I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 35: CH 33.1

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The sweet, sweet, sweet story begins!


[?????? Is this fucking real life??]

Voice recordings, photos, file transfers, chat records of instructions about editing the script, so on and so forth. Even just casually picking out any piece of evidence is a killing blow for Yuan Yinhai.

Because of this series of wildly explosive, hammer-like allegations, Weibo was in complete disarray.

Generally, many people have seen plagiarism, and have also seen academic fraud of taking up students’ possessions. But it was the first time everyone saw such an extensive case, one that spanned multiple instances.

The person of interest was also a big screenwriting boss whose character design had always been affable and whose works were known to everyone!

The netizens who at first were shocked to the extreme and collectively filled the posts with question marks, felt curses fill their mouths upon seeing Ruan Song also standing up to speak out.

Sun Kaizi, who enjoyed watching the show and didn’t mind making a bigger mess, followed along and also spoke up.

[@Sun Kaizi, who doesn’t want to be a director, is a great screenwriter: Didn’t I say my Ruan ge is amazing, why would he live incognito. Let’s just forget that I went to visit the hospital yesterday, old man on subway looking at a cellphone.jpg]

Once these words were posted, it directly cleared up the most important point to everyone.

[So Yuan Yinhai used the screenwriting studio to give students the opportunity to practice, and recruited students to complete projects for him. After that, he didn’t give them the right of authorship at all, and pressured students. Is that what this means? Am I right??]

[The class representative above is right, moreover, this matter has lasted for at least ten or twenty years. Yesterday, didn’t the detectives online discover that since he became a university professor at A University, he has basically produced a stable amount of 2 works per year……]

[Even if Yuan Yinhai only enslaved one person a year, for such a long period of time, there must be at least ten or twenty outstanding future screenwriters’ who have been buried……]

[This melon1 really shook up my entire family. Later on, everyone shouldn’t scold our domestic TV series for not being up to par, I suggest you directly scold Yuan Yinhai. Covers head.jpg]

[So teacher Ruan has never used his own name as a pseudonym……]

[Teacher Ruan actually wrote the work I love the most, ‘The Last Sunflower…… I’m dumbfounded, really dumbfounded. I feel that I’ve wasted my four years as a college student. In the past, I truly felt that Dean Yuan was really a good person. Pupils shaking.jpg]

[Me too, not long ago, I heard his lesson and became a fan. I even fought against other sisters on Weibo for him. Turns out the big idiot was me……]

[This kind of stuff happens all the time, it’s just that no one dares to say it.]

Amidst the netizens who came out to fight, a large majority of them were graduate students.

[This sense of substitution2 is too strong, guys. Just thinking about it is already suffocating, if you offend someone, you best hope it’s not your academic advisor. They’ll really make it so you can’t graduate at all. Smile.jpg x3]

[Are there people who don’t know? Graduate students are migrant workers who work for their academic advisors, grits teeth.jpg]

[My god, my teacher also loved to pick on students with poor family conditions, because we are obedient and easy to bully. I’ve made my secret public, goodbye.jpg]

[Going along with the wrong academic advisor can really make you feel as if life isn’t worth living. I hope that before my fellow sisters pick your academic advisor, you must ask your senior brothers and sisters. Not other undergraduate students, you have to directly ask the graduate students that are right under that academic advisor’s hands. It’s true that there are a lot of academic scumbags who are acting as film emperors3 (Don’t ask me why I know, happy.jpg]

The following Weibo can practically be considered an all out attack.

Xu Lan brought a group of people to observe the trends in the comments, and sent Ruan Song the contents of the next Weibo that he had to send.

When Ruan Song received it, he was a bit hesitant: “Lan jie, won’t this post look too white lotus-y4?”

Ren Qinming wasn’t worried in the slightest: “It’s useful.”

Two minutes later, a new post appeared on Ren Qinming’s Weibo.

[@Ren Qinming: I am Ruan Song. Only after I received the contact information of my junior brothers and sisters did I learn that it turns out everyone is like me. From the second or third year of undergraduate studies, we all began to be coerced by Yuan Yinhai. I am once again ashamed that I was not able to summon up my courage to stand out and expose this matter.]

That is to say, the level of severity of Yuan Yinhai’s incident this time was not simply just a matter of tricking graduate students into his hands.

Instead, he directly began ‘choosing’ undergraduate students, and the children who were chosen had to endure the pressure until they graduated from their graduate studies.

[He’s a fucking PUA5!!!]

[I’ve really just burst into tears. Exactly what kind of hardships did mother’s teacher Ruan have to endure, wuwuwu]

[Don’t apologize!! Mother won’t allow you to apologize!!! Originally, those who have no roots can’t overcome the strong!!!!!]

[Now, as long as I think of the fact that the screenwriter of my one true love, ‘The Last Sunflower’, suffered this kind of wrong, and it was even teacher Ruan, I feel as if I’m about to explode!!! Ahhhhh]

[The person who needed to summon up their courage wasn’t you, it’s a societal illness, crying.jpg]

Sure enough, the netizens’ reactions were intense.

They didn’t even need to hire a water navy to find a pretext for Ruan Song. Everyone had already autonomously and spontaneously forwarded the video of Ruan Song kneeling on the ground to save Yuan Yinhai, and felt distressed to death.

[Hard to imagine that you remembered his birthday just two days ago, and saved his life. Just thinking about it makes me angry to death]

[Teacher Ruan, you don’t have to feel ashamed! You are also a victim, kept in the dark thinking that he already turned over a new leaf, 15551]

[Our teacher Ruan has always been very respectful towards his seniors. You could tell when he was video chatting with his mother before. In the past two days, he has also done his utmost to take care of that idiot Yuan Yinhai while in the hospital]

[Yesterday, teacher Ruan could already tell something wasn’t right when he discovered that Fang Wei was unfamiliar with the situation. I reckon that he saw that Yuan Yinhai just had a stroke, and was afraid that if he directly exposed the matter at that time, the other’s body wouldn’t be able to stand it, so he didn’t make it public]

[How can teacher Ruan still think about others and feel apologetic to others when he has been harmed to this extent? I’m really sobbing, wuwuwu]

[Damn, I can’t anymore. May I ask what hospital and which room Yuan Yinhai is in? I also want to go visit him, smile.jpg]

They also didn’t forget about the trolls in their contingency plan, it’s just that the netizens were able to block them.

[I bet that the sisters who question the students for not speaking up when they have evidence are still young, right? In the past, the head teacher of the high school in my hometown directly forced a child to jump off the building as corporal punishment. After that, there was no compensation or punishment, they were simply let off with a light sentence saying that the student was clinically depressed and had psychological problems. It was all because that teacher had a relative that was a government official. Goodbye.jpg]

[Saying that a teacher can’t control a student, how indifferent can you be to human suffering?]

[Even though drama, movies, and TV literature is a liberal arts major, A University still has very high requirements for its culture score, you have to reach the first line at least. Everyone painstakingly studied to test into a famous school, believing that they can begin chasing their dreams, but as a result, this happens???]

[Meeting Yuan Yinhai is truly fucking bad luck……]

[The crucial point is that he even established a good character design for himself]

[Damn……My hair is standing up already. Teacher Ruan, don’t be ashamed and don’t apologize. If you didn’t become famous after participating on a variety show, no one will really care about this matter. My niece is now in her second year of high school, and plans to test into A University’s Chinese Opera Literature……]

[When will Yuan Yinhai die? Can I go visit his grave this time next year? Cupping my fist.jpg]

The condemnation of Yuan Yinhai on the internet nearly caused Weibo to crash.

Ruan Song, Xu Lan, and Ren Qinming’s script had also pretty much ended here.

The remaining matters regarding the detailed contents and process as to how Yuan Yinhai PUA’ed the students, was originally planned to be given to Feng Xiao to post about at a later time.

But after all, it was the Internet era, and new victims quickly stood out to help them complete this step.

They directly exposed Yuan Yinhai’s series of routines in choosing targets and isolating his students.

[@The 10th Student of Yuan Yinhai’s Screenwriting Studio: My family conditions are very poor, and I went into debt to go to college. The two seniors working in the studio at the same time as I was were similar to me. At first, Yuan Yinhai would disguise himself with the persona of a kind teacher and helpful friend to get close to you, ask about your family conditions, confirm that you are easily manipulated, then begin showering you with special attention, purposely letting your fellow classmates exclude you, making everyone keep away from you, until only he was left beside you.]

For students, it was a happy matter when a teacher in your major had a preference for you, and brought you into their studio to write screenplays. But Yuan Yinhai used students who had no societal experience, and cajoled them into working for him.

He first used his own personality as a teacher to endorse himself, so that without signing any contract, students will agree to participate in the script production with the empty promise that they will be given the right of authorship and royalties.

Then, during the production process, he taught all the skills that have not been mentioned in class, and often gave the students some small favors to attract them.

Until finally, which was also the most crucial step, he would wait until the student finished writing the complete script, and appropriate it for himself.

If he was a bit luckier, he would meet a student who was simple and easy to deceive, and was able to use the excuse that ‘the producer is unwilling to have a no name screenwriter sign’ to dodge the issue, then continue lying to them a second time.

But if he met a student who was more vigilant, who discovered that he didn’t honor the commitment as promised, then he would immediately shed all pretense of cordiality.

At that time, Ruan Song was a part of the second type, and even discovered a few clues before he completely finished writing the script and handed it in to Yuan Yinhai.

It was just that Yuan Yinhai had all kinds of character designs in the past, and Ruan Song was just like the other students who felt that something was wrong. He was first skeptical of his own judgment.

Little by little, you will be caught up in your ‘weak points’.

[@The 10th Student of Yuan Yinhai’s Screenwriting Studio: Perhaps everyone doesn’t know about those with particularly difficult lives, but we study as if our life depends on it to obtain a high grade in hopes that we will be exempt from school tuition if we win the national scholarship. It was very simple for Yuan Yinhai to threaten students like us, he just had to prevent us from receiving the scholarship. As for the two seniors I had at that time, one senior’s family owed a debt, and Yuan Yinhai helped them dodge their creditor. On the other hand, Yuan Yinhai helped the other senior’s brother find a job. All in all, he would definitely find a way to control you before exposing his true face, so that you have no way of rejecting him.]

When reading this Weibo, Ren Qinming was sitting next to Ruan Song.

The pair sat side by side in the brightly lit flower garden in the hospital. Behind them was mother Ruan’s hospital ward, which didn’t suffer the slightest bit of disturbance at all.

Ren Qinming turned to ask him: “At that time, was it because of aunty’s medical expenses? During our third year.”

Upon a careful survey of Ruan Song’s entire person, the only thing that could coerce him was this matter.

Ruan Song felt the sunlight hitting the top of his head was too sharp, and lifted a hand to provide some shade: “Yeah, I just lacked money.”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Yuan Yinhai at that time could be said to be extremely patient, the other probably knew that his sense of vigilance was strong. The other began getting close to him from his freshman year in university, then in his sophomore year, the other invited him to the studio, but in his junior year, when his mother fell ill and he began needing large amounts of money, the other finally took this opportunity to have a falling out.

If he said that his sophomore year was the happiest time between the both of them, then his junior year was a nightmare.

“Weren’t you also filming like crazy for my mother?” Ruan Song’s hand left a shadow on his face, and he furrowed his brows slightly as he looked over at Ren Qinming, “It was also at that time when he told me there was a very good opportunity to go abroad.”

The man said that as long as he finished ghost-writing that script for the other, then he could make an exception and give the exchange student quota to him.

In the very beginning, Ren Qinming debuted in order to take a shortcut, but later on, it became a way to make money for his mother to visit a doctor, and because he wanted to send Ruan Song abroad to study.

He ran around the crew day and night. At the beginning, when he was just a group performer, he was only paid two or three hundred yuan a day. Later, he grabbed a serious supporting role, and his income slowly increased.

Everyday Ren Qinming would come back to their rental home as tired as a dog. After chatting a bit with Ruan Song, he’d fall asleep on the living room sofa, exhaustion written all over his face.

Medical expenses can crush a person to death, and Ruan Song had no way of giving the other a break, or a chance to rest. He himself would also use the reputation of A University to go out as a private tutor to teach third year high school students.

At that time, they were still together and even lived together, but in reality, the time they spent talking to each other was pitifully miniscule.

So when Yuan Yinhai said he could introduce a project to Ruan Song, he agreed without any hesitation. There were a total of 40 episodes in the TV series, but because he was a student, the quoted price for each episode was only 3,000 yuan.

And how could Ruan Song know that in actuality, the quoted price for each episode given to Yuan Yinhai was actually 300,000 yuan. He was simply happy that 3,000 yuan per episode was enough to solve the extreme emergency of his mother’s medical treatment.

Later, Yuan Yinhai paid him money frequently, to the point where he was paid as soon as each episode was completed.

Ruan Song knew that this was incongruent with the rules, that Yuan Yinhai was privately giving him money in advance, and was even very grateful to the other.

It wasn’t until he heard Yuan Yinhai speaking on the phone with the producer by chance, when the two were in the midst of a discussion about raising the initial quote, did he discover that things were different from what they had agreed to.

Not only was he the most cheaply priced ghost-writer, he also had absolutely no rights to authorship.

Hearing this, the dog ears on Ren Qinming’s head wilted. He leaned over to pillow his head against Ruan Song’s shoulder: “……You should have told me.”

There were still a number of patients exercising in the park, but Ruan Song didn’t push the other away: “How could I tell you, huh? You were so exhausted you couldn’t even procure the grain collected as tax6. Did you forget that you tried undressing me several times but fell asleep halfway through?”

Ren Qinming was silent as he rested against Ruan Song’s shoulder, and after a long period of silence, he said: “Am I particularly useless.”

He wasn’t there during Ruan Song’s greatest time of need, and now when Ruan Song was settling these troubles, he also couldn’t help much.

Just as before, Ruan Song wasn’t convinced by the other’s unreasonable attitude: “Well, how else could you be useful. If I didn’t become cheaply-priced labor for Yuan Yinhai, you’d probably turn your head to sell your kidneys.”

Although his mother was in City B before, and the cost of living wasn’t as high as City A, a place like a hospital was still one that was exploitative. They were both also just college students with no income, and they basically couldn’t bear this situation at all.

If they really were at the end of their rope, Ren Qinming could definitely do something as stupid as selling his kidney.

It was the same this time.

“If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to participate on that variety show, then how could I become popular, how could I meet Xu Lan, Sun Kaizi, and Jiang Zhi.” Ruan Song didn’t say it out loud, but his heart was like a mirror, and all of the other’s merits and demerits were recorded clearly.

But Ren Qinming still felt a bit wronged: “Then in the future, you should tell me everything, I can afford to raise you.”

Ever since he heard about this matter a few days ago, he has always been very dissatisfied with himself. It was just that he knew Ruan Song didn’t like bringing up past events, so he didn’t show it.

Although his first few years were bitter, he hit the jackpot and was luckily chosen in his senior year, and his income level rose in a flash. So much so that when Ruan Song was in his first year as a graduate student, Ren Qinming had already won his first award as a film emperor.

He didn’t make that much money, but at the very least, he now had a reputation, and could help Ruan Song from fretting too much about aunty’s medical fees.

But Ruan Song grabbed the other’s ear: “You want to fight with me again? I slept with you because I wanted a boyfriend, not an ATM machine. Even a sugar daddy isn’t like you, just giving money without sleeping around.”

Even Ren Qinming’s face was rare enough.

Just like his and Yuan Yinhai’s relationship in the later stage. They only met just to pay for the script.

For some matters, once you miss a certain opportunity to speak up, explaining the entire situation from beginning to end later would just make you feel annoyed and exhausted.

Added to the fact that Ruan Song felt his own mood was very abnormal at that time, after that period of joy from receiving money for the first time, all that was left was an oppressive pressure, and he felt as if he was irascible and easily angered.

Even if Ren Qinming came back to accompany him, he also wouldn’t be able to control his sharp tongue, and he’d be able to argue about anything.

And the person who conceded was always Ren Qinming.

After a while, Ruan Song suddenly began to feel disgusted with himself, and felt that he became someone he hated the most.

Then it became a vicious cycle.

They spent less and less time speaking to each other normally, and time and time again, Ren Qinming would stand him up due to his manager’s meticulous scheduling.

His mood accumulated until his second year as a graduate student, and when the matter with Fang Wei occurred, their conflict completely erupted.

The truth is far from what Ruan Song said on Weibo, and it was not as beautiful as Yuan Yinhai promising that there would be no next victim.

At that time, Yuan Yinhai wholeheartedly destroyed him, for fear that he would be able to get along well in the industry in the future and have the opportunity to come out and accuse him of a crime.

The creative idea of ‘First Class Doctor’ was Ruan Song’s, and it was also his idea to participate in the competition.

But Yuan Yinhai used his reputation as a tutor to instruct Fang Wei into writing a script that was pretty close to his, then claim that he plagiarized.

If he didn’t listen then he wouldn’t receive the master’s certificate.

At that time, Ruan Song really felt so wronged he was about to go crazy. But Ren Qinming was out filming at that time, and the other’s manager picked up all his phone calls, and he could never reach the other.

Later on, after Ren Qinming finished filming and returned excitedly with the news that he had a high chance of winning an award with this film, Ruan Song had already felt numb for a long time, and calmly suggested they break up.

Ruan Song remembered that Ren Qinming was immediately stunned at that time, and dazedly looked at him for a long while.

The other’s first reaction was to ask if something had happened to his mother, and the other was so worried, rigidly grasping his hand while saying: “I have money now, Song ge! Aunty’s illness will be fine, and in the next year you can also stay at home to rest. If I work harder, I can even send you abroad to study. I really don’t lack money now.”

Ren Qinming repeatedly mentioned ‘money’, and Yuan Yinhai’s face kept bouncing around in Ruan Song’s head uncontrollably. He suddenly grew irritated, and he pushed aside the other’s hand.

That was also the time when he said ‘Keep your dirty money’.

That night, he packed his suitcase, and booked a ticket from Ren Qinming’s rental home to his hometown, Xiliu, in City B. No matter what Ren Qinming said, he was unwilling to meet again.

Ruan Song knew he had really been destroyed by Yuan Yinhai, and Yuan Yinhai had achieved his goal.

He had never thought that he would be able to make a comeback.

“Fortunately you didn’t look for me to borrow money.” Ren Qinming suddenly muttered.

Ruan Song broke into laughter: “You actually know what you’re talking about this time.”

He said such vicious words when they broke up. If he was really forced into borrowing money from Ren Qinming, they would really be done for in this life.

Ren Qinming also knew Ruan Song’s temper, so in the year they were separated, he visited mother Ruan in the hospital countless times, yet never took the initiative to pay.

He even rejoiced the fact that the variety show popped up in the middle.

“You should treat Lan jie better in the future, and thank her for thinking of the excuse of transforming your image.” Ruan Song kicked the other’s calf.

But Ruan Song stubbornly pulled the topic of the conversation back: “In the future, no one can manage me. If something comes up you have to tell me.”

Ruan Song: “Okay.”

“I’m serious! Xu Lan can’t control us, Wang Duan also can’t control us.” Ren Qinming pulled his head away from the other’s shoulder, his back perfectly straight, as if afraid that Ruan Song would take it half-heartedly.

Ruan Song was simply annoyed by the other, and raised his hand to grab the other’s ear, seemingly scolding the other when in reality admitting defeat: “I already said ‘Okay7’, I said I know. Why do you insist on grabbing on to my past mistakes and refusing to let it go?”

Ren Qinming ‘ao’ed in pain yet a silly smile was painted on his face.


TN: a bittersweet chapter, but their past just makes them stronger!! get ready to eat dog food 

1. Melon as in the rumor/explosive allegation that they are reading about. Refers back to the slang/meme term ‘melon eater’

2. Sense of substitution (代入感), a slang term meaning to place yourself in that person’s perspective. The best way I can describe it is when you see those POV tiktok videos where you’re meant to be watching it from their perspective. Hence when the ‘sense of substitution is too strong’, it just means that the viewer really feels as if they’re experiencing this themselves.

3. Horrible academic leaders acting as if they’re movie stars

4. Person who looks pure on the outside but is actually rotten on the inside. Blindly pretending to be pure, kind, and lofty.

5. PUA = pick up artist

6. A throwback to feudal times, I’m guessing. RQM so exhausted that they can’t even afford to pay tax lol.

7. RS actually says ‘okay’ in a cutesy way, often used by girls acting cute

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