I Became an Academy Baldo User

Chapter 5: 5

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Road to Academy (4)

“I…, Shell I take one?”

Hori, who was walking with me, glanced at one of the three people I was carrying and said hesitatingly.

“No, it will be heavy for you to lift.”

It’s okay for me because training my Battōjutsu naturally trains my body, but a completely unconscious human is quite heavy.

His original weight alone is more than 70kg, and if I add the weight of the equipment too, it will be almost 80kg.

With her slender arms, who had not learned the Battōjutsu, it will be difficult for her to carry any of them to all the way to the campfire.

“But apart from this, why did you come all the way here? You should just wait.”

“I, hmm, that's...”

Hori couldn’t speak easily, looked into my eyes, and spoke in a low voice.

“I was wondering if Sir Baron was killing all the robbers.”


No, how much did she see me, did she think I’m the crazy killer from some cartoon or drama?

“Is that why you came here? What would you do if I thought You were a robber and cut you off too?”

“Ahh… There is a thing that they took from me, So I want to use this chance to find it again.”

“Is that so?”

Did the robbers take anything valuable?

I have no idea what it is, but seeing that Hori, who has a timid personality, has come all the way here, it must be precious.

After that, we didn’t say anything to each other and there was silence as we made our way to the bonfire.

Meanwhile, after destroying the bush, Boris appeared writing in front of the bonfire with Silence.

“Ho, Miss Hori! Junior Baron! Are you here?!”

“Uh, Why did you come all the way here? can't you just wait in front of the bonfire? ”

“that is… Miss Hori suddenly ran away, so I was worried...”

“Oh..., I’m sorry, Mr. Boris. I made you come all the way here.”

“Oh, no! I’m really glad that both of you are unharmed. But Junior Baron the thing you are holding in your hand...”

“this? They are three people I captured. From now on, I’m going to interrogate them to find out the location of their hideout.”

But how are you gonna do interrogation?

Are you going to hit them or torture them?


Returning to the campfire, we first took the ropes out of our bags and tied the robbers to a tree.

I brought it because I thought something might happen, but it was an item that was only taking up space, but I just found a place to use it.

‘By the way… what should I do now?’

I have captured some crinal but I have never tortured or interrogated anyone.

“There... Has anyone else been tortured here?”

When I asked the two of them a stupid question like this, of course, they just shook their heads.

“I’ve made confessions before. but...”


“Yes, my family has been studying alchemy for generations, But I think it will be a little difficult because there are no materials here.”

Then why are you even talking?

Because I didn’t have time I decided to think about it after waking up the robbers that I had tied up.

They’re all burglars, so they might don’t have any sense of loyalty to their colleagues.


Standing in front of the robbers who had been tied up, I quietly put my hand on the hilt of my katana and took a stance.

Then the robbers came to their senses, as if they had made a promise to each other, and looked at me with blank eyes.

“Uh, how did you do it? You didn’t do anything!”

“Ah, this is the Blado of the heart.”

Baldo of the heart is a technique. I learned when I couldn’t do Battōjutsu for a while because the blisters on my hand broke so badly during Battōjutsu practice.

At that time, I couldn’t do anything under the supervision of my parents and servants, So I had no choice but to think of Baldo.

It was resentful and hateful.

My weak body can’t keep up with Battōjutsu's strong power!!

Thinking and thinking about Baldo with hate like that, from a certain moment, I was able to blow away other consciousness or life just by thinking about Baldo in my heart.

[TL NOTE: Mc is talking about the technic he made which can consciousness the enemy or even kill them, if they are not strong enough, you can think of it as mana pressuring. ]

“then… Did these people gonna wake up alive?”

“Huh, Yes, but if you are curious, can I try it on you too?”

“Oh, no! It’s okay, it’s okay!!”

In the midst of such conversations, the robbers who had been tied up were looking at us with a grim expression, as if they had completely come to their senses.

“Hey, you robbers, listen up!”


The robbers stared at us with their mouths shut as if they were not going to say anything.

what should I do Here, If it's like this, I have no choice but to negotiate with my Baldo!

Gentlemanly, I first spoke to these robbers before cutting them to pieces.

“First of all. I don’t really care about your lives. I don’t care if you survive and commit robberies elsewhere.”

All I want is to find out where the hideout is, And kill them all.

“So, tell me where your hideout is, So I will let you guys keep robbing somewhere other than here.”

“… If that’s the case, then why are you saving us?”

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Uhh… No, this bastard asks such a sharp question like this.

I was taken aback for a moment, but I immediately came to my senses and told the robber who said that.

“The two of you here have agreed to give back the belongings that were stolen by you. And there are some things that I want to cut off your bosses who use a powerful martial art.”

Robber A glanced at the two behind me and said with a frown.

“Are you two acquaintances?”

“No, I saw them for the first time today.”

“Are you going to risk your life for the person you just meet?”

“Are you overestimating yourselves? Or are you underestimating me? Hasn’t it been less than five minutes since I sliced your co-workers at the butcher?”

“The boss is different from guys like us.”

“Oh, fuck you must be like that~ Because he is such a proud person, so he must be working hard on robbery with idiots like you.

Robber A, who blushed as if angered by my ridicule, said in an angry voice.

“I don't sell my colleagues!!”

“Sickness... It's fucking annoying!.”

It's not like I'm filming some kind of thug movie and they have to show loyalty to show themselves well.

At the time when I had no choice but to draw my sword slowly, unlike usual, in order to help in the interrogation.

“These fleshly bastards!!”

Boris suddenly jumped out from behind and slapped robber A in the face.

“Because of you, my family is going to starve to death, what are you talking about!! Don't you have any shame?!”

Perhaps thinking that there would be no counterattack because I was there, Boris started hitting robber A in the face.

He must have been resentful of the wagon that the robbers has took, which provided food for his family.

But more than that, his anger, who was always being exploited as the lowest class in this world, seemed to have exploded now.

Boris was gasping for breath as if he were tired, but without stopping he slapped the robber in the face.

Seeing Boris like this Hori came out from behind me to stop him and said.

“Mr. Boris!!”

“Don’t stop me– Ho, Hori-san?!”

“Hey! you, that, that… !!”

The moment I heard Hori’s voice, Both Boris and I thought that Hori were trying to stop him.

But it was different. Hori, who stepped forward, pushed Boris away and smashed the face of robber A with a large stone that I did not know where she picked it up.

“It’s better to hit with a stone than a fist!! You bad children!! Because of you, my dad’s research data!!”


I, Boris, and the other robbers were stunned and had no choice but to watch the scene.

‘I didn’t mean to dry it.’

This kid is more daring than I thought.


“Hey, you bastards!! These bastards will kill you!!”

After a while, Boris regained his senses and followed Hori to pick up a stone from the floor and beat the robber again.

‘Looks like a lot has been accumulated. But how is he going to endure that?’

Robber A was beaten to death by two men, Hori and Boris, but did not open his mouth.

It was honestly admirable, but it turned out that it wasn’t that he endured it, but that he had been hit in the head too many times and had lost concussion.

“stop! stop!! I am already passed out.”

The two of them, who had been supported by evil above robber A, backed away as meek sheep when I shouted.

“It’s gone now.”

It will take at least a few days to wake up from being hit so many times in head.

“I can’t hear you, but go ahead.”

With those words, my katana, which was sleeping on my waist, was pulled out, and the head and body of robber A met an eternal parting.

“then… .”

I asked robbers B and C, who had been watching this scene all the time, without saying a word.

“What about you? Do you want to die being loyal like him? Or will you give up your loyalty and live?”



Hearing my words, robbers B and C turned their heads and looked into each other’s eyes as if they were trying to confirm each other’s will.

And after a while, the two confirmed each other’s will and nodded their heads in almost simultaneously.

“I don't sell my colleagues!!”

“I want to live!! I will sell all my colleagues!! I’m selling this guy next to me!! Please save me!!”

“Well..., I saved one.”

As I approached robber B with my hand on the hilt, robber B screamed impatiently.

“This dog!! this bastard is selling a colleagues?!”

“Shut up, fuck you!! What a fucking colleague!! I will live!! Sell all of you and I will survive!!!”

“fuck off!! hey!! I will betray too!! I will betray him too, so please save my life!!”

“Do we need two guides?”

“Chew… ! I’ll tell you first–!”


Another head fell off.

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