I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 32: CH 31

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That morning, after visiting his mother, Ruan Song went back to his alma mater to celebrate his benefactor’s birthday in a low-key manner. As a result, he was met with a hot search due to his respected teacher’s illness.

The video was pinned to the top of Weibo, and was originally taken by Yuan Yinhai’s students to commemorate Ruan Song sending Yuan Yinhai a cake. Who would have thought that an unexpected series of accidents would occur later.

Everyone surrounded Ruan Song, their idol, yet it was unknown as to what had happened to the dean, whose eyes suddenly closed as he fell to the ground beside the podium.

The students on site immediately grew chaotic, and everyone’s joy grew into terror.

As the only person on site who was a bit older, Ruan Song remained fairly calm as he played the role of an elder.

While calling the ambulance, he clearly described the time, place, and general situation of the fall. Later, he instructed the students to maintain airflow in the room, then commanded someone to find the quick acting cardiac pills in Yuan Yinhai’s bag, while on the other hand, kneeling down to the ground to start pressing his chest for first aid.

The movements of his hands were standard, and the entire process flowed smoothly. All the students spontaneously and automatically followed his directions.

Ren Qinming quickly arrived from the underground parking lot, and after the ambulance drove into the school campus, he immediately pulled the dean into his arms and carried him into the ambulance.

The entire scene was extremely grave, not to mention the students on site, even those who watched the video felt shocked.

During this period, probably because Ruan Song kneeled on the ground to press the dean’s chest for too long, when he suddenly stood up, he nearly fell due to hypoglycemia, and a student beside him helped to support him.

At the end of the video, everyone all watched as Ruan Song and Ren Qinming followed the ambulance and left. And only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the media outlets followed up with the news and reported that Yuan Yinhai was sent to the hospital, and because of Ruan Song’s timely rescue, Yuan Yinhai was clear from any life threatening complications.

The most popular comments below this Weibo post were nearly all the A University students who were there at that time.

[Fuck, wuwuwu, I was scared to death. If senior bother Ruan Song wasn’t there, I would definitely be too frenzied to do anything, crying.jpg]

[Originally, senior brother suddenly appeared today saying he wanted to give the dean a surprise, asking us to cooperate with him, and we were even all very happy]

[Dean Yuan is very good, but he really is getting older. The school has always been urging him to retire from his post, saying he doesn’t need to teach or focus on producing creative works, but the dean has always been unwilling. He always says he wants to teach a few more students. Crying.jpg x3]

[Dean Yuan is a precious treasure to the entire screenwriting industry, and he has written many excellent works. Fortunately, senior brother Ruan Song came today, and was a blessing in disguise. Prayer hands.jpg]

[Doing chest compressions is really very tiring. Senior brother was actually already gasping in the middle, but none of us dared to take over! Heartbroken.jpg]

[Dean Yuan has mentored so many students, and only senior brother Ruan Song remembered that the dean’s birthday was today and came back to visit him, then he just so happened to save the dean. Perhaps they really do have some kind of special predestined relationship. Crying.jpg]

[Yes! Before, I’ve heard that when senior brother was in school, he had a very good relationship with the dean, and would often accompany the dean to pull all-nighters to edit the script. Ay, heartbroken.jpg x3]

[Also, the dean’s daughter is researching abroad, and you can’t even reach her cell phone at all. It will be hard for her to return quickly]

Very quickly, someone had created a list of all the works produced by Yuan Yinhai’s studio, then combined it with Yuan Yinhai’s class time table. He appeared entirely like a model worker, and it was all too normal that he had health problems.

Also, once this matter erupted, the program team of ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ immediately didn’t dare to urge Ruan Song, and allowed Ren Qinming and Ruan Song to accompany the dean in the hospital.

Subsequently, Ruan Song and Yuan Yinhai’s past ‘close relationship’ as master and disciple surfaced.

A group of junior brothers and sisters who gossiped online made Ruan Song appear as a miracle. Ruan Song was just an outsider from B City, and Yuan Yinhai’s daughter was unable to return home for the new year. Stories about how the two of them would spend the new year together to write screenplays appeared online.

One party was a distinguished figure from the screenwriting industry who was of good moral standing and prestige, while the other party was a gifted student with great innate skill. It was impossible to calm the discussion down even if one wanted to.

A photo of Ruan Song on the night watch that same day in the hospital room ‘circulated’ around from the nurse’s phone onto the internet.

It wasn’t hard to see his weary appearance as he sat next to the hospital bed, leaning against the back of a chair as he slept. It was still Ren Qinming who brought face wash and other materials and placed it on the bed.

[How unlucky is this. One moment his mother is sick, then in the next moment, his teacher is also sick, crying.jpg]

[Teacher Ruan just doesn’t like speaking, but his heart is actually very warm. Before when he had a video call with aunty, it was also the same. You can tell that he’s very filial, wuwuwu]

[Ah……I hope my ge can stick up for him and properly protect teacher Ruan. It’s really too distressing]

[I heard all of the dean’s other relatives are abroad. Before they are able to rush back, teacher Ruan definitely won’t be able to take a break]

[Hemp ropes break at the thinnest points, and bad luck only seeks the unfortunate1. I hope the dean can get better quickly, I really like the play ‘The Last Sunflower’ that you wrote. Crying loudly.jpg x3]

When Ruan Song scrolled through and landed on that last comment, he really couldn’t help but laugh.

If the hemp rope known as Yuan Yinhai could really break after being so easily scared by him, that would be an enormously joyous occasion, and he would immediately have Ren Qinming drive him out to buy firecrackers.

But this time, he wasn’t just a netizen. All the nurses in the hospital were worried about him, and one after another, they came to inquire about his health, and did everything they could to help out.

It wasn’t for nothing, the hospital where Yuan Yinhai was admitted to happened to be the same hospital that Ruan Song’s mother was in, A City’s First Hospital.

Yesterday, Xu Lan hurried over. One, was to see if the reasoning that Ruan Song and Ren Qinming gave to the program team was true or not, and second, was that if it wasn’t true, then she would personally have to take care of the situation should the doctors and nurses in the hospital accidentally disclosed it to the internet.

It was revealed that the pair left the program only to deal with some personal matters, and she requested everyone not to say anything.

Even Ruan Song’s ‘exhausted’ photo was one that Xu Lan had incited. Seeing as they were putting on a show, then it had to be done well. Now, Ruan Song was a student that had graduated years ago, but hadn’t forgotten his beloved teacher.

This was also the first time Ruan Song returned to the hospital after becoming famous after participating on the variety show, and the gazes of the doctors and nurses that he knew were no longer the same.

In the past, everyone only knew that Ruan Song’s job was pretty good, or else how was he able to bear the burden of the hospital fees alone? But Ruan Song’s performance on the variety show clearly exceeded the standard of ‘pretty good’.

Several young ladies would excitedly form groups from time to time, and enter the room asking for his signature.

Some wanted his signature, while others also wanted Ren Qinming’s signature.

God knows how excited they were and how much they talked about it when they learned about it, but after knowing that the handsome man that they never saw the face of was Ren Qinming, they all went crazy.

Even the doctor who was faintly worried about where the money came from, stood in front of Ruan Song with his hands in his pocket, and chatted with Ruan Song after checking on his mother’s illness: “How come I’ve never heard you mention that you and Ren Qinming were partners? You’ve kept it a secret too well. Actually, he could help cover the hospital fees entirely, and you also don’t have to work so hard.”

That money amount was like a mountain that ordinary people couldn’t cross, but for an amazing celebrity like Ren Qinming, it was as simple as moving a finger, a piece of cake.

But they stood next to mother Ruan’s bed as they discussed this.

Ruan Song hadn’t even opened his mouth when mother Ruan had already begun criticizing him: “How can you say he can help cover the hospital fees ‘entirely’. Someone else’s child has no obligation to look after me. No matter how much money he has, he made it on his own.”

“Aiyah, aunty, how can you separate things so clearly? All the nurses in my department have already gossiped with me.”

The doctor pushed his glasses up his nose as he laughed: “Ren Qinming is a film emperor now, but in the past, when he was a nobody in high school, you and Xiao Song have taken care of him. It’s already laid out very clearly on the internet. His parents divorced early, and their new families didn’t want to care about him. Every month, they would only give him tuition and a bit of living expenses. Even you had to help him with a few learning expenses. What’s wrong with him returning it in the form of medical fees?”

This matter was something that Ren Qinming had mentioned before in an interview. Now, it had been pulled out again, and after everyone put two and two together, wasn’t he talking about Ruan Song and mother Ruan?

Actually, if Ruan Song and Ren Qinming hadn’t broken up, then Ren Qinming would definitely have paid those medical expenses.

But the problem was that they broke up.

Not only did they break up, but they also made a huge mess when they broke up. Ruan Song, who grew annoyed upon seeing money after dealing with Yuan Yinhai, directly slapped Ren Qinming’s face with his money while saying words like ‘take your dirty money back’.

The doctor had been in touch with Ruan Song for so long, and understood the other’s temperament very well: “Or was it that Xiao Song was stubborn, and unwilling to accept someone else’s things?”

Ruan Song’s mouth hadn’t even moved when mother Ruan took the lead once again to say: “The learning expenses I’ve provided was only so much, just a few hundred yuan, how could it compare to the cost of a surgery.”

“Then for Ren Qinming, the cost of surgery……”

The doctor hadn’t finished speaking, when a low, husky voice appeared at the doorway: “The main point is that Song ge can make money himself.”

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

The three people turned to follow the voice, and watched as Ren Qinming shut the door, then pulled down his mask as he entered: “Every time I think that if Song ge is unable to pay the expenses this time, then I’ll help him pay it. But as a result, Song ge has never given me that opportunity, and I was ultimately not able to pay for aunty’s surgery expenses.”

As he spoke, Ren Qinming and Ruan Song subtly glanced at each other.

Actually, they knew in their hearts that if the program team didn’t step in in the middle, then Ruan Song wouldn’t have been able to procure such a large amount of money, and he would most likely have to open his mouth and borrow the money from Ren Qinming.

When the doctor saw Ren Qinming, his enthusiasm immediately dwindled. He rubbed his hands and joked: “You see, I really don’t pay attention to movies. Before, when you came to find me to ask about aunty’s condition, I couldn’t recognize you at all.”

Ren Qinming simply shook his head to indicate that it didn’t matter.

He was long used to the fact that even if he didn’t do anything, others would still treat him favorably and give him preferential treatment simply because of his title.

The three people crowded in all at once, and the doctor meaningfully pointed to the door: “Then you guys chat, I’ll continue to round the rooms.”

Ruan Song turned to him, as if he wanted to say something else, when the doctor had already repeated: “Xiao Song, you don’t need to worry about your teacher. The best doctors in the neurosurgery department are taking care of him. There’s already a high incidence of disease in those older than fifty or sixty years old. Your teacher usually works hard, and even has high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as a few other underlying medical conditions, it’s already a miracle that he was saved. We just have to follow up after he wakes up to see if he has any paraplegia, or if he will remain in a vegetative state.”

Ruan Song appeared as if he was deeply worried as he nodded his head.

But in actuality, he thought in his heart that since Yuan Yinhai’s brain hadn’t been brought directly to the underworld, then this man had better harden his heart and wake up to see how the character design that he’d painstakingly created for many years collapsed.

After the doctor left, only three people were left in the hospital room.

The night wind was like water, and the bright moonlight shone down through the open window.

Mother Ruan watched the two children standing in front of her, and felt distressed as she heaved a sigh. With one hand in the other: “I’m getting older and I don’t understand the affairs between young people like you. But after watching the two of you, I feel that it’s such a pity. I can’t bear to see the two of you suffer such hardships, and am afraid that you will regret it later on.”

Clearly you both like each other, but you’re no longer together.

This was practically a disguised showdown. She pretended to know nothing from beginning to end, when in fact, she had always known that the two had already broken up.

It was clear to the naked eye that the woman on the hospital bed was no longer young.

She was no longer the same person who would chase Ruan Song around to beat him up if the other didn’t fold his blankets or clean up his room.

“Since you guys don’t want to tell me, then I won’t ask too much. I just hope that you can carefully think it over again. If something happens, then both of you can confront it together. Don’t be afraid of inconveniencing the other and smothering it up in your hearts.” Mother Ruan really treated Ren Qinming as if he were her own son.

Ren Qinming was also truly grateful to her, and took the initiative to express his position like the last time they were in a video call. He sat on the hospital bed as he grasped mother Ruan’s hand while saying: “In the past, I was too self righteous, and was only concerned about my debut and acting career. I didn’t seriously think about Song ge, but now I won’t, and I will definitely chase him back.”

Mother Ruan repeatedly nodded her head while saying ‘Okay’, then glared at Ruan Song: “What about you!”

Ruan Song pursed his lips while frowning: “What about me. Didn’t he say that we broke up because he didn’t think of me? What does it have to do with me.”

Mother Ruan raised her hand, wanting to slap the other’s butt.

Ruan Song immediately acted like a child, reluctantly covering his butt as he hid to the side: “Okay, I won’t hide anything from now on. Even if I can’t get through the phone or I can’t reach the agent, I’ll fly to Ren Qinming and grab him by the ear to tell him how unhappy I am today.”

Mother Ruan was angered into laughing: “You brat, Qinming really is busy filming.”

Ruan Song was self righteous: “But I really am unhappy. He’s my boyfriend, but if he isn’t even available when I’m unhappy, then why do I need him?”

Mother Ruan: “Isn’t he filming because he resents himself for not being enough for you, so he took a shortcut to catch up with you.”

Ruan Song: “I don’t care about that. If anything, you should blame him for taking a shortcut and losing me in the process. I didn’t force him to take the shortcut.”

“Hey, you brat……” After arguing with him, mother Ruan couldn’t help but laugh.

Ruan Song was still reluctant to admit his wrongs: “That goes without saying.”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Ren Qinming watched as the pair bickered and also laughed, then hurriedly came out to smooth things over: “I really can chase Song ge back, aunty, you don’t need to worry. Just focus on your own health while resting in the hospital.”

Ruan Song glanced at him: “You’re quite self-confident.”

After Ren Qinming heard this, he didn’t reply, instead, he smiled good-naturedly while ambiguously looking over at Ruan Song’s waist.

Although the situation when they broke up that year was far more complicated than what they told mother Ruan, after interacting with each other in the variety show, Ren Qinming really did regain his confidence.

After all, according to experience, as long as he was able to get close to Ruan Song’s body, then it was simply a matter of time before the other yielded.

The next morning, countless close associates of Yuan Yinhai hurried over to visit him, and this naturally included Jiang Zhi and Sun Kaizi.

Ruan Song relayed the patient’s condition, kept watch over Yuan Yinhai, and diligently laid out the gifts that everyone brought over. From beginning to end, he worked hard, and there was no hint at all of the troubles between him and Yuan Yinhai.

Later, there were too many people who came to visit, so the students at A University who were notified as to where Yuan Yinhai was were all told not to come. Instead, it was decided that it was best if they send over just one representative, Ruan Song.

Anyone who came had to praise Yuan Yinhai’s good fortune for recruiting such an apprentice that doesn’t forget to dig wells.2

Overnight, Ruan Song seemed to have once again transformed into the beloved disciple that Yuan Yinhai had once invited to the birthday banquet.

The big bosses whom he had met only once in the past took the initiative to ask for Ruan Song’s contact information this time. No matter how much Ruan Song avoided them, they would insist on expressing their determination to cooperate with him in the future.

So Ruan Song couldn’t go anywhere. He just stayed in Yuan Yinhai’s room displaying his QR code, nearly harvesting the contact information of all those in Yuan Yinhai’s network.

In addition, Jiang Zhi and Sun Kaizi oversaw the entire process, watching as his WeChat friends list expanded rapidly.

Within this list were also many second-hand referrals. For example, the person who came was A, but A sent his WeChat over to BCD, all saying that they had projects that they wanted to cooperate with him on.

The small patient ward became a microcosm of the entire film and TV industry.

While Ruan Song accepted everyone’s request, he also found it ironic. Their industry was just like that. Oftentimes, everyone would chase after you, wanting to get to know you not because you were good at your field of study, or how practical your business sense was, but because you stood on the upwind3.

Fang Wei naturally heard of this ‘grand occasion’ to some extent.

Their yearly class reunion was originally planned for today, where old classmates would come together to reminisce on the past. Who would have thought that something would have happened to Yuan Yinhai the day before.

Many students in other parts of the country who originally planned not to attend the reunion, all bought a plane ticket and hurried back that night.

The group of people met in the hotel, and all agreed to go visit the hospital together.

In the past, no one would have asked if Ruan Song didn’t appear at the reunion.

After all, Ruan Song wasn’t close to them in university, and had always had minimal interaction with them. After they graduated from their master’s program, the other deleted their contact information without a word, and didn’t contact them at all. They didn’t even know if Ruan Song was still a screenwriter or not.

Even if everyone was curious about Ruan Song in university, Fang Wei, as someone who got along well with everyone, was the one who coordinated the reunion. Fang Wei didn’t take the initiative to mention Ruan Song, so everyone also didn’t bother discussing it.

But today, it was clear that they could no longer continue to avoid it.

Once the first person opened their mouth, hundreds of people began to respond en masse.

“Fang Wei, how come you didn’t invite Ruan Song to the student reunion this year?”

“That’s right, that’s right. In the past, I thought he wasn’t in our industry anymore which is why you didn’t invite him.”

“He really became popular after participating on that variety show recently. My girlfriend watches it everyday and ships them like crazy.”

“I didn’t even know that he was on that forum in the past, it seems I entered it too late. His ‘001’ sock puppet disappeared long before I entered the forum.”

“It’s no wonder that the dean used to love him dearly. He was really thinking of the dean, and was able to save the dean’s life at the most important time.”

“Aii, didn’t I say, why would a big boss like him just waste his innate skill and switch to a different career? Fang Wei, you have to add his WeChat this time. Later, when we have events, you should call him over, hear me?”

Since yesterday, Fang Wei had already ran into a wall with Yuan Yinhai, and his mood was already very poor.

Now, Yuan Yinhai fell ill, and Ruan Song suddenly became Yuan Yinhai’s only prominent student in everyone’s eyes.

Fang Wei still had to face his classmate’s inquiries and preaches, and in an instant, he could no longer control his temper.

Then, when another person agreed with the idea of inviting Ruan Song to future events, he finally exploded, then suddenly turned to look at the other person: “What kind of innate skill does Ruan Song have? Has he ever had even one work that he can handle?”

Fang Wei thought that if he asked such a question, then everyone would definitely calm down.

But instead, everyone’s gaze as they looked at him lacked even the slightest bit of apprehension: “It’s just because we don’t know his pen name. Since university, he’s always been very modest, and he would never talk about what he’s up to.”

Several other people: “Yeah, who knows, maybe he’s behind the pen name of a big boss. If he doesn’t have the skill, why would the dean have treated him so well during that time?”

After those words were said, another series of “That’s right”, “True”, “I also think so”, followed.

Fang Wei really felt he was about to turn crazy with anger.

This group of people didn’t know anything, concluding that Ruan Song was gifted and talented only with just a superficial impression.

But what he found most illogical was still Yuan Yinhai.

Yuan Yinhai clearly knew that Ruan Song was a good for nothing straw bag that plagiarized, but when all is said and done, why did he side with Ruan Song! Where exactly was he worse than Ruan Song!

If he were to hear everyone’s discussion about Ruan Song on the way, Fang Wei would already have accumulated quite a bit of displeasure in his heart.

Now, after meeting again after a long time, Fang Wei discovered that Ruan Song was not only free from the shame and humiliation from plagiarizing, but was also walking around the ward chatting with his old classmates and big bosses in the industry without any incident at all, and the displeasure in his heart immediately bubbled up to the maximum in an instant.

By coincidence, Yuan Yinhai also chose that moment to regain consciousness.

The group of people in the ward quickly discovered that he opened his eyes while on the sickbed, and Ruan Song immediately pressed the call bell by the head of the bed.

The first thing that Yuan Yinhai saw when he opened his eyes was Ruan Song’s extremely concerned face. Like a nightmare, he nearly passed out again in one breath.

Might as well let him continue to stay unconscious!

After the doctor hurried over and examined all of his various indicators, he announced with surprise that despite having a cerebral infarction at such an old age, Yuan Yinhai did not have any sequelae from the injury.

“In the future, as long as you control your blood pressure and blood sugar, while maintaining a cheerful mood, then you’ll be fine. You must also avoid expending too much energy on useless matters.”

The doctor stood by the sick bed and felt very gratified, his tone of voice sincere and heartfelt: “It was quite a close call, you must thank your student here. If he didn’t rescue you and call an ambulance in such a timely manner, you would be in a dangerous situation.”

Yuan Yinhai clutched onto the last bit of hope that Ruan Song appearing in his classroom was just a dream, and probingly asked: “……Which student?”

The doctor stared blankly for a moment, and thought the other had memory problems: “You don’t remember? The student by your hand, Ruan Song, the student you’re most proud of.”

Ruan Song harmlessly sat next to the bed, intimately faced Yuan Yinhai and leaned over to call out: “Teacher? Do you still feel uncomfortable anywhere?”


Yuan Yinhai’s eyes flew shut on the spot, and in his heart he thought, as long as you don’t appear, that would be the greatest comfort!

But in the eyes of the onlookers in the room, they only thought he did this due to his poor health.

Jiang Zhi took the lead in praising Ruan Song: “Old Yuan, you really picked your life back up. You have to thank Xiao Song.”

Then, a fellow classmate followed up: “That’s right, dean. If it were switched to us ordinary folk, we wouldn’t even know how to do chest compressions at all.”

“Even if we did know how to do it, we can’t promise that it’d be effective. We would just follow a video and randomly press around.”

Everyone in the hospital room began praising Ruan Song one after another.

Ruan Song heard all this calmly while he gazed at Yuan Yinhai, who was laying on the sick bed without moving, rejecting reality as if he were about to have another stroke.

Until Sun Kaizi suddenly said: “That’s right, Song ge, I just remembered. Did the production team of the particularly popular serial murder case IP recently find you? Then after you finish recording the variety show it’d be about time for you to start the discussion about writing a screenplay for them.”

Ruan Song seamlessly glanced at Fang Wei, who stood apart from the group of people in the room, and who had already endured to his limit, then understatedly replied: “Yeah, the producer has been meeting with me recently. If no accidents happen, then I can start working on it right after I finish filming the variety show.”

Sure enough, Fang Wei: “???”

Once the group of people in the hospital room heard that Ruan Song was the one who picked up the project, they immediately ‘wow’ed and congratulated him, all saying that as expected, Ruan Song had already made a great success without alerting anyone.

Sun Kaizi giddily replied: “Then why are you hiding it, ah, this is a big project. So many people were vying for it but they couldn’t get it. Dean Yuan definitely didn’t know that you became the lead writer.”

Ruan Song humbly, yet tacitly ‘ah’ed in response.

Yet Yuan Yinhai’s brows immediately furrowed, and his muddled eyes cleared in a flash. He directly turned to look at Fang Wei: “……Weren’t you the lead writer for that project?”

Several nearby old classmates who had heard Fang Wei flaunt about this long ago also looked over doubtfully, their gazes looked as if Fang Wei had once again run his mouth.

Fang Wei was so angry his lungs almost burst, and just as he was about to open his mouth to refute this, the phone in his pocket began to ring.

Gu Yuzhou had called: “We have conducted a thorough investigation on the information you provided, and discovered that Ruan Song wasn’t suspected of plagiarism at all. So yesterday, we had a meeting again to discuss which screenwriter we should use, and for the time being, we may have to apologize to you, teacher Fang.”

Fang Wei: “?????”

New and old hatred surged up in Fang Wei’s heart, and Fang Wei exploded in an instant. Regardless of how many people were still in the hospital room, he held his phone while shouting: “How could he not have copied? He definitely copied! It’s a matter of certainty, if you don’t believe me, ask my teacher, I happen to be in my teacher’s hospital room.”

When Yuan Yinhai heard of this matter, his eyes darkened, wanting the other to shut his mouth. But due to the condition of his body, he could not do so, and ultimately could only choke through a few coughs.

Nearby onlookers watched the other’s mood stir, and their gossiping souls already began to stir restlessly: “What do you mean? Do you mean plagiarism4?”

Now, Fang Wei also couldn’t care too much about other matters. Seeing as Ruan Song dared to touch his belongings, then the other shouldn’t blame him for no longer caring about feelings and sensibilities. Even if Dean Yuan wants to protect Ruan Song, he can’t be saved!

Fang Wei was in a fit of anger, and his eyes stared directly at Ruan Song. He directly opened up the speaker, and hatefully replied: “He didn’t just plagiarize. Ruan Song, could it be that you really have no sense of honor or shame! He copied my graduating work and went to participate in a competition. If the dean didn’t discover this in a timely manner and block you from participating, I’m afraid it would have turned into a big scandal that would leave behind a horrid reputation for A University for the next ten thousand years!”

Everyone: “???”

Fang Wei thought that exposing Ruan Song in front of so many big bosses and old classmates, Ruan Song would definitely turn pale with fright.

But the reality that was finally presented to him was that Ruan Song aws not only afraid, but also full of surprise. It was as if he heard about this for the first time. He looked at Yuan Yinhai on the hospital bed with great shock: “……Teacher, did you tell him that? That I plagiarized?”

For a moment, all the eyes in the hospital room all landed on Yuan Yinhai’s body, as if waiting for him to preside over justice under such a complicated situation.

But Yuan Yinhai had just woken up from a serious illness, and just happened to see Fang Wei, that blockhead, handing Ruan Song a knife.

His face was sallow, his lips slightly gaped open, and his eyeballs protruded outwards as he wore an oxygen inhaler. Just as he was about to say something, he could no longer bear the stimulation, and once again, lost consciousness completely.

The hospital room immediately fell into chaos.

Ruan Song calmly stood up and once again pressed the call bell at the head of the bed, then slowly spoke familiar words, as if they were once again in the classroom: “I’ll call the doctor.”

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