I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chương 140: Chapter 61 (part 3)

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The question seemed to greatly depress Xia Junyi. "I regretted it the moment I did it. I don't know what madness came over me. Tao Xing and I were childhood friends, and we had been together for ten years by the time we got married. Then all of a sudden, she started saying that she didn't love me, she didn't want to have children with me, she wanted a divorce, and the only one she needed by her side in the future was the dog. I begged her again and again, but she heartlessly ignored me and turned her back on me. The only thing she cared about was the dog. She moved out of our perfectly good villa and into this little apartment we bought ages ago. Now she lives with the dog and treats him better than herself!"

"So you took it out on the dog?"

"Yes. I'm embarrassed to admit it. I think she loves him more than me, and it makes my heart quite unbalanced. I can't figure out how in the world she suddenly became like this. I started thinking that maybe having a dog had divided her time and energy so she didn't want to have kids. That day, I had come to beg her not to divorce me and got rejected. I was very agitated, and just then her neighbour came along and chased after the dog, and the thought came into my head..."

Hearing Xia Junyi say all this, Ning Wan began to understand. "Did you think that if you dealt with the dog without anyone ever finding out, that Tao Xing would change her mind?"

"I kept thinking that if there was just some small change, I might have a chance. If Duoduo wasn't there, she would definitely need someone to be with her. When she's feeling vulnerable, I could enter into that crack and perhaps we could make up. If the dog was gone, perhaps she might find that even without the dog, there was still me there to accompany her. "

"I regretted it so much after doing it," Xia Junyi sighed. "What did Duoduo ever do? I love Tao Xing so much that I would gladly sacrifice myself for her, what kind of evil, malicious person am I to have done such a terrible thing to the dog? I've been hating myself these last few days. Maybe the reason Tao Xing wants to divorce me and says that she doesn't love me anymore is because I'm just not a good person by nature. It serves me right."

As he spoke, he looked like he was about to cry. "Forget it, that's just how people's hearts are. Feelings have a shelf life. Maybe there's just really no reason. She just doesn't love me anymore, and I just have to learn to let go. I've always imagined what our children would look like, but now she wants a divorce and doesn't want to have any with me, so if I really love her, I must learn to let her go..."

When a person is extremely depressed and emotionally agitated, they sometimes lose control and do or say things they couldn't believe they did afterward. Xia Junyi might usually be a gentle and warm man, but if he was stuck in a downward spiral, Ning Wan didn't find it hard to believe that he might really lose his mind and throw a dog off a roof.

If would have been fine to call it a day there. Whether Xia Junyi or Tao Xing, neither of them had asked them to deal with this divorce dispute. It was often thankless to get involved in other people's emotional and marital disputes, and the senior partner's written examination was imminent. She should have let sleeping dogs lie, but Ning Wan bit her lip and decided to do something completely redundant.

She always felt like it wasn't true that Tao Xing really had no feelings for Xia Junyi. After Xia Junyi had left, her red-rimmed eyes, suppressed tears and instinctive rush to his defense couldn't have fooled a single person. She obviously still loved him.

It was Tao Xing who had put forward the divorce, and her whose mind was made up. However, Ning Wan felt that Tao Xing seemed to be using the divorce as a reason to push Xia Junyi away, while looking like she was facing some great difficulty that couldn't be spoken about.

Furthermore, Tao Xing's mental state was very worrying. Ning Wan had been in contact with her several times now and had found that her mood was extremely variable. There were times when she was depressed and closed-off, reluctant to speak, and times when she was highly emotional and very easily angered, almost to the point of explosion.

"Were Tao Xing's moods always so variable before?" Ning Wan confirmed with Xia Junyi.

Sure enough, Xia Junyi answered in the negative. He also admitted that Tao Xing had become like that right around the time she asked for a divorce.

She ran some details past Xia Junyi and felt about 80% confident in her speculations. Tao Xing's rapid mood swings were likely not because she wanted a divorce, but perhaps because she was being forced to do so for some reason, and her extreme changes of mood were due to being under great psychological pressure.

Ning Wan looked at Xia Junyi and said in a solemn, serious tone, "If you're willing, I have a way. We could give it a go."

So long as there was any glimmer of hope, Xia Junyi was obviously eager to save his marriage. He patiently listened to Ning Wan's plan, hesitated, and finally decided to give the dead horse one final blow, burning all the bridges behind him.

"Let's go for it. I'll give myself one last chance! If it doesn't work, then I'll give up!"


Once they had gotten Xia Junyi's consent, Ning Wan didn't waste another minute.

There was an inconspicuous utility room in the community lawyer's office, which wouldn't be noticed unless one looked carefully. Ning Wan had Xia Junyi hide inside, leaving the door of the utility room unlocked.

Afterward, she looked at Fu Zheng. "Well then, I'm going to make a call. You can leave now."

Fu Zheng nodded and walked outside. "Okay. I'll watch the clock and come in when it's time."

With all three people properly arranged, Ning Wan took a deep breath and dialed Tao Xing's phone number. "Ms. Tao? Hello, this is Ning Wan. We've managed to dig up some new evidence on Duoduo's case. It might be related to Xia Junyi, and because you're also involved in the case, I believe there are some things you ought to know. What evidence? I'm sorry, but it's a bit complicated and I'd rather not go into it over the phone. If you're able, would you mind coming to our office?"

Sure enough, the moment she mentioned Xia Junyi, Tao Xing threw down the phone and rushed over. In order to avoid her bringing the dog along in case it smelt Xia Junyi in the utility room and barked, Ning Wan took care to mention that the community office did not allow dogs.

"Lawyer Ning, what's going on? My husband would never do such a thing. He's incapable of hurting Duoduo! He's a very good man, we've known each other for ages and he's never even said a harsh word to me. He's good-natured and gentle... "

Ning Wan didn't say a word as the words in Xia Junyi's defense poured out of Tao Xing's mouth as if she were pouring beans. She was in such a hurry that she didn't even realize that she was referring to him unconsciously as her 'husband'.

"The falling dog case has nothing to do with him. He was just passing by that day..."

Ning Wan was quite a decent actress, and she replied seriously with a somber face, "I believe you may have already realized it in your heart and just don't want to admit it, but we have received a video that was taken by a different community resident. In that video, Xia Junyi is on the roof, and Xia Junyi himself..."

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As Tao Xing naturally continued to defend Xia Junyi, Ning Wan quietly glanced at her phone. It was about the right time--

Bang! From the doorway came the sound of the door slamming open. Pale and panting, Fu Zheng stood at the door--

"Ning Wan, Chen Shuo isn't doing well," he said in a solemn tone. "Apparently he's suddenly suffering from an intracranial hemorrhage. He's now in a coma, and they're trying to save him as we speak. He must have had some hidden injury when he was crushed."

Ning Wan immediately stood, knocking over the cup at her hand. Panic and fear spread across her face. "What... didn't they say it was just minor trauma to external tissues? How did this suddenly happen?"

"They've informed his parents and issued the critically ill notice. The doctor said that he might not make it..."

The temperature suddenly dropped below freezing. As soon as Tao Xing heard Chen Shuo's situation, her face turned white. She wasn't stupid. She knew that if all Chen Shuo had suffered was minor injuries, then it would be enough for the person who threw the dog to compensate him for his time and medical bills. But once Chen Shuo died or if he was seriously injured, then it would completely change the nature of the case...

At that moment Fu Zheng said, looking at Ning Wan, "If something happens to Chen Shuo, then this case is going to become a criminal case. When he only had a fracture like before, it would have at most been classified as a minor injury, and the thrower wouldn't have committed a crime. But now that he's in a critical situation, this is no longer a simple infringement case of a falling object, but a criminal offence of negligently causing serious injury or even death."

Fu Zheng's face was solemn and serious, and he looked very tense. His voice was gloomy and his eyes brimming with command. If Ning Wan hadn't known that this was all a script, she might even have believed it.

As he spoke, Tao Xing turned pale with fear and asked incoherently, "Wha-What are you going to do?"

"What are we going to do? We're going to hand the case over to the procuratorateChina has an that is actively involved in investigating the facts of the case. As such, they employ . for public prosecution. Xia Junyi has violated the law!"

"But he wouldn't do that... he likes children and animals..."

"Is it useful to deceive yourself?" Ning Wan asked. "I hadn't finished my sentence just now. Xia Junyi himself admitted to throwing the dog, and he even signed a confession..."

Before Tao Xing's disbelieving eyes, Ning Wan simply but clearly explained to her the real reason behind Xia Junyi's impulsive actions.

"No matter what kind of emotions he may have or difficulties he may be facing, it's wrong for him to throw a dog off a roof. He doesn't dare to face you and confess it to you, but I think that whether as his current legal wife or as Duoduo's owner, you deserve to know the truth."

Tao Xing's mood had already been very tense, and furthermore caught off guard by Fu Zheng's sudden appearance and the news of Chen Shuo's rapid change. Now when she heard Ning Wan telling her Xia Junyi's reasons behind throwing the dog, her pretenses finally collapsed--

"How could he have been so stupid! I'm divorcing him for his own good! What's so good about someone like me? "

"We've been married for so long," Tao Xing said, in tears. "He likes kids and he's always wanted to have his own, but it's been years and I've never gotten pregnant. That day, I went to the hospital on a whim for a check-up and found out that I have premature ovarian failure. I'll never be pregnant in this life."

So that was it!

"But why not tell him? Xia Junyi loves you so much. Maybe you're more important to him than any child?"

"I know that's what he said, that he would never leave me, but I didn't want to. He's too good of a man. I don't want to leave him with a lifetime of regrets, or have him fight with his parents over me. The two old folks will never be able to accept that they'll never have grandkids. That's why I can't tell him. I'd rather leave him and let him hate me, so that he'll forget all about me and start a new life..."

"I'm not the one who's stupid, you are!"

Xia Junyi pushed open the door of the utility room with a bang, tears also rolling down his cheeks. "You foolish thing, must we have children just because we're married? Yes, kids are nice, but they're difficult to raise and they take up so much time. I've changed my mind nowadays. I think it's perfectly fine just to live for yourself your whole life, and it's good being a DINK, too. As for my parents, why do you care about them? Must I still listen to my parents at this age? I'm the master of my own life!"


Now that things had made it to this point, Ning Wan and Fu Zheng's presence was no longer necessary. The two tacitly withdrew from the room, and Ning Wan quite considerately helped Tao Xing and Xia Junyi out by closing the door.

They would have enough time and space to talk to each other and to explain the ins and outs of all these things, and all subsequent issues would fall gracefully and perfectly into place.

Once Tao Xing and Xia Junyi got back together and moved back to their villa, Duoduo would no longer have to live in a tiny apartment in Yuelan Community, and Wu Lie's fear of dogs would be readily solved.


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