I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 5: CH 5

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Ruan Song heard Chen Yan press the keycode to enter the door, and specially came out of his room to welcome the other, and also put an emphasis on checking whether or not there was a little tail following behind him.

Chen Yan held a big bag in one hand, while the hand was propped against the wall while he switched shoes. He aggressively rolled his eyes: “Don’t look, he didn’t follow me back. Ren Qinming knew you wouldn’t welcome him. But you better have organized your thoughts, and figured out how you’re going to explain this to me.”

Ruan Song directly pretended he didn’t hear him, said “What did you buy” and conveniently took the bag from the other. He found it was unexpectedly heavy, and opened the bag to find a wooden box inside?

“Japanese food. Ren Qinming made it for you, said it’s your favorite.” Chen Yan really couldn’t help it, and rolled his eyes again, “I’ve lived with you for so long, how could I not know what your favorite food is?”

Ruan Song was originally quite happy upon hearing ‘Japanese food,’ but hearing Ren Qinming, he immediately acted as if he touched something dirty, and pulled his hand away: “Inexpensive Japanese food tastes bad and decent Japanese food I can’t afford to eat. I can’t even bear to order a taxi, if I had extra money, I wouldn’t burn it on this.”

So he really did like it, he just didn’t reveal it.

Chen Yan changed his shoes and entered the room: “Don’t think about interrupting me, honestly explain how you and that film emperor got together.”

Ruan Song once again pretended to be deaf, and planned to turn back to his room as if he had oil on his socks1: “I suddenly remembered I still have a script that I haven’t finished writing.”

“What kind of script could you have!” How could Chen Yan not know whether or not Ruan Song’s schedule was empty?

With no restraint at all, he dragged the other to the dining table to sit, and as if he were interrogating a criminal, hugged the other’s arm: “The melon is right next to me, but turns out the melon wants to keep it a secret. Don’t tell me that in two days, you’re suddenly going to tell me you’re actually so and so rich man’s illegitimate child, and the direct descendant died so now you have to immediately go back to take over the family property.”

Ruan Song immediately looked at him like ‘you’re crazy’: “If I were an illegitimate child, I would threaten to take this scandal to the media in order to get money, and if not, I would definitely lie down in front of other people’s house and vow not to leave unless I get money. At least that’s better than kneeling and kissing up to idiots.”

“But I also haven’t seen you find Ren Qinming for money! You even said his annual income is over ten million, getting him to pay for your mother’s surgery fee wouldn’t even make a dent in his income.” When Chen Yan said this, a fire grew in his heart, “Could it be I was thinking too much, and you never considered me your brother, Ruan Song?”

Ruan Song embarrassedly looked at Chen Yan, and grew weak under his gaze. He just planned to open his mouth to defend himself, when Chen Yan had already fought ahead and began to bring out all the receipts.

“Come, come, come. If we’re splitting up, then let’s calculate it properly. Although you and I have lived together for only half a year, I made the food and I took out the trash. You don’t want to take the clothes out to dry, so I help you dry them. You said you’re responsible for washing the dishes, but I was even scared you were going to ruin your hands, so I bought gloves and hand cream for you. If I weren’t a real brother, it would be hard to end this relationship. But as a result, you would go so far as to hide such a big melon from me!”

Ruan Song was immediately ashamed into shutting his mouth, and he honestly poked his fingers together and admitted his mistake: “I was wrong to have hidden it from you, I……can’t defend myself. But I really broke up with him before I met you! We already broke up for a year! I really didn’t plan on continuing to have a relationship with him……”

Chen Yan seemed to have heard a joke as big as the sky: “You mean to tell me that I should wrap my head around the fact that with Ren Qinming’s status and that kind of appearance, he still can’t forget about you after breaking up with you for an entire year??”

As long as Ren Qinming opens his mouth, there’s no person he can’t get, but Ruan Song is going so far as to say that Ren Qinming is keeping himself pure in the industry for Ruan Song.

Ruan Song understood his unspoken dialogue, and pressed his temples. That tugging force beneath the surface couldn’t help bubbling up again, as if he was dissatisfied with Ren Qinming whom everyone else loved and valued: “No, what kind of appearance and status does he have? When I knew him, he was just a little tail2. Even if I could control the earth or the sky, why would I care about who he’s thinking of?”

Chen Yan nodded his head and appeared willing to accept the other’s view: “Fine, I was waiting for you to say that.”

Then he got rid of the critical face he had since entering the door, and happily unboxed the Japanese food: “Then tell me your story. Look at how considerate your ex-boyfriend is, he even prepared sake for us.”


Ruan Song suddenly felt something was not right.

Chen Yan had already seasoned the food with wasabi, and handed the other chopsticks with a beaming smile: “Better late than never, and it’s never too late to explain. Just start from when Ren Qinming was like a tail.”


Ruan Song then realized he fell for Chen Yan’s reverse psychology.

Meanwhile, on the van that was taking Ren Qinming home.

The sky outside the window was already dark, and the gathering darkness was littered with the twinkling neon, rainbow lights of the city. Because Assistant Xiao Lu drank for Ren Qinming during the banquet, he only sat in the passenger seat.

And the person driving was manager Xu Lan’s driver.

Xu Lan herself sat next to Ren Qinming, and similarly, looked out the window, each ‘watching the scenery’.

According to Xu Lan’s personality, Ren Qinming had already prepared himself to suffer through interrogation but in actuality, the two hadn’t said a single word to each other since leaving the police station.

Xu Lan not only didn’t scold him, but also disregarded him. The rare, quiet atmosphere even made him feel unsettled.

But also, he couldn’t say for sure whether or not she would resign by tomorrow.

She could be just like the countless other managers he had, who couldn’t stand the pent up frustration from his relentless cold shoulder.

Ren Qinming simply closed his eyes, leaned against the back of the seat, pressed the brim of his hat down, and directly hugged his arm to sleep.

As for the other managers, they actually weren’t wrong. If anything, it was all because of that first manager who helped make him popular. In order to make him ‘concentrate on his work’, that manager always acted behind the scenes to make trouble between him and Ruan Song, to the point that at least eighty percent of the reasons behind why they broke up in the end was that manager’s fault.

From then on, Ren Qinming resisted all the managers who preach and restrict him under the false pretense of doing what’s best for him.

“So even though you guys already broke up, you still want to get back together?” Xu Lan suddenly asked.

Ren Qinming who had originally projected the image of ‘sleeping’: “……Yeah.”

Because of some kind of convention, all those who took over the position of his manager were unwilling to let him fall in love.

Before, Xu Lan’s attitude was also that of disapproval, but Ren Qinming inevitably brought her to the other side.

Therefore, when the woman opened her mouth, she unexpectedly said: “I can help you.”

The car fell into a deathly silence for a few seconds.

To check that Ren Qinming hadn’t heard wrong: “What did you say?”

Slowly, Xu Lan repeated herself: “I said, it looks like you asking to get back together isn’t going so well. I can help you.”

Once she said this, Ren Qinming immediately couldn’t ‘sleep’ any longer.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

He hesitatingly lifted the brim of his hat, sat up slightly, then turned to look at the person sitting to his left. The distrust in his eyes was quite demonstrative.

“You’re finally willing to look at me?”

The woman sat upright with her legs crossed, and flashed her lit phone screen over to let him see: “I already got someone to investigate his information, it’s Ruan Song right? He’s also from City B’s Xiliu area, and met you when studying at No.1 Middle High. But his grades were very good, and he got into the Double First Class University Plan and a 985 A University. Meanwhile you studied your ass off, but only got into a 211 university in City A3.”

Over time, the distance between the two grew wider and wider. Ren Qinming originally hadn’t planned on entering the entertainment industry, but he finally succumbed to feelings of ‘taking a shortcut,’ and wanting to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ruan Song.

They also didn’t date in high school.

Ren Qinming spent his third year of high school clearly reflecting on his own heart, then spent his freshman and sophomore years of college pestering Ruan Song. Finally, on his twentieth birthday, he finally successfully caught the other.

Then, what followed was a five year long marathon relationship. From beginning to end, Ruan Song was the top Gaoling flower4 in the greenhouse, while Ren Qinming was a recklessly growing wildflower outside the greenhouse. One growing towards heaven, the other growing underground.

But who would have thought that the situation between the two had directly fallen now.

Xu Lan accurately summarized the pair’s past word for word, and Xiao Lu in the passenger seat couldn’t help secretly looking back, marveling in his heart.

With this ability, she found each and every one of Ren Qinming’s weaknesses.

“I don’t care why the two of you broke up a year ago, but now, I can promise you that I can help create an opportunity for you to chase him back. The only prerequisite is that you sign an agreement with me.” Xu Lan didn’t waste time, and raised her hand to pull out a printed contract from her bag.

This contract largely took shape in her mind after she heard Wang Duan explain Ren Qinming’s entire past.

But Ren Qinming didn’t extend his hand to take the contract, and his deep eyes were filled with caution: “First tell me what kind of opportunity you can create.”

“Dating show.”

Xu Lan took out another contract from her bag: “After thinking it over, I think Director Wang is reasonable. You can’t live off of being ‘single’ forever, but you can with a ‘long-term love’. Seeing as this being the case, it would be better to transform your career earlier. This is the new plan I revised regarding the direction of your future development. If you’re interested, you can take it and look it over.”

Meaning she not only doesn’t want to obstruct him from dating, but even plans to energetically support him, and it would be best for him to be in a relationship forever and never break up.

Only then did Ren Qinming’s attitude lighten up, and he extended his hand to take the document, then asked: “What do you mean by dating show.”

“The platform producer from today doesn’t only have interview-type variety shows. He also had an invitation to participate in one of the most popular dating shows. There’s quite a lot of enthusiasm for it, it’s just that it wasn’t quite in line with your career, so no one mentioned it to you.”

Xu Lan held the contract with one hand while the other held her cellphone. She already found the producer’s WeChat, then brought out her trump card: “As long as you sign the agreement in my hand right now, I’ll support you announcing your relationship, and promise to help convince your ex-boyfriend to act as a couple and participate on that variety show.”

As for whether or not he can succeed after that, it had nothing to do with her, and would depend on Ren Qinming’s own skills.

The moon rose to its peak in the sky, and the cold, clear dim light of the night shone down inside the car.

Ren Qingming finished hearing out Xu Lan’s proposal and a rare hesitation came over him. A pair of black, yet bright eyes were hidden under the brim of his cap, but from beginning to end, his mind remained clear. His jaw tightened, then he coldly opened his mouth.

“Ruan Song won’t agree with you.”

Xu Lan was already prepared: “He will. His mother is still lying in the hospital, and her tumor is suppressing her nerves. The faster she gets surgery, the better. Guess whether or not he’d agree to such a good money-making opportunity?”

Another period of silence.

Regarding the cost of surgery, Ren Qinming couldn’t not know.

But he knew Ruan Song. No matter whether Ren Qinming directly gave the other money, or asked someone to help introduce a project to him, Ruan Song wouldn’t accept it.

Even if he accepted the money as a last resort to save his mother’s life, his life would come to an end, as Ruan Song definitely wouldn’t get back together with him then.

Amidst the silent two-way see-saw, Ren Qinming finally yielded and asked: “What’s written in the agreement?”

Xu Lan finally raised her eyebrows, exhaled and showed a smile of victory: “No matter what’s written on it, you’ll probably sign it.”

Once Ren Qinming asked this, he had already lost.

Xu Lan: “If you’re good, then I’m good. The only challenge in the agreement is that you cannot unreasonably refuse to communicate with me. Do you need to borrow a pen from me? Or do you want to take it back and read it over carefully and think it over.”

Ren Qinming was directly caught between a rock and a hard place, and grit his back molars: “……I’ll fucking sign it.”

The professional manager’s OCD was finally satisfied. There couldn’t be an artist in the world that she, Xu Lan, couldn’t handle.

The woman generously smiled, and held her hand out to Ren Qinming: “Looking forward to working with you.”


The author has something to say:

Your strongest human cheating software is online~5

Zhongrui’s Director Wang smiled: Never would have thought this day would come for Xiao Ren

Ren Qinming who lowered his head for love: ……

1. Oil on socks = running away quickly

2. Tail as in RQM followed RS around everywhere, hence the term.

3. 211, 985, and Double First Class University Plan are all development initiatives for higher education in China, wherein the government funds universities to help create elite institutions. Project 211 is the oldest (1995) while Double First Class University Plan is the most recent (2017). Once Project 211 was determined a success, several universities were picked out to become elite universities in Project 985. More recently, the Double First Class University Plan aims to develop elite universities into world-class institutions by the end of 2050. Hence 211 universities are considered prestigious, but are not as extensively funded as 985 universities or Double First Class Universities.

4. Gaoling flower translates to ‘high mountain flower’ which essentially refers to a beautiful thing/person that is inaccessible/untouchable.

5. Human cheating software is originally a gaming term that refers to someone so good (at playing games) that it’s like they’re running a cheating software. I believe author is using this to refer to XL, who’s so good at managing artists it’s like she’s cheating! haha

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