I and My Husband Sleep in a Coffin

Chapter 67: CH 68

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Chapter 68 The end of gentleness

It was early summer, and the sun had just begun to rise. The refreshingly cool wind swept in through the gauze drapes.

Bai Yu rose from the soft bed, dressed in a white vest and hot pants. "Xiao Bai, it's time to eat," a dull-eyed and blank-faced girl whispered as she opened the door slightly and stuck her head in.

"Uh, Xiao An, can you please stop calling me Xiao Bai? That was the name of the hamster I used to keep." Bai Yu couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry as he walked to the door and rubbed her head.

Xiao An was the 'Sailor Moon' who had previously accompanied Yi Yan. Yi Yan had already told him that Xiao An was a puppet[1] he had created, but even knowing this, Bai Yu couldn't treat such a real Xiao An as a robot.

Xiao An swiftly nodded in response to Bai Yu's comments, "Da Bai, it's time to eat." She turned and hurried to the dining room after releasing the door handle.

Bai Yu skilfully opened the door and strolled to the dining table, again trapped between laughter and tears. The neatly dressed Yi Yan curled his finger and flicked Xiao An's forehead, who was circling him, with a smile on his face.

He took a cup of hot milk and placed it in front of Bai Yu.

"Drink it. I don't have an appetite in the morning, so I went downstairs and purchased some porridge and pickles. If you get hungry, you can eat something from the store's refrigerator."


Bai Yu bowed his head to drink the porridge, but his eyes carefully peeked at Yi Yan, who was eating quietly with a spoon.

It had been three days since their last conversation, and he had also stayed three days in Yi Yan's house, where the other party had taken care of him as well as before.

So much so that their interactions had become much too familiar—he almost felt like he was becoming a relative.

It wasn’t bad; it was just...

There was a sense that he was being treated as if he were a child, similar to Xiao An. Bai Yu ate the porridge silently, always feeling something was wrong. Was this the love that everyone was so hung up on?

Are you making fun of my lack of dating experience?


"Bai Yu." Yi Yan suddenly called out.

Bai Yu, who was deep in thought, raised his head and stared blankly.

Yi Yan couldn't help but laugh and shook his head at his silly appearance. "In a couple of days, I'll be in Qishan. There is a particularly powerful creature there; a drought demon."

"Drought demon!?" Bai Yu was so scared by this explosive news that he nearly knocked his bowl to the ground. "Isn't the drought demon just folklore?! How could it appear in this world?"

Although there were zombies, some undead, and walking corpses deliberately refined by humans, but a drought demon? Don’t be ridiculous!

What hard criteria, how stringent the appropriate time and place, in addition to ten thousand people's blood sacrifice and deep resentment... How did all of these conditions come about if there really was a drought demon?

"War..." muttered Bai Yu to himself.

"Yes, it was indeed a war." Yi Yan’s face showed admiration.

He clasped his hands on the dining table, his typical smile vanished, and Bai Yu saw a never seen before apathetic and cold expression on his face, "I've viewed him as the most difficult obstacle under the rules ever since I discovered him. I will not let up until I have gotten rid of him, whether it takes ten or twenty years."

Bai Yu: "…"

"Can’t you understand? It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand," Yi Yan smiled and shook his head. "After all, it’s my long-cherished wish."

"There was that drought demon twenty years ago, but... hehe. Let's not mention that. To be honest, the two people you lived with before are monsters that are even rarer than a drought demon. A drought demon is actually slightly inferior compared to them."


Bai Yu remembered Wang Xiaomie, who made a lot of food every day and was like a college roommate, and Wen Fengjin, who was icy arrogant and didn't get close to people much, but never appeared savage.

"Perhaps there's a mistake somewhere…," he laughed dryly.

"Bai Yu!"

Bai Yu shivered from head to toe as he noticed Yi Yan frowning at him in disapproval.

The black pupils flickered with a certain emotion, but it was fleeting. Before Bai Yu could determine what it was, Yi Yan went on to say:

"Not only that, but according to my investigation, they have some kind of relationship." Yi Yan’s lips curved in a half-smile, "Don't tell me they haven’t told you?"

He laughed when he saw Bai Yu's blank expression.

"Hehe, it appears they don't trust you~"

This sentence was delivered with a light teasing tone but with a hint of sarcasm.

Bai Yu's fingers twitched slightly on the dining table. "It's not like that. They’re really nice to me!"

"Hehe… Monsters like them will not be so friendly to ordinary humans unless it's profitable or just for fun. That's all."

Bai Yu frowned, "But..."

"There’s no need to say anything else." Yi Yan interrupted him, unclasped his hands, supported his chin with one hand, and continued to exert invisible pressure on Bai Yu.

"I have another piece of bad news for you. It’s also where Teacher Bai Cheng was last seen before disappearing, and the other craftsmen I hired a few days ago also replied to me..."

"Actually, Bai Yu, I don't want to tell you."

"Teacher Bai Cheng, he might have...died at the hands of that drought demon."


The young, upright, and honest face was immediately covered in cold perspiration and panic, and the falling beads of water contained deep anguish.

Xiao An sat in the chair and stared at them incomprehensibly.

The air gradually condensed into an awkward atmosphere, and Yi Yan looked at him silently with a frigid expression for a long time.

The young man on the opposite side cried more and more sadly.

Yi Yan sighed suddenly, and the coldness and pressure he exuded crumbled and disappeared.

He reached across the dining table and stroked Bai Yu's cheek.

The skin that was darker than average people was healthy and full of youthful elasticity. The wet water marks vanished as the white palm stroked and wiped it clean, the wet water spots adhering to the fingers before fading.

"Forget it..."

Yi Yan didn't know who he was talking to, and powerlessly sighed in a low voice, "Forget it..."

He stood up and came to Bai Yu's side, comforting him by pressing the quietly crying young man to his breast, a slight smile on his face again, mixed with some unfathomable frustration.

"Is my grandfather truly not going to return?" Bai Yu choked on his sobs as he grasped Yi Yan's garments tightly.

Yi Yan shut his eyes.

"No, he will not return, nor can he return."


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"Don't think about it. I will handle those things, and I should do them alone." Yi Yan muttered: "I’m the one who lost my head to tell you this. As long as you live the life you want… My only..."

"Only what?" Bai Yu raised his head from his arms, failing to hear Yi Yan clearly.

But Yi Yan just shook his head and hugged him again.

"No, it's nothing."

… … …

Deep in the mausoleum, Wang Xiaomie was squatting alongside the man-made underground river, holding a cloth towel, while Wen Fengjin stood behind him.

The blood-colored large lizard and the other big freaks were tearing at each other in the river, growling and howling loudly, baring their fangs and flashing their claws. Because of their movements, the entire underground river was constantly overflowing and smacking against the stone slabs.

The scene appeared terrifying, but it was actually lion cubs making threatening gestures while under the protection of the pride. It was pure fun.

God alone knows who rolled up Mu Shi, who was as soft as jelly, and threw it into the air, causing it to soar towards the shore. Water droplets sprayed in the air as Wen Fengjin expressionlessly lifted his arm to grab it.

‘Boing~’ Due to inertia, the soft jelly bounced a few times in the sharpened five fingers before being tossed down. Wang Xiaomie, who was squatting, scooped it up without even looking back. He wiped the soft jelly with the cloth towel while holding it in his arms.


Mu Shi laughed strangely as he rolled around softly on his knees like a pampered child.

A small monster was flicked out of the water the following second. Wen Fengjin seized it and tossed it to Wang Xiaomie, who was squatting on the ground, with chilly disdain.

Wang. Mama. Xiaomie twitched his lips, put Mu Shi on the ground, opened the cloth towel to pick up the other small monster, and wiped it. Mu Shi turned around and scampered off towards the water with its "jijiji," diving back into the river.

Wang Xiaomie, whose face had been doused with water: "..."

Unfilial son!


Wen Fengjin burst out laughing, overjoyed by his appearance. In the next second, a water saturated cloth towel smacked his face with a loud "pa," which sounded painful simply hearing it!

Wen Fengjin: "..."

Wang Xiaomie sighed and stood up after placing the little monster on his knees on the ground and saw it rejoin the play as he had predicted. Wang Xiaomie closed his eyes and leaned back as the bitter and astringent medicinal aroma behind him approached.

Oh yeah, these pecs are perfect: strong and wide.

"What happened to you recently? Why is your expression so ugly?"

Wang Xiaomie could feel the man behind him sniffing his hair with the tip of his nose. His expression must be delighted, right? After all, the top of his hair repeatedly felt the touch of soft lips.

Mischievous 'kids,' a troublesome partner, and friends to talk to.

Wang Xiaomie, who had experienced two lives, had been relentlessly chasing all of this. Wang Xiaomie had been thinking about Yi Yan ever since he heard An Kai and Wen Fengjin discussing him the other day.

Are humans born greedy?

You will be happy when you obtain what you desire. To preserve your happiness, you will cling to what you like with everything you have. To keep it, you'll continue to plunder and fight, uncaring about even hurting others.

It was similar to how Yi Yan felt about 'other beings,' how Wen Fengjin felt about him, and how he felt about — all this happiness in front of him.

When a gentleman with a stately and jade-like appearance wears a crimson robe with black hair hanging down, he looks extremely gorgeous. Wen Fengjin was fascinated and immersed in this look, yet when the gentle spirit, whose face had always worn a soft smile in his memory, revealed a dark side, he found it equally heart-pounding.

"I keep having the feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"This is the first time in a long time that I've got such a strong portent that we’re mortal."

Wen Fengjin's kissing movement came to a halt, and the corners of his lips hooked slightly, his long and narrow peculiar eyes containing the same smile as he said, "Shixiong, are you worried about me? I'm overjoyed."

Wang Xiaomie shook his head and cast a sidelong glance at him.



"Are you going to die?"


Wang Xiaomie half-closed his eyes and lowered his head, his fingers catching Wen Fengjin’s silver hair falling from his shoulders, and he twisted it around his slender finger a few times.

"I've been thinking lately that if you knew Yi Yan's true identity, knew that his actions were premeditated, and knew An Kai... So you and An Kai came to an agreement but didn't tell me?"

"Hehehe..." Wen Fengjin laughed in a muffled voice as he bent down and nipped Wang Xiaomie's ear. "You are so sharp today that you scare me, shixiong."

"Don't try to fool me!"

Wang Xiaomie's expression darkened. He turned around and grabbed Wen Fengjin's long hair, stating word by word in the man's wide-eyed and surprised gaze:

"No matter how weak and ordinary people are, when their bottom line, which cannot be crossed, is touched, they will become fierce and unyielding!"

"I’m the same, you know!"

"Fengjin, kill Yi Yan."

"..." The pupils of the long, narrow eyes constricted.

Wang Xiaomie continued with an indifference on his face that he didn’t even notice: "If he really wants us to die, then we can only kill him."

He had everything including a 'family' in the underground palace. He did not wish to die.

He also insisted that if others do not offend him, he will not offend others. But if the other party had long planned to deprive him of his happiness, all he can say is "Go to hell!"

The strange pupils in the long and narrow eyes burned scarlet as if a flame had lit when the cold and cruel words were pronounced, reflecting the figure that seemed to have shed its scabbard to display its sword light—

The end of gentleness was actually so cruel and beautiful—

Wen Fengjin was out of breath as he lifted his trembling hand, then violently crushed Wang Xiaomie into his chest the next second!

"Oof!" His hold caused Wang Xiaomie pain. He scowled and shoved him. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Let me hug you for a while— Shixiong— Mian Deng Shixiong—"

He was too excited. He could only hold Wang Xiaomie's head firmly on his shoulder since the gentle mask could no longer hide his madly morbid eyes and the corners of his mouth that were constantly curving up.


He took a sniff of the scent on the black hair.

Finally got dyed...

He’d dyed his shixiong into a look that belonged exclusively to him!


[1] This actually translates to a doll, a humanoid toy puppet to be exact.

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