I Am The Only One Who Doesn't Know I Am The Master

Chapter 3: 3

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Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ban Feimeng was silent for a moment before saying, “That’s right, but before my elder passed away, there was a very important treasure that wasn’t distributed or taken away. I don’t know where it was hidden. Maybe it was recorded in the letter.”

Taken away?

It should be meant the grave goods to be buried with him, right?

Ye Xiu couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

Treasure. Just by hearing this word, one could tell that Ban Shan was a rich man. He could afford a treasure collection. No wonder he didn’t feel any heartache when he bought a painting for tens of thousands of gold coins. Ye Xiu even felt that the price he offered to Ban Shan was too low.

When he collected the money, Ban Shan’s gaze always made Ye Xiu feel like he was an unworldly expert who didn’t value money.

Since Ban Shan was wealthy, then this young girl probably wasn’t coming for the money issue.

Ye Xiu let out a sigh of relief and turned to ask, “Is that treasure very precious?”

“To the family, it might not be considered precious.” Ban Feimeng hesitated for a moment before explaining, “Actually, I want to have that treasure, so I came looking for it.”

“You want it?” Ye Xiu was a bit surprised.

This girl looked so young, yet she still knew how to reap benefits. She had a bright future ahead of her.

Speaking of which, Ban Feimeng didn’t hide it anymore. She nodded her head, “My position in my clan isn’t high, so I won’t be able to enjoy many resources. If I can find that treasure, I might be able to open up my future.”

She didn’t dare to directly say that it was the famous treasure, the ‘Azure Wood Ruler’, so she could only say it vaguely.

“Is that so.” Ye Xiu nodded his head slightly. He suddenly understood.

He had already imagined the scene of a wealthy clan fighting for the inheritance. Ban Feimeng might be treated as an outcast in the clan. She might have been ignored and belittled by her clan. In order to have a brighter future, she had then painstakingly searched for that treasure that Ban Shan had hidden away. As long as she found the treasure and sold it, she would have her first capital to start a business.

With sufficient capital, she would have a chance to a brighter future!

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu’s heart moved.

Even an outcast in a wealthy family would be richer than a poor person like him, right? Wasn’t this a business opportunity that came knocking on his door?

A trace of a smile appeared on Ye Xiu’s face, he looked kindly at Ban Feimeng, “It seems like you have your own plans, but you have to understand that you are still a part of the family. If Ban Shan is still around, I think he doesn’t want to see you and the family fall apart. What do you think?”

If her family found out that she was secretly looking for the treasure, things might not end up well.

Ban Feimeng was stunned for a moment before silently nodding her head, “You’re right.”

Seeing this, Ye Xiu immediately asked, “I think what you need more is the recognition of the family elders, right?”

“You’re right.” Ban Feimeng lowered her head, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Even though she had been ignored by the family, it was mainly because she didn’t have enough talent, which disappointed the family. She also wanted to get the recognition of the family and regain their faith in her.

Children all had the same thoughts. Usually, they would argue with adults to prove themselves.

Ye Xiu ridiculed her in his heart, but he still smiled and said, “Since you need the approval of the family elders, then I might be able to help you.”

Ban Feimeng looked at Ye Xiu in shock and asked, “You’re willing to help me?”

“Didn’t I say so?”

Ye Xiu looked at her, his eyes slightly squinted, “Everything has already been decided. This is the fate between us. Mr. Ban Shan and I met, which also led to our meeting. It was fate that had us meet here.”

This kind of meaningless nonsense, a little girl who liked ancient culture should be able to accept it.

Sure enough, Ban Feimeng was silent for a moment. She took a deep breath, and her attitude was even more respectful than before, “Thank you very much.”

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The word fate was unpredictable.

Not to mention the mages from ancient times to the present, even the gods in the sky also believe in fate.

“It’s a small matter.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand carelessly. In his heart, he thought that there was an opportunity to make a deal.

He stood up and said, “Follow me.”

After saying this, he went around the screen divider in the middle of the room and brought Ban Feimeng.

The space behind the screen divider was huge. After walking around, one could see the framed ink wash paintings hanging up high. Among them, there were a few calligraphy pieces. Further inside were books.

Compared to books, ink paintings and calligraphy pieces sold for more money. He usually recommended them over the books.

Each calligraphy piece was written with different characters. The ink wash paintings were mostly landscapes and plants. Black and white colors interweaved. Even those who did not know calligraphy could see the level of these calligraphy pieces.

When Ban Feimeng saw these calligraphy pieces, she was completely stunned. She looked at these calligraphy pieces in a daze, her eyes filled with shock.

Practicing magic was the process of transforming one’s body, understanding the magical elements in the world, and gaining recognition.

The deeper one went, the more one could understand the nature of the elements in the world. When one ascended, one could even understand the essence of a certain element. They were usually called essence mages.

At this moment, Ban Feimeng looked at the calligraphy in front of her. It was as if she was naturally attracted to it. Her gaze subconsciously focused on an ink painting.

In just an instant, her mind was completely shocked by this painting.

In a trance, she seemed to see a huge sun rising from the surface of the sea. The dazzling sunlight shone on the earth, dispelling all darkness and light. It became the only color.

What was this?

At this moment, Ban Feimeng felt as if she had seen the ‘elemental essence’ itself. She saw the endless essence of magic elements, causing her to undergo a transformation unconsciously.

Ban Feimeng was completely immersed in it, unable to extricate herself.

The scenery painted by a few ordinary strokes contained such a shocking essence. Moreover, it was not the essence that was concealed on the bodies of other magisters, making it difficult to approach and understand. Instead, it clearly and meticulously displayed what the essence was, allowing her to truly comprehend it.

If the essence of the other magisters was a question that was difficult to answer, then the essence contained in this painting was the question with the answer!

Immersed in the essence, she became even more intoxicated and moved.

If she continued to comprehend like this, even if she slacked off this year and didn’t cultivate, she would be able to quickly raise her magic realm without having to comprehend the magic elements in a dull manner.

And all of this was thanked to this ink wash painting in front of her!

“Look at her face, looks like I nailed it. How much should I sell it?”

Ye Xiu glanced at Ban Feimeng’s expression and couldn’t help but smiled. His heart was filled with anticipation.

This student was very similar to the previous customers. When they saw the ink wash painting, they all had a shocked expression. It was clear that they were impressed by his painting skills and could understand the artistic conception of the blank space in the painting.

After all, she was the descendant of Ban Shan. She definitely liked the ink wash painting and calligraphy just like her elder.

With his close-to-artist painting skill, laymen might not be able to tell how good his paintings were, but an expert could appreciate it. It was not surprised that Ban Feimeng was shocked when she saw the painting.

He still remembered that a few months ago, there was a female guest wearing a mask and a cloak. Even though she only revealed a pair of eyes, she could still be seen as a great beauty. He had always suspected that she was the eldest daughter of a certain family.

That female customer appreciated his painting, and as soon as she heard that he was willing to sell it to her, she immediately wept.

That emotion could not be more real..

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