I am Succubus!

Chapter 125: 123 – A Queen Succubus’ Power

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Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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Battling Sarena was something out of a manga. Never in my life, not even when I had fought against Shayle, Beatrice, or Selene, did I expect to light up the night sky like fireworks during New Years.

Everdawn, the light elven artifact weapon, was so godlike in power that it rivalled the Blade of the First Temptress. It might have been even more powerful in more familiar hands.

"Let's see you dodge this!" Sarena backed away and fired a blinding arrow into the sky. It lit up the night like the sun had risen. In the next moment, a volley of hundreds rained down on the shrine.

"No, you don't!" I swung the sword in a wide arc, conjuring strong winds that deflected the shower of arrows.

The few that got through, Yumi erected a large barrier to protect everyone within. 

"Give up, Sarena! You can't possibly win against me now that the Blade is back in my hands!" I shouted.

"On the contrary, I don't need to defeat you." She sneered, staring past me at the cyclone.

It appeared to have picked up speed and was spinning faster. Within the maelstrom, a strange light poured through like shining a flashlight into a crack. I was running out of time.

"And the longer I delay…" Sarena pulled on the bow's drawstring, creating an arrow bristling with more energy than before.

I put myself between her and everyone below. As she loosed the arrow, it transformed into a lightning strike screeching towards me.

However, quicker than the speed of light, Selene had come to my defense and shattered the arrow with her bare fist. Electricity sparked up and down her arm, but she blew it away like dust on a shelf.

"Selene! You're okay?" I called to her.

She glanced over her shoulder and smirked. "Of course, I am. What kind of loyal servant would I be if I couldn't defend you from something like that? But I'm not the only one who's back on her feet."

"Take this, you dumb cunt!" Mio jumped out of a black portal underneath Sarena and uppercutted the lights out of her. 

Sarena quickly recovered, then flew much further back to keep at a distance.

"Mio…" I almost wanted to cry, seeing her up and well.

"We'll save the sappy stuff for later! Time to take names and fuck some ass," she said.

"No, you two stay back." I summoned two black chains to pull Selene and Mio behind me.

"What?!" they uttered in confusion

"I let Sarena get as far as she did because I was weak. It's time to stop playing nice and take responsibility by putting this to an end. Don't you think so?" I asked the traitor in question.

"Still trying to talk— huukk!" Sarena seized up. She tried to fire Everdawn again, but her hands and fingers locked up. They fell limp to the side.

I flew up to the unmoving succubus, held still by my all-powerful aura made stronger by the Blade, and disarmed Everdawn from her, letting it drop to where Shayle waited below to catch it. Face to face with the only succubus who defeated me once, it was only appropriate I spare a few words for her.

"What… did you… do to me?" she croaked.

"Hmph. Have you already forgotten when we met? You were so polite and knew your place back then, but I suppose you were also scheming at the time, too." I looked down at her as if I couldn't be bothered to play around anymore.

Realization slowly hit, and her expression morphed into one of terror.

"How… Where was all this strength before? Were you really playing me all along?"

"No." I shook my head and placed a hand atop my heart. "I just accepted who I am. Now it's time for you to accept who you are— a loser."

Sarena showed me one last defiant glower until I casted an explosion in her face, sending her careening to the ground. 

"Whew… We did it," I whispered to my other self.

When I landed, multiple succubus were holding Sarena down.

"Oh, am I gonna give you your comeuppance with the biggest dildo in Hana's arsenal. Your ass better be damn loose, bitch! This train's a'coming and it won't stop coming 'til you're begging for it!" Mio cracked her knuckles menacingly at the defeated Sarena.

"Mio!" I tackled her with a hug, unable to control my emotions anymore after being away from her for so long.

She abandoned her urge to get a punch off and stroked my head instead.

"Looks like someone got a little antsy while I was gone. Ya miss me?" Mio smirked, brushing the hair from my sweaty face and returning the hug.

I nodded wordlessly, burying my face into her chest and taking in the scent that I'd nearly forgotten.

"Geez… If you're gonna be so embarrassing about it, we should get a room first." She scratched her nose, evidently flustered by our reunion.

It seemed, however, the ordeal was not yet over.

"You… haven't won yet… the portal is still active!" Sarena shakily got to her feet but was forced back down by the succubi holding her. "Soon the Goddess of Everlight will enter this world and fulfill her end of the bargain!"

The cyclone of magic still raged on and wasn't subsiding. Maybe it was due to my sensitivity to magic, but I could tell the boundary between both worlds was weakening further than it should. 

"Saeko! At this rate, the goddess and light elves will pour into Earth!" Shayle warned.

I raised the Blade of the First Temptress in an attempt to control or absorb the magic from the cyclone, but nothing happened. Most of the sexual energy had already been spent conjuring it in the first place and during the battle.

Was there really nothing we could do? Not even with my sword?

As my eyes scanned desperately for anything, only a single thought came to mind.

"Your magic-absorbing ring! Will it negate the portal?" I ran up to Shayle and asked.

"There's far too much magic to consume…" She bit her lower lip.

"I have an idea, but I need the ring!"

Shayle handed me the artifact, and I threw it straight into the cyclone where it was lifted high into the sky. I then used the mirror to carve a portal to Kana's room which startled him awake.

"What the hell?!" Kana screamed, shocked by my sudden appearance and a whole bunch of people staring through the portal.

"No time. I need you right now!" Like now, now!" I pulled him through, stripped him naked, and pulled aside my panty to put his dick inside me.

"Aahh! W-W-W-Wait! Everything's happening so fast! How did we get to a shrine? Why is there a tornado? And what's with all the elves and succubus watching us?" Baffled by the outrageous question, Kana's eyes began to spin.

"Answers later! I need you to fill me up before it's too late. Now isn't the time to be soft!"

"As if I can get it up in this crazy situation!" he complained.

Getting Kana to fuck me in the standing position was the easy part. However, he seemed to have gotten soft from all the eyes on him.

"I dunno what you got planned, but count me in!" Mio straddled Kana from behind, drilling a tail into his ass and groping his tits

"Eeek! Why are you putting it… S-Stop! Don't stir my butt like that!" Kana yelled.

The moment Mio put her tail inside him, it was the stimulation he needed to get to an erection.

"Ahh! Kana… You're so… hard… mmm…" I grabbed his face and pushed my tongue into his mouth, all the while shaking my hips to get him to cum as fast as possible.

"Mmm… shllrp… chuup… Saeko… mmm… I'm…"

It wasn't until Mio joined our threeway make out session did Kana finally splash a load into my womb, thus filling me with an ocean of cum and sexual energy. Thanks to him, the Blade of the First Temptress lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I knew I could count on you, Kana!" While we were still connected, I pointed the sword at the glinting ring flying around in the cyclone and fired away.

"What… What are you doing?" The color drained from Sarena's face. She shook off the two succubus and tried to attack me.

Selene intercepted her and held the traitor by the neck. "I'll crush your throat if Queen Saeko fails."

An incredible blast of energy surged forward.

The power of the sword was more than just something to cast spells with. It could change people's genders, bestow a succubus with greater strength, and with enough sexual energy… tamper with the reality of things.

In this case, empowering the ring artifact. The very existence of that piece of jewelry was profound in itself, and so was my sword. All I needed to do was tweak its properties— 

All at once, the cyclone vanished.

You are reading story I am Succubus! at novel35.com

Shayle's ring artifact fell to the ground and shattered.

Drained of all the sexual energy from both my body and the sword, I let myself relax into Kana's arms. Well, if he were to cum inside me again, I'd probably restore to full.

"Uhm… Mio… Can you get your tail out of my ass already?" Kana asked.

It was at that moment that Mio and I realized Kana had transformed back into a boy. 

"K-Kana, you're not a girl anymore!" I exclaimed.

Kana instinctively reached up to feel his chest and touched nothing but a flat board. He was likely caught in the sword's crossfire and had his gender altered.

"Looks like the cum hydrant saves the day again, and you're back to normal like you wanted!" Mio pulled her tail out and slapped his ass.

"Y-Yeah… normal…" He sighed, fixing his pants and glancing awkwardly at the crowd around them. "Can I go home now? I think I need to sleep off what just happened."

"Sorry, Kana… I'll explain everything to you later," I promised, opening a portal for him.

Before leaving, Kana kissed me and Mio on the lips.

"Looks like you guys went through a lot, but whatever happened, I'm glad it worked out." He flashed a very long-missed boyish smile that tugged on our heartstrings.

Mio and I blushed.

"Well, shit. If you put it that way, we're gonna have to make up for lost time after fixing this mess." Mio winked, then shoved Kana into the portal.

Meanwhile, I was fidgeting in place, heart aflutter, and pussy wetter than ever, glad that my boyfriend was back and girlfriend safe.

"But before that, we have someone to deal with." I walked up to Sarena whose distant look was all that remained of the short-lived queen. "You just tried to hand my world over and usurp me. You hurt a lot of people, betrayed your allies, and almost got my friend's little sister killed. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I'm not the only one who wants your sword. The longer you hold onto the Blade— urk!"

Sarena fell forward and flat on the ground after Selene clocked the back of her head.

"Sorry. You weren't captive to hear, but Mio and I had it up to our horns with the sound of her voice." Selene lowered her head apologetically for knocking Sarena out.

"I ain't complaining. The bitch droned on and on, every fucking day about beating you. Glad we shut her up." Mio shrugged.

"What did Sarena do to you two anyway? I remember her saying that you guys have beef?" I asked.

Selene grimaced at her own memories. "Sarena discovered a way to use the Blade of the First Temptress to drain sexual energy through us. So she forced us to have sex with countless humans like breeding livestock."

The fact that both of them were alive and well instead of dead, though a relief, came as a surprise to me. After all, the way Sarena had made it sound when she took the sword seemed spiteful and personal. Well, she did turn both of them into cattle to milk sexual energy from.

"Her beef was our status." Mio scoffed. "Didn't like the fact that Selene was a greater succ, and I was sister to a queen, and now the current queen's main squeeze."

"Succubus like you think you're so high and mighty. How is it fair? That I was born lesser so I should just accept my lot in life? I deserved more!" Sarena growled, coming to consciousness.

Selene was about to hit her again, but I raised a hand.

Where have I heard this before?

Way back when I first manifested the Blade, Mio wanted to take the sword for herself. As a lesser succubus and having a shitty older sister for a queen, it sure messed her up good. Though it was sort of narcissistic to say, Mio had me around. Sarena had no one.

That still didn't excuse what she did.

I knelt down to her, surprising everyone who expected me to stand over her like some tyrant. "I wish there was a better way. We could have been friends instead. Look around you, at the succubus who are by my side and not yours. I had to work hard to earn their respect, and in turn they earned my respect. Not everything has to be about power."

"Easy for the queen to say…" Sarena muttered.

"My mind's made up. I'm not going to execute you, but you're clearly too dangerous to let stay in Japan. I'll have you sent back to Elza to be held prisoner by the dark elves." I threw a look to Shayle, who was on board with my decision.

We wrapped everything up here and cleaned what we could before taking off back to Hana's love hotel. The place had become something like our headquarters after Yumi's condo was ruined.

The whole way, I hadn't let go of Mio's hand even once we got there.

For so long, I'd been a succubus with Mio by my side. Even a day without her was miserable. That was almost a whole week, the longest I'd gone without her and didn't want to be apart from ever again.

This whole ordeal made me realize that there very well were things or people out there that could rip us apart. 

As everyone entered the love hotel, I lagged behind with Mio and hung back in the alley of the building.

"What's wrong? We're gonna miss the orgy party with everyone, and I haven't fucked a dark elf in a nice long while," Mio said, completely unaware of how I was feeling.

Coming down from the adrenaline of battle, my eyes became very hot and stung. The tears soon streamed down my cheeks.

"Ah, geez. We're getting emotional before getting to the good stuff?" She pushed my cheeks together between both hands. "I'm back, aren't I?"

"What if someone worse than Sarena comes around next time? Or the light elves' goddess finds a way to Earth? I'm scared of losing you again…" I murmured.

Mio suddenly threw me against the wall, pressing herself against my body and shoving her tongue into my mouth. The deep kiss was followed by groping hands that squeezed my ass, and I wrapped my legs around her waist out of reflex.

The feeling of Mio's tender lips, the taste of her saliva, and the erect nipples of her boobs from being perpetually horny were all reassurances that she was here with me.

"Better now, mmm… chuup… chuu… or do I… mmmh— chuu…gotta keep going?" Mio asked between kisses.

"Nn… Maybe… Can I get one more?" I asked shyly.

Mio grinned and kissed me again, but this time less passionately and more affectionately.

For how long we were making out outside, the others must have been wondering where we went. I've probably rehydrated myself off her saliva alone.

After sufficiently refilling ourselves of each other, we went in together to find Selene and Shayle in a heated discussion.

"Queen Saeko offered to help us of her own volition. I am merely presenting several options for her to choose from," Shayle said.

"I understand the queen has promised you that, but also understand that having her go to your world means being under the eyes and shine of the Everlight." Selene folded her arms.

"We're not starting another fight after finishing one, are we?" I asked, entering the building.

"About your plans to help cure our infertility, do you have any idea how to go about it? Because our best bet is to have you come to Elza," Shayle explained.

"I only have one, but it's going to take a whole lot of sexual energy." I explained.

"But we got that covered with the cum hydrant you guys saw back at the shrine. We'll milk him dry and have enough energy to rival even the demon lord!" Mio smirked.

It often embarrassed me that Kana and Hatsumi were so obsessively in love with me that sexual energy from them could end worlds. I definitely wasn't going to tell my sister about reaching across other worlds, so it was definitely going to have to be Kana.

"You're not seriously considering going to Elza? What if the light elven goddess sends assassins after you?" Selene asked.

"It won't be for long, and I don't plan on going farther from the dark elves than I need to. While I'm away, you're going to need to hold down the fort in my stead. Can you do that for me?" I looked Selene in the eyes, and she returned a nod.

"Very well." Selene backed away to speak with the other succubus.

The sight before me was pretty surreal. Succubus, light elves, dark elves… races that I once could only read about in fiction were before my eyes, just mingling as if it was normal. Even crazier that I was planning on going to their world.

Mio snapped me from my daze by nudging my arm. "We going together, right? Time to vacation and sample the fuck outta Elza."

"We're supposed to be helping the dark elves, not banging them…" I squinted at her, a part of me glad that we were already falling back into this sort of routine.

"Shall we go now?" Shayle asked, brandishing the mirror artifact. "Or do you need some time?"

"I imagine we're going to be gone for a while? If you're fine with it, I'd like at least a week to take care of some things first," I said.

Shayle was more than okay with me taking time for myself, especially after all the crazy stuff that happened. She and her artifact hunters were going to bunker down in the love hotel for the time being. Selene, Clerissa, and Hana were going to supervise them, hopefully not let do anything dumb outside and draw attention.

First things first though.

Mio and I traded glances. We came to the same conclusion, one that was only appropriate after being away from each other for so long. Without wasting another minute, the two of us flew straight to Kana's place for another round.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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