I became a simp and wrote a fairy tale for a girl

Chapter 1: Oneshot

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I became a simp and wrote a fairy tale for a girl

There was once a young prince who was suddenly inflicted with a horrible disease. The prince could barely keep his consciousness and had several episodes of fits.
The king called for doctors from lands far and away, but much less to cure him; the doctors even had no idea the cause of the disease.

One day, a witch came to the King's court from the North and offered her services to the King. The ministers were very concerned.

"Your grace, not only can she not be trusted, the public will not be happy with their king following a witch."

The King asked the witch if she could prove her worth, and she produced a black cock from her black robes, a parrot, and an oak sapling.

The witch offered all three as gifts to prove her powers and promised the King she will return after a week.

The king had three daughters alongside a son. The three were blood sisters, but couldn't be any different from each other.
The Youngest princess was merely eight years old named Arianna, and liked pretty things. She loved animals and would bring every kind of beast back home. The king spoiled her a lot and could never say no to her. The child, being an angel at heart would never take advantage of her standing.

The Middle princess was named Helene, a rowdy free spirit, interested in the life and pursuit of the blade. She would often duel with the king, sometimes every evening. It was not uncommon for the King and the middle princess to have tea while drawing their swords.

The oldest princess, Sarah devoted herself to books. She was shy and preferred spending her time on the roof of the castle. She had a secret obsession with desserts but she was too shy to ever demand any, which made any that came along the way a day of celebration.

The king called all three of them, but only Arianna arrived. The king showed her all three gifts, the cock, the parrot, and the sapling; "Tell me my silly putty, which one do you want?"

"This one is fuzzy!" the child said gleefully while stroking the cock from the shadows. Because of its black body, its bright red crown seemed to have shined almost like a torch.

"The creature also seems to like your companionship, would you take care of it for me?"

"Yes Papa, thank you!" and the princess gave an impatient bow before running off with the cock."

The intendants told the king that the other two princesses refuse to answer the summons, and the king sighed. He should have expected such bold actions from his blood, but sometimes he wished they would go easier on his old bones.

The king asked two servants to pick up the parrot and the sapling and follow him. The king ventured downstairs, to the royal garden, across the bush maze, and at the center was Helene practicing sword with a dummy.

"My daughter, why didn't you answer my summons?"

The Middle princess did not answer, so the king drew his sword and moved in to slash her wrist, and was blocked very quickly, "I always knew my father wanted to give my hand in marriage to a stranger, but I never could have known it was this literal."

"I expected you to protect yourself, even if you didn't, it was just a slap on the wrist."

The two exchanged slashes for a bit, both being highly experienced and skillful fighters. The fight finally ended when the king managed to find an opening in-between his daughter's barrage of attacks and reached out his hand to pat her head.

"I always end up losing to you father, when will I be able to fight alongside you on the battlefield."

"You can be assured I won't be partaking in any battles till your brother is cured. That is unless the barbarians attack, in which case I hope our allies come to our aid."

"Father, I can fight! Please trust me!"

"It's not your skills I doubt my daughter, but war takes more than determination to slash enemies. I wish not to argue more however, I am here regarding another matter."

The king waved his hand signaling the servants to step forward.

"Choose one honey, a gift from your father?"

"Oh, a bribe to persuade me to marry?" Helene wasn't interested in either of the gifts but decided to choose the parrots.

"Hoh? Why that?"

"I was once told ancient warriors of a faraway land practiced sword by slicing birds."

The king was exhausted after that fight despite walking away confidently from the royal garden; he could feel exhaustion washing over him and strength leaving his arms. The weight of the sword and armor that he wore with honor for years was now causing him to stagger.
The king knew his age was catching up to him and he wanted the prince to inherit the throne already.

The king asked the servants to leave and said he shall meet the eldest princess alone, but that was mainly to hide his inability to climb the stairs as proudly as he once did.

At the roof of the castle, Sarah was sipping some tea under a silk umbrella while reading a book, occasionally staring at the clouds and birds.

"Daughter, you didn't answer my summons. What is your explanation for this rudeness."
"I was studying a flower father."
"A flower? What flower?"
"A flower over there," she pointed to the yonder, the forest that lay beyond the castle grounds, "I see a Night Eris lies there."

"You are pointing to nothing, my dear."

"Oh my, has the eyesight of my father fallen so far? He can't even see a flower growing deep within a forest. Alas, I lament."

"Daughter, I ask you to accept this gift from me. An oak sapling, may it remind you of the patience required to excel in life, and may you never stop growing alongside it."

One day, the king fell into the clasps of old age as well and contracted a horrible fever.
The princesses were very worried about him, but the doctor said the stress and anxiety would only worsen the symptoms. Even then, it is inevitable that his time as a mortal is not long, and he shall depart from this world soon.

"Oh, Darling!" the queen sobbed at his bedside, grasping the king's hand. Looking at her mother's condition, the eldest princess knew the kingdom will fall into despair if the news leaked that the throne is empty now. Even the opposing kingdoms rush for it.

The eldest daughter immediately ordered the servants in the room to be sent to the dungeon and ordered that the doctors cannot exit this room till the king recovered.

The other sisters were shocked, but they were too overtaken by grief to offer much resistance, especially the youngest who could not even keep her head clear. Sarah suggested Arianna should not stay near such a depressing place for long and asked Helene to entertain her.

"What will you do sister?" Helene asked while lifting Arianna in her arms and gently comforting her.

"There are things to do, I have to ask the prime ministers. I don't know what to do, but, I have to do it."

In the royal suite of Helene, both sisters were lying on the soft bed; hugging each other, afraid.

In the room there also was the parrot, sitting on top of the bed frame of the royal bed.

It flew away from the open window, flying far away into clouds at a speed faster than anyone could see, soon it was just a tiny dot in the sky, unbeknownst to the sisters.

After Arianna had fallen asleep, Helene went away to practice her blade again, it helped take her mind off things.

While slashing the straw dummy, she noticed the black cock was on the castle wall and immediately flew away. The Middle Princess chased after him, climbed the high wall, and jumped out. She followed the cock beyond the castle walls, entering the city.

She was in the market, which was a lively place. There were many people and many stalls. An aromatic smell wafted through the air, a combination of spices, roses, and tanned leather.

She finally found the cock, it was on an old run-down stall, barely holding itself together. It had a wooden plank leaning against it, "Traditional Family Owned Shaman. We do readings too"

"Come here you bird," the princess tried to call out to the cock in hopes it quietly comes back but instead it just "cockladoodledo-ed" and trotted inside the tent.

Inside was dark, barely lit by wax candles. The air was very chilly and the princess could feel it through her boots! There was strange music playing, something magical. It was a strange note, it seemed to disappear the moment one focuses on it, but it would reappear as if a wisp whispering in your ear.

The cock was resting on the lap of an old woman, purring softly. The old woman seemed to be in deep meditation, unmoving and distant from this dimension. She had an alien aura. The princess picked up the cock and carried it away.

It was only when she had gotten back to the castle that she noticed a pendant had gotten stuck in the cock's claws, which she untangled and was about to throw but a sudden call made her put it in her pocket for no reason.

A soldier arrived to escort Helene away, "Your sister has asked that my Lady should not leave her room for the next of the evening."

"What? why?"

"Delegates are arriving from other countries and your sister has advised this."

"She wants to confine me?! I don't believe this! I want to talk to her."

Helene bolted to the throne room where Sarah was sitting on the throne, with the royal crown sitting on an oak stool beside her. Her playful finger circled its gems.

"Sister! Is there a problem?"
"Yes, there's a problem dammit. You just ordered them to lock me in my room!"

"I am not 'locking' you up dear. This is for your good, isn't it? Would you rather attend the boring meetings with those old geezers droning about politics?"

"Well, no, but I can still attend, right? My choice, no need to just confine me."

"I am afraid my hands are tied. Our country is in a fragile state right now. We have to put on our best behavior, and I don't want to put you through torture. But most of all, I will be honest since I love you; but we can't allow any rude outbursts. So please sister, just agree with me this once."

The middle sister raged and stormed out, Sarah sighed but knew this was an essential sacrifice. The pendant dropped out of her pocket in the process.

For the next few days, there were many visitors to the castle. The Middle and Youngest sisters would sometimes peek out to look at the ball that was held every few days now. The two would remain holed up in their room until the party was over, where the three could finally meet and play, sometimes dance.

One day some trouble brewed up, it was a king. He was a good friend of the princess's father.
"Oh, I am ever so unfortunate about the news. You must be so devastated."
"Thank you for your condolences, Good Sir."
"Oh yes, it must be so difficult. Handling this entire kingdom, a house of ministers. And the lives of so many people depend on you now."
"With your blessings, it gets a little easier Sir."
"I was thinking, I have a great army, I could perhaps excuse about, 1200 soldiers to your kingdom. All fully equipped with weapons and trained well, that will be my guarantee."
"Oh, my! That would be wonderful my Lord! I, I just don't know how to ever pay you for your kindness, such strength would be invaluable to us during these times."
"Oh, don't fret!" the king laughed, "Your father and I were good friends after all. I could never ask for payment. I just wanted to extend this alliance to you as well."
"Consider it accepted. I shall pray our kingdoms to hold a bright future together."
"Ho ho ho. Say, have I ever told you about my son?"
"I believe Father told me about prince Gerald. A mighty man, I heard he is a wonderful son."
"Oh, he is a great man, isn't he? I was just telling him about your circumstances the other day, and he showed a lot of interest, especially in your sisters. He sympathizes with your struggles and wishes for better relationships as well, as closer relationships. A way to make both of our kingdoms stronger and united."
"Oh. Oh, um, my, My Lord. Ah, I apologize, but I am not in any position to engage in courting. Th-The things are just so busy, and-"
"Oh, it's not you. He seemed to have chosen your younger sister."
"Oh, Helene?"
"Yes. If I may have your permission, then the plans for a wedding can commence immediately."
"I see no problem with that my Lord. I shall commence the wedding. If you please, send a suitable wedding dress."

Sarah was too ashamed to break the news to her sister. She had completely reclused herself in her chambers, she no longer appeared for dinner even. The nighttime was now silent and filled with solitude, sometimes even lit candles seemed to be something the sisters would watch in envy. Their short lives were spent burning gloriously. The sisters could not bare watching it, and lived in darkness, sometimes even rejecting the sun.

Sarah finally sent the news to Helene via a parchment,
"Dear Sister,
I hope you and Arianna have been doing well. It has been a long since we managed to spend time together, I promise to have a tea party with you as soon as this mess is sorted out.

I have been busy, the kingdom is not doing very well. I knew the tragedy couldn't be contained inside these closed doors for long, but it happened too quickly, it was a surprise. Was it the doctors? The servants? Or the soldiers themselves?

Doesn't matter how the word reached them, the public now knows the seat is empty dear Helene. I have reasons to believe a civil war is near if nothing is done. But the biggest loss of all shall be the lightning that struck our father. Its true brute strength isn't enough to win wars, the king was the most seasoned leader among all of us. He knew how to hold up the morale, and how to strategize. Scholars have written books analyzing the formations he formulated on the battlefield.

Without his help, our kingdom is being threatened by several other kingdoms. We have to compensate by increasing our military strength. There is not enough time to recruit them, we have to call our allies.

I shall not sweeten the next words I am going to utter now sister, they are foul words coming from a sinner. I sold you in exchange for a thousand soldiers.
You shall be married off to Gerald, the son of a friend of our father. I assure you he is a decent man and has a handsome face.
The Prince shall also provide us with the most beautiful wedding dress the Earth has ever seen, your departure will be grand sister and will be heaven on Earth.
Please make this sacrifice. For me, for Arianna; for this kingdom. We cannot let the kingdom fall before father wakes up, and hopefully, it won't be long.


Helene was too heartbroken to resist, to argue. Her life had fallen into turmoil, but she was too weak to fight anymore. It just felt too inviting to just let go, to swim along the flow. To not fight the fates, is this what God planned for her? If so, then it is simply impossible for her to escape.

There was a soft knock on her door, disturbing her sorrowful musings beneath the moonlight. The white moonlight seemed to shine so wonderfully against her pale skin, she could see her veins.

Helene no longer kept the door locked, so the guest welcomed herself in. It was a servant, but not any other one. Her name was Maria, the head chef and the Madam of all the maids who had been working in
the palace for past 40 years. She had raised the sisters ever since they were born. Sometimes, when the queen would be too sick, the princesses would suckle on her breasts.

Seeing her bought forth a strange anger, one directed at herself. The joyful past was now akin to an ant biting on the wound, Helene wanted to distant herself from her past.

"My Lady, you, you have been out in the...I heard the news," she stuttered a lot but finally managed to form a sentence.

"Yes Maria, are you here to congratulate me? You are here at a good time, I have been thinking, I need to earn how to be a proper lady now, don't I? Well, it will be difficult, I wasted my entire life after all, but I shall try to be a good wife."

"Oh, my Lady! Don't say that! You, you didn't wasted your life."
"Fufufu, my life has been a joke Maria. I realized, I know nothing. Absolutely nothing, I am so worthless. I can't help my sister, I can't help Arianna. I can't..I just can't do anything right."
"Your father will disagree my Lady. He was very proud of you."
"If he was, he would be here. He would, he would...do something. Help us, but he is not. He just got sick and old. Please leave me Maria."

"My Lady, don't think tha-"

"Please leave."

"...very well. I wanted to give you this," she said as she presented a dish. It seemed to be some kind of sliced fruit, cooked slightly till caramelized. it had a sweet aroma and all evil thoughts were expelled from Helene's mind.

"The Oak tree that the king bought, for some reason, it bore this fruit. It used to grow back in my village too, on vines. We used to eat a lot of them, me and the other children. Our throats would get so hoarse, they were that sour. My mother used to make sauces out of them. I don't know what you are going through, a maid like me couldn't dare to assume, but I wanted to make something for you, and I saw this fruit and...please eat this before it gets cold."

Helene let the dish sit for a while, she kept gazing out of the window. She didn't intent on eating, but the magical aroma of the dish just seemed to invite her. It was getting harder and harder for her to continue being depressed, her eyes were gaining colour and her cheeks flushed red. She could feel her heart thumping and pulse beating and she finally succumbed to the temptation.

As she took a bite strength returned to her and her chest felt warm. It was as if she was hugging someone again, how long had it been since she hugged someone? Sarah? Arianna? Her mother? What was her mother doing? How is she? How is Arianna? What was she doing all holed up like this, wasting time?

Wait wait wait, a marriage? How did she agreed to that so easily! It was as if someone cut off her strings, but now she has them back.

The moonlight, now it seemed to pale, too dull even. To think there was a time when its presence would hurt her eyes.

Looking outside the window, there was only one thought in Helene's mind, "I can definitely make that jump."

And so she jumped out the window, clasping for any ledges to slow her decent and finally rolling down to break her fall.

As she got one, Helene felt rejuvenated. There was some energy in the air, and she just felt so free. It took her a while to realize she was smiling, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in her chest, but only briefly.

She ran, ever so free, so strongly, her legs refused to move, the more she ran the more her chest would hurt, but she didn't wanted to stop running.

Suddenly, she heard a sharp whistle, coming from the forest. It was melodic, like a bamboo flute and was calming yet had some sort of dread in it. Helene decided to follow it, running from tree to tree finding the source of the whistling, hearing it getting louder and louder. Her chest pained more and more, the pain was spreading to her limbs and her hands were getting numb, her throat felt like it was being squeezed, but there was something good in that pain. Helene could not explain it, but it felt like the pain of removing of a splinter.

She followed the sound and finally found a parrot on a branch, it had hauntingly red eyes and a shiny green coat. She recognized it as the parrot she chose.
Helene soon felt the presence of someone other than her, and like a shadow, a dark flash fled into the overgrown grass, rustling.
"Wait, who are you?" She called out.

From the rustling grass peeked out two green eyes, they shone brightly in moonlight like emeralds, "I should be asking you that!" said the voice of what seemed to be a child.

"I was just here for my bird. Come out, its okay. I-I won't bite. Promise."

The small child came out, wearing peculiar clothes, purple robes, much bigger than her size. Even her shoes seemed to be made of cotton and her hat, oh my,
"You are a witch!" Helene exclaimed.
"A student still. But I will be a witch one day!"
"What are you doing here?"
"The lil one," she pointed towards the parrot who was cleaning itself and fluffing its wings, "it led me here. And you say you were led by him?"
"Yes. Did he wanted us to meet?"
"If so, it could be because of your curse."
"My curse?"
"Yes, a hex has been placed on you, by Saturn. The curse of cold heart."
"What's that?"
"You don't know the curse of cold heart? Are you daft idiot or something?"
"Seriously, even children know about it. It's like common sense by now. What's strange is that it has spread so much, its the first time I have seen such a big cyst on someone's heart. Did you not bath till now?"
"Umm...I bathed quite recently, when was it? About...three days ago?"
"Don't come near me! How gross, how could you not bath! Like, do you not even change clothes?"
"Well, I didn't had a reason to ever since I stopped practicing."
"Well, go wash yourself. That should remove the hex, and in case being dirty runs in your family, ask them to bath too. This curse can spread from person to person."

"So what happens if one doesn't bath?"

"Ah, I don't remember. It is supposed to make you colder I guess? I don't remember. For now, just clean yourself already, I can't stand the stinkyness."

"I'm not stinky!"

The two soon broke down into more friendly talk, and exchanged addresses at the end to write letters to each other. The lil witch was named Zoey, and was actually 70 years old, but she said that she is just a child in witch year. They hadn't noticed that the parrot had disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

Helene rushed back to castle, banging on the doors which was a surprise to the guards, but she didn't listen to their confused cries and rushed inside. Inside the courtyard that she knew so well, beyond the royal hedge maze and across many thick shrubbery, completely behind the main gate of the castle there should be a well. A well where maids wash the clothes. She just needed to get there. Just a bucket of water would do.
She ran and ran, but closer to the well she got, the harder it got. It was getting difficult to breath, her hands had begun hanging lifelessly already. Before she realized, she had fallen down. Her body felt cold but she crawled, grasping the grass to pull her heavy body. The well was just a few paces away, she could make it.

But she felt something hard on her hand. It was difficult to look up, her eyes were dizzy, but she saw her sister, the eldest princess.

"Sarah, you need to help me. Water, bring me some water from that help."
"No. No my dear sister."
"Wh-what?" she said weakly.
"Stand up sister. Don't fight the hex, it will only drain you faster. Accept it and you shall find it much comforting."
"There there, such a tongue doesn't suit the bride to be. Calm down now, the magic has already taken over your heart, it's slowly climbing and soon you will be the perfect human."

Just as Helene's conciousness was fading, she heard just one sound, "cock a doodle doo," followed by a "What the fuck, where did you come from! Stop you, maggot!"

Helene didn't knew what was happening, but she heard a lot of shrieks, they sounded like her sister, "Let go of my dress you shit! Ah, GUARDS! THERE IS A PES-ow! My eye! Guards!"

As she heard light steps of her sister running away, she felt the sharp claws of the cock climbing her, standing on her back.

The cock then started to promptly peck her furiously, and Helene grunted in pain, vibrations travelled throughout her body and it hurt a lot. It felt like being hit by a hammer, and with every peck, Helene felt the beak was hitting something stoney. Helene started feeling nauseating, she felt something trying to kick her throat, was she going to vomit? No, it was something too coarse, something harsh, something solid.

Helene coughed furiously, and the cock stopped pecking. Helene felt something drop to ground and her body instantly felt lighter. Her eyes fluttered open and in front of me she saw, a stone heart!

She picked it up, it felt cold, ice cold and barely pulsated. But there was life in it, surely, she could sense it.

"What do I do with this?"

She heard the incoming on soldiers, the heavy thump of metal shoes and clangs on spear,"Ahhhhh, you! Cock! Take care of this for me!" she said as she tried to somehow suffix the heart on the cock, but the heart magically sank into its feather and disappeared.

"Princess Helene!" an armed guard called out, "Princess Sarah said-"
"Oh yes, this cock. Umm, take it to the kitchen, tell the chef to feed it well, and make it fat. As fat as possible."

Once Helene was escorted inside, the first thing she did was to take a bath. However, she didn't feel any different. Her body was still unburdened, but she had a feeling of emptiness.
She had an inkling what was circling, the cock took out her heart to stop the spread of the curse. The curse could not be removed till she baths with her heart inside her. She remembered how the stone looked like, so gray, like volcanic ash. To think that was her heart, it gave her shudders.

After a bath she rushed to Arianna's room, and didn't even bother knocking. She kicked the door open, cracking open the hinges.

"Sister! Its been so many days!" Arianna said gleefully and Helene was moved to tears. She bent down and pulled her sister to a tight hug, only to immedietly let go, "Arianna! You are burning! Do you have a cold?"

"A cold? No sister. But you feel so cold, like snow."

"I am cold?" Helene got up and touched the walls, they were warm. She touched the ground and it was very warm too.

"Um," peeked a maid, "I heard a loud sound, is everything alright?"

Helene jumped in and grabbed the maid's hands, causing her to recoil from surprise and end up in confusion, but Helene had confirmed her suspicions. The maid's hand also felt burning hot, nay. It was her who was getting colder and colder.

"Everything is alright, leave us now."

"I-I should send someone to fix that," she pointed towards the door blasted open with a quaking finger.
"Leave it, attend to that in morning. I request some privacy right now."

"Arianna," she turned to her sister, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Mm!" she nodded, "But, but...ummm."
"What is it?"
"I lost it...."
"Lost what honey?"
"I lost father's cock."
"Oh, don't worry honey" Helene wondered if the cock had been protecting Arianna from the curse, "It, I found it. Go fetch it from the kitchen."

"Oh, thank you sister!" and they hugged again, for longer this time.

Helene tugged her sister to bed, it was very late now. Unsurprisingly she was very tired too, and seeing the blissful face of her sister was too inviting an invitation, and hence Helene fell right there at the moment to sleep.

The next morning, Helene and Arianna very calmly had their breakfast. Last night felt like a daze, surely her sister could not have been such a villainous character, Helene thought. Surely it was just a dream.

"Arianna, did you get that cock from the kitchen?"
"Yes sister, I had it sent to my room. Do you want to see it?"
"Ah, its alright. I will see it later."

She held the hands of her sister again, and they were still burning hot.

So it wasn't a dream after all.

After breakfast, Helene was approached by Maria, the head maid; "My Lady, there is something I need to talk about Lady Sarah."

"What is it?"

"She has locked herself in her room, she refuses to eat her meals as well. Yesterday night was the only time she stepped out of her room, only to lock herself again. I understand that these are hard times for her, so could you please talk to her?"

"She locked herself in? What about the ministers?"

"Oh, did you not hear My Lady?"

"Hear what?"

"They were let go. The council of ministers have been terminated."

"WHAT!? Sarah did that?"

"Yes my Lady, she issued a royal decree and dissolved the council. She handles everything now, it must be such a burden for her."

"I see, I will talk to her. I just...I need a bucket of water."

You are reading story I became a simp and wrote a fairy tale for a girl at novel35.com

Helene was now in front of the door leading to the throne room. In her hand was a bucket of water.
She was hesitant to knock, she was afraid what lied ahead.

But she readied herself and was determined to give Sarah a piece of her mind, and a good bath; and so, she reached out to the door handle and pushed it with all her strength.


A spear travelled through the air and impaled Helene instantly, right through where her heart would be, fixating her to the wall behind, causing her to drop the bucket of water.

"Well well," Sarah sneered, "My sister visited me. I am so happy"

"Uhg," Sarah looked down at the spear, it was piercing right where her heart would be, "You planning on killing me or what?"

"You won't die, not while you don't have your heart. It's with that cock, isn't it? Where is it?"

"Why don't you find it yourself?"

"I can't see magical beings, they exist beyond our plane of existence, they control dimensions we cannot interact with."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Sarah grabbed her sister's throat, pinning her harder against the wall. Helene didn't feel any pain from the spear because of her lack of heart, but she felt her flesh tearing apart more as she was lifted slightly.

"Be a good sister Helene, it is for the good of this kingdom. We need you to be consumed by the magic."

"Never, you bitch!" Helene tried kicking her sister right on her chest. Sarah was never the type to be good in combat, so she could never stand a chance in front of Helene even when she hadn't battled in many days.
But with lightning fast moments, Sarah dodged it.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" both screamed together, and spent a few seconds catching their breaths.

It was Sarah who broke the silence first, she pulled out something from her neck. It was a pendant, it wasn't visible before since it was tucked away inside Sarah's dress, but Helene recognized it as the same pendant she stole from the shaman's tent.

"This necklace," Sarah said, "The guards found it on the courtyard. It must be a godsend, I had it checked by the royal astrologers. They told me this is used by great hermits to focus during their meditations, but it is useless for the likes of us because we could never calm our mind and soul enough to use this.

However, when I first touched it, I knew everything. I learnt everything. Those hermits never knew what they created, they could never harness the full power of this pendant.

The greatest hermits are able to project their mind to deep forests or peaking mountains using this; but that is not the full potential of this tool. When I first touched this, I knew what will happen sister. I knew what has happened, memories and dreams of every creature, human, cattle, I knew them all."

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"I was not supposed to see that sister, no human should be subjected to such horrors. The secret of universes, to know what lies out there, to unravel the fabric of humanity. A mind would implode by just seeing a cent of what I saw.

Yet I didn't die sister. Because of this magic, the hex, the curse. It solidifies me, it solidifies us."

"Its killing us! That's what its doing!"

"We all shall die someday sister. I shall die in exactly 23 days because of my heart completely turned into stone."

"th-then why?"

"That is a question I asked myself many times. Why? And I realized sister, we are worthless. Life is worthless. We shall never account to anything in front the plans God has for this world.

At that moment, I realized what matters most, is this kingdom.

Not the people of it, not the rulers, not you, not me. But the kingdom shall survive forever. And it shall require sacrifices."

"You are insane! Think of Arianna! Will you sacrifice her next?!"

Sarah paused, made a troubled sad face, "I knew you were going to say that, yet it hurts just as much. My heart is stone cold right now, but; it still hurts.

Yes sister, I am insane. And I am afraid. I want to cry, but that is useless. Our dynasty will go extinct in just 7 generations, the energy crises in 1500 years. People mutilating each other, themselves; future is just..so horrifying. This world, I want it to live, but, it is getting hard dear.

That's why I need you Helene, please. Together, we can stand this. I see it, together, our actions will result in MRI machines being invented earlier. So many lives will be saved, only innocent lives. We can make sure criminals never get born. The industrial revolution will start alongside waste management, King henry will never be influenced by the Pope. We can do that all just by creating a ripple and letting it turn into a tsunami."

"Wait wait wait, who is Curie? What? And you need my help?"

"We have a lot to learn together sister, we have all the time in the world.

To put it simply, my immediate plan is to use magic to change how our people see us. Magic will clean our quarters, and army and maids will be dissolved. Enemies will forget about us, this place will become a heaven.

And yes, I need you as my support, I can't stand this alone. My mind will break before my body does without companionship."

"You are terrible at asking for favors."

"I need your heart sister."


"Perhaps...no, definitely. I see it already, yes. It is much better that you see it yourself. You will not see everything, but you will see enough," and Sarah stepped forward and took Helene's hand. Helene knew her own body would be cold, but Sarah's was even colder. Colder than a dead body, it was as if she was stealing the little body heat she had.

She placed the tips of her finger on the pendant, and Helene saw.

It was a peculiar feeling, to see without eyes, to hear without eyes. It was a dream-like stage, she had lost the difference of what is in and what is out, what was she and what she was not, and happened and what didn't, and boundaries between realty and fantasy blurred.

Sarah felt this was enough, and tugged the pendant away from Helene, who had unconsciously began to grab it tightly.

"Did you see it sister?"

"Yes, you...you need me to inherit you. To be the next ruler."

"That is inevitable, yes."

"And to control the pendant, to use it properly, I need to be emotionless, mindless. You need the magic to turn me into stone."


"And if you really can see the future like you claimed to, then you know what I will say."

I have not yet earned the full power, my heart is still alive, still beating. Unrest, movement, these disrupt the powers of the pendant. As such, I may know what happens centuries from now, but I didn't knew the result of what will happen when you see using the pendant.

However, I know now. You refuse.

Why sister? Do you not wish to rule with me? Would you rather marry Gerald and be reduced to the same state our mother is right now? I can tell you right now, he will not entertain your might. Your only entertainment will be sewing and you shall birth eight children, and you still refuse?"

"Fuck yeah I do, and not because I want to marry-"

"But because you don't agree with me. I see, I knew. But sister, you will change your mind, I was like you too. Hesitant of change, to despise this, this magical business. But I understand now, and you will too. Once your mind settles, and your emotions stop inhibiting your full potential. You will see what I see," Sarah said spreading open her arms, her eyes looked distant and she seemed to be smiling not at Helene but at something which lay at oblivion, "So tell me, where is the cock?"

"Try me."

"I am only trying to make things easier for you. That cock only delayed what will come, you will turn into stone within two days, just like me!" Sarah ripped off her dress, exposing her torso which had turned blue-black, and it was disgusting to look at as if some miasma covered it.

"It's bruised!" Helene screamed, "You have injured you, idiot!"

"It is not an injury, it is evolution!"

"What in flying fuck is an evolution?"

"So be it sister. I shall wait. It will be a painful process, but the pain will be eased if you let your stone heart be a catalyst."

Sarah stepped back, back to her throne and continued working on the papers.

"No one will come" she said, "just so you know. I made sure of it, you and me will slip out of their minds. Even Arianna will spend the evening at tutors and then playing with children her age, no one will visit us tonight. I will soon take steps to ensure they don't do so tomorrow as well. Within just five days, we should be forgotten enough to not be a priority. This castle will soon become an autonomous body, with no one except the maids working. Arianna will be sent to any uncle. So its useless to wait for help, sister."

"Shut up."

Sarah continued working for a few minutes, before uttering, "We can have a dinner together, if you give up this stubborn behavior."

"Okay, I give up."

"Trickery won't work sister, I know you plan on betrayal as soon that spear is removed."

"Then shut up!"

Sarah felt the same pain in her chest again, the warm pain. This pain, it was similar to what she felt when Helene would roll her in a blanket and tie her up to prevent her from pulling an all-nighter.

Ah, bitter memories, she shouldn't think of such trifling matters. She doesn't have time for this, right now she was writing plans on how to build a magnetron which doesn't operate on electricity. It would require some elements which haven't been discovered yet, but for people of future, it will help them discover the God-Particle sooner.


"Huh?" Sarah said bewildered. A small creature crashed into the room from the window, as if she was flying at high speeds. It was the little witch, Zoey "I asked my teacher and she sai-oh...am I disturbing a duel?"

"A-a witch? Is that a witch? What are you doing here?"

"Umm, I don't know what is happening, but if you are bullying Helene, then, then...THEN! You will have to stand before me! Or wait, is it Stand across me? Deal with me before...her? eh?"

"FUCK!" Sarah grunted and made a run for it.

"Hey Zoey," Helene yelled out to the lil witch, "Get this thing out of me!"

"Wait, you have a spear, like, all the way through! Why aren't you dead? Where is your heart?"

"Get me out of here first!"

After carefully pulling out the spear, which would had killed her if not for majority of her chest being turned to stone now. The only damage was the dust that flowed down, and Helene stood up again after so long, and felt the gaping hole in her chest with her fingers. The hole where her heart should be.

"Come on, we need to get to her."

"Wait! Geez, let me talk! Umm, so I asked my teacher about that hex, you remember how I didn't knew what will happen if you don't bath? Well, your heart turns into stone."

"Yeah, I figured, you are a bit late."

"Let ME finish! I have this," she pulled out a glass bottle, inside which was a yellow potion, "This will cure it, but you can't drink this now, or else....well..."

"I'll die from lack of a heart?"

"Yes, so go get it!"

"Mine can wait, we need to cure my sister first."

Helene stared in the direction where Sarah had run. There aren't many directions where she could run to, especially considering Sarah's main concern wasn't Helene but the little witch.

"Hey, I want you to find her."
"Eh? Why do I have to do it??"
"She can't see you, hopefully. Just go sneak up on her."

"Well, where is she??"

"I don't know, where would a person running from a witch hide?"

"They wouldn't be very good at hiding then if a witch knows where they are hiding."

"Whatever, I am going to run everywhere to flush her out, you just be on a lookout and swoop in and force that potion down."

On the other hand, Sarah was still running despite her body internally screaming and withering in pain from the strain, but Sarah wasn't feeling any discomfort.
"Dammit dammit dammit, I was not planning for it."

"Huh, My Lady?" A guard patrolling saw her zooming, but forgot soon about it. Many guards saw her, everyone forgetting soon. A trail magical residue was left all over the ground, which made Sarah crossed, but that can be get dealt with later.

She soon reached the Army Barracks, there were many guards at the entrance too, but Sarah didn't even pause to acknowledge them, just slid past them, leaving everyone bedazzled because of the sparkly confusion in the air.

Sarah wished she could do more complex magical spells, but despite the infinite knowledge from the pendant, that cannot compensate for the lack of experience and the lack of magical affinity. After all, she was not a being of magic like the witches, but she was good enough to fool the lower magical spirits into doing her bidding.

She would had prepared better if she had known her sister had associations with a witch. For some reason, she never knew. Even if she could never see the witch, she should had been able to see her sister talking to some invisible being, but yet she didn't, it's just like that cock. Everything just turned so fuzzy and hard to see.

Sarah had learnt and practiced only basics of magic, she was wasting a lot of her energy every time she casted a spell, which along with her running was slowly breaking down her body even more.

But she knew that would change soon enough, she can very easily acquire something to turn her into a magical being, or atleast, something to help her pretend to be a magical being. A mask, a curtain of sort.

In the weaponry, she pushed away all the steel blades, looking for something hidden in some dark dusty, corner.
The weaponry was a huge room, and has existed for decades now, many weapons are heirlooms from legends. Apart from ones that are regularly used, nothing here ever gets cleaned. Everything here is forgotten. Sarah knew she will get a few cuts while looking for what she was looking for, but she could deal with infection later.

She finally found it, a death whistle. Stolen by a soldier after raiding a gothic village on 5th July 1358, the soldier randomly inserted the whistle into his pocket and forgot to pull it out and the armor, along the whistle had been rotting,

The name of the whistle, the Death Whistle was named so not because of any power to instantly kill people, but simply a melodramatic thing the barbarian thought of, especially because of its high pitch noise.

But the reason Sarah wanted it was because that whistle belonged to the people of the forests, there barbaric ways might have not done much good to the world, but they will do plenty good to Sarah, for the whistle had the scent of the forest druids, and helped mask herself as a magical being.

She stepped outside, and walked far enough that no more guards would be disturbed. She took the whistle and stared into the grimy moldy opening. "Infections can be handled later", she said to herself and blew the whistle as hard as she could. Since the whistle was long broken, it barely made any sound, but Sarah was now covered in a veil of magical scent, and little magical spirits fluttered around her now.

This still wouldn't completely compensate for the lack of experience, but it should help. Since Sarah couldn't see the witch at all, and had no idea of her capabilities, hence she had to take extreme steps.

"This will affect the trout population negatively," she whispered, "now I need to make sure the Blue Revolution starts 50 years earlier than it would."

Now all she had to do was wait, and she didn't had to wait for long.

Sarah knew Helene would be too busy asking every card where she is, but none of them would remember because of her spells. Yet, Sarah will arrive at this location soon, which means the witch is the one who would find her first.

It will take exactly 1 minute 13 seconds for Helene to get here.
It takes 1 minute 10 seconds to run from Sarah's position to here.

This means the witch will yell Sarah's location, in 3.....2....1...

"HEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENE! I FOUND HER!" Zoey's sharp shriek ran through the castle, it was surprisingly loud and would had caused anyone to flinch by the sheer volume if they weren't expecting her.

"RIGHT ON SPOT!!" Sarah laughed with excitement! Her gambit that the witch won't have the potion to cure her was correct!

Sarah yanked out her pendant, and just as she did, life returned to her eyes and there was a twinkle, but it was a sinister twinkle filled with determination.

Just as Sarah removed that pendant, the reality around her turned back to normal, the ground beneath her felt solid again and most important of all, she could now see the witch, floating about 20 feet up in the air.

She threw the pendant in the air, and fell onto her back as to not waste a moment, and when the stars matched, she shot a magic bullet right onto the pendant, shooting it right up the skies.

Zoey saw this, and tilted her head in confusion. Her enemy just not only forgo her weapon, but also willingly sent it to her. The witch recognized the pendant, it was a common item to be used among the magic folk, to concentrate their powers. Zoey herself uses it for practice, so without thinking, she grabbed the pendant as soon it reached her.

The corruption that Sarah had suffered obviously didn't affect the Lil witch, not only is she a magical being who uses the instrument everyday, her mind is far far more restless than Sarah's.

"So what was the plan?" Zoey thought.

What she didn't realize was that as soon she touched it, Sarah's outline blurred. Zoey was taken back at the sudden change in perspective.

Sarah didn't knew the witch's capabilities, she could block her attack, and she could counter back; therefore creating this moment of weakness was necessary. To make herself a magical being to turn herself invisible to the possessor of the pendant.

The veil behind which Sarah was hiding was seen through just after a second, it won't be so easy to fool a witch so easily after all, even when she is taken by surprise. From Zoey's perspective, Sarah wasn't invisible, but had turned into a blob, and was extremely hard to differentiate from the magic of soil; but still very visible, and just after a second of concentration, the illusion was broken. Sarah was visible again, but a second was all Sarah needed to take her plans to a finale.

Magical circle appeared near Sarah, red sigils and blue wisps and red salamanders croaked. Wind blew furiously and even drops of water seemed to had paused themselves in mid-air to watch the next move.

A blood-red magical speared was conjured, but it was no ordinary red, it had tints of black, a dirty aura. Staring into the glare of the edge would etch the face of a demon into your brain, and Sarah launched this spear right above her.

The speared moved at the speed of lightning, and exploded at the witch's feet on impact, throwing her off.

Sarah didn't know how much damage that did, and whether that even scratched the witch. She hoped that the 20 feet fall would finish the fall.

Sarah coughed and fell down from exhaustion.

She never predicted spells would drain her that much.

The weather around returned to normal, the wisps returned to the forest Salamanders disappeared into nothingness, and droplets of water fell down.

Tip. Tip. Tip, a light rain began.

And Sarah fainted.

Helene came to the scene as quickly as possible, and found her sister on the ground, all passed out. The witch was nowhere to be seen. Helene ran beside her, lifted her head, and forced the neck of the potion bottle down her throat. Helene slowly massaged her neck to let her swallow the potion.

Helene waited, stoking her sister's head, patting her. Weaving her fingers through her hair, she waited, but she was getting impatient and her hopes were getting down.

But then, Sarah fluttered open her eyes, she stared into the eyes of her sister. They both didn't realize for several moments that this was not a dream, but once they did, Helene hugged her tight, and Sarah said with a weak voice, "I am sorry sister."

"It's okay, it's all okay. I forgive you, just, just come back to me."

"Okay, let's...; lets go back."

Sarah healed over the days, and using her expanded knowledge, she was able to stabilize the condition of the kingdom very quickly. The marriage was called off, Sarah no longer needed the extra strength. She effectively commanded her armies to the army bases and won with an overwhelming victory each time. Many enemies fell due to internal conflicts caused due to the possibility that there might be a mole inside; while many just forfeited because their morale went down.

The three sisters were happy, and after the witch returned after a week had passed, she cured not only the prince but also Helene after inserting her heart back.

And they lived happily ever after.

Moral: Bath regularly.

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