I Became A Mech Soldier After Waking Up in The Future.

Chapter 38: Keiko, I Challenge You! (Edit)

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Author's Note: Thanks for ROUGE_CREED for noticing the problem in this chapter. There is indeed a missing part that i forgot to copy before i published the chapter. Here the complete chapter.


The training was conducted on several ten-square fighting fields, and every field will be given a number. The soldiers will be grouped into 10-man groups according to their ranking. A group that consists of low-ranking soldiers will fight on the fields with a bigger number assigned to them and vice versa.

For example, ten soldiers with the lowest ranking will be grouped together in the field with the biggest number, and the highest-ranking group will be grouped in the smallest numbered field. Those ten people will fight against each other in a round stage. The one with the highest number of wins would be able to move to the field with a smaller number, and the one with the most losses would be demoted to the field with a bigger number.

Keiko wasn't ranked yet, so her task for this combat training was to measure her own ranking.

Originally, she wanted to suggest that she would go one by one from the field with the biggest number, but everyone agreed that she could directly compete with the first place in the left wing combat ranking.

After all, no one wanted to watch the famous "Death Reaper" bully a small character like them. They would rather watch her challenge the higher-ranking soldiers directly, it would be more exciting. It's a pity that the big competition for the entire division was only held once a month, and the soldiers couldn't wait to watch a good show.

The first place on the left-wing squadron combat ranking happened to be Keiko's immediate superior, Lieutenant Lu Diyun.

Lieutenant Lu Diyun could be regarded as an all-round military officer. He was very proficient at using either cold or hot weapons, piloting mecha, and also unarmed combat.

In addition, as the first rank of the left-wing squadron, he also won against Lieutenant Valentine, who was the first rank of the right-wing squadron, but he was defeated by Captain Amanda in last month's competition and temporarily ranked second in the Third Squadron's combat list.

If Keiko could win against him, then her ranking would be directly promoted to second place in the third squadron and she could directly challenge Captain Amanda to compete for first place.

Keiko didn't know how good Lu Diyun was, so she was very cautious from the beginning and didn't dare be careless. Their match in the first fighting field attracted the attention of all the left-wing soldiers, giving Keiko a lot of pressure.

"Lieutenant Lu, please go easy on me."

"You're joking, Lieutenant Keiko. How could I not go all out against the famous Death Reaper? If I'm losing easily, where should I put my face?" Lu Diyun replied jokingly.

Keiko replied with a smile and gave him a salute, "Please."

"Please," Lu Diyun saluted back.

Lieutenant Lu Diyun was of medium stature, with a solid and steady stance like a mountain. While Keiko had outstanding physical ability and was especially agile, she was the type of speedy fighter.

Keiko was very cautious and wasn't in a hurry to make a move. When Lu Diyun saw that she didn't make a move, he attacked first.

Lu Diyun charged forward and sent a straight jab with his left hand. Keiko dodged instantly by tilting her head and raising her right hand to block. Lu Diyun's fist met with Keiko's hand, and to her surprise, the strength of his punch was a lot stronger than she previously thought.

She staggered slightly sideways, and then quickly retreated. Her forehead started sweating a little bit.

People who had a stable stance and solid defense were generally a power-type fighters who weren't good at offense and often relied on counterattacks. Their agility was very low, and their attack accuracy wasn't high, but once their attacks connected, the opponent would be guaranteed to suffer badly.

Keiko herself was a full-offensive style fighter who was both powerful and agile, thus having a destructive power, but the downside of this type was their lack of defensive capability. Most of them rely on their speed to dodge the opponent and avoid meeting the opponent head-on.

When a power-type fighter meets a full-offensive fighter, the latter usually suffer the most. In other words, Keiko's fighting ability will be strictly restrained by Lu Diyun.

For a long time, it was always debatable which one was the best. Some said power was the king, some said speed was the king. But in the end, the results will depend on each individual's ability.

Through his punch, Keiko analyzed Lu Diyun's fighting characteristics and then quickly launched a series of lightning-fast counterattacks. She dashed to Lu Diyun's side and launched several punches at his shoulder, chest, and abdomen, respectively. This series of movements fully demonstrated her battle prowess.

Keiko's movements were very fast, and Lu Diyun couldn't even react before Keiko's punches scored a clean hit. He was knocked back several steps before standing up. If he hadn't quickly stabilized his stance, he would have fallen to the ground just now.

But before he could fully recover, Keiko made another attack. Her left foot stomped the ground, propelling her forward at a breakneck speed.

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Then, after arriving in front of Lu Diyun, she stretched both of her hands to grab his shoulder and push his body downward while lifting her knees upward toward his abdomen.

This time, Li Diyun reacted quickly and moved his hand to block Keiko's knee kick, leaving his upper body defenseless.

When Keiko saw that his arms went down to protect his abdomen, she realized that her knee kick wouldn't be able to connect. She quickly changed her posture, as if making a feint, lifted her hand and sent a powerful blow at Lu Diyun's back with her elbow.



A groan came from Lu Diyun's mouth, followed by a series of coughs. He could feel the searing pain in her chest, making him suffocate. Lu Diyun's veins burst with pain, and his whole face turned red.

At that moment, regardless of the pain, he hugged Keiko's waist, raised her up with a loud roar, and was about to throw her. Keiko's feet lifted off the ground, and she immediately fell into a very passive situation.

But she didn't rush; she swooped back, grabbed Lu Diyun's waist belt, and wriggled in the mid-air until finally her body was directly twisted out of Lu Diyun's arms.

He rolled over to the ground, grabbed Lu Diyun's belt and held onto it, and with one move, directly spined Lu Diyun's body upside down.

Lu Diyun, who originally wanted to throw Keiko, was instead thrown back by Keiko to submission, unable to get up for a long time.

Ten seconds after the start of the battle, Lu Diyun conceded defeat, and Keiko became the first in the left-wing combat ranking. There was still a big gap between Lu Diyun's fighting ability and Keiko's, and it is reasonable for him to lose to a martial art master like Keiko in three moves.

The soldiers were stunned for a moment before breaking into cheers. As expected of the goddess of war with the title of "Death Reaper", her control over her body had reached a terrifying level. If she were to use a saber, killing two first-level predators at once does not seem to be a strange thing.

Keiko herself was a little surprised at the degree of control she had over her body.

When she was fighting the ferocious earth dragon before, she discovered that she had only mediocre control over her body. But now, she could literally control every muscle in her body with very high precision, making it easy for her to strike and dodge. Even moves like a somersault kick or spinning roundhouse kick didn't seem that difficult for the current her.

This is what her adoptive father said, many muscles were beyond the control of the brain's subjective consciousness and could only be gradually controlled through training.

If Lu Diyun could hear her thoughts, he would've fought her again in anger.

Even the top martial artists couldn't fully control their bodies as Keiko did. She was the exception among the exceptions.

She looked at her hands with excitement. It was really a blessing in disguise for her. Her joy, however, was short-lived, as another problem soon knocked on her door, causing her yet another headache.

After watching the training of the left-wing squadron for an afternoon, Miss Jeanne finally made a move.

Keiko got a glimpse of her when she leaned over to Charlie beside her and said a few words to him secretly. After that, Lieutenant Charlie left, and she walked straight towards Keiko.

At that time, Keiko had taken off the beret tucked under the soft epaulet, stretched it out again, put it on his head, and saluted Lieutenant Lu Diyun to show her respect.

Jeanne walked out from behind her with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, snatched Keiko's beret, took off her own beret, and placed the two side by side on the edge of the first field.

The soldiers were stunned when they saw her action. Keiko was also completely at a loss as to the inexplicable behavior of the eldest young lady.

What Keiko didn't know was the shock on other soldiers' faces because they knew the meaning of her action, which represented a challenge to the opponent.

Sure enough, Jeanne put on her hat, stood in front of Keiko, smiled slightly, and solemnly said,

"Second Lieutenant Keiko, I, Jeanne Armstrong, officially issue a challenge to you! Do you accept it? "

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