I Also Level Up

Chapter 5: Near the End

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Jacob couldn’t understand why Bob apologized.

“What do you mean?”

“I… if I kept holding it, we could have taken it down without you getting injured.”

Jacob shook his head.

Sumei knew what he meant. She said, “Don’t be sorry. You did much better than we expected.”

She brought the horns and two slices of meat. Sumei held them up high and declared, “We got two Demonic Horns, and some Demonic Cow raw meat. Who’s hungry?”

As Jacob was about to shake his head, she added, “This mana infused meat is good for your recovery. At least your pain will immediately reduce.”

Jacob has no reason to refuse it anymore. They went back to the forest as Bob collected dry wood while Sumei started fire with her lighter. The first bite they took made them question life itself. It was as though this was how delicious meat was supposed to taste and every meat they ate before was fake.

After the meal, they sat around and discussed their next steps.

Sumei said, “With these horns, Bob can take out their eyes as soon as he gets on their back. I’ll keep distracting it while Jacob can try to get some lucky hits. Focus on being safe this time.”

Nobody had anything else to add, and they got started. One by one they took down cows and evaded some. The main goal was to make their escape easy, and they didn’t have to clear all the monsters.

After two hours of battle and many close shaves, they accumulated a lot of loot. But they stored most of it on the side of the pathway since they didn’t have space to carry them.

The trio reached the end of the path. It was a space where the three paths met. Beyond it lay the boss room with two giant stone doors locking it. In the middle of the empty space lay three treasure chests, facing the three paths.

“It’s that box!” Sumei pointed at their goal. Everyone was happy though the didn’t awaken their talents. It was because they got used to battle for the first time, got some loot and didn’t make major blunders. This was much better than other teams who didn’t even kill a monster.

Jacob looked at Bob. The big dude didn’t seem annoying anymore. He even had a small smile on his chubby face.

‘Surprisingly, he fought pretty well,’ Jacob thought.

Sumei opened the treasure box while Jacob and Bob sat down beside it. They knew this was a safe place where monsters didn’t wander. Sumei opened the chest and it vanished, leaving three items. There was a wand, a shield, and a dagger.

This was the reason they were sent here. It was to get suitable starter equipment for themselves. Even Peter Maxwell, Jacob’s father, had come here in his beginning days as a hunter to get his first dagger. Due to its specialty, Four Sides of Death had become Trathe city’s most beginner friendly dungeon.

They equipped their weapons and got used to it. Now it was time to return with glory. But…

“Argh!” Sumei screamed, holding her left calf. An arrow had pierced her and its tip was caked in green.

Goblins came out from the cover of the forest and surrounded them. Behind them lay the boss room which would spell their death, while ahead stood a dozen goblins. There were goblin warriors who protected the archers behind them.

“Pick her! RUN!” Jacob roared.

Bob immediately lifted Sumei. He ran to the middle of the three treasure chests while blocking the incoming arrows with his shield. He wasn’t well versed in techniques, but his brute strength made up for it.

Jacob immediately knelt in cover and checked up on Sumei. Her temperature was up and she didn’t seem to be fully conscious.

“Sumei! Can you hear me?” Jacob urgently shook her shoulders, but received no response. “Shit! It’s even poisoned! They didn’t mention any poison!”

He didn’t have time to think further. Jacob took Sumei’s flare gun from her pocket and immediately released it to the sky.

“Bob! We need to defend till they come!”

Bob nodded. But he was having difficulty blocking all the incoming arrows. Jacob also took Sumei’s staff and tried to block the incoming arrows, since the shield only covered one side. But they were getting overwhelmed. After a few seconds of non-stop assault, the incoming arrows stopped.

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But they were not happy. Six goblins took their bronze swords and ran towards them. Other goblins also inched closer.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

After three strikes, the wooden shield gave in and broke into two. This allowed the goblins to come in their small space bordered by three treasure chests.

The goblins laughed. Jacob pointed his dagger at them while Bob carried Sumei with one hand and held her staff with the other. They knew they didn’t have a great chance but they weren’t willing to give up.

As they were about to give it their all, the ground underneath them shook causing them to nearly fall. They tried to stabilize themselves, but the ground beneath them gave in and they fell.


At the entrance of the dungeon, the fourth prism on the gargoyle’s forehead shone for a split second. Mr. Adam who was nervously gazing at the entrance didn’t miss that. He didn’t understand what had happened. But knew that a change in a conquered dungeon was unheard of and grew worried.


“Ah!” Jacob rubbed his aching legs after falling down while Bob grunted. He even managed to keep Sumei safe. Dust covered their eyes and both of them couldn’t see far. Despite that, they noticed the groaning goblins. Both looked at each other in understanding.

Jacob ignored his injuries and rushed to the goblins near him. He cut their necks with his dagger and stabbed them in their hearts. Bob’s attacks were much simpler. He waved Sumei’s staff and broke the goblin skulls. With each wave of his arm, a distinct crack echoed in the underground space. Of course, he was still carrying Sumei.

Within a minute, they had cleared the enemies who vanished and left them loot. Jacob saw that and picked up three rusty bronze swords, and two loincloth which he didn’t plan to ever use.

“Why are they not here yet?” Jacob asked Bob and received a shrug. He looked up but didn’t see the hole they came through.

“Scary room,” Bob said after looking around. He lay Sumei down after checking her faint breathing.

Jacob did the same and nodded. They were in a room covering twenty sq. meters. It was held up with pillars on its four corners. On one side stood statues of grotesque gargoyles. Jacob counted five statues. Only the central one of them seated on a throne was in perfect condition. The others standing around it with different weapons were cracked.

“What is this place?” Jacob asked. But there was no one to answer him. He took a step closer and tried to approach the only statue in fine condition. There was no use staying here and he wasn’t even sure if the teachers could find this place.

Suddenly, that statue stood up!

Jacob and Bob backed away. Bob even carried Sumei to the opposite side of the room. They looked at each other and realized that a fight was inevitable.

The gargoyle lifted its spear resting on the throne and walked down the platform. Each step hammered on their hearts. The pressure it gave off was immense. When it reached the ground, Jacob gulped at the menacing figure three meters tall.

“The only way to bring it down is to break its head in one go!” Jacob shouted. “Give me the meat!”

Bob was confused, but stepped back to Sumei. He opened her bag and brought the meat they had carried. He readied his staff since he didn’t know how to use a sword.

“I’ll try to block it. Smash its head!” Jacob rushed forward. He didn’t want to bring the fight to Sumei. By now, he trusted Bob enough to take the risk. He stacked 4 thick slices of raw meat to block the spear.

The gargoyle roared and rushed toward them. Its stony body left deep footprints and its spear rushed toward Jacob’s body. It was like a bullet train speeding and he was a fool standing on the train track. Jacob intensely looked at the approaching figure. Just as its spear was about to pierce him, he blocked it with his meat shield but was pushed back.

“NOW!” Jacob roared while feeling great pain.

Bob didn’t miss this chance. His bulky figure twirled the staff around and hit the gargoyle’s face with great momentum. The force ripped its face off from its neck and snapped the staff into pieces.

[Completion requirements for the ‘Secret Quest: the Courage of the Powerless’ has been met.]

Jacob suddenly saw a strange message.

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