (part 2)

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Ning Wan was very taken by the news of the new senior partner. "Xiao Li, could you inquire into what sorts of subordinates this new partner prefers? Anything I can do to butter him up in advance? "

"I haven't heard too much else," Shao Lili said, shaking her head. "It sounds like he officially starts in three months, but I took advantage of Partner Gao being tipsy and asked him for the new partner's email so I could give it to you. If you manage to get transferred to his team, you won't have to linger on here in this community!"

As she said this, she couldn't help but add, "Actually, wasn't Partner Jin trying to recruit you into his team? He takes commercial cases as well, and has quite a lot of clout. Why did you refuse him? I hear that last year he gave his team New Year's red envelopes of 300,000 yuanAbout 45,000USD, this rich bastard..."

Ning Wan deliberately ignored the second half of her friend's words, and laughed to end the topic.

She knew that Shao Lili was going out of her way for her. Famous schools lined up one after the other at Zhengyuan Law Firm. Due to their sub-par educational background, the two of them were relegated to the sidelines. Their other colleagues cliqued together with their alumni, like lofty pedigree cats that automatically found their own kind, leaving the two of them wandering around outdoors, unwanted local breeds. She was immensely grateful to know that Shao Lili had thought of her despite her own troubles.

Feeling as though she had to live up to Shao Lili's kindness, she began to brainstorm an impressive self-introduction as soon as the other woman left.

But she couldn't think of anything.

"Fu Zheng, if you were a boss, what kind of subordinate would you want?"

Fu Zheng didn't even bother looking up at her. "Give up. You're not suited."

"Don't let your own emotions leak out, alright?" Ning Wan said, cross. "You're brand new, how would you know what the boss thinks, anyway? I think I'm pretty good myself. I'm capable at my job, professional, flexible, and I have presence of mind during a crisis. Aren't all these qualities of a successful lawyer?"

"Do you have any experience in the commercial field?" Fu Zheng asked, glancing at her. 

When reminded of this fact, Ning Wan felt a little frustrated as well. "No."

Since having gone to a second-rate law school meant that one was sidelined at headquarters, she had had no access to their core business. Her commercial law theory was actually quite good, so she was confident that she could handle any legal disputes that came her way, but every time a team member was chosen and her resume sent in, there was radio silence...

At the start, she could still cheer herself up by telling herself: What do bosses look at when choosing from new law students? Why, school background, of course! Compared to someone who had gone to a second-rate law school and had no experience, of course, everyone would choose the one from a famous school! Anyway, good things came to those who wait. First, she would work hard to gain a few years of experience, and that should make up for not having come from a prestigious school.

Zhengyuan Law Firm recruited a group of fresh graduates every year, and they all entered a talent pool—— at the beginning.

They spent six months to two years in this talent pool. During this period, any vacancy in a partner's team would be filled from the talent pool. Once selected, you belonged to a fixed team, but otherwise you would stay in the talent pool, running errands for any other lawyer in Zhengyuan Law Firm, in a role somewhat similar to that of an assistant lawyer. One did everything, had no specialization, and was temporarily assigned to any team or case short of people.

Ning Wan stayed in the talent pool for two years, handing out her resume to every partner, but she was never selected. Each refusal was very tactful - she had insufficient work experience in the field related to that team.

But how could she get it? The talent pool did not allow for access to major cases, thus there was no way for one to obtain a beautiful resume. It was a vicious cycle.

That said, it wasn't that there was no partner at all willing to take Ning Wan in. As Shao Lili had mentioned, Partner Jin had sent her a few invitations, but...

To cut a long story short, Ning Wan had offended Partner Jin.

Right around that time, Zhengyuan Law Firm and Yuelan Neighbourhood had signed an agreement to take on a resident community lawyer to provide legal counsel. There was no money in community legal work, so although it was supposed to be staffed in rotation, no one in the office was willing to go there voluntarily. Headquarters named two other lawyers to switch out with her, but since she had offended a higher-up, all the true work of the Cold Palace fell upon unfavoured concubine Ning Wan's shoulders. This had effectively "exiled" her to the community, and since then nearly two years had come and gone.....

Community lawyers naturally didn't work full-time, and neither did they need to stay all week. Most other lawyers went to the office only once in a while, to make sure the community still knew they were there. Ning Wan was free to pick up normal cases in her spare time. However, she had no connections, no mentor. Wherever would she get cases from? The little cases that she got from the community added up to be just enough for her to put food in her mouth. And just like this, she had now been stationed here in the community for a long time.

She couldn't go on like this forever!

She thought about it. Fu Zheng's words were blunt, but true. She really did have no experience in the commercial field. She would have to find a different way to draw the new senior partner's attention.

Aside from competence, surely a boss must attach great importance to a member of a team being a good team player and having excellent communication skills?

Ning Wan bit her lip. She felt that she would have to emphasize the shining points of her conduct. After all, if a team member had only ability but no professional ethics nor the right disposition, wouldn't that also be a disaster?

Having pondered the problem for half a day, she finally finished her self-recommendation letter--

In it, she introduced a few cases she had handled and emphasized her rich experience in grass-roots work. Afterward, she listed off her many advantages: being sincere and enthusiastic, being a proactive worker, able to stay calm in a crisis, a spirit of cooperation, able to learn from her qualified colleagues, caring for new people, friendliness, respect for her teachers, being kind to others, being cheerful and open-minded, having strong communication skills, being good at negotiation, being principled...

Although the letter actually ended up being fairly short, Ning Wan considered it for a long time before clicking the Send button.

In a tense, expectant mood, she didn't notice that almost as soon as her email was sent, a notification rang out from Fu Zheng's phone.

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Fu Zheng clicked on the e-mail. There were many people who wrote to recommend themselves to him, writing a whole lot of nonsense, packaging themselves up into a gorgeous gift box using beautiful words and a respectful tone. He never read them. To his mind, anyone with real ability would have no need of recommending themselves. It was like a woman being pregnant - eventually, the fact would come to light. He had no interest in any kind of self-recommendation letter.

However, he made an exception for Ning Wan's email today, wanting to see what she would write. The more he looked at it, the more he wanted to burst into furious laughter.

Caring for new people?

Fu Zheng looked down at his crumbling, cheap plastic stool. Twenty yuan worth of caring for new people right there.

Spirit of collaboration?

When he had been unable to hold down the chicken being castrated, what had she been doing? She had laughed and taken out her phone to take a commemorative photo of himself! She said it would be a souvenir!

Respect for teachers?

True enough, she had demanded that he serve her tea and refer to her as 'Teacher'.

Strong language communication skills?

Quite strong indeed. She had told him not to use the word 'chicken' because it was uncivilized. Not to mention she could lecture on for ages.


Her only principle was a double standard! To call himself a young master with a temper, and a senior partner an aristocrat.


Well, that one was actually true. To be able to come up with the idea of castrating a chicken...


Ning Wan was unaware of Fu Zheng's many thoughts. She was still immersed in her own expectations. After a minute, however, she said in an annoyed tone, "I should have sent a photo with my resume!"

Fu Zheng, whose head had been buried in his phone, finally looked up. Ning Wan heard him ridicule, "You wouldn't be chosen even if you sent a Powerpoint."

Ning Wan turned to look at him. "Shush, you chick. Do you think a senior partner thinks the same way as you?"

She pushed down the urge to swear 'you know nothing' at him.

"Your specializations don't match his," Fu Zheng said calmly. "And you have no experience in commercial fields. He won't choose you."

She didn't buy it. "How do you know that?" Then added, "Most of the time, the boss chooses their subordinates based on a first impression. I should have put in a photo even if my specializations are irrelevant. What if the senior partner thought I was beautiful and clever and placed me in the team just to bring up the average? Maybe I'm his type? "

Fu Zheng gave her a long, unreadable look. Then he corrected very seriously, "No, you're not his type."

Ning Wan could no longer help herself. She stared at Fu Zheng in contempt and finally uttered the words she had previously smothered. "You know nothingJon Snow!!"



The author has something to say:

Fu Zheng: Today you're indifferent to me, tomorrow you'll regret it.

Ning Wan: Hahahahaha, is your brain broken?


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