I became an anime figure.

Chapter 4: Chapter – 4

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CW - blood, death.

I am now sitting on Erza's shoulder while she walks towards the entrance of the building along a red carpet. We reach the entrance and the glass doors slide open and waiting for us is a black forties looking car with a vampire waiting beside it in a black suit with white gloves. She bows as we approach.

"Hello, aneki I am violet your driver for today."(violet)

"Thank you violet we will be going to collection point C today."(Erza)

"I will get you there without delay."(violet)

Violet opens the back door of the car for Erza. Inside the car it is quite nice. Lots of space and made of high quality materials I think outside I saw a Rolls Royce ornament. Erza must have alot of money to have something like this or did she buy it new?

After Violet got into the drivers seat we set off. We drive for about an hour until we reach a shady looking industrial estate full of run down warehouses. As the car stops Erza puts me down on the chair next to her and looks at me seriously.

"I know we just got here but I must warn you that there is the possibly a fight starts and people will be injured and possibly killed. Will you be alright with this?"(Erza)

I stare at her for what felt like forever. People could die in there, I had never thought about it, what being a gangster means. It's one thing I'm books and films but it's much different in real life. But I must do this I said I wanted to and I want to know more about Erza and what she does.

"I'm prepared."(Irine)

"Lets go then"(Erza)

She picks me up again and puts me on her shoulder. Violet opens the door and Erza steps out. Erza walks towards one of the warehouses and as we approach two people in suits approach us. They are likely part or Erzas gang.

"Aneki we were not expecting you"

"I am here to show my new friend around and show her what we do. We won't disturb anyone unless we have to."(Erza)

The two vampire girls slide the door open and then step to the sides. Erza walks past them into the warehouse full of boxes of many shapes and materials. The warehouse is like a maze that Erza has memorised the route to. After a few minutes we come to an opening.

Standing there are twenty vampire gangsters all in suits with Thompson sub machine guns. On the floor are multiple suit cases stacked up. All of the vampires turn to look at us as we enter.

"Aneki welcome"(All)

"Hello my klein schwestern. I am here to introduce my new friend and potential new sister and shiwbher around. We will be watching this time and will leave everything to Lexi like normal. Pretend we are not here and you will all get a chance to talk to Irine later."(Erza)

Once Erza finished talking they all went back to work with mostly involves waiting around.

"Who are they waiting for?"(Irine)

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"They are waiting for the government representative to arrive so that we can complete the exchange."(Erza)


About half an hour goes by until another group arrives. There are about forty armed soldiers and a man who I assume is the representative. One of the vampires step forward.

"Thats Lexi my second in command" Erza whispers to me.

"Welcome I am lexi the second sister and the one who will be approving this transaction for the sisterhood Of the sapphire vipers."(Lexi)

"Pleasure to meet you second sister. I will be representing the government for this transaction. For my name please just call me twelve."(twelve)

Lexi nods in acknowledgement and then gestures to the other vampires. Two step forward with the briefcases with one opening theirs. Twelves looks inside and takes some sort of test tube out and looks at it. Putting back after a few seconds he steos back and has one of his soldiers open their case. Inside is multiple bags of blood.

"As agreed we have provided three hundred test tube of vampire poison."(Lexi)

"Unfortunately we have not been able to provide the agreed amount but we have got synthetic blood as a replacement for what is missing."(Twelve)

As he says this every vampire pulls back the bolt on their guns in one unified click.

"Synthetic blood is no use to us. Provide the agreed amount or the deals off."(Lexi)

The two vampires who presented the brief cases have now taken them back.

"Unfortunately we need that for patients in hospital. We don't have much to spare."(Twelve)

"Fine then the deal is off."(Lexi)

"However we can't leave without that poison."(Twelve)

Twelve signals the soldiers and they all raise their guns. Lexi starts to walk away and the speaks in another language that I can somehow understand.

"Light em up."(Lexi)

Before the humans coukd react or know anything is happening every vampire opens fire. The sound of gunfire and spent casings hitting the floor echo throughout the warehouse. As suddenly as it started the gunfire stops. In front of the vampires is now a pile of corpses riddled with holes blood flowing out where forty humans used to stand.

Why am I so calm?

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