I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 51: Chapter 51

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"Her Highness, are you all right?" Jorah asked with concern.

After reentering Dragon Dream, it was just white mist rays of light again, Dany said angrily: "I saw something! Now I can't see it anymore."

"What?" Jorah is dazed.

"What did you see?" Urrathon asked eagerly.

Dany looked left and right, wondering. "How long has it been?"

"You've been staring at that candle for a quarter of an hour, I was worried—"

Urrathon pulled Ser Jorah away and quickly approached Dany: "I told him not to worry, he just wanted to wake you up from your experience. Mother of Dragons, tell me, what did you see? Anything different? The scenery?"

After calming down, Dany roughly understood the situation at this time.

"I saw the universe in the white light of the candle, I saw the Dothraki Sea, and then I felt a hard punch on my shoulder and I woke up." she said tonelessly.

"I didn't push hard, I just touched you lightly." Jorah argued.

"That was a punch to her." Urrathon glared at him, said ill-humoredly: "Mother of Dragons is such an extraordinary person, her sight can pass through mountains, seas, and grasslands by a glass candle, to see a place tens of thousands of miles away. It may have even traveled through time, to see the future, penetrate other people's minds, and see their thoughts and dreams."

Dany's mouth twitched slightly, deliberately using suspicion "Isn't this too ridiculous? I think that's too mystical."

"It's true, the ancient Valyrian Freehold only had more than twenty Dragonlord families, yet how did they rule the vast world with such a small size? It's all about glass candles, through which their Sorcerers could communicate information across half the world quickly." Urrathon said solemnly.

"If they can see through to the future, why are the Valyrian Dragonlords all perished from the the cataclysm?" Jorah taunted.

"Who is she?" Urrathon pointed at Dany, and asked back. "Why did the lord of House Targaryen sell all his family property on the eve of the cataclysm and leave with with his family?"

Dany recalled carefully considering the fairy tale Viserys told her: "It is said that maiden Daenys was a 'Dreamer' who was inspired by a glass candle to see the future through her dreams."

"The principle is similar to eating." Urrathon waved his hand and sighed: "A glass candle is just a tool. You can eat with a spoon, but without a spoon, you can still eat with your hands."

"What fuel does the glass candle run on? The light it emits is of strange sight." Dany asked.

"It's an entity made of obsidian. If you look closely, there are no pipes connected to any fuel source."

Urrathon directly pulled the twisted glass rod out of the stone platform and shook it left and right After shaking, there was no dripping of oil or the like.

A perpetual motion machine?

The laws of thermodynamics are broken?

A series of question marks flashed across Dany's forehead.

"It should be the magic drawn from the root of the world, right? The dragons are back!" Xaro, who had not spoken for a while, said lightly. "I'm not ignorant and inexperienced either, the glass candle is a one of a kind thing. It has not been ignited in more than a hundred years, at the point in time just after the Targaryen rule evoked the 'Dance of the Dragons'. A group of lunatics destroying the foundation of their own rule, a pity."

The Dance of the Dragons, one of the bloodiest and most brutal civil wars of the mid-Targaryen rule.

The Targaryen siblings fought for more than ten years to fight for the succession of the Iron Throne.

The Targaryen family and their dragons were almost all killed in the civil war, and within a few years, the dragons were completely extinct.

Dany did not comment on the 'Dance of the Dragons' and asked the Warlock: "Can you see the future through a glass candle?"

"No, I don't have enough talent, and can't do anything but let it burn." Urrathon said in dismay.

Because he sees clearly the upper limit of his talent, thus he is not so obsessed with the mystic arts.

"Then what else would you do with Magic?" Dany asked again.

"Curse." Urrathon's voice was cold, and the temperature in the air seemed to drop several degrees.

"Do you know Mathos Mallarawan's wife?" he asked.

"I do not." Dany shook her head.

"The wife of Mathos, the chief executive of the Central Western District?" Jorah looked at the blue-lipped Warlock in horror, and his heart was extremely wary, "She is now a fable in Qarth. Before, on the crowded street, she took off all her clothes as if going crazy. It is said that the softest oriental silk makes her feel the crawling of a thousand bugs on her skin."

"Yes, I cursed her." Urrathon admitted without cursing, "It's just a light punishment, just take off your clothes and you'll be fine."

"She mocked his Warlock robes for being moth-eaten and drab." Xaro explained to Dany.

"How does one avoid being hurt by magic?" Dany asked about the main purpose of being here tonight.

"Mother of Dragons, what price can you pay?" Urrathon smiled, very businessman, "Warlocks have paid a huge price for each step of wisdom."

Xaro winked at Dany, motioning her to offer gold and silver as agreed.

"Aggo," she ordered to Bloodrider.

Aggo untied a soft leather pouch from his waist, the size of a full warm water bag, bulging and heavy, and placed it on the stone platform where the glass candle was inserted with a "boom".

Urrathon glanced at the purse, and after estimating the approximate amount, smiled in satisfaction. "Blood is the most important medium for casting spells, and a devil in the shadows is the strongest attack.

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Bloods and shadows. Pay attention to these two points, you can avoid more than 80% of witchcraft.

I'm not sure about the most powerful of Warlocks, but in general, magic's methods are not as good as Swords and are far less useful.

A Knights swords is more direct and effective, and a Warlock may not necessarily hurt a single hair of even the most ordinary of people when he hides in the shadows for a long time.

In the end, Witchcraft, Magic and Priest skills are all done with the use of wisdom. And like the smith's forging skills there is no essential difference between and a weaver's weavings, and hurting people is only an unorthodox way."

"That's it?" Dany said dissatisfied.

She paid a "consultant" fee of 200 Gold Honor, so this "expert" could jabber already known information?

"I heard that a Priest of R'hllor can give birth to the son of the shadow, and use the shadow to kill the invisible," she said.

"This…." Urrathon looked hesitant. "I've heard a similar Blood Sorcery, but it's just an ancient legend. It's said that there has been no Magic for hundreds of years. Even truly powerful people couldn't perform that kind of witchcraft for hundreds of years. But how can humans live for hundreds of years? Unless—"

"Unless what?" Dany asked quickly.

"It's just a rumor…" Urrathon said reluctantly, with suspicion and fear. "It is said that there are ancient Warlocks frozen time, they hide in the House of the Undying… Eternal and Undying."

"The legend of the Undying Ones?" Xaro shook his head and sneered. "Even the House of the Undying has become the Palace of Dust, where do the Undying Ones exist? The so-called eternal legend is nothing but the Warlocks tales, to make people think they have some terrifying power, and make people feel awe towards them."

"You doubt the power of Warlocks?" Urrathon coldly said.

"No, don't get me wrong!" Xaro waved his hand quickly and complimented: "I am here now, and I have brought my most honored guests here, which has proved my awe of the Warlock's power, but Undying Ones…Urrathon, you as Warlock, have you seen them?"

Urrathon lowered his eyes and murmured, "Only Grand Warlock Pyat…"

"Everyone who entered the Palace of Dust, never came back. Except for Pyat Pree, no one can prove the existence of the Undying Ones." Xaro shook his head.

"Apart from the legendary Undying Ones, are there any other Sorcerers that have survived for hundreds of years?" Dany returned to the previous topic.

"No." Urrathon affirmed. "Magic has been cut off for more than a century, and it has only recently come back, like a tide. If there is someone who could live so long with magic exhausted, he must be a God."

It makes sense, but what about Melisandre?

It seems that a guy who collects money to answer questions is a two-bit Warlock.

"What is God?" Dany asked again.

"God is just God, what else could it be?" Urrathon was stunned.

Dany rolled her eyes and was completely disappointed in him.

Urrathon's wisdom was far from answering her doubts about the world.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Warlock, for your hospitality. We won't disturb your rest until it's early."

Dany said something to the Warlock, and then called hers leave.

It was late at night, and under the yellow horse lanterns, this street looked extraordinarily peaceful and quiet, except for the 'tapping' of horses' hooves and the 'rumble' of wheels, only the distant night market murmurs were left. Coming in vague noise.

Leaving the high-end residential area of ​​the Western District, the tall wooden and stone buildings with closed doors and windows gradually climbed up on both sides of the street. They were close together like lovers, and the spaces became darker and cramped.

The moon like a mischievous child, followed all the way, occasionally peering through the crevices of the chimneys to peek at the people under the hazy night.

"Huh, what is that?" Suddenly, Rakharo, who was up ahead, pulled out his arakh and pointed to the alley on the left that was soaked in the rich night.

Dany probed a little and exclaimed, "Is that… a turtle? A turtle that glows and can fly? Is it a beast?"

The tortoise the size of a rice cooker was suspended two meters above the ground, with an illusory dark blue light all over its body. It flew through the dark alley as fast as a horse, very conspicuous and strange.

"Don't make a fuss about nothing, this is the Phantom Turtle, the Warlocks pet. Like raven, it's used for communication." Xaro got up and glanced at it before laying back down with a calm expression.

Dany stretched her neck long, and when the Phantom Turtle passed through a stone wall as if nothing, she said incredulously: "Pet? It doesn't have wings, how can it fly? And it can pass through walls."

Xaro shrugged and said indifferently: "A kind of spirit from witchcraft? I don't really understand.

Because of Magic, the Sorcerers have began to regain their legendary power.

Most recently, it's no surprise to see Phantom Turtles passing messages between windowless houses on Warlock's Way.

– Warlock's Way is next door, not every Warlock can afford to live in a big single-family house like Urrathon.

Alas, I grew up hearing stories about the Phantom Turtle, and I never thought I'd see it one day."

"Would you like to elaborate..." Dany didn't know what to say.

"How far can the Phantom Turtle run? Can it go to the Westeros continent?" Jorah said curiously.

As a native of a fantasy world, although he has always been taught by his Maester "there exists no gods or magic", he accepted these Magic things very easily after seeing it with his own eyes.

"You can only send messages at short distances, otherwise what would Warlocks do with ravens?"

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