I Am In Marvel

Chapter 2: 2: Card drawing ability

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Chapter 2 Card Draw Capability

Ability card, can be extracted?

This is my golden finger as a soul wearer...

Lu Ming did not delve into it, and immediately extracted the "English basic proficiency" of the young people.

In fact, it was just a thought, the end of the three-second extraction time, and the words of the young man at the bed were heard in the ear. "Are you really okay? The face looks very bad. Would you like to go to the military room again?" ""

"Hey, I'm fine. I just didn't wake up yet." Lu Ming tried to say that English is like his native language, and he is familiar with the local accent.

"It's okay." The young man relieved a sigh of relief and handed over the cup and medicine on his hand. He smiled and said, "Let's eat the medicine first."

Lu Ming nodded and swallowed the pills. After drinking a few mouthfuls of water, he let out a sigh of relief. "Call, I feel alive. Right, now my head is still a little dizzy, I want to confirm with you, I am Where is it?"

Looking at Lu Ming's serious expression, the young man was shocked for a moment, and soon became a joke smile: "Kyle, you won't be stunned? Here is the training base of the US military."

"Kyle, the military training base?" Lu Ming, who knows that the original body name is Kyle, and he also defaults to Kyle as his new name.

From now on, there is no more Lu Ming; some are just new Kyle.

After all, no matter how cruel the reality is, life still has to continue.

The young man continued: "Yes, training base. We only trained as a recruit for a day. Maybe the weather is too hot, you fainted during the high-load running training."

Heat stroke, it seems that this body is not very good.

Kyle secretly vomited, as if he suddenly remembered something, his hands quickly put on the thin shoulders of the young man and hurriedly asked, "Right, I will ask you another question: Have you ever heard of the 'Avengers'? This is very important. Tell me soon."

It is imperative to confirm that this is the world of Marvel.

"Kyle, don't shake it so hard." The young man rolled his eyes, and the malnourished, thin body was almost shattered.

When Kyle stopped, he replied with a slow breath: "I really don't know what you said, what alliance, what is it?"

"You don't know..." Kyle frowned, and soon seemed to think of something. His eyes widened and asked: "Wait, when is it? I am asking about the date."

"Kyle, you won't really hit your head." The young man said with amazement.

"Come tell me."

"Now is September 1943."

"1943, actually the second World War period..." Kyle was silent, even if it was the Marvel World, there was no Avenger Alliance during World War II.

Yes, there is also an iconic character.

"The last question." Kyle took a deep breath and asked, "Is there a person in the training camp here called ‘Steve?”

"Steve?" The expression of the young man became weird.

"Yes, Steve Rogers." Kyle quickly confirmed that during the World War II period of the Marvel World, there was the hero of the Avengers' first appearance.

Captain America, he should also be the earliest superhero of Marvel.

"Kyle, what are you talking about? That person, you and I don't all know." The young man blinked. Under Kyle's confused eyes, he pointed to his nose and smiled and said: "I am Steve. Rogers."

Kyle heard the words, shocked and wide-eyed, and looked back at the young man in front of his head.

Compared to normal young people, they are thin and petite, a simple blond hair, seemingly weak but not righteous. Well, it’s no wonder that I’m a little familiar. Isn’t this the captain of the United States before the Super Soldier’s Pharmacy?

Since he is here, it is really a world of Marvel.

Kyle didn't bother to pay attention to the real idols in front of him. I don't know if I was happy or scared. I was very excited when I thought of being able to touch the superhero black technology that lived in the movie. It can be a headache when you think of the powerful villains of the Marvel world.

However, here is the Marvel during World War II. It is hard to say whether or not you have lived to the 21st century. It is still too early to worry about the tyrannical command.

Besides, the captain of the United States is right next to him. How can this be considered a thigh? (mosquito legs, also legs)

Kyle thought of it, watching Steve's eyes change, which made Steve shudder and subconsciously stepped back.

"Right." Steve seemed to think of something important. He said with concern: "The commander of Brent told me to let you know that when you wake up, let you see him in the past."

"Oh, training the officers of the recruits?" Kyle beheaded and saw the movie of Captain America, and he was still a bit impressed with the role of training the chief.

I remember that Steve was targeted by the chief and fellow comrades before he became the captain of the United States because of his thin body.

Maybe it was the bane that the original body owner gave him. As a new soldier, the heatstroke fainted during the first day of training, and it was estimated that the chief was very bad.

Kyle pondered for a moment and said calmly: "I don't really remember how the office of the Chief Executive has gone. You will take me over."

"Well, come over with me." Steve nodded.

Steve took Kyle out of the military camp dormitory and the two walked on the inner road of the base.

Outside the door, the sun was shining, and on the training ground of the base of the base, a team of young soldiers wearing white shorts and lean-armed arms ran under the slogan.

"Hey. Look, this is not Kyle and Steve."

"The first day of training on heat stroke, it is really a little white face."

"A little white face, a thin boy, these two people really take it."

A team of recruits ran through the whistle and ran across the two, apparently living in the same dormitory training teammates.

"Kyle, you don't have to pay attention to them." Steve looked back and comforted, but saw that Kyle's face was not a bit sloppy, but with a smile.

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Kyle certainly did not pay attention to the recruits. For him who brought his gold fingers, only Steve, who soon became the captain of the United States, was qualified to be his comrade.

On the way to the office of the Chief Executive, Kyle is constantly testing his ability to draw cards.

Soon, he got a little bit of it:

First of all, as long as he is within three meters of the body, he can get the card information on the other side.

Classification is currently divided into item cards and capability cards. The item card cannot be extracted, and the capability card can be freely copied and extracted.

Ability cards, that is, one's skills and abilities, common skills such as: English basics, car driving and other ability cards, are white cards. To achieve a certain professional proficiency, such as English proficiency, pistol mastery, it becomes a green card.

"The green ability card can also be extracted, but the extraction time is longer than white..." Kyle is still groping for the ability to draw cards, and Steve suddenly reminded him to pat him on the shoulder and lead him to a room.

"Reporting Officer! Soldier Steve, I brought Kyle over."

"Hey, soldier Kyle, come report!"

Kyle followed Steve, and they stood at the door of the office, and the standard played a salute.

"Come in!" In a majestic and calm voice, the two walked into the office side by side. The inside was also simple and neat in the style of the military camp. There was a desk in the middle.

The middle-aged man in a military uniform was sitting in an office chair and it seemed to be the chief of the Brant. In addition, a female detective wearing a small wrap skirt and holding a document was standing next to the desk.

"Soldier, how is your body?" Chief Billrand looked coldly at Kyle. Kyle immediately replied: "Reporting the sir, the body has healed and you can continue training immediately."

"Oh?" Officer Blanc, frowning, calmly said: "The training is no longer needed. You can go back and pack up, someone will send you home tomorrow morning."

Steve’s face changed slightly, and this sentence is undoubtedly the death sentence of Kyle’s career as a soldier.

The female detective said nothing, and lowered her head to record something on the document.

Only Kyle’s face was calm, as if it was not his, calmly said: “Reporting the sir, I insisted on staying and continuing training as a soldier.”

Chief Billrand snorted. "Training? What training? I will faint my heatstroke on the first day, and my willpower will not be good. It is simply the face of our American military!"

"You said, what qualifications and abilities do you have as a soldier to defend the country?" When it came to this, the commander of the Brant, swept over Steve, apparently put him together.

In the face of doubts, Kyle took a deep breath and moved forward, confidently responding: "Give me a chance, I will show the sergeant's ability and qualifications."

At such a distance, Kyle stepped into the three-meter limit of the commander of the Brand, and under the concentration of ideas, more than thirty cards of white and green leaped into the field of vision.

Good guy, it’s not the leader of training new recruits, there are nine green cards!

[Pistol Mastery], [Rifle Mastery], [Military Auxiliary Equipment Mastery], [Military Boxing Fighting Mastery], [Training Soldiers Mastering]...

"The tone is not small, talk about, how do you want to show it?" The chief of the office was a cold smile, and the ability to say this can be understood as self-confidence, and it is self-sufficient to say that.

What is the talent of a recruit who stuns during the first day of training and runs on his heatstroke?

The female detective next to the desk also shook her head secretly, and the feelings of Kyle were getting worse, although the soldiers in front could be ranked in the top three of the training camp in terms of their values, and they could be willpower and self-knowledge even Steve. Can't compare.

"If you don't believe the sergeant, do you want to try it with my soldier." After seeing the card of the commander of the office, Kyle grasped the heart more and calmly said: "If I win, then I will stay in the military camp. If I lose, I don't have to bother with the sergeant, I will pack my bags and leave."

"Compared? Is it you? You don't want to play cards or throw coins." Chief Billrand showed his idiot's eyes.

"Of course not, I want to compare with the commander of Brant, as a soldier's talent!" Kyle said deeply.

"Enough! Soldier, don't be too arrogant!" Commander Brant stood up at the table and said with a bit of anger: "What qualifications do you have to compare with me? You are a humiliating officer, I can completely complain you to the military. Go to the court!"

Kyle knew that he had no retreat. He could only insist: "I certainly didn't mean to insult the sergeant. I am serious and want to take this opportunity to show my talent as a soldier."

"You!" What the commander Billrand was trying to say, the female detective on the side then interjected: "Soldier, what do you want to compare with the commander of the Brand?"

"Just better than - gun. Anything can be done." Kyle replied.

The female detective stared at Kyle as if she wanted to find something from his face. Finally, she said, "I think I can give him a chance." And it reverts to the original silence.

"I want to compare with me, I don't know if you are too confident, or you give up on yourself." Chief Executive Brant sneered, sitting back in the chair in silence, saying: "Then I will let you go home and take it orally. Point, at the shooting range, than the 50-meter target of the rifle."

"Yes." Kyle gave a sigh of relief, everything was expected, and his attention was now on the female detective.

If the sergeant can be inserted, the female detective seems to be a big one. See if she has the ability to play cards that will come in handy.

Kyle wanted to do it, and the idea immediately fell on the female detective. The next moment, he was almost stunned.

Far more than thirty of the officers, more than seventy of the ability cards jumped out from the female detectives, white and green cards together, simply to cover the entire mature body.

[Psychology Proficiency], [Medical Care Mastery], [Moss Code Mastery], [Assassination Proficiency], [True Rifle Mastery], [Ceremony Mastery]...

There are no fewer than twenty green ability cards!

And among them, there is a card that is more green than the ordinary green card, dazzling...

"Since this is a bet, can you let the detective witness it? It is better to have a paper certificate." Kyle smiled and suggested that he was not at this juncture.

It takes three minutes for the person to draw the green ability card, and the distance to be extracted must be valid within one meter.

However, his victory is in the grip, but all the people in the office, including Steve, are silent.

Reading Tips: This book is based on Marvel's own YY ​​features of superheroes, individualism, technology and mythology.

(That is, some plots would rather be exaggerated, the item attributes should be increased, but also with the protagonist)

(End of this chapter)

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