I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 7: CH 7

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He finally couldn’t hold himself back

Two hot searches in a row.

[Ren Qinming Once Again Admits He’s Dating] [Ren Qinming Confirms Joining ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’]

When Xiao Lu heard that Ruan Song would join, he immediately couldn’t be stopped, and directly pushed his head over towards Ren Qinming and excitedly asked: “Did Song ge really agree to join the variety show!?”

The shutters of flashbulb photography continued on.

Ren Qinming’s expression in that moment, would be discussed by netizens later, about how they had never seen him look that excited, not even when on stage after winning the award for film emperor. The corners of his lips uncontrollably rose: “Lan jie said it’s a done deal.”

This was also the first time Ren Qinming called Xu Lan ‘jie’.

As expected, some media reporters nearby scrambled to ask.

“Are you really joining a variety show! Did the program team invite you, or was it your own idea!”

“Why did you fight for your lover last time, is it convenient for you to explain?”

“Is Lan jie the manager that previously brought Hu Xiaomeng to stardom?”

“So your lover really is a man?”

“There are already a few people online who dug out the roster of names at Xiliu’s No.1 Middle High, is ‘Ruan Song’s’ ‘Song’ the one in eulogy?”1

“It’s so rare to see your assistant excited as well, what career does teacher Ruan have? Does he not like showing his face in front of cameras?”

Facing the media reporters’ endless questions, Ren Qinming showed patience that was rarely seen, to the extent that he took the initiative to remove his hat and sunglasses: “He really doesn’t like attention, and as for his career, and other personal details, you can follow the show.”

Once this brief interview with Ren Qinming was posted on the internet, the comment section on Weibo was like a boiling pot. Fans, anti-fans, and even passersby, all began to swarm around!

No one could believe Ren Qinming would actually have such an expression when discussing someone.

[wok2 is this still the cold King of Hell in my memory, frightened.jpg x3]

[Ahhhhhh my gege has a lover but it’s not me 15551]

[He even fought for someone and is now participating in a variety show, are Ren Qinming’s fans still not awake? Ren Qinming’s cold persona towards you all is because he doesn’t care about you, meanwhile his smile towards someone else is so dazzling, hahahahaha]

[Get out, antifans! My ge dating at 26 is very normal!! (quietly covers mouth, preventing myself from crying too loudly.jpg)]

[You dumbasses are so stubborn. The eyes don’t lie, your gege really loves him hhh]

[Could it be that I’m the only who cares that Xu Lan brought Hu Xiaomeng to fame, why did she not continue, scratch head.jpg]

[Soo, I hope all artists will take this as a lesson, and concentrate on their career, when it comes to love, everyone’s persona will collapse~]

[I’m really curious to see, after hearing you all praise him everyday, what vision he has and what kind of person he’ll like, doge]

[Just leave it at that, someone who kicks others while they’re down is someone who has no mom, eating melons.jpg]

After adding fuel to the fire in countless ways, the atmosphere of public opinion moved towards an extreme.

The fans refused to face this cruel reality, and continued to insist that no one could match Ren Qinming, crying and shouting that they couldn’t accept it;

Many anti-fans3 found such a rare opportunity, and their ordinary level of ridicule was directly pulled to its greatest extent;

And passersby clapped their hands as they watched the show. If there was going to be an argument then don’t say anything, it would be best if a fight started!

But no matter which angle, everyone tacitly agreed that the person who was with Ren Qinming was a gold digger.

Because with Ren Qinming’s conditions, as long as he falls in love, it was as if he were blinded by lard4 while his IQ plummeted.

So finally, their ‘old classmate’ from Xiliu No.1 Middle High couldn’t look on any longer, and stood up to expose some information.

[@Song ge’s skin is white, is handsome, and his personality is beautiful: That year, Ruan Song was the first to be recommended to A university out of the entire Xiliu district, Ren Qinming catching him should be classified as a miraculous event, rolls eyes.jpg]

It would have been fine if this wasn’t exposed, but as soon as it was released, it evoked thousands of waves. Those who were used to being fans of popular stars immediately began to suffer from paranoia.

[Why do I not believe this, it smells of the navy. It can’t be that this vixen wants to suck my ge’s blood and step on him to debut right……]

[Me too, I suddenly have a bad premonition……]

[Giving someone the title5 of ‘Ren Qinming’s only acknowledged boyfriend’ really is too easily thought of as just a conspiracy. Furthermore, they’re even participating on a dating show. Most people generally want to hide amateurs on variety shows]

The person who revealed information was speechless, he didn’t know how horrifying fans’ brain circuits were these days, and his temper immediately flared.

[@Song ge’s skin is white, is handsome, and his personality is beautiful: ……Then if I told you that Ren Qinming in the past would work on problems all throughout the night, but was still unable to get into A University with Ruan Song, and the day the gaokao6 scores were released, he immediately cried, would you immediately go crazy?]


The fans really did go crazy, what kind of dramatic plotline was this? Just go and make an idol drama!

Chen Yan sat at home and swayed back and forth as he laughed, then sent Ruan Song the screenshot.

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Brother, you’re not honest, why didn’t you tell me such an exciting melon yesterday! Ren Qinming has even cried for you, fuck, hahaha]

When Ruan Song received the message, he was at the hospital discussing the surgery with the doctor, and had no time to be concerned about the imaginative quarrel on the internet.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: You’re not even acting anymore, huh. You’re not even surprised that I’m going to participate on a variety show, traitor]

Only then did Chen Yan realize that Ruan Song’s WeChat name changed.

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Hehehe, but wasn’t I thinking of you. We can’t get by with nothing, we can’t just give up this money]

Ruan Song was such a smart person, Chen Yan originally didn’t believe he could go behind the other’s back and hide his and Xu Lan’s actual plan.

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: How about it, did they tell you when they’ll send the money over? I even specifically noticed that the length of the variety show was short, so the funds should be quickly settled before they betray you]

Ruan Song directly sent the other a screenshot of the withdrawal of the surgery fee from his bank card.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: They sent it after I signed the contract. Xu Lan made Ren Qinming’s company pay in advance, knowing I was in a hurry]

Chen Yan was stunned.

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Wok, you really can’t judge  a book by its cover with Lan jie, she’s really a good person. But Zhongrui entertainment would unexpectedly agree with this kind of thing, the boss must be impressive. Do you know if they’re missing a janitor there?]

Ruan Song had no time to speak with him, there were still a few procedures regarding the surgery at the hospital that he still needed to deal with.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: The next few days I won’t go home to sleep, later help bring over a few change of clothes for me. I won’t know the condition immediately after the surgery, so I’ll talk about if after my mother’s condition stabilizes]

Upon saying this, Ruan Song transferred over 200 yuan to Chen Yan on WeChat.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: Take a cab over, don’t squeeze into the subway]

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Good guy, you’ve changed after getting rich. It wasn’t worthless for me to care for you]

Chen Yan straightforwardly accepted the money, but in actuality, he knew in his heart that Ruan Song was the kind of person who didn’t like owing others.

Not only does he not like owing others, but if he had the ability, he would return the favor twice over.

How could he spend 200yuan on just the trip from their rental home to the hospital, that day he had only given Ruan Song 100yuan.

The public opinion on Weibo continued to ferment.

Meanwhile the person at the heart of the matter sat in front of the operating room supporting his forehead. His phone was stuffed into his pocket, with no intention of pulling it out.

After all, it was a craniotomy, no matter how low the risk, it was still a big surgery.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

The doctor said the tumor may not be able to be removed cleanly all at once, and may require a second surgery. He also said that removing the tumor completely now didn’t mean she would not have any sequelae, and there was still a chance of relapsing in the future.

According to mother Ruan’s opinion, she wanted to give up much earlier as continuing to live would only increase the burden on her child. Meanwhile she still had to suffer staying in the hospital, getting medicated, and getting shots everyday.

But Ruan Song wouldn’t agree, and patiently told her that writing screenplays was lucrative.

——Everyday, he didn’t have to see anyone. He only needed to sit in front of a computer and write a few pages and the money could be earned.

Ruan Song had also asked before. If the surgery went smoothly, it would be completed within three or four hours.

If the patient laid in the operating room for a longer period of time, it meant that the situation of the tumor was difficult to deal with, and the pressure in Ruan Song’s heart would also increase. He waited outside as if petrified, and it was as if his chest was filled with cotton. Don’t even mention eating, he couldn’t even drink a drop of water.

Chen Yan originally planned to bring over Ruan Song’s clothes, and accompany him along the way. But at the last minute, Chen Yan was called to a meeting regarding the project he was currently working on.

Fortunately, at seven in the evening, the surgery lasted a total of five hours, and Ruan Song finally saw the doctor exit the room.

“The surgery went well. The tumor was also completely and cleanly excised as expected. It’s just that the location of the tumor was not that good, so it took a bit longer to separate it. You can finally rest easy.”

At that moment, Ruan Song really felt a weight lift off his shoulders, and he sighed in relief.

Ruan Song just wanted to hold the doctor’s hand and thank the other, when the doctor suddenly furrowed his brow: “I know you’re filial, and I shouldn’t care where you got the money from, but yesterday I just reminded you and then you were able to bring the money. You didn’t do anything stupid, right?”

Selling one’s organs, selling one’s body, or even selling anything else, countless bad thoughts crossed the doctor’s mind.

He had seen too many family members who couldn’t raise enough money, and Ruan Song had also stayed around in his ward for a year, such a pretty young man……

Ruan Song’s nose immediately felt sore, and felt there were still many good people left in the world, and hoarsely placated the doctor: “My father left early, and I was single handedly raised by mother. If I did anything stupid, my mother wouldn’t agree in the first place.”

“Okay, okay. Then for the next two days, I’ll leave it to you to accompany your mother.” The doctor didn’t say much else, just patted the other’s shoulder and left.

After completing a craniotomy, it was usual to be moved to the ICU for three to seven days. Once the vital signs returned to normal, and the patient survived the critical period, they could be transferred to the normal inpatient rooms.

In order for his mother to live more comfortably, Ruan Song had transferred his mother to a single room.

Zhongrui sincerely paid him generously, and directly paid 30% of that 5 million in advance. After taxes, and after deducting the surgery fees, as well as a string of other small expenses, Ruan Song still had 40,000 yuan in his bank card.

Staying a night in City A’s First Hospital’s ICU cost 10,000 yuan. Later he had to attend the show, and Chen Yan could only occasionally come visit. It was still best to spend a bit of money and hire a nurse.

During the following inpatient hospitalization, he was also able to change the medications to those with the best effects, but were the most expensive; Chen Yan had also really helped him out a lot this past half year, and later he should contribute a bit more to the necessities at the rental apartment; also he had been using his laptop for too long now, and the battery was too old, it would often crash and shut down; he had also seemed to have finished using his skincare; if he had to participate on a variety show, he should probably invest in some more formal, new clothes……

40,000 yuan couldn’t be said to be a lot, but also couldn’t be said to be very little.

Ruan Song sat next to the hospital bed and roughly calculated his expenses. After having lived a frugal life for so many years, each bit of money had found its own destination.

He also had to leave a bit for emergency savings.

Oh, and he also had to return the favor to Xu Lan and Wang Duan.

After Ruan Song calculated everything, he rubbed his forehead, getting this money was somewhat heroically baffling.

Fortunately, his mother miraculously recovered very well, and that night she was able to be transferred back to the regular inpatient ward.

It’s just that Ruan Song ultimately couldn’t wait for Chen Yan to send over the clothes, as Chen Yan’s meeting lasted from the afternoon all the way to the evening.

But it was quite normal for the screenwriter to be kneaded and flattened7 throughout the entire project from top to bottom. Even if there was no problem, you still had to call the screenwriter over.

Ruan Song figured it was too late, and told Chen Yan not to bring it over and just stay at home to rest.

Chen Yan really was tormented into exhaustion, so he wearily promised to bring it over tomorrow, and let Ruan Song endure for a night.

Regarding the fact that Ruan Song’s mother underwent surgery, Ren Qinming actually knew of this matter that afternoon.

But he was still forced to complete his itinerary, while Ruan Song had refused to reply to his messages or pick up his calls, just as before.

And after Xu Lan met Ruan Song, she had quickly transformed her views, and also believed that Ren Qinming being able to chase this kind of person could be classified a miracle.

After running around all day and completing Ren Qinming’s itinerary for the day, it was already very late at night.

Xu Lan felt he looked truly pitiful as he dazedly held his phone, then charitably reminded him: “Xiao Song’s roommate couldn’t bring Xiao Song a change of clothes today.”

Ren Qinming’s eyes immediately brightened, and turned to tell Xiao Lu to be prepared to drive to the hospital.

But Xu Lan hugged her arms and said: “You’re going just like that?”

In the agreement he had signed with Xu Lan, basic manners also had to be met while conversing, including, but not limited to ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, ‘I got it’, ‘you’ve worked hard’, etc.

Now in such a situation, Ren Qinming wasn’t unable to say thanks, but still spoke with the cold face he had yesterday.

“Oh, thank you.”

Xu Lan was not satisfied: “Just that?”

Ren Qinming felt something block his throat. He didn’t even blink when filming the hardest scenes, but now, he unexpectedly found himself embarrassed and awkward when expressing thanks.

“……Thank you for finding Director Wang to pay the downpayment in advance, and also thank you for telling me about Ruan Song’s affairs.”

Xu Lan was still dissatisfied: “Didn’t you also call me jie so nicely in front of all those reporters today?”

Ren Qinming: “…………”

His chest felt so suffocated he nearly died: “……Thank you, Lan jie.”

Xu Lan finally felt pleased in her heart, and her chin raised upwards, she said ‘Close enough’ then clacked away on her high heels.

Today she also couldn’t rush back in time to tell her son ‘good night’.

Ren Qinming rushed towards the hospital, and found the hospital room very quiet. After an entire day of suffering, Ruan Song had leaned over and slept deeply against aunty’s bed.

Ren Qinming quietly walked over, afraid his movement would startle that frail figure.

The moonlight cascaded in from the window, landing on Ruan Song’s peacefully sleeping face. His delicate and long eyelashes, refined nose, it was a vivid picture of the face he thought of all day, and dreamt about all night.

The man who ordinarily faced others with a large wall, finally couldn’t hold himself back, and devoutly kneeled on one knee next to that deeply asleep figure, and leaned forward into the gap between that person’s neck and shoulder: “Song ge, I really miss you……”


The author has something to say:

Ruan Song launched his passive attack: Dog hook8 transformation!

1. Eulogy is gesong (歌颂), and the second character song, is the one in RS’s name.

2. wok (我靠, wokao) = fuck

3. Not necessarily anti-fans; the author uses a term here referring to fans of a different idol/artist/actor where the two fanbases have a competitive relationship

4. Confused, muddled

5. Originally written in english

6. Gaokao (高考) is China’s university entrance exam, and is a very big deal (it’s literally considered a national secret).

7. Kneaded and flattened, manipulate someone to be more obedient

8. Dog hook is the literal translation of 狗勾 (gougou), which is a homonym for puppy, and is meant to describe someone who acts as cute as a puppy, ex: men who like to act cute. RS’s ability is to transform RQM into a dog hook, aka puppy!

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