I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 2: CH 2

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If you have money, I’ll marry you

Zhongrui Film, inside the manager’s office.

“Your itinerary today includes an interview, a magazine photoshoot, and a dinner banquet for a filmmaker of a platform.”

“The interview is about the movie that was released three days ago but has already exceeded 300 million in the box office, ‘Who.’ They’ll probably ask you about things like interesting moments during the filming, as well as challenging moments that required you to overcome some difficulties. Because you don’t like memorizing the script, we haven’t prepared talking points in advance. It’ll be fine if you don’t answer too easily or too excessively when the time comes, and if they ask you anything you don’t want to answer, just directly say you won’t answer.”

“The magazine photoshoot is for the cover of ‘OPEN’ as well as a special insider interview, with virtually the same content, publicity for ‘Who’. The concept of the photo shoot is the style of a dark suspense.”

“As for the banquet for that platform tonight……”

The manager faced the packed itinerary on the tablet and had only discussed half of it, when they could no longer continue. They placed their hands on their waist, and stared in the direction of the sofa: “Qinming? Ren Qinming, did you hear anything I said?”

The man laying on the sofa had his back facing outwards, with his hat covering his face, didn’t make a sound.

The manager had no choice but to raise their voice: “Ren Qinming, did you fall asleep? If you didn’t, then say something!”

Ren Qinming hugged his arm as before, remaining motionless.

The manager felt he was simply unreasonable!

In her twenty years of practice, she had worked with countless actors. Those who were well-known, those who weren’t, and she had even worked with those whose families even owned ore mines. But she had never met someone like Ren Qinming who was so obstinate when ignoring others.

The assistant felt the biggest reason he was called over was to mediate between Ren Qinming and his manager: “Lan jie1, don’t be angry. Qinming ge drank too much last night, and he also flew back from City B really early today. He’s still hungover……”

But it was fruitless. Once the other spoke, Xu Lan’s explosive temper was immediately on the verge of bursting out: “I didn’t even ask about his crime of being photographed kissing someone, and he still dares to play around saying he’s still hungover?!”

The assistant was just about to amend his statement, when someone’s phone in the office rang out with a sharp and clear ‘ding’ that was unbefitting of the occasion.

Then the two saw someone who was ‘still hungover’ abruptly jolt upward on the sofa, sat up straight and efficiently pulled out his cell phone. He eagerly opened the notification, not even the least bit like someone who was still hungover.

Clearly exhibiting he hadn’t been sleeping before, and simply didn’t care to listen to her.

Xu Lan’s blood pressure was originally unstable, and it immediately rushed up to her head.

She clenched the tablet in her hand, and threw it down ruthlessly against a pile of documents, and originally planned to get angry.

But ultimately, it was unknown as to what Ren Qinming saw on his phone, but this person’s temper erupted first. He got up from the sofa, pretended as if the other two didn’t exist, then arrogantly strode forward on his long legs to leave.

The assistant had much foresight and had already poured a cup of tea in advance, and once again said ‘Jie don’t be mad,’ continuously in succession.

Xu Lan now finally realized why Zhongrui paid twice as much for the role of being Ren Qinming’s manager when compared to other positions of the same level, yet no one was able to stay for long.

Even if one wasn’t angered into sickness, but in consideration of their bodily health, it was best to resign as soon as possible.

“Anyway, no matter what he’ll ignore me.” Xu Lan hugged her arms and leaned against the table, “Then I have full authority to manage your matters myself, and I won’t ask for your opinion. First, find out why your itinerary this morning was leaked, then report all the marketing accounts that piggybacked on the rumors saying that you’re dating, then release a statement to deny the rumors.”

Ren Qinming who had already walked to the door finally stopped walking: “Who says I’m denying the rumors?”

Xu Lan was full of question marks: “If you don’t deny the rumors, what are you going to do, admit you’re dating?”

In all honesty, she completely hadn’t considered the possibility that Ren Qinming would decline clarification, hadn’t she seen plenty of people in the circle who went crazy after drinking? Only a few stars with a face like Ren Qinming’s could guarantee a clean private life.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the two really were dating, who knows how long the hot passion between these youngsters could last.

If they broke up within a week, then would they have to make another announcement?

It’s simply just stressing the fans out.

No matter how Xu Lan looked at it, there was no other way around it.

But she didn’t know which sore spot of Ren Qinming’s she poked at, but the tall, long-legged man stubbornly turned around at the entrance, and approached one step at a time.

Because of his height advantage, he looked down cruelly and arrogantly, with his eyebrows tightly wrinkled: “Did I sign a slave contract with the company or did I transform into some idol? On what grounds can I not admit that I’m dating.”

Xu Lan could be said to have seen all kinds of big winds and big waves2, and she wouldn’t lose her head no matter how unreasonable the situation she was in. But Ren Qinming was worthy of being called the powerful dark house that captured the title of film emperor.

The man was young, but he was tall and his aura was fierce. Even if he didn’t do anything, as long as he stared at you head on, it was as if he could swallow up your life. His eyes concealed a lone wolf’s ruthlessness, and every single pore seemed to warn her: Don’t. Control. Me.

This made someone as experienced as Xu Lan, prepare a small mental outline in her heart, before she opened her mouth: “Don’t you know how much of the box office sales are due to your fans’ support? You also don’t know how many of your fans are girlfriend fans, or wife fans? Even if it’s not for your own benefit, just from the perspective of the company’s interests……”

A sound abruptly interrupted her: “From the perspective of the company’s interests, Xiao3 Ren dating is a complete non-issue!”

Xu Lan immediately found it hard to believe, and turned to the doorway: “Director Wang!”

The person who arrived was Zhongrui Film’s boss, Wang Duan.

A man approximately fifty years old, whose body was maintained quite well, with an imposing appearance, yet unexpectedly appeared quite free and casual while wearing a suit.

The first thing he did after walking in, was to gaze at the assistant appreciatively — he clearly expected the assistant to have been unable to deal with Xu Lan, so he sent over his own approval.

Xu Lan felt she really was about to be angered into dizziness. Even she knew the economic benefits of preserving Ren Qinming’s persona as being single, and as Zhongrui’s boss, Wang Duan could not have no thoughts in his heart: “It’s fine if Ren Qinming doesn’t want to clear it up, but even Director Wang doesn’t plan to clear it up?”

Wang Duan was a majestic boss, and despite her temper, calmly comforted her: “Xiao Ren is already 26, he isn’t some teenaged child, and you should have some trust in him. If Xiao Ren has the confidence to date this person for two years without breaking up, then just let him admit it. Having a long-term lover can also increase one’s fanbase.”

Xu Lan was even more confused, not to mention even normal people often found it difficult to date for two years: “This circle is so messy, how many can actually contentedly date for two years???”

Wang Duan didn’t answer her first this time, and just faced Ren Qinming with an exuberant smiling expression: “What do you say, Xiao Ren?”

What could Ren Qinming say? He knew the other was deliberately asking, and knew that Ruan Song wouldn’t easily get back together with him.

“Anyway, there’s no need to clarify it.” The man wearing the cap had profound eyes, then tossed this sentence out, and raised his hand to push open the door to leave.

The assistant followed behind closely, and thoughtfully closed the door behind him: “Director Wang, Lan jie, you guys continue talking, we’ll leave first. I’ll watch over Qinming ge carefully during the activities this afternoon, don’t worry.”

Wang Duan cheerfully waved his hand in approval of their departure.

Xu Lan felt complete disapproval for Wang Duan’s indulgent attitude towards Ren Qinming: “Although it may be inappropriate for me to say this, but it is because you indulged him that you have to pay twice as much to recruit others to work for him, yet in the end, no one can stay for long!”

Wang Duan grinned informally, and amiably called her ‘Lan jie’: “It’s clear that there’s nothing to be said about our Lan jie’s professional ability, it’s just that Xiao Ren’s situation is a bit special. I’ve never said anything to the people who worked before you, but because I feel Lan jie is a person of good character, you definitely will understand why Xiao Ren is so opposed towards his managers after I explain the events that happened previously.”

The underground parking lot.

The assistant strapped in the safety belt, and faced the person beside him to ask: “Before was it Song ge who sent you a message?”

Ren Qinming turned to look outside the window, and only replied after a long period of silence: “He told me to clarify that I just needed support after drinking too much, that there’s a problem with the angle.”

The assistant didn’t hurry to respond.

Based on his experience of following Ren Qinming for the past three years, he knew that this sentence alone wasn’t enough to give rise to the great depression in Ren Qinming’s heart.

The person in the passenger sentence indeed added on: “He even said he has no time to play sex scandal games with me.”

When saying this, Ren Qinming’s voice was hoarse, his forehead leaning against the car window, and the eyes that countless fans have chased after drooped down extremely low. He no longer had even half the temperament he showed just now in front of the manager, and even appeared a bit aggrieved.

The assistant placed the palm of his hand on the steering wheel, and comforted: “Ge, don’t feel too sad. Song ge is also going through some difficulties recently, and it’s likely his mood isn’t that good.”

Ren Qinming didn’t respond.

The assistant pondered for a bit, then said: “At the very least, you got to kiss him yesterday. You made a profit, we should at least be happy!”

The cold King of Hell immediately loosened up, and smiled along with the other.

It’s true, after breaking up for an entire year and being snubbed despite showing good intentions, these past few days weren’t bad.

Using Song ge to coax Ren Qinming was the assistant’s tried and true method, but no one would believe him if he said it.

Nevertheless, Director Wang was wise. Regardless of how much others believed Ren Qinming was hard to handle, he liked Ren Qinming from the bottom of his heart. If nothing else, it was because Ren Qinming could love Ruan Song for so long with a face like his.

Having grown out of the mud unsullied, he still didn’t forget the feelings he had when he first grew out of the mud.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

The little assistant giddily started up the van: “The interview only starts at 2pm, there’s still an hour of free time. Ge, do you want to go home and catch up on sleep?”

Whether he was hungover or not, he only made it up for Xu Lan to hear.

Ren Qinming basically didn’t drink too much yesterday night, and only used alcohol as an excuse to go crazy. He wanted a reason to go see Song ge, and definitely didn’t sleep at all last night.

But Ren Qinming had no intention of sleeping: “No, let’s go to the hospital.”

The assistant stepped on the gas pedal: “Okay.”

After Ruan Song finished eating lunch, it was already three in the afternoon.

He felt he basically crawled out of that room. No matter how drunk he pretended to be, he could not extricate himself from that group of grandsons.

He stood on the curb, and while other bosses were picked up by cars and taken away, only he stood around disorientedly as the cold wind blew. In any case, he was able to get the business card of that idiotic filmmaker, and allowed Ruan Song to call whenever he was ready.

— In order to hide the fact he was eager for work and thus have his pay reduced, Ruan Song intentionally played hard to get and said he still had some other work to finish up first.

“You really plan on writing this crappy screenplay?” Chen Yan’s voice from the other side of the phone was filled with pity, “I asked around for you just now, and that filmmaker with the last name Liu has really rotten projects. His methods are improper, and only a ghost would know whether or not his films would be able to be broadcasted.”

Ruan Song just happened to be walking towards the train, and only called the other to say he was fine: “I still have to care if it’ll be broadcasted? As long as I finish the script and he gives me money it’s fine. If I don’t write it, where would I get money, are you willing to raise me?”

Chen Yan repeatedly shook his head while sighing: “Then you definitely can’t sign your name, just use whatever pen name, and no matter who asks, don’t admit you wrote it.” Or else it would be too disparaging.


Ruan Song walked to the entrance of the subway in a flash, and said he was hanging up: “I’ll go to see my mom first, it’s time to pay her fees again.”

Chen Yan: “How about your brother finance you a bit. I have 1 yuan here, how about I give you 50 cents.”

“Fuck off, it’s fine if you just leave some food for me to eat.”

After Ruan song said this, he hung up, and just as he prepared to enter the subway, his phone suddenly vibrated.

Chen Yan sent him 100 yuan, and attached a message.

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin4, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Don’t take the subway ge. Live luxuriously and take a taxi. I’m scared you drank too much and can’t stand well, then you’ll fall under the wheels of the train, ruin your face, and then you’ll really lose your livelihood then]

Ruan Song wasn’t courteous this time, and candidly accepted the money.

[If You Have Money, I’ll Marry You-Song: Thanks]

Before Ruan Song entered the hospital, he bought some fruit.

The boss of the fruit shop remembered him because of his outstanding appearance. The first time he visited the shop, the other thought he was a star, and after chatting for a bit, learned of his mother’s condition.

Every time Ruan Song came to buy fruits, the boss gave a discount, and those items that could be discounted were greatly discounted. It could be considered that his mortal flesh did give him a number of great benefits.

When Ruan Song arrived at the front of the hospital, he first let the wind blow over him and then checked himself in the mirror. He ensured that he didn’t smell of alcohol, and that the red blush on his face faded. Then he smiled, and walked cleanly into the hospital room.

“Mom, how are you feeling today?”

The woman laying on the sick bed saw him come in, but not only was she not happy, she even rebuked the other: “Didn’t you just come before, how come you’re back? I already said you don’t need to run over here every day to see mom. You should just focus on work, what are you going to do if you lose your job?”

Ruan Song’s line of sight shifted, and indeed, saw an unfamiliar bouquet of flowers and basket of fruit placed at the head of the bed.

Ever since his mother’s illness worsened a year ago, she was transferred from the hospital in their hometown of City B, to a hospital in City A. Every few days, Ruan Song would be able to see items that could be seen were ‘his’.

He asked his mother who came.

His mother also couldn’t say clearly. Her memory had been fuzzy for several years, and every time thought that person was also her own son.

At the beginning, Ruan Song had looked into who exactly it was, and even joked around with his mother once: “Your son is so good looking, so how could just anyone be your son?”

But his mother said: “Pretty ah, he’s always been pretty!”

At this point, Ruan Song figured it out.

In the list of possible people who would come visit his mother, and had a level of attractiveness on par with himself, there could only be Ren Qinming.

Fortunately, Ren Qinming only gave fruits, tonics, and didn’t fight over paying the medical fees with him.

Ruan Song was also too lazy to care about him. After all, his mother did treat Ren Qinming quite well in the past. Now she was sick, and there was nothing wrong with coming to see her.

Ruan Song sat by the bed, washed the fruits he brought, and placed them one by one into the fruit basket: “What can I do if I don’t come? You don’t want me to hire a nurse aide for you, so I have no choice but to run over here frequently.”

“Mom’s brain is just a little confused, it’s not like I can’t take care of myself. You come everyday to bring me food and drink, but there’s still doctors and nurses to take care of me. I can manage on my own. You and Xiao Ren don’t need to worry about me.”

Mother Ruan was bed-ridden all year round, and there were a few strands of gray hair around her temples. She looked extremely pretty when she laughed, and she looked exactly like Ruan Song when she was younger, a peerless beauty.

Every time Ruan Song saw his mother like this, his nose would feel sour, and he skillfully picked up a knife to peel an apple: “I already told you many times, Ren Qinming and I broke up a year ago. Don’t keep thinking of him, the only one who’s worried is me.”

Mother Ruan immediately had a knowing smile, and lowered her voice: “That’s right, our Xiao Ren is famous now, a big star. I can’t mention him, or else other people might overhear it.”


Ruan Song stayed in the ward and chatted for awhile, but after a while, mother Ruan shooed him away, telling him to go back to work.

Ruan Song left, and the attending physician just happened to pass by in the corridor.

The pair’s voices subconsciously lowered: “Why do I feel my mother is getting worse. Now she already can’t remember the things I told her a few days ago.”

The doctor’s face appeared solemn: “She really should schedule her surgery soon. The tumor has been pressing on her nerves for a long time now. If it ruptures, the consequences would be too horrible to think about.”

Ruan Song has heard similar things before.

But not only does he have to pay for his own everyday expenses, he also has to shoulder the burden of paying for his mother’s long-term hospitalization and medication fees. Now adding on this surgery, it was completely like a huge mountain that he had no way to climb.

The doctor had seen plenty in the same situation, and the things most ordinary people were afraid of was growing ill. For young people like Ruan Song, there was no need to mention the medical fees, it’s even likely that he doesn’t have much savings either.

Now, other than honestly gathering money to treat the illness, saying anything else was futile.

The doctor sympathetically patted his shoulder: “First pay the medical fees, then think about paying the fee for surgery. Money isn’t something you can make in a hurry.”

It was another big check.

Ruan Song handed in the money at the window, and felt he should have lost at least 10jin. With his sleeves empty, there wasn’t even a single yuan left in his pocket.

At that time, in order for his mother to marry his father, she remained stubborn, and had a big falling out with her own family. His father also only had poor relatives, and had died early in a car accident. Now that it fell to Ruan Song, he basically had no one he could borrow money from.

After Ruan Song dealt with all his matters, he stood in a corner outside the hospital and smoked a cigarette.

After hesitating over and over again, he finally pulled out that business card that could scald his hand, then enthusiastically called: “Hello, is this director Liu? This is Xiao Song. Right, right, the screenwriter that had lunch with you this afternoon. I just went home and the more I thought about it, the more I felt we hit it off. I thought I’d seize the occasion, and quickly finished up the work I have on hand. Where are you now? If it’s convenient, why don’t I find you, and sign the business contract today?”


The author has something to say:

A certain film emperor: He has no money, he has no money. If my wife is missing something, it’s my turn to shine!

1. Jie (姐) or jiejie, meaning older sister. Doesn’t require having a blood relationship.

2. Big winds and big waves = any kind of situation/problem

3. Xiao (小), lit. small. Added in front of someone’s name as an affectionate term.

4. Jin is a Chinese measurement for weight. It’s half of a kilogram so 1kg = 2jin.

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