I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 14: CH 14

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Ruan Song felt he was extremely innocent.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: I only said it after they insisted on questioning me]

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: Otherwise what should I have said, that I came to this variety show to learn how to act with the film emperor? Actually, the both of us are acting, and we’re pure in private?]

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Hahh, you’re really…… I don’t even know whether to tell aunty that you made this money easily or not]

This time, the guests invited to ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ were all real couples. The program team was straightforward and they openly allocated their rooms as double rooms with no discount.

The activity room in the cabin was on the first floor, while the bedrooms were on the second floor. All the rooms were decorated uniformly, and a camera was installed at the doorway, and faced the bed.

In the live broadcast, Ruan Song could be seen holding his cellphone, sitting on the bed as he fervently typed, but it was unknown as to who he had been messaging.

Ren Qinming quietly sat on the other side of the bed and opened the suitcase, and without any sound, began to pull things out.

Makeup bag, skin care, towels, face wash……

The bullet screen originally thought that he prepared these things for himself, until they suddenly heard a knock at the door, and Zheng Qing spoke from the outside: “Qiqi is still showering, I’ve finished showering. Xiao Song, Qinming, you guys should hurry up and figure out who showers faster, and squeeze in.”

Originally, they planned to give up, and if only a few of them could shower, then so be it. The rest of them could only wake up early tomorrow morning and shower.

But seeing as Zheng Qing had already knocked on their door……

Ruan Song was the first to jump off the bed, and without offering Ren Qinming the chance to bargain, he put away his phone and dragged his suitcase over.

The room was beautifully decorated with bamboo in a Chinese-style, and even had a balcony included. But in actuality, the usable space in the room was quite small.

Ren Qinming half squatted over his own suitcase and looked over at the other, a faint look of complaint in his eyes.

[My ge nearly has ‘why is my wife unwilling to shower with me’ written on his forehead hhh]

[Let me just say, I can see his puppy ears drooping down, grits teeth.jpg]

[I feel like those marketing accounts that were trying to exploit this relationship can shut down. Just looking at Ruan Song giving Ren Qinming the cold shoulder and not even looking at him, I believe they’re 100% real, doge]

But Ruan Song did more than just not look.

He opened his own suitcase, then with resentment for Ren Qinming squatting too widely and being a hindrance, he would occasionally move his leg to the side to push the other aside.

Ren Qinming was 1.87 meters tall, so he could only shrink in and move closer to the bed, yet couldn’t even get a look from Ruan Song.

The bullet screen all said that only Ruan Song could do this. Ren Qinming has definitely never endured such treatment in other places.

[The most important point is that he’s not even a little bit mad]

[It’s been an entire night, how are there still some sisters who are not awake. It’s just the double standard of not getting mad at teacher Ruan only, grits teeth.jpg]

[What kind of nonsensical truth is that. It’s just that teacher Ruan is proficient at the dog hook transformation, and has nothing to do with our ge’s double standards, doge]

In the room, Ruan Song really believed that his brain was capable of everything, except when it came to preparing for a bath.

He sat on the bed and pulled out each item and listed them out, underwear, pajamas, body wash, shampoo, conditioner……What else was there?

Ren Qinming silently pushed over a towel from the side.

That’s right, a towel.

Ruan Song saw the other send over the towel, and habitually took the item from him.

Ren Qinming once again pushed over eye drops, and Ruan Song once again accepted it.

The broadcast showed two people, one with his head lowered, the other with his head raised.

Ren Qinming also didn’t say anything, and began to push over the items that he had just pulled out from his suitcase over to Ruan Song’s hand. From beginning to end, he maintained his posture of kneeling with one knee.

Compared to kneeling next to the bed, it appeared more like he was kneeling next to Ruan Song’s legs.

The atmosphere around the pair’s bodies was as if it came straight out of nature itself, and it simply allowed the bullet screen to ship them like crazy. One after another, the screen filled with ‘The famous screenshot of “The Queen and His Puppy”’.

[What kind of divine idol drama-esque scene is this. I suggest the program team give the two teachers more money, applause.jpg]

[Turns out all the items that Ren Qinming just pulled out of his suitcase, were completely prepared for Ruan Song, doge]

[This positioning, this mutual understanding…… It’s fine if I die shipping it! Hurry and enter, I’m begging you to hurry up and directly enter the bed to fight!!]

What entered Ruan Song’s hands next were cotton pads, makeup cleanser, and face wash.

From beginning to end, he remained clueless. It wasn’t until he held everything in his hand, and looked into a certain someone’s deeply smiling eyes, that he suddenly stared blankly.

And remembered that they already broke up.

Ren Qinming has been Ruan Song’s shadow since high school. He was fully aware that if he wants an effective outcome, he could only take advantage of Ruan Song’s failure to react.

So he purposely scrambled to ask in front of Ruan Song: “Does the boss have any other commands?”

Sure enough, Ruan Song paused for a moment, then said: “……Later on, you don’t have to help me settle these things.”

As usual, what requests does Ren Qinming not follow?

But this time, Ren Qinming stubbornly went against Ruan Song’s train of thought: “Before, I helped you settle everything. I’m already used to it, and I also want to help you settle it.”

As everyone knows, when the sweet pea dog hook speaks gently, he’s admittedly charming. But everyone already had a profound appreciation for Ruan Song’s hard temper and unreasonable expertise.

Nearly everyone eagerly waited to see how Ren Qinming would be verbally attacked this time.

But in reality, Ruan Song glanced at the other for a long while, and finally, the serious reply he gave was just: “When you act like this, you’re making me look really unintelligent.”

As if he couldn’t take care of his own livelihood.


The bullet screen was collectively startled into bursting out with laughter.

[Hahahahaha, fuck. It’s ok if he looks really unintelligent!!]

[Out of everything I could’ve expected, I never would have thought that teacher Ruan’s point was this! Suddenly he’s a bit cute, what’s up with that hhh]

[You think he’s just a little cute?? It’s completely at the level of ‘a gap moe1 that can kill someone’! Pervert.jpg]

[Teacher Ruan = Absent-minded hook-and-snare + Deadpan cutie, doge]

[Everyone, my check bounced again2. I’m once again jealous of our ge, and once again resolutely understand his happiness, just a lemon.jpg]

But did it end when Ruan Song went to shower after leaving Ren Qinming behind in the room?

Of course not, men of virtue never admit defeat.

Ruan Song entered the bathroom, and without anyone to watch him, Ren Qinming instead began to busy himself.

Everyone watched as he first quickly placed the items he needed himself in their place, then closed his suitcase to clear the area for Ruan Song.

Then, as if they returned to the moment he finished cooking, he completely overturned his image of the uncaring Gaoling flower, and fished out a compressed hot kettle.

He brought it to the sink on the terrace in their room to rinse it, opened a bottle of mineral water, then placed the kettle next to Ruan Song’s side of the bed to boil.

At that time, the screen of the cell phone that Ruan Song tossed onto his bed lit up.

Those in the bullet screen that had good eyes could see that someone had sent a WeChat message to Ruan Song, and had even sent one message after another. Who was it sending him messages in the middle of the night?

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Any one would be curious.

But as a result, when Ren Qinming walked over, not only did he not look at it, he immediately turned the phone over so it laid face down on the bed, as if he didn’t hear the vibration from the message, and had engraved ‘respect for others’ privacy’ into his bones.

The viewers in the bullet screen were dumbstruck, and once again grew jealous.

[Before this variety show, who would’ve thought that other than acting, my ge was actually a super virtuous man……]

[So it’s now back to envying teacher Ruan right, just a lemon.jpg]

Ren Qinming even investigated the thickness of the pillows in the room, as well as the cleanliness of the blankets and sheets. He felt that the pillows on this side were too short, Ruan Song preferred sleeping on taller pillows, or else he’d easily feel dizzy and nauseous.

For the next 19 days, the program team had abandoned them here. Other than when facing an emergency situation, they wouldn’t offer any kind of help.

The bullet screen initially watched as Ren Qinming left the room, and had no idea what he planned to do, until they saw him appear on the broadcasting camera of the two other pairs of guests.

He actually left to borrow pillows!

Ren Qinming visited each room one by one to ask others if they had any extra pillows, asked for favors, and even his attitude when speaking was extremely good natured.

The fans watching grew dazed one after another.

[Shock, turns out my ge actually knows how to write the two words ‘excuse me’……]

[Oh my god, Ren Qinming, you’re really beyond saving. Are you even aware that you’ve fallen into the river of love]

Fortunately, Jiang Qiqi prepared quite comprehensively, and brought over five suitcases filled with clothing and other necessities. Not to mention a pillow, she even brought her own bedding and sheets.

It is said that if the program team didn’t stop her, Jiang Qiqi even wished to bring a brand new mattress over.

Liang Yi generously gave both of his pillows to Ren Qinming, and said if Ruan Song wasn’t used to it, they still had other types of pillows here.

With things concerning Ruan Song, Ren Qinming was naturally not modest in the slightest: “After he finishes showering and tests it out and is still unused to it, I’ll come over to find you.”

He had to admit, Liang Yi felt that he and Jiang Qiqi had to admit defeat to Ren Qinming. He stood at the doorway and randomly chatted with the other: “It’s quite unexpected, I really wouldn’t have thought that with your temperament, you’d feel so deeply.”

Ren Qinming heard this compliment, yet his face had no expression at all. He remained unmoved, and politely nodded while saying: “The water is almost done boiling, I’ll go back first.”

This time, not to mention Liang Yi, but even the bullet screen was angered into laughter.

[Hahaha, fuck, just a second ago we praised him for knowing how to write the two words ‘excuse me’]

[Asking others for help: Excuse me…… / After asking for help: The water is done boiling]

[My ge: If you praised Song ge, I’d at least reply with two words, but there’s no point in praising me, doge]

[At this point, there’s probably no one who still isn’t clear headed, right. As long as Ruan Song isn’t there, Ren Qinming will always be the number one ruthless boy in the entertainment industry, doge]

Fortunately, the program team only didn’t tell them that the water would be shut off in advance, and hadn’t gotten to the point of true wickedness yet.

There was just enough hot water for Ruan Song to squeeze in to shower, and there was still enough time for the remaining Qin Sijia, Ren Qinming, and Liang Yi to shower.

Chen Yan sat next to the hospital bed and held his phone, and waited until Ruan Song finished drying his hair on the screen to send over a video chat request.

Several minutes before, the program team heard that Ruan Song may have a video call with his mother, and as if to capture treasure, they immediately asked Ruan Song if mother Ruan could appear in front of the camera, and broadcast the content of his video call.

To the extent that they didn’t hesitate to mention a last minute raise. As soon as their video call connected, they announced their price, which was directly more than the usual remuneration of Ruan Song writing five or six episodes.

Yet it was ruthlessly refused by Ruan Song.

Although it was nice to get rich, he already received the pay of five million to participate in this show, there was really no need to bother about small fry like this.

So everyone could only watch on as Ruan Song held up his phone, and listen to his voice.

Ruan Song was quite tired after messing around all night today, but when the video call connected, he still had a full smile on his face: “Mom, why haven’t you slept yet? It’s almost past midnight.”

Chen Yan helped her reply: “Aunty heard you can only video chat at night, so she specially slept all day so she could speak with you.”

Chen Yan had left out the unnecessary part regarding Ruan Song’s current situation and had put an emphasis on skirting around the fact that Ruan Song and Ren Qinming had already broken up, were pretending to be a couple, and had already completely explained the situation to mother Ruan.

Although it took mother Ruan a long time to accept the arrangement that he could earn five million from participating in a variety show, she finally believed it after hearing Ren Qinming’s name.

Although gay marriage was legal, a large proportion of those in the older generation maintained conservative views.

The bullet screen had just been guessing whether or not Ruan Song’s family supported his and Ren Qinming’s relationship, when the first sentence that aunty said was unexpectedly: “Where’s Qinming? Xiao Chen said that the two of you are on the show, hurry up and let me see him, it’s been so long.”

Ruan Song nearly laughed out of anger: “He’s showering, he’ll be out soon. Did you stay up to video chat with me, or with him? Why do you keep thinking about him everyday.”

“Because he treats you well.”

Mother Ruan laughed out loud. She also knew that she couldn’t directly speak about the matter of five million yuan on the show, and was more worried about Ruan Song’s work, “The main point of video chatting with you is to ask if recording this program will delay your work.”

No matter how much five million was, in mother Ruan’s eyes, at best it was money that came by stroke of luck, and wasn’t a proper approach. There would always be a day that it would be completely spent, and it was best to rely on one’s own ability to steadily generate income.

As soon as the bullet screen heard words related to ‘work’, their gossiping DNA immediately activated.

They had all laid out an inescapable net to search for Ruan Song on the internet. According to reason, as long as you were a normal person, you would leave even a small footprint, but it was as if Ruan Song disappeared. After he graduated from Xiliu’s No.1 Middle High and moved to City A, there was no other news.

There were no online accounts, and even no social interactions.

There were no upperclassmen or younger classmen at A University who exposed Ruan Song’s information, which was a miracle in the 21st century.

Everyone had long been curious about information regarding Ruan Song, and one after another began to strain their ears.

Of course Ruan Song knew what his mother was thinking in her head. Even if he had no screenplays to write, he still had to act like there were screenplays to write: “Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. Didn’t I already say that my work is very relaxed. As long as I have a notebook next to me, it won’t be delayed.”

Mother Ruan was not entirely satisfied: “You say this every time.”

Ruan Song: “It’s because it’s the truth, if you don’t believe it, then wait until Ren Qinming comes out and you can ask him.”

Then Chen Yan asked who sent him a WeChat message before, and Ruan Song only ambiguously said that it was the person who looked for him last time: “I have no idea where he got my WeChat. I thought it was someone I knew so I accepted his friend request.”

Children always only report good news to their parents, not bad news. In the video chat, Ruan Song’s entire look appeared very calm.

[Known: Able to work with just a notebook, don’t need to work office hours, has something to do with projects, only accepts WeChat requests from people he knows, and a big boss whose family has an ore mine is looking for him]

The bullet screen quickly thought of the work call that they had ‘eavesdropped’ on before, and became increasingly confident that Ruan Song is amazing.

[Now, probably no one is questioning my ge’s foresight, right. How could someone who can be liked by my ge be inferior]

[Just taking 10,000 steps back, teacher Ruan graduated from A University. Someone who came from a Double First Class university, even if they are inferior, how inferior could they really be]

[I feel that in accordance with the requirements above, it’s more likely that his work has something to do with finance or writing. Maybe he helps others with analysis, or something to do with evaluation reports]

[In short, he definitely makes a lot of money!]

[But the things in teacher Ruan’s suitcase are all very ordinary, ai]

[Don’t you know, big bosses don’t care about mere worldly possessions. I really can’t help but once again thank teacher Ruan for doing me the favor and agreeing to come to our shabby variety show. A real male bodhisattva in this world, prayer hands.jpg]

As such, the direction of the entire public opinion was settled upon.

Everyone didn’t realize that they had looked at Ruan Song through countless layers, and in actuality, it was a filter that came from their own subjective ideas.

So no one paid attention to an account with the ID of ‘Anonymous’ who sent out a Weibo hot search.

[Anonymous: Now it really seems that anyone dares to show their face in public and set up a persona and brag about making money, huh. Is there really no one who remembers that he nearly couldn’t graduate that year?]

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