I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 11: 10

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BPAGT: Chapter 10

13-16 minutes 12.09.2022

A little handsome
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Li Jingqing’s face sank immediately.

He turned around and saw Sheng Zhiyan sitting in the back, with grim eyebrows, looking straight at Xia An, and it looks like Xia An must follow.

Xia An gave Sheng Zhiyan a compliment in her heart.

Her NPC’s acting skills are getting better and better.

Xia An glanced at Sheng Zhiyan, then looked back at Li Jingqing, with a look that he didn’t want to leave, and said, “Brother Jingqing, I’m going to the back,” very reluctantly.

The barrage became lively.

[Gosh! Tortured to death! 】

[Is President Sheng finally jealous? Listening to that tone, the overbearing president is here! 】

[Look at Xia An’s eyes, she clearly wants to sit with Li Jingqing, alas. 】

[Mr. Sheng is so miserable, watching my beloved show love to others in person, oooooo, I feel too strongly for him, and I have already begun to feel heartache. 】

Xia An walked to the back in small reluctant steps, but she was already ready to jump up in her heart.

She slowly sat next to Sheng Zhiyan, her voice aggrieved, “Brother Zhiyan, I’m here.”

So wronged, she looked so wronged.

Sheng Zhiyan was in a daze thinking if he was really bullying her.

He curved his lips, lowered his head sideways, leaned close to her ear, and whispered, “Satisfied?”

Xia An lowered her head, still looking unhappy, and nodded lightly.

The screen was frantically filled with the barrage.

[Ahhhhh, what did Sheng Zhiyan say? What is with Xia An’s expression? 】

[President Sheng: Stop liking him, am I not okay? Rich and handsome, and have eight pack abs. Hehehe. 】

[President Sheng: Give you a hundred million, forget that man! 】

[No, right, I like the small milk dog model, Mr. Sheng should say this: An An, please, like me, ah, ah, ah, I like it! 】

[Impossible, Mr. Sheng can never be a little milk dog, I like a domineering mad dog, Mr. Sheng: Woman, can I not satisfy you? Ah ah ah ah am I not right! 】

The barrage began to increase in people trying to piece together what Sheng Zhiyan whispered frantically, wishing to write a hundred fanfictions for Sheng Zhiyan.

In these fanfictions, Xia An is either the imprisoned little sweetheart wife or the white moonlight, whom he cannot love. But in all of these, Sheng Zhiyan really loves Xia An.

Oh, “Impossible CP” is really too cruel.

Under the camera, Xia An received a system prompt.

[Dip-the bad luck value minus 5, the remaining 952. 】

The corners of Xia An’s mouth turned up quietly, and her feet couldn’t help but shake.


Sheng Zhiyan was resting, leaning on the back of the chair, narrowing his eyes, feeling the little girl beside him suddenly burst with joy.

He opened his eyes, looked at her feet swaying, then stopping, as if trying to suppress her happiness, but then couldn’t help but start swaying again.

Sheng Zhiyan curved his lower lip, then closed his eyes and rested.

The car drove for a while and finally reached the amusement park.

Today, there is also a team battle, with the four pairs of 24-hour CP each in their own team, and the single Jiang Quan alone.

Each team needs to find the heartbeat badges located in various places in the amusement park. There are five types of badges. The CP group that is the first to collect the five different types can get an additional heartbeat mission1.

If Jiang Quan gathers it first, he can choose any female guest to complete the extra heartbeat task with him.

As soon as the rules came out, several guests became nervous.

They thought today’s trip was just for fun, but now the program team have added a battle. Even if they added a battle, why is Jiang Quan coming to join in the fun? Wouldn’t the girls be a little embarrassed if she was first picked by Jiang Quan when he chose his CP?

Su Wan listened to the rules, and was a little happy.

In this way, she can look for the badge openly and actively.

She can say that its to prevent Jiang Quan from choosing her, not for the extra heartbeat task.

Thinking of the extra heartbeat task, Su Wan looked at Xia An, and her heart became tight.

The last heartbeat mission was robbed by Xia An, which caused her to lose an opportunity. This time, she must take it back!

After the program group announced the rules, the guests were free to move around.

Xia An is very happy.

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Roller coaster, ferris wheel, the big pendulum… she really wants to have fun!

Her eyes were full of excitement, and she rushed towards the roller coaster.

However, after taking a few steps, the voice of the system rang in her mind.

[Friendly reminder, the original owner is very afraid of doing thrilling rides, please press down the corner of your mouth, don’t collapse the character. 】

Xia An’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

Oh, this is too difficult! She’s already here, but she can only stand and watch? She can’t even play?

She! Does! Not! Want!

She can still play while pretending to be scared.

She paused thinking what she can do, when Li Jingqing came over, “An An, if you are afraid, you can just not participate, just talk to the director.”

Li Jingqing knew that Xia An was afraid to play with these rides.

Xia An looked embarrassed, but she was actually annoyed in her heart with Li Jingqing.

Does she care about him?

Busy body!

Xia An knows she cannot go out of character, but she really wants to play.

She turned her head, looked at Sheng Zhiyan, and winked.

Sheng Zhiyan did not receive her message.

Xia An gritted her teeth, looking very embarrassed, and said, “It’s okay, I have to accompany Brother Zhiyan, he…he said he wants to play.”

Sheng Zhiyan frowned.

He…wants to play?

Before he could respond, Xia An added, “Brother Zhiyan said that he had never played these before, and he wanted to be able to play with all the rides here today. I am his CP, and I, I must be with him.”

While talking, her back trembles a bit, obviously terrified.

Li Jingqing frowned and looked at Sheng Zhiyan, “She is afraid, you…”

“It’s okay!” Xia An immediately interrupted Li Jingqing, with a very fake-looking tough look, “Brother Jingqing, I can, everyone can, so I can definitely!”

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It looks like a strong little white flower.

Xia An couldn’t help but applaud for herself.

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes and watched her perform.

When Li Jingqing heard her say this, he pursed his lips tightly and glanced at Sheng Zhiyan with dissatisfaction.

Xia An put her hand behind her, pretending to be unintentional, and gently nudged the corner of Sheng Zhiyan’s clothes.

Sheng Zhiyan lifted his eyelids and didn’t bother to make an expression, “Well, let’s go.”

Having said that, he turned around and walked to the roller coaster.

Take two steps, stop, turn around, and call Xia An, “Not coming yet?”

Xia An gave Li Jingqing an aggrieved look for the last time before finally turning around and trotting to keep up with Sheng Zhiyan’s pace.

She was so happy.

She was afraid that Sheng Zhiyan would not cooperate, and quickly added another sentence in front of the camera, “Brother Zhiyan, do you really want to do all the rides?”

Sheng Zhiyan twitched his mouth and looked at her sideways, “Isn’t that what I said?”

Xia An was happy in her heart, but she looked embarrassed on the outside, “Then, let me accompany you.”

Ah! Happy! The NPC is so cooperative today!

The two came to the entrance of the super long roller coaster. Just as they were about to sit on it, Li Jingqing and Su Wan also came over.

Xia An: Huh? ? ?

So many rides, do you really have to sit with me?

However, while she was disgusted on the inside, she could only be very happy on the outside when she saw Li Jingqing.

The four people got on the roller coaster, and Xia An deliberately stayed away from Li Jingqing and asked Sheng Zhiyan to take her to a seat far away.

Finally relaxed, she can finally let go and play!

As soon as the roller coaster started, Xia An immediately began to shout “Ahhhhh.”

She is not afraid, but it would still be cool to shout!

Sheng Zhiyan sat calmly beside her without any movement.

Xia An was yelling and found that the person beside her was very calm, stopped her voice, turned her head and asked, “What are you doing?”

Sheng Zhiyan turned his head and found Xia An’s face was full of excitement, but she didn’t look scared at all.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why aren’t you shouting?”

Sheng Zhiyan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xia An thought for a while, Sheng Zhiyan screaming loudly?

Huh-it’s scary.

She felt shivers all over her body just thinking about it, “Forget it, I’ll do it for the both of us.”

She looked back straight ahead, no longer caring about Sheng Zhiyan, and starts to play happily again.

Sheng Zhiyan glanced at the bright-eyed girl beside him and couldn’t help but smile.

When the roller coaster stopped, Xia An was nowhere in sight.

She paused on the seat of the roller coaster for a few minutes before unfastening her seat belt and going down.

Sheng Zhiyan had already stood by, waiting for her.

Xia An walked towards Sheng Zhiyan, and came face to face with Li Jingqing after taking a few steps.

Xia An immediately initiated her character set, her legs softened, and grabbed Sheng Zhiyan’s arm and leaned weakly against his side.

Sheng Zhiyan, caught off guard, reached out to support her.

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Li Jingqing immediately stepped forward, “What’s the matter?”

Xia An bit her lower lip, her lip color turned pale, and her complexion weakened, “It’s okay, I’m just scared.”

She looked like she had just been tortured.

Li Jingqing’s brows scrunched together.

He remembered that Xia An had once ridden a roller coaster before, and had a nightmare that night. She called him in the middle of the night and said she was scared.

“You go rest first, don’t play anymore,” Li Jingqing said.

Xia An lowered her head slightly and thought: Bah! You’re the one who doesn’t want to play!

Unexpectedly, when she lowered her head, she found a badge on the back of a chair on the other side of the roller coaster!

She immediately let go of Sheng Zhiyan, raised her foot and stepped on to the roller coaster, picked up the badge, turned around, looking at Sheng Zhiyan smiled, “Found it!”

When Su Wan saw it, her heart sank suddenly.

Xia An is already ahead of her!

She immediately became anxious and quickly said to Li Jingqing, “Jingqing, let’s go find a badge, others may have already found it.”

There is an undertone of concern in her words.

Only then did Li Jingqing remember that when he and Su Wan were walking towards here, she secretly begged him to gather the badges first, and not let Jiang Quan gather them first, because she was afraid that Jiang Quan would choose her.

Li Jingqing glanced at Su Wan, and finally put Xia An aside temporarily, and went to the next ride with Su Wan.

Xia An took the badge and walked to Sheng Zhiyan, her eyes full of triumph.

She tore off the badge, slapped it, and patted Sheng Zhiyan on the chest.

The barrage began to scream frantically.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she placed it she placed it on his chest, pat a bit more! 】

[President Sheng heart will definitely be poked, ah, ah, the beloved woman puts the badge on him! 】

[Xia An’s unstable stance just now was also leaning on the grand man! President Sheng must be super happy! 】

[Mr. Sheng, smile! If you don’t smile often, girls won’t like it. 】

Xia An put the badge on and tilted her head to look at it. Suddenly she realized that Sheng Zhiyan looks good in everything he wears.

A simple badge, but on him, it was carrying a noble temperament.

Xia An poked the badge that was placed on top of Sheng Zhiyan’s heart again.

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes and moved his gaze to the point where her finger touched.

Xia An laughed, her voice very sweet, “You wear this.”

Sheng Zhiyan, “Huh?”

Xia An approached him, avoided the microphone, and whispered, “A little handsome.”

Please support me by only reading this on seasalttranslate.wordpress.comTranslator’s Note:1. heartbeat mission/task – its the name coined by the program team for the extra dating missions the guests would have to go through. The name is weird, but I didn’t have enough creativity to change it lmaoI realized that it would be “unfair” if I don’t do my usual where when I start translating a new novel, I double what I’ll post for that week, and since the chapters of this one are almost 3x that of the other two, I’ll be posting 5 chapters for this week, before resuming my usual 2-3 chapters a week. Look forward to it! >.<

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