I Became the Grand Prince

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Who’s to Blame

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The two brothers sent Qi Shuzhi back to his room. The eldest brother Qi Yunqi was a calm and smart person. After they entered his chambers, he asked, "Second brother, are you really feeling uncomfortable or are you lying to our father?"

Qi Shuzhi smiled embarrassedly, "Uncomfortable? Of course, I am, but it's more like a headache, since I haven't had dinner yet."

Qi Yuqiang shook his head helplessly, "It doesn't matter, just let the cook make it for you and bring it here."

"Second brother, don't be so angry all the time." Qi Yunqi persuaded: "Dad still cares about you very much, otherwise he would not be so angry with you."

Of course, Qi Shuzhi understood. In fact, since he became the second son of the Grand Prince, he no longer deliberately caused trouble like the previous Qi Shuzhi. But he don't know why, just like today, he came to provoke his father even if he didn't cause trouble intentionally, so in the eyes of others, he was no different from the previous Qi Shuzhi.

Qi Shuzhi couldn't tell how bitter he felt. At this time, Jixiang led the doctor inside, saying that it was the master who invited the doctor to check up on him. The elder brother instructed Qi Shuzhi to take a good rest if he was not feeling well, and asked Jixiang to ask for leave tomorrow if he didn't want to go to the academy.

In the middle of the night, Qi Yuan turned over in the bed. Yang Shi, who was lying beside him, was originally very sleepy, but after being tossed and tossed over and over again, her drowsiness disappeared all over. She put her hand on her husband's shoulder and said softly, "Master, is there something on your mind?"

Qi Yuan really had something on his mind. Seeing Qi Shuzhi grow up day by day and still look so unsatisfactory, he was filled with regret and a sense of powerlessness. Then he turned over and faced Madam Yang: "Madam, I know you don't like the second child, but he is my flesh and blood. He was born without his own mother. Can you control him even just a bit when I'm not here?"

When Yang Shi heard this, her face paled. She took her hand off Qi Yuan, and said in a cold voice, "Are you blaming me for not fulfilling my responsibilities as a wife of the Qi family?"

"That's not what I meant." Qi Yuan's face was not looking good when he heard such harsh words, "But you are the second mother after all..."

"What kind of mother am I?" Madam Yang said without waiting for him to speak: "Which one in the entire capital does not know that Qi Shuzhi's birth mother was Madam Lu who has been dead for more than ten years? Forget it, how can I have control over him? Although his mother died young, his maternal family is very powerful, and his aunt is an imperial concubine in the palace, how can I..."

Qi Yuan didn't want to listen to the next words anymore. His son had his own thoughts in his heart, and Yang had her own reasons. It was all his own fault.  When he got up from the bed and threw the robe over his body, Yang asked him, "Where are you going?"

Qi Yuan's hand in the clothes paused, and without looking at her, in a fit of anger, he pushed the door open and left the room. Yang Shi angrily threw Qi Yuan's pillow out, and couldn't sleep because of the grievances she felt.

The master only cares about what she can't accomplish, but doesn't care no matter what difficulties she faced as a mother. She became well-known when she married Qi Yuan to fill the absense of the main wife, she also knew that the Grand Prince's household had a legitimate son who lost his mother after he was born. She had made up her mind to take good care of this poor little son even if she had her own child.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of the wedding, she saw deep hatred in the eyes of the child.

Her heart froze immediately, and in the next year, she realized the truth that you wouldn't get the corresponding rewards if you give your heart out. And then in later months, she was pregnant with a child, and a lot of things came to her mind. She followed the rules for the food and clothing of the children in the house, and she was never biased, but that's all.

Now that the master is angry with her because of this, he gets up from her bed in the middle of the night and goes to sleep elsewhere, which is a shame for a madam of the house.

Qi Shuzhi woke up early the next morning, and today is another day that cannot be missed. Yesterday, Liu Pan had played them, and this matter will not end easily. As the only one among the brothers who can overwhelm Liu Pan in terms of status, Qi Shuzhi could not be not present.

But before that, he was feeling uncomfortable. After living two lifetimes, he still has the same problem. If he doesn't sleep well during the night, he will lose his appetite the next day and will not be able to eat.

Looking at the delicate pastries on the table, the refreshing side dishes, the fragrant crispy meatloaf and the likes, he could only stomach the white porridge on the corner. He didn't even finish it, and only half a bowl was enough for him.

Doctor Sun gave him a pulse last night, saying that his spleen and stomach were out of tune. But he never liked to drink medicine, so Dr. Sun asked the kitchen to make more yam and red dates cakes for him to eat. But he didn't like to eat that kind of sweet stuff, especially in the morning.

When passing by the eldest brother's yard, Qi Shuzhi saw the eldest brother performing a boxing technique in the yard. Seeing his strong body and looks, Qi Shuzhi became dazzled and yearning since he was unfortunately born weak, so his body is not suitable for martial arts. Qi Yunqi struck down a set of boxing techniques. When he looked up, he saw the second brother was looking at him. He smiled at his second brother and said, "Going to the academy?"

"Yes." Qi Shuzhi thought about it and said, "Big brother..." 


But he didn't want to continue anymore, so he smiled and said, "I'm going to the academy."

Qi Yunqi stood there and watched Qi Shuzhi leave. His second brother, even though he was a famous scoundrel in the capital, went to the academy diligently every day, rain or shine all year round. He once discussed poetry and books with his second brother, and found that some of his insights were very original, and he was not at all ignorant as others thought.

After thinking about it carefully, he figured something out. The second brother never expresses himself, and the mistakes he made as the second son of the Grand Prince will always be magnified. Everyone only looked at his fault, and would not forget that he was once a very mischievous young man.

Qi Shuzhi didn't know that he was like this in his eldest brother's heart, and he was still very close to this eldest brother. When Qi Shuzhi was born, he was a poor boy without a father and mother. It was the eldest brother's birth mother, Aunt Liu, who raised him until he was three years old. Therefore, he is closer to his eldest brother Qi Yunqi than his third brother Qi Yuqiang.

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When he arrived at the academy, he found that Liu Pan didn't come at all. Not only did he not come, but even the few people who were always with Liu Pan didn't come. Just when they were wondering if Liu Pan had no face to see them because he didn't go to the meeting place, Tang Lizhi, who was late, brought the latest news.

Because Tang Lizhi's father was the Chief information officer, he was always better informed than others about matters in the capital. Tang Lizhi rushed over, and before he could sit down, he bent down and whispered, "Do you know why Liu Pan and the others didn't go outside the city last night?"


"They all went to Liu Pan's house after school yesterday, and they were preparing to sworn in the same way as we did." Tang Lizhi couldn't help laughing at this point, "As a result, when they were preparing to bleed with their knives, the Minister of Households suddenly returned. He came across this scene..."


"What are you laughing for?" Qi Shuzhi said anxiously, "Come on, out with it."

"It's nothing really, but Liu Pan is too timid. When he saw his father, his hands trembled in fright, and he slashed his wrist." Tang Lizhi mimic the move and said, "It will become suicide if you cut your wrists like this."

"Ah?" The three of them were surprised. 

Liang Dong asked, "How is it? Is Liu Pan dead?"

"You're going to be disappointed." Tang Lizhi wasn't so excited anymore, "He is still alive and well. I heard that after he was rescued by the doctor yesterday, his father almost break his legs. Anyway, he won't be able to come to the academy for a while."

"Oh, that's great news." Qi Shuzhi looked at Liang Dong and said, "Although the process is more tortuous, the result is the same."

Liang Dong said in a complicated mood: "Liu Pan is really abominable, it made me sleepless last night."

"I can just tell by the hollowed look on your face." Tang Lizhi curiously said, "How could Liu Pan make you sleepless all night? Could it be because he didn't come and you couldn't sleep because of anger?"

"It's not that. It's because of Miss Zhang's marriage proposal." Qi Shuzhi took out a copy of the page from the bookcase and said, "I reckoned when this kind of thing happened, Liu Shangshu wouldn't have the heart to worry about his son's marriage for a while."

"This can be considered a happy event." Fang Zheng suggested, "I'll treat you after school today. How about we all have fun in the Qinhuai River?"

Qi Shuzhi immediately waved his hands, "I won't go. My legs still hurts."

Tang Lizhi also said: "My father sent someone to follow me. If he finds out, I don't have to cut my wrists on my own, my father will kill me with his own hands."

Liang Dong was opening a page of the book, he tapped the table with his right hand, "Instructor is here."

The four of them immediately sat upright and saw Mr. Shiwen walk in slowly. Qi Shuzhi's mood brightened all of a sudden. This is great, not to mention that the morning class is still his favorite class, and that he has solved the serious troubles of his confidants.  

However, his good mood didn't last long. Mr. Shiwen had just stepped inside the classroom, and before he could speak, an old face appeared at the door, "Second Young Master, Master asked me to pick you up!"

It's the butler Qi Zhong, so Qi Shuzhi stood up blankly, and Mr. Shiwen said in a good-natured manner, "If you have something to do, go back, you have taken leave."

Qi Shuzhi gave a salute, and when he left the school, Qi Zhong grabbed his hand and went out. Qi Shuzhi had never seen him acting like this before, so he hurriedly asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Qi Zhong glanced at him, Qi Shuzhi had never seen such an embarrassed look on the butler before. "Second young master, don't be angry, no one can bully you with the master behind you..." 

Qi Shuzhi was even more confused, "Why should I be angry? Who wants to bully me?"

Qi Zhong wanted to make things clear on the way. It turned out that the Marquis of Pingyang and his people brought themselves to their door this early in the morning. It was for the engagement of Qi Shuzhi and his daughter Li Wan.

He's here to break off the engagement and nothing else.

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