I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 9: This Is Really So Exciting

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Translated by: Jellylynn

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Proofread by: Sleeping Immortal

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Names mentioned in this chapter (which can also be found in the glossary):

–夏安(xià ān)- Xia An, the female lead. 

–盛知言(shèng zhī yán)- Sheng Zhi Yan, the male lead and the NPC provided by the system. 

–李景清(lǐ jǐng qīng)- Li Jing Qing, the person the original Xia An likes and he is supposedly Xia An’s fiancé. He is also the original novel’s male lead.  

–苏晚(sū wǎn)- Su Wan, the original novel’s female lead. 

–晚晚(wǎn wǎn)- Wan Wan, Su Wan’s nickname. 

–赵落(zhào luò)- Zhao Luo, a female guest who had debuted as a member of a girl group. 

–林雪(lín xuě)- Lin Xue, a female guest. 

-王宇尧(wàng yǔ Yáo)- Wang Yu Yao, a male guest that is a capable actor. 

-严在(yán zài)- Yan Zai, a male guest that is a film emperor

Li Jing Qing felt a little annoyed as he looked at the people sitting together.

He didn’t know what Sheng Zhi Yan intended to do.

But there was no way Li Jing Qing could choose Xia An.

When Su Wan spoke to him today, she expressed guilt about yesterday’s meal tasting terrible. Hence, he couldn’t not choose Su Wan at this time.

Su Wan would mistakenly think that he disliked her.

The second person to choose was Li Jing Qing.

The melon[1] eating netizens were excited again. They secretly observed the expressions of Xia An and Sheng Zhi Yan.

Somehow, Li Jing Qing looked towards Xia An.

Xia An’s watery eyes looked straight at him, waiting for him to make the selection.

Li Jing Qing felt melancholic for a moment. His eyes moved away and he chose Su Wan.

The camera immediately gave a close-up of Xia An and Sheng Zhi Yan.

Tears immediately welled up in Xia An’s eyes, swirling in her eyes, but she forcefully stopped her tears from falling.

The entire country was watching. Everyone was saying Xia An loved Li Jing Qing so much.

Looking at Sheng Zhi Yan next to her, his eyes first swept towards Li Jing Qing and turned to Xia An with a deep gaze. From one glance, it was loving her so much!

My gosh. This love triangle is so exciting!

【Oh my god. Oh my god. Look at Sheng Zhi Yan, he has been looking at Xia An the entire time. When he saw Xia An crying, his heart would definitely hurt to death. Ahhhhh I am dying!

【Xia An, quickly turn your head to look at the man beside you! Isn’t he more handsome than Li Jing Qing?! Isn’t he richer than Li Jing Qing?!

【Xia An is really blind. She’s so love-addled and is totally incompatible with Sheng Zhi Yan.

There were also Li Jing Qing’s fans, who actually felt quite smug from this love triangle.

What is Sheng Zhi Yan? Even if his position is high and powerful, the woman he loves only has their Elder brother in her eyes.

This is proof of our Elder brother’s charm!

Then, Xia An was thinking in her head: My god, I’m really so amazing! I can cry whenever I want to. It wouldn’t make sense if I don’t win the Oscars!

Sheng Zhi Yan looked at Xia An and only laughed in his heart.

This little girl’s acting skills are really good.

On the other side— before Su Wan could choose— Jiang Quan leaped forward, “I want to choose Sister Wan Wan!”

The program stipulated that when a person the guest wanted to choose was selected by someone else, the guest could come forward and compete for the right to form a couple.

The scene became even livelier.

Jiang Quan very boldly expressed his fondness for Su Wan and wanted Su Wan to give him a chance to get to know him better.

Su Wan’s vanity was satisfied. She turned her head to look at Li Jing Qing, only to find that Li Jing Qing was looking at Xia An.

Her gaze deepened and she also looked at the direction he was gazing at.

Xia An was sitting on the sofa with a look of being hurt by Li Jing Qing.

Li Jing Qing was feeling very sad.

He knew that Xia An liked him.

But in the past, even if he pushed Xia An away and defended Su Wan in front of her, Xia An always rushed up, shouted and made a fuss.

She was never like this now. She was clearly sad to death, but stubbornly endured it.

It was as if she was afraid he would hate her.

“Jing Qing,” Su Wan called out to Li Jing Qing. Only then did Li Jing Qing come to his senses.

Su Wan naturally brought the focus back to herself. She smiled with a hint of shyness, “I choose you.”

Then, she turned to Jiang Quan. She said in an apologetic manner, “Sorry, I’m a little slow in getting familiar with others. I’m more familiar with Jing Qing.”

Her refusal wasn’t definite.

It was as if she didn’t expect Jiang Quan to express his liking to her in this manner.

Jiang Quan gritted his teeth and didn’t speak any further.

Xia An was watching the lively show from the side.

Ay. From a glance, one can tell Jiang Quan is a cannon fodder. Why bother joining the fun? Su Wan is here for Li Jing Qing.

After that, it was the other selections. 24-Hour Love guests, who were choosing, couldn’t give up their right of selection. The chosen party could choose to refuse.

The actor, Wang Yu Yao, chose Lin Xue. While the film emperor, Yan Zai, could not choose and was left with Zhao Lu.

But Xia An knew that Yan Zai did not have anyone he wanted to choose.

In the original novel and in the early phases of the variety show, this film emperor only admired Su Wan, not to the point of liking her.

In the early stages, he was distant to everyone.

It was only later on that Yan Zai helped Su Wan avoid several of Xia An’s schemes. In the process, he gradually fell in love with the female lead, and only then began to compete with Li Jing Qing for the female lead.

The male supporting character was bound to be more meticulous than Jiang Quan, this kind of cannon fodder’s feelings.

Xia An blinked her eyes to squeeze out the tears and watched the show immersively. She reached out and grabbed the apple on the side and bit into it.

The sound was so crisp that Yan Zai, who was closer to her, lifted his eyes and looked over.

Xia An sharply sensed Yan Zai’s gaze. Her eyes immediately reddened and bit another bite. Tears quietly trickled down her cheeks.

An appearance like trying to hide their emotions by eating.

Yan Zai only faintly glanced at her and his eyes moved away.

Xia An thought, ‘so dangerous.’ Although she and Yan Zai do not have many parts together, he is the only observant and meticulous person in the original novel to destroy the original owner’s scheme.

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She had no choice but to be on guard against him!

As Xia An thought of this, she took another bite of the apple.

Tomorrow’s 24-Hour Love Guest selection was completed. Xia An and Sheng Zhi Yan were called by the production team, where they announced the extra ‘Heart Fluttering’ mission obtained from the previous supermarket shopping competition: 2 Hours of Love Lock.

The production team used a red ribbon to tie Xia An’s right wrist and Sheng Zhi Yan’s left wrist together for a two-hour time limit.

It was already dark and there were still many people watching the live broadcast. For the sake of entertainment in variety shows, some guests suggested watching a horror movie.

Nine guests sat on the living room sofa. Xia An sat very close to Sheng Zhi Yan due to the red silk ribbon.

Li Jing Qing sat on Xia An’s left side. He looked at the red ribbon on Xia An’s wrist, and then looked at Xia An.

It was unknown what he was thinking about.

After everyone was seated, the lights were turned off and the horror movie began to play.

The lighting was faint in the live camera, which added more room for the netizens’ imagination.

【Wow. Xia An’s right side is Sheng Zhi Yan. On her left is Li Jing Qing. Say, whose arms will she jump into when she is afraid?】

【That must be Li Jing Qing’s. Through one’s subconscious, one will certainly leap towards their most beloved.  】

【Oh my. Wouldn’t that be heart-wrenching? President Sheng is so pitiful, he has to see his beloved woman jumping into someone else’s arms in front of him? 】

【No, no, no. Y’all don’t understand, Xia An and Sheng Zhi Yan are still tied together. The correct plot is that Xia An is very scared, she wants to jump towards Li Jing Qing, but President Sheng would forcefully pull the red silk ribbon. Then, Xia An would fall into his arms and President Sheng’s pair of large hands would wrap around Xia An’s waist. He would lean into her ear, ‘Where do you plan to go?’ Ahhhhh! 】

【Damn! To the person before me, this sister will give you the pen and you can write! 】

The more the netizens discussed, the more excited they became. They couldn’t wait for the horror movie to become scarier and the plot to become more exciting.

In the camera, several guests also had their own thoughts.

Horror movies were the best time to increase physical contact.

The female guests could be frightened and grab the male guests. The male guests could show their abilities as a boyfriend at the right time.

Li Jing Qing couldn’t help but look towards Xia An through the corner of his eyes.

He knew that Xia An was especially afraid of watching horror movies. For some reason, he was a little curious of what Xia An would do when she was afraid.

Su Wan sitting beside him had been watching him.

Su Wan knew that she hadn’t been giving Li Jing Qing any clear signals and had been getting along as an ordinary friend, so a lot of things didn’t work out well.

But watching a horror movie was different, it was a reasonable opportunity to be more intimate.

Very quickly, the horror movie entered the main topic. The main character went deep into the interior of a villa and strange loud sounds gradually sounded.

Lin Xue was so scared that she held onto Wang Yu Yao’s arm.

Zhao Lu wanted to take the opportunity to grab Yan Zai’s hand, but it was avoided by Yan Zai.

Su Wan glanced at Li Jing Qing. She only inched closer to him and felt that the time was not right yet.

But Xia An?

Kacha——She took a bite of the potato chips and was watching with great interest.

She couldn’t be blamed. This film is not good, there is a loophole at this place!

The lighting was darker under the camera, and the netizens couldn’t see Xia An’s face. They just saw her crunching onto her chips.

【It can’t be, right? Xia An is not scared? It’s such a good opportunity and she’s not afraid?】

【Oh my. Xia An are you capable or not? Quickly pounce on Li Jing Qing and then there would be forced love by the angry Big Boss Sheng! 】

【No. If you continue to eat, Xia An, I am also craving for it…】

【+1 I’m also craving. I thought it was a mukbang…】

Li Jing Qing naturally noticed Xia An’s movements. He felt a little strange.

Xia An seems to be unafraid?

But he remembered Xia An is most afraid of watching horror movies?

His eyes uncontrollably drifted towards Xia An.

Under the dim light, Xia An’s side profile was also very delicate. She leaned back against the sofa and ate chips in a very leisurely manner.

The horror film continued to play. A female ghost in white suddenly appeared in front of the protagonist. The protagonist screamed and scrambled away.

Su Wan felt the timing had arrived, she let out a soft scream. Her hand grasped onto Li Jing Qing’s arm, grabbing Li Jing Qing’s attention.

Li Jing Qing lowered his head and asked, “What’s wrong?”

He didn’t even watch the movie just now.

Su Wan’s body shook slightly. She tightened her grip on Li Jing Qing’s arm and said somewhat embarrassedly, “I’m a little scared.”

Li Jing Qing’s heart suddenly softened a little.

Su Wan rarely showed this side of her in front of him.

The next second, the female ghost’s face suddenly enlarged. Su Wan let out an “ah” sound and tightened her grip on Li Jing Qing.

Li Jing Qing saw what happened this time. He soothed Su Wan and then suddenly thought of Xia An.


Xia An is definitely scared!

Before he could turn around, he suddenly heard a very soft chuckle.

Xia An couldn’t control herself, she let out a “pft” sound and burst out laughing.

Hahahahaha! That female ghost’s eye bags had not been blended!

Hahahaha! She didn’t even apply the foundation evenly!

Suddenly the system’s voice sounded in her head.

【Beep—A friendly reminder, the original owner is very scared of horror films. The host’s persona in the male lead’s heart was almost shattered because of the host’s laughter.’ Please quickly remedy the situation. 】

Xia An’s movement abruptly stopped.


She turned her head to look at Li Jing Qing and saw that Li Jing Qing was looking at her with a tightly knitted brow.

There seemed to be another layer of inquiry in his eyes.

No sooner said than done, Xia An suddenly let out an “ah” sound and suddenly nuzzled her head into Sheng Zhi Yan’s shoulders.

Sheng Zhi Yan did not understand what she was doing again. He lowered his head and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Xia An said, “Wu, I’m so scared.”

Sheng Zhi Yan: ???

[1] 吃瓜(chī guā)- Eat melon. An internet slang which means the matter isn’t related to the particular reader and the reader doesn’t comment and just read or spectate the situation. They often refer themselves as 吃瓜群众(chīguāqúnzhòng)- peanut gallery/onlookers who are interested in the spectacle but don’t comment on them.

Translator’s Note: Sorry, I’m dropping this novel. Thank you for reading and see you again.

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