I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 12: CH 12

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Even if I’m just saying it for show, shouldn’t you take the bait?

A single pebble set off thousands of waves.

Who would have that their ordinarily indifferent King of Hell would still help wash his partner’s underwear and undergarments behind their back!

[Also, it started in high school……I’m crazily telling myself not to be jealous, 15551]

[Teacher Ruan pinched my ge’s face so easily]

[Before, my ge even weakly called teacher Ruan ‘Song ge’! Frantically slapping the table.jpg]

[This is a two-way relationship1 right! Right! It has to be!!!]

[This is the first time I saw this side of my ge, this kind of ‘I’ll only treat you well’, I ship it to death, wuwuwu]

[Before he was a reticent wolfdog, but now he’s a clumsy and tender little puppy!]

[What do I do, I’m jealous of teacher Ruan again, I cried out with a loud ‘waah’.jpg]

Before anyone could be envious for too long, Ren Qinming’s support group suddenly posted something new on Weibo.

[Ren Qinming’s Global Support Group: Although we were sad about the exposure of gege’s relationship before, we kept silent from beginning to end because gege’s path was not easy and tiring. We are used to seeing our gege in front of the camera and we have almost forgotten that he is also an ordinary man with flesh and blood, and he will also be soft and feel lost. Thank you teacher Ruan, for agreeing to participate on this variety show and letting Ren Qinming show a new side of himself in front of us, showing that he’s not just ‘Ren Qinming’. Bouquet of flowers.jpg x3]

If it weren’t so moving, it would’ve been fine. But because it was simply too moving, it was as if a flood drowned the God of Rain’s temple.

The comment section burst into tears.

[It’s like this, the Ren Qinming we see is grand and boundless, but the Ren Qinming teacher Ruan sees is like his life’s daily necessities qaq]

[Ahh, how come I’ve suddenly been deceived into crying]

[Although this is only the third year I’ve been a fan of gege and can’t be compared to an old fan, I can be regarded as having seen his entire, bitter journey, wuwuwu]

[There’s irrefutable evidence of a two-way relationship. Accompanying you from the depths of silence to the summit, I can watch this kind of drama over a hundred times and never get tired of it, wiping my tears.jpg]

[No wonder my ge has never had a sex scandal ever since he debuted. His deep affection and single mindedness has entered his DNA, qaq]

[Before, someone even reported that my ge was promiscuous. Now I want to know whether or not their face hurts. Anti-fans should open their dog eyes and see things clearly, my ge only has one person in his heart!!!]

[The most important thing is that teacher Ruan is worth it, wuwuwu. Seeing the two of them together I feel particularly good]

[This kind of atmosphere between them isn’t comparable to that of other young lovers, I ship it]

[I once again really want to know about teacher Ruan’s profession! Exactly when will they announce it!!]

In a large study, a man wore pajamas as he sat in front of a computer. The mouse paused after reaching this comment, and his hand moved to send his assistant a message.

[Gu: Have you finished investigating Ruan Song’s information?]

It was nearing 10pm at that time, but the assistant’s speed in replying was still just as fast.

[Assistant Li: Sending it over to you now [Document.pdf]]

[Assistant Li: If I’ve overlooked anything, do not hesitate to let me know.]

Gu Yuzhou’s fingertips were suspended over the keyboard as he hesitated for a moment.

[Gu: Ok, you’ve worked hard]

As the youngest son in the Gu family, the old Director Gu had always been very fond of him.

When his father heard he was finally willing to return to China, his father had taken the initiative to send assistant Li over to him. Talk about using a talented person in an insignificant position.

Before, Gu Yuzhou had always been the type to dislike bothering others.

But there was a reason why assistant Li had been able to stay by his father’s side for so many years. The pdf he had sent over contained anything and everything regarding Ruan Song.

It had both public knowledge as well as private information.

Naturally, it also included the reasons why netizens couldn’t find the works written by Ruan Song as a screenwriter.

——Because when Ruan Song signed his scripts, he had never used his real name, and had only used a pen name “Money”.

Which comes from the concept of the earliest paper money in China, and perhaps even in the world.2

Although there were no special works under the pen name “Money”, they were all TV series that scored roughly 7 points on Douban3,

Assistant Li had clearly emphasized the timeline at the end.

The pen name “Money” had only been active for two years.

But according to the graduation thesis found online that was written by Ruan Song himself, Ruan Song should have started writing scripts with his teacher in freshman year, and continued to produce scripts until he graduated as a graduate student.

There was a long gap of six years in between.

Either Ruan Song didn’t sign his scripts at all, or he had never received signing rights.

Assistant Li quickly sent over another document.

[Assistant Li: This is information regarding Ruan Song’s professor for his major [Document pdf]]

[Assistant Li: Not only was he Ruan Song’s professor, but he’s also the dean of the department. There is even a screenwriter studio under his name. His works usually score around an 8 on Douban, and the quality is considerably high, and it is also very famous in the industry. However, in the past twenty years, the dean has been the only one to sign and publish scripts in the studio.]

As soon as Gu Yuzhou’s mind stirred, he quickly thought of Ruan Song’s fierce resistance to his refusal to give signature rights.

[Gu: Do you suspect that this dean enslaved his students, but didn’t give them signature rights?]

[Assistant Li: It’s not that he didn’t “give” it.]

[Assistant Li: To be exact, this is already within the scope of using students as his ghostwriters, and then directly seizing their signature rights by force.]

In ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’s live stream.

Ren Qinming had already been forced into the kitchen by Ruan Song, and seriously began to cook for everyone.

Fortunately, the program team hadn’t deducted any money for the ingredients on the first day, and directly gifted it to them for free as philanthropy.

There were vegetables, meat, condiments, but they were all relatively homely ingredients. Even though everyone heard that Ren Qinming could cook, they also didn’t have high expectations for his finished product. It was fine as long as it was edible.

Qin Sijia had even joked, saying:

Liang Yi had even specially patted Ren Qinming’s shoulder in order to reassure him: “It’s fine, if you can’t cook, I’ll help you out. If worse comes to worse, we’ll all just eat my clear noodle soup.”

The bullet screen grew amused and the screen filled with laughter.

Many people told Ren Qinming not to show off. At least Liang Yi had the basics of cooking noodles. Even if they wanted to waste food as an experiment, it would be more reliable if Liang Yi was the one to waste it.

The large number of people who maintained the belief that Ren Qinming was blind in love in the past, was the same amount of people who believed that the food that Ren Qinming could produce would be completely inedible.

After Ren Qinming entered the kitchen, the cameraman deliberately only filmed everyone cleaning up outside, instead of filming how Ren Qinming worked alone.

By the time they finished cleaning up, the food in the kitchen was also done.

While everyone collapsed at the dinner table, they saw Ren Qinming bring out the food from the kitchen with a straight face.

They grew dumbfounded, but the bullet screen was even more dumbfounded.

[What the fuck, is this for real! He did that himself???]

[Don’t be afraid that the program team will starve the guests to death, they’ll even help the guests cheat!]

Other than Ruan Song, the four other people swarmed around the dishes that Ren Qinming had left behind and hadn’t yet been able to carry out of the kitchen.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

The camera followed them in, and the screen was filled with red and green. The raw materials were simple, but the final product wasn’t simple at all.

Mapo tofu, boiled sliced meat, braised eggplant, garlic spare ribs, vegetable egg soup, an entire array of colors and flavors.4

Just looking at it made them hungry, and the bullet screen drooled across the screen.

[This is my fucking Ren ge???]

[This is too unreasonable, he hid it too deeply]

[What the, I’m hungry. I’m gonna go call my mom to cook a midnight snack]

[So other than the fact that Ren Qinming is cold towards people (not including Ruan Song), he has no other big fault, is that what this means?]

Everyone else crowded into the kitchen.

Ren Qinming wore an apron, and his face was full of the expression of looking at country bumpkins. He stiffly crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen: “I don’t know what you guys like to eat, so I only cooked what Ruan Song likes to eat.”

The translation: Generally not responsible for the dishes out of this range.

The bullet screen was crazily filled with ‘Ahhhhhhh’.

[Help! Just kill me off to add to the fun!]

[If I say they’re the realest couple in the entertainment industry no one would have any objections right!!!]

[Let me just say, I’m starting to envy teacher Ruan again, sos!!]

At the dining table, Liang Yi and Qin Sijia were seriously apologizing for underestimating Ren Qinming’s cooking skills.

Once Zheng Qing moved his chopsticks, and tried the dishes, it was as if he wanted to thank the heavens: “Qinming, you’re really like a god acting as an ordinary human. If you didn’t appear on a variety show, until when were you going to hide your skills!”

His and Qin Sijia’s preferences in flavors were similar to Ruan Song’s, and they ate the table full of dishes with relish.

But Jiang Qiqi couldn’t eat spicy or greasy food.

She didn’t even touch the mapo tofu or boiled sliced meat, and she didn’t eat eggplants, or garlic. Out of the five dishes, the only dish she could stomach was the vegetable egg soup.

Liang Yi was afraid she had too little to eat and would wake up hungry in the middle of the night, so he had several bowls of water prepared next to his hand to wash away the spice on the meat and tofu.

For the entire meal, he didn’t eat much, as he was busily serving the princess.

Those in the bullet screen all joked saying that it wasn’t so easy to ‘enter’ a wealthy family.

Meanwhile the main protagonist of the meal, didn’t contribute a single sentence to the conversation from beginning to end, and merely lowered his head as he pushed around the rice in his bowl relatively silently.

Ruan Song sat next to him, and with one look, knew the other was once again acting stubborn, and was unhappy.

He poked the other with his elbow, saying: “I want to eat eggplant.”

The bullet screen slowly filled with question marks.

[Although the eggplant is next to my ge, there are so few dishes in total, it’s unlikely that he can’t reach it?]

[The most important thing is that he just picked up some eggplant a moment ago, question mark.jpg]

No one understood what Ruan Song was trying to do.

Unexpectedly, in the next second after the livestream showed Ren Qinming helping to serve the other some eggplant, Ruan Song immediately followed up with another command.

“I want to eat spare ribs.”

The bullet screen once again filled with [???]

This time, the spareribs were even more unreasonable than the eggplant, it was already right in front of Ruan Song, and was the dish closest to him!

At this point, not to mention the others at the dining table, even Ren Qinming himself grew dazed, but he still helped serve Ruan Song the spareribs.

Ruan Song watched as the spare rib was placed in his bowl, but he didn’t move his chopsticks to start eating. Instead, he honestly put down his chopsticks, and continued to request.

“I also want to eat boiled meat slices.”

Ren Qinmin served the other.

“Give me some vegetable egg soup as well.”

Ruan Song sat there dully, and asked for a bit of every dish on the table.

Initially, the bullet screen and the guests had no idea what was going on.

Jiang Qiqi had even believed that the two fought just before, and cautiously bit her chopsticks while staring at the two of them.

But as Ren Qinming was continuously ordered about, as he served Ruan Song, a smile unexpectedly appeared on his face.

Everyone was able to see his painstaking attempt to control the upward movement of the corner of his mouth, yet was entirely unable to restrain himself.

They waited until all five dishes were placed into a pile in Ruan Song’s bowl.

Ruan Song supported his chin as he raised his eyebrows while looking at the other: “If you want to be happy, just be happy. Later, you can cook every day, and I’ll have you serve me everyday.”

Just this one sentence.

Then, as if everyone was watching a ghost, they saw a smile appear on Ren Qinming’s face.

And it was a smile so brilliant that Ren Qinming needed to use his fist to cover the smile on his lips.

The bullet screen was entirely filled with [?????]

Although they’ve seen Ren Qinming’s love for Ruan Song several times already, this really……

[Didn’t they say that wise men don’t fall into the river of love]

[Ren Qinming you’re done for! You’ve fallen into the river of love!!! Loudspeaker.jpg x3]

As a result, Ren Qinming seemed to resent that it was not enough, and after laughing, he earnestly verified with Ruan Song: “You’re the one who said ‘later’ and ‘everyday’. You can’t take it back.”

Ruan Song held his chin up with his hand, and didn’t even raise his eyes: “Mhm, I won’t take it back.”

Ren Qinming was upset: “You’re saying that just for show.”

“Just for show?”

Ruan Song’s chopsticks that had been lazily picking up food paused, and his phoenix eyes with a smile yet not a smile raised as he looked at the other, saying: “Even if I’m just saying it for show, shouldn’t you take the bait?”


It had only been a few hours since 8pm when the live broadcast began, yet the bullet screen had already become completely crazed.

[What kind of worldly hook-and-snare killing machine is Ruan Song?]

[Teacher Ruan yyds5! The A beauty of the hook-and-snare department is the best at fishing!!!]

[I declare that I won’t survive tonight! Don’t stop me, just let me ship this to death in this live broadcast! Just leave me here to die!]

1. This is an idiom meaning two people work together towards an emotional goal (liking each other, and admiring each other). Does not necessarily have to be romantic.

2. To be precise, RS’s pen name (交子) actually refers to the paper money used in the Northern Song Dynasty (~11th century).

3. Douban is a social networking service website for content related to film, books, and music. I guess a Western equivalent might be Rotten Tomatoes.

4. Mapo tofu (麻婆豆腐), boiled sliced meat (水煮肉片), braised eggplant (红烧茄子), garlic spare ribs (蒜香排骨), vegetable egg soup (青菜鸡蛋羹)

5. yyds stands for 永远的神, lit. forever god, essentially means you’re amazing/the best.

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