I and My Husband Sleep in a Coffin

Chapter 57: CH 58

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Chapter 58 Yi Yan

Yan Chun—

Was he eaten by you, guest—

The eyes and corners of the lips of the slender-eyed man in the mandarin jacket were curved.

For a split second, Wang Xiaomie felt as if innumerable spotlights were blazing down on him, accompanied by a scary and eerie background music reverberating in the air.

The atmosphere made him nervous, and the brilliant red feather pattern started to burn.

That indescribable feeling of being out of control returned, startling Wang Xiaomie and causing him to jaw-drop. He stood motionless for a few moments before rising to his tiptoes and laying his chin lightly on Wen Fengjin's shoulder.

This action made him appear docile, but Wang Xiaomie returned the man's gaze steadily.

"Yeah, I ate him."

There was not the slightest bit of haze in that pair of clear eyes as he added, "He was quite delicious."

Ha! So what? You wanna bite me? You’ll have to first defeat my family’s Xiao Wenzi! You Squinter, if you have the ability, open your eyes and talk to me!


The man was surprised by the response and was dumbfounded for a moment, but his smile quickly deepened.

"...I’ve indeed not misjudged." He muttered to himself: "You really are the best."

It's uncertain whether Wen Fengjin heard what he said, but he must have because his expression was awfully scary and he cracked his large hands' knuckles.

They would have been able to observe Boss Wen's superb head-popping skills again today if the man on the other side wasn't still of use to Boss Wen.

"Standing here won’t do. If you walk to talk about the feather pattern, go up to the second floor and sit." The man chuckled and moved to the old counter, which had a door behind it.

He opened the door and smiled back, and as he turned around and walked in, he remarked, "By the way, you can all call me Yi Yan or Boss. I'm the owner of this small shop."

Wen Fengjin sneered at such a comment, saying, "Hehehe, what a respectable businessman."

Yi Yan, dressed in a light blue mandarin jacket, walked out the door. Wen Fengjin glanced at Wang Xiaomie and followed. Wang Xiaomie pursed his lips. In fact, he gave himself a fright after saying those words a moment earlier.

He'd purposefully neglected the issue of consuming that piece of heart. He'd never thought of hurting someone, let alone eating them...

Even if the other party had already turned into an inhuman monster...

The feather pattern compelled him to tell the truth. Did that mean in his heart of hearts he thought the flesh and blood with the bitter medicinal flavor so delicious?

Was it nauseating?

No, not really.

This was probably the first time that he had made it clear-cut that he was no longer human.

Wang Xiaomie's unsightly expression and depressed mood didn't last long, because as soon as he turned around, he saw the petrified Bai Yu with vacant eyes.

Bai Yu: "You, you, you, you truly eat people!!!!"

Wang Xiaomie burst out laughing as he saw Bai Yu, who was already scared to tears.

"That's right!" Wang Xiaomie deliberately grinned like a big pervert, exposing a mouthful of small white teeth: "I eat people!"

"..." Bai Yu almost pissed his pants in fear.

Wang Xiaomie: "Hahahaha!"

Bai Yu: "Waah waah waah—"

It's a lot of fun scaring people~ Wang Xiaomie felt he had suddenly opened the door to a new world.

… … …

The dull yellow light illuminated a stairway with iron rails and flaking paint behind the door. Their steps made a 'boom boom boom' sound as they walked up. They went up to the second story and discovered that the space was split into multiple partitioned-off areas by white barrier curtains, similar to those used in hospitals.

They could see through the cracks in the covering material that there were iron beds inside. It was exactly like a shady clinic that no one knew about.

Bai Yu's eyes had been stuck on the wall near the stairs, which had a built-in cabinet with rows of grotesquely shaped objects sealed in glass, ever since he spotted the row of materials.

Like Tang Seng[1] chanting the Binding[2] spell, a slew of strange nouns flew out of his mouth madly!

And his drool was going to spill as a result of his greed!

Wang Xiaomie deduced that the stuff must be prized materials used by craftsmen to produce things, and spreading it on a wall was akin to proclaiming I'M GRAND.

As they passed by an iron frame bed divided by a curtain, Wang Xiaomie and Wen Fengjin noticed a thick plastic sheet with a heap of thoroughly cooked meat, knives and tangled equipment piled into a tray, and stripped bones next to it...

"It's human." Wen Fengjin said calmly as he moved the curtain back.

Wang Xiaomie broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the mound of things.

Dutiful businessman?

What an awesome dutiful businessman!

"Ah! That’s the business I was taking care of just now. The nearby medical school has commissioned me to divide the bones into skeletons." Yi Yan sat behind a work desk at the end of the compartments and explained with a smile.

Different people had different opinions[3] on whether it was true or false.

"Please come in and take a seat."

Yi Yan motioned for them to take the seats next to him. Bai Yu was still leaning forward on the cabinet, staring inside and drooling after Wen Fengjin and Wang Xiaomie sat down.

Yi Yan: "The feather pattern is Yan Chun's - as you’ve already guessed - but the feather pattern was not at all on Yan Chun's body from the beginning. It’s truly a very special thing... You should feel deeply, and it should also be convenient for you in some way."

Yeah, damn convenient! Wang Xiaomie only wanted to mock, but Wen Fengjin, who was sitting next to him, was silent for a time and then nodded after recalling God knows what.


Wang Xiaomie: What are you thinking! Don't even think about that!

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"However, let me explain the details to the two guests," Yi Yan continued with a smile. "I met Mr. Yan Chun twenty years ago."

What?! Twenty years ago?!

Wang Xiaomie and Bai Yu(who was nearby) both gazed at him blankly.

"How old are you?"

Yi Yan, who appeared to be barely thirty years old, grinned as he brushed the creases on his sleeves.

"Age cannot be determined solely by looks. Women are like this, and so are men. I'm afraid the two guests' ages are even more incredible than mine."

Wen "Old bast*rd and living antique over 1300 years old" Fengjin: ......

Wang "Old bast*rd and living fossil who slept for more than 1300 years" Xiaomie: ……

"That year, I met him on a mountain somewhere. He was an interesting individual. His blood had an enviable scent of treasures all over it, but his soul was nasty and already corrupted." Yi Yan smiled, "If it’s not a human, it doesn't deserve to live in a human form, so I truly wanted to kill him at that time, but let him go for the sake of the priceless blood available for use in his body..."

"He was really weak at that time, and his body was incapable of controlling such formidable power. His flesh and blood kept collapsing and falling, just to grow anew..."

"So mismatched— I'm still wondering why I didn't get rid of that thing."

Yi Yan leaned on the table, his chin resting on the backs of his crossed hands. That face had a calm and kind aspect under the warm light that transcended age and belonged to the precipitation of time.

But what he said made one nervous as hell!

"I've spent my entire life refining tools and dealing with those inhuman monsters. Everyone must go all in towards achieving the things they’re dedicated to."

His gaze swept across Wen Fengjin-

-then it fell on Wang Xiaomie, and what was hidden behind the narrowed eyes was fleeting.

"...At the time, he became my client because of my appreciation and need for his blood. I made the feather pattern specifically with Yan Chun's blood in order to stabilize his body and assist him regulate the force in his body."

"You made the feather pattern?!"


"Because the feather pattern’s purpose is to help that trash- ah! It’s not good to scold a client like this, hahaha." Yi Yan waved his hand, "So it will be phagocytic against the blood in your body, but the basic ability will not change after the transfer."

He told Wang Xiaomie: "You don't need the feather pattern since your body can withstand that much power. The voracious feather pattern will only grow stronger in your body, taking your life."

"However, the energy in you, and previously in Yan Chun, comes from this guest... To the feather pattern, this person is equivalent to a sweet cake. If you don't get rid of the feather pattern and don't want to be injured by it, you can only rely on the blood of this guest next to you as a medicine to take on a regular basis."

"Even if it has switched to a new host, I'm not sure if it will entirely control you in the future to consume him."

"It's like devouring Yan Chun—"

Wang Xiaomie was taken aback. Looking at Wen Fengjin next to him, he couldn't help but fall into contemplation...

So the filter through which I see Wen Fengjin isn't actually 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' but 'fried chicken in the eyes of a foodie'???

F*ck! Is that what I've been imagining?!

"Could you tell me about the additional effects of the feather pattern?" Yi Yan asked Wen Fengjin, curious.

Wen Fengjin briefly discussed the developments that occurred after the feather pattern grew. After listening, Yi Yan closed his eyes and thought about it for a minute - although Wang Xiaomie believed that there was little difference between his opening and closing his eyes.

"It's a little bothersome." Yi Yan sighed and strolled to the iron frame bed next to him, his hands in his pockets.

"Come on. Lie down and I'll see if I can peel it off."

On the surface, Yi Yan appeared apprehensive, but Wang Xiaomie's keen eyes caught the excited glow in his slender eyes, as if he had said so much and the true purpose was only the current one!

Wang Xiaomie's bones ached as he glanced at a tray of surgical instruments on the iron frame bed. "Peel off...how?"

"Is there any need to ask?" Yi Yan smiled. "Naturally, dissection~"

"Hahaha, don't be afraid. I am the most professional craftsman, as well as a doctor with a business license who graduated from S Provincial Medical School - albeit as a forensic doctor, hehe. The tools and anesthetics are also imported. I'll call my assistant and ask her to return right away."

"Um...where will you begin studying it?"

"Why start from other places? Isn’t it just peeling off the feather pattern?!"

Wang Xiaomie's eyes widened: "You really are a shady clinic here! I must report you! Xiao Wenzi, I don't want to go up!"

Wen Fengjin frowned slightly. He wanted to get rid of the feather pattern, but he didn't like the man in front of him, let alone allowing the other party to lacerate his shixiong's skin—

Yi Yan had already started to urge.

"Quick, quick, quick!" Yi Yan patted the bed.

That impatient and cajoling tone was like an eccentric scientific researcher who escaped from a mental institution!

"Quickly lie down. I'll cut you open perfectly and peel off the feather pattern. After all, I'm the one who created it~~~ Relax; don't be afraid."

Wang Xiaomie: "..."

Yi Yan tilted his head: "What's the problem? Why don't you lie down?"

Wang Xiaomie: "..."

Wang Xiaomie turned to Wen Fengjin, saying, "Laogong[4]."

Wen Fengjin: "Yeah?"

"Beat him!"


[1] Buddist monk and a central character in the 16th century novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en.

[2] 紧箍咒 translates to Band-tightening spell. It is a spell used by Tang Seng to subdue Monkey King, which could shrink the hoop on Monkey King's head and cause a splitting headache.

[3] Idiom: The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom. It is a metaphor that different people have different views on the same issue from different standpoints or angles.

[4] Husbando.

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