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4:30 PM SEPTEMBER 21ST 2022

"Jeong… Jeong… oi… Jang Jeong."


The bald head chubby man in a yellow T-shirt yelled at Jeong while hitting the counter. His face was riddled with anger and his forehead furrowed. The Chubby man could not believe an employee ignored the customers who were waiting in line for ten minutes. But instead stared at the ceiling.


The noise finally got Jeong's attention. He looked down, shocked by the long line of angry-looking customers waiting to pay for their groceries. While he was shocked, by the long line. he could feel a piercing gaze from his side. He turned towards the gaze and saw the bald head man who was also the manager of the store. He could tell by the owner's expression that he was in major trouble for what he did.

"Manager Hyun… this is not wh- what it looks like… i-i."

Jeong tried to come up with an excuse to explain the situation, but he could see that manager Hyun had no intention of listening to what he had to say.

"Hey, if you can't do your work. Then just quit."

"Yeah… stop wasting our time. We have things to do."

The customers yelled at Jeong in an angry and disrespectful tone.

"Jang Jeong… come to my office."

Manager Hyun said to Jeong. He glanced around the store and his gaze stopped when he saw a female employee who was placing groceries on the shelves. "Iseul… come here for a second, please."

Sung Iseul's expression became wary when the manager called her by her first name. She does not like the manager of the store, because of rumors she heard about him, and the way he looks at her. But she had to listen to him because he was the one who pays her salary.


She sighed silently, turned, and dropped the groceries she held in the cart beside her. Then she turns around and walks towards the manager with a fake smile on her face. After getting close to the counter, she glanced around. She realized what was happening because she had noticed the zombie-looking Op-pa staring at the ceiling for a while. "What can I help you with, manager?" she asked.

"Ha-ha… nothing much, Iseul… just that not everybody is ready to work and is good at their work like you."

Manager Hyun spoke with an intimate tone. With his gaze focused on Iseul's chest. He walks close to Iseul, places his chubby hands around her shoulder, and points at the shopping counter with his other hand. Trying to appear intimate with Iseul.

"Hehe… as you can see, all our precious customers are delayed because of that idiot Jang Jeong. you know you are the only person I can trus-"


Sung Iseul interrupts as she pushed away the manager with a look of disgust on her face. She noticed the manager's hand move down her back towards her waist from her shoulder, which was sexual harassment. But instead of exposing him, she decided to keep quiet because she knew as the breadwinner of her family; she had to put up with such disgusting action from manager Hyun because her income comes from working at the store. But she was not going to let herself get disrespected.

"... Iseul, why did you move away from me… is it because I am giving you extra work, … I'm sorry."

Manager Hyung said with a sad expression as he adjusted his glasses by pushing them in place with his middle finger.

"Yes, little girl… pushing your manager like that just because he asked you to do extra work. Can't you see he is trying his best, too?"

"Hmph… young people these days have poor attitudes toward adults..."

"What if he was close to you? It's not like he did anything bad. He was just asking for help."

Influenced by the manager's pitiful act, the customers turned against Iseul and began harassing her with words.

"Huh?... B-but."

Sung Iseul was shocked by the customer's reaction. She could not believe she was getting accused of being disrespectful when she was just trying to protect herself. She thought of explaining, but when she looked at the customer's faces, she could see that no matter what explanation she gave, they would not believe it. An explanation was pointless now. She started panicking, looking around desperately for someone that would believe her.


Manager Hyun chuckled silently as he saw Sung Iseul's desperate expression. Everything was going according to his plan. He had been planning this ever since he looked at the monitor in his office and saw the idiot Jeong through the security camera staring at the ceiling, absentmindedly ignoring the customers. He knew this was a chance to break Iseul self-confidence by making her seem spoiled and rude in front of people. Then, when she was down, he would swoop in and rescue her from the wicked people, making her feel indebted to him. It was a perfect plan.

You are reading story I BECAME GOD BY LEVELING UP at novel35.com

After he noticed Iseul's self-confidence had reached its breaking point from receiving an onslaught of insults. He knew it was the right time to swoop in. he walked up to Iseul with a disgusting smirk on his face, as he licks his lips. After he got near, he tried grabbing her hand.

*poooooft! * [fart sound]

A loud farting sound echoed throughout the store, causing silence. The customer, confused, turned towards the source of the sound and saw a black-haired boy wearing a blue hoodie with the store's orange apron on it and blue jeans.

"Oops… I didn't think it would come out that loud." Jeong said with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Hmpf… what that smell?... Kimchi."

"Ugh… I-I can't stand that smell!"

"Who, the hell farts like that in the open? Manager Hyun… is this the type of employee you hire?... they can just fart everywhere."

"No wonder he's that fat… after inhaling this type of fart every day… Hmph, this will be the last time I buy groceries here."

The customers complained to the manager as they ran out of the store, holding their noses. Leaving behind all the groceries they picked.

"Huh…? Why are you leaving? You have not paid for your groceries yet."

Jeong tried to remind the customers who were fleeing about their groceries, but they ignored him.


Sung Iseul chuckled at Jeong's actions. She could not help but find him funny, weirdly. But she was in a much better mood than a minute ago.

*Clang! *

The doorbell rang as the last customer exited the store.

After hearing the last customer leave, manager Hyun's face turned red in rage as his burrows frowned and his fist clenched. He could not think of anything to say except one word as he looked at Jeong with a burning gaze. "Fired… fired-fired-fired…" He yelled.

"There is no need for that manager, Hyun… I quit!"

Jeong was planning to quit before the manager thought of firing him. He took off the store's apron, threw it on the ground, and walked towards the exit. As he got to the exit door, he looked back at Sung Iseul. "Are you coming?" he asked.

"...y– yes."

Though she hesitated for a second, she knew that staying in a store run by the pervert manager was not good for her, no matter the money she was getting paid. She took off her apron too, threw it on the floor, and walked hurriedly toward Jeong with a relieved expression. She turned back, stared at the manager, and raised a middle finger to him before saying. "I QUIT PERVERT."

"Urgh… Sung Iseul, you slut… after I tried helping you. This is how you repay me."

Manager Hyun yelled angrily, while he watched both walk out of the store. His blood pressure went up very fast. He began to gasp for air as his nose began to bleed. He raised his hand, touching the upper part of his mouth. And felt something there. He looked at his fingers, saw his blood, and collapsed.

*Bang! *



"OP-PA… I think manager Hyun fainted."

Sung Iseul heard a crashing sound coming from inside the store. She was worried that the manager might have collapsed. She saw that Jeong showed no interest in what she said. So, she decided to call 112.

"Must be nice being a good person, huh? You are helping him after what he did?"

Jeong could not understand why Sung Iseul would help the manager after the nasty stunt he pulled on her. But there was no point in thinking about why she did it. She might just be a good person, unlike himself. He would care less if the manager suffocated to death or not.

Sung Iseul stared at Jeong after hearing what he said and smiled. She knew that Jeong did what he did in the store, despite the humiliation. To draw attention away from her. She thought to herself that even though Jeong had a rough and uncaring expression; he was a good person. "I think you are also a good person, op-pa, he-he," she said as she followed behind Jeong.

"Hmm… think whatever you like."

Jeong replied in a nonchalant tone.

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